Neueste Aktualisierung v.645934

Patch Notes - Patch

aktualisiert: 03.12.24 22:04
Patch #6 v. (Patch #6 v.
Enshrouded - Wiki - Patch #6 v.

  • The Arachnophobia user setting now affects all types of spiders. When switched on, all enemy spider models are replaced by a replacement model. We also would like to apologize for making spiders even bigger last time around. Nothing personal, we just love creepy crawlies.
  • Fixed an issue with bosses not starting the fight correctly when the perception range setting was lowered in world settings. Perception range scaling has been disabled for bosses, because they probably wouldn't be ignoring your challenge.
  • Improved the trigger conditions for the quest concerning the epic musical instruments. It now only requires the player to obtain the drums to get triggered.
  • Added more fallback requirements to various quests to make them trigger more reliably.
  • Further improved the performance of worlds with many animals and villagers.
  • Fixed a graphical issue with sandstone and limestone when used as terrain material. If you know you know.
  • Updated the visuals for the granite material.
  • Villagers and animals now look at players when nearby.
  • Fixed some edge cases where the alert state timer display for animal taming was displayed incorrectly.
  • Improved the walking animations for the Blacksmith.
  • Any active combat target lock is now automatically cleared when switching into building mode with the Construction Hammer.
  • Fixed an issue that deleted items from the backpack when moving them with the shortcut button while in the conversation with a crafting NPC.
  • Improved the audio in situations with very large enemy crowds, such as the Hollow Halls when playing in a world with the enemy spawn density set to very high. It was hell.
  • Removed Shroud Banshees and too-high-leveled Shroud melee soldiers from an early-game cave.
  • Fixed additional instances, where moving equipment parts suddenly stretch very far away from the player character.
  • The multiplayer lobby now hides friends hosting sessions with a version of the game that is different from one’s own. In previous updates, it was possible to see the sessions hosted by friends which led to the message “The server is full or not available” when trying to join them while having different versions of the game. We hope the change will avoid confusion.

Thanks again for your feedback and reports, they really do help us make Enshrouded better for everyone!