F1 Race Stars
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Über das Spiel

F1 RACE STARS nimmt die Spieler mit auf eine Weltreise zu bekannten FORMEL 1 Schauplätzen, inklusive Monaco, Silverstone und den neuen Kurs Circuit of Americas in Austin, Texas, die fantasievoll umgestaltet wurden, für schnelle Rennen mit viel Gegnerkontakt. Freunde und Familienmitglieder bleiben bei dem Spaß nicht außen vor: F1 RACE STARS bietet Splitscreen-Rennen für bis zu vier Spieler, Wettkämpfe für bis zu zwölf Spieler und einen umfangreichen Karriere-Modus mit einer Vielzahl an Meisterschaften.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
6428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 19:45
Wenn man es günstig bekommt lohnt es sich aber für alle die gerne mal ein Splitscreen Spiel mit Freunden spielen.
1014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 19:51
2218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 14:40
Es gibt über zehn Originale Rennstrecken aus der Formel Eins allerdings sind sie sehr stark verändert um noch mehr Spaß zu haben.
Das Spiel ist eine Mischung aus dem guten alten Super Mario Kart und einem teilweise recht schwierigen Kart Spiel, denn man fährt nicht einfach nur Runde für Runde die Strecke ab nein das Besondere daran ist dass es viele Items gibt die man für sich selbst nutzen kann aber auch gegen den Gegner verwenden sollte. Es gibt sehr viele Anpassungsmöglichkeiten und Einstellungen welchen Rennen Modus man nehmen möchte man kann verschiedene Teams bilden sowohl im lokalen Multiplayer was wir stundenlang gemacht haben man kann aber auch sich mit dem Computer zusammentun und gegen einen anderen menschlichen Spieler spielen.
Ganz alleine macht das Spiel allerdings keinen Spaß, wir haben zusammen über 40 Stunden damit verbracht und wir haben sehr laut geschrien. Es gibt so viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten den Gegner zu Schaden man kann z.B. Die Steuerung vertauschen sodass links plötzlich rechts ist man legt verschiedene Arten von Blasen um den Gegner dort ein fahren zu lassen so etwas wie ich früher die Bananenschale bei Mario Kart oder man zerstörten mit einem Blitz man kann sich in einer Rakete verwandeln, ja es gibt wirklich viele lustige Dinge die dort auf der Strecke passieren können. Man kann sehr viele einstellen in welcher Richtung gespielt wird, oder wieviele Runden es sind, was die Ziele sind ja alles gibt auch verschiedene Spielarten wie z.B. das man durch Tor fahren muss Oder dass man verschiedene Sektorenzeiten schnellstens durchfahren muss. Das gibt eine Menge Abwechslung und macht eine Menge Spaß. Die vier kleinen DLCs sind ihr Geld wert denn sie erweitern die Strecken wirklich nochmals enormn und die Königsdisziplin ist das man Abkürzung finden muss einen Schlüssel klauen muss und dann in Abkürzungen durch ganz neue Gebiete durch fahren kann um sich wirklich von dem letzten Platz auch auf den ersten vor zuarbeiten. Doch Vorsicht ist dabei geboten denn wenn der Gegner den Schlüssel klaut, fährt man einen unnötigen Umweg! Die Grafik ist natürlich nicht mehr ganz zeitgemäß aber es geht ja wirklich mehr um den Spaß an diesem Spiel und der Comicstiln hat seinen eigenen Charme und Charakter, die Fahrer sind alle Orginal Formel Eins Fahrer, und ja auch unser lieber Michael Schumacher ist dabei mit Nico Rosberg zusammen im Mercedes. Ich kann das Spiel wirklich sehr empfehlen weil man dabei wirklich schreit und man sich vor allem über die Gegner aufregt, die manchmal zu cheaten scheinen. So hat man selbst mal wieder nur langweilige Items bekommen, aber der Gegner schon die 3. Verfolgungsblase hintereinander und man wird immer wieder abgeschossen. Und auf gehts zur Boxenstraße zur Reparatur.
10270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.18 10:11
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.17 21:14
Dir gefällt Formel 1 ?
Du magst lutige und witzige Rennspiele ?
Wenn du mindestens 2 Fragen mit Ja beantworten kannst :
Ist dieses Spiel das richtige für DICH !
Es bringt unglaublich Spaß seine Freunde abzufucken und sie triumphierend zu schlagen.
Auch das Preis - Leistungsverhältnis gleicht sich aus.
Von mir 10 von 10 Rennreifen ♥
2465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.15 11:25
Eindeutige Empfehlung
1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.14 16:22
Das spiel hat viele Ähnlichkeiten mit Mario Kart , nur ist es günstiger, auch für den PC erhältlich , und hat Formel 1 in sich ;D
3139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 20:23
funny game specially in local coop very funny.. ofc u can play online coop or online pvp but its way funny having ur best friend on ur side and fighting together :)
3085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 09:55
If at least two of these memories somehow resonate with you, I believe that you will be enjoying F1 Race Stars for what it is, even though you won't have to squint to see its shortcomings. Still, Codemasters' charm offensive does a good job masking them at least for the first couple of hours. Each race begins with a drone-view cutscene of the track and then drivers, one by one, confirm readiness at the grid. These animations are really smooth and adds much needed character in a game like this.
On that note, I know it is a weird thing to say in a racing or kart game but one thing that really sold me on the game in my first 10 minutes was the helmet. It's not like I think about helmets in racing games much, but I would have expected races starting with helmets already on, or with a simple animation showing that the driver puts it on. Instead, developers attributed pet like behaviour to the helmet, almost making it a living being with various animations. Of course after countless races, the novelty factor wears off but it still kept me attached to a thing that serves no gameplay purpose, which I consider to be an exemplary display of good game design.
I wish the same attention to detail carried on to the power-ups. There are a few F1 related ones like DRS which allows you to push other drivers around without stuttering, a safety car that limits the speed of the driver in the first place allowing others to catch up and rain that limits speed and makes cars harder to control. Unfortunately, other power-ups are mostly generic bubbles: heat seeking bubble, ricochet bubble, trap bubble, pulse bubble et cetera. These could have been easily replaced with forced pit-stop, forced spin-out (oil leak maybe?), drop puddle. Even I can come up with these even though I haven't watched F1 in years and I don't understand why Codemasters preferred generic bubbles instead of power-ups similar to these ones.
The problems with power-ups are not limited to their authenticity. Most of the power-ups will serve the purpose to halt your speed for an extended period of time and game already fails at providing a sense of speed if you play any other class than 3000CC. If you are racing really well and start to grow a considerable distance with other drivers, you will definitely get hit with safety car and rain power-ups combined (maybe more than once if the first combo failed to close the gap) which will limit your speed to 10% of what you can normally do. Add the fact that it only takes two hits to bring your car to a crawl and shortcuts that will be available to drivers when they are behind are extremely overpowered on most tracks and will let them skip huge portions of the track, the only sensible strategy becomes keeping 4th or 5th place for most of the race and making a last minute push when there is only half length of the last lap left (incidentally, this is one of the biggest problems with Mario Kart as well).
Game is mostly bug-free and I only had two crashes (one of which was during the 8th race of Endurance II cup, the longest championship of the game resetting all my progress but no, I don't hold a grudge) so it is safe to say that QA did a relatively good job on this front. But I don't think anyone at Codemasters played their own game upon launch as there are so many balancing issues that could be easily resolved. For example, why not make safety car a situational power-up that can only be used once in one race? Or, why couldn't they make unlocked shortcuts shorter and more dangerous with added risk of falling or taking extra damage?
I started playing as Massa due to my love for Ferrari, but after much travail, I found out that bonuses granted by teams are another extremely unbalanced part of the game. Massa, for example, gets the ability to use backwards seeking bubbles, which are somewhat useful. On the other hand Red Bull drivers will get countless boosts for being in the slipstream, almost guaranteeing a second place and that is something not to be scoffed at in this game.
Years later, I still remember which AI driver tended to do better in which period in NFS: Porsche Unleashed. These rivalries with the AI is one of the most important things that single player arcade racing games can offer, as there is no other way to create your own stories or being challenged after you put in enough time to the game. With so many iconic drivers in the game, I expected AI drivers to favour some tracks and championships based on their nationalities and real life performances, putting up a greater fight points-wise but this is not the case. Coming second or third in every game will suffice to win the championship most of the time and without a driving force (pun intended) you have no reason to improve.
At this point of my playthrough, I decided to try something else. I mostly avoid time trials in racing games (if it's not a rally game) but due to its unique mechanics time trials of F1 Race Stars are extremely fun. You need to optimize your run by memorizing where the boosters are, which corners you can cut with those boosters and which cut corners provide the most bang per your boost. Even when you get the gold medal, great track design and booster placement leaves you thinking what else could have been optimized in your run, leading to more daring attempts and strategies.
Apart from my previously mentioned issues with shortcuts, track design and art style are some of the best I have seen. Especially Italy, Singapore and Monaco are a delight to look at and these three really capture the bourgeois, unreachable nature of F1 really well. Other eight are a tier below those, with muted colours that reveal the age of the graphics more, nevertheless all of them apart for Britain are extremely memorable. Applying the knowledge gained in time trial mode to the campaign also gives you a appreciation for track design during the campaign, as some shortcuts and corners are impossible to perfect due to AI meddling in campaign.
Overall, F1 Race Stars is a game of extreme highs and lows and it would have been much easier to recommend this if necessary balancing pass was made even after the launch. With the Steam Deck just around the corner, PC scene is in desperate need of a good kart game and if there is a new F1 Race Stars with more content and more attention to detail, I believe that it will do really well.
P.S. The game really needs more unlockables. I especially wanted to use the safety car in campaign but unfortunately it was not an unlockable.
P.P.S. There is a mod that upgrades the lineups and teams to 2016 Championship but it does not change driver models, so it might be a bit jarring.
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 19:33
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 09:39
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
✅ Normal
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls
Sometimes this Game is easy and in some Cup's its frustrating.
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
✅ Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
Nice Comic-Design, but nothing special or mindblowing.
???? Soundless
???? Just SFX
✅ Not special
???? Bad
???? Good
???? Beautiful
✅ This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? Bad Story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
No story. Just Racing every Cup
???? Free
???? Underpriced
✅ Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
Got it for 0.99$. Wouldn't pay more.
✅ You can run it on a microwave
???? Nothing Special
???? A bit extra
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? No ending
???? Very Short ( 0 - 2 hours)
✅ Short ( 2 - 15 hours)
???? Average ( 15 - 50 hours)
???? Long ( 50 - 90 hours)
???? Extremely long ( 90 - 200 hours)
I needed 5 Hours to play most of the Cups on Gold. Not more Singleplayer Content is involved.
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
✅ Repetitive
✅ Actually pretty amusing
???? Addictive
???? The kind of fun you'll remember
???? Ride of your life
Its a fun Kart-Racer, but not many Tracks are little repetitive if you play this on Singeplayer.
But it's not a bad game. Its good, not more not less. For 1$ on Instantgaming its very nice.
Nice Gameplay Features which makes it standout from Mario Kart, Crash Racing etc.
Pretty chill game.
???? Only for achievements
???? It's a one-time experience
???? If you wait a few months/years
✅ Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
Singleplayer = No Replay after you won all the Cups
Local Multiplayer = Infinite
Online is mostly dead.
~ BUGS ~
???? More Bug than game
???? Too many to have fun
???? Some
???? Rare
✅ 0
66 / 100
Funny Racer, which is worth a look (but only for a small bug.)
(Watch my Profile for more Review like this.)
I recommend every game over 60.
Nicht Empfohlen
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 13:40
A different kind of F1 game.
+ Official license for the 2012 season
+ Cute graphics
+ Cool track design
+ Interesting game modes
- Unbindable keys (unacceptable)
- Overpriced DLCs
- Dumb and cheating AI *1
*1 The game offers three speed levels for the cars (1000cc, 2000cc, 3000cc). The tracks are only really designed to be playable well on the slowest class. In the 3000cc class (which the game doesn't necessarily force on you, but gives achievements for it), you have to brake for most corners, the car is much harder to control as it's simply too fast for some of the tracks. Despite that, the AI cars drive around normally as if they were on the 1000cc handling model but obviously so much faster. They also cheat with power-ups (they sometimes get the best ones right from the start) and in championships, you always get the same guy winning or being right up there, so basically you need to be on the podium in every race because otherwise you lose the championship to the random guy that suddenly became superman. It IS possible be to winning races on this class, but they are extremely scripted and if you manage to win, it's not due to your skills, but simply because the game decided to give you that win (and vice versa). And one more thing that I need to mention. The other cars keep hitting you and YOU need to avoid them because they won't stop doing that themselves. There's so much bumper car racing that Formula E feels like clean racing in comparison.
This game had the potential to be an easy and enjoyable play, instead it's more frustrating than anything else, unless you compete in the slowest class which won't reward you with many achievements. That should have been the default and only class in the game as the gameplay gets more and more frustrating as you pick the faster ones, not just for your own race, but also for the overall results of others. I got the game from Fanatical as it was really cheap and they were offering a full bundle (that doesn't exist on Steam by the way). Therefore, DO NOT BUY THIS FROM STEAM as it's really overpriced for what it is. I'm not surprised there's no sequel to this game because they would have to change A LOT of stuff to make the game really good.
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 01:51
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 13:44
1553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 13:21
It's like Mario Kart but with famous F1 racers.
It could run on a potato PC (I mean a PC from max 10 years ago) and could keep you entertained for severals hours.
For achievements hunters, watch out for the multiplayer achievements, the host system is capricious, can be done in less than 30 hours.
1907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 14:24
I started off in the first couple of hours of this game not really enjoying it. Wasn't too fond of the controls and thus got beaten resoundingly, almost to a point where I gave up with the game all together.
However, I switched to a controller and the game turned on its head. I love it now and after learning the game have the AI at some crazy difficulty levels. It's a great challenge that will sometimes leave you frustrated but it is very rewarding once you do beat them. You definitely need a blend of skill and luck to win.
It's a great little arcade karter, which unlike some requires some learning of the track and thought for braking and taking racing lines to get the best times possible. The track designs are great and add recognisable parts of each real life track into the crazy arcade track and I think it's the perfect blend between the two. The different race modes are also very fun to play, although I find that some are much easier to win than others.
There have only really been 3 problems I have encountered whilst playing this game, none of which have hindered me too much. The teleport boost can be very irregular, sometimes teleporting AI about 20 seconds in front of first place. The AI can get to a point in which it is practically impossible to beat such as in championship number 18. This is easy to fix by losing a few races in a row though.
The biggest problem amongst most people is seems is that online multiplayer appears to be no longer supported. Split screen works perfectly but public and private lobbies online always tell you that lobbies cannot be found, this meaning that you cannot play with your friends or earn online achievements.
HOWEVER, I have seen that it is in fact possible to play a multiplayer race. after having downloaded Radmin VPN, which supports F1 race stars and it does indeed work. This means that you can in fact still play with friends if that's a part of this game that you want, and also get 100% of the achievements still.
Price and DLC:
The game itself is probably only worth getting on Steam when on sale, and the DLC is definitely not worth the prices on Steam as it's only 3 extra tracks and some meaningless accessories. However, it is possible to get in a bundle or buy a Steam key and pay only around £1 for the complete edition which includes the game and all DLC, which makes it a steal.
All in all I think this is a brilliant game that's definitely worth buying when it's on sale in a bundle for virtually nothing. I would love if we could get a 10 year anniversary sequel for the new 2022 regulations next year!
Nicht Empfohlen
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 02:11
I hate having to lose multiple races so I can have a shot at winning. That kind of difficulty is not needed in a racing game. Its games like this that makes me question if Codemasters even tries to make quality games or just spews them out annually abandoning them at the first opportunity.
I only paid around $2 for the game and the dlc. It isn't worth much more and there are much better and more enjoyable racing games out there worth buying.
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 16:23
And I have bought all the 4 DLC tracks (Canada, China ,Europe and India ) , The best one is Europe , the first runner up is Canada , China track design is not good enough but both the golden dragon and Great wall background are there .India track design is not challenging . If you are on budget then get Europe DLC track first.
Nicht Empfohlen
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 05:20
- You can't drift, and I know it is because it is a F1 game and F1 cars don't drift (sigh), but for a Mario Kart like game it is something almost required.
- Can't customize the car or the pilot, besides some DLC's that add boost trails, horns and whatever. You barely notice it.
- AI rubber banding is horrible. Had an opponent so far away from me the game had to literally stop it for no reason so I could catch up. And some cars just teleport to your side, I don't know if it's a power up or some feature the game uses to f@#k with you.
