• Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.
  • Elium - Prison Escape: Screen zum Spiel Elium - Prison Escape.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.02.2018
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Preis Update 06.07.24

Über das Spiel

Elium - Prison Escape is a skill-based swordfighting action roguelite in a medieval setting.
Play in First and 3rd Person view with shooter-like controls, in a challenging and unforgiving prison environment with the main goal of finding an escape.
Take the role of Jarren Sorengar, a master swordsman seeing his days pass as a weary war prisoner. Time has come to meet fate, find an escape or die in the attempt.

Key Features:
  • 1stPerson / 3rdPerson melee action combat
  • Fight with a sword, equip a shield, use your fists or even resort to fight with objects around you.
  • Reactive Combat AI
  • Engage with zealous prison guards that use the same moves as the player, making for a tense and challenging experience.
  • Action and Stealth playing styles
  • Hide in the shadows, turn off lights and sneak past enemies, or take your opponents by force.
  • Alone or with help
  • Explore and fight on your own or rescue other prisoners to aid in your escape.
  • Random dungeon generation
  • Experience a new level layout on every play, on a series of hand-crafted areas assembled procedurally.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: High-Performance Dual Core CPU or Quad Core CPU
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD5850
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64 Bit)
  • HD:
  • SFX:
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET:
  • Peripherie:
  • MISC:
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD FX 8000 series or better / Intel Quad i7 Core CPU
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / AMD R9 290
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64 Bit)
  • HD:
  • SFX:
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET:
  • Peripherie:
  • MISC:
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

273 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.19 22:02
Das Spiel ist jetzt nicht überragend, aber es macht doch Spaß. Schwertkämpfe, die nach 2-3 Treffern vorbei sind, wenn man nicht aufpasst. Fühlt sich ein bisschen wie eine Simulation an.
455 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.18 18:30
Hübsches Kleines spiel
89 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.18 08:46
DO NOT BUY THIS YET - very glitchy lighting and textures makes the game very distracting. It is promising, I tried out the stealth and combat and I can see what theyre trying to o but wait for some more patches
812 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.18 17:41
WHO WILL LIKE: Those who enjoy medieval combat, stealth, and/or random level generation.

WHO WILL NOT LIKE: Those who enjoy regenerating health, magic, and fast paced action.

Everything about Elium pointed toward a gameplay experience that I would absolutely love. After watching a couple videos, I thought I'd be jumping into the prodigal son of Chivalry and KIngs Field: A game with a medieval theme, putting you in the shoes of a nobody who would slowly and methodically grow stronger as the game progressed. When I realized that this wasn't the case, I attempted to enjoy the game for what it actually was, and still left feeling very dissapointed.

You see, Elium feels very empty, as if it were an Early Access title that lost it's funding. The idea of being this prisoner who has to stealthily make his way to freedom is fantastic, but the execution is so poor, that I checked out before reaching the final stages. Speaking of stages, let us talk about level design....

Randomly generated room presets. You've seen this before and I can assure you, you've seen it better. My issue is not with random generation, but with how boring these presets are. Every room aesthetically looks the same, and nothing ever changes. Along the way, you have the option to free prisoners, and every one has the same voice and face. Every guard you encounter also sounds and looks the same (give or take a different color on his armor). There are no traps, clever puzzles, or mix-it-up gameplay surprises along the way. Once you've seen the first level, you've seen the entire game. This wouldn't be a problem if....

The combat had more variety. I definitely enjoyed the more realistic block/parry/attack combat and loved that 1 or 2 well placed hits meant the end if I wasn't careful. The addition of a kick ability is a welcome throwback to the Dark Messiah days and I won't deny chuckling watching the guards bodies ragdoll off the edge of a cliff. Aside from this, your options are either stealth, 1 on 1 combat (with a small handful of melee weapons), or to basically break the game by amassing an army of freed prisoners and outfitting them with the best gear. The latter option is completely broken, with AI going berserk and enemies being swarmed in a giant orgy of bouncy kicks and punches. It makes me wonder why there weren't more options. Where are the bows? How about throwable daggers? How about triggering traps to take out enemies as a bystander? What about a basic hand to hand stealth knockout ability? Not here.

In the end, the experience just feels dry. After the first level or two, you'll realize that you've seen everything, with nothing new to collect or no interesting landmarks to explore. There is no story segments to unravel, no new abilities to acquire, and no variation in enemies to amp up the challenge. Had this been Early Access, I would have stuck around to see where the developer took it, but in a recent forum post, he clearly states that all future updates will be bug fixes unless significant community interest garners additions. At $15, you're getting a shell of a game. Not bad, but could have been so much more.

235 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.18 11:41
Immersive, rewarding and quick fun for people who like hard-to-master combat systems.

I mostly play this game for the combat, as it's a nice blend between realism and arcade styles where it punishes you in the right places and rewards you just the same. There are many potentially rewarding moments during a brawl and quite a few options the player can use to get an edge over the enemies, plus a lot of challenges arise when the player is faced with more than one enemy at a given time.

The whole escape story as a motivation is secondary to me, but provides a nice excuse to catch a breath after a tough fight and just skip some enemies with sneaking or stealth kills. In the end it provides a good variety in pace for people to have a sort of roguelike sandbox experience.

335 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.18 22:47
Great game! Great concept, but battles needs some fixes, sometimes you hit the enemy but there´s no effect, the enemy simply don´t recognize that he where hit, and sometimes you block ( even having full stamina bar) and the attack hits you. Would be nice if you have middle stage save points, couse you need to leave gameplay and simple looses everything you have achieved so far.
Weapon bounce upon parry would be perfect! Becouse there´s no advantage in using parry, and in real battles, a perfect parry almost aways defines the winner.
More colours of Tabards woul be nice either! Couse when you have 5 or more prisioners with you, theres almos no way to identify friends from foes.
I´m in stage 6 and I didn´t find any use for money! Any shop in game would be nice ( any prisioner selling bandages os something like food .. water or things to recover a little heath.
Even so.. a Great Game that worth every penny!
244 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.18 13:31
Severe lack of systems and variety. All enemies are of the same type and look the same, most of the equip you'll get will be theirs. Progress is also more watching numbers increase.

Combat is in the vein of warband, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Chivalry and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, but less mechanically deep than any of them. It severely needs either more systems or more variety, for example ranged weaponry, weapon throwing, maybe some special moves or grappling.

The process of progressing through the game gets old rather quick. You move to a room and kill a guard or later on more. You loot them, switch your equipment out with theirs if theirs has higher numbers and check if they have a cell key. If they do, you free the room's prisoner and equip him with the stuff the guard had on him and then move to the next room. Rinse and repeat.

The rooms are structurally varied but the only difference between them really is whether or not there is something you can kick your enemy into to instakill him. This could be improved by adding opportunities to interact with the levels more, perhaps in the form of environmental hazards you can trigger to kill your enemies, as you could in DMoM&M.

TL;DR: Game is mechanically shallow and rather repetitive, you should probably get Dark Messiah of Might and Magic instead, as it is available for about 10 bucks on Steam. Not recommended as you can get titles like Into the Breach for the same amount of money and get way more for it.
903 Produkte im Account
207 Reviews
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.18 01:15
Pro: Cool fighting style, First or 3rd person view, Lots of various equipment, realistic sound effects, and real like body damage with each blow, and multiple play modes - tutorial, training mode, main campaign, Hoard

Con: Very limited save points. The game is based on more of a combat challenge mode
not much of a storyline. The lack of saves makes me think there are not many areas to adventure
927 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.18 22:08
Great realistic combat simulator game. I am totally in love with the combat system. It's hard to find nowadays games with this kind of system and I find it very enjoyable. Combats are decided by good timing, precision and skill. It's true it has some bugs, but it's amazing to think that the whole game was done by ONE person alone. JUST ONE PERSON! So because of that, this game has all my respect and I can only recommend it to anyone that loves realistic swordfighting games.

Give the developer some love!
562 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.18 20:47

It's rough around the edges, but worth the price.

The way combat works in this game is quite similar to Mount & Blade, with 4 directional attack. Though if you are used to M&B controlls you're going to want to go to settings and reverse the x and y of attack directions. I found myself ducking and weaving to dodge attacks irl, I don't know if that's a testament to the combats intensity or my abilty to get drawn into video games. Either way combat is fun. I should note that enemies do a good amount of damage, so expect to die now and then. [spoiler]THIS GAME IS THE DARK SOULS OF FIRST/THIRD PERSON MEDIEVAL PRISON BREAK GAMES![/spoiler]

On the other hand combat with allies (you can free fellow prisoners and give them gear), gets messy real fast when there is more than just one ally, so sometimes it's better to sitt back and watch your allies beat the daylight out of guards. Do note that there is friendly fire, but your allies will let you decapitate them without throwing a fit.

Oh yes! The inclusion of a dismemberment mechanic makes combat quite more enjoyable, nothing like sending arms and heads flying! Pity you can't seem to be able to pick them up and throw them. Along with dismembering you can also knock weapons out of enemies hands, break shields, and knock helmets off their heads.

Stealth is a pretty simple afair: don't make too much noise, stay in the dark, and stab people in the back. Classic really.

Performance-wise it's not great, but it luckily has plenty of graphics options to tweak. I get 60fps (locked it to that) but with drops as far down as 20 fps on a mix of high and med setttings. Do note that the 20 fps drop happened when I was in combat with 4 allies and 2 enemies.

heres my pc (laptop) so you can put the performance in some context:
Windows 10
GTX 1050ti
Intel Core i7-7700HQ

Sound and voice acting is bare bones, neither good nor bad enough to dwell on.

Some things I enjoyed:

-I kicked a subofficer into a table and it body slammed him.
-The combat.
-Fellow prisoners that you can free, gear up, and watch die to a subofficers.

Some things I didn't enjoy:

-Freed prisoners are way too clingy, give me breathing room you guys.
-Larger brawls are a mess combat-wise and performance-wise.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
69.44% 25 11
Release:28.02.2018 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Lone Artisan Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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