Hey Adventurers! ????
The co-op beta on the PBB has been updated, here is the list of fixes:
Improved the Trade preparation UX:
- Added spinner of waiting for Trade agreement
- Trade is interrupted if trucks become far apart from each other
- Checking if the player we are offering a Trade to is already trading with someone and showing the status in the pre-trade
- Showing status ‘Trade refused’
The stage with the transfer of a quest item through the Trade window is counted the first time
- The watermark has been reduced
- Added the Delete button to the Trade window. This button removes unnecessary item from the Inventory
- Block with list of Recent/Blocked Players has become semi-transparent
- The popup Kick player from party has been centered
- Fixed UI bug related to the Warning modal window about creating a new save slot in co-op session
- Added several localization fixes
Known issues
- Lobby code doesn't work when entered in capital letters
- The game will go into softlock if a guest loses their internet connection on the loading screen in the co-op lobby
- When the player removes an item from Inventory during the Trade, an empty pop-up appears. It is possible to close it using regular controls
- A quest truck disappears from the map after re-entering the expeditions
- The guest can see buildings that were built in another session with other players
Next week update will include a lot of new features for beta-testing: