- Customise your 10-year career mode, with a choice of F2 Championship introduction options and season lengths to allow for a more exciting, multiple seasons, career.
- The addition of split-screen racing, a new steering assist and a more accessible race experience means that you can enjoy the game with friends, no matter what your skill level.
- F1 2020 features all the official teams, drivers and 22 circuits, including two new races: Hanoi Circuit and Circuit Zandvoort
- Online connection required to download the final teams’ 2020 cars (as applicable) and F2 2020 season content.
F1 2020
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

- CPU: Intel Core i3 2130 / AMD FX 4300
- GFX: NVIDIA GT 640 / AMD HD 7750 (DirectX11 Graphics Card)
- RAM: 8 GB
- Software: 64 bit Windows 10
- HD: 80 GB
- SFX: DirectX Compatible
- MISC: Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5 9600K / AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti / AMD RX 590 (DirectX12 Graphics Card)
- RAM: 16 GB
- Software: 64 bit Windows 10
- HD: 80 GB
- SFX: DirectX Compatible
- MISC: Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 11:41
896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 10:55
4574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 02:29
Das einzige was wünschenswert wäre für neue Teile, wenn man alte Strecken per DLC dazu kaufen könnte (Malaysia, Nürburgring, Hockenheim, Magny Cours, Valencia, Instanbul, Indien, Korea, Mugello, Bahrain Outer Circuit, Indianapolis, evtl. auch Classic Strecken wie in F1 2013 = Brands Hatch, Jerez, Estoril) Imola ist mittlerweile im Kalender Yes!!
So könnte man sich zu dem Eigenen Fantasy Team auch seinen eigenen perfekten Fantasy Kalender zusammenstellen.
7122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 07:01
13042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 16:42
P.S.: Bin Fan seit des ersten F1 Spiels von Codemasters (2010) und hab seit dem jedes Formel 1 Spiel gekauft und Gespielt <3.
14771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 09:53
10425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 17:18
Auch wer es schwer mag stößt hier mit Zähneknirschen und Messer zwischen den Zähnen, bei den Rennen und Einstellungen an seine Grenzen.
Bestes F1 Spiel für mich ! TOP
8279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 11:01
100% empfehlung
Nicht Empfohlen
2188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 07:15
Mal direkt am anfang mal mittendrin
Steam Fehlerüberprüfung hat nix gebracht, genauso wie neues installieren oder Grafik runterstellen..
Aktuell auf KEINEN Fall Kaufen..
3812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 20:06
Der neue Modus, wo man sein eigenes Team erstellen kann, wertet das Spiel stark auf und macht sehr viel Spaß, da man sein eigenes Team managen muss und Schwerpunkte setzen muss. Was ist dir wichtiger? Motor? Chassis? Aerodynamik? Oder doch die Haltbarkeit? Alles andere ist sonst wie immer, also sehr gut.
Allerdings habe ich auch 2 Kritikpunkte:
1. In manchen Bereichen von Strecken brechen die FPS teilweise so massiv ein, obwohl man sonst nirgendwo Probleme hat (Zum Beispiel in Abu Dhabi fast komplett Sektor 3)
2. Die Interviews sind nach wie vor unnötig, meiner Meinung nach. Haben gefühlt keine Auswirkung auf dein Team (außer auf die Abteilungen) und die Antworten sind teilweise einfach nur dumm.
9167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 19:51
What? You are asking what comes next?
Just wank idk i guess :/
Game's still shit tho 11/10 wide crashing Kubicas
Nicht Empfohlen
2206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 14:38
2691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 10:11
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 04:32
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 20:41
7831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 11:32
4914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 09:21
F1 2020 schafft perfekt den Spagat zwischen Simulation und Arcade.
Alle Hilfssysteme lassen sich an oder abschalten, Stufenweise. Man kann also immer nach belieben soviel Zeit reinstecken wie man mag, um das Auto und die Rennen zu Meistern.
Auch lässt sich das komplette HUD so verschieben wie es einem am besten gefällt und Hilft.
Mit My Team ist auch endlich das Verwalten eines eigenes Team wieder in der F1 Serie zu finden. Das macht nicht nur unglaublich Spaß sondern bringt einen auch dazu immer wieder am Ball zu bleiben und weiterhin Upgrades für sein Auto zu entwickeln. Nur hätte ich mir gewünscht das Ultimative Upgrades auch sichtbarer sind (Die Nasenstruktur auf Ultimativ zu erforschen bringt zwar ein extrem bessere Handling mit sich aber sichtbar ist das nicht wirklich) Beim Energierückgewinnungssystem ist das da zumindest hörbar).
Alles in allem ein wirklich rund um gelungenes Rennspiel.
Nicht Empfohlen
1089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 08:46
Nein, wer F1 2019 besitzt verpasst in 2020 nichts. Zum einen ist der MyTeam Modus keine schlechte Idee aber einfach nur billig in einer Flut von Menüwüsten umgesetzt. Fahre die seit Jahren gleichen Trainingsprogramme und stecke sie in einen künstlich eingeschränkten Entwicklungsbäume. Hin und wieder mal ein Einladungsevent mit den ja jährlich gleichen Modi.
Die KI ist ein weiteres großes Manko im Game, im Rennen fahren sie wie an der Perlenschnur hintereinander her, in der Quali und Training räumen sie die Spieler wie in einem Wreckfest von der Piste, beachten keine Flaggen und auch Regen oder sonstige Änderungen haben keinen Einfluss auf ihr verhalten. Sie bekommen keine Zeitstrafen, Schäden oder machen Fehler und fahren je nach Schwierigkeitsgrad fest vorgegebene Zeiten. Simualtionfeeeling kommt da nicht auf.
Die Grafik ist für 2020 noch gutes Mittelmaß, die Physik, Schadensmodell und das verhalten der Fahrzeuge mehr Arcade als Realistisch.
Alles in allem hat sich nicht viel getan ein paar Grafische updates, Strecken und die Jährlichen neuen Features, Bugs werden gefühlt jedes Jahr mehr aber wirklich gefixt wird aber nur das nötigste. Den für Codemasters ist es aktuell wie bei vielen anderen auch wichtiger Bezahl DLC zu veröffentlichen.
Nicht Empfohlen
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 16:58
MP horrible.
Somebody brake-checks you and you get rear-ended because you had to break? 5 second time penalty for causing a collision.
Somebody ghosted and was frozen in place under SafetyCar? Illegal overtake, hand back the position.
Guy revenge-slams into you? 5 second time penalty for causing a collision.
Even a monkey could've coded a better penalty system
1222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 09:56
Nicht Empfohlen
2311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 12:07
It's bug riddled. From random disqualifyings, because the game did not recognise your Pitstop, to random Grid penaltys without any explanation as to why. Changing Engine components is a gambling as to will the game recognise your changes or not.
As always in the F1 series, the AI takes you first quali run as orientation for their times. So if you drive your first quali time very slow and do a second run close to the ending of Qualifying you will get pole for sure.
If you expect a fix for bugs, you should see the form you need to fill out to even tell them about bugs. To get heard you have to do Q&A for them in the first place.
This game is not only not worth the money they want, at the moment, It's barely a functioning piece of software.
If they fix the many issues, which are present in the game right now, I will change my review but for now that's the status.
1950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.22 18:43
1851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.22 14:54
495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 23:31
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☑ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☑ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
2877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 14:54
Me: F1 car go vrroooooooom
Probably not much different from the previous years version and this game is now a year old, but I still recommend it. Good simcade, immersive driving experience, good single player career mode etc. It just feels a well polished and complete game.
2411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 09:55
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☑ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding
---{ Story }---
☑ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
3547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 18:51
The review you are about to read is based on my own experience with the game, my judgment, and the rating system! No third party has impacted anything said in this review. This review is also 100% spoiler-free, so you don't need to worry about that either.
Gameplay and Interaction (20 out of 20)
F1 2020 features standard gameplay mechanics as well as features and settings you can expect to be present in any racing video game that Codemasters creates. It offers a host of different gameplay customization settings so that you can tailor the gameplay experience just the way you like it. An F1 car is very complex. Understanding every single detail can be a challenge. For that reason, there's quite a list of assists to experiment with. Experimenting with all the assists is a must, depending on your knowledge about Formula 1 in general, of course.
While it's nice to turn everything on auto and enjoy driving around, fun comes when you start disabling some of the assists to see how far you can push it. Radio commands and 'on the fly' settings for the car play a fundamental role in achieving certain goals. If you're coming into F1 from racing games such as Need for Speed, it does require more attention. This will force you to constantly check things, and do this or that. Overall, the gameplay and all the interactive stuff might be overwhelming at first, so I suggest you start disabling the assists one by one. Once you get the hang of it, you'll find yourself clicking buttons around without even knowing - muscle memory.
Graphics and Sound Quality (14 out of 20)
Cars and tracks are expected to look good, but in my humble opinion, the rest is not as detailed as I'd like it to be. Pit personnel is very robotic or generic-looking, and everything outside the track feels flat and uninteresting. It's not that the game looks bad graphically, just that not all tracks are equal in terms of quality regarding the scenery. Several tracks stand out quality-wise from the rest, and it just doesn't give you a very nice first impression as you go through them. Weather effects, on the other hand, are nicely done. Racing around in the rain truly feels like rain. The sound quality is also good, but there's no variety of certain sound effects, such as the crowd. I'd love to see the crowd in 'team-specific' tracks going wild in qualifying or during the race while some of the battles are happening, but that's sadly missing and something you can only feel during real-life races. Car sounds are great, and some sound cues are specific to certain cars - making it easy to distinguish and tell which car is being driven just by hearing the engine.
Performance and Optimization (15 out of 20)
The highest visual settings require a lot of GPU power for some weird reason. F1 2020 doesn't have the graphical fidelity you'd be expecting for the amount of GPU power it's eating up. DLSS is a nice thing, but it has flaws that it can not overcome. If you choose to have DLSS enabled, there's a lot of ghosting going on. It's nothing distracting, but it doesn't look good when you know it's there. If you can afford to have it disabled, I'd highly recommend doing so. Things like DLSS certainly don't look right in fast-moving video games yet, and it shows. CPU plays an important role in terms of stability, but any modern CPU is going to tear through F1 2020 with a high enough framerate that you don't need to worry about it. Other than the issues I mentioned above, I haven't run into any slowdowns or instability issues. However, I did test the game on a quad-core 4C/4T machine, and it does stutter and drop frames from time to time. Anything with 4C/8T or better is going to be very stable.
Story and Content Value (18 out of 20)
F1 2020 doesn't offer many game modes but considering how F1 functions, there shouldn't be that many anyway. There's a host of classic F1 cars you can jump into and drive as well. It's nice to experience something that the drivers have had to deal with in the past and compare stuff between different cars. The rest of the game modes are similar to the likes of FIFA. Instead of managing players, for example, you'll be managing an F1 team and everything that goes into it throughout the season in my team mode. You can also play a career mode where you're just the driver for a specific team. F1 and F2 seasons are both available. Then there's split-screen (YES!) and time trial as well. I'd say that's plenty to have fun with. The online mode is a mess if you ask me. There seems to be an excessing number of braindead people or something. So, joining a random online game is not an ideal thing I would do. Anticipating and predicting what's happening in each corner is just too stressful. Setting up an online race with or without AI alongside your friend group is quite entertaining. That's the only way I like these online features.
Animations and Movement Controls (15 out of 20)
While the game is perfectly playable on a keyboard, a gamepad or a steering wheel are a way to go. The main reason you should at least get a gamepad is that you're required to make precise movements in specific situations, which can ultimately lead to you making the corner or completing an overtake you've planned for laps and laps. You can still have fun even playing on a keyboard, and all I'm saying is that it's not ideal since it doesn't offer incremental corrections. As I mentioned earlier, some animations are clunky and robotic-looking. It does take away from the whole experience and presentation a little bit. Don't get me wrong, it isn't too problematic, and I'm not mocking the game here but rather pointing out the obvious. It does require quite an upgrade. It's not like the animations are horrible either. It's just that some of them are weird at times. Pitstop animations especially could use some work, and it's a shame that most of these animations just get ported from one F1 game to another.
Final Score and Conclusion (82 out of 100)
F1 2020 is a nice F1 experience overall but kind of a useless release since EA bought Codemasters. This release is very rarely on sale now, and the only reason I would recommend you get F1 2020 is for F1 2021 discount. I have no idea how, but I managed to buy F1 2021 for 10 EUR just because I own F1 2020. Crazy right? F1 2021 was on sale for 30 EUR or something at some point. And I, as the owner of F1 2020, was able to snag it for 10 EUR. Other than that, I don't see much point in picking this release. Unless you need it for a specific reason, or if you find it cheap somewhere as a 'getting started with F1' kind of thing before purchasing a newer release.
20196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 18:15
5530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 00:43
Pros of this game:
+ My team
+ Classic F1 cars
+ The number of races
- No braking point
- No 2020 one-off tracks
3231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 17:15
5998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 05:48
2454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 16:39
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☑ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
6639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 19:18
+Career mode
+Graphic and stability
+Podium pass
-Lack of AI mistakes and crashes
3860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 14:44
This was the highlight for me – by far! Basically, you’re the eleventh team on the grid, and you’re the driver / owner of the team. Goal is to sign sponsors and progress through the seasons, whilst managing all finances and day-to-day operations. You choose how best to invest – team-building events, R&D in parts, facilities etc. Initially, I wasn't sure whether or not I'd like the My Team mode. The idea of starting off at the very bottom and working your way up seemed like a massive time investment. Turns out, it's A LOT of fun and incredibly satisfying. In earlier seasons, I completed pretty much every practice session programme to earn as many resource points (RP) as I could. After evenly splitting my RP between aero / power / chassis and reliability for the first few races, I could see how fragile some of the components were (ICE, MGU-H, Turbo wear quickly). There are penalties for ordering additional power unit components and gearboxes, so I invested my resource points in reliability for most of Season 1. Along with most of my RP going into reliability rather than performance, my teammate was a really poor F2 driver. So overall, we had the pace of Haas… which was less than ideal. For Season 2, reliability was good, and I could invest RP elsewhere, mainly Powertrain. I had Charles LeClerc as my teammate – good, but not good enough to win the Constructor’s Championship (mainly down to not having enough R&D completed or investment in facilities). All cash earned in the first half of Season 2 was pumped into facilities. For the second half, I saved it for a new driver. I signed Max in my third season, and we went on to win the Drivers and Constructors Championships, and by that stage, almost everything was fully upgraded. I’ll be continuing on for another season and signing Sebastian because he’s a legend! Invitational Events were a nice change of pace and are good fun. My tips for anyone who wants to try My Team mode:
• Invest RP in reliability
• Corporate – Contracts – Driver Perks (buy these as soon as you can– they’re easy to miss)
• Purchase RP generation and QC upgrades in facilities
• Invest in your second driver
• Keep an eye on Power Unit condition – replace parts
• As tedious as the reporter’s questions can be – answer them for additional acclaim and +rep with powertrain etc.
• Midway through seasons, start saving RP for the modifying parts to suit regulation changes coming the next season (otherwise you can lose a lot of your upgrades as they become illegal for the next season).
• Secondary sponsors – choose wisely. There’s lots of money to be earned if you can meet their goals (podium finish, X amount of points etc.) Very profitable.
Most of the players I came across were good players and drove fairly. But the minority ruin it for everyone. Idiots deliberately smashing into you at corners and ruining your race is frustrating, and the penalties can be ridiculous. Someone crashed into me, knocked me off the track, and I get a penalty for exceeding track limits... okaaaay, thanks game. There’s an option to vote to kick players which is good, but it’s not enough. There are also some very obvious cheaters / hackers too – but hey, that’s how a lot of multiplayer games seem to be.
These are good fun. Driving the classic F1 cars is nostalgic and a great change of pace.
Overall, it’s an excellent game. I’d give the solo part 10/10.
2544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 22:20
probably the best F1 game to ever exist.
The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't give you Podium Pass XP anymore (not only my issue, alot of people having it too), probably due to F1 2021 released and codemasters stopped supporting F1 2020.
Nicht Empfohlen
4727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 19:19
Let's start by saying nothing works, it's just single player game, yet there are still in game purchased for something what doesn't work!
1. Weekly events....4 weeks in a row I ended up in top 5% but not once received trophy!!
2. Ranked matches...barely anyone plays ranked.
3. Ranked matches...if someone rage quits right after the race, whole lobby is screwed and everyone will have alt+f4 because game is stuck in loading...
4. Leagues...2 people play leagues and after you finish you never receive any points even though you raced against 5 people and finished first with fastest lap and still get 0 points!!
Now onto major issue!!
5. New F1 game is out so they turned off season pass! it says ends in 17645 days and you might ok i have plenty of time to do it...
No! I got to stage 28, and suddenly nothing works, trying to complete any challeges, vip/weekly/daily challenges and nothing is getting completed and no exp towards season pass!!
It's nice ruined by greedy developers what create new game and to make people force and spedn money on new game, let's ruin previous game!!
If I could I would ask for refund!! This game is nothing but single player game because nothing else works because developer turned it off!!
1121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 08:00
✅ Kids
✅ Teens
✅ Adults
✅ Everyone
===[ ???? Gameplay: ]===
✅ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
===[ ✨ Story] ===
☐ No Story
✅Optional Story
☐ Still better than Twilight
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Fantastic
===[ ???? Graphics: ]===
☐ Potato
☐ Really bad
☐ Bad
☐ OK
☐ Good
✅ Beautiful
☐ Masterpiece
===[ ???? Audio]===
✅ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
===[ ☣ Requirments: ]===
☐ 90' PC
☐ Minimum
✅ Medium
✅ Fast
☐ High end
☐ NASA computer
===[ ⚔️ Difficulty: ]===
☐ You just need 2 arms
☐ Ez
☐ Significant brain usage
✅ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Hard (first few hours)
☐ Dark Souls
===[ § Bugs ]===
☐ Game itself is one big BUG
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ Bugs destroying the game
☐ Lot of bugs
✅ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☐ None
===[???? Grind ]===
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
✅ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding
===[ ⏳ Game time/length ]===
☐ Really short ( 0 - 2 hours)
☐ Short ( 2 - 8 hours)
☐ Average ( 8 - 20 hours)
☐ Long ( 20 - 50 hours)
☐ Very long ( 50+ hours)
✅ Endless
===[ ???? Price/quality: ]===
✅ Full price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Average
☐ Refund it if you can
☐ Don't do it
22692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 20:28
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☑ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☑ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
☑ Drink
☐ No Drink
Codemasters really outdone themselves with this F1 2020, the addition of myTeam mode is just awesome, I played 3 seasons on it and never got bored, the classics like driver carrer and multiplayer are obviously still here. The Podium Pass is rewarding for players that play a lot, but is not necessary to advance in the game and everything you can win with it is purely cosmetic.
3293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 22:27
The only thing that bothers me is Online Ranked. There are a bunch of toxic people and I wish there was a better ban/report system in place. With something like that the online scene can be fixed. And that is much needed!
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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