Elven Assassin
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Über das Spiel

Is there anything more epic than slaying hordes of orcs with a bow in Virtual Reality? When nothing comes to your mind, then you probably should try this. If you thought: "Of course, slaying them with my friends online in co-op mode!", then this is the matter of destiny.
Become an elven assassin.
Take a bow and kill hundreds of orcs of different types that want to get into the elven town and destroy it. As an elven assassin, you will make spectacular shots like long distant headshots or you will send lethal arrows through the windows. All this to conquer global leaderboards of other elven assassins.
Piece of cake then?
Not really. This is real orcs assault. The Orcs are running fast making the game more competitive. They break into houses to hide from your arrows, and when they got furious their massive axe is thrown to splash you head into pieces.
Assassin United.
Two, Three or Four assassin may unite to defend the town. Use wisely the four available archery spots to survive as long as possible. You can choose one of the public servers, that asks for your support or decide to defend the castle only with the brothers you know on the private server.
PvP Deathmatch.
For those who would rather test themselves against other players online in a competitive mode, the PvP Deathmatch was introduced. But be careful with this one as there are some extremely skilled archers waiting for a challenge there.
VR Parks and Arcades.
If you are the owner of VR park visit: https://elven-assassin.com/commercial-license.html
Additional info.
The game was created from the ground up for Room-Scale Virtual Reality Experience.If you don't own VR headset you can try the game in good VR Parks & Arcades.
- CPU: Intel i5-4590 / AMD FX 8350 equivalent or greater
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or greater
- Software: Windows 7 or newer
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: Video Output: HDMI 1.4 or DisplayPort 1.2 or newer; USB Port: 1x USB 2.0 or greater port
- VR: SteamVR. Room Scale 2m by 1.5m area required
- LANG: EnglischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 15:40
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 19:43
The physics feel pretty good in fact except the aiming which is a little inprecise.
But the graphics are nice. Maybe I cheat it to enjoy the graphics without bothering about the interruptive game play.
1215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.18 21:03
Ist auch gleichzeitig ein gutes Training :D
Was noch fehlt sind weitere PVP Maps und es sollten mehr als 4 Spieler zocken können, also mind. auf 6 Spieler erhöhen :)
Aber definitiv auch jetzt schon den Kauf wert :)
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.17 10:56
Die Bedienung von Pfeil und Bogen geht sehr gut von der Hand, das Zielen ist einfach aber realistisch. Die Pfeile müssen nicht vom Rücken gezogen werden (was ich persönlich als positiv empfinde) sondern erscheinen automatisch in der Hand. Die Flugbahn ist schnell verinnerlicht.
Es gibt zwei spielbare Karten. Bei der ersten verteidigt man ein Elfendorf. Es gibt vier Punkte an denen man stehen kann und man wechselt durch einen Schuss auf den jeweiligen Punkt den Standort. Bei der zweiten Karte unterstützt man die Menschen in der Verteidigung einer Feste (erinnert ein wenig an Helms Klamm). Hier gibt es mehr Möglichkeiten bei der Verteidigung, denn es stehen auch Katapulte und Kanonen zur Verfügung. Diese Karte ist aber (noch) nicht so ausgewogen wie die erste.
Die Gegner bestehen aus Fantasy Wesen, die sich auch mal wehren (so werfen bspw. einige Orks nach einem Treffer eine Axt nach dem Schützen vor denen man sich ducken muss).
Während der Gefechte sammelt man Gold, das man in Ausrüstung stecken kann (nur kosmetischer Natur) und steigt Level auf, für die man wiederum Magie kaufen kann um so besondere Pfeile einsetzen zu können.
Der Einzelspieler ist recht schwierig, da man nach einigen Wellen schnell die Position wechseln und dazu noch sehr schnelle Folgen von Pfeilen los lassen muss um zu bestehen. Der Multiplayer spielt sich da ein gutes Stück einfacher und funktioniert ganz hervorragend. Selbst mit Random Mitspielern hält man einige Wellen lang durch. Wirklich gut funktioniert es, wenn man sich mit den Mitspielern absprechen kann. Leider ist auf den Europäischen Servern relativ wenig los (aber es sind eigentlich immer 1-2 Spiele gerade aktiv, wo man einsteigen kann). Auch während der Wellen ist das Spiel immer motivierend, da man sich jederzeit den Punktestand der 4 Spieler im Vergleich ansehen kann.
Das wohl direkteste Konkurrenzprodukt dürfte Quivr sein, das meines Erachtens im Moment etwas das Nachsehen hat, denn Elven Assassin bietet durch die zwei Karten, die Ausrüstung und das Magiesystem bereits einen hohen Wiederspielwert.
Man benötigt im Übrigen etwas Platz, denn es ist immer mal nötig sich zu bewegen (um auszuweichen oder einen besseren Winkel zu bekommen). 1,5x2m reichen aus.
Negativ bis jetzt:
- die ersten Wellen sind bei vier Spielern sehr langweilig, weil es zu wenige Gegner von zu wenigen Spawnpoints sind. Da prügelt man sich Anfangs quasi um die Abschüsse.
- Während ein Orc eine Axt wirft, ist er unverwundbar.
Für mich ist das Spiele eine ganz klare Kaufempfehlung und eines der Besten VR Spiele im Moment, vor allem für 10€. Mich bringt es gehörig ins schwitzen und es ist gerade mit seinen kurzen Runden ein ideales VR Spiel ohne anstrengend zu werden. Und wenn jemand einen Mitspieler für den Multiplayer sucht: einfach hinzufügen.
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.17 13:05
Gegner kommt nicht nur zu Lande.
Bisher zwei Maps - wobei eine davon Katapulte und Kanonen hat, die man entsprechend nutzen kann.
Hoher Wiederspielwert ist vorhanden. Zum einen gibts Gold für das man Ausrüstung kaufen kann, zum anderen mit jedem Level Spell-Points mit denen man diverse Zaubersprüche kaufen kann. Aus der Auswahl lassen sich dann vier Zaubersprüche aufs Pad legen und damit den geladenen Pfeil zum Bleistift in einen Feuerpfeil verwandeln.
Gut für Roomscale da man ab und an um die Ecke bzw. vom Turm auf den Boden schauen muss. Ausserdem sollte man sich frei bewegen können, um ausweichen zu können - die Orcs wehren sich nämlich^^
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 01:22
The Good Stuff
This archery tower defense-style game has you shooting arrows into various enemy types who approach your main castle gates.
The objective is simple, and you're role is to kill the enemy before they reach the gate. If they go through the gate, your castles health goes down, and once it reaches zero it is game over. Elven Assassin has a single player mode, or you can group with up to 3 other players to help you survive each wave of enemies. Waves become progressively more difficult, and later waves start to introduce more difficult enemy types.
If we talk about the mechanics, the shooting feels great. Drawing your bow felt much better than a game like Holopoint, because you don't have to reach back as far to grab your arrow. Outside of shooting, you have access to your spell menu when you draw your bow and point your thumb-stick in the direction of the spell you wish to select.
Game Aspects
You level up as you play, and unlock spell abilities as you progress. The abilities are pretty neat, and they work well. But I personally wish they felt more epic, because most of them have weak animations and felt a bit lackluster due to this.
In the map, there are blue zones which you can shoot to teleport you to that location, to get a different perspective when shooting. As you kill enemies, some will drop gold, which you can use to purchase cosmetic items. The only chocies are helmets and bows. There are a few enemy types, and some enemies will throw axes at you. You can dodge the axe by moving physically, or you can use an ice barrier ability to bring up a dome, to shield you from incoming axes.
Outside of the tower defense game mode, there's also PVP. PVP is ok... The biggest flaw I saw in PVP is that you can see your opponents names above their heads, which makes them easy to spot and shoot. PVP doesn't add anything new or interesting, but it's nice to have, I guess..
The Bad Stuff
Okay, so some of the flaws I found in Elven Assassin is that you get barely any gold when killing enemies. I understand they want to keep you coming back to play the game longer, but I've become bored with the game long before I was able to unlock any appealing cosmetic items.
Speaking of boredom, the waves of enemies progress very, very slowly, and things don't get difficult until wave 30 when you play with others. By the time wave 30 hits, you've already been playing for 30-45 minutes and are exhausted from shooting. This game desperately needs to speed things up. Most people only play 30 minutes to an hour, and when the first 30 minutes of Elven Assassin is so boring, it doesn't make me want to play it at all.
There are many ways to fix this, and the simplist solution that I can think of without changing too much, is to add an option to start the game at later waves, so you can skip the boring stuff.
I also think more robust spell abilities would help the game drastically. What is limiting the developers from creating massive fireballs raining down from the sky, or giant tornadoes sweeping the enemies away... This is a video game, and in VR there are so many amazing possibilities in a fantasy game such as Elven Assassin... but instead, we are left with boring animations and spells which look and feel weak.
Even if they added something as simple as exploding barrels you can shoot at strategic points would be a nice addition. A free game like The Lab offers these aspects, but for some reason, things like this were left out in Elven Assassin.
Gaming is about having fun, and VR is about being in awe... and unfortunately, Elven Assassin doesn't bring either of these to the table.
Is It Worth It?
Elven Assassin is an older VR title, and it shows. This doesn't mean it's bad, but the devs could have done a lot more over the years to keep the game interesting and more engaging.
Overall, Elven Assassin just needs more.. More enemy types, more cosmetic items, more spells and abilities, more game types, and more things to keep me interested in playing. Once you've played for 30 minutes to an hour, you've experienced everything there is to do, which isn't much.
I'm glad they recently introduced a new map and a PvP game mode, but it's too little too late. This is definitely a game I'd recommend you pick up on sale, because there just wasn't enough to keep me interested for the price.
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 10:28
Quick Review
It didn't take me long to refund this game. It felt very bland and outdated with quality comparable to a free Engine demo/showcase. Looks so alpha-like you would think everything is just a placeholder (models, animations, effects, text) but they're not. The level of quality and polish I was given is not something I would expect in a game already four years in Early Access.
Animations are very monotonous. Only one death/hit animation for monsters as far as I noticed, and little variety in everything (models, animations, sounds, effects). The first few rounds were enough for me and I felt repetitiveness from the get go, which is a bad sign. The game didn't offer anything to counteract the repetitiveness like other seemingly repetitive games, commonly seen in tower defenses, rogue-likes, and dungeon crawlers.
Finally, the bow mechanics isn't really intuitive, you don't get the feeling that you're an elven archer. Something feels off that I can't quite pinpoint. Kills aren't satisfying and hits have no weight to them.
One thing's for sure, Even Valve's The Lab's tower defense mini-game (a free game nonetheless), and NVIDIA Funhouse's archer mini-game (a free game too) both felt better to play.
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 10:31
Edit 1
Not recommended
Since the developers responded to my review I tried the game once more but my opinion has not changed. While I'm happy to hear the game is still being worked on, I would say the direction should be towards polishing what is already there instead of adding new maps and enemies.
The good
- It's a tower defense with archery after all and the shooting mechanics have been done nicely enough. But that's all there is to it really.
The bad
- From the get-go, there is no option to move freely in the menu room. You have to manually rotate and point the trigger to predetermined locations to get there. Screenshot
- There is some little interaction with the objects implemented but the fingers do not move. I have vive wands and usually the trigger moves the index finger and the grip moves the rest. But here the hand just snaps to the objects directly. Even then, the hand animations glitch into each other and sometimes I could see my wand model with the hand, and sometimes both open and close hand at the same time. This is the polish that is still needed for this game. Screenshot
- The game has 3 maps. This is a screenshot of the first map. First thing that bothered me was that the waterfall did not have a high fps animation which kinda stands out. Nothing changes in the maps. At least some daytime, weather changes could add more variation. Imagine if the game had the option to change lighting based on time of the day. That would have been cool.
- The enemy types use very similar models with some added assets. A limit bit of color variation would be welcome. The running animation does not quite match the walking speed. It's stiff and unnatural.
- I felt like the waves for single player are actually designed to be played with multiple people. Before reaching wave 10 there was already running, flying enemies with a big one at the same time which was very difficult to handle for one player. So separate wave scaling for single player and multiplayer would make solo playing feel much better.
- While the archery mechanics are good enough, there is still room to improve. There could be the option to actually get each arrow out of a holster. Atm, for the big enemies you can just spam shots mindlessly. If the arrows did not regenerate in the hands, trying to get critical on their head would have beeen much more pleasant.
- I got 14 coins for clearing up to wave 9. The cheapest bow upgrade costs 200 and the most expensive one is 10'000 (Screenshot). So do I have to play 700 rounds to unlock the best bow and helmet?! The grinds seems to have been miscalculated. Besides, the expensive upgrades are just recolorings of the same model which is just lazy.
- Honorary mention to the same font that is used in menus, announcements, kills, etc. without any kind of background and framing which feels like a placeholder.
I could go on how cool ideas could make this a really fun tower defense game, but for a game that has been in early access for 4 years with little improvement I do not have much hope.
For the buyers, I would recommend looking elsewhere for a more polished and modern VR game unless they really wanna try that archery tower defense game with friends.
For the developer, I suggest rethinking what they could do with this game and spending more time on polishing what they have.
P.S. I managed to run the game without problems so thumbs up for that ????
Not recommended
Clunky, old, out-dated. Needs a lot more polish to be a viable tower defense option.
At the moment it just crashes for me.
1362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 13:53
This is the best bow game out there in my opinion, and it's pretty accurate. Totally worth your money!
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 20:56
The game has also been updated with a sweet PvP mode.
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 18:18
1970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 09:00
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 20:36
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425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 19:40
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5149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.20 09:41
The content of the game is extremely limited. but it is kind of fun in its own way. The game feels like a mini game in a normal game. Lots of improvements needed.
I would like to give you just a few examples out of many of the basic mechanics that the game is missing.
You cannot report or vote a player out and the private rooms have only two digit passwords. So basically anyone can enter your game with trial and error and stay there if they like to. Imagine you are at a very high wave and someone comes in and blocks your vision on purpose the whole game (This actually happened)
No sense of achievement. The whole point of the game is to clear waves and reach to a wave as high as you can. But you cannot even unlock any achievements or get any rewards for the waves you reached. The game gives you no motivation to progress further. All you do is to get in kill a few orcs and get out.
All the waves are basically the same. 4 types of enemies, Orc, wywern, giant and a dragon . As you progress, only the number of creatures and the their health go up.
No friendlist or any other way to keep contact with the players you played on public. No statistics at all, so you essentially have no idea what other players are up to. I mean nothing promotos you to do more than shooting a few arrows and leaving the game anyway. So that is not a suprise.
Imagine a very basic java game you played on browser. This game is at the same exact level but on vr. I cannot argue base of the game is fun but as I said. let alone any complicated or any advanced mechanics, this game is lacking the most basics.
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205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.19 04:09
33136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.19 03:21
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344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.19 18:53
On top of that there is only 4 (badly balanced) levels, full of bugs (arrows fly through enemies not triggering a hit e.g.) and takes wayyyyyyyyyyy to long to level up and skill - which is super boring with just 4 levels!
Valve Index is not supported.
Yes, you can play a beta branch for Index but
1) that will not work for multiplayer (totally empty and you can't play together with people on the normal build) and
2) you can't open your spell menu to cast skills!
Avoid. There is better bow games out there.
1424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.17 02:55
Wish for more content like quest, or daily challenges where you can earn more gold and rewards.
More maps like the original Town, monsters and items. I feel that Large map is quite hard to play because of the current resolution of HTC Vive headset, I can hardly see monster that are far away.
Or maybe skill sets where we can choose to build, like ice skills to slow or freeze enemies. Player can either play fire or ice or even hybrid.
Imagine If we can grab the thrown axes landed on the wooden pillars and throw it back at them, that would be very cool. Or shoot the incoming axe with our arrow.
Wenkly Studio Sp. z o.o.
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