Enderal: Forgotten Stories (Special Edition)
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Über das Spiel

Enderal ist eine Mod, die in ihrer eigenen Spielwelt angesiedelt ist, mit eigener Landschaft, Tradition und Story. Sie ist ein immersives Open-World-Abenteuer mit einem komplett veränderten Skillsystem, rundum erneuerten Spielmechaniken und einer düsteren, psychologischen Story mit glaubwürdigen Charakteren.
Enderal ist kostenlos und benötigt nur eine (legale) Version von TES V: Skyrim (die DLCs sind nicht notwendig). Die Mod ist ein unkommerzielles Projekt von SureAI, dem Entwicklerteam hinter der Oblivion-Mod Nehrim: Am Rande des Schicksals und der Morrowind-Mod "Arktwend - Das vergessene Reich" (und anderen Projekten).
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-750/AMD Phenom II X4-945
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 470 1GB /AMD HD 7870 2GB
- Software: Win 8, Win 10 (64-bit Version)
- HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible Sound card
- MISC: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition needs to be owned on Steam.
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-2400/AMD FX-8320
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB /AMD R9 290 4GB
- RAM: 12 GB RAM
- Software: Win 8, Win 10 (64-bit Version)
- HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible Sound card
- MISC: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition needs to be owned on Steam.
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 22:50
5566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 19:28
Wer gern das alte Skyrim Feeling aufleben lassen möchte ist mit Enderal gut beraten.
12801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 15:43
Umfang, Setting, Dialoge. Ein Wahnsinn, so muss ein Spiel sein.
Die Grafik ist auch aufgehübscht, natürlich nicht auf 2021 Niveau, aber sehr sehenswert.
Mit so viel Liebe umgesetzt. Man kann nur gratulieren.
Fazit: Für Fans des Genres ein absolutes muss.
6015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 15:36
Vorallem aber im Storytelling. Die Art und Weise wie die Geschichten erzählt werden, erzeugt eine hohe Immersion. Man merkt an jeder Stelle, dass hier viel Herzblut reingeflossen ist.
Das komplette Spiel ist auf Deutsch vertont und das Voice acting ist herausragend. Ich weiß nicht wie man es geschafft hat, so viele professionelle Sprecher mit ins Boot zu holen. Für ein kleines Modteam wirklich beachtlich. Das Spiel hat sogar einen eigenen Soundtrack, welcher eigens für Enderal komponiert wurde. Da sind viele schöne Tracks dabei, die zu einer einzigartigen Atmosphäre beitragen. In den Tavernen werden sogar eigene Bardenlieder gesungen. Wirklich toll! Aber das beste am Spiel sind natürlich die Quests. Hier werden viele tolle und abwechslungsreiche Geschichten erzählt. Von heiter und spaßig bis düster und herzzerreißend ist alles dabei. Wem Skyrim gefallen hat, wird mit Enderal definitiv viel Freude haben.
762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 23:24
1816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 17:10
Ich kann nur sagen eine sehr gute Arbeit ich freue mich schon auf den 6 teil wenn der genauso wird und sogar noch mehr dann, tja dann wird dass, das Game des Jahres wenn es rauskommt.
Ich muss sagen mir gefällt Enderal mehr als Skyrim weils naja Lebhafter ist die Leute Tanzten richtig mann kann sich Lebhafter mit den Leuten Unterhalten und was noch ziemlich cool war man kann eine Pfeife Rauchen wie Gandalf ohne irgendwelche Mods.
Fazit ein muss für alle die The Elder Scrolls Lieben
Danke für die Großartige Arbeit.
8300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 11:59
die spielwelt ist wunderschön, bietet viele unvergessliche schauplätze, und lädt zum entdecken ein, jedoch lauern zu mindest zu beginn noch hinter jeder ecke potentiell tödliche gefahren... durch das level- und skillsystem kann man jedoch schnell in ausgewählten disziplinen besser/stärker werden, und vorher unüberwindbare hindernisse besiegen.
die charaktere des spiels sind glaubwürdig geschrieben und sehr gut vertont, der soundtrack ist wunderschön! die hauptstory ist spannend und lädt zum nachdenken und philosophieren ein, viele nebenmissionen bieten schöne, witzige und auch tragische momente! meine erste runde in diesem spiel habe ich nach ca. 125 std. beendet, was für eine gratismod natürlich fantastisch ist! ich bin sehr auf das nächste projekt von sureai gespannt und wäre dann wohl auch bereit geld in die hand zu nehmen, da sie mit der wahnsinnig hohen qualität von enderal bereits überzeugen konnten!
Nicht Empfohlen
1051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 14:03
Aber die Spielmechanik ist völliger Müll.
Das Fertigkeitensystem ist so umständlich aufgebaut, wodurch man sich nicht auf eine „Klasse“ (Magier, Krieger, Schurke) spezifizieren kann.
Wenn man dies doch tut, so muss man damit leben viele Dinge nicht tun oder bekommen zu können.
Man ist gezwungen in alle Klassen zu investieren, wenn man wirklich alles „erfahren“ will.
Ich habe als Elementarmagier gespielt und bin nun an einem Punkt angekommen, wo ich kaum noch Truhen oder andere verschlossene Dinge öffnen kann, weil ich keine Punkte in die „Diebesfertigkeiten“ investiert habe. Das nervt tierisch.
Darüber hinaus verbessern sich meine Fertigkeiten nur durch das Lesen von Büchern?! Was soll der Quatsch? Nicht nur, das ich kaum Bücher finde, die meine Fertigkeiten verbessern würden, ich muss auch noch bei Händlern teuer für solche Bücher bezahlen!!!
Dass das Fertigkeitensystem in Skyrim nicht „perfekt“ war ist ja ok, aber es so zu verschlimmbessern geht gar nicht.
Darüber hinaus ist der Schwierigkeitsgrad viel zu hoch (trotz Stufe Novize). Wenn ich mehr als 2 Gegner habe bin ich auf jeden Fall tot. Und das schon sehr früh im Spiel.
Zusätzlich kommt noch das „Arkanistenfieber“. Auch wenn ich keine Zauber benutze, kann es passieren, dass ich in bestimmten Bereichen an dem Fieber „erkranke“. Hat es dann 100% erreicht, sterbe ich.
Auch das Herstellen von Gegenständen ist verkompliziert worden. Ohne den entsprechenden Bauplan, kann man diverse Dinge nicht herstellen (zusätzlich zur nötigen Fertigkeitsstufe).
Und ich spiele ungern einen „Allrounder“, weil dieser meist zwar vieles bis alles kann, aber halt nur auf geringsten Stufen wodurch das Spielen einfach unnötig erschwert wird.
Kommen wir zu den Quests:
Ja, die Quests. Gerade in den ersten Stunden wird man mit allerlei Aufgaben überhäuft. Nur leider sind die meisten davon nichts anderes als „Spielzeitverlängerungsaufgaben“ – finde X mal dies oder das, finde diesen oder jenen NPC, sammle dies oder das. Das alles wäre ja nicht so weiter wild, wenn gerade bei manchen Quests wenigstens ein Questmarker dabei wäre. Aber Pustekuchen. Von 10 Quests haben 9 keinen Marker.
Auch das könnte ich verschmerzen, wenn es wenigstens eine „Schnellreisefunktion“ geben würde. Aber nein, diese wurde deaktiviert. So bin ich wie in Zeiten von Morrowind gezwungen stundenlang durch die Gegend zu laufen. Es gibt zwar „Schriftrollen“ die einen in eine bestimmte Stadt teleportieren können, das bringt aber nicht viel, wenn man dann zu anderen Orten auf der relativ großen Karte möchte.
Dafür das es kostenlos ist kann man es sicher mal spielen, aber die ganzen massiven Veränderungen an der Spielmechanik machen es zu einem unnötig langen und langweiligen Spiel.
Ich werde zwar hin und wieder mal die ein oder andere Stunde spielen, aber es fesselt mich nicht so wie es seinerzeit Skyrim getan hat.
6606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 23:17
1612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 10:58
Enderal sieht besser aus und läuft besser denn je. Wer Freund von grandiosen Geschichten ist sollte hier dringend zuschlagen.
Diese Total Conversion kann Skyrim locker in den Schatten stellen und zwar um Meilen.
Klare Downloadpflicht!
5166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.22 03:19
- PRO: the characters/story is better
- CON: there are less side quests, i don't get the impression you can talk to all the NPCs and get a random radiant quest nor do you run across as many interesting little quests in the wild. Also only 2 factions questlines (Golden Sickle, Undercity) vs Skyrim's 4. However, you can listen in on NPC conversations in public and there are a lot of interesting areas where you can get good loot... but later game, this gets boring as suddenly you're way too rich with way too much loot. However, certain objectives (i.e. Butcher of Ark) books inspire continued exploring - I also recommend reading those as they are interesting and relevant to some storylines.
- PRO: level design/design of the wilderness is really good, feels more organic and realistic - albeit, this means more running through bushes and having to actually walk around mountain ranges rather than jump up them. The map looks bigger than it is - you cross distances that seem a while on the map very quickly. There's only really one big town, and few still-inhabited villages.
and some things that aren't quite pros or cons...
- The game starts out harder than base Skyrim. However, you can always lower the difficulty if necessary... or just run.
- Character background is stuck more strictly to the fact that you're from Nehrim, your dad is scary and dead, and your mom and sister are dead. Also, character progression kind of breaks the fourth barrier a bit with learning skills/your perk tree being incorporated into the lore.
- Werewolves are alchemists, and there are some other new skill trees/tables: pharmalists, which is like, a cross between conjuration, soul capturing, and enchanting.
- Bugs exist in later game.
- The way quests progress means that some can be failed by the story progressing too quickly. This applies for at least one other quest other than the character questlines.
7082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 20:06
I found the story to be better than Skyrim's and the quests and world to be more interesting and better crafted. For instance, I liked small details like someone asking you to sit down so that you can talk (something Skyrim never bothered to do). The world is smaller than Skyrim's, but I felt it was done with more care and had greater variety, and there's still plenty to explore.
Enderal changes quite a few mechanics of Skyrim, particularly regarding skills and healing, but I enjoyed the way Enderal does it as it created greater challenges.
953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 11:39
14796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 03:10
It's a roller coaster of emotions that still has many hours of life left for me, I have many planned play-throughs.
I'm still only on my first.
A beautifully crafted story that has elements of multi-verse theory, higher-powers and levels of existence and consciousness.
Extremely memorable characters, a wonderfully engaging story where your choices actually do matter, mind-blowingly creative scenery, fulfilling exploration, role-play aspect locks characters combat role ensuring new experiences in multiple play-throughs, sometimes wonderful and sometimes bad voice acting but it's all enjoyable.
All of this, an outrageously ambitious yet wonderfully executed, several hundred hour, roller coaster of emotions experience of a video game is offered all entirely for free by SureAI.
This game is not Skyrim, stop trying to play it like Skyrim. This is a true Role-Playing game. If you want to be sneaky, you have to be sneaky. If you want to be tanky, you must be tanky. If you want to sling spells, you must focus on slinging spells.
You must finish a combat class tree, and spend your skill books wisely, before taking on another combat class. Or else you will be punished and die and die and die again.
If you spend your points right, you'll be like me; a fucking sneaky archer that crouch jumps everywhere like a goblin instagibbing shit with my paralyzing bow.
420/69 I can not recommend enough. Tharael's a lil' bitch, tho.
6444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 00:07
Gameplay, progression, companions' stories - all improvements in regards to Skyrim, its source material. The music is FANTASTIC and so is level design. Holy crap that level design. Good dialogues, decent voice acting - could definitely be improved, but considering it's a fan mod? Holy crap, well done. Lots of great reading, entertaining quests, some inside jokes.
Could use some variety in terms of weapons and armour, especially since there were many unused models left from Skyrim (which the game mixes and matches at will anyway, so it's a shame they didn't create more original sets). Companions' stories could be a tad less dramatic, since they consist in 90% of self-loathing, cynicism and crying.
If you're not bothered by those issues, though, and ignore the fact that you're playing the plot of Mass Effect on a Skyrim platform, there is plenty of originality to find and so much to enjoy.
Bravo <3
2464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 21:54
Gameplay and mechanics are mainly the same as Skyrim's but it is refreshed by the overwhelming number of skill trees and abilities you can unlock, not to mention the amazing quests which all have their own well-built story.
Possibly my favourite game ever!
3540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 03:21
I picked up an innocent looking sidequest and by the end I was in tears. Absolutely recommended with all my heart to anyone who even enjoys RPGs slightly.
Came back after finishing the main game and many more sidequest lines. My statement remains unchanged - if anything I only even more strongly believe Enderal is the greatest RPG I ever played now that I've seen all it has to offer.
9411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 01:31
A lot of very real choices to be made.
The characters are all deep and well written.
The skills and talents are fantastic.
Every quest is well crafted.
Can't wait for the next Elder Scrolls game so that the next Enderal can come out.
Watch out for the Golden Sickle quest - the fight with the two thugs is basically impossible unless you have one of a few specific builds. I had to use cheats to get past it. The only blemish on this gem.
4885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 16:30
In the infinite Sea of Possibilities, anything can become true. Shooting fire from your hands, surviving death, maybe even a Bethesda game with decent story and characters?
Nah, the last one is too far-fetched, as the fans-turned-developers of Enderal had no doubt realized and decided to do it themselves, using Bethesda's own toolkit.Enderal is a total-conversion mod that transfigures the assets of Skyrim into something completely unique, yet comfortably recognizable... at first. Bear in mind, this is a free mod developed on pure passion, but I am going to treat it critically here as if it were completely its own game, since I believe the true cost for a game is the time you invest in it, rather than the money you pay for it (really, games are so cheap nowadays).
The story begins with plenty of intrigue and cool character moments. The lead writer, Nicolas Lietzau, has clearly put part of their heart and soul into the central questlines as they're filled with pathos and introspection. The main quest is thrilling and poses existential questions while giving the player some agency in how they decide to define themselves and even some friendship/romance storylines.
The futher I got into Enderal, however, the more annoyed I got with it. Maybe you can hide it under the table and put a bag on its head, but you still have to deal with that clumsy, awkward dragon that is Skyrim. The new leveling system is anything but intuitive, the information the game provides you to accomplish objectives outside quests is overly-obscure and the attempt to rise the skill and difficulty level pushes the threads of game design to tearing. Bethesda designed a system for very straight-forward, repetitive battle encounters, therefore having a whole bunch more enemies everywhere that can one-shot you if you're anything but a heavy-armor tank is not difficult, it's annoying. The fact that you can't spend ten seconds in the game without something wanting to kill you doesn't make it any better.
Then there is the overworld, dear Malphas, the overworld. It's certainly got the frills, it's very beautiful and thoughtfully constructed and boy is it HUGE. But just so depressingly empty. Outside of the main city, which is full of interesting locations, lore and stories, there are only two minor settlements that can barely be called that. With little reason to go out exploring other than fulfilling chores like gathering a set of armor, you remember that venturing out the city gates has you immediately beset by all sorts of worldly creatures that you then have to begrudgingly engage with on a constant basis.
The story too, is somewhat hampered by ambition, as I begun to realize it was more interested in hopping from set-piece to set-piece, introducing new locations, concepts and characters [spoiler] and discarding them just as quickly [/spoiler] on the fly up till the very end instead of focusing and expounding on its intriguing mysteries [spoiler] which at the end stay largerly shrouded apart from a deus-ex machina info-dump, [/spoiler] which somewhat works to the game's favor, but also not. My biggest issue, however, is the surprising amount of menial busy-work quests that fill the gaps between the interesting bits that force you to go back and forth in the overworld, then off the horse every 30 seconds because you are getting attacked by a pack of wolves, a pair of panthers, some wraiths and a gorilla.
The psychological themes are the strongest part of the story, as they stay consistent throughout and go far beyond anything the average AAA game out there tries to foist on you. They're effective, make you think and leave you wistful. But they also kinda work against the *game* elements of the game.
[spoiler] Enderal subverts the typical RPG power fantasy by leaving your character essentially powerless to truly fight against the forces of nature within. The ending, no matter which you choose will leave everything else you have done in the game apart from your choice of romance and whether or not you crafted a special potion meaningless. All that matters is what you've peronally gained, but the only benefit of doing side activities is getting stronger and getting a better understanding of the empire you inhabit, both of which are again nullified by the endings. [/spoiler] Which reminds me of all the menial optional quests and world exploration filled with repetitive encounters, annoying bugs and inventory management. It almost feels meaningless to have actually done those, specially as a fair few don't exactly provide the best pay-off.
All in all, Enderal is a rewarding, thoughtfull experience that both exceeds the worst elements of Skyrim and exacerbates its lacking qualities. I think it would have been a more enjoyable experience for me had I shirked half the sidequests and flat-out ignored the exploration aspect. I would have enjoyed it more, had it been a more focused experience with *less* square miles, less quests and *more* focus on its truly unique qualities. But however much I criticize Enderal, the truth is it accomplishes a staggering lot where other games just stagger.
[spoiler] Just maybe don't expect it to be Joe Abercrombie, because nothing is. [/spoiler]
2913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 22:44
If you have Skyrim, you have to play it. Actually, even if you don't, you should buy Skyim just to play this. One of the best RPGs I have played, and it rivals the old school classics like Planescape and Gothic.
9324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 14:06
If you count yourself among the latter you'll probably enjoy Enderal more than Skyrim.
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 16:09
3552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 09:45
I didn't run into major issues and one thing I can say is I have never crashed which is surprising because it is still Skyrim in the end. Some NPC's had trouble following or some quests wouldn't activate like they were suppose to, the simple fix was to reload a previous save and it worked every time for me anyway.
Plus this game is free! There is hundreds of hours of gameplay here for the true explorers and the main story isn't short at all. I fully recommend this!
8728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 23:27
Unexpected end, game..(MOD) 110 out of 10, in my humble opinion, definitely worth p;laying and deserve awards.
15691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 21:45
7189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 19:33
6382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 22:18
My expectations were high going into this game, but nothing I had heard even began to cover how amazing this game is. I am absolutely blown away. Enderal manages to fix many of the problems that plagued Skyrim's gameplay as well as craft a tight, genius story that never lost my attention for a second, stellar writing. The polish of this game really puts Bethesda to shame, the team at SureAI managed to do things that I never thought this engine was capable of. This game would honestly have warranted a $60 release, far surpasses many triple A games in the genre.
Nigh on perfect.
2196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 19:38
5440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 15:29
5278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 04:37
The voice acting is pretty good until the few moments where it's not, but even in those cases it's not glaringly awful. My only real issue revolves around the use of skill book purchases to progress both passive crafting skills and combat proficiencies. Though I find it somewhat obnoxious, I will admit it gives value to gold in a way that Skyrim was lacking to a degree. Speaking of, the only crafting skills I found to be especially helpful was rhetoric for persuasion and alchemy for making extra cash. The others, especially sleight of hand, were largely superfluous when confronted with the number of gear sets in the game already available.
All in all this is a mastahpiece of modding right here.
8677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 19:31
Skyrim was a great game. At the time, it had great graphics, an interesting storyline, fun quests, and plenty of places to explore, and an upgraded combat style; but it lacked depth. Anyone who had played Oblivion or Morrowind before that would know that on the surface Bethesda got lazy with Skyrim....it feels....unfinished.
Enderal took what Skyrim had and placed what Skyrim lacked. The main storyline in and of itself is immaculate. It is indepth with twists and turns, I was on my toes the whole time trying to predict what came next. On top of that, I found that some decisions I made came back to stab me in the back in the most unlikely of ways.
The sidequests sometimes are very surface level and are mainly fetch and retrieve quests but.....that is rare. Most the of the side quests are almost as indepth as the main quest and could be easliy missed if one did not try to talk to that one person at the side of the road.
The other thing this game does is really suck the user into the world of Enderal and what the characters are going through. The quests bring one in yes, but the world design itself has so much attention to detail from the most basic road to complicated labyrinths. A huge shortcoming of Skyrim was that the world seemed a little bland and barren.
The one thing this game lacks is permanent companions. The player may get an ally for a mission here and there however, the detail placed in these characters is made paramount. The dialogue options are really detailed and it feels like these characters actually have a well fleshed out personality and that they play an important part of the story or even to just serve to bring the user that much more into the world itself.
A person who has played Morrowind may feel an odd similarity with this game. Primarily in adventuring and travel. Unlike Skyrim, the enemies rarely level up with the player but instead are predetermined difficulties which, forces the player to adventure elsewhere until they are strong enough for the challenge ahead which, in my option makes for a more rewarding experience.
Lastly I cannot forget the armour sets. In this world one can find complete armour sets that while hard to find, can greatly boost the prowess of any warrior, mage, or otherwise, as there are sets for all classes to be found. One definitely has to explore to find them but in doing so it gives a sense of these artifacts to be quite rare and special.
This game very well could be the best game I have played in the last ten years. It deserves every good thing said about it.
3508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 17:37
What I loved:
It's a thoughtfully designed game and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The music is superlative.
The terrain is all hand-designed, none of it procedural.
The quest series are deep and satisfying.
Enderal suffers from a distinct lack of player agency in the endgame.
There are some long-winded dialog sequences that interrupt the flow of game play
The translation from German to English included some odd syntax and a few typos; most won't mind this but I found them distracting.
10398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 20:14
Enderal is probably the best total conversion mod I've ever played. 95% of the problems I had with the game were fixed in the Special Edition. It has a compelling story, fun characters, engaging side quests, and a landscape more ambitious and more beautiful than Skyrim.
While Skyrim has more content, Enderal fixes most of the problems that I had with Skyrim: Vibrant, full cities, forests that look like actual forests, improved gameplay mechanics (no potion scumming, magic is much more viable, player agency).
And its free. This game is a no brainer to pick up. The downsides that I will give for this game, though few, is the game will occasionally crash (but the dev team put in healthy doses of auto-saves), and some of the areas feel a little less fleshed out. Early and mid game areas are well developed, but end-game non main quest content seems sparse, almost like the writers were just finishing up as fast as possible. That didn't stop me from putting another 20-30 hours in it, but I could tell that the end was nigh.
P.S. Big props to the writers for putting in tons and tons of books to flesh out the lore.
5300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 07:16
The Sun coast has this awesome tropical island feel, deeper in the jungle/forest there are ruins villages and farms. The whispering wood? I have only just been there and it is fucking incredible, very atmospheric and eary. Traversing the world in endaral is considerably more engaging then traversing Skyrim. There is a kind of linearity to the roads from what I’ve played. In particular the journey from river ville to ark was fantastic, it’s like the mountain pass from falkreath to riften in the main game but far more immersive and fulfilling to travel through.
There is a real sense of accomplishment when travelling somewhere on foot in endaral, unlike Skyrim the game presents an actual challenge, the wolves in Skyrim are joke, they’re literally Just there so you something to kill when travelling from point a to b. Where as in endaral I find myself being forced to run away from possibly 1 of them if I am not prepared properly.
The changes to scaling, leveling, damage output are all much preferred to Skyrim’s awkward difficulty scaling. Skyrim’s idea of difficulty is higher difficulty = you do less damage and all of your enemies will literally one shot you with a fucking kill cam so the only viable way to play our game on a hard difficulty is sneaking around with a fucking bow and shooting people in the ass from a bush. Endaral is FAIR. killcams are gone, you feel equal to each of your opponents. You don’t feel fucking immortal anymore like on Expert and below on Skyrim. I feel more compelled to not die in endaral because I feel MORTAL! Fights are visceral and you don’t regenerate your health like fucking Wolverine after each battle. You will most likely be on low health if you aren’t smart or methodical, if you are severely injured without healing potions etc you will HAVE to run. Not hide around the corner until your injuries repair themselves.
Healing items are far more scarce, even when you do have them you have to contemplate whether taking them right now would be practical. You aren’t given a healing spell right off the bat, and you don’t have the ability to immediately shoot flames out of your hands. What spells I have now suck AND THATS GOOD I feel like I will actually need to invest time into the mage tree to learn something as simple as flames or lightning etc.
I have also forgot to mention Ark which is just marvellous. If solitude is the capital of Skyrim then Ark is the fucking capital the creation engine. Don’t get me wrong I love most of Skyrim’s cities but they feel like forts or me towns if anything. None of them can compare to Ark. It feels lived in. My absolute favourite part of the game so far is the undercity. The attention to detail is there is mind blowing. The ratway is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a FRACTION of what this is. I could type for hours about how amazing the locations are but I’ve rambled enough.
Last thing I’ll mention is the pacing and story so far. It takes like 30 seconds to get to river wood in Skyrim which is your first hub, it takes maybe 3-4 minutes to walk to white run after that. It took me like 2 HOURS of sneaking around enemies and traversing the world to reach riverville, after that the path to ark is LONG and once you get there riverville feels very far away. It adds to the immersion and makes it feel like a realistic nation or country. I might be because I’ve been playing it since I was 8 but skyrim feels far more bland, seriously I can think of like 3 maybe 2 compelling npcs in Skyrim and I remember A LOT OF THE NPCS AS WELL AS THE 2 VOUCE ACTORS BETHESDA HIRED FOR SKYRIM. There are about three only a few biomes in Skyrim and calling them biomes is pretty generous. Forest, Snow, Swamp. You can argue that whiteruns surroundings are a biome I guess. Riften is just a forest with fucking yellow trees. The only thing I’m unsure of right now is the story. It has clearly taken inspiration from BioWare. Jesper feels strikingly similar to Alistair from Dragon age, and the plot is pretty much mass effects cycle idea. It’s not a straight rip though. I am only 13 hours in and i have currently ignored the main quest in favour of being a merc for now. I could suck this game off some more but you get the picture.
Don’t get me wrong I love Skyrim and even more so elder scrolls, but this game builds on what is great about Skyrim. It borrows from Skyrim’s peers to astounding success. This is an example that bethesda should follow. The fact that it came out just a bit after fallout 4 and be that much superior is hilarious. (I have also spent an ungodly amount of time playing fallout 4, I was a Bethesda shill before 76.) don’t make the mistake I had made for years and disregard this gem as a 2 hour story mod, feels like it’s going to be like 100 hours and at this pint I would care if it was only 20. This is cracked eat my ass.
7925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 18:59
I like the leveling system better. The use of skill books instead of skills just advancing allows for flexibility while still having some focus. The way healing and penalties for healing are incorporated make battles more challenging and more strategic. Arcane fever is an interesting addition but pretty easily mitigated. Difficultly also scales better. Combat difficulty is broken down by geography and if something is too challenging now, one can come back to it later. (1)
It's not without bugs. There are a few quest bugs, some grammar and spelling errors, and one combat in particular which is *way* too difficult for what came before it in the quest line. But overall, the development team has done an excellent job with the mod.
Best of all the mod is *free*. Truly amazing for it's quality.
2132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 05:22
Personally I think it's better than Skyrim. The writing is amazing and feels important and the leveling system is harder but better. The lore isn't bad at all and I'm enjoying the map and the geography.
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 04:36
But unfortunately i quit it after 2 hours and i'll probably never come back to this mod since it has tons of dialogues which i respect a lot but my problem is that English isn't my native language and I don't feel comfortable playing this mod. Few years ago Polish community has announced that they started working on translate for this mod, sadly it seems like this project has been abandoned. I mean it's crazy to believe that this mod has already tons of different languages except Polish. I'm sad cause this mod has so much potential.
So in short : You are a fan of Skyrim and If you don't mind playing English with tons of dialogues,texts for native people then try it out. I respect a lot for devs who made this mod especially it's free. They have worked a lot on this so this is really nice.
3057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 21:56
10200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 04:48
In terms of story, especially world building and lore settings, Enderal shares many parallels with Mass Effect.
Yet Enderal still stands on its own as a complete game with very clear production value despite its surface level of similarities with other games that can be easily spot by anyone who is interested in RPGs. After all the game is about coming into terms with ourselves and exploring human psychology rather than once again “saving the world”.
Although one thing I can’t argue is that: daddy issues. Seeing so many variants and the aftermaths that daddy issues reaped and sowed in video games as well as in real life, Enderal still managed to squeeze more into itself. Funny since we might never see the end of it at all.
At least after spending so many hours exploring and questing, from what I can tell someone in the mod project must be a devout Gothic fan, and they were doing whatever it took to bring Gothic design aspects (gameplay, quests and even easter eggs) into the Creation Engine.
That said: if you are a Skyrim fan, you might not be able to enjoy Enderal. But for a Gothic fan, chances you are going to get immersed in Enderal are way higher.
Between the release of the original Enderal and the Special Edition, I took the liberty to run a complete walkthrough of Nehrim. To my surprise, SureAI managed to convert the established lore and events in Nehrim into a more coherent and relatable ones in Enderal. There are quite a lot of resemblance in some level and aesthetical designs in both games, the improvements are substantially noticeable.
Kudos to SureAI that they brought Andreas Wilde back to voice Tealor Arantheal in both German and English version, since in Nehrim was only voiced in German Tealor’s voice was evident. And my condolences to such a talented person who passed away on May 31, 2017.
Much like other Jungian games, people who are fascinated by Enderal often find resonance with the state of mind they are (or used to be) in. The storylines, either the main questlines or the DLC contents, can be boiled down to the past regrets and obsessions that drove people into making questionable decisions and forming controversial perspectives. True strength lies in knowing oneself, yet to come into term with ourselves is never painless. Our perception of ourselves is more or less mirrored by the surroundings and communities, hence the shadow of our past prevents us from finally seeing the reality. In Enderal, these concepts manifest themselves as dreams and the High Ones, to present them in such an interactive approach is simply brilliant.
I recommend Enderal for the time I cried when Rynéus was released from his illusions, the moment I wept when Tharaêl was relieving his memory, and the final hours when I mourned for the lost souls afloat.
Walk Blessed.
3799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 01:00
The first time I tried (like four years ago) I was like, meh this gameplay is too whack for me... I gave it an another shot this year... Damn I do not regret this at all. Most of the things are the same as skyrim except for the competences and exp. The game seems hard at first and this is also the beauty of this game. In Skyrim you've got the shouts that are too much op. In this mod, you've got only the base mechanics of the game. Also a lot of great talents that makes your gameplay unique.
I really recommand this mod.
9718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 21:48
Refinement of an outstanding wRPG.
A plethora of content additions and enhancements, an overall coat of polish combined with core technical upgrades, derived from updated 64bit Skyrim:LE 'Creation Engine' build, results in experience elevated almost to another level.
For fans and followers of SureAI developer, this latest and final version of their finest production is pretty much a no-brainer that leaves no excuses for returning to the world of Enderal. After one complete playthrough, and then some, of the game I can admit there's honestly very little to warn about both newcomers and returning players alike. With a full 150hr adventure and meticulous exploration behind me, I've managed to gather just a handful of bugs, pretty much all related to pathfinding and/or scripting of NPC characters. None of them resulted in soft or hard locking anything, and all of them turned out to be fixable with a simple reload of previous quick/auto/manual savegame, sometimes with a slight alteration of player input like repositioning the main protagonist in physical space when approaching scripted events, conversations, or being more mindful during travels with your companions and other characters met along the way.
Notable bugs outside of this group were so few and far between (and hard to replicate plus also being all fixable with mentioned reaching to saved games) that it's safe to say that at this point E:FS SE deserves to be praised as a polished, user-friendly and accessible product.
Any other potential mentions are pure nitpicking - like the roughness of the quality of meshes, models, textures of (mostly really hidden!) edges of the game world and some areas inside of it, visible thanks to 'player creativity' and abuse of Creation Engine physics and movement system, known perfectly from the original Bethesda games from last... 20 years. Purely cosmetic stuff, in the grand scheme hardly destroying players' immersion. Anything else? Nothing that is not expected to come with a package built upon Skyrim formula. For veterans of the TES or Fallout series, nothing here could appear extraordinary, and certainly nothing that couldn't be fixed in two seconds with a simple 'tcl' command, or when things go south - tinkering with 'setstage' tool if you're impatient.
For complete newcomers to the work of SureAI: well this review just lightly touches the state of the updated 'Special Edition' version of Enderal: Forgotten Stories. There's a rather long and interesting story to tell about this project, developers, work of fiction it derives from etc; but it's a story for another place and time.
In short: 'Enderal: Forgotten Stories' is an epic, original wRPG build on the foundation of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and requires ownership of the original game (or Skyrim:SE for SE of Enderal). While, for obvious reasons, it's classified as an overhaul mod, it's more descriptive to present it as a game heavily borrowing some of Skyrim's assets. Considering the size and nature of this fan-made game - nothing unexpected, unreasonable, or hindering immersion in a real way.
Primarily it should be stated that all crucial elements of Enderal are entirely new and separated from Skyrim, which the game has nothing to do with, as it is set in a fully original universe. Its world, story, characters are made from scratch, some elements like leveling, spell, or skill systems are heavily overhauled, while less pivotal components and building blocks of the game are lightly retouched, expanded with original content and rearranged properly.
This includes the basics of movement, stealth, combat, types of equipment, or some enemy types. In the end, SureAI has done fair by more or less all of them and after a couple of gameplay hours marked with occasional 'oh I remember, this is XYZ thing in Skyrim' moments, nothing really stands out or worse- falls apart. With each additional hour of play spent on getting to know and exploring its mysterious world, new content and firm delivery of original story starts to outweigh all ties to Bethesda's original experience, making them indifferent, neutral parts of the background scenery.
Although the familiar Skyrim gameplay remains essentially unchanged, as time flies on exploring the world of Enderal the border between these two productions, in terms of philosophy behind RPG design and the tone of the whole experience, seems to grow, separating both games further from each other. Moreover, presenting Enderal as a Skyrim mod is probably a bit unfair and downright harmful, and there might be a case to make that for RPG fans it's more a disservice than a helpful description. Despite all shortcomings and compromises made due to the fan-made nature of this project, in the end where it matters, Enderal overshadows and declassifies Skyrim. Even excluding the more controversial and subjective things like the atmosphere of the game, looking through the prism of actual storytelling, writing, character development, or handling companion interactions- Skyrim often appears as an amateur project, created by less than very talented designers focused on perfecting the gameplay loops in the illusion of a game in which the player has tangible and deserved meaning and influence on the story, with scale and ambitions that can't keep up with the reality of technological and human resources that are available to developers, and even worse - creative direction desired by a sizeable portion of the dedicated fan base.
Skyrim artificially starts elevating the player to the top of the world and all its structures from the first moment, without really changing anything along the way that would reflect the impact of player decisions and presents no interesting gameplay or story challenges to them, leaving their actions and thus presence- weightless and effortless. Enderal, using the same toolset, presents the player with an extraordinary story and realities of the world that the created hero will have to understand, at the same time building tension of dire reality of the situation which player will have to face many times along the journey. The main plot in Enderal is not waiting to be check-marked along the way of senseless looter-sho... slashing craze, but the main foundation around which the whole adventure is built upon. And while it (just like TES games) can be played without focusing on the story and just prioritizing exploration, here the loss to the quality of the overall experience is definitely felt more. Putting the narrative aside is a decision that I definitely do not recommend.
If you're a fan of Skyrim gameplay but seek a more interesting and meaningful story, and are willing to be open and mindful about learning and appreciating the unknown, fantasy world, then this game will bend backward to meet your expectations, offering a familiar yet surprising experience, set in a varied and stunning world, full of mystery, humor, dread and excitement, great plot delivered by skillful writing and voice acting on a professional level. The whole thing, from the prologue to the ending we have worked for during the journey, is characterized by extraordinary intransigence and courage that is not often found among fan modifications and appears more like a stepping stone that expresses the talent of developers, than an uncritical, child-made card for the original game.
One not to miss. Loads of fun during entertaining and potentially a rather long journey with rewarding, rollercoaster-like quality near its conclusion. A superb, ambitious endeavor, and one of the finest fan-made products available on Steam.
Safe recommendation for fans of Bethesda's work and good RPGs in general.
[spoiler]Calia Sakaresh best girl.[spoiler]
3416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 21:28
No need to write too much about it, considering the fact it is free and you can easily just go and see for yourself. Just one tip: the combat in the beginning is hard as balls. But stick with it, grow your character's power, and the game opens up. And its great.
9191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 00:23
If you own Skyrim Special Edition then Enderal is free and you know what Skyrim plays like. Enderal removes -some- of the jank, but it's still the same engine and they can't get rid of it all. The levelling system takes some getting used to, but it's nice to have -something- to spend gold on, a reason to loot and sell and bother with vendors, because levelling skills is rather expensive.
Voice acting was better than any mod I've ever played, and better than a -lot- of proper paid-for games (even some made by AAA studios), there is some serious talent on display, and there is only a single 'main character' who seemed a bit amateur compared to her peers (Lishari...).
The writing is definitely a bit darker than Skyrim, the world is much harsher, but it never goes into 'so dark it's laughable' territory. There are some genuinely emotionally impactful moments in the game. Something I can't say any Elder Scrolls game ever provided me with.
The physical gamespace seems to have been created with a lot of love, and attention to detail. There's almost no completely pointless spans of open space, almost everything leads to something of interest, whether loot or a small environmental story. This is sometimes a small problem, because the urge to wander away from your original goal can lead to a -long- period of time just going toward the next interesting thing you see, or small nook to explore for much longer than it ever really could even in Skyrim's most densely packed areas.
tl;dr It's Skyrim but better in a different setting.
(Knock 20-30 hours off my playtime. I tend to leave games running in the background)
8857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 12:30
I'm going to start off with the story, because by far the story, and the lore alone make the game worth it to play. A majority of side quests aren't so mundane, and cookie cutter. Everyone you meet has a potential to send you on an adventure that makes you question your morals, and reflect on what you would do in a certain situation. Even if you're not of that mindset. Simply picking the most pleasing answer for the person... isn't As easy as one would think. The random books you find in the world are a good read, and in some cases. Actually gives you insight on what has happened to the citizens of Enderal. Some gruesome... some not informative, and others... sad.
Some of the voices both generic NPC, and unique ones were great, and other's not so much. Some unique characters absolutely nail their lines, and others. you can tell they either have different recording equipment. Some voices really don't match the character, or character personalities, but those are a select few. My prime example however is the town crier. A man that looks to be in his... 60s sounds like someone in their mid 20s giving an oral report for a college course.
This is where I have a few personal gripes. The world is smaller than Skyrim That I have no issues with, but the overall design is what has me concerned. It might be just me, but... Where as Skyrim was big, and empty most of the time. I could visibly see my enemies. The world is decorated in shrubs, bushes, weeds, and trees. Which looks beautiful, but it makes combat... Impractical. The roads are fairly slim. I understand the removal of fast travelling, but... It also makes it far more annoying when you're out fighting, and gathering. Then you need to sell/dismantle, but you have to mark... use a scroll... Then do what you have to do, and then use Return. It's a hassle.
Well designed Some impressive, but others are plain by design, and that's fine. Not every dungeon should lead you to the lost city of Atlantis, aye? The loot is all preordained to be in specific spots, besides locked chest. Locked chest will have random loot. A nice touch, but it means that if you're not going the sneaky thief route. You're going to need to buy a lot of unlock scrolls. A nice touch for sure for those that want to play something other than a rogue.
By far the weakest part about Enderal, but it's not really their fault, so take this with the knowledge that I absolutely disliked Skyrim's combat. Enderal made some improvements, but it's still a bland, unbalanced system. Now... Lets say you wanted to be a warrior. Two handed. Hitting big. Great. You can tackle most enemies without much of a problem, because you kill them quite easily. Problem? The moment you deal with an ice mage. You're in for a bad time. If you get hit by one ice spike. You move so slow that you won't dodge much else. Let alone catch up to anything. Assassin? You'll never deal enough damage to 1hit something with a bow at a distance, and you'll struggle until you're quite late in the game. Mages? Easiest classes. Don't even need to build too much mana, and just master elemental/entropy first, and you're in to do some damage at any distance. Problem is... It's Skyrim by design. So regardless of what you do. You'll find yourself a tad bored fighting the same enemies in the same kind of way. I've played many builds, but the combat was the weakest part for me. I love the added perks, but they're simply not enough of a change of form to make them feel fun, or unique to play.
If you're a big fan of Skyrim. You have to play this. It's extremely well done in most areas, and I'm even going to get the book, because of how much I enjoyed the narrative. Do yourself a favour mind you. Look up the type of style you want to play as, and make sure to keep yourself fully prepared on where to spend your points. You will find yourself stuck if you try to go for everything sporadically. Prioritise health, and damage. Trust me. Even as a mage. You're going to want health.
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 15:22
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