In appreciation of every single one of you, veteran and new alike, we have much to share today! So lean back, grab a hot or cold beverage of your choice and without further ado, let’s dive into our exciting news!
New free “Greenery”-Update
First off, this update comes alongside some greater news, so stay tuned for the announcement coming up shortly after!
We made Endzone compatible with Asus Aura hardware. This allows your Asus Aura peripherals to react in accordance to the game state, highlighting hotkeys, ongoing droughts, radiation and more.
Additionally, we have fixed some issues concerning the game when played on Steam Deck. This includes mostly UI fixes, especially with the expedition UI.
Last but not least, we added three new decorations for your settlement! While the game already includes a number of decorative elements, we wanted to add more greens and organic looping assets, servicing those who wish for more natural forms and to "green up" their settlement.
We are excited to see them in future screenshots of your settlements!
Please feel free having a look into our detailed full changelog (we even added some eye-candy): [url][/url]

A new journey ahead
We know you have asked for this quite some time, and even though we cannot share all details right now, let’s start with an old saying “Every new beginning comes from other beginnings end”.
During the development of Endzone, we learned so much, in technical terms, but also creatively.
Therefore, we want to make use of all those ideas and learnings we have made, closing the chapter of Endzone and are more than thrilled to reveal that we are already knee-deep working on a new project!
You want to know more? Sure, you will, sooner than later, promise.
It is an amazing experience for us, and we are grateful to have such an excellent community!
For a small trip down to memory lane have a look at our recently released post to celebrate the 2 years anniversary of Endzone’s full release:
If you want to get some insights into our creation process, we want to encourage you to keep a close eye on our official channels, as we will definitely share some development insights as often as we can.
- Twitter - [url][/url]
- Instagram - [url][/url]
- DISCORD – [url][/url]

We’re super excited to join this year’s TactiCon here on Steam!
Endzone is featured among more than 100 games participating at TactiCon!.
From May 11 to May 15, discover all kinds of Base Building / Deckbuilding / Grand Strategy – 4 X/ Real time stratetgy / Tactical RPG / Turn based Tactics / Strategic Management games and more!
Discover and enjoy many outstanding strategy games, play free demos, get huge discounts, and much more during TactiCon 2023 here on Steam, launching later today. Stay tuned!
Endzone Sountrack now available separately
It took us some time, but we heard you and we told you, we will make it possible.
Now here we are - Get the iconic Endzone soundtrack as its own bundle on Steam now: