Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
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Über das Spiel

Tritt einer der fünf Abteilungen der CRONUS Corporation bei – jede mit ihren eigenen Besonderheiten, Mechaniken und Spielfunktionen – und begib dich auf eine Reise ohne Wiederkehr, auf der Suche nach einzigartigen Artefakten unter die Kuppel, während die Strahlung, die Anomalien und eine ganze Reihe an Kreaturen dir ans Leder wollen.
Du beginnst vielleicht als einer der einfachen Angestellten des Unternehmens, doch schon bald wirst du zur treibenden Kraft hinter der Geschichte, die sich vor, während und nach der Katastrophe abspielt, die als „der Vorfall“ bekannt wurde.
Handwerk, Kampf, Verhandlung: Du brauchst das ganze Repertoire, wenn du überleben willst.
Sobald du mit den Grundlagen vertraut bist, wirst du in eine offene Welt voller Reichtümer und Gefahren gestoßen. Die alten Zeiten sind vorbei – vom mächtigen Mahlstrom zu Staub zermahlen – und aus der Asche erheben sich sechs mächtige Fraktionen, die unter der Kuppel um die Kontrolle über das verwüstete Land kämpfen. Werden sie zu Verbündeten oder zu Feinden? Diese Wahl – und die Zukunft der Kuppel – liegen in deinen Händen.
Nicht alle unter der Kuppel sind deine Freunde, ganz im Gegenteil. Als kluger, sympathischer Charakter (mit einem hohen Charisma-Wert) kannst du dich vielleicht aus allem herausreden. Wahrscheinlicher ist jedoch, dass es richtig heftig wird. Und das bedeutet Waffen, jede Menge Waffen. Und an Auswahl mangelt es nicht: Von Hightech-Strahlenwaffen bis hin zu einem kräftigen rechten Haken gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, um eine Gruppe von Gegnern zu erledigen. Natürlich kommst du auch ohne tödliche Gewalt aus, aber das ist eine Geschichte für einen anderen Tag …
Diese feindliche, unbarmherzige Welt kann ein einsamer Ort sein. Warum sich also nicht mit Gleichgesinnten zusammentun und die Herausforderungen gemeinsam angehen? Hartgesottene Kriminelle mit Muskeln wie Stahl oder Wissenschaftlerinnen mit zwielichtiger Vergangenheit – es gibt eine Vielzahl von potenziellen Gefährten, alle mit einer einzigartigen Persönlichkeit und eigenen Fähigkeiten.
Oder du stellst dich der Welt als „einsamer Wolf“. Dies ist kein einfacher Weg, aber du kannst ihn durchaus beschreiten.
In Encased stehst du ständig vor der Wahl: Welche Art Charakter willst du sein, welcher Abteilung beitreten und wie ehrenhaft bist du? Welche Ausrüstung nimmst du mit? Wie wirst du kämpfen? Stellst du selbst bessere Waffen und Rüstung her?
Und das ist noch nicht alles. Du wirst Leben in die Waagschale werfen und entscheiden müssen, wer überlebt und wer untergeht.
Und jede deiner Entscheidungen wird die Geschichte und dein Spielerlebnis beeinflussen. Nun, es ja auch niemand behauptet, dass der Weltuntergang einfach sein würde …
- CPU: Intel Core i5-3.3 GHz or better, or AMD Equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660m or AMD Radeon R7 260x (2GB of video memory)
- Software: WINDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectSound (DirectX compatible sound card)
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell)
- CPU: Intel Core i7-3.7 GHz or better, or AMD Equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB), or AMD RX 480 (8GB)
- Software: WINDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectSound (DirectX compatible sound card)
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell)
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
4891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.23 17:39
Die Stärken des Spiels liegen in der Story und den Dialogen. Ich spiele auf Englisch, und finde die Dialoge bisher allesamt sehr gut geschrieben, die Story ist interessant und das Setting originell. Es gibt sehr viele NPCs, die individuelle Dialoge haben. Das Art Design ist auch super gut gemacht. Die Idee des "Dome" finde ich originell und gut umgesetzt, insgesamt finde ich das World-Building ziemlich gut gelungen. Teilweise wird es richtig düster, fast schon Horror-mäßig, und bisher ist gerade auch der - freilich nicht durchgehend vorhandene - Gruselfaktor sehr gut gelungen.
Allerdings merkt man dem Spiel an, dass die Entwickler offensichtlich nicht genug Resourcen hatten, um alle Ideen umzusetzen. Es fehlt an relevanten Sidequests, die eine richtige Geschichte erzählen und die Immersion vertiefen. Manche DInge werden nur in Dialogen dargestellt, aber in der Spielwelt kaum umgesetzt. So ist etwa in vielen Dialogen dargestellt, dass das New Comittee ein autoritäres Regime ist, aber das bekommt man beim spielen recht wenig mit. Gerade im späteren Teil des Spiels ist die Story eher schwach und das Ende ist eher schlecht umgesetzt.
Das Attribute- und Fertigkeitensystem erinnert mich an Fallout New Vegas (und hat wahrscheinlich entsprechende Ähnlichkeiten mit anderen Titeln der Fallout-Reihe, zu denen ich aber immer noch nicht gekommen bin). Dementsprechend habe ich mich bei der Charaktererstellung - auch dank der Tooltips - gut zurechtgefunden. Es wird aber doch einiges anders gemacht als in Fallout, etwa in dem man durch die Fertigkeiten auf entsprechenden Leveln neue Spezialangriffe für die jeweilige Waffengattung freischalten kann usw. Wenn man sich die Zeit nimmt, sich alles in Ruhe durchzulesen, und vielleicht schon ein bisschen Erfahrung in ähnlichen Spielen hat, kommt man sehr gut zurecht.
Die Kämpfe sind rundenbasiert und funktionieren mit Aktionspunkten und Trefferwahrscheinlichkeiten. Die Kämpfe sind bisher mit etwas Vorbereitung (z.B. Granaten herstellen) gut zu bewältigen. Leider fehlt die Mechanik, in Deckung zu gehen. Die Kämpfe drehen sich eher um Schadensarten (Mechanisch, Energie, Biologisch, usw) sowie Statuseffekte. Insgesamt wirkt das Kampfsystem aber etwas zu simpel. Gerade im fortgeschrittenen Spiel wird es irgendwan langweilig. Es fehlt ein wenig das taktische Element.
Die Schleichen-Mechanik funktioniert recht gut.
Ein kleines Manko ist, dass die Wegfindung der Gefährten ziemlich madig ist. Dazu muss man aber einfach wissen, dass man die Gefährten vom Hauptcharakter "loskoppeln" kann durch ein Klick auf die Kette zwischen den Charakterportraits, und dann kann man sie individuell steuern, ohne dass sie einander folgen. Das bringt mehr Kontrolle in brenzligen Situationen. Im Kampf sind die einzelnen Feinde und Verbündete sowieso nacheinander an der Reihe.
Das Spiel ist offensichtlich bewusst so gemacht, dass man viele Situationen auch ohne direkten Kampf bewältigen kann (etwa mit Schleichen oder Reden). Dazu kommt, dass man Erfahrungspunkte nicht nur durch Quests und Kämpfe bekommt, sondern z.B. auch für das Durchsuchen von Kisten und das Herstellen von Gegenständen.
Gerade am Anfang des Spiels hatte ich den Eindruck, dass es sowohl im Kampf als auch außerhalb davon immer mehrere Lösungsmöglichkeiten für Herausforderungen gibt. Allerdings hält das Spiel dieses Prinzip nicht komplett durch. Insgesamt wird von den Möglichkeiten, sich durch schleichen, Schlösser knacken und hacken neue Herangehensweisen zu erschließen, nicht genug Gebrauch gemacht.
Das Spiel hat absolute Glanz-Momente, insbesondere dann wenn es gruselig wird. Da wird durch verschiedenste Mittel richtig gut Atmosphäre aufgebaut. Allerdings schafft das Spiel die Qualität dieser Glanzmomente nicht oft genug. Und insgesamt hat man das Gefühl, dass die Entwickler wahrscheinlich eine Menge Content geplant haben, den sie nicht mehr realisieren konnten. Das Ende wirkt mau und die Geschichte wirkt ein wenig halb-fertig. Um den Dome richtig lebendig zu machen hätte jede Faction im Spiel mindestens 1-2 größere Seiten-Questlinien benötigt. Nimmt man dann noch das etwas hölzerne Kampfsystem, welches recht wenig taktische Tiefe aufweist, kann es in der zweiten Hälfte etwas langweilig werden.
Trotzdem ist das Spiel nicht total schlecht. Allein aufgrund der interessanten Welt, der guten DIaloge und den Glanzmomenten, in denen das Spiel richtig Stimmung erzeugt hat, bereue ich es nicht, es gespielt zu haben. Allerdings ist das höchst subjektiv, insbesondere beinharte CRPG-Fans werden wohl nicht so richtig auf ihre Kosten kommen. Allen, die sich unsicher sind, rate ich vor allem auf einen Rabatt zu warten - denn ob das Spiel die vollen 30 Euro, die es regulär kostet, wirklich wert ist, da bin ich mir selbst nicht ganz sicher.
3016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 00:53
- Stimmige und originelle Spielwelt. Mal was anderes als Nach dem Nuklearkrieg oder Zombies durch Irgendwas. Eine riesige Kuppel in die man rein aber nicht wieder raus kann voller Anomalien und Relikten fühlt sich gut an und eröffnet massig Möglichkeiten.
- Gutes runden-basiertes Kampfsystem.
- Einstellbarer Schwierigkeitsgrad bei dem auch genau erklärt wird was sich dadurch Verändert.
- Interessante Waffengattungen (Energiewaffen, Leicht und schwere Waffen, Klingen und Knüppel sowie Psionische Waffen) mit zusätzlichen Untergattungen in jeder Waffengruppe. Und die Waffen sind auch wirklich unterschiedlich.
- Verschiedene Fraktionen von denen man zu Spielstart eine auswählen muss. Da diese Wahl viele Dinge im Spiel beeinflusst könnte ich mir Vorstellen das auch ein zweiter oder dritter Durchgang reizvoll sein könnte.
- Stimmige Optik. Kein Grafikwunder aber auch kein Hässliches Entlein.
- Man kann ziemlich wenig tragen findet aber sehr viele Zutaten die irgendwann wichtig sein können. Das zwingt einen dazu vieles liegen zu lassen was ich ungern tue. Durch bessere Rucksäcke kann das mögliche Tragegewicht zwar erhöht werden bleibt aber immer zu knapp (Es gibt allerdings einen Cheat für einen Superrucksack der dieses Problem behebt wenn ihr den cheaten wollt).
- Sehr, sehr viel Text wenn man wirklich mit jedem Reden und alles erkunden möchte. Das meiste von diesem Text ist noch dazu absolut unwichtig. Manches aber auch wieder ziemlich wichtig. Also entweder alles lesen oder manches verpassen.
- Questführung wie früher. Im Questlog stehen Hinweise sollte man sie den entdeckt haben und dort kann man auch aktivieren einer Quest zu folgen was aber leider absolut keine Auswirkungen hat. Pfeile oder Kartenmarkierungen tauchen nicht auf. Also Questlog gut lesen und oft nachlesen und aufpassen was die Questgeber genau sagen.
- Nun das für mich GRÖßTE ÜBEL: Die meiste Zeit beim spielen verbringt man damit Kisten zu öffnen. Es gibt Unmengen davon zu durchsuchen und jedes mal dauert das Durchsuchen einige Sekunden. Ob die Kiste leer ist sieht man erst danach. Also versteht mich bitte nicht falsch. Ich sammle gerne und bin darin auch nicht schnell zu langweilen aber wenn ich an manchen Orten 1h nichts anderes mache als von Karton zu Kiste zu laufen ist das schon etwas arg. Da unheimlich wichtige Dinge aber oft gerade bei solchen Suchorgien gefunden werden fällt es auch schwer einfach nicht nachzusehen selbst wenn man das meiste liegen lässt wegen dem kleinen Rucksack.
- Taschendiebstahl und Klauen lohnen sich zwar aber sehr langsam ablaufende Timer sorgen bei sowas dafür das man teils 10 min warten muss bis man weiter machen kann.
FAZIT: Encased ist wirklich nicht schlecht und macht vieles richtig aber es ist zuweilen auch recht anstrengend. wenn ihr dafür genug Ausdauer und Geduld mitbringt kommt ihr auch in den Genuss der Vorzüge dieses Spiels.
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 22:19
..da leg ich mich also nach 50 Minuten in einen Sarg und sterbe kurze Zeit später....GENAU sowas muss ein Spiel haben...diese einen Momente...unvergesslich....Tolles Gamesplay...Gute Sprachausgabe....und SEHR viel zu lesen
Nicht Empfohlen
3045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 11:16
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 11:56
Wer sehen will, wie das Spiel in seinen Grundzügen funktioniert, der kann sich mein Video anschauen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1bxdJVeaww&list=PL1dSSASvFWwDoNNACM1q_AufWLevd9zEf&index=323
1335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 12:18
Schmeckt nach Fallout
Encased ist ein isometrisches Rollenspiel, welches sich selbst mit großen Genrevertretern vergleicht und sich auch von vielen solchen inspirieren hat lassen. Vorweg sei gesagt: Ja, es
versprüht tatsächlich den Flair von Fallout 1 und 2.
Wir befinden uns in den 70er Jahren. In den USA wurde eine riesige Kuppel frei gelegt, the Dome. Darin scheint sich eine eigene Welt zu befinden und die Menschheit hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht diese zu erkunden. Es wurde ein Zugang gefunden, welcher den Eintritt in den gewaltigen Dome ermöglicht, wie man wieder heraus kommt, dies ist jedoch eines der vielen Geheimnisse die es zu ergründen gilt – genau wie mächtige Artefakte, gefährliche Anomalien, Stürme und mutierte Wesen.
Welcome to the Dome
Das Spiel beginnt, wie im Genre üblich, mit der Charaktererschaffung. Diese mutet optisch und von den zu vergebenden Werten bereits wie ein Fallout an. So gibt es neben Erscheinungsbild, Name und Attributen auch Perks zu vergeben. Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt ist die Wahl der Charakterklasse, da diese maßgeblich auch den weiteren Spielablauf beeinflusst: So sind die Menschen, welche in den Dome gehen nach ihren Fertigkeiten und ihrer Profession in verschiedene Gruppen eingeteilt, Wings genannt. So kann man wählen, ob man zu den verwaltenden Berufen zählen möchte, den leitenden Positionen, den Sicherheitskräften, den Technikern, den Wissenschaftlern oder denen, die eher untergeordnete Tätigkeiten voll richten müssen. Diese Wahl ist recht wichtig, da sich Quests, Verhalten der Dialogpartner und vieles weitere von dieser Wahl ableiten – zudem basieren auch viele Aufgaben auf dem Sozialverhalten der Gruppierungen untereinander.
Encased startet dann in einer der bereits erbauten Basen im Dome und wir werden eingewiesen in den Ablauf unter der Kuppel und es beginnt ein Tutorial, welches uns in die Spielwelt einführt.
Der Spielablauf selber ist recht klassisch, wie man es aus dem Genre kennt. Wer führen viele textlastige (super geschriebene Texte – aber komplett in englisch. Da das Lesen einen großen Anteil hat, ist sicheres englisch sehr wichtig) Dialoge, sammeln Dinge aus Kisten, wie Material zum Craften, Waffen und andere Items, wie Heilmittel oder Schlüssel, erkunden die Umgebung, lösen Rätsel und führen Kämpfe. Generell gilt es, unsere Aufgaben im Dome entsprechend unserer Profession zu erledigen.
Noch nicht alles perfekt, aber es wird immer runder
Encased ist noch im Early Access befindlich, somit kann einiges was ich nun erwähne schon verbessert worden sein oder dies könnte in den nächsten Patches passieren. Nachstehend ein paar Eindrücke meiner bisherigen Spielzeit:
Die Grafik ist sehr ansprechend, gerade wenn man das Genre berücksichtigt. Die Umgebung ist detailliert, die Charaktermodelle wirken stimmig. Die Welt selber ist toll designet und wirkt wie eine Mischung aus SiFi und Endzeit – und das ganze gemischt mit 70er Jahre Flair. Hat mir sehr gefallen.
Der Sound war zunächst recht eintönig und erinnerte stark an Shadowrun, was mich sehr störte, da ich Shadowrun zwar als spaßiges aber bei weitem nicht komplex genügen RPG Vertreter wahrnahm und dies einen faden Beigeschmack gab. Inzwischen ist die Musik deutlich abwechslungsreicher und stimmiger.
Die Kamera war bis Content Patch 2 ein Graus, da sie sich zwar frei drehen lies, dies aber in einem viel zu großen Radius. Dies wurde ebenfalls angepasst, die Kamera ist nur dreh und zoombar wie in Divinity – und wenn man bei dem Spiel was abschaut, kann das nur gut sein.
Das Inventar finde ich antiquiert. Ja, das haben viele Genrekollegen so gelöst, praktikabel war es nie. Es besteht aus vielen quadratischen Felder, in welche Items je nach Größe Platz wegnehmen. Da die Taschengröße aber nicht nach Platz, sondern nach Gewicht bestimmt ist, ergibt das weder Sinn, noch war dies je die angenehmste Form der Darstellung.
Das Loot und Craftingsystem ist ebenfalls bisher unschön. Man findet viel zu viel Schlonz, wie Metall oder Schrauben usw, welche die Taschen füllt und man in Ermangelung an Craftingstationen, Verwendungsmöglichkeiten oder Schauplätzen (Bankfach, eigene Kiste oder so) eigentlich auch gar nicht haben will.
Die Story und die Welt sind die große Stärke wie ich finde. Das gab es so noch nicht, auch wenn Anleihen an ähnliche Ideen sicher vorhanden sind. Es ist stets spannend und motiviert zum Erkunden.
Das Aufleveln des Charakters, also das Skillsystem, ist in meinen Augen etwas überladen, auch wenn man das Prinzip schnell verstanden hat. Ich finde da geht in Benutzerfreundlichkeit noch was.
Das runden basierende Kampfsystem ist recht simpel gehalten, ich fand es gar etwas spröde. An Echtzeitschlachten wie in Pillars oder Rundenkämpfen wie in Divinity reicht es nicht ran.
Ich finde Encased ist bereits zu seinem jetzigen Entwicklungsstand einen Blick wert, auch zu dem Preis. Denn ca. 30+ Stunden kann man sich hier bereits austoben, erkunden und stößt auf wenige Ecken und Kanten. Als ich 15 Stunden gespielt hatte kam Patch 2, der die Speicherstände unnutzbar machte – es ärgerte mich nicht mal, denn die Entwickler hatten so viel was störte bereits verbessert, Dinge hinzugefügt, erweitert, das ich mich eher freute, wieder neu zu beginnen. So darf man fest davon ausgehen, dass die Entwickler hier am Ball bleiben und Encased wirklich zu dem Fallout 1 und 2 Nachfolger wird, den sich viele gewünscht haben. Daumen hoch.
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Nicht Empfohlen
5350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.23 05:06
Nicht Empfohlen
3975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.23 20:50
If you really really like Isometric rpgs it might be worth your time but for most people I would say you should pass.
4790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.23 06:39
Overall a great game that should scratch the RPG itch.
Nicht Empfohlen
1955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.23 03:20
I really wanted to like this game, but I couldn't finish it. Time will tell if the developers come back to this game because parts of it look rushed or unfinished.
Story: The game has lot of influences like Fallout 1/2, Roadside picnic, stalker and reminds me a bit of Stargate and Atlantis with the scientific archaeological corporation which that your character work's for. The intro to the game serves as a strong hook, after that the rest of the game struggles to live up the expectations set by the introduction and you find yourself losing interest once you enter the "rest of the game" stage which leaves me wanting what could have been.
Gameplay: Pretty much your standard turn based rpg like Fallout 1/2 and Wasteland 2 where you have a semi -classless system. When making your character, you chose which branch of the corporation your character comes from and that gives them bonuses towards certain character skills and interactions with the other factions. I think it adds a nice flavor to game in terms of player choice and adding something to the game's setting.
Unfortunately after the game's introduction is over, you will find yourself with a number of unskippable combats like town raids where hostile npcs will randomly spawn and attack whatever settlement you happen to be visiting. Settlements don't repopulate and once the guards are finally killed off, you will find yourself having to defend the town yourself. This is also annoying during the beginning parts of the game because you will find your starting gear more and more obsolete and you will find yourself facing off against harder enemies which eat away at ammo/healing enemies in your inventory and many of the rewards not worth the risk. There is a crafting system to offset your logistical burden, however the burden remains and many main quests will require some form of combat to be completed.
Overall: I think its still worth checking out if you are GM and you looking for ideas for your next campaign at the table. Just don't be deceived by the game's introduction.
4800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.23 22:30
this kept me sane and entertained for 2 weeks using only the mouse to play and using my non dominant hand
Nicht Empfohlen
5014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.23 21:00
It's fun for the first few hours but then it's just boring and repetitive.
Some things clearly were not finished and many things were rushed.
Quests are hard to follow and lack all kinds of instructions.
I cannot recommend this.
2426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 15:19
Unless you cut too many story corners by using the very overpowered stealth to steal important quest items instead of doing quests and dialogues. Game doesn't break from that but the storytelling can a stumble a bit and whole factions can become pointless.
So i'd possibly avoid that to get most of the full story, even though i appreciate the freedom. Another issue with too much freedom is that you can sell (later) important quest items without warning. Of course there is a proper free save system but it can get a bit annoying.
Very complex character skill and perks system, including a fun low-intelligence mode which most of the world reacts to. Leading to GREAT flexibility in playstyles, level exploration and quest solutions. Yes, later quests and some side areas can't quite keep the complexity and freedom in choices of the early ones (point of some neg.reviews). But it remains vastly more flexible and interesting than lazy, generic combat grinders like Wasteland 3. It also beats Atom RPG in that respect. Quite a lot of genuine replayability from story and quests alone. .
Combat is the ususal turn based standard. And ok at that. One issue is the single difficulty option. Seperating the combat difficulty from the (of course!) unnecessary hunger/thirst busywork would have been great. So having less annoying hunger/thrist busywork also means generally easy difficulty. Not quite survival game levels but still annoying busywork. And it feels just absoluletly unnecessary as a feature.
Talking of which: (again) too much microlooting of way too many containers with too little interesting loot.again to feed the microcrafting system. Also the inventory could use some love, like a auto-stack button. It's not too bad but it can get a bit messy. The UI is ok but a bit too busy imho.
All in all, even though not pefect, it is actually very good. Possibly the best of the various such story heavy turn based combat rpg currently around (Atom RPG, Shadowrun HongKong, Wasteland2,3...). Especially but not only for a small team/budget/price RPG,
2473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 13:04
Combat balancing felt a little off at times mostly being on the too easy side (on normal difficulty) as I felt overpowered as psychic even amongst my companions which I eventually ditched as they couldn't do half the damage I was outputting, though regardless I still had a lot of fun
9945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 23:40
For me the best part is the character creation, because it is extremely flexible and you can develop your character in any direction you'd like.
You can make a genius solder or an idiot scientist, and every shade in between. Low-intellect characters get completely different and hilarious dialogue throughout.
1606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 14:03
+ Setting is falloutesque retropunk stuff, very nice and nostalgic
+ Decent story elements and writing
+ Combat is responsive and intuitive
+ Skill and Perk system straight from classic Fallout
+ Interesting factions and npcs
+ Good VO work
+ Nice artstyle
I only got one actual gripe with this game and that is pc dialogue. They never bothered writing out what your character actually says. Instead of giving your character lines in the dialogue interface, the text instead describes what you say.
For example:
1. Agree with him
2. Disagree with him
3. [Speech] Convince him to give you money
4. [Attack]
For some people this might seem like a minor nitpick, but it really breaks my immersion. For comparison Fallout and the other classic crpg games gave your player character life by writing actual dialogue for them. This also made you read your options more carefully since you might've accidentally said something you did not mean to.
tl;dr: If you liked the original fallout games and other crpg classics you might just like this one as well. Due to the lazy pc dialogue this game might not be for me, but I can appreciate the effort put into this game.
5531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 06:54
4189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 15:03
With the current patch status I encountered no bugs or anything impacting my enjoyment of the game.
This really is a worthy successor of Fallout 1&2. The look and feel of the graphics and interface have a strong resemblance.
The RPG system behind it is solid - but not perfect.
The combat is fun and tactical - but if you play it in easy there is no big challenge - if you prefer following the story (like I did).
Some minor aspects that would have improved the experience from my point of view:
- the quest log is sometimes not clear. In a few cases it's hard to understand what you need to do next to finish a quest.
- there are some quests where you need to find people in a larger area, but the map doesn't help you here, you really have to search every possible corner and click on every NPC before you find the one you need.
- the movement speed is a bit to slow, it's pretty annoying to run for a minute or more over the map just to get to the next exit.
- the fast travel option exists only when you enter a big location with several sub-areas, but not when you want to leave it.
So you have to run through long corridors just to get from one area to the next.
- the strange artifacts you find all have a positive and a negative modifier. For me the negative modifiers were a bit to tough, so many of the cool artifacts seemed useless to me.
- the perks you can gain every few levels are a bit blank and underwhelming. Helping you only in very selective circumstances. Why aren't there more generic perks that just have a nice little impact. Like needs to consume less food and water, has one additional relic slot, direct improvements for your attributes...
- why is there no place all the companions are gathering at if they are not in the party? It's hard to find them again once you tried out another companion?
But all together this is a great game with a satisfying story, cool sub-quests and good mechanics.
6014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 11:10
I recommend the Google Doc put together by Waladil here and this Steam post prior to starting a character. Hopefully with both you aren’t surprised by requirements for perks.
TLDR Conclusion
Setting, alternate methods for quest resolution, some encounters are good. Narrative was ok, but not fire. Unfortunately, the game incentivises you to do tedious activities to level up. If you can force yourself not to do them, or don’t care, the game could be for you.
Good Stuff
Dialogue options and skill checks will be available, or not, based on your skills, attributes, the ‘wing’ of CRONUS you chose in character creation, your faction reputation with the person you’re talking to and the dialogue itself. Most quests (possibly all) offer multiple ways to resolve them based on how you’ve built your character.
You play an employee of CRONUS, exploring “The Dome”, an area which (in the game’s universe) appeared around 1970 and contains inexplicable phenomena. It’s a unique setting.
Random Encounters
These encounters are the most interesting events in the game – even if a lot don’t award more than a narrative reward. You’ll get descriptions of weird environmental phenomena and events.
Side Quests
Mostly pretty interesting – find someone’s torn off leg or hunt for a chess game. Unfortunately, to access them you need to travel the entire overland map or talk to every NPC in every ‘city area’. This design will certainly see those who aren’t interested in exploring everywhere miss out on good content.
I believe you can play the game without killing anything.
Average Stuff
An event occurs and you try and deal with it. This resolution doesn’t explain the event but instead focuses on how the various factions can use it to benefit.
The denouement of the narrative fell pretty flat; resolving the mystery would have been better.
Outside of initial meetings, companions don’t really offer much in the way of dialogue. Companion pathing is awful. Anticipate them to be precisely where you don’t want them.
You need a ‘thing' from each faction which involves going to their area, finding the relevant ‘faction head’ and asking them for it. Their chains usually involve a couple of quests, about half of which are banal. That’s about it for ‘connecting to a faction’; the rest of the inhabitants could be people from anywhere, and a few merchants.
Combat is turn based - you generate action points, move and attack, so does the enemy. Someone dies. Non-fatal weapons exist, but they’re pretty pointless. You can combine the stealth system and quiet weapons to avoid turn based combat.
Stealth and Crime
You activate stealth mode. NPCs get two concentric circles – a white and a red. Outside of the white, they can’t see you at all. Inside of the white, they’ll see you if you leave stealth mode. Inside of the red, they’ll see you if your stealth timer runs out. Your stealth timer lasts a number of seconds determined by your “Criminal” stat.
When you’re in stealth you can also pick pockets – the value you can take off any person is determined by your “Criminal” stat, now they’ll look for you for a few hours, and you can’t pick them again for a few days. “Criminal” stat also determines the highest value lock you can pick.
It’s hard to imagine playing this game without taking Criminal skill.
One option is to play the game on easy mode – pick the pocket of merchants (and NPCs). Alternatively, don’t take Criminal and be strapped for cash the entire game. It feels like the developers assumed everyone would invest in Criminal.
The Bad
Experience and Learnability
Experience is generated from many sources. The problem is how these things are valued. Quests and combat (i.e. ‘playing the game’) generate comparatively little – finding hidden things on a map, or discovering expensive shoes in a box can produce heaps.
This incentivises you to maximise experience doing the most banal activities – such as opening every container on a map, or scanning every possible thing.
This is compounded by Learnability. Learnability effectively operates as a multiplier to experience generated, and comes from a mix of attributes, armour worn, perks and skills. Relevantly, in the Criminal skill tree you can generate Learnability when you’re stealthed.
When you’re stealthed, you move slower. Despite this, you’re likely to find yourself stealthing for hours across a map, opening boxes (and praying they aren’t locked, which will slow the process down) to generate experience. This isn’t the only ‘edge case’ for learnability.
The experience problem is made worse by the way the developers have placed containers.
Holding alt reveals most (but not always all) containers on the map. Because loot is randomly generated, any could hold something worth hundreds of currency and thousands of experience... or nothing at all.
A single building, on one decent-sized city map, could hold twenty or thirty containers. Your character has to walk to each container to open it and, if you’re lucky, perform an animation. If you’re unlucky there’s a search bar as well. If you’re really unlucky, it’s locked and you have to pick the lock.
Having picked the lock and waited for the search bar, there’s still no guarantee you find anything.
So because any container could contain epic pants or a fantastic relic, you open everything... while stealthed... in power armour... because those things maximise the Learnability, and therefore the experience, you get if you open a container and find a pair of orange boots.
There are likely thousands of containers in the game, and the loot/experience economy of the game commends itself to opening all of them.
99% of loot is random.
Expect to spend hours opening boxes to find nothing of any gameplay value, but you’ll keep doing it because the system incentivises it for experience earning.
Level Scaling
The game has some pretty mad level scaling.
Outside of scripted encounters, enemies level with you and so do merchants. You won’t find any level 10 weapons in a store at level 1, and everyone will sell them by level 40. Not-for-nothing, this also renders the crafting system almost pointless.
You earn one perk point every three levels. One of the perks drops this to a perk point every two levels. That, and several other perks, vastly outclass the majority of perk options.
This is one problem with the system – some perks are useless (faster fatigue recovery when sleeping) and others a no-brainer selection (more skill points every level). This makes early perks feel like less of a choice and more of an obviously optimal path.
Additionally, there are perks which don’t function as their text appears to suggest; several add benefits only to your companions, not the main character, even though the text would suggest otherwise and you won’t know this unless you manually check to see if the stat increased.
Finally, prerequisites for perks sometimes seem arbitrary. For example, a perk that adds to ‘psionics damage’ needs “Muscle”, as well as “Psyche” even though “Muscle” adds very little to a psionics build and would be sensibly a dump stat.
No Respec
The game contains no respec method, which is an egregious failure given perks rely on arbitrary attribute allocation that can’t be reset after creation.
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610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 03:17
Perhaps there is a good game in here somewhere, but this thing needed a couple more years of development before it hit early access, as it is, it feels simultaneously too full and too empty.
The story doesn't grab me, even after trying a few of the origins and several builds.
Maybe it'll be good in a few years, and worth playing, but for now, Didn't enjoy it, and can't recommend it.
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2101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 22:54
TDLR: The pieces are here, but they are not fleshed out enough to really make me recommend this game. Its not bad per se, more just meh which arguably is worse. 6/10.
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165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 08:13
It's hard to make legitimate criticism here; I just was constantly bored. Looking for the plot. NPCs were annoying rather than charming. There was some background dialogue, but that also wasn't very enticing. The worldbuilding is at least somewhat interesting, but I wouldn't call it great - maybe it gets better later.
When I was told to go on a mission to an interesting place and I ended up at some run-down redneck roadside cafe with drugged hippies, I lost my patience. It failed to grab me, and now I can't even make a proper critique; it's the uninteresting kind of bad. Two good things in spite of all that: the UI is nice and clean, if a little unwieldy. And The skill point system is nice, it grants you additional skills/perks every 30 points. A very nice evolution.
As a closing statement, a bit of statistics. 73% of players leave the tutorial area, but only 7% beat the game. Source: Achievements. Have a lovely day, internet stranger!
4504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 08:02
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3827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 19:06
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373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 13:25
2409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 05:31
Encased is something special. For the first 10 hours I wasn't really getting into it. I re-rolled and played again. After 12 hours or so I started getting some new abilities that I really enjoyed. After that, and finding some companions, I really got into the narrative and the gameplay.
You'll notice from achievements that only 19% of players as of this review have completed act 1. That's not stellar. After Act 1 the game can get a bit ridiculous with the main story fetch quest, which has you running around the map looking for 5 different items to move the story along. This can get tedious and I can see why less than 10% of people that purchased this completed the game.
So, the gameplay. Its a mixture of fallout and stalker. Stalker in that you find relics and can equip them to buff your power. You also throw bolts to disrupt the distortions around these relic sites. Fallout in that its post apocalyptic and you have to scrounge for items. I was struggling at first until I found companions. The game literally gives you three in the first town after the tutorial, you just have to look for them.
Music is a bit of synth and horror I would say. This is where encased fell flat for me. The atmosphere of this apocalyptic game isn't on par with fallout 1 and 2 for example. It has this sort of goofy early 80's motif even though it is early 70's. The tech is obviously from an alternate Earth so I can excuse it for being futuristic. But the atmosphere never got me like fallout did. This is one of the reasons i almost dropped the game entirely but I decided to give it a few more hours and I'm glad I did. Once you reach level 12 or so you start to get interesting abilities that make the game more enjoyable in combat.
Speaking of combat, you'll usually just use your characetrs default attacks. Mobs don't get too difficult until end game where they're level 19+. Encased is extremely stingy with certain ammo types, namely energy. I sunk a bunch of points into high tech weapons but rarely saw any drop. This is again, another reason I initially didn't like my first playthrough.
Ultimately this is a very impressive post apocalypse crpg from this studio. It's their first game and I'm very impressed. They still are releasing content updates as well as adding gamepad support.
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504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 21:15
1757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 16:11
visually stunning with an intriguing storyline this game is very well presented. I feel that the gem is replayability. there are so many secret skills and perks it is not possible to play them all in one run through.
So build the character you want to see and venture forth once more, for there is no escape.
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3730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 01:30
This game would had been perfect if it discard the second half entirely and let the game end once you finish the first part.
At this point the game is pretty much 'early access' as even if you can reach the ending the second half feels very incomplete.
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1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 22:40
In addition game play is much more linear than the open world sandbox as advertised. You are free to make your own choices you will simply be progression locked for it if you try to strike out on your own vs. follow the main story line.
2352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 20:11
The first 25 or so hours are fantastic, and all I want from an RPG: original setting, choices that matter, quests with different outcomes, different ways to handle situations depending on your build, fights that are difficult but mostly avoidable, no 'filler' fights... I don't like how scarce ammunition/health/healing kits/money are, which often makes getting into fighting a bad choice, but that is a defendable design choice.
And then, after powering the Emulator, all that changes: the new maps are still huge, but will have only one or two persons of actual interest on them, side quests all but disappear, leaving only the main quest, NPC don't have interesting backstories/dialog any more but just the lines needed for the quest, and your have to travel more which leads to random fights which you don't want (see above).
Judging from the Steam achievements, less than 1 in 5 players get to this point, so I can't blame the developers too much for focusing on the beginning of the game. I still recommend the game based on that first 25 hours, but how I wish it could have maintained that level of content... As it is, I don't think I will finish the game.
3528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 18:55
Tons of variety, plenty of bugs, buttloads of attitude. Smells like Black Isle to me.
Other games like this:
- ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game
- Wasteland 2
- Wasteland 3
- Fallout 1
- Fallout 2
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15507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 16:54
the worst aspect is the loot. from the lazy items themselves to the loot chances to horrible merchant mechanics it had me tearing my hair the whole time. here is the defining story of my one single run of this game.
at the very end of the game (trying to be story spoiler free) you basically have to craft a certain set of items to unlock the final quest. one of the ingredients is a quest item, the others are just normal crafting junk you can find around. One of them is called a CPS, Charged (if youre reading this and havent got this far hang on to those!!). didnt realize it would ever be a quest item so I sold every one i came across early because theyre honestly good money. lo and behold im at the last phase of the game and ive done all 10 side quests the game has to offer and i have no more CPS, Charged. Every traditional dungeon in the game is a) in act 1 and b) a main quest, so there was nowhere to go to grind/loot.
every merchant i came across only had the worst possible items you can buy, plus the traveling ones' inventories never reset so stuff you sell them in act 1 stays in their inventory the whole game. very frustrating having the only 4 gun vendors in the whole game show you stuff way below your level that you sold them earlier. Hilariously, this lead to me discovering 2 facts. the amount of xp you get from looting any given container is proportional to the total value of the loot in it (so lucky finds are worth more), and if you kill a vendor their entire sellable inventory is a) on their body and b) rerolled from what they were actually selling. This can lead to looting a dead gun vendor and gaining 2 whole levels at once. Great! murdering vendors in the desert leads to only positive outcomes. even the faction loss is not crippling, and there isnt a faction with more than one gun vendor anyway so you can't even stack it. I recommend killing one per act because eventually they do get higher level stuff eventually and even at the highest level looting a merchant will still probably level bomb you. you must cultivate them before you harvest.
unfortunately this xp gain and free guns cannot materialize CPS, Charged. somehow tools vendors never had one for me, and they generally only carry worthless stuff so its not worth killing them like gun/armor vendors. there is another item in the game called CPS, Dead which as it sounds is an uncharged version of whatever it is. you would think this means you could somehow use one of the many science crafting tables and the honestly large and robust if kind of bland crafting system around the world to charge it up, but you'd be wrong. they are simply two distinct items.
You need 3 total CPS, Charged to complete the crafting. all of these facts together lead to me sitting at my desk and simply traveling around the, discovering square by square in hopes i would stumble on some dungeon or event or something where id find a CPS, Charged. After probably 10-15 hours of game time (my game hrs are messed up bc i left it running) and dozens and dozens of the exact same random encounters ive been getting all game i managed to scrape up 3 CPS, Charged from literally random boxes and flower pots in the encounter rooms.
The whole time i was going through my gun vendor murder spree i thought it was weird that the only change as the game went on is that the number on the weapons was going up. no unique items besides companion weapons, no rare weapons, no interesting progression or upgrades. by the end i was maxing heavy weapons and psi, and honestly finding high-level psi-gloves is nearly impossible. i had a lot of level 10 heavy weapons by the very end, but only a level 8 glove.
after all this grind i had basically maxed my level and a lot of my combat stats and came across the most powerful level 10 weapons possible, then after the crafting quest was done you went to the next quest location and lo and behold its the end game initiation, completely out of nowhere. all the faction leaders are there and some of them want you to do stuff for you once you get to the end. after that you have a single dungeon, then a bunch of cut scenes and cool art and Martin Sheen's luscious voice, and it's over.
Literally I never felt more deflated playing a single player game in my life. All that set up, all the stupidity trying to find some damned CPS, Charged, all the interesting story lore and potential faction interactions and the end game is over in 30 minutes. All of that grind wouldve been forgivable if there was another 20 hours of awesome game like the first act, but instead clearly the money ran short.
That's life!
4200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 22:35
Every new settlement you find in act 2 is completely barren with just the main quest NPCs and some randoms wandering around town. Some locations are clearly hastily cobbled together from parts of other unfinished ideas (Maze of Death). Dialogue gets short and linear with very few, if any, skill checks. Even the random encounters you find traversing the map seem to get cut short and the ones that are present offer no meaningful interaction.
Despite all this I would recommend this game for anyone looking for that Fallout kind of RPG, or just a classic CRPG in general. There's enough fun to be had in the first half of the game to justify the purchase, if only to support the devs who clearly can make a great game if given enough resources.
908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 21:21
Watch the gameplay video:
For more quick reviews and recommendations please follow my curator.
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6443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 23:36
it's got that fallout vibe.
The story starts interesting....
but... half way through that fascination stops.
Things turn repetitive.
The map locations you discover start to feel out of place.
Factions, side characters, and even a lot of game mechanics literally seem to do... nothing? Lots of potential untouched. It feels like the game ends at about 30% in... and was then rushed with a crude main quest line to finish, without completing the rest of the game.
Pity... maybe a few patches or DLC in that will turn. So far though, it's not a bad game and it can entertain you well for a while (at least the first 30%), but don't expect anything worth remembering.
2613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 10:03
Encased is the first venture by indie company Dark Crystal Games and is an isometric styled RPG in the same vein as Fallout 1 and 2, and Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. This game is an absolute hidden gem. While it does have its small share of flaws, I found it to be very well put together and on a quality bar equal to (and greater than, depending on the companies in question) many AAA games.
Encased offers a variety of ways to earn experience for leveling up: you earn it from combat, completing quests, exploring maps, crafting, and opening loot containers/corpses with items inside of them. I found this to be one of the game's greatest strengths as it encourages the player to play how they want without punishing them for their preferred play style. Speaking of combat, combat is turn based and done through the use of Action Points which determines what specific and how many actions you can take within a round (as with most old school RPGs). The number of Action Points granted to each character is awarded based on their build/stats. I played on easy and didn't find the combat difficult (which was a problem I used to run into on some of the older RPGs).
I'm of the opinion that the character creator did a concise and excellent job explaining stats and how things were calculated, something that often struggles to keep my attention. However, if one is unsure of how builds work or doesn't feel like cobbling one together, there are a wide range of premade characters (I think it was around 20?) with interesting backstories to choose from.
On the note of backstories, you get to choose from a small list of factions - “Wings”- to be a part of at the start of the game which will open up some potential dialogue choices for you on down the line. That said, you are free to pursue your own interests and don't have to act in your factions interests at all. The factions are both one of the strongest and one of the most disappointing aspects of Encased.
The factions all have really great aesthetics, motives, and writing – they just feel right in the world – but I wish more was done with them. Granted, they are involved in the overall story, but it would have been neat if they'd had their own quests instead of just those that intersected with the main story and if you could have joined them. Not being able to join some of the factions is a huge missed opportunity, especially considering that all factions have a reputation bar that you can build up.
This leads me to my biggest gripe about the game; toward the end of the game you meet with each faction (assuming you didn't choose to wipe them out, you can do that to any of your choosing) and their representatives are gathered to ask you to do a certain thing for their specific factions. However, some of them won't actually ask you/tell you their plan unless you have specific stats. The faction I was trying to help had a requirement of 8 Charisma (among one other high one that I forgot) for them to tell me their plan which would have led to unlocking a new potential ending for me. This decision baffles me, because the only time you can set your Charisma is during character creation, and it makes the reputation bar kind of pointless? I had a few of the factions do this, actually. This is something that I strongly feel should have been tied to the reputation bar.
That having been said, I thought the writing was great, and that both the main quests and side quests were engaging and varied. One of the side quests involved going to a family dinner, that was fun. I think that's one of the things that made Encased so endearing to me, that it wasn't always about combat or going somewhere to kill/collect things, but that you got to sit down, talk to people, and have some brief normal moments in a not so normal world.
The companions are great fun. All of them were unique, felt like a part of the world, and had some interesting things to say about themselves. That said, I wish they had more dialogue options and passive dialogue, it felt like I went through all they had to say rather quickly. And yet... I wanted to have all of them in my party, but could only have two at a time so I ended up spending the entire game with the first two I met – so overall I'm of the belief that the companions were done well since I had a hard time choosing who to take with me.
As far as I know, companions aren't romanceable (the two I had certainly weren't). There aren't really romances, but there are rare opportunities for brief encounters here and there with certain NPCs.
There's also a crafting system. It was straightforward enough. I liked being able to make my own ammo, grenades, med-kits, and drugs.
My second and last gripe about the game has to do with the maps. I've seen a lot of people say that they felt the maps are empty, but I don't feel that's the case. I'm in the camp that believes the maps are too big. There's a lot of resources on each map and if the maps had been condensed a bit, then that feeling of emptiness wouldn't be there. It's a minor annoyance but since the combat is turn based and the maps are tiled, it costs AP to close the gap between allies and enemies so you might have enemies aggro'd on your playable character and your companions might be a ways off, so then you have to waste a round or two because you are using your AP to get in attack range; that would have been less of an annoyance if the maps were shorter. While the maps have a few different biomes (desert/swamp), I would have liked to have seen a couple more: snow, forest (of all dead trees), ash, salt, any of those would have been a welcome addition.
Now that I think about it, this could probably count as its own complaint, but the companion AI pathing is a mess, so every once in a while your companions will try to take the most complicated route to get somewhere on the map (when out of combat) when the maps being smaller could have circumvented this.
There is a lot of content. I did every quest and fully explored every map I came across, while dreading that the game was almost over, and it took me nearly 44 hours to complete it. I've no doubt that the game could be finished in half, maybe even a fourth the time if one were so inclined to do so, which makes the prospect of going back through it again appealing for me.
In closing: Yes, Encased does have a few things I feel it could have done better, but I found it a very memorable and enjoyable experience. I realize I went into a lot of detail with my complaints, but that's because I really love Encased, and I hope that Dark Crystal Games sees my review and takes my feedback into consideration because I'm looking forward to seeing them improve and what they might put out next!
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 20:09
What, you want more than that? Very yes. Here's the Fallout 1/2 with modern UI you wanted. Here's the Underrail with better graphics. Yes. (Unless the back third we haven't seen in open access sucks, in which case....Maybe?)
2933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 04:09
First off, I have seen entries about lack of info from the devs, but that is erroneous. They have a fun twist on their updates that appear to be in game like with the same style as the game, but they do provide info to the community quite frequently if you take the time to read it.
Second - Some people are talking about the game mechanics and how they can't kill a single creature. You have to READ the info you are dealing with before trying to use an action/weapon in combat. For example the range on a weapon has a big impact to accuracy and damage, so you cant use a shotgun which is a close combat weapon to shoot someone 50 feet away...You just wont hit them. The same applies for using fully automatic weapons, they are not accurate on will auto at range, so you should default to the 3 round burst mode which is why in real life the US Army switch to the from the fully automatic to the 3 round burst fire, so the barrel doesn't keep going up and up and you just waste ammo.
Third - The game does a great job recognizing your starting Wing (background class) and responds to you with different responses, which I thought was really cool and labor intensive for the devs to develop conversations based on each Wing, so kudos to the devs for this feature.
Fourth - The game could use a bit more options for character appearance during creation or post creation. It is almost impossible to create a character that looks like the portraits associated with it.
Finally, this game is very fun to play!!! The story is good. The combat is good if you understand it and read the tool tips. I
truly encourage everyone to buy this game and enjoy it.
3733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 19:34
2476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 20:20
3611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 21:34
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 12:06
3330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 18:56
It has the special system with a new addition in Psionics or Psyche. It has choice and consequence, It has multiple paths to solving quests, etc. In other words, this will be another addition to classic rpgs in a few years.
2913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 00:24
Its not perfect and still need polish in some areas, however my only real complaint is the map isnt big enough for my taste, which is the premise of the game to be fair. I hope by supporting this game I will see bigger projects from this team in the future.
2884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 12:29
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217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 08:02
This is the 3rd enemy you face.
This isn’t fun or in any way accessible. It is just frustrating.
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105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 06:23
The EA period has been extended several times and the Dev's don't communicate much about release dates and plans (or reasons why it's going so slow) at all so while the game does look good it has been looking good instead of being good for far too long now.
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712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 21:16
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 09:12
Seriously - I fear this game will not be finished due of these actions to get money.
Still i recommend the game, so far so good and not too expensive
2940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 21:50
1. Good story for rpg's its a must.
2. Character customization is diverse. Pretty much build a character as you want. Vast roles for your character. (I play solo)
3. HUGE world, plenty of quests. Story missions, side and encountered one's.
4. Choices matter, adds to replay ability and role playing.
5. Sci-Fi story that Encased has is mysterious and intriguing.
6. Endless ways to approach combat, very tactical and strategic.
7. Customer friendly developer. Engaging and approachable. Updates come frequently.
Ok.... you know what's coming because nothing is perfect right? I will give 3 because really that's all I see.
1. Early Access so you cant do everything and closed areas and content right now.
2. Very text.heavy because of engrossing story and many quests. No Voice Acting as of yet. Don't know about future.
3. Battle music. Every good game should have that one battle soundtrack that gets your adrenaline rising when in combat.
I did not find it buggy or graphically low if I can run it on my old classic then well you know what I mean.
I got over 100 games and been playing games since Atari 2600 I am a game veteran.
I give it a mid 85 rating right now. So if other 3 elements are implemented it will rise in ratings.
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965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 08:02
The only reason I can't recommend it is it's sluggishness. The game is slow. Slow as a turtle riding a snail. Slow to the point you may start hating it despite all the good features it has.
And when I say slow I don't mean progression - I mean animations and combat. Every animation is lazy and takes it's time to complete. Every combat move has some weird pauses (small but irritating) and in result a simple melee fight against 3-4 rats can take like 5 minutes. Maybe 10 if you are not lucky.
Right now there's no way to increase the speed of the game either by ingame means or by outside stuff like speedhack.
Developers have been requested to add some animation speed options but they merrily ignore it. I don't know if it's a dev limitation or simply a way to artificially increase gameplay hours but right now it gives you more irritation than fun.
Game would be good for you if you are super-patient but otherwise be ready to test out your patience.
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7008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 06:51
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2915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 19:59
TLDR: Spend money on this today if you really want to throw away money. Wait until full release if it ever comes
2892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 00:08
Pay no mind to all the negative votes because it's still in early access, the developers explained in detail what is going on right now. As a software developer since the 80s, I can appreciate the trouble they've had. Give them a break, if you don't want an early access game, wait for release. If you buy an early access game and post negative comments because it's not finished, you're just an ID Ten T.
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504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 16:43
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1204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 22:11
Unfortunately, all I've seen is weekly updates that never eventuate - a game that, to be honest, went backwards (the systems seemed more robust and fun at the beginning). Obviously, all the work has gone into the presentation of updates. I feel like what happened here is a really interesting start of a game in early developed either got mismanaged - or was used as a vehicle to just make money and not every finish the game. When is the idea of early access going to go away. By the way - I've played this game through quite a few times - and for some reason it only says 20 hours (which is definitely not true). Is that because that's all there was after multiple play through's over 2 years. If you see someone with more than that...they must be the developer. I think when people complain about a pile - what they are actually seeing is people who really loved this project (who were hoping it would come to life properly) reacting to one made up update too many. This idea had such great promise...I hope I am wrong. But after years of the updates not being real...
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10955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 14:11
-All substantial development stopped 6 months or so ago. Latest content patches add nothing to the game.
-No Dev interaction on bug reports, many are over a year old.
-No Dev streams on upcoming content, in progress work, etc.
-No milestones, timelines, or even indicators on whats going on beyond 'we are working on it'.
-Poor communication from the team overall. Any answers you get are fluff with nothing concrete. This includes the Koch Media deal (of which Koch Media has said nothing to prove it actually exists).
To be frank- it kinda looks like this was a young team that ran out of money from the kickstarter and is now just stringing the project along to get as much money as possible without doing any Dev work.
TLDR: Dont buy now. Wait until 2022 to see if anything is release.
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5164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 23:06
The game itself is superb. design, story, characters, all excellent. But it appears to have stalled. the updates seem to be minor things like a new weapon, or a new vendor, but you cannot progress the main story!.
it has been an inordinate amount of time for a major game to be in early access, and i think the Devs need to seriously consider progressing the main part and add fun extras later. you are starting to alienate your fan base which could spell a major setback for you.
i have played from the beginning with new alts 6 times now. each time progressing a tiny bit further. most of the changes have been polishing the already known areas. stop polishing and start expanding!.
Because of the lack of expansion i am going to have to downvote it. it needs to be rectified and soon.
the clock is ticking.
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96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 21:46
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827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 19:50
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337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 04:43
another early access game that promises the moon. A year and a half passes and they've added almost nothing to do the game. Con artist devs!
Game still has tons of missing features that were openly advertised.
30$ is a vast ripoff. Worth maybe 5 at best. Ignore the hype with the people with less than 5 hours of play in their reviews, look for anyone over 6 and you will see vastly negative ones.
IF you're truely curious to get scammed by them pressing your nostalgia buttons, then download it for free wherever and try it- play it to the 'end' (which is no end at all), and then buy it if you think its worth it. Gaurenteed you won't
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1520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 16:49
4th content patch, year later,
UI seems brilliant and experience is waaay more user friendly.
However there is no story.
No RPG player has ever thought, wow if only those raiders had more skins. The whole story listed:
1. Bad stuff happens
2. You wake up some time after
3. You do series of small quests(sometimes filled with smaller quests)
4. two available choices and done(and no ending)
Maybe there will be more, but propably side quest wise. So after year of hyping up ill put a thumbs down.
Game was ought to be out now however devs decided no, this definately needs voice acting(only russian language?XD) or whatever this koch thing provided.
Dark Crystal, proove me wrong.
This game will make me doubt every early acces i stumble upon.
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1907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 11:08
1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 08:28
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 05:47
The best thing that I like about this game is how limited you feel when you are once you select your class. In other RPG games that isn't much of an issue as the classes sort of merge over time but in this game, you really do feel like you are given short end if you decide to focus your efforts into being a charismatic leader rather than a handy tool or a sneaky criminal.
Another thing I really appreciate is the level of detail that is put into this game. Every new map has so much to interact with to the point that you could spend hours just running around picking up materials, looking for secrets, talking to other NPCs, so on and so on.
Everything just feels very crafted and thought out...this is definitely going to be one of my top 5 CRPG's this year!
(P.S. Larian Studios pitched in to make this game happen so you already know its gonna be good.)
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662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 05:31
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 12:39
Encased is an isometric, turn based RPG created by Dark Crystal Games and currently in development with early access release. It partly succeeds in emulating the nostalgia of Interplay’s Fallout games, encased in a brand new setting. Mechanically, it treads similar paths to the classics and familiars with little twists of its own. This by no means is a bad thing, as old fans of the post-apocalyptic simulators will delve into the game almost like newly polished old shoes, comfy and fit but looks fresh. Encased truly has the potential to morph itself into a great successor, but as for now there are some design and technical hurdles to overcome.
The Good
- Creative and interesting backdrop, taking off from nuclear scarred wasteland into a mysterious dome filled with strange phenomena and artifacts.
- Robust role playing aspect with 5 distinct classes that each offer their own paths in navigating the dome.
- Strong art direction with 70s retro future feel.
The Bad
- Lack some QoL features, undercooked game mechanics and bugs.
- Game’s balance seems to be like an afterthought.
- Some bits and pieces of untranslated text.
Your role in the dome
There are 5 different ‘classes’ players can take. Black (soldier), Blue (Mechanic), Orange(Rogue), White(Medic), Silver(Scientist). Each role players take offer exclusive routes and dialogue in solving the multitudes of problems inside the dome. Upon leveling up, player characters are assigned skill points and perk points, in which they can spend improving some of the dozens of abilities and perks available.
Combat works with AP as a resource to manage their actions. It does spice things a little bit compared to its predecessor by having combat skills a lot more involved. You don’t only increase a weapon type’s proficiency, but also dozens of active skills that achieve different effects such as various debuffs or manipulating enemies’ positions.
I have little qualms with the non-combat skills in the game. They provide ample, mostly balanced solutions to quests players find in the world. The lethal side of your skillset is a separate matter, as I feel it funnels you into the typical ‘rifle’ build as the most effective method of culling the dome’s population. I started with a knife wielding orange suit, ended up with a trusty rifle hanging on her back. My recruited companion, Crump molded into a similar path. Crump is a brute with a pair of hammers for fists, that ended up deadlier using my leftover guns as soon as I found a better piece for myself.
It’s all communism?
It seems they have no concept of ownership under the dome. It’s unknown whether it’s yet to be implemented or a design decision. Pretty much everything that isn’t nailed down is free for you to plunder. No matter if it’s a trash can or someone’s locker. This completely breaks the economy and you end up with a literal mountain of junk in your inventory.
The inventory is a jungle of trash you collect during your adventure. The junks can’t be sorted by their weight or value, which makes barter and organizing harder that it should have. The loot on most containers are also randomized and I am not really a fan of random loot. They are still mostly junk so the element of uncertainty isn’t that much detrimental to the overall experience.
Heaven for introverts
In the current version, I feel like companions are more of a liability than dependable allies. They block your ways, run into hot steam, and kill themselves in ways I can’t even imagine they can. The auto-docs cannot be used on companions so unless you want to invest in medicine skills, don’t bother unless you just want meat shields that can be discarded when it’s all used up.
In this current version, they don’t have too much to tell either. They have their introduction quest, and after that they become hound dogs that follow order and constantly screw things up. They do feel more like a template for more content to add and dimension to their persona, so it all could be tentative.
The overall state of the game is akin to a prototype of a car. There’s an engine, there are wheels and steer. The car does run but that’s it. There’re not yet features that make it market-ready. At this state, I wouldn't recommend spending your time playing it, but keep an eye on it if you’re a fan of the genre. It won’t revolutionize the genre nor it will magically be appealing for people that aren’t into RPGs, but it can at least be a decent fallout clone.
Bugs and Technical Issues
Specs: GTX 1080, Ryzen 3700x, 16 GB, 1440p
In some areas the game struggles to maintain 60 FPS on 1440p with almost all settings turned high. The game has some minor bugs spread around here and there, but i didn’t find anything game breaking. My major complaint about the technical side of the game is the lack of QoL features especially in companion behavior and interaction outside combat. There are also several lines of untranslated texts in the game. Worry not, they are minor so they don't hamper non-russian speakers to complete all the available contents.
In the heights of The Cold War The Dome suddenly burst into existence, carrying wealth and discoveries within it, bringing the war into a sudden halt. World’s leading power diverted their attention into stripping the secrets of the dome bare. With that, like a maelstrom, The Dome swept the globe by its feet unleashing endless prosperity and ushering humanity into a golden age.
In the center of that storm is CRONUS, the international organization in charge of cracking The Dome open. Players are thrust into a new member of CRONUS, ready and eager to tame the mysterious beast and within the center of it all, suddenly thrust into a dire situation that put the fate of The Dome on their shoulders.
While the story of Encased is obviously not finished, there is already a unique identity in the setting they have built. It’s not wholly original, but more of a blend of ingredients borrowed from multiple familiar sources. It does its job well as a backdrop for player’s adventures. I am definitely looking forward to what they have in store for The Dome.
Graphics and Visuals
Encased offers sufficient fidelity relative to its distance from objects to the camera. The models and landscape of The Dome won’t surprise anyone, but built with a strong vision of its direction. The result is varied, but thematically consistent environments and setpieces that are overall pleasing to see. It is increasingly harder to nail retrofuturism style in the wake of saturation brought by fallout’s popularity. In my opinion, the game nailed their identity through their choice of style.
Music and Audio
In stark contrast to its excellent visual style, I found the soundscape of Encased wholly unremarkable. It does serve its purpose providing audio feedback to players action’s in the world. Otherwise, both music and sound effects don’t really stand out in any way.
Encased is currently still a little bit premature for you to invest in. However, any fans of role-playing games should keep this on close watch at least.
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 15:15
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475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 21:37
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 08:00
The Pros are:
-Great writing & story
-Amazing artwork
-Good narrative driven choices
-Great atmosphere
The big cons I have with the game:
-Looting upon a chest is randomized. This wouldn't be a problem if loot was randomized as soon as you started a new game or entered the level with the loot, but it is randomized as soon as you open the chest, making it easy to reload for better loot. I found this most annoying when i found a rare item in a chest but was unhappy with a decision I made, so I reloaded a save just to find the rare item had been replaced with a few papers worth very little.
-This one is minor but the noise the power armor makes is loud in conjuncture with other sounds and is the same sound making it a headache to use them (for me, might not affect you).
-Fatigue is... not lost easily. For using your ability you use in combat, you must rest in between 6-8 hours a fight if you keep using your abilities. Please make losing fatigue much easier!
-This is small but at the start (or how far I have gotten) there is no where to personally place your items so you must place them in a container near you when embarking on a journey, this is a personal nitpick.
I will be updating as I play
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139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 01:07
First of all, the UI is just horrid. A lot of the design elements are not placed and laid out in a conventional manner and made looking for information a frustration. Even common information like your XP, how many XP to level, your AP etc requires a tedious amount of mouse work to obtain.
Secondly, the combat is just bad. Fire and hits have completely no impact, sound effects sucks and animation is just a fail.
Thirdly, you can steal stuffs right under someone's nose and that person would not notice it at all... why??
Fourthly, the English is just bad. Makes reading very tedious.
All in all, this game doesn't even measure up to RPGs 10 years ago. Doesnt even measure up to Wasteland 2 standard of polish. I felt like I wasted money... i am going to try for a refund.
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 20:15
The game map is cut off from the rest of the world by a huge dome. Here you will have to get resources, food, and fight. To facilitate your fate, you can join one of the various factions, for which you will receive certain bonuses.
The game needs some work on the balance, this applies to most aspects of the game, but overall, it plays very well. I wish the developers did not abandon their creation, and it still came out fully.
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 17:39
There are many locations (stations) in the game, that is, there are enough places for research. The dialogues are quite interesting, there are options for choosing an answer, respectively, the further development of the plot will depend on the chosen answer (but not with all the characters).
The game has 5 modes, but at first only 4 are available: Story - passage with a storyline; researcher - unhurried detailed exploration of locations; classic - for those who are used to classic RPG games; tactical - in this mode, all the focus is on the gathering of the squad, its equipment, weapons, food, experience, etc.
In general, the game is worked out to the smallest detail. There are many options for what to do, that is, the game is long-playing.
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 17:25
About the game:
The entire accessible world is under a huge dome that cut off the remnants of civilization from other people. The main task is to survive in this hell, for this you will have to fight and get food. To facilitate this task, you can join one of the factions. Everything is flavored with an excellent storyline and atmosphere of a dying civilization. In general, the game is very good, it is clear that it is being developed and supported by the developer, and this is good news.
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 14:06
Tbh, I like the story more than the above mentioned cult games, I would love to immerse myself in this universe even deeper, and I hope the developers can give me that.
My actions affect the game, the game itself has a good system of character creation and upgrading, the system of fractions and reputation, on which the attitude of the world to the main character depends, and most importantly, why I loved this game so much and what attracted me to it - the battle system, it's exactly what it should be, and will be even better, I have no doubt about it, because I've been watching the development of the game for quite some time already.
1146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 03:21
I thought it was a little funny that they had a $5 DLC that included shoes, as it reminded me of Wasteland 2's Red Boots DLC parody. I bought it anyway, not because it's a good value, but because I wanted to support the development of this excellent game.
The dialogue is especially well done for an RPG, with responses being in *second person* rather than direct quotes. This lends a lot of creative agency to the player, and I liked it a lot. There are lots of skill and background checks that either limit or open up your choices in dialogue, and there appear to be a lot of ways to get through challenging puzzles.
Combat escalates quickly. If you're going through a combat build character, you are going to get your ass kicked in early game until you can develop better gear. The difficulty curve is steep, especially with stealth options seemingly non-functional for the most part. I hope this is addressed in further patches.
According to the dev road map, there are two more major releases before the game is content complete. Hopefully those big patches are released soon, because the game being in an unfinished state limits its depth. The developers respond in steam discussions regularly, so I'm hopeful we'll see things progress by the end of the year.
Overall, great game, I'm really impressed, even with things being in an unfinished state.
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407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 02:28
Furthermore they are selling DLCs now, which means they are not making enough money to keep the dev team fed. A game that is not selling anymore and is not able to pay its dev team is not going to finish the itself. Money simply decides that.
Unless they ignore the cosmetics and not-so-important details to start finish the main content of the game right now, this game will be an absolute failure/money grab.
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342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 23:17
1341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 18:11
Combat feels very similar to the Fallout games, but I don't feel like the skill trees are particularly impressive. Granted you won't get diverse skills on the Divinity level of things because of the setting, I'd like to see more impactful combat skills aside from burst fire and its variants. While this isn't meant to be X-Com, I would still like to see a cover mechanic and an overwatch mechanic as well. Especially since right now in the beginning I don't have any companions. It's very hard to be tactical in turn based combat when I don't have any options that provide a tactical advantage when slightly outnumbered (2:1, or 3:1).
The lore behind the world is extensive and it's obvious the dev team has spent a lot of time and love crafting a cohesive world which is evident in the dialogue and artwork. Implied in all of the interactions is a history and a system that would inform a character's backstory, and it gives it an extra layer of authenticity.
As an early access title, it feels pretty polished and I constantly forget I'm not playing a complete game, I will be excited for the final product.
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242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 05:06
So my first game starts with me as a blackwing member. For those who haven't played, a Blackwing is basically the combat choice of the few you get. You can get Researcher, Engineer, Diplomatic and Combat choices, heavily simplified of course. Back on Track, I complete the tutorial area and move onto the first area of the game. I arrive at a gas station and talk with the person inside, before heading to the basement to look around. I bang on some pipes and rats appear. I battle the rats...and lose instantly.
The rats take 3-4 attacks, if they connect that is, and they can do more actions then I can. Okay....and so I manage to get into range of one with a %100 hit chance. I fire...AND MISS?! HOW! You can miss with a 100% chance to hit which is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Even X-Com doesn't screw with you that much, which the combat is partially derivitive of. So I make a new character and cheat in high level gear as a RP build...and i STILL get my ass kicked hard. And if you think thats bad, fighting human NPC's is even worse! Oh, and the cover system is garbage. Rather then taking physical cover like in Xcom or Wasteland, you have a button for it...environmental cover means jack shit.
I do not reccomend this game in the slightest unless they rework the entire combat system, there is potential but you are missing it by a mile.
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 21:45
Well I will just have to make a new playthorugh. An absolutely brilliant experience that will blow your mind.
Story+ ! Characters+ ! WRITINING+ + + ! Choises+ !
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 12:44
As far as the story and setting goes, it is incredibly unique, and the world feels thoroughly realised and lived in. The NPCs react how you would expect them to react.
Put bluntly, if you're a fan of the old fallouts, and want to play a similar game with some quality of life improvements, this is a must buy. Even if you haven't and you just want to play a decent game where the developers passion really shines through... Check it out.
However, the game can be punishingly difficult. And not always by design. This is not an RPG for who just want to be good at everything. It requires some min-maxing (although less than you might think or be told), really thinking about your character and how you want to play. But, this also serves to immerse you further within the game world.
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 11:00
2820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 21:02
Blue Wing - Engineers
White Wing - Science Wing
Black Wing - Military
Orange Wing - Labor/convict Wing
Silver Wing - Administration
Each wing will have its strengths and draw backs and this does force a player to play the role as well as replay to get access to certain perks and quests. This game was heavily inspired by games like the original Fallout 1 and 2. There is plenty of dark humor and quests. As the game expands and goes through the updates the more it will change. So far, the game is not finished and I find still entertaining since I can try the other character paths.
Note just because you you pick a certain path does not mean you cannot have a smart Orange who has a silver tongue or who understands mechanics. Just as you can have a smart Black Wing operative with good people skills and is not a total brute.
I won't hit too hard its perk system as I imagine that is work in progress.
My final word on the matter is if you like RPGs in the tradition of Fallout and the like, Encased is a worthy addition to your collection.
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971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 02:51
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534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 21:35
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2421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 17:21
1445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 18:08
1275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 09:43
This isn't a game with AAA graphics, but the atmosphere is nonetheless pleasant and interesting. The story is excellent and has incredible depth. I look forward to the nextupdates!
1246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 12:26
Atmosphere, potential, pretty decent combat system.
This cries out for a bunch of extra adventures, could become the pillars or torment of post-apocalypsys.
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6293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 02:01
Among other things, for Content Patch 3 they need to make all benches the same so that all crafting possibilities can be seen and discerned right away.
Enemies, need a cutback on general power option for those who don't understand how to, or want to, power-game. That or remove the charisma requirement on companions so that those stat points can be redistributed into places that increase survivability for non-talkers.
The horrendous loading times NEED to be fixed. It took me some four hours to get to nashville, at least a third of which were load times. That is bullshit.
And flat out stupid decisions like implementing weapon deterioration before implementing repair options, needs to be stopped.
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 14:57
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 01:19
I've played it for several hours, and I would say that most of those hours were exciting, and maybe a little addictive. So in terms of value and providing positive gameplay feedback, it's a success.
And it does so many things right, so many things I want! The writing is consistently competent and the scenarios they present are generally compelling. I really love that there are no truly good or bad choices in most situations.
It's an isometric tactical rpg that isn't in fantasy setting! Be still my heart!
Looking forward updates!
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87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 21:58
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702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 15:20
1) One of the biggest issues I've hit so far is the lack of direction and issues with the quests given from the quest givers. On one hand, I get it; this is not meant to be a game that holds your hand, like the earlier Fallouts, and I actually enjoy that. I love figuring things out for myself, but the situation in this game is ridiculous. I'll explain my problem with an example. It is a spoiler, so keep that in mind. [spoiler] When you head to Magellan and fix the power supply issue for Minerva Project, you are told to bring a blown fuse to a Myers fellow, who is the leader of the blue wing, if memory serves. However, it doesn't specify where he is, and I spent an hour and a half combing Magellan, trying to find the bastard. For reference, this is a place you can explore in 30-45 minutes. Perhaps I'm just blind, but I couldn't find the guy, and I can't continue the quest line without bringing it to him. Perhaps he isn't even in the game yet. [/spoiler]
2) There are a few instances where your choices don't matter, which is frustrating. Despite my attempts, I've had to get into fights and kill people not because I didn't talk them down, but because the game doesn't allow me to. For one that's trying to emulate the original Fallout series, you have to be able to do that.
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351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 08:16
We will see lf in the future the game will be great, otherwise at the moment even with the discount its a robery
2239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 04:32
This being said, the game is still Obviously in Early Access! There are still quite a few things unfinished, but from what i'm seeing so far, this looks like a title worth picking up if you enjoyed the first two fallout games.
One downside, there is a lot of text, and most of it you will have to read yourself. I am unsure if there are plans to fully voice the game for release, but even with most of the games story being in text, what is there is quite good and is likely to pull you in and keep you playing.
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356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 04:42
Disclaimer: I went as far as I could go in this build - when I try to exit the Barrens level and move in the world-map, I instantly die, no matter what I try. If I'm missing something, please let me know.
World and Storytelling
Right off the bat: the writing is terrible. Cringy, even. The developers could learn a lot from Pillars of Eternity in that games ability to craft a scene through excellent use of language. They could also learn from games done by XSEED (Trails in the Sky series) for how to employ a distinct vernacular for characters representing different socio-economic classes/cultures/nationalities. The game tries to do both, and it does it terribly. Between the grammatical issues, grade-school level dialogue/scene setting, and the awful attempt to make some characters stereotypically Italian for some reason, there might be a story worth telling.
Game Mechanics
Encased has most of the basics down in terms of combat and exploration. However, for a game that is attempting to meet or exceed the quality accomplished by Wasteland 2 or Divinity: Original Sin... come on now, really? Interactive environmental elements are limited (aka, just a barrel) and you cannot interact with them meaningfully outside of combat (you can't electrify or explode toxic gas clouds, for example). Crafting is rudimentary. Combat is also very basic. The inventory system is standard, but it is chaotic and hard to organize or prioritize items (a lot of what you find is literally garbage, with a note insinuating it might be useful somehow). None of the weapons I found particularly stand out... Importantly, there is nothing new here for me to be interested in. All the abilities, items, and weapons I have at my disposal have been done in other games.
Fortunately, there are glimpses of what might actually be compelling. The use of vehicles, the use of mechanical armour, and using different ammo types. None of these are explored fully as of the first content expansion, but I can see potential uniqueness if they double down on those elements.
Environment, Graphics, and Performance
There are a lot of enclosed spaces, blind/stupid enemies, and frustrating-to-unimaginative level designs. Character movement and stances look awkward and stilted, environmental elements are repeated over and over, and basic functionality like interactive element highlighting is not present.
I had a few game crashes after Steam chat notifications and using the Steam overlay.
Good luck!
This was a very critical review of Encased, I wish the best for the developers. There was one small scene where the game really opened up - when you find the survivors of the cataclysm you are sent to investigate, all staring vacantly at an ancient relic of a forgotten civilization - the freedom of movement, the eerie scene, and the creepy music, all combined to make that particular segment very enjoyable.
+ Post-apocalyptic turn-based tactics rpg
+ Challenging
- Terrible writing/dialogue
- Uninspired level/environment design
- Re-hashed weapons/abilities
- No killer-feature
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1286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 01:00
Cool Concept, Art Design, *Unique Story
Grindy AF with no use for grind mats ie Soil and like everything
1st Chapter Main Story Good, 2nd Chapter Significantly disconnected
No home base, what the truck.
Companions are broke, en now so am I
Not worth its $ Price
To 'da devs, keep 'da money, build the story, make the game work, I may be back.
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256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 22:50
Lets start with the basics.
Controls are brutal. Clicking to move is a mainstay in these games, but actually getting your character to go where you want them to is a pain in the arse. They will randomly pathfind the worst, or often most dangerous routes, just because reasons.
The camera is worthless, and will randomly jerk around when you’re trying to pan it in a circle to see around obstacles... which block everything.
There is a key to see tootips... but very few interactable objects in the game are tool-tipped, so there is no key to see lootable containers. It wouldn’t matter... because every container just contains useless junk that weighs you down and serves very little purpose outside of crafting one ro two things that again... just weigh you down.
There are no merchants for the first 4 hours of gameplay, except for the early-game tutorial merchants, which means you don’t have the money or things to sell to them to even buy anything you are going to need.
Combat. Wow. No. Its best to just avoid it. I took Small arms, and got garbage results. It seems like if you don’t build for melee, then you will run out of ammo (even if you use literally every kind of weapon in the game) and most enemies will overwhelm you, forcing you to resort to a cheesy Smash-with-melee-and-Run tactic...
Which means you will be doing a lot of running, since if your melee skill isn’t 100%, then you will miss about 75% of time, and end up wasting soooooo much time. Probably an entire hour of my gametime was just trying to win two combats.
Why do you have to run, you ask? Because you have 38 HP (at best in my build) and will take at least 3 damage per hit from everything that moves. Why is that a problem? Because there is no reliable way to heal yourself in this game outside of med-kits, which you only get a few of, and never get the materials to make more in the first 4 hours.
“Why not rest?” Because it does not heal you.
“Why not eat food” You only get so much, and it is needed for traveling, and even that usually only heals you one or two points per item, so they are not good sources of healing.
The only reliable way of healing I found was the vending machines which shit out an infinite number of sodas for $2 per and heal you one point each. The $5 noodles? Nope. No healing effect.
So... in the first four hours of play I learned that the build I chose was pointless, even with good weapons, and there was almost no ammunition to be found. Most annoying thing? ENEMIES DROP RANDOM GARBAGE. It takes a “lucky loot” event to find ammo, and then you get like four shotgun shells, or 3 pistol rounds (9mm... usually armor piercing....).
In the first level, there are about 10 Turrets that are called something like MKIII Hydra or something. They do 3-10 damage per hit, hit 3 times every other turn, and have 60 HP. They take, at max, 3 damage from melee, and at max, 1 or 2 damage from ARMOR PIERCING SHOTGUN SHELLS AT POINT BLANK RANGE. Really? So Armor Piercing does not pierce armor? Okay. Cool. What about regular ammo? Nope. Same damage. WTF?
So what’s the secret? Avoid combat or hit it with a wrench. That’s the secret, I guess?
Well... what about the game itself?
Dialogue is a hot mess that is mostly just an plot-dump and is all over the place.
Graphics are okay, but the FPS drops to dismal levels whenever anything moves, and causes massive screen tearing and jerking. The camera can’t keep up with the mouse, and everything sucks.
I put in for a Refund after 4 hours of play. Why do I keep saying that? Because I tried this for 4 hours. 4 hours I will never get back, along with the $33.75 I paid for this that I probably won't get back either.
The breaking point was when I finally killed the two “Possessed” bandits in the “Barrens”... only to find out that that their loot was randomly generated and had literally nothing to do with the fact that they were slinging automatic weapons fire at me. No ammo. No Guns. But I did find a potato and some plastic... so that’s cool.
I thought... wonder if there are any mods to fix this travesty.
Devs replied on Mod Nexus... where THEY POSTED TO ADVERTISE... that they were not adding mod support because their “Stretch Goals” were not met.
Cool. Here’s a stretch goal for you. Publish a functional game before you charge 60% the cost of AAA title.
Nicht Empfohlen
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 10:34
Wait and see I guess, just hope it ain't gonna be one of them, dlc trap game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 15:28
Oh but don't worry, because Dark Crystal Games has made sure to start releasing weapon DLC to help you fix the problem they made that wasn't there before the first content update. And it isn't as bad as when Activision or a bigger company does this because its only $4.99! Feature Ransom is cute when its done by indies.
Dark Crystal Games
Prime Matter
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos