Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
2978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 21:47
This game it's not a good Fallout game, but it's an insane strategy game.
It's harder of what it looks like, took me 4 years to master and finally finish the game.
It's so so cool, it has some minor bugs but nothing that can't be solve with little fixes.
I liked too much this game, and the fact i already finished it gives me peace.
i rate 10/10 as a strategy game
4/10 as a Fallout game.
2577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 05:05
2798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 16:06
5780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 12:05
Fallout Tactics is a very different game from Fallout 1 and 2 - those are true role-playing games. They give you a goal to reach at the start of the game but nobody tells you how to reach it. You have to explore the world and figure things out on your own. In Fallout Tactics you don’t have that kind of freedom. As a recruit of The Brotherhood of Steel you take orders from generals. Before every mission you are given very detailed instructions. You are told what your main objectives and optional objectives are, what your priorities should be and you get quite many pointers on your mission maps. I actually prefer that, because it gives you much better difficulty scaling. You will never run into too difficult situations where you don’t have the equipment necessary for dealing with the enemies.
Another big plus for me is the fact that you can control your companions. You couldn’t do that in Fallout 1 and 2 and it was a reason for so many frustrating situations where your companions wouldn’t fight or would accidentally kill you or would run into dangerous places and get themselves killed. There was nothing you could do about it other than to reload an older save and hope for the best. In Fallout Tactics you have full control over your main character and your companions as well. It gives you the opportunity to cover all necessary skills in your group. You can give dangerous explosive weapons to your companions and you can make sure that they won’t fire them into your butt ;) Well most of the time… Accidents still happen ;) You are able to equip armor to your companions which was already in Fallout 2, but not Fallout 1.
Fallout Tactics can be played in real-time or turn-based mode. I think it’s the game’s weakness. I prefer turn-based but was forced into using real-time mode quite often. Especially because sometimes combat keeps starting when you don’t really want it and moving far in turn-based combat would take ages. There are parts of the game where you get shot from enemies outside of the map when you are in turn-based mode. Those enemies can’t be seen and can’t be killed so it is pretty annoying. You are then forced to do it in real-time mode but switching between those is very often glitched so even if you change it in the settings it won’t apply the changes so you have to try to change it a couple of times to make it work. I recommend you to make a save at the start of every mission which you call “no overwrite” and in case you get to a situation where you can’t fix something, you will be able to restart the whole mission. Also save often and in more save slots because bad things can happen. Some big robotic enemies can get killed in the way and you won’t be able to drive through which can lead to not being able to continue the game. It happened to me and I made a clip of it. You can watch it here:
Fallout Tactics is missing a good tutorial so it can be a bit of a struggle to learn how to play especially if you haven’t played any of the previous Fallouts. Be aware that the game starts in real-time mode so I recommend switching it to individual turn-based as soon as possible. You can also use turn-based squad mode but I haven’t tried it at all so I can’t say how good it is. I heard that some players prefer real-time but then you would have to be quite familiar with the gameplay and what to do or everyone will get injured or even killed in seconds. I like to take time to think about my moves so turn-based combat is an enjoyable way to play Fallout Tactics for me.
Fallout Tactics is a very good looking game, especially for a game released 20 years ago. I like the art style and visual effects. It has 21 missions and a nice variety between them. You start the game in Bunker Alpha and as you finish missions and gain ranks you will be moved to other bunkers. Each bunker is dealing with a different kind of enemy and they get more and more dangerous. Missions are usually quite long with a lot of exploration and looting options. The variety of mission objectives is quite decent but the options of how to approach it are quite limited. There is usually not more than one way to go. Most of the other ways are blocked. Be prepared that the whole game will take you at least 80 hours to finish. Inventory management is a big part of the game so that’s why it took me almost 100 hours.
Fallout Tactics has pretty good voice acting and plenty of it. That's a pretty big step from how it was in the previous games where only a few “talking heads” had voices and the rest you had to read yourself. But you have no chat options here. Because you are not in charge you can’t make any chat decisions. If in-game characters want to discuss something they would do it with your leaders instead. That means that charisma and speech skills seem to be quite useless in Fallout Tactics.
Let’s talk a bit more about skills. A nice addition is the pilot skill. Yes, you can drive vehicles in the game and you can shoot from vehicles! It gives you extra protection especially when enemies use heavy weapons and you don’t have good armor. Doctor and First aid were probably my most used skills in the whole game. In the previous games I never used those. I healed with stimpacks. In Fallout Tactics one of my companions was a doctor and he was healing us all and fixing our more serious wounds as well. Stimpacks were more for emergencies during combat situations. Some of the skills I didn’t find very useful or only at certain points of the game. For example stealing - in Fallout 1 and 2 I was stealing from people quite often. In Fallout Tactics, you mostly encounter enemies and you don’t need to steal from them when they are dead ;) Sneaking has limited use and was mostly used during the first missions. Equipping better armor made stealth worse so I stopped using it. Unarmed combat and melee weapons also have limited use because once you start encountering harder opponents with deadly ranged weapons, you won’t get the chance to get close enough to use them. You will die. Fast. Luckily replacing a team member is very easy so once I realized my melee/unarmed combat companion was mostly useless during missions I easily replaced her. Science is a skill which wasn’t used until the end game missions and even then there were enough books to find during those missions to get the necessary minimum for it so I felt like I wasted my skill points on something somewhat useless. Outdoorsman was very useful because there were so many random encounters while travelling to missions and this skill allows you to skip them if you want to. I can’t imagine what the game would be without it. I was getting way too many pop-ups with random encounters when travelling from one place to another. Could be even 10-15 pop-ups. Spam spam spam. That would add so many hours of gameplay if I had to encounter it all every time.
Fallout Tactics is an underrated game in my opinion. I never heard about it before I played it. People talk a lot about Fallout 1 and 2, but those games didn’t age well and could really need some remake. Fallout Tactics aged well and is definitely worth playing if you are a fan of tactical combat games. I am glad that I could experience it before I dive deep into my first playthroughs of the newer Fallouts (3, New Vegas, 4 and 76).
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 17:31
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8750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 15:42
Can't run game in full screen mode: the cursor motions are limited and I simply can't reach any menu button to start playing.
During the game the cursor sometimes makes traces (your can clear them but it's not a good thing anyway).
Nicht Empfohlen
4579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 23:42
First, let me get some disclaimers out of the way:
1) Some people took issue with this game not being “fallout” enough or taking some liberties with the lore. I have zero complaints regarding the lore or the Fallout element, so this review is purely a gameplay and mechanical review.
2) As a side note, I want the reader to know that the fallout series is my favorite game-series to ever exist, and I’m also a huge fan of tactical games, I played many of them as a child, and have loved such genre since then. Some of my all-time favorites include Tactics ogre: LUTC for the SNES, and Brigandine. I am also very Fond of XCOM 1 and 2.
3) Finally, this review will contain very minor spoilers, in the form of [Enemy] (Not detailing who, or what) does This [Very vague and general description of a situation]
Having gotten all this out of the way, let me tell you why Fallout Tactics is a bad game.
The problems of this game are many. I believe the problem areas could be categorized as such:
A) Core Gameplay Design and Map and Level Design.
B) Impacts of the design choices and game pacing and progression.
C) Gameplay loop and Fun Element.
Let’s break these down:
A) Core Gameplay Design and Map and Level Design.
The Most Glaring and frustrating flaw of this game is that, there just simply is not much of a tactical element to it, despite what the name suggests.
Most of this game is extremely railroaded. The design is such, that to get from area A to area D, you must use a single entrance to area B, and another single entrance to area C, to finally find a single entrance to area D. 95% of the time, there are no alternate routes.
To add insult to injury, not only do you have to follow this extremely linear design, but you will also find entrenched enemies during your path, with absolutely no way to take them out other than a frontal assault. This scenario repeats over, and over, on every level, until it is the only thing you are doing.
This problem is mild at first, but eventually as the game progresses, this gets increasingly difficult and ever more so irritating to do. The few (and believe me, they are few) alternatives you might have to deal with this situation get smaller and smaller.
Let me describe a common situation on Fallout tactics.
Let’s assume that in this one mission, you have only 10 heavily entrenched enemies that will not move their positions no matter what. What are your options?
One of the most obvious choices is that we could try throwing a grenade. To successfully do this, we will need a character with a throwing skill of 100+, otherwise he might get himself killed, and we would need a grenade, too. It is at this point, though, that a few problems arise;
The most basic of enemies will have an Hp pool of 30, later in the game being more like 80 to 150. The basic fragmentation grenade will do about 20 to 30 damage. So, we would need a dedicated grenadier character, 2 or 3 grenades to properly dispatch those enemies, in the best of cases or in the worst, we would need above 10 hand grenades. There is also the chance of missing, and the chance of our character hurting himself. Our guy needs to get in range too. He’s either going to need some good cover, some sneak (above 100 too), or some great resistances. Finally, we will need a direct line of sight to this enemy. The area of the grenade is not too big, and we cannot angle the shot or count on the grenade bouncing. It needs to be a straight line.
