- Four brand-new department bundles including:- the exclusive animated "Life Line" skins - exclusive avatars - and a selection of upgrades
- 20 new missions added
- Multiplayer mission rotation: rescue missions that appeared in the previously played shift will now also be less likely come up in multiplayer mode to make the player experience more varied
- New "Band of Colors" customization options: Give your units a special look with Rainbow chromas for all vehicles!
- Improved visibility of fuse boxes and power supply status in the UI
- Various bug fixes
- Various fixes based on received crash dumps via the crash report dialog
- We have received several reports of players cheating and have subsequently banned those players. Please note that we will not tolerate cheating of any kind. If you encounter suspicious players, feel free to report them on Discord or via E-mail (emergency@world-of-emergency.com).
Detailed release notes can be found in Discord and on our website.
Thank you for providing us with feedback by sending crash dumps via the crash report dialog and writing bug tickets on Discord. If you found new bugs or if your reported bug still exists, feel free to continue using Discord to get in touch with us.