• Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.
  • Everreach: Project Eden: Screen zum Spiel Everreach: Project Eden.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 04.12.2019
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Preis Update 10.07.24

Über das Spiel

Everreach: Project Eden ist ein rasantes, handlungsbasiertes Action-RPG, das auf dem beeindruckend aussehenden Planeten Eden spielt. In Everreach spielst du Nora Harwood, ein Mitglied der Sicherheitsabteilung von Everreach. Diese wurde mit der Sicherung des Kolonisierungsprozesses von Eden beauftragt und untersucht geheimnisvolle Zwischenfälle.
Erkunde diese riesige fremde Welt und tauche ein in die Tiefen des Planeten, um die uralten Geheimnisse einer längst vergessenen Zivilisation zu entdecken. Everreach wartet mit taktischen Bodengefechten, motorisierter Kriegsführung in Hochgeschwindigkeit und einem packenden Stufen- und Fähigkeitensystem auf und zieht dich mit seiner faszinierenden Handlung sowie abwechslungsreichem Gameplay in seinen Bann.

  • Individualisiere deine Ausrüstung und Fähigkeiten in einem klassischen Fähigkeitsbaum mit über 80 Verbesserungen
  • Stürze dich in taktische Kämpfe, setze Kraftfelder ein oder nutze die Umgebung gegen deine Feinde
  • Erlebe 8 Stunden einer Geschichte von Michelle Clough, Spielautorin und ehemalige Verantwortliche für narrative Qualitätssicherung der Mass Effect-Trilogie
  • Genieße den wunderschönen Anblick Edens, gestaltet von einem Künstler, der bereits an Filmen wie WarCraft und Star Trek: Beyond beteiligt war
  • Schwing dich auf dein Hoverbike und stürze dich in rasante Fahrzeugschlachten

  • Genieße den wunderschönen Anblick Edens
  • Finde versteckte Beute und optionale Handlungsstränge in der offenen Welt
  • Enthülle das Schicksal anderer Zivilisationen in den detaillierten Überlieferungen von Everreach

Tauche für Stunden ein in die packende Geschichte von Michelle Clough, Spielautorin und ehemalige Verantwortliche für narrative Qualitätssicherung der Mass Effect-Trilogie.


  • CPU: Intel i3 Skylake or AMD FX-6000 series
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD7870
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
  • HD: 19 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 Skylake
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970/1660 TI or AMD Radeon RX 570/5700
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
  • HD: 19 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

405 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 18:27
Diese Rezension wird recht kurz!! Das Spiel ist noch nicht ausgereift, die Steuerung ist zwar anpassbar, aber die Umsetzung dessen ist GRAUENHAFT!!!! Auch das Gameplay ist unterirdisch schlecht. Ich habe es immer wieder versucht, doch noch etwas positives zu finden, aber hier ist nichts. Okay, die Landschaft ist ganz nett - das war es ...?! Keine Empfehlung - Null Komma Null Points!!
796 Produkte im Account
2138 Reviews
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 08:20
super pc spiel! h3h3
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 22:54
Es ist erkennbar wo die Entwickler hinwollten und ich würde Everreach sehr gerne weiterempfehlen können, ... aber es ist leider kein fertiges Spiel.
Das Gameplay verlangt eine Präzision (das ist das erste Mal, dass in einem derartigen Spiel die KI besser schießt als ich... selbst wenn das Fadenkreuz nicht ständig wegrutscht und ich dahin schießen kann, wo der Kopf des Gegners sein sollte), welche die Steuerung nicht erlaubt, die Animationen sind steif oder zittrig und das Spiel ist KURZ.
Das ist alles sehr schade, weil es sonst ein wirklich nettes Spiel ist. Mir ist klar, dass es ein kleines Entwicklerstudio mit geringen Möglichkeiten ist, was vermutlich bedeutet, dass Everreach nie wirklich fertiggestellt werden wird. Sollte das jedoch passieren, bin ich sofort bereit den Daumen runter in einen Daumen nach oben zu verwandeln.
Falls es je eine Fortsetzung geben sollte, die etwas mehr Feinschliff erhält, werde ich sie mir vermutlich holen.
445 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 00:16
Nettes kurzes Spiel.

Die Steuerung ist etwas hackelig. Man sollte bereit sein an diversen Stellen Ecken und Kanten zu erleben. Dafür bekommt aber eine netter Story die in 4 Stunden durch ist. Die Erzählung geht sauber durch ohne nervige Nebenquests. In den Missionen gibt es Nebenmissionen die aber die Story gut erzählen.



Ein netter kleiner Schooter mit netter Story für einen Abend.
501 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.19 13:45
Nett, aber eine unzumutbare Steuerung. Egal ob mit Hoover oder zu Fuß. Wird zurück gegeben.
102 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.19 08:38
is good
56 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.19 13:40
Zuerst stand auf der Shopseite dass die Oberfläche und Untertitel in Deutsch sind. Hab mich nach dem Starten gewundert dass nur Englisch geht. Jetzt steht plötzlich im Shop dass Deutsch nicht unterstützt wird. WAS SOLL DAS???

Spiel ist gelöscht und Rückerstattung beantragt!
452 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 00:11
I love sci-fi type games and despite the overall “mixed” review on the Steam store page for this title, I decided to give it a go. First and foremost, I’d like to will give the devs two thumbs-up for their tremendous effort on this project. I am not a programmer or game designer but I can only imagine the challenges of making a game on a very tight budget and hoping against all odds the project will not only excel but also be instrumental in making a name for the business. So, on the off-chance anyone from Elder Games reads this simple review, I wish the studio all the success in their future titles and next projects.

With that said, however, I am not inclined to give Everreach: Project Eden my top rating but also do not feel the game was so terrible that I should give it a horrible review. The best way to explain this dichotomy of feelings is with the words – frustrated and disappointed. I wanted to love this game with all the little quirks that other reviews have mentioned (e.g. aiming and gun play and janky player controls) but the killing point for me was what I will call an anomaly that I could not figure out how to get around. So, here’s what I mean specifically… the game world is designed beautifully and the player controls were a bit frustrating to me but not a deal killer. The disappointment came when I hit what I’ll call the third chapter anomaly. Nora’s stats when I entered the “hot zone” just simply disappeared. Strength, Stamina, Intelligence all were negative 1 (-1). Armor and health points were near the starting values. The end of the chapter requires the Nora to leave the outpost and return to Eden. The attack drone was so powerful, character with almost no health or armor and janky control, I was unable to get through this segment. I diligently tried to figure out what happened to Nora’s health / armor but could not ever get it back without starting the whole game over – which I did not want to do.

Since Steam only gives reviewers two choices, I am sad that based on my experience with this title, I cannot recommend this game in its present state. Again, I think the devs are onto some good things but Everreach: Project Eden just was a bit too frustrating and ultimately disappointing for me.
107 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 10:44
the controller options are terrible! You can hardly turn yourself left and right even after attempting to change the x and y axis of the controller through the options menu, the developers did not finish coding the controller part of the game and its terrible. How is it verified for steam deck and its not even ready for steam desk top?
326 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
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246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 15:25

Hoofit goes to Eden but finds its no paradise

There isn’t too much I can say about this game (phew you might think if you’ve read some of my longer reviews!). Everreach is an indy shooter with light rpg elements set in space, with some dialogue options and a mystery to be solved on a planet. Honestly and I’m not the first person to say this it’s a bit like a low budget version of the first Mass Effect. And that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but in this case it is bad unfortunately.

The good
Let’s start with its better bits. It’s got a decent story and world building; the world is pretty and interesting with alien monoliths interspersed with different habitats. The plot is involving in that I definitely wanted to know more what was going on, even if sometimes it is a little too earnest. It has an interesting droid companion and it has definite mass-effect vibes at times.

That is about it for the good, unfortunately.

The bad
There are a lot of bad so let’s start with the main issue. The gun combat, the central point of the game and for a large part of the game the only way you can interact with the enemy. (Until you get quite far down upgrade tree you have literally no abilities and just shoot).

It is quite frankly awful. You start with one customisable generic assault rifle, and eventually you get wait for it a pistol. That’s it, that’s all there is. This wouldn’t be too bad if the gun play was meaty and shots had impact, but honestly the generic enemies barely register any impact and it takes a lot of firing to kill even a basic drone.

Meanwhile if you get caught out of cover you are dead in seconds. That is unless the enemy AI has a not too uncommon blip. Sometimes enemies don’t shoot back, sometimes (though less commonly) they froze unmoving as I slowly chipped away at their health.

The game also utilises checkpoints as a way of recording progress which I’m not a big fan of. Honestly though modern checkpoint only games are normally fine with frequent, logical checkpoints. Not Everreach though, die and you may have to progress your side quest and do all of that 12 enemy set piece shoot out, then the extra encounter after it all again. Knowing you may get quickly killed and have to ‘enjoy’ the shoot out all over again.

The ugly
They are other issues. Long load times, sometimes terrible dialogue and pretty poor animations with random game freezes don’t encourage trying to stick out the awful combat. Combined with this are random game crashes- I seemed to get these more often when in the games upgrade menu, but had them in game too.

One last gripe- I put forward the contender for the most annoying vehicle in a computer game, the hover bike. It handles worse than the Mako in the original Mass Effect, has one weapon that needs to recharge and that can for some reason not target human enemies.

Anyways I appreciate Everreach is an Indy game and shouldn’t be judged as a big budget game, but is poor, sadly. There’s a good idea somewhere but it’s not fun to play.
3793 Produkte im Account
452 Reviews
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473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 04:00

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on... err, even MORE shame on you!”
~Spathi, Star Control 2

So, modern technologies... Gotta love 'em, right? Not only we've got those huge AAA titles that look incredibly realistic, modern technologies also allowed small teams to achieve quite a lot. Even when it's just you and a couple of your friends, you can still make a game that looks competitive. And it's a great thing. I mean, it's just that – small teams making good-looking projects, not just small and basic things. And Everreach: Project Eden is one of such games. I mean, look at screenshots. Look pretty neat, huh? Sure, those are not real screenshots (hello, Ubisoft, how ya doin'?) and yet, even though this game was made by only few guys, it looks totally competitive. Like one of those AA games that Focus Home Interactive usually publishes. Nice job, really.

Unfortunately, there's a thing about those small wannabe teams. Very often, they're just... noobish. Like, way too noobish. See, school kid can't just go and write a good novel. They can try and then keep trying until they'll become experienced enough to create something good, but until then it's just that – a long series of trials and errors. Same thing about video games. Kinda funny, but inexperienced video game developers often make the same exact mistakes with those school kids who try writing things. Very often, they don't even try to make something new. Just because they don't even have proper vision yet. They just go out and say “Hey, let's just make a game like that one we all loved playing!”. “Let's make our own WarCraft”, “let's make our own Fallout” and so on. In other words, it's not about creating yet, it's about imitating.

And unfortunately for us all, that's exactly what we've got ourselves here – an imitation. “Let's make our own Mass Effect!” said the guys from Elder Games, who already made their own Raiden (Solar Shifter EX) and their own StarCraft (Meridian: New World and its sequel). Spoiler alert – all of those games, while looking competitive, were painfully noobish and barely had enough gameplay in them. So, here comes their take on Mass Effect and, surprise, surprise! It's painfully noobish and barely has enough gameplay.

Long story short, we play as a security officer Nora Harwood, who totally isn't Samus Aran in Sarah Kerrigan's Ghost suit. And, while being accompanied by a drone called 73-Q (who totally isn't 343 Guilty Spark), we should help good guys in white armor (who totally aren't ODST from HALO) to fight bad guys and eventually reach the ancient alien structure that totally doesn't look like LV-426 derelict from Alien on the inside. And yes, it's that bad. The guys just copy / pasted a bunch of random design from popular franchises and called it a day. But of course, it's not the worst thing about Everreach.

The worst thing about this game is that, like all previous titles from Elder Games, it's painfully dumb and painfully empty. They called it “fast-paced, story-driven action-RPG”, but the funniest thing is – it's exactly the opposite. It's slow, it barely has a story and, of course, RPG element isn't really there. Sure, you can easily see that gameplay-wise, Elder Games tried to imitate Mass Effect. The battle mechanics look similar, the dialogues look similar and all in all, it's pretty similar. The problem is – all that comes with painfully cheap aftertaste, while content... Well, let me just give you numbers.

This game comes with only three missions (plus short intro and finale), each of which, despite the fact that gameplay here is really, really slow (God bless speedhacks) can be finished in about 30 minutes. There are only few dialogues and most of the time, your choices don't even matter. The only impact dialogues will make on game is that you'll be able to save your friend at the end of the game by choosing the right lines. Aside from that – there's nothing. Don't expect many optional objectives either. You'll only get a few of them and all of them will be painfully dumb and uninspired. The world is pretty small too and divided by tiny little maps (one map – one mission) with nothing on them. Except of some crates, of course, since this game comes with loot-based leveling (you spend loot to unlock skills), but that's just it. You come in, you kill everybody, you collect loot, repeat for a couple of hours and then press “uninstall” button.

Another lie from Elder Games is a gamepad support. They claim that their game was “designed to be played with mouse and keyboard or gamepad”, but guess what? Gamepad support is half-broken and acts incredibly weird. For example, half of the time my latest Xbox gamepad just refused to work in menus and I was unable to skip dialogues. Keyboard / mouse combo works fine, but... you know. Playing such games on keyboard / mouse combo is never a good idea, while lies are never a good thing either.

And that's my biggest problem with this game. I mean, there's nothing wrong with trying and failing. Part of the life, you know? We make mistakes and we learn from 'em. Helps us to evolve and become better versions of ourselves. But it looks like Elder Games just decided to join the Dark Side of The Force. Back in 2014, when they've released the first Meridian, it was easy to forgive them. I mean, the guys tried, the guys failed, the guys deserved a second chance. But now? Now they're just aiming for looks. Just to fool you. They make things that looks like a real deal and then they lie to make sales. And that is something I just can't support. It's all about “fool me once” thing. When developers just don't care about their reputation and choose to openly lie to us? Guess, it means something.

Everreach: Project Eden is not a “fast-paced, story-driven action-RPG”. It isn't fast, it isn't story-driven and it is not even an DPG. It's just a bunch of copy/pasted design and gameplay mechanics mixed together to provide us a couple of hours of gameplay in order to prevent people from calling it a scam. Nobody even tried to provide us with something real here. And naturally, you should not pay for this. At this point, I guess I can say that every time you see something from Elder Games you should just add it to your ignore list. As long, of course, as you don't want to waste your time on pointless shovelware. Dixi.
286 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 09:24
This game is the epitome of mixed. But since Steam only allow thumb up or thumb down, I lean more to thumb down because few reason. If you want a very light shooter and easy achievement, Everreach might perfect for you to buy on sale, took me 4 hours to beat.

Everreach have a pretty good concept, idea, and premise. Sadly the execution fell short, this game felt like a proof of concept for Mass Effect rather than a released game. With enough polish or maybe development time, this could be something more.

Visual wise, the world and overall design are pleasing. Music is serviceable, nothing memorable but good enough for a sci-fi vibe. There are some world building lore that enough to nudge your curiosity. Those are all the only positive for this game.

Biggest issue of this game is definitely gameplay. There is no feedback or impact on everything from running, shooting, to riding the bike. They all feels so floaty and even worse with all the invisible wall bump into you. And the shooting feels like using a laser tag gun, there is only sound cue with hit mark and nothing else. Kinda like Mass Effect 1 of shooting, but even less satisfying. Minigames for opening chest are obnoxious, controlling bike is awful, character progression is no that useful.

With all that said, Everreach have potential. I definitely interested if they make a sequel and improve upon this for a proper game.
1635 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 17:50
I finished this game. That says alot. Takes about 4-5 hours, give or take.

I give it Mediocrates seal of approval. Game is mediocre. In everything. It is not a great game. It is not a bad game.

Do I recommend it? No. But I give it a yes, because game is not bad enough to deserve no.

Highlights of the game are graphics of sceneries, 73-Q jokes, voice acting and last 5 minutes of story. Everything else is bad or average.
234 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 20:42
It's like a cheap Mass Effect clone, it is obviously ported from console and it shows.
The game feels like its in late alpha or early beta, I could start to tell you what was annoying but you can also read most other negative reviews..... they're right! This game is not worth more than 2$ at a key seller. Also it was released 2 years ago and look at the version number... it won't get any better.
34 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 00:17
Games trash. Shooting is barely passible as enemies will often get stuck on cover and stand in place while I shoot them. However, between the OKish shooting on foot you have the worst driving segments I've ever played. The controls on your hover bike are absolute trash. Theres no way to quickly turn and the slightest bump damages you. You have no control of the camera and if you stop moving the camera decides to lock onto your side so you can't see where you are going. You can't go too fast or you crash but if you slow down or stop the camera switches to your side. Add in being shot at and its a cluster fuck. You also have shit block falling mini games to open chest. The blocks falling to fall in the same lane as your little box you. So you can think you are ok but you hit the edge of the falling one and you lose! Worse yet the control on moving the box are too fucking floatly and I have no idea how far the fucking thing is going to move so I end up sliding into a box I would have other wised dodge. Because I can't move over just enough because I can't tell if I'm going to hit the edge of the falling one.

Story seems ok and the voice acting of the main character and the robot works. The shooting is passible and everything outside of it is of the highest garbage I've seen.
384 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 22:37
It's short, made by a small dev team, and gameplay is probably the worst you will ever experience.
That's about the short summary of the game.

I bought this at great discount (I think about 90% off). I saw the trailer and it looked interesting to me:
- a shooter
- alien world
- a mystery

I personally love games with a story/mystery. I knew before buying the game that the gameplay would be not as good as I'm used to.

The good:
- story kept me interested/curious playing the game
- nice background music
- spoken dialogs
- exploring
- puzzles
- achievements

The must be improved/unfinished:
- camera viewing in wrong direction sometimes
- NPC stuck in wall (reloading the game did help)
- hard to accurately point and shoot
- lagging aiming controls (mouse)
- lagging puzzle controls (kb)
- lot of walking/running long distance
- NPC walking through closed doors
- lot of reuse environment/level mapping

There is aim support setting for this game. I did not use it.
I did not use a controller/gamepad.

This game doesn't feel finished to me. I did not look up any details about the development.
The game is playable but could've done a lot better.
It took me about 5 hours to finish the game.
I enjoyed playing the game, loved the story and loved the mystery.
The game is a bit short.

I recommend buying the game with a discount. If you expect a high quality game, do not buy it.

I also want to thank the devs for making this game. Being only a very small team, I think this is a great accomplishment and I'm sure you can create great games in the future!
133 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 01:05
I love this game very fun to play. If you like Sci-Fi games this one would be good to get.
1257 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 03:42
Disclosure: I purchased this game at 75% off
This game had some potential. The fps elements were fairly solid, and it had a decent upgrade system.
So far, doing okay.
The game plays in a third person perspective, and the main character constantly stands on the left side of the screen (maybe there was a way to change this, i don't know). This means you are often vulnerable to enemy fire before you see your enemy when popping out from the left side of cover. On the other hand, if you circle around to the right side of cover, enemies often have trouble hitting you, while you can shoot them no problem.
Shortly after starting, you are thrust into a vehicle section. Now we start to get into some problems.
The vehicle controls have quite the learning curve to them, and your mission is to drive through what is essentially a mine field. So, controls are rough, and you immediately have to navigate with a fair amount of accuracy within a minute of being introduced to the vehicle.
As you progress, you will find there are some mini games for unlocking some of the crates containing resources, and this is a mixed bag. One mini-game requires you to problem solve an Eulerian graph by traversing each edge exactly once. It can be a little bit hard to figure out as it is timed and you don't get second chances, but on the whole, this was a novel idea. Next up is the arcade mini-game, which has you dodging falling blocks. The controls are extremely sensitive and many blocks typically fall at once, making this mini-game extremely frustrating.
The plot, sound effects, and voice acting are passable enough - nothing spectacular, but good enough that I don't feel the need to complain.
Lastly, the visuals are very well done. The game does look fantastic. And of course, the biggest draw to this game - DAT ASS! You have a female main character (who does resemble Nova Terra from Starcraft, so this whole game feels kind of like the Starcraft: Ghost game we never got) that is constantly standing in front of the camera and has a great figure when viewed from behind.
Overall, I would not recommend this one to most people. There is definitely some potential here, but at the same time, it feels like there were some glitches that were never worked out, glitches which may keep a lot of people from giving this game a fair chance.
It is a tough one to call as a simple yes or no, because having played the game all the way though, once you are used to the quirks, it isn't that bad.
517 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 16:43
Game is OK. its not optimized well. as in frame rate goes in the 500s during transition screens and hovers around 100 in game dippin to the 15 or so sometimes. Red chest start a mini game to unlock that you can choose when to quit or you open. However there is an often difficult light green chest that once you fail its locked forever. Logic puzzle about lines. Really wish you could repeat or try those again or if there was an Upgrade that made it more doable. That out of the way. The game play is fun but off. Like guard the bot quest and like 15 things just teleport in. It looks so bad and if you weren't behind cover you die in a sec. The bike riding missions are too long. A lot of it is just coasting and the controls for the bike are not fun. The game itself is unpolished but I kind of like it. For 5 bucks I say get it. EVEN if you dont like it you can show your friends some silly things. If I had to rate? eh.. Like a 4 or 5 out of ten. I really like the level up system in shooters.
121 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 07:54
game looks nice but seems to be broken. Got through the hoverbike chase, and leveled up through the first area. Hit the second area and all of a sudden my level, upgrades, and materials for upgrades were all gone. WTF. If you have to start over in each area then what is the point?
1951 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 11:51
Well, the idea was nice and so are those intros but not enough configuration options and please, when will they learn? Those save points ... made me uninstall the game. Ok, I could have used cheat engine for god mode but the aiming and how the character moves is just too terrible.
163 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 20:18
Dear Steam, please add a neutral or graded review option. Thank you.

Please note I've given this game a recommendation, but SOLELY on the reason that I got it for $1. If you're wondering if it's worth the typical asking price of $25 I'd say absolutely not. There are tons of better games for that price. But I'll give my break down on why it might be worth it to you (at the $1-$5 range).

-Story is actually decent for a 4-hour game.
-Graphics from a technical perspective look very nice.
-Gameplay is overall fun (just lower mouse sensitivity otherwise it's unplayable).
-The main character and robot pal dynamic is likable and wholesome.
-Music is actually really good. It's definitely a Tron: Legacy scenario where the music kind of carries a lot of the main product. Most enemy engagements or hacking segments went from meh to immersive with help of the great soundtrack and good headphones.

-Very odd/obnoxious gameplay design choices: It's a essentially a Mass Effect clone with no cover option, no grenades or Biotic powers, and shaky cam during conversations.
-Lots of bugs. Sometimes I'd be invincible, sometimes I'd float, sometimes I'd explode randomly. Game needed more love that I think it didn't get because so much of the budget was sunk into the graphics and by the time they realized how much work and money it'd take to actually make this game worth $25 it was too late.
-Animations during action scenes are awkwardly rigid.
-Obnoxious difficulty spike near the middle of the game. It goes from fairly easy, to STUPID hard (thank you, weird geometry enemies can shoot around), then back to fairly easy.
-Checkpoint system only. Yay, more garbage Dark Souls inspiration in modern gaming. If you die, you go back. Typically not that big of an issue, but during the mid-game difficulty spike you can't help but wonder why they just didn't allow a manual save system like Half-Life or, you know, Mass Effect?

I'd definitely reiterate this game isn't worth $25 in the state it's in--and it's unlikely to change. I did have some fun as a $1 experience of a decent story, serviceable gameplay, and great music.
482 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
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347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 05:40
The basic premise is fine. Over the shoulder shooter with a character that's physically a hybrid of Starcraft's Nova and Metroid's Samus. The story is solid. Predictable and short, but solid, and it doesn't need to be much longer. The writing and voice acting is also good enough. All of that works. Unfortunately, the mechanics don't.

Characters mostly look like zombies shambling out of the uncanny valley. Invisible walls will stop you, and if they don't pebbles will. Your radar will simply stop working. Some minigames will annoy you. The hover cycle's controls will infuriate you; its camera certainly will. You will occasionally get locked out of movement, requiring you to reboot... except that saves are only by check point so you will lose progress. Once in a while, it will save you the trouble and crash to desktop itself.

This game has a lot of promise. Decent protagonist. Good story. Interesting enough banter with your robot. These are good ingredients. Yet it simply cannot fulfill that potential because the game was either not properly tested or the developers just didn't care about the bugs.
1012 Produkte im Account
534 Reviews
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 00:12
This game is Mass Effect Lite: Ultimate Jank Edition, and that's fine if you have a tolerance and patience for games like this. It's far from perfect and has a lot of issues, but to me it feels an early 2000's pc or PS2 game (except with much nicer graphics), of which I enjoyed that particular era of games.

The graphics are really nice, the voice acting is ok, and the story is decent. Combat is serviceable. There's dialogue choices but most of them don't really matter. However there is one that at the endgame that does which was cool.

But the big part- the worst part- is performance and gameplay mechanics. Now not everyone has performance problems, and some can run the game at 1060/60 no problem. Unfortunately for me though that wasn't the case.

First, the frame rate always was around 30-40-ish mark with some stuttering and frame drops all throughout the game. I haven't dealt with a game like this since Drakengard 3 or Deadly Premonition on PS3, and those games were ROUGH. No matter what resolution or settings I chose it was always the same.

Second is mechanics. Checkpoints are spread out thinly, combined with enemies do a lot of damage to you so you're going to die a lot early on. The AI also can be really dumb but sometimes it can be brutal.

Third is controls. I'm a controller guy, so I used the games built in gamepad support. It worked...ok except one huge flaw- rotating the camera is slow. Like REALLY slow. (Protip #1: Use steams big picture mode and instead of using gamepad, select keyboard and mouse which maps buttons in familiar buttons, but turn down the right stick sensitivity down. WAY down. You may need to adjust it too in game as well). Feels a million times better. When you're on your hoverbike it takes a lot of practice to control and you can't rotate the camera at all either. Also, sometimes the pause menu would work, other times it wouldn't so I'd have to use my mouse to navigate them. Some abilities I gained later in the game also would or wouldn't work if I closed out the game and came back to it another day.

But I did find some light at the end of the tunnel in the upgrade system which eases a couple of problems. You can increase your health, shield, get new abilities, etc. Hell, there's a whole upgrade tree that's pretty good, but of course you gotta play the game, earn XP to unlock it. This helps a little with dying all the time and checkpoints problem, (protip #2: allocate points to strength so you can unlock and buy upgrades for your health and shields).

So with all this jank, why a positive review? Well, like I said earlier it feels an early 2000's game, which I liked. Also, this is from a very small dev team with limited resources and they probably just didn't have the manpower and money to keep going. That I can forgive. They're still active on the forums and seem really sincere. Now if this game was made by a huge studio like EA or Ubisoft I would bash the shit out of it because they have almost unlimited funds. But it's not. The ending credits screen is a surprisingly tiny amount of people. And if that small group of people can put out a game that has that spark but really, really rough around the edges I can sympathize. I've never made a game in my life but I can only imagine how difficult it can be.

I wish the team the best and hope they can come back to this game and fix it someday because I think it has potential. And maybe we could get a sequel too because it seemed primed for one.
1589 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 03:38
a big no
game mechanics unpolished
dumb and repetetive missions
waste of time, rly
251 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 09:52
First thing you notice is that the movement system is clunky. Otherwise the production quality is actually quite high. You have cut-scenes, voice acting and fancy UI. The story is also pretty good and sweet. It's basically a Mass Effect mission or Star Trek episode.
354 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 23:14
Would like to like it but there are constant rubberbanding in a single player game :/
The bullets in game can go through rock edges or solid walls ?
The NPCs can shoot and hit you casually at 3 times of your firing range ...
Yet the most annoying of them all is there is no manual save and you have to reach long checkpoints to get an autosave which means good luck lol
454 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 05:14

About all I can say that's positive about this game is the lighting/models. Those were actually really nice. Everything else just threw me off immediately. Opening cutscene filled with poor/choppy animations. Thought I could overlook that. But then I got into the game and the camera moved so freaking slow. Thought I might have to bump the sensitivity up, and with how slow it felt I thought I might have to raise it all the way. After finding my way to the (poorly laid out) UI for the settings I see that the sensitivity was already at max... lmao. Noped right outta there.
2605 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 19:44
Everreach: Project Eden is a fun third-person shooter it has a nice and fairly decent story and sound track you can see alot of the game was inspired by Mass Effect. The story ends on a cliffhanger leaving an option of a sequel.
The negative side of this game from my point of view was the frame drops and you getting stuck to some walls and rocks especially wend you where trying to escape heavy fire.
So at the end it's a 50/50 to buy this game depending if the negative is a major for you ( not has much for me), i do give this game a solid 6/10 it was overall a fun game and enjoyable.
617 Produkte im Account
214 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 21:19
Halo level bad vehicle controls
Compensated by bubble butt

Red Dead Redemption level stupid enemy AI
Compensated by laser sniper accurate pistol

Controller has to be configured using steam since it doesn't match the ingame help
Compensated by thin paintjob serving as excuse for armor

Hilariously bad voiceacting (is that even a woman talking or a male dev with a voice scrambler?)
Compensated by giving me a few good laughs

Two kinds of stupid box unlocking riddles
Compensated by.... ok I got nothing.

Weird and erratic upgrading which sometimes autoupgrades
Compensa ... screw it. its just bad

Still, for some reason it's fun. Probably since it does some things just as badly as some AAA titles while somehow staying more playable and lighthearted. And I'd rather run around an alien planet as a trigger happy dimbo than some overly serious metal hunk or a TBC victim
234 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 00:15
The game starts well with strong Mass Effect vibes but peters out mid-game. The combat mechanics seem like an afterthought. Impossible to tell if you're shooting accurately because half the time the shots miss even if you've aimed the reticle correctly. I could overlook this because I'm always down for sci-fi games, but then I got to the hover bike. The hover bike absolutely ruined the game for me. I had to stop playing each time I reached a hover bike level just to cool my head. There are several hover bike levels. The thing is impossible to control well, but you're expected to weave between enemy fire and through narrow gulches and ravines without hitting the sides, because you'll take damage if you do.
291 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 20:45
Dont buy it.
Its FULL OF BUGS. and POORLY OPTIMIZED. its just no fun. What could 've been a interesting story and game.
Missed chance!
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 07:49
The controls are sluggish and very imprecise.
Walking: one cannot take a small step, but instead lurches about like a drunkard.
Chests with cyan lids require you to connect nodes in order to draw each line, but you have a single chance to open them before the few seconds of time runs out.
Chests with red lids start this 'falling blocks' mini-game where you try to avoid touching the falling blocks with your block -- however, there is a delay between keypress and movement, and the amount of movement is almost completely random.
Vehicle control ignores mouse movement, unlike walking, and again, the controls are sluggish and imprecise.
Even with motion blur disabled, simple walking leaves short-lived after images of limbs and weapons.
If the developer had spent half the time refining controls as they did adding bloom, lens flare, blur, after images, random unnecessary character motion, and other effects that REDUCE the visual quality, they might have had a decent game.
The story may be a redeeming feature, but I'll never know. I consider this money wasted, as I'll not be playing it again.

I don't recommend that anyone wastes their money on this game or even play it for free. The frustration involved is too great a hurdle.
1083 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 23:17
I had experience this game for myself, and purchased it during the current sale. It's all about perception really with this game or any game. I wasn't expecting much based on the reviews, and also the amount paid for the title.

The game definitely has most of the issues mentioned in the reviews, and some I found on my own. Also, the story was a bit short.
That said, I have to say I enjoyed this game very much (again perception). The story and dialog are pretty good. The one liners from the 73 robot made me laugh.

The complaints about the hover bike, and issues with combat/gun firing/aiming etc, are all true WHEN YOU FIRST START OUT. Really like any game, you have to learn how it works. This one takes some getting used to. I found once I became used to the mechanics of the game, things became much easier to manage and actually fun.
1874 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 21:33
Looks good but doesn't play all that well. Controls(mkb) were stiff and aiming was overly accelerated which made aiming difficult. No FOV settings didn't help. Death was too easy. If you didn't stay out of range of enemies then they would tear through your shields almost instantly. There are upgrades/skills but only hours in i felt it was hard to survive a simple low level battle without distance or cover. Ammo was scant, and the only way to heal that i encountered was to just sit and wait. There were shield and overcharge controls for your shielding but nothing worked, or was not active in the hours i played.

I wanted to like this game and played far beyond my aggravation level making sure to give it a chance and that i am not overreacting. But it never got any better for me and ultimately ended when i got waypoints that i could neither find on the map or in the game. I should have refunded.
20 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 19:32
It's alright. There are some things that made me wanna punch my desk a lot (I'm looking at you, red box with a puzzle), there are some ripoffs from LotR, the story itself is not something you would be amazed from. But it's alright.
1562 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 00:09
A nice poor mans Mass Effect. Pretty good for the few bucks it costed.
553 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 06:12
Terrible controls. Terrible collision detection. Game is just rough all around.
1306 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 13:21
Let's firstly address the elephant in the room. Yeah this game is pretty low budget and the animations aren't amazing.

So Everreach is a third person shooter and more or less a budget Mass Effect 1 in a way, the gameplay is similar, the leveling and hacking mini-games too.
But despite that I had a lot of fun playing through the game and really enjoyed my time with it.
The music was really good, the gameplay really scratched that Mass Effect 1 itch and I enjoyed the story.

It's not terribly long so it certainly doesn't overstay it's welcome, if you can get it on sale and know what you're getting into then I wholly recommend it!
446 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
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22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 04:07
I should have paid attention to all the negative reviews, but I wanted to believe this was actually a diamond in the rough. Unfortunately, although it has a lot of potential it is as bad as everyone says. Stuttering despite high frame rate, awful animations and clunky controls really make this not worth the effort. Also, sub par options and no ability to change options in game paired with an autosave system (so you can't jump to the main menu to change options without losing progress) are the icing on top. I hoped this would scratch my Mass Effect itch, but it just made me scratch my head in confusion and disappointment.
131 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
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82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 19:47
The best way I can describe this game is as a poor man's Mass Effect 1. It tries to be a good third-person shooter, and it has some promise when you first fire it up, but you quickly come to realize there's not much there. After a couple of hours, I got so bored I had to put it down.

There are lots of issues here contributing to that boredom, not the least of which is that in the first two hours you fight two versions of drones and one type of humanoid enemy. That's it. There's no enemy variety, and even worse, the AI is terrible. Literally enemies do one of two things - 1) they move side to side like a shooting gallery, never once trying to dodge you, take cover, or flank you, or 2) they get stuck in the level elements like trees and boxes while you just shoot them in the back.

The leveling system is also pretty bad. You don't get any new powers or anything, and are stuck with the same rifle and pistol. Eventually, I guess you can unlock a shield charge or overload, but those types of powers are at the very end of the skill tree for late game. The rest of your 'upgrades' are just passive skills like making your health regenerate faster.

The gunplay is also horrible. The weapons have no recoil or oomph to them. They flash, but it never seems like they are actually firing or hitting anything. Enemies don't react to being shot at all. Basically, if the health bar on enemies didn't decrease, you'd have no idea you were actually pulling the trigger. There's also a crouch button, but I don't know why. You CAN take cover by moving behind objects, but there's no real 'stick to cover' type of feature like in Mass Effect, Gears, or other popular third-person shooters.

Overall, gotta say that while I think they had a good idea with the story here, and the protagonist seems cool, the rest of it is just a mess.
375 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 21:11
I liked this game because it's a small studio who worked hard for 3 years to create a game that looks good and is reasonably enjoyable to play.

A few tips for anyone struggling with the controls.

If you can, use a keyboard and mouse for the walking bits and a gamepad for the bike bits. The turn-rate on the game-pad was too slow for me to cope with, you might find it the same. The sensitivity setting affects both the gamepad and the mouse, so dropping it so you can use the mouse means the gamepad becomes even slower, but this isn't an issue for the bike bits as it seems to work just fine.

If you're using a mouse, you might want to turn off motion blur, I couldn't cope with that.

Also, if you're really struggling with the combat, even with Easy mode on, hide behind things with your weapon pointing out on the right side of it, you'll find it easier to hit the enemy and harder for the enemy to hit you.

Improvements I would make are going to menus pausing the game, being able to access the full menu from in-game as well as the start screen, shrinking the progress trees so you can realistically unlock more of it in a playthrough, or add a New Game+ mode where you can keep what you've unlocked and go again. Would be worth it for [spoiler]the other option for handing over the dog tags, saving/not saving Jay and checking out the other ending.[/spoiler]
163 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 00:21
Pretty good so far. Has a distinct [Mass Effect] feel to it both in story and structure and the way it plays. It does not have the character, story, and lore depth of ME but it's not half bad.

It does have some technical problems; the controls (certainly with kb+m) are a bit sticky and the checkpoint save system is a bit annoying.

Edit (now that Iv'e played more of the game): One particular very bad thing that needs mentioning. The hover-bike missions are truly terrible. Idiotic and zero fun. The controls for the bike are so ridiculously clunky and the missions require you to do things that clearly were designed for far better control over the vehicle. Thankfully those missions are short; although expect to have to redo them about 20 times before you get though them!

The rest of the game is actually quite enjoyable, so I'm still recommending it.
367 Produkte im Account
219 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 21:49
Clunky controls and long loading times. It is not that bad, but needs polishing.

The story is OK, short game 5 - 6 hours to complete. The story building is not bad, and features like the upgrade tree make me infer that these were designed for a far more longer game.

I recommend this game with reserves and only if you have tolerance to clunky and unpolished games.
557 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 06:52
This game is completely unplayable if you use keyboard/mouse
248 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 00:15
Some of the controls are a bit unusual but the story and game play are very enjoyable.
783 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 05:57
Minor spoilers ahoy.

A short game (I've all achievements and did every quest at 5.4 hours, and some of that time was spent paused or recovering from deaths from decidedly dumb mistakes). The story was relatively interesting - you can certainly see the Mass Effect influence here, and I don't mean that in a negative way. Nothing in the game was mind blowing, but when the entire development team consists of like, eight people, and they decided to take on a project with as many moving parts as this one? The fact that it wasn't a horrific mess is to be applauded. That the game was actually quite fun despite its flaws? A great achievement for an indie studio.

The ending was a real highlight, for sure. Very much so enjoyed it.

The biggest negatives, really, are mostly from being used to the polish of AAA games. Animations are a little janky, enemy AI is... not great, to put it mildly, and some (mostly one) of the mini-games were completely infuriating.
Minor gripes: Sometimes the aiming is a little off in the combat. Using the menu with a controller is a chore, and dialogue and harder mini-games were a nightmare with it.

That being said, the art is pretty damn good. While most of the characters weren't exactly standouts or birthing a new legend, 73 was an absolute treat, and Nora grew on me as the story progressed.

So, final thoughts:
I enjoyed myself. It was an fun way to spend an evening. It wasn't the second coming of Baldur's Gate or Mass Effect, but it was enjoyable with a couple memorable characters and a pretty good story. It's flaws didn't stand out so heavily that I never wanted to play anymore. I only ran into one minor bug and one crash, so the stability and QA were pretty good. I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of in-universe sequel.

Tips, I guess:
If you use mouse and keyboard, turn the sensitivity WAY down low. It starts at a million miles an hour at default, swinging your raggedy ass all over the place. And you have to exit to the main menu to access the options, so either do it right away or right after a checkpoint. If you use controller, be ready to switch to mouse and keyboard for the mini-games and dialogue choices.
There's no manual saving in this. Any time you trigger a checkpoint, you're good to go, but you can't save/load your way to victory or to change decisions.
Take cover. Seriously. The AI might be janky, but once they start shooting your HP tanks really fast.
If you want to actually move fast, put your gun away. Note that holstering or switching weapons takes a second or two. Don't do this mid-combat unless you have no choice. And if you have to, see above tip: take cover.
If you're somewhere that a mini-map doesn't show up, then there won't be any combat.
179 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 01:37
I tried. I love the idea of the game, and the aesthetic. But the gameplay is clunky, amateur and generally not great. I'm willing to give B-grade games a shot... Heck, some of my favorites are B-games, but this... I feel bad being so negative because it's clearly a small team, but they obviously put all their resources into the (pretty good, so long as you don't pay much attention to the faces) graphics, and not the gameplay. Enemies materialize out of thin air, you can shoot through obstacles, and it's nonsensical invisible walls galore outdoors. If you don't want me walking somewhere, at least put a mountain or a ravine or something in my way, which they do sometimes, but not always. On the positive side, the graphics are pretty good, if samey, the electronica music is good, and.... Well, that's about it actually. And the hoverbike isn't as bad as others say, it's just not great, either.
407 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 19:43
Game might be nice, but unfortunatly the control scheme for keyboard and mouse are atrociously terrible. The vehicle driving parts are so bad it actually made me alt+f4.
1179 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 00:55
This so called game feels more like an unfinished demo. It is unsatisfying in every aspect, especially the core which is running around and shooting, which is just dull and lifeless. I only finished this game because it was so short, but the ending barely manages to provide the answer for the mystery of the story and then just kind of stops abruptly. While I could have enjoyed such a simple game if have provided good mobility at least, I was left wanting constantly. From the complete lack of any jump, which left me frequently stuck on any object of terrain, to the incredibly pathetic stamina bar which only lets you sprint for a few seconds, and the miserable bike thing that handles like trash, I hated moving around the dull, linear levels.
The only good thing about this game is the skin tight suit on the hot girl wearing bright, glowing armor that provided the opposite of camouflage. Her butt was my only joy.
505 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 18:43
Tl;dr - The game felt like a chore to play and often got in the way of itself.

Good: The visuals and audio are good, similar to Mass Effect series (particularly #1).

Bad: Controls are extremely clunky (unresponsive and sluggish movement, clipping issues, etc.), interfaces are so-so, content is lacking, cutscene animations seem like there wasnt much budget for it (the facial animations were acceptable though).
1075 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 17:51
It is nothing groundbreakingly great but for an indie game there is nothing negative i can say.
only negative i can think of is its too short. about 12 hours and i played through it twice, second playthrough was to pick up a few achievements i missed the first playthrough .
I recommend , a lot of potential for this Dev for future games
1100 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 00:21
The idea (story/concept, gameplay) is 'fine', nothing new or groundbreaking. However the execution of the idea(s) in the game are not good. It's not a good game, sadly. I'm glad I got it in a Humble Bundle.

The third-person shooting gameplay is some of the worst I've played. This is a great game for people learning about gameplay, the need of good sound design and the impact your weapons need to have in a game for it to feel right. This does it all wrong, you feel like you're just shooting air at enemies until they play dead because they feel sorry for you. There's no punch in the sound design, there's no impact at all. If they had at least provided a mediocre tps experience it'd be okay enough for me. But they failed at that.

The 'hoverbike' controls so terribly, and it's painfully slow as well and you can't move the camera while on it. The areas are massive for no real reason, it just pads the runtime of the game. I swear at least an hour of the game is me just running from one point to another.

'Easy' isn't really since you can at times be shredded to nothing in seconds from one enemy. Other times the AI is so dumb they just walk back and forth as you shoot them, or stand there and die. The encounter design is not great, when you defend something drones just pop into existence for the most part. And you just stand behind a rock or whatever and shoot from behind it exploiting being able to shoot through cover like a lot of tps have.

There are tedious minigames on locked chests for no reason. I don't mind the slide puzzles, but the one try puzzles suck [draw a line from every point, but you can only go in a direction once]. And there are ones where you have a square controlled by a+d and you avoid falling blocks. Infinite tries but it controls poorly and you have to last 30 seconds without being hit and it's random each time so you have to pray you don't waste 5 minutes on these stupid things.

You often get stuck on things just trying to move around, there's no jumping and lots of invisible walls where you can't walk off a cliff to a path below and have to go around for no reason.

It's just a mess. And the upgrades and abilities are largely pointless since there's just two enemy types anyway. Humans and then floating drones. Granted two types of drones by the end, but that's hardly a lot of variety.

The most interesting mechanic is only used once, it gives you the chance to get a leg up in a battle by having your robot pal distract them but you'd have to trade off resources to repair them... but they didn't do anything with it.

I went in expecting it to be pretty janky, but I was not prepared. And boy the framerate is atrocious, and you can't change graphical settings ingame. And the game has terrible checkpoints, I beat one area to hack a tower. Then went to the next one, blew up in my awful hoverbike and then it made me do the first tower again and watch a cutscene again.

Controller never worked properly for me and the game struggles to not read a controller when there isn't one there, it was a huge mess just trying to get the controllers working for either m/k or controller.

Do not bother with this game. Also the main character's butt is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. It's like she surgically separated her butt cheeks and moved them to her legs so they wouldn't ever rub together. Credit song was okay. That's probably the highlight of the game... though it may have just been relief that the game was finally over.

edit; idk why it says 3 hours, it should be more around 5h. I also forgot to laugh at the price of this game. ridiculous.
415 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 01:28
I haven't played it for long, I know.

The game controls badly, there are no control settings, and the settings in general are pretty bad.
The game is basically controller only if you have one plugged in at least.
It looks and sounds good, but the feel is weird.
520 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 16:33
its to bad they have never done anything about the stuttering.even worse
the dev/devs seems to think theres an acceptable level thats ok
bad control is never acceptable.
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 13:52
The game was interesting. I played on normal difficulty and found it a challenge to beat it. The challenge was the control scheme more than anything, for me especially the hover bike. There are times where your goal is to move in around the enemy following patterns.
Note, if you plan on playing with keyboard/mouse, make sure your joysticks or gamepads are unplugged before you start.
65 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 05:34
Nice game, pretty linear game play. Short story line. Calling it a RPG is a bit of a stretch from my perspective.

I bought it at 50% off... I think at 80% off I would have been happy with it.
547 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 03:26
Steam needs a neutral rating, or something. Maybe a five star rating system. I'd give this a 3/5
The good: Graphics are decent. The character models are good and the faces work well. Level design isn't terrible. Plot kept me invested enough to keep going.
The bad: There's not much to the gameplay. There's only two weapons. There's a pistol and an automatic rifle. There's a skill tree. The enemies could all kill me almost instantly no matter what investments I made in the tree. On normal difficulty, the AI is lethal at close range, but not if you are right at the edge of their aggro range. The third person perspective is annoying and only serves to show off the main character's female body. The camera angle is wrong for third person perspective. It is too low. Like things are trying to kill me and there's a butt in my face. It gets worse when you're in tight quarters, or trying to use precision aiming. Level design is confusing in places, but the minimap sort of helps.
Verdict: thumbs up for the effort and for a halfway decent plot. I wish it were a little longer. It isn't a walking simulator, at least. There's enough of a challenge that I think the game is OK. I've played worse FPS single player campaigns from AAA titles. This wasn't bad. Get it on sale.
1129 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
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39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 06:54
I really don't want to write this review with the intention of attacking the devs of the game, but I just absolutely face palm moment after moment with this game. I had low expectations for this as a mass effect inspired title, but the inspirations must be for the clunkyness of ME 1. The writing, the humor, the story, the gameplay, the load times, the game setting and the menu/UI all flop hard for a game that took 3 years in development and don't justify $24 as an asking price. I got my copy for $12 and i wish i didn't wait so long to try this game so i could refund it.

closing statements:
- if the Main character could run for more than 10 seconds at a time and have a toggle sprint, you could beat the game in 30 minutes, but the load screens rack up play hours
- should be alpha or EA but isn't, also feels like a porno sans porn of mass effect
- hit or miss like the gun the Main character uses, levels are empty and exploration is not rewarded except with a datapad or useless loot

TL:DR take this off your wishlist and don't buy it, even on sale
1453 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 16:25
It looks like Mass Effect, of course, but with a much lower budget Elder Games managed to provide a very nice game!
The story starts a bit cliché but it has its surprises.
The graphics are very good, the music is too but it could have used more ambient tracks.
The shooting part is a bit clunky. You'd better play this game for the Sci-Fi trip rather than for a shooting game in space.
Voice acting is good and the humor works well.

Overall, it's a nice voyage on a new planet. I hope there will be more games like this one by the devs.
114 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
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1941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 07:00


No game update in over 4months... seems the devs just abandoned this game...

Anyway, I'll continue with my review and give my opinion on what the game has to offer right now:

Pros: #1. The game looks good (not great, just good)
#2. The game has a big talent tree, although the tooltips on the talent tree leave a lot to be desired
#3. The story-line is interesting
#4. The game is ambitious, and it succeeds in making you say 'ok, that was cool' in a few places (although, it fails most of the time)

Cons: #1. The game costs $25... that's the same as Far Cry 4 and Fallout 4... this reason ALONE should be enough for you to pass on this game... it simply can't compete with other games in this price range.
#2. There's no manual saving at all (the game uses a checkpoint system of saving)
#3. Checkpoints are few and far between
#4. Cutscenes can't be skipped
#5. Some 'chests' are opened only after completing a mini-game... problem is that the mini-game starts immediately upon opening the chest, so you have zero chance of planning your route AND the mini-games are too difficult
#6. Upon losing the mini-game on 'chests', you lose that loot permanently (you lose experience as well, since you get experience for opening chests).
#7. The game runs like trash! I'm playing the game on medium graphics, and I'm getting stuttering and my fps is constantly below 50fps with 100% utilization of my 1070GTX 8GB card, which is CRAZY
#8. You cannot jump
#9. You cannot drop down from ANY platform, even if the platform is like 1inch
#10. Ammo-management is extremely important... you CANNOT just spray-and-pray because you'll run out of bullets in a single fight
#11. The game world is 100% linear
#12. The voice acting is sub-par
#13. You HAVE to play cautiously, and hide behind stuff. There's many enemies in the game that can easily kill you in a 1v1 fight.

For more reviews, visit my curator page : https://store.steampowered.com/curator/7851637/
For my full recommended list of games: https://steamcommunity.com/id/lfpg/recommended/
1479 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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1183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 15:59
TL;DR: i don`t recommend this even on a sale.

Bought this when reviews were better and most either looked like they were written by illiterate children or people who can`t open options and change some parameters, while devs were still fixing things.

Now that i`ve finaly managed to play this, i can see the reason for those reviews. The game is that bad in all its parts: Controls, level design, sounds and voices (music is very nice though) failure to respect configuration, texture clippings, model jerking, saving system and object view distance. I don`t have a controller, so i`m not sure if it makes things at least a little bit better. Some bad parts come from the fact that it is a console port.

Exploration, combat and story were not entertaining - and there isn`t anything else. Game difficulty comes from bad design and worse controls. Amount of content is very low for that price (not that you really want more of it).

As i understand, this is the first project of that developer. But it is also the 'last', because the team was restructured. So there is no 'support the developer for new and better projects', hence a totally negative review.
76 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 12:24
Controls is a little bit clunky but it is very entertaining to play
102 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 22:44
Started the game and it ran like hot trash. Mouse movement felt disgusting. The entire movement system was bad. Plugged my xbox control in and it was a little better. Save your money this is obviously a cash grab trash heap of a game
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 11:44
I really wanted to like this game.
I went in open minded hoping it would be rough but great - unfortunately it didn’t make it (for me).
I struggled with the voice acting, hover bike, clunky interface but struggled through. The straw that broke the camels back was basically the save system. I would play for 15 minutes, without the ability to save, push too hard and die. There are natural breaks in fights I wanted to save, but it wouldn’t allowZ
After this happened 3-4 times, still in early game, I realised I just wasn’t enjoying it. So it’s done for me!
16 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 21:46
I heard this game was made by one guy. This is really not bad for one guy. People who like space games will find this game OK. The graphics are good. Sci-fi environments look sci-fi enough. There is even some alien wildlife. But some controls feel really awkward. The rifle's aim is somewhat unpredictable. The hoverbike can move and turn at the same time which is not most people expect. This game is mostly for sci-fi fans.
440 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 04:15
I can shoot through walls, rocks etc with a pistol. So long as my crosshair covers it.
The animations float. I mean Float..... Heads wobble all over the place.
Assets from the Unity engine copy pasted all over the place.
Aim, okay, don't even bother. Janky as rubbish.
Does it have a storyline? Can't really be bothered finding out.
Oh funny bug. Whilst up higher, run/sprint. You end up in the air?
106 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 01:51
Not a very well made game
Not very well thought out mini games to get into loot, with games that have no connection to the in game world why these things are hacking, they're just not even fun to play.
The graphics and things in the world to not match up with what you can shoot through, a small rail gives the enemy cover even though you can see them sitting RIGHT THERE.
Enemy weapons have a further firing distance.
Enemies wander off in the middle of the fight to look at the scenery.
Enemies can shoot through each other.
Upgrades feel uninteresting and don't really help the character in any interesting way, plus at least the Force Field is too slow to deploy.
Nora can't move and switch weapons, and switching weapons is more of an ammo chore than something to do for interesting game play, like switching rather than reloading.
Most enemies are just bullet sponges.
Exploration is boring and is just to find upgrade parts, so you SLOWLY travel the map looking for random boxes.
The little hove bike sucks and is awful to control, plus there are invincible enemies because... their lower half is behind cover?
Random things like, a clump of dirt, a blade of grass, or being to close to something that Nora doesn't want you near can stop her from walking, making to strafe to get around the invisible thing to keep moving.
I honestly feels like it should be a better game but no one tested it to get the basic functions right, and worst of all the game play is boring with the hint of an actually interesting story line.
Logo for Everreach: Project Eden
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
47.6% 119 131
Release:04.12.2019 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Elder_Games Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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