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  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.
  • Fall of Light: Darkest Edition: Screen zum Spiel Fall of Light: Darkest Edition.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.09.2017
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Preis Update 12.01.25

Über das Spiel

„Am Anfang war nur eine quälende, schreiende Leere, in der sich verdorbene Seelen wanden, gefangen im Nichts. Dann wurde die Finsternis von Luce durchbrochen, und mit ihr kamen Wärme und Ordnung. Das Zeitalter der Menschen nahm seinen Anfang und sollte viele Jahrhunderte fortbestehen. Aber das 14. Zeitalter ist eines der Finsternis …“

Du bist Nyx, ein alter Krieger und eigentlich im Ruhestand. Doch du musst den Schatten ausweichen, dich durch verwinkelte Korridore und düstere Kerker schlagen, den tückischen Pfaden der dunklen Oberwelt folgen und die Boten der Finsternis in längst vergessenen Tempeln bekämpfen. Viele Puzzles und tödliche Fallen stehen zwischen dir und deinem Ziel – deine Tochter Aether zum letzten Ort auf Erden führen, an dem die Sonne noch scheint.

Fall of Light wurde von Spielen wie Dark Souls und ICO inspiriert und belohnt Spieler, die die Welt erkunden und ihre eigenen Schlüsse daraus ziehen können. Triff seltsame Charaktere, untersuche jeden Winkel, um Geheimnisse zu lüften und mehr über die Geschichte dieser düsteren Umgebung zu erfahren. Wähle die zu dir passende Kombination aus Nahkampfwaffen, Armbrüsten und Schilden. Begib dich in Kampfstellung und tritt Horden listiger Feinde entgegen. Deiner Tochter darf dabei nichts passieren, denn sie ist das Licht, das die Finsternis durchdringt, und der Schlüssel für verborgene Pfade.

  • 20 verschiedene Kampfstellungen, u. a. für Zweihandwaffen und den Kampf mit zwei Waffen
  • 10 Waffenklassen für Nah- und Fernkampf
  • Führe und beschütze deine Gefährtin – Aether, das Indigo-Kind
  • Bekämpfe Schatten, Soldaten der Dunkelheit und Unterwelt-Bosse
  • Erkunde die Oberwelt, durchkämme Verliese und Tempel, um Spezialkräfte zu erhalten
  • Entdecke viele Geheimnisse und löse verschiedene Umgebungspuzzles


  • CPU: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
  • GFX: GeForce GTX560 Ti 1GB VRAM or better
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX® 9.0c compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Please note that the minimal required hardware will allow you to play the game in 900p/30fps on LOW settings
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

348 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.18 21:28
Uiiiiiiiiiii, miese Graphik, Gameplaymurks

schade ums Geld.
1271 Produkte im Account
256 Reviews
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.17 18:18

Anmerkung: ich lebe erst seit Kurzen hier und lerne noch deutsch bitte um Aufrichtige entschuldigung !
/////////////////////////////////////////////// Vorwort ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Ich Habe bis jetzt alle DarkSoul spiele wie auch Nioh auf PS3-Ps4 und PC gezockt und auch alle die
sich dessen angehen ( ungelogen 15 Stück )
Wer sich auf so ein game einläst muss eben offt sterben und sein schwert und Haubt beugen , doch wer bei so einem Game aufgiebt ist kein Guter zocker in dem Bereich ! es ist kein DVC oder Haudrauf game und weiter wie in zelda , die Kämpfe fordern ausweichen , richtiges Leveln und leveln und leveln... immer und immer wieder die selben feinde töten und stück für stück den schlund der schatten neher kommen wo ich bei dem spiel schon auf ein Punkt bin der mir nicht Gefält !
Es ist wie ein Darksoul im schlaraffenland in einer bunten einhornwelt, was ich damit sagen will das man es auch nicht falsch versteht: mir fehlen die Dunklen furchteregenden orte ! das ist alles so leblos die gestalltung der maps ( auch wen es wie darksoul sich anfühlt ) habe ich nicht nur Düstere Level erhofft sondern auch Eine dem entsprächende Orte die zeigen das hier das Dunkle auch haust ! versteinerte leichen mehr von allen und tot ...
Zwar viele details aber Die Felsenwände. und Böden (Boden Texturen sehen so unfertig aus )
kantige wände aber tolle steinseulen und kleine feine texturen nur bei den Fälsen als wäre es in ein Map Editor eine ziehe mich hoch wand und senke mich ab wand ! und der boden das selbe...
wo man dan alle tollen objecte draufgeploppt hatte !
und das macht es irgend wie hesslich !
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-Was ich meine.
Video Time bei 10:18
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-Was ich Dänke.

Die Texuren der Mauern ist klasse und der rest auch aber der boden und die Felsen wie
bei einem anderen game , zusammen gemischt ! als würde man neben darksoul und ICO aus 2 unterschiedlichen games auch die texturen und vermischen... ok genug gemeckert ! (Ansichtsache)

sonst sage ich ja nix zu dem game und wer nicht sicher ist vor dem Kauf kann auch die ( DEMO ) Runterladen ! wem es zu schwer ist und brauch sich das dan auch garnicht erst kaufen !
bitte testet erst die demo <---- auch ein + für den entwickler da er sich so die rückerstattung von steam ersparen kan !

Level Aufbau contra !
Ausrüstung anzahl Gans ok
DurchspielZeit: kann ich nicht sagen...
neues Spiel + oder ++ .. . kann ich auch nicht sagen !
Rätzel einlagen gans ok ... leider nur sp -.-
kein MP auch grosses MINUS
Tactisch gans ok
Kampftächniken pro haltung ( sage da mal nix ) . . . . Demo
( Bitte macht mal ein Darksoul wo man eigende level bauen kan ! ) und die an eine Kätte zu einem vollen Adventure verkeilt )

- Ich will es nicht schlecht machen da ich darksoul games liebe aber von allen ist das noch so eher mittel bis untere schiene die mischung aus ICO und Darksoul ist gans nett aber auch nicht das Gelbe vom ei. wie auch in ICO wünschte ich mir co-op in ganzer line doch hier fehlt das gans !

( Daumen runter für das darksoul ICO game ) auch wen ich Hochmache .... Bitte macht noch was aus dem Game !
203 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 17:41
I like it! Very Souls-y.
131 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 21:21
I really enjoy this game. It is so different to anything I have played and has a very good atmosphere to it. Its one of them games that provide an experience and its hard to describe. Its well worth the price and I think its worth a go.

Only negatives are its really really challenging. You die easily and some of the enemies are tough as hell. This can add to the experience or make you hate it.
1467 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
1436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 07:14
Loved the game.
It's hard, but very good.
Finished it with a big smile of satisfaction.

As with the Dark Souls games, benefited with certain help.

Used the truly useful maps found in a guide here on the Steam game hub:
Good job man, thanks !

Also used the really fine full text walkthrough at

You can save only at the Shrines of Power.
Do that ingame.
Then go save this folder :
C:Users *you* AppDataLocalLowRuneHeadsFallOfLight, zip or winrar that folder.
If you die or want to go back to your zipped save, you *must* quit the game -otherwise it will take the new game save instead made after dying-, and overwrite with the contents of you own zipped save.

For those that couldn't go on, to make things easier
For older people like me, better cheat a little and be allowed to enjoy the beauty of the game than miss on it.
The ABOLFAZL-K.IR trainer works perfectly.
Also with Cheat Engine 7.2, obtain thousands of crossbow ammo.
Reload crossbow in game, alt-tab to CE, open game process, search 4 bytes, exact, 5, go to game, fire, in CE now search 4, fire, 3, etc.
The correct address ends with an 8 always. Change value to 9999.
In the same way you can find the number of Luce Crystals.
Must find again whenever you quit the game.
Enjoy !
374 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 23:12
That control system is the real Pain of the game. The game itself looks promising, one you wanna go deep into, but it's impossible to properly control the character.

It makes it even worse that by saving or dieing everyone will respawn, losing health again to get back where you died the n-1 time.
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 17:53
My favorite rpg/soulslike game. Great story: starts out mysterious and develops into one of three awesome endings. It's a little difficult on your first few playthroughs but gets easier after you memorize the maps and the locations of powerful weapons. I'd say it is much easier than Dark Souls games and serves as a great introduction to the soulslike genre.

There are two complaints I have with the game. The first is that your character holds some weapons (flaming sword is one of them) super weird. The second is that it can be difficult to activate a Shrine of Power (save point) because the game gets picky about where you need to stand to activate it.
380 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 07:42
This game could use some improvement. The game looks okay, runs smooth and the story seems interesing but the controls are too clunky for me to enjoy it.
17 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 20:00
the controls are just poor for a pc game. i can forgive the delay that occurs when stopping and starting while moving but the fact that the direction you face is dictated by your movement and not where your mouse points is a fatal design flaw to the game, especially in this game, where timing is critical. play the game if you have a controller, otherwise you're in for disappointment.
1081 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 21:12
honsetly surprised that the voting tendency isn't a bit more positive.
combat is soso. still had fun with it.
310 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 10:49
I just... cant. I gave it a shot, played for 4 hours and came to the conclusion that this game deserves the negative reviews. It just lacks on too many areas and all those combined make it an awful experience. The artstyle and the idea was what interested me but everything else is just pure garbage.

Would have refunded after my first time playing (for 45min) if I hadnt bought the game a few years ago and that way not filling the criteria for refunds.
445 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 07:34
its good
121 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 18:47
Honestly, I did not expect such a fine game. Great atmosphere, fantastic music playing at just the right time (boss fights) rather that being looped constantly as well as a touching story.

Fights are nice and tactical, especially using sword and shield. Difficulty curve is reversed. It starts rather hard and get little too easy towards the ending (especially if you manage to collect the most powerful weapon).

As for your companion, she really shines (both figuratively and literally). She is cute, unarmed and in need your protection. She can die easily, can be kidnapped and since you grew attached to her during your journey, you don't want it to happen. During fights you need to consider not only your position, but hers as well. Also, her voice acting and behavior is great, you smile when she laughs and doing some innocent stuff like chasing seagulls, running into the pond etc, you are terrified when she screams after you leave her too far and she gets kidnapped. Thanks to that, when the true purpose of your journey is revealed, you really wish them to succeed.

It's a nice little gem
110 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 06:10
The concept and art style from the trailer looked good, so I thought I would enjoy this.
However, the controls and mechanics are clunky at best - it is hard to appreciate its novel story-line.
182 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 04:11
I loved the game, but I can see why it's getting mixed reviews.
TL:DR If you're not nit-picky you should have fun for some hours with this “souls-like”, more if you go for all the endings, which is not worth it.

Shamelessly copy-pasted out of Dark Souls: darkness consuming everything as light fades and you gotta fix that. And I’m not even kidding, from second 1 you see similarities so evident that makes you laugh and wonder how the developers didn’t get sued. All in all, it adds some of its own spice, a little of its own way to presenting the struggle with the whole Father and Daughter fighting darkness as you start to discover what actually is going on… and does that really well so, surprisingly, that’s enough to keep you engaged.

Amazing. Even with its minimalistic style, all the areas feel well crafted, from enemy placement to ambient sounds and decorations. With that said, some areas need some tweeking. Also, be sure to set the game’s brightness all the way up, otherwise some areas will be black. Not dark, black, you just won’t see a thing without the lantern. For me that was fine, as it added more to the feeling of traversing a world that’s going down the sinkhole as it is consumed by darkness.

It’s alright. There nothing special about it and not too many things wrong with it. There’s no magic, the one ranged option is “meh” and 2h weapons are broken: almost no hitboxes, super slow and neglectable damage, except for that one “secret” 2h sword that’s intentionally OP. Aside from it, dual wield heave into light combo worked best for me.

General gameplay?
Again, nothing special. The “ICO” mechanic of escorting and protecting your daughter from enemies and kidnapping shadows doesn’t get in the way but doesn’t add much either. It’s just there to give a different feeling to the story and the game, and does that well so it’s welcomed.

Leveling and customization?
Practically non-existent. You pick your cape at the beginning, loot better weapons with different move sets and passive effects, and grow stronger when killing enemies and resting at statues. That’s it.

NPCs/Voice acting/Sounds?
Some are amazing, truly on point; others feel out of place, and don’t expect anything that you wouldn’t find in a Dark Souls game when it comes to dialogues and personalities. As for sounds… the whole game screams “royalty free [add anything you can think of]”.
6235 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.19 15:34
Yet another Abortion that it is ;( x 15

Copy/Paste review since my experience is exactly the same (not the Dev part) :

Character stops moving at the start of the game because using keyboard mouse a prompt for button press does not appear.

That in under 3 min of game time. Not recommending this at all.

In response to the dev:

I posted in forum to get help yes, after researching, as it took time to get any response in my thread ( not complaining). I only have 2 hours the get a refund and had no confidence this game was going to be playable.

I then read through some posts in other forums and saw where the game was not meant for keyboard mouse. I used a controller, had to open steam overlay to respond to a friend and button prompts went to key/mouse, they did not revert back to controller.

While I can understand bugs occur and are tough to squash, the bugs I encountered were not due to different machines but obvious bugs in code. The game came out in 2017 and you have bugs with button remapping and prompts? I am refraining my behavior to a polite, I will be avoiding your products in the future.

I deleted the thread for you and I am not recommending this game.

So the dev bans me from the game forum and says it's my fault for re mapping buttons when there's a freaking option to do so in the poorly coded game. Ya, MORON.
3085 Produkte im Account
205 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.19 06:31
Games like this never cease to amaze me. I mean, seriously. It's like Beavis and Butt-head, sitting in their parents' basement and thinking “Dude, those games are so cool, we should make our own one like that!”. Without knowing a freakin' thing about game development. And that's, ladies and gentlemen, is the exact story of Fall of Light. The guys called Matteo Sciutteri and Cristian Marastoni loved Dark Souls and ICO. I mean... who doesn't? They've decided that it'll be cool to make their own game like that. The problem is – the only thing they were able to make is a poor game on UNITY. Under a crappy Russian publisher... Please, welcome – Fall of Light.

I can actually stop here, since that's pretty much it. What we have here is painfully small (the entire thing has only a few small locations) Dark Souls rip-off (yes, it's one of those games, about which you just can't say “inspired by”, it's clearly a rip-off) with some ICO elements. And if you think that having Yorda (called Aether in this game, but who cares, Yorda is still Yorda) in Dark Souls can be fun, then you're wrong. Oh, boy, you are so... freakin'... wrong...

If you haven't played ICO, let me explain. See, ICO was a game, in which you tried to protect that cute little girl from being kidnapped by enemies. While solving puzzles. You either held her hand all the time, or suffered the consequences. Now imagine something like that in Dark Souls. The game, in which usually you have more than enough troubles without an annoying little girl. Yeah, you've guessed that right. It's a freakin' disaster.

Even though the only things you should do in Fall of Light is to collect three element shards (another example of how the developers didn't have any imagination whatsoever) and defeat the final boss (there are two endings here, but conditions for the good one are pretty basic). That's pretty much it. But the thing is, you'll need to waste a lot of time just to deal with your daughter. Who never... ever... acts as you want her too (this s**t is deep, huh?). You're trying to fight the difficult enemy, you hear the scream, you take a pretty long trip back just to save your daughter from her kidnappers. Because screw you. That's how this game works. And guess what? The final battle involves the girl too. Boom! Mic drop.

Sure, Dark Souls was always considered to be hard. It was part of the charm. But the thing is – it was never annoying. Well, aside from some certain parts (f***g archers...). Fall of Light? It's the exact definition of the word “annoying”. And it's not like it can offer anything in return. It's small, dull, it looks bad (exactly like all of the other crappy games on UNITY), the music is barely there, the story is a predictable .hack// wannabe, it has awful rip-off feeling, etc, etc, etc. In other words, it isn't something you'll want to waste your time willingly. You have a choice – you stay away from this game. Dixi.
284 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.19 17:13
The lack of pronounced sound effect and an atmospheric music set in bland environment makes it a chore play. I feel like the corpse that gets its soul sucked out of him the more I play instead of the hero himself.
2801 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.19 22:19
Isometric dark souls experience with sometimes a little clunky world but overall it was enjoyable experience. Bosses could use more variety but at least game is vast enough to explore. Helpful and responsive devs made me appreciate this title even more. So yes. Grab it on some sale and enjoy Osmosis Jones: Darkest Edition. Yes.
661 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.18 11:27
The game doesn't tell you that when you beat one of the shard bosses, you have to carry the girl to a far away, unique shrine that for the vast majority of players, probably had gotten to the dungeon before even coming across this place. Why is this a bad thing? Because if you don't make it in time, it's literally game over! You have to start from the very beginning of the game, and not just a checkpoint, if you want to get the correct ending. This mechanic appeared over four hours into the game.

Other places the developers troll you in the same dungeon is a lever you have to climb up a wall of coffins to get, while every other wall of the exact same look is not climbable. Look in the discussions, and see how many people didn't know where to go after solving a pillar puzzle in the Water Shard dungeon. Another reason why this sort of thing is so infuriating is that there are so many places that look like you should be able to reach, but the ones you can reach are the ones you shouldn't be able to.

This game is simply a souless attempt at making a Dark Souls game in a top down perspective, and where the developers here got From Software's philosophy of fair but challenging gameplay confused with trolling their consumers. You are constantly slapped in the face in this game, and unlike the other games of the genre, it's not your fault.

What makes this worse is that the game *should* be good, but too many times the developer breaks the logic of the game's design to piss off the player. It's almost like they purposely waited till the game was far enough along to do something especially cruel, because at that point you couldn't ask for a refund. This game is a joke, where not only does it disrespect the time of the player, it does it to the degree that I've never before experienced. This coming from someone who has played all the Dark Souls games, Platinumed Bloodborne and annihilated Hollow Knight. It broke my spirit in a genre that I play all the time, and for that very reason it's the worst one of them all, and the most disrepctful game I've ever played 1/10 (I'd give it a 0, but when it works it works, but then they go and slap you in the face)

I might regret this, but I'm allowing comments, but I want to hear from both the developers, and from the players who have experienced my issues
6616 Produkte im Account
399 Reviews
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.18 15:40

Fall of Light

was one of my more anticipated games of 2017. So, I was pretty thrilled when a copy slid across the ethereal surface of my existential desk. I have a particular love and fascination with Soulsborne games, and this seemed like it might fill the void between Dark Souls 3 and whatever new IP FromSoft is working on. That said, I also was careful to temper my expectations. I loved Darkmaus, but it wasn’t without flaws, and I figured this Indie might be similar given its isometric approach to gameplay. So, how does Fall of Light stack up to the Soulsborne genre of which it is a part?


The story in Fall of Light is pretty interesting, such as I was able to experience. The world has been cast in shadow and darkness and civilizations crumbled. The remaining people by and large have succumbed to madness. You are a knight, whose daughter radiates light which helps repel the darkness, both literally and figuratively. However, she is frail and creatures of darkness would love nothing more than to separate her from you and kill the light before it grows and dispels the darkness throughout the land. Your goal is take your daughter on a quest to see sunlight one last time. There is more to it, and that is definitely an oversimplification, but the lore that was written into this game was stellar in my estimation and the story was compelling.

8 out of 10


Fall of Light is an isometric action role playing game, and I found that to be a compelling medium for a Soulsborne game with Darkmaus, and no less so with Fall of Light. It makes for an interesting perspective and gives a little bit of a metroidvania type feel to the game despite being open world simply from a top down perspective.

Fall of Light forces you to adapt to the natural ebb and flo of Soulsborne combat while giving you a better overall vantage to plan out your next move. This is a very successful marriage between classic isometric ARPG cameras and Soulsborne combat/exploration.

As you would expect, proper timing, dodging, and parry/riposte are staples of the melee system. The type of weapon you use will determine your attack speed and the enemy types you face will largely determine which weapon you will be using, especially once you have found a pair of melee weapons that particularly suit at least two styles of melee (you can only retain two melee weapons at a time in your inventory). Shields are equally impactful. You can also find ranged weapons. The crossbow is my favorite. Like any Soulsborne game worth its salt, you will find better weapons as you go along. You’ll definitely need them.

Cautious exploration is the way to go until you’ve learned enemy placement, which doesn’t ever change. Either they are stationary or they follow a specific path. Once you’ve got that down, you can afford to be a bit more bold, but never forget that a Soulsborne game always punishes arrogance. Fall of Light is no different.

What really sets this game apart however is the escort mechanic. You will be escorting your daughter throughout the game. As long as she is near you, your power increases substantially. You can ask her to stay put though, sacrificing the buffs in favor of trying to clear paths so she doesn’t face danger. Both are viable and you’ll find yourself doing both alternately. Additionally, spirits will come and kidnap your daughter if you aren’t cautious. If that happens, you have to find where she is caged and free her. She will be quite vocal, so finding her isn’t too difficult, although the enemies guarding her cage might object.

In addition to weapons, you also have a lantern to help light the way. You gain a few special abilities as well that will have a big impact on your progress through the game. There are shrines found throughout that serve as this game’s version of a bonfire. It’s where you will spend souls to level up and just catch a breather. However, using them does come at the cost of respawning enemies. It’s worth it though to have the save points and such. Should you be killed, you can return to the scene of the crime to claim your lost souls, of course. You will often also have to find your daughter, who will stay where she was when you died (unless she is also killed).

While combat is pretty approachable, there are some notable issues with clipping, and more importantly, a giant difficulty spike. The enemy assassins with the shields in particular were far too difficult in my opinion. They never get stun locked and you can’t riposte because they will instantly duck behind a shield only to equally quickly stab you when you come out of your attack. They aren’t unbeatable, but I always felt like it was more luck and less skill when I did so. Issues like this definitely took their toll on my play through.

This is not a bug, but it was a comical aspect of gameplay that I thought I’d bring up. Once you aggro an opponent, it will literally follow you throughout the level until it finally catches up to you at some point or you enter a building, leave the map area, etc…this can lead to you having quite the entourage if you choose to try to run past enemies rather than engage them. Enemies can injure each other though, and so depending on how you handle things, a lot of work can be done for you at the cost of having to fight a large amount of enemies at the same time.

All in all however, despite some flaws in the system, this game handles pretty nicely overall and is fairly well what you could expect from an Indie Soulsborne experience.

7.5 out of 10


The graphics in Fall of Light are at times breathtaking, but always interesting and beautiful in a haunting and corrupted way. This is a world of darkness, and gloom is ever present. However, it’s the splashes of color that show that bits of light remain, that really highlight the dichotomy of the world. The level designs are nice and the architecture and character designs are also top tier. This is a really beautiful game.

9.5 out of 10


I felt the audio in Fall of Light was ideal for what the game is attempting to achieve. Atmosphere was shaped immaculately and the world itself sounded eerie in its mostly darkened state. This is a game where the audio definitely added from the game while being unobtrusive.

8 out of 10


At the end of the day, Fall of Light was a positive experience for me. The game itself is beautiful, the story engaging, and the gameplay fairly spot on, albeit with a few problems that set it back a little. For fans of Soulsborne games, I think you will find Fall of Light a solid entry in the genre. It can be a little unfair at times, but mostly preserves the integrity of the genre while presenting some new ideas, most notably the escort mechanic, which was handled brilliantly in my opinion. Expect a difficult but rewarding experience if you choose to leap in.

8.3 fragments of radiant light expressed through the purest of souls out of 10 possible. I think the light may have faded in the remaining 1.7….

Code If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, it would be appreciated. Cheers.
872 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
1793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.17 01:59
Thanks to the developers at RuneHeads and the publisher 1C Company(who knew they were still around?) for creating and distributing a good game for me to escape, explore and enjoy.

*Note There is a demo for Fall of Light. I would recommend go and try as it is an excellent representation of the game. I do not know if it receives patches.

A few years ago i reviewed  a game, Aarklash Legacy(2013), that at the time ignored everything that was expected to be in an rpg by stripping itself down to nothing more than the basic needs for the player and successfully focused more on the combat. I think Fall of Light has done the same. Its strips away everything you expect you need in today’s rpg world to the core and keeps the focus more importantly on an engaging story and brutal combat.

Fall of Light is a third person action game that is a story about a father and daughter and their journey to see the last reminisce of sunlight in a world that has been plunged into darkness by the evil Pain. As a child of light, Aether(your daughter) can destroy the evil and return the world back to light by finding three artifacts. It's a successful journey to undertake as it has rewarding exploration, combat and storytelling. The ending boss fight is a highlight and the story conclusion is somber depending on which ending you achieve(i only got the bad one).

As you begin the journey you are given a tutorial of most of the basics. Your daughter who glows with an aura of sunlight is the main light source on your quest and she will add some passive abilities during combat if she is in close vicinity. Combat is pretty basic with heavy, light attack, block and roll and is also tied to a stamina meter. There is a good variety of one handed/two handed weapons to cater to your style though i felt two handed were almost impossible to use. There is also a good roster of enemies and most have different moves to learn in order to survive. For the most part enemies are aggressive, so much so they will chase you clear across a map. I beat the game prior to the first patch and all i can say is the game is way easier and more forgiving now.

My favorite part of Fall of Light, besides the story, is the exploration and unknown. Level design is key as the world is full of secrets, shortcuts and rewards. I've played through the game almost twice now and still have yet to find two upgrades for Aether. The game also looks amazing(i don't know what the style is called) and it ran flawless at 1080P Ultra Wide. There is a good variety of locations and all with their own unique identity and enemies to encounter. As you explore you will come upon pillars/monuments that are used as checkpoints. Anytime they are used or you perish it will reanimate all fallen enemies. These monuments are also used for upgrading which is limited to additional health. There is no deep skill tree of weapons, armor, health, etc. and there are no potions, crafting, or spells. There is also limited inventory of 4 slots(2 handed takes up 2 slots) so no overweight or huge inventory to maintain.

Fall of light does two things a lot of games are afraid to do, it strips what you think you need in an RPG and then adds an easy, emotional story to follow. The simple mechanic of holding your daughter's hand as you explore for some reason made it more meaningful to reach the end than i ever spent wondering if I was almost ready to level. I wish more developers would focus as Fall of Light on presenting a solid game experience rather than flood my inventory and lose focus with meaningless objectives.

Emotional ending
Exploring is rewarding and satisfying
Good level and sound design
Challenging and fair combat
Learning the unknown
NG+ makes the world darker

Too many shards to collect
AI needs tweaked- kamikazes that will chase you across the map
Level limit
Checkpoint locations
Some weapons felt impossible to use
Really bad puzzle at the end
No impact or feel on a deathblow like when hitting shields
Logo for Fall of Light: Darkest Edition
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
54.96% 72 59
Release:28.09.2017 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: RuneHeads Vertrieb: 1C Company Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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