Edge Of Eternity
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Über das Spiel

Die Zersetzung – die wohl grausamste Waffe der Archeliten: eine schreckliche Krankheit, die den Körper vergiftet, die Glieder verzerrt und ihre Opfer in abscheuliche, deformierte Missgestalten verwandelt.
Daryon, ein verlorener Soldat in diesem höllischen Krieg, ist bereit, das ultimative Opfer für sein Land zu geben … Bis er eines Tages einen Brief von seiner Schwester erhält. Ihre Mutter ist an der verhängnisvollen Seuche erkrankt und sie brauchen seine Hilfe, um ein Heilmittel zu finden.
An diesem Tag muss Daryon eine Entscheidung treffen, die sein Leben – und das Schicksal seiner Welt – für immer verändern wird.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5 6500
- Software: Windows 10 64 bits
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX:
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i7 8600
- RAM: 12 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 64 bits
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX:
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 11:04
Ein Manko hat das Spiel, das Questsystem. Es wäre toll, wenn die erledigten Quests auf der Map gleich sichtbar wären. Man muss wirklich jeden einzelnen Auftrag markieren um zu sehen wo man es zurückbringen muss. Da man leider immer nur einen Auftrag hervorheben kann, musste ich mich öfters durch die Aufträge kämpfen um zu wissen wo ich es zurückgeben muss. Schnellreisesystem erleichtert aber vieles! (Reittier gibt es übrigens auch.)
Ansonsten ist das Spiel für Preis/Leistung gut gelungen! Story ist soweit ansprechend. Das craften hätte man auf einen Tisch beschränken können, man muss wirklich von einem Tisch zum nächsten rennen um die entsprechenden Items zu craften, aber ok, gibt schlimmeres ;) Empfehlung an alle rundenbasierten/Story-Spieler.
Nicht Empfohlen
3011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 15:38
Leider Gibt es schon Sehr viele Bugs.
Teilweise buggt das Menü, das spiel stürzt zwischendurch mal ab (Nicht oft). mir ist es auch schon passiert das meine Charakter unter der erde gespawnt sind und sich deswegen nicht bewegen konnten oder das ich im Kampf Keine Fähigkeiten benutzen konnte.
es gab auch 2-3 gebiete bzw abschnitte von gebieten die nicht richtig geladen haben
der Endbosskampf ist für mein empfinden leider auch SEHR schlecht gemacht da es einfach viel zu viele Kämpfe/phasen sind.
Ich habe leider generell das Gefühl das sich das Studio viel zu viel vorgenommen hat Edge of Eternity wäre um längen besser wenn die Entwickler nicht versucht hätten das so groß zu machen, denn man merkt einfach das das Studio zu klein für die Größe/Ambitionen sind.
Empfehlen kann ich edge of eternity zum jetzigen zeitpunkt leider nicht(auch wenn Edge of Eternity Kein schlechtes spiel ist und es sicher einigen gut gefallen sollte). Ich hoