• Elven Legacy: Ingame-Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Ingame-Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Ingame-Screenshots aus dem Strategiespiel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Ingame-Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Ingame-Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Ingame-Screenshots aus dem Strategiespiel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy
  • Elven Legacy: Screenshot zum Fantasy-Titel Elven Legacy


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.03.2009
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Preis Update 24.06.24

Über das Spiel

Elven Legacy ist ein rundenbasiertes Fantasy-Strategiespiel. Es bietet eine erstaunliche Welt voller Magie in einem nicht linearen Storymodus. Je nachdem welche Entscheidungen der Spieler trifft, wird sich die Story jedes Mal unterschiedlich ergeben und garantiert so enorem Wiederspielwert. In einer epischen Herausforderung, welche die Ehre der Elven zurückbringen soll, zeigt das Fantasy-Strategiespiel eine Fülle an sehenswerten Farbszenarios.

Ob als Elfe oder als Mensch, zwei verschiedene Kampagnen und eine große Auswahl an Nebenmissionen erwartet den Spieler. Wer nicht genug bekommen kann, der kreiert eigene Missionen und Kampagnen mit dem Editor und lässt andere im Multiplayer daran teilhaben.

  • Nicht linearer Storymodus: Spiel entwickelt sich durch Entscheidungen des Spielers
  • Zwei umfassende Kampagnen: Als Elven oder Menschen
  • Missions-Editor zum erstellen von eigenen Kampagnen
  • Umfangreicher Multiplayer-Modus


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 19:22
1044 Produkte im Account
583 Reviews
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 20:19
Macht Spaß und zur Überbrückung auf das warten von KB 2 mal eben die ganze Collection für sagenhafte 79 cent gekauft. Story ist eher Nebensache aber vorhanden, das Spiel ist gut und erinnert an KB ein wenig, vorhanden ist eigentlich nur der Schlachtmodus, Artefakte aufsammeln sucht man hier vergebens, was aber auch nicht weiter schlimm ist. Zum Sieg der Missionen gibt es mehrere Lösungswege, manchmal ist der umständliche die bessere Wahl. Das Spiel ist nicht auf deutsch aber das sollte nicht weiter stören, es ist leicht verständlich. Ich hatte sogar das Tutorial nichtmal angerührt sondern gleich mit der Kampagne losgelegt, man benötigt kein TUT. weil es selbsterklärend ist wenn man Spiele wie HOMM oder KB zuvor gespielt hat, allen anderen die mit HOMM oder KB nix anfangen können sollten sich eventuell das Tutorial ansehen. Das Spiel ist jeden Cent wert ob im Sale oder als Normalpreis. Klar Empfohlen :)
118 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.14 13:53
Bestes Rundenstrategiespiel und zweit bestes Fantasy-Strategiespiel, das ich bisher gespielt hab. Grafik für 2009 mehr als in Ordnung.
Es bekommt von mir (im Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis) 8,5/10 Punkte.
91 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.14 21:02
Elven Legacy hat zwar schon ein paar Jahre auf den Buckel, stellt meiner Meinung nach jedoch eine Referenz in
Sachen Rundenstrategie dar.
Die Grafik ist für ein Rundenstrategiespiel vollkommend in Ordnung, einzig die Zwischensequenzen kommen doch etwas kantig daher.
Die KI schenkt einem auf keinem der 3 Schwierigkeitsgrade etwas und verlangt überlegtes Vorgehen auf dem Schlachtfeld.
Die Story ist interressant und bringt unerwartete Wendungen mit sich. (Englisch ist Vorraussetzung!)
Habe die Complete Edition erstanden und nun nach 16 Stunden den Abspann des Grundspieles gesehen.
Nun werde ich mir auch noch die Addons vorknöpfen!
Meiner Meinung nach ein Pflichtkauf für alle jene die auf Rundenstrategie und Fantasysetting stehen;)
525 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.11 22:30
Kaufen, was für echte Strategen. nicht neu aber altbewehrt. Los (murphy) kaufen und dann zusammen oder gegeneinander zocken =))))
2134 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 05:24
Highly Recommended!
133 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 15:38
The painful elven campaign against dark magic in the successor of Fantasy Wars really impresses your strategic thinking.

From time to time, there is a studio that, despite its small budget, can produce an interesting and catchy game for many. Such a title usually does not dazzle with graphics, but rather with the game system and atmosphere. Something like that succeeded in the Fantasy Wars move. For all her supporters, the good news is that the battle is not over. Elven Legacy is the second part, but it is more like a data disc for Fantasy Wars. It is a separate piece, so you do not need to know or own and have the basic game installed to run it.

The story is not particularly complicated - the journey of the elven army to the evil wizard.. during the journey you will visit the forests, the plains and the snowy mountains. You will fight against various demonic or undead forces, remnants of orcish Horde and also apostates from human ranks. The authors seem to have simplified my work a bit and took over a lot of units with minor modifications from the last part (for example, the mentioned crazy shooters just look like ordinary human shooters, they just have different statistics).
Anyway, this is a classic fantasy.

If you don't like this genre, don't dwell on this title at all, but fans of old-skool strategies will enjoy the game. 55%
1391 Produkte im Account
749 Reviews
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 23:14
A decent older turn based strategy RPG I hadn't heard of before. It has a nice high fantasy setting and it looks alright for 2009. Story mode is fun though some maps have time restrictions making them a bit annoying.
365 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 12:26
If you liked Fantasy Wars, I think you'll like this one too. It's not so hard like FW, and this time, you can unlock special bonus missions and play with the previous heroes from FW, which is fun, though, you can only obtain these quests if you earned a gold medal for the certain stages, and that could be tricky sometimes. We got new heroes, new magic, new enemies, alas, we didn't get new music and so on. Sometimes the game offers two ways after some missions, an easier and a harder one, so you can select the best for you.
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 12:17
Damn, it's as good as I remember it from 10 years ago.
39 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.19 05:08

Game crashes when I try to create a profile. All I can do with the game is look at the introstuff.

133 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
3451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.19 11:02
Elven Legacy is the sequel to Fantasy Wars, a TBS strategy game featuring roster growth and character level-ups over a lengthy campaign. The elven units are slightly different than the human units from FW, but otherwise it is much more of the same.

  • Diverse set of units in a fantasy setting.
  • Campaign is of nice length. Not too short, not too long. It could nicely accommodate a second playthrough.
  • Artifacts are nice. Nothing too groundbreaking, but they are diverse enough and fun.
  • High strategic play.
  • Terrain bonuses and penalties add to the tactical play.
  • I like the battle system.
  • Roster building and character leveling up are well done.

  • This game is hard, really hard (and I played on normal). Unless you have some sort of freaky rules to the contrary, you should expect to save-scum often. I am fine with this up to a point, but I had to reload almost every turn due to fog-of-war surprises. It became a bit much. I got all artifacts and finished each map on gold and subsequent maps weren't any easier. Point being, that even if you do the opening maps perfect, the later maps are still punishing, meaning you need to do the opening maps perfect to have a chance (well the last two were a bit easier in all fairness).
  • Story is meh, but we're not here for that anyway.
  • The bonus missions featured armies different than your primary roster, which was somewhat odd. After succeeding in these bonus missions with a different army, your primary roster would be awarded the spoils. These did allow you to play with slightly different units in a setting where units deaths were irrelevant, which was nice. But on the whole I guess I could have done without these.

  • Permadeath for non-hero units. Given the game's difficulty you simply can't afford to lose experienced troops (plus gold isn't super plentiful to allow you to the purchase of many replacements anyway). This means a unit troop death pretty much means a reload.
  • Wiki help is pretty much mandatory unless you want to spend hours scouting each map, before you play it for real. Artifacts are typically hidden in special (albeit fairly obvious) map spaces. Many artifacts are simply non-optional, to the point that I would be surprised if you could even complete the game without them.

Overall: You should expect to play this game as a puzzle that has a solution, rather than as a typical TBS game. That is, careful play is still likely to result in outcomes that are unacceptable and require a reload. With that frame of mind, EL is a great game. The strategic team building and tactical play are great. The negatives I list above are irritating, though honestly I am not sure how to mitigate these issues. I suppose removing the fog-of-war would be a start, though that has obvious downsides to the game play too. If you are looking for a casual TBS team-builder, look elsewhere. If you are looking for a grueling tactical experience, EL is for you.

Rating: 8/10
1062 Produkte im Account
431 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.19 16:10
Elven Legacy is a decent Turn-Based Strategy game that would get a pass if it wasn't for the godawful time limit. The tactical combat is nice, all units develop skills so it pays to keep them alive and the campaign offers branching missions. On the negative side it seems that all missions involve reaching a certain point on the map, there is no base/city-building whatsoever and the various units and spells all seem bog-standard.

But as i said, that time limit is the real killer. You get a rating (gold, silver, bronze) based on how fast you completed a mission. Better ratings give better rewards. So combined with units permanently dying the game will get progressively harder unless you rush things. And i hate being rushed. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a soft time limit in the form of more enemies showing up, but this is just lazy. There are also just many better TBS games. Age of Wonders, HOMM, Warlock and the like are all substantially better.
6306 Produkte im Account
357 Reviews
569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.16 06:03
A dated Turn Base RPG game in the war-chess format. Everything about this game sets in the fantasy era where human is on the rise while elder race like elf-dragon still holds high in the seat of power.

As an elder race like elf there are always secrets about mistakes made in the past and such forbiden knowledge is watched by the watcher at all time until some human mage discovered the secrets and start to cast forbidden spells.

Your test is help the lead general and watcher with the help/obstruct of human leaders to contain the situation.

Overall it's quite well made with 10 story mission + 5/6 bonus missions. Some of the story mission branch into different choices and route that lead to different maps. It's totally 8-9 hours of gaming to complete.

There are 3 different difficulty but even with the hardest diffiuclty the game is still very playable. Since just about everything carries over from one level to the next so if you do well in the first couple of maps and build on it you will have a much easier time in the later maps.

Every maps are timed by turns and some of them feels like you have to rush to get the golden trophy for each map. It's however adivisible to take things slow and complete mission object at the very last turn of every golden trophy. There are town/village and things that you can land on to get some extra exp so get as much as you can.

Music is decent and graphics is pretty good but strangly uncomfortable for me. The Plot is ok with some nice but expected twists. The interface is also okish but today's game have better ones then this 7 years old game.

7.5/10... nothing super good nothing super bad. Just a flat yet decent creation by 1C.
238 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.15 13:00
I actually highly recommend Elven Legacy, but only if you played Fantasy Wars and want more of the same.
Fantasy Wars has the same gameplay and the same graphics and it's the game you want to begin the story and not get curb-stomped on your very first mission.

Now, if you liked Fantasy Wars and want to continue the experience, Elven Legacy is for you. But don't expect any new gameplay mechanism.
337 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.14 06:38
Back in April Paradox Interactive released Elven Legacy, the follow-up to Fantasy Wars. In my review, I praised the turn-based battle system and story, but criticized the difficulty and creeping sense of sameness, and eventually concluded by advising gamers to ‘Try It’ for the main game. Since then I have replayed it a bit here and there, and my fondness for the game has grown – it is still difficult, still not as good as King’s Bounty: The Legend, and I would still rate it as a ‘Try It’. After its release, Paradox Interactive announced that they would expand Elven Legacy with a trilogy of $9.99 DLC modules rather than a single huge expansion. It is an interesting concept, and I’ve enjoyed the first two, so let’s see how they did with the last add-on, Magic!

A comment about the reviews for these add-ons: because they are specialized and limited DLC that pertains directly to the main Elven Legacy game, I will not spend too much time rehashing the core game in terms of how it works and plays and what it looks like. If you are interested in those things head back to my original review of the game. What I will do is address the changes the add-on makes to the core game, and also the elements of the add-on itself.

As the last add-on, Magic naturally deals with the final chapters in the story. The end of the Siege expansion opened up a wave of demonic energy that is sweeping the land and having a terrible impact on the world and is driving the Arcane Masters insane. The Holy Inquisition intervenes in order to stop the spread of darkness and madness.

Elven Legacy: Magic features a single campaign with 15 missions focused around a single hero class: the mage. The focus is around a single new hero: the Archmage supreme Alfred Brennock. There are also two returning heroes, so that you once again have three playable heroes. But the real story here is Brennock, who gets armed with some powerful new skills, spells and runes.

The game really caters to those who love playing a mage – the game introduces powerful new spells and summons that are also nicely complemented with stunning visual effects that are truly massive in scope. The scope of the world is every bit as huge as in Siege, as you are trying to save the entire world from sweeping forces of darkness.

Elven Legacy: Magic unsurprisingly continues the trend of not having any voice acting. At this point it is no big deal, and remains a fair trade-off to get such a large expansion with such a breadth of content for such a great price. The graphics and controls remain largely untouched from Siege. Once again, this add-on depicts some truly epic battles that nearly stress the engine to its breaking point, but again I found that it was more satisfying than frustrating.

The difficulty level of Siege was punishing, and with Magic we see that the lull in difficulty in Ranger was a momentary lapse, never to be seen again. If you haven’t discovered it by now, it is really important to do as well as possible in missions, which typically means repeating them for better results. However, for many folks (certainly for someone like me who likes strategy games but is no grognard!) it often means repeating missions just to survive and THEN repeating more to get the Gold victory!

More than ever, getting those Gold victories will reward you in the end. The completist in me just wanted every possible mission, but what I got in the end was a bonus mission that tied together everything from the series going all the way back to Fantasy Wars! What a great way to end the series!

That said, Elven Legacy: Magic changes nothing about the things that will make you love or hate the series. It is a great value, but really depends on you having played the original game and both add-ons, and benefits even more if you also played Fantasy Wars. Like the previous expansions, if you already enjoy the original game you’ll love this third and final add-on too!
+ Solid turn-based combat system
+ Great value for the price
+ Decreased difficulty
+ Decent story
+ Solid graphics
+ Possibility to win … but still lose

- No voice acting
- Poor translations cause occasional confusion
- Time limits can STILL be frustrating

Game Info:
Platform: PC
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Developer: 1C:Ino-Co
Release Date: 12/1/09
Genre: Turn-Based Strategy
ESRB Rating: Teen
Players: 1-4
527 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.13 01:34
This is a fun old school Turn-based strategy game. The graphics are dated of course, but the voice overs are good. This is not an easy game. Advancing your army and keeping them alive are key to getting through the whole thing, and there is a significant learning curve to this. Knowing when to fight and bypass are also key. It was not unusual for me to complete a level but choose to replay it because I lost so many of my comrades in the process. All this said, I found it a pretty addictive game. And the price is really good!
Logo for Elven Legacy
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
73.96% 71 25
Release:17.03.2009 Genre: Echtzeitstrategie Entwickler: 1C:Ino-Co Vertrieb: Paradox Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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