News Liste Enshrouded

Update v0.7.1.0 Hollow Halls erschienen
Enshrouded - Update v0.7.1.0 Hollow Halls erschienen
26.03.24 15:11 Update Plattform: Multi
Endlich ist das erste große Update v0.7.1.0 Hollow Halls für das deutsche Erfolgsspiel Enshrouded erschienen.
Endlich ist das erste große Update v0.7.1.0 Hollow Halls für das deutsche Erfolgsspiel Enshrouded erschienen.
Wie von Entwickler Keen Games angekündigt über die Roadmap ist nun heute ihr erstes großes Update erschienen. Mit Version und dem Titel Hollow Halls kommen massig neue Inhalte für die Alpha im Early Access. Zudem ist die Liste der Patchnots gewaltig, was sich auch an der Update-Größe ablesen läßt. Diese erfordert mindestens 7 GB Speicherplatz auf der Festplatte (Update 6,6GB).

Im unteren Trailer kann sich über die neuen Inhalte informiert werden.

  • Each biome has a new playable area called the “Hollow Halls”, with enemies and challenges corresponding to the level of the biome. These daunting new dungeons come with a multitude of new challenges and exciting rewards.
  • New quests leading through the new content. Talk to the Alchemist to get started.
  • New enemies await you in the depths.
  • A new survivor can be discovered in the Hollow Halls.
  • Unlock a new crafting station with new recipes.
  • New weapons, building blocks, furniture, decorative props and more can be found.
  • The 60hz issue has been solved, providing a smooth experience on higher framerates.
  • Emily the farmer now offers potted plants to everyone who wants to add that little extra bit of color to the porch. Make sure that the base has access to a kiln to craft those pots!
  • Dilit the Carpenter now offers a new set of round doors and windows.
  • The seedbed workstation now allows growing additional tree seedlings. Many trees received new growing stages.
  • Player characters can now sit on furniture such as chairs, benches, thrones, toilets.
  • The town of Willow Crush in the Revelwoods has been completely reworked. and some other areas have been improved.

  • Improved support for stack splitting in the backpack and chests. The size of the split stacks can now be selected freely.
  • Content of magical chests is can now be used in crafting stations.
  • The loot menu has been reworked to allow faster and more convenient collection of loot.
  • Items can now be crafted in stacks.
  • Sending items to other players now has a more convenient menu. There is now a warning message if the backpack of the receiver is already full.
  • A new ping function on the world map allows pointing other players in a multiplayer session to a specific area.
  • Servers can now be searched and favorited via IP in the server browser.
  • The keys / buttons for jumping and gliding can now be mapped individually. By default, the gliding is still mapped to the same key / button as jumping. If a different key is preferred, we recommend for example [CTRL] on keyboard and [/B] on controller.

  • Updating the game on Steam has been reworked to allow faster updates in the future. Previously, every update, no matter how big, resulted in the patching of the complete 30 GB game data on the hard drive. Now only the affected areas will be patched. This change requires the complete download this one time and will only be noticeably faster for future updates.
  • Save data stability has been improved further. As an additional security layer, the game now automatically creates backups of the save data in periodic intervals. Should a save file become unreadable for any reason, a previous version will be loaded.

  • Performance has been improved further. As always, performance and stability will remain a main focus while moving forward.
  • Support for Nvidia Reflex has been added. It can be switched on and off in the graphical settings if the used hardware supports the feature.
  • Added a new setting to the graphical settings to control the sharpness of the image.
  • Added a new setting to switch contact shadows on and off.
  • Added an option to switch off optional micro spiders. The big spiders are still there though, piloted by tiny spiders inside their brain.

Enshrouded - Hollow Halls Update

  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.01.2024
Zum Shop
Preise Update 21.11.24
  • Plattform: Veröffentlicht: 24.01.2024 Steam DB
Zum Shop
Preis Update 19.01.24


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Release:24.01.2024 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Keen Games GmbH Vertrieb: Keen Games GmbH Engine: Holistic Engine Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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