These entrenched enemies will have powerful weapons. Usually capable of killing your guy in one shot if he gets within range. After killing this enemy, there are 9 more.
What about luring this enemy out, or destroying his cover, or even good old flanking?
Well, luring him out or destroying his cover are not possible at all. Cover cannot be destroyed. And enemies with a gun will not ever, ever leave their post. Not if you launch grenades, rockets, not if you set them on fire. As long as he has a gun, he will stay there until death.
What about the flanking? Well, sometimes you do have the option to flank. This works if you have a distance long enough to put a sniper type character so that he can shoot without being hit back (remember, most of this enemies will kill you in very few attacks). Some other times, however, this will not be a possibility. Most of these encounters, happen in close quarters, with only one way in. There aren’t even many windows in the fallout world, so often this is a perfectly sealed square of death, with one way in, and one guy looking at the door ready to shoot you on burst fire.
Our options at this point, are sneaking someone in, or going with the frontal assault. We cannot lure him out, we cannot destroy his cover, and we cannot create a distraction or a tactical advantageous situation in any way. We also, cannot realistically expect to grenade down the 10 entrenched enemies on this mission.
Sneaking one guy in for a direct shot might provide a valid way of dealing with this problem during the early game.
As we advance in the game, we will simply not be able to kill this enemy before he is able to kill us with one shot. In order to kill him, we would need a damage output of at the very least 80, hopefully to 150-200 the further we progress. Resistances do apply, so our weapons will many times deal less damage that we would want. This whole situation is not doable with a single character.
This is both the case for the “real time” mode and the turn-based mode. If you approach on turn based, the enemies still get to hit you with an overwatch shot that trigger as soon as they spot you. There is no way to disable this overwatch, unlike in other games such as XCOM.
But really the problem with this situation is that we will not be facing a single enemy, nor two. It will be three. Or five. Five enemies, In perfect cover, In a perfectly sealed box / situation with one way in, with their overwatch shots, ready to kill anybody who steps in, the moment he does it. Often with burst weapons too.
We ultimately realize we have a single option. And that is a frontal assault. This clearly doesn’t work either. The best armor we can afford will not be nearly enough to save our characters. The only way we can pull this off is to use drugs. Because enough drugs will bring our resistance to normal damage to and above 100%, we will get a character that is invulnerable, and can be sent in to kill whoever is on our way.
Eventually in the game, he might get killed by explosive damage, or other damage that is not “regular damage”. At that point we still use the same tactic, but we mix in a good amount of saving and reloading, a hearty quantity of patience, and a “hope we get lucky” attitude.
This is the infuriating part. When you realize that there were very few options to begin with, and past the early game, only one works. You are no longer playing fallout tactics; you are playing a hack n’ slash / drug management simulator. The incidence of these situations doesn’t get smaller, it gets increased as you play along, until virtually every encounter is this.
Another huge problem is the map, and the angles of vision. The map cannot be rotated. Sometimes your vision is blocked by objects that shouldn’t block it, but in general it is very hard to know whether a character will have line of sight because the map is not grid based. Openings, if any, are small and work in weird ways. Sometimes you cannot even tell whether an enemy is on a second floor or not, due to the general wonkiness of the map and the vision.
**** (Review continues in the comments sections due to the character limit) ****
2562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 02:28
But, MY GOD, the missions are a blast and it dives much deeper into the Brotherhood of Steel than any of the other games. I loved playing this game when I was a child, but never beat it. As an adult, while the gameplay is a bit rough at times, it still brought all the satisfaction it did when I was a younger.
2485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 21:47
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1347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 12:56
Anyways, cool story and the coolest thing about this game for me. It was an unstable buggy mess then, and though it's gotten better and there's workarounds for running fullscreen in Win10 I've still repeated many sections of this game because of crashes. This was in the FO1/FO2 bundle for the same price as buying them individually.
Anyways, I'm absolutely going to play this until I've beaten it.
15354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 15:37
Short review
A good strategy title that allows us to reconnect with the universe of Fallout while discovering a different type of gameplay. Amateurs and neophytes alike should enjoy it despite the high level of difficulty.
Long review
So here we are, back in the nuclear winter of the world of Fallout. The devastating war that took place plunges us into the ruins of Chicago, in which the survivors of this apocalypse organize themselves to survive the hordes of looters, animals that have become wild or even mutants. A new category of warrior was therefore formed to defend the few remains of a humanity lost in this post-nuclear world: The Brotherhood of Steel. You will play as one of these knights of a new era and try to complete the many missions that await you, which will require you to use cunning as well as force. Exit the outright role-playing game as offered by the other titles in the series, Fallout Tactics is aptly named and invites us to immerse ourselves in turn-based tactical strategy.
So let's go for twenty missions over six levels that will gradually require you to handle with precision the different skills of your squads of techno-warriors. Nine types of soldiers are available and the player will have the opportunity to lead groups of six units. A multiplayer mode is also available and will allow 18 players to compete simultaneously. In practice, you will have to complete many missions and progress through the vast maps offered by Fallout Tactics. Each characters has basic characteristics that will be possible to be developed as they progress, just like their weaponry. Different progression modes are available, alternating between walking, running, crawling or squatting. Neutral, aggressive or attentive attitude, here again it is possible to define the behavior of your squad in front of it's environment. A rich and truly varied environment but above all interactive since you will have to unlock locks, take advantage of the scenery, obstacles or even drive a few vehicles. In short, nothing to be bored and Fallout Tactics will require a lot of training before mastering turn-based combat and all the intricacies of your squad's behavior.
Handling side, everything is done in a very natural way for those who are used to this genre of games thanks to a clear interface of an, all in all, relatively aesthetic looks. Inventory, skills such as sneaking (stealth), lockpicking etc, everything is accessible and present on the screen, allowing you to quickly select all the options in order to prepare for a fight or an ambush. Your characters aren't Rambos, you will have to rely on teamwork calling on everyone's skills to win each of the missions. Do not rush the enemies, here it is the subtlety which prevail in order to limit the breakage during each attack or each movement. The fights are turn-based, which means that you have to be sure of what you are doing. Fallout Tactics, despite the difficulty that characterizes it at the beginning, is however a relatively accessible game and should not be put off by neophytes.
Graphically speaking, the isometric view adapts once again perfectly to the principle of the game and if everything is done in sobriety it is nonetheless extremely neat. A new engine made its appearance, at the time of release, and allows many variations throughout the game, thus offering a good diversity of the visual environment. The sprites are anti-aliased and benefit from a good level of detail while the backgrounds are large and neat. The cutscenes are quite good and some show nice realism for the age of this game. The sound environment is not bad since the voices are particularly neat as are the musics and the various sound effects.
Fallout Tactics should therefore not disappoint fans of this very special universe or even tactical strategy addicts. Well done, this title offers gameplay of an excellent level that will require a lot of training and a lot of thought before taking action. Try it
6815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 15:34
It wouldn't play unless I started it in windowed mode, clicking PLAY from the Steam Library Big screen menu, and then selecting 'windowed mode'. I played it because it gave me a bit of history, documenting what the BOS did while moving from the West Coast to the East coast, something that was lacking in FO3 and 4.
It's an old game, and lots of bugs, but playable. I wouldn't get it unless its on sale with a bundle with FO1, FO2, but worth it if you get it cheap.
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 00:36
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 13:44
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 00:17
1. Launch the game with windows 8 compatibility (through your steam library not your desktop shortcut)
2. Go into settings and choose the display option
3. Click the default option
4. Exit the game launch it normally
5. Congratulations you can launch the game!
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 01:26
2277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 23:07
This is my favourite childhood game. After almost 20 years I am still planning it. Incredible gameplay options. You can actually play it as 2 different game types.
6025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 01:29
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 18:53
7586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 09:06
986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 21:23
3327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 13:39
2521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 02:38
Remember to save often though, auto-saves are not a thing.
601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 03:25
I realize that many people don't share those same sentiments, and that the Mid-Western chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel got reconned, but I liked it. The idea that they were stranded, and actually needed the help of the local Wastelanders to survive humanizes them. The fact that in return the Brotherhood used their advanced technologies to protect the people, and help uplift them into a new sort of society where outsiders are welcomed into their ranks, takes things in a direction where you can actually get behind and support them. This means that the troubles they would then face, and the threats made to this new society can, and will, be taken more seriously. It is a good storyline, a good plot, a nice direction to take things.
As for the gameplay, I like it. I enjoyed the multiple characters, how the skill systems and combat were changed and tweeked a little bit here and there, while still keeping the same tone of a dark comedy. It is like XCom meets Fallout, and I like both games, so what is not to like about this? I think that in the past this was a love it or hate it game, and that now it is getting more appreciation. I like that it is being recognized now for the hidden gem that it is.
I would recommend it to people who enjoy Fallout no matter what form it takes, and I would recommend it to people who don't mind playing an old game. Because this is a very good team/turn based tactical shooter, and though the age of the game can make it a bit rough, I still think it is something special.
3368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 19:00
the series itself is amazing.
not only the popular 3rd.
1-2+tactics are awesome games.
Tactical usage is a real brain gym, and variety of weapon and builds is enormous.
the story and plot with all the lore are great.
7521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 19:38
Fallout Tactics is a Spin-Off where unlike FO1/2 it'll be possible play in team tactics using the real time or the turn base single/squad mode.
After FO2's events BoS decides to send a detachment in Chicagp with the main objective to kill the remaining of the Super Mutant Army.
- After you're going to create your Character know as Warrior you could choose own reclutes (Tribals, Ghouls, Deathclaws, Super Mutants or Robots) who will be available by Rank (Initiate to General) is going to increase for every mission completed.
- The possiblity to use three different Stance in mode stand, crouch and prone, very useful to increse the hitting percentage own target or stay cover for example;
- The Sentry Mode, available in Off, Defensive and Aggressive, allows to manage squad members' default behavior in CTB upon encountering an enemy;
- The stealth is the best version ever made compared to FO1/2, in fact you'll can kill silently if combined with the Melee Weapons own enemies or place traps using the explosives without being detected;
- Drive different vehicles like an APC or a Tank which can protect the squad members from enemy fire by its armor and the same time they can shoot enemies. They'll reky on skill known as Pilot which will provide greater maneuverability & speed.
- Main Story interesting and never boring to follow until at the end.
- Every Mission requires good strategy and much patience also in Normal Difficulty;
- Graphic & Animations improved;
- Many choices avaialble to create a own squad with its special, skills & perks.
- Inventory to handle organizing own equipment for each squad member, including the Barter skill very useful to buy medicines, weapons & armors even because isn't easy find them during the missions.
- Multiplayer Dying;
- Incompatible in Full Screen in my experience;
- It isn't recommened for who prefers the classic turn-base with one character to handle;
- Some nonsense, for example it's only Fallout where the Super Mutants cannot use the Energy Weapons, WHY?;
- I'm really disappointed about several weapons really useless like the Pistols, the SMGs, or the Big Guns useful only in few moments really essential during the fights.
Although it's been very hard if decide or less buying it isn't been a waste in the end.
It deserves to be tried once exploring its lore and trying its mechanics make the game very enjoyable.
Fallout Tactics Redux
Highly recommended install this mod with hundreds of bugs fixes, all cut contents restored from final versione and much more.
Here the link: https://www.moddb.com/mods/fallout-tactics-redux
22609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 05:33
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 14:04
1015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 02:23
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 16:26
Well, it's not about plot and dialogs as the first original Fallouts 1-2 but of interesting turn-based battles between The Brotherhood of Steel and raiders, super-mutants and robots. It's better to treat BoS as a separate game rather then pretending to be a Fallout 2.5 or spin-off. And It's really nice oldschool game from the past, I love it!
5051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 07:25
2522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 19:40
1252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 21:46
Wynik z internetu z linkami do witryny
1385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 09:22
2871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.19 22:27
Why am I still playing a single player RTS that came out in 2001? The answer is simple, with all of the games that I do play, this one still stands out as unique. Even with all of today's 3rd person games none of them even come close to this; the plot is that you're the team leader of a team of operatives for The Brotherhood of Steel, you play your own character as well as up to 5 other squad mates that you get to choose, customize and outfit with weapons, armor and equipment. Whether you succeed or fail is up to you and your skill and tactics, this is one of those games where you're going to want to save your game as often a you can.
27030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.19 01:18
You need one team character with high Outdoorsman skill if you dont want to stop 20-30 times on the map when you go to the next town. I first played this game maybe 18 years ago? Thought it was great then and its been lots of fun to revisit.
Entwickler:keine Infos
Interplay Entertainment
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