- The fact your car can get damaged is THE WORST idea and kills the pacing of the game. The pit stop could be used for many differents reasons, like refill boost, change pilot on a team feature if each one has a special ability, get a stronger power up, etc. But your car is constantly damaged and limping around the track, so you lose both ways: race with the car damaged at slower speed, or take the largest route to fix the car and lose positions anyway.
- The only good thing about the game is the graphics. They are simply beautiful and colorful.
I don't recommend this game, since it's not what fans of this type of game are looking for.
Stick to Sonic All-Star Racing games instead.
Nicht Empfohlen
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 13:57
The cars are no fun to drive as they grip rather than skid. The weapons are dull and samey: Red blob, yellow blob, blue blob, purple blob. And success or failure is dependant entirely on luck (or the game A.I cheating).
If you want a decent modern Kart racer, look no further than Sonic Racing Transformed. Even if you're a die-hard F1 fan (like me), F1 Race Stars isn't fun after you've played the competition.
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 05:26
So go ahead and buy it!....But for your children only! (Unless your definition of racing is just to push the gas pedal and enjoy whatever happens!) ;)
Nicht Empfohlen
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 01:27
when my pc is connected to my 4k tv i can't change the resolution to fullHD 1080p, appears only 4096×2160 or 800x600. despite the game being a little old it deserved to have this bug fixed, codemasters never released a fix for that.
intel core i7 4790k, GTX 1080Ti, 16Gbs ram, windows 10 pro 20h2.
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 10:35
✅ My 90 year old grandma could play it
✅ Easy
✅ Normal
✅ Hard
???? Dark Souls
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
✅ Meh
✅ Graphics dont matter in this game
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
✅ Not special
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? This game has no story
✅ Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
???? Free
???? Perfect Price
✅ Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
✅ School Computer
✅ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Extremely Short (60 minutes or less)
???? Very Short (1 - 3 hours)
✅ Short (3 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
✅ No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
✅ Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life
???? Wasn't worth completing
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
✅ Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
???? Remove this from the steam store
???? No
✅ Wait for sale
✅ Yes
???? You NEED to experience this game
Nicht Empfohlen
849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 02:23
+ good idea
+ great graphics
+ good sound
+ control of the car is good enough (at least for the 1000cc class)
+ varied and interesting tracks
- the AI (especially in carieer mode)
- the cheating *****ing AI
- the frustration over the horrible AI
- the hopeless feeling of driving like a hero in carieer mode but still ending up far behind the top 3
- because of the awful AI, every race is all about luck
- your being punished for skillful driving (the AI will get even worse)
- almost impossible to finish carieer mode because of this,
you will have to drive the same tracks over and over again until you eventually get lucky
If you want to play this game, avoid the carieer mode like the plague. Its not worth it.
I hate the AI, and it almost destroys the whole game.
I dont understand why the **** they choose to do this, it makes all the fun of playing the game go away.
You feel hopeless and not ever good enough.
If you do lead, I guarantee you just before the finish, the AI will bomb you with every powerup they have, and teleport in front of you.
Instead of ending up 1st like any other game, you can risk ending up last. And where is the fun in that?
I did eventually finish the carieer mode, with gold and silver medals.
It was only because of my stubborness, and not because it was fun.
Please codemasters, fix the AI so people can enjoy the game.
F1 Race Stars (Carieer Mode) : 2/10
F1 Race Stars (Other Game Modes) : 7/10
Total score : 4/10
Nicht Empfohlen
380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 22:32
This sentence fits like a glove on this game.
It`s obvious that AI was designed to -aggressively- prevent you from winning in a very frustrating (not to say crazy ) way.
No matter what you`re doing, opponents will pop up in front of you or 100 power ups will hit you at once and you lose, then you retry race and you lose again and again and again.
I spent some time with this game on XBOX and i was never able to complete more than few races. Getting tired of it and turn it off.
What`s the point of this game if it`s designed to make you nervous?
I gave it a try here on Steam, hoping that AI was changed in the mean time. Nope. Same craziness.
What makes me exit the game few minutes ago was a funny - or probably tragic- situation: I was hit twice by seeker bomb in pit-repair line while in first place. Really?
If you have -very- low blood pressure i recommend you this game instead of pills and two glasses of red wine, otherwise...stay away from it!
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 10:51
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.17 19:03
Runs in 1080p at 60fps with my Rx 460.
Good Mario kart kind of action, and my daughter recognises the F1 names from when I watch F1 on television.
She loves the tracks and the weapons.
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos