Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout
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Über das Spiel

Wettkampf und Koop: Purzle zwischen allgemeinem Getümmel und Koop-Herausforderungen hin und her oder stürme die Stolperhallen mit bis zu 3 Freunden!
Spiele mit Freunden: Fall Guys ist kostenlos spielbar und unterstützt mithilfe deines Epic Games-Kontos Crossplay und plattformübergreifende Gruppen und Fortschritte.
Fortlaufend neue Inhalte: Befristete Events und neue Spielmodi sorgen für Abwechslung. Neue Kostüme, Gemeinschaftsprojekte, Hindernisse und Spielarten in jeder Saison.
Herrlich anpassbar: Wähle aus einer Fülle von Farben, Mustern, Kostümen und Namensschildern. Feiere Siege mit jauchzendem Jubel und betone mit Emotes dein Talent!
Die gezeigten Gegenstände müssen möglicherweise separat im Spiel-Shop gekauft werden und sind evtl. nur begrenzt verfügbar. Enthält Käufe im Spiel.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7950
- Software: Windows 10 64bit only
- HD: 2 GB available space
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie:
- MISC: Gamepad Recommended
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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1587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.22 17:27
1. The servers, the goddamn servers. I get disconnected from every second round I play and its not my internet thats the problem. Im able to play every single multiplayer game under the sun with very low ping.
2. The microtransactions. While in prior seasons you could get good looking skins with crowns, you now need to fork out quite a lot of money since the currency needed for it can barely be earned for free. This is a game breaker for me.
As long as these 2 points dont improve I cant recommend this game to anyone.
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4671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.22 13:13
Ich verstehe nicht wieso ich es nicht einfach mit meinen jetzigen Profil auf Steam weiterspielen kann, ich habe ebenso wenig bock mein PC mit Epic Games zu verschmutzen.
Es geht mir so langsam aber sicher auf den Sack das man jetzt für mindestens jedes Spiel gefühlt 8 verschiedene Launcher braucht wobei man bei jeden Ausgeloggt wird und man sich gefühlt 10.000 Passwörter merken muss um ein Spiel zu spielen.
7091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.22 15:49
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512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 20:07
Kann das Spiel nicht mehr starten, weil eine Verbindung mit Epic nicht aufgebaut werden kann.
Auch wenn ich es könnte, will ich es aber auch nicht.
Was soll der Mist. Kaufe mir ein Spiel auf Steam, weil ich auf Steam spielen möchte und nicht bei Epic.
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5563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 18:44
idc about random bodyblock or buggy serverside changes, 0/10
4856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 17:54
Mehr muss man zu diesem Spiel eigentlich nicht sagen.
Es ist perfekt für Zwischendurch, die Runden am machen besten mit Freunden Spaß.
Man sollte es stehts mit Humor nehmen. ;-)
Oder ganz einfach
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 08:20
1905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 06:28
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 19:03
Die Teamgames nerven etwas, sind nicht so mein Ding.
Die Entwickler haben sich trotzdem ne Schelle auf den Nacken verdient, für ihre Unfähigkeit Speedhacks & FlyHacks nicht unterbinden zu können.
Nicht Empfohlen
4189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 23:00
Nicht Empfohlen
1502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 23:02
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 00:05
546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 11:47
Sehr geiles Spiel mit sehr schöner Grafik, lustige Figuren die man nach seinen Wünschen einkleiden kann (Kostüme erwirbt man recht schnell) und einfache Steuerung sowohl mit Maus + Tastatur als auch mit dem Controller.
12499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 16:01
Season 1 hat mir schon extrem viel Spaß gemacht, da der Season-Pass tolle und exklusive Inhalte geboten hat. Dank der abwechslungsreichen Parcours und zahlreichen Team-Games wurde das Gameplay nie langweilig oder eintönig. Als der Season-Pass durchgespielt war, kamen weiterhin tolle legendäre Skins raus. Die Motivation für das Zocken war das Ergattern der Kronen, um sich die Skins kaufen zu können.
Für den weiteren Spaßfaktor sind einige neue Parcours und Team-Games zur Season 2 erschienen. Der Season-Pass 2 hat deutlich mehr zu bieten, als der Vorherige. Dadurch ist die Motivation für das Spiel wieder gestiegen und es macht genauso viel Spaß wie am ersten Tag.
Leider gab es auch ein kleines Manko. Ganz am Anfang standen bei Fall Guys massive Serverprobleme und zahlreiche Hacker vor der Tür, die das Spiel in dieser Zeit unspielbar machten. Diese Probleme wurden aber zum Glück schnell aus der Welt geschaffen, um das Spiel wieder spielbar zu gestalten.
Im Großen und Ganzen ist Fall Guys ein sehr gelungenes Spiel mit hohem Unterhaltungswert. Es lässt sich auch sehr gut mit Freunden zocken. Ich kann daher Fall Guys nur wärmstens weiterempfehlen und es stört mich nicht, 20€ dafür ausgegeben zu haben, denn es hat sich auf jeden Fall gelohnt.
3800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 23:39
☐ Schlecht
☐ In Ordnung
☑ Gut
☐ Schön
☐ Fantastisch
♬ Musik ♬
☐ Gibt keine
☐ Schlecht
☐ In Ordnung
☑ Gut
☐ Schön
☐ Fantastisch
☠ Schwierigkeit ☠
☐ Einfach (Story)
☑ Durchschnitt
☐ Leicht zu erlernen / schwer zu meistern
☐ Schwer (Multiplayer
☐ Ungerecht
§ Bugs §
☐ Bugs zerstören das Spiel
☐ Viele Bugs
☐ Einige Bugs
☐ Gut für Speedrunns
☑ Es ist nichts aufgetreten
☯ Geschichte ☯
☑ Es gibt keine
☐ Schlecht
☐ In Ordnung
☐ Gut
☐ Fantastisch
⚔ Gameplay ⚔
☑ Frustrierend
☐ Schläfrig
☐ Langweilig
☑ Spaß
☐ Herausfordernd
$ Preis / Qualität $
☐ Voller Preis
☑ Warten Sie auf den Sale
☐ Nicht kaufen
☐ Erstattung, wenn du kannst
finde das Game ansich eine sehr gute Idee dennoch muss ich sagen das es schnell langweilig wird da die Games meistens in der selben Reinfolge kommen. Zudem finde ich das die echt zuwenig Content bringen für so ein Game... da ist es einfach zu wenig alle 3 Monate 2-4 spiele zu bringen.
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 23:56
951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 09:17
Die Teamgames nerven etwas, sind nicht so mein Ding.
Die Entwickler haben sich trotzdem ne Schelle in den Nacken verdient, für ihre Unfähigkeit Speedhacks & FlyHacks nicht unterbinden zu können.
Nicht Empfohlen
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 20:50
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 23:51
Die Server Probleme halten sich zumindest bei mir echt in Grenzen, gut ab und an mal Cheater aber das hemmt die Kampflust um die Krone kaum. Dazu muss man sagen das es einen kostenlosen Season Pass, was heutzutage nicht selbstverständlich ist. Für ein paar entspannte Runden mit Freunden super zu empfehlen, wobei das entspannt auch mal in einem fluchen oder spaßigem Necken ausartet.
Diese/r Spieler/in hat es gut zusammengefasst:
Fazit: 7/10
Nicht Empfohlen
3611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 12:51
........../....//............................................\ ..
.././.. /..../..../. |_...EPIC STORE. |..............
(.(....(....(..../.) ..)..........................(...(.....).....)...).)
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 22:56
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
3 ½ teaspoons baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt, or more to taste
1 tablespoon white sugar
1 ¼ cups milk
1 egg
3 tablespoons butter, melted
Step 1
In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth.
Step 2
Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.
Nicht Empfohlen
20087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 19:06
ever since the latest update this game has lost all it's fun aspects.
The body block got worse and the replacement of client sight with server sight made it the worst.
when you just run forward and randomly start to stumble, or the guy next to you changes directions and drags you all across the map without you having any chance against it, which would lead to you not being able to qualify, you'd think it would be smarter to stop playing that game all together.
That's basically what me and my friends did.
Instead of playing it for hours on end every day, we check out the shop each day and then do something else, rather than spend our time raging about this mess.
instead of having an advantage for being a good player, the game now resembles a slot machine, where you have just the same chance to win.
it stopped being fun and instead started to be full of bugs and rushed updates, that make the game worse every time you start it.
please fix fall guys, bring back the game that we all enjoyed.
Nicht Empfohlen
15754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 21:10
-insane amounts of bodyblock
-stumbling is so random: sometimes you don't fall down when you land from a height, sometimes you touch something with your arm and you're rolling on the ground for 10 seconds
-not spectating teammates after you die/qualify
-buggy annoying sound whenever someone qualifies
-desync between your character and the rest of the game (your position compared to other players/moving obstacles is different than what you see on screen)
-collision check moved to serverside -> you die randomly when you're not hit on your screen but for the server
-you get thrown out as a squad although you actually had the position to qualify
-you don't get thrown out but still don't spawn in the next round
-points in duos are completely bugged and random sometimes
the playerbase isn't doing the game any better either:
-grabbing can ruin your round completely while you can barely do anything against it
-in squad rounds there are always guys waiting till the last second to reach the finish so you have to wait like forever
All in all a once great game that has gone downhill recently. I just hope they're gonna improve on some of that stuff, so i can enjoy it again.
4838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 21:57
[spoiler]I have a very deep hate love relationship with this game. I hate it cause I lose so much but I love it cause well probably addiction. Besides that it’s just plain simple fun and even more with friends[/spoiler]
1218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 03:40
Video Games
While Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout isn't nearly as popular as it was around the time it launched, it still remains a perfect video game for what it sets out to accomplish. Its presentation, gameplay, low skill floor and price tag make it accessible to anyone who'd want to give it a try. If you're looking for something refreshing to play with a group of friends, even those who might not be big on video games, then look no further.
Gameplay-wise, it is the best Wipeout or Ninja Warrior game (n?)ever made. You know, those shows where people have to beat an obstacle course in order to win the prize money? Here it’s a bit different, with up to 60 players thrown into a match, consisting of several rounds. At the end of every round, those who fail to complete the objective in time are eliminated. Not every round is an obstacle course however, but can be anything from a vast plethora of minigames spread into six different categories. For example, Race rounds will always task you with reaching the finish line of the course before a certain number of players manage to. Survival rounds will require you to not get eliminated before a certain number of players does, or a timer runs out. These are then further differentiated by themes and obstacles. One Survival round might have you balance atop of an ever-moving platform, dodging projectiles launched at you, while another will place you in an arena with three giant Rhinos attempting to knock you out. Team rounds, which require you to work with random players towards a common goal to prevent your entire team from being eliminated are all about scoring points, but can either be a game of basketball, football (the soccer kind) or collecting as high of a number of eggs as possible. In the main game mode, a match must always start with a Race and end with a Finale – the most suspenseful, final round of the match, usually a Race that only one player can win or a Survival round that keeps going until the last man standing. Other game modes, both fixed and rotating, focus on specific categories or levels themselves. There are also custom matches you can make for you and your friends.
Even if all rounds across a category follow a certain pattern, none ultimately feel the same. Additional obstacles will sometimes appear on maps they were previously absent from, so the game can still throw you a curveball even when you think you have them all memorised.
Still, some are clearly better designed than others. Door Dash, a Race round, is a course consisting entirely out of doors. Some of these are openable, while the others aren’t – with there being no way of telling between the two until you try going through them. It almost completely eradicates the momentum of the match. If you go for an openable door consistently enough, you’ll qualify. If you don’t, tough luck. Other levels that solely consist of multitudes of the same obstacle have a similar effect, though none are as bad as Door Dash.
The controls are quite tight due to how limited they are. You can jump, grab (players, ledges, objects and some objectives) and dive, so the game requires a total of three buttons to play – excluding movement. A controller is ideal, but the keyboard and mouse perform almost just as well.
Progression feels good, but it could feel better. Winning a round will net you a Crown, the game’s ’’premium’’ currency awarded solely through wins or milestones in the current Season’s battle pass-like progression, called Fame levels – limited to 50 per Season and increased by XP, which is awarded for each match you play. Each Crown you acquire also increases your overall player rank, which awards you cosmetics upon leveling up and is separate from your Fame level. Besides Crowns, there are Kudos, a second currency awarded at certain Fame levels, as well as upon completion of a match regardless of whether you won or not. Kudos can also be purchased through microtransactions, in bundles as costly as $50, more than twice the game’s price. While the game isn’t by any means stingy with its rewards, the progression does feel a bit staggered and the inclusion of microtransactions can’t help but make me think of some marketing analyst or currency designer figuring out how to optimize it best to incentivise a purchase. Even when they aren’t intrusive, they’re there for a reason.
Your rewards can be spent in the store for cosmetic items. Some cost Kudos, some cost Crowns. There’s a fixed number of items that can be displayed in the store at a time and they reset once a day. Simple as. Customization options for your Fall Guy are quite varied and some visually striking combinations are possible, even without playing much.
Visually, the game is a colorful joy to look at, with the audio making it all the more appealing. The Fall Guys make cute ’’oofs“ and other sounds when they collide with each other, and scream of excitement when an obstacle launches them into the air – all of it heightened by a groovy, bass driven soundtrack. It just oozes fun.
Performance wise, the game ran great on max settings, at a steady 60 FPS. However, the animation LOD distance wasn’t that great, as players and obstacles further away would be running at a notably lower framerate. I don’t know if this is simply the way the game’s optimised, or something affected by the limitations of my specs. Weirdly enough, the game would sometimes drop down to 30 FPS while waiting in the lobby or the post-match recap.
Reviewed on the following system:
CPU | AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6GHz | [/tr]
GPU | GeForce GTX 1050Ti | [/tr]
RAM | 16GB | [/tr]
While the game’s current player numbers are a far cry from what it once had, it still maintains a healthy population, both on Steam and outside of it, thanks to cross-play. I wholeheartedly hope that Mediatonic can keep Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout in such a state, as it’s a fun game that truly anyone can play. Even if you don’t end up winning, the little animation your Fall Guy does during the post-match summary shows that he’s had a lot of fun even participating, just as you will. Here’s to hoping it can keep going strong in the years to come, at least as long until there’s a worthy successor.
Check out https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886/" target="_blank">Devils in the Detail for more in-depth reviews!
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 23:54
Obviously there's a lot missing here: private multiplayer, custom matches, the lack of maps, actually being able to use your own name (lol), and the crackdown on cheating (to be completely fair I haven't encountered any). If you're skeptical about the game, I wouldn't blame you for waiting for it to go on sale or waiting until more content is added. We've seen this song and dance before: games release with a bare bones experience that's wildly fun, but gets old fast. That being said, I hope the developers continue to make this game better and better. Cut them some slack too, they got flooded with a player base they couldn't have expected. Let them get back on their feet after the floodgates opened, and show us what they can do.
Please keep going devs, I'm having a ton of fun so far but it's got a bit of a ways before it's really amazing. 8/10.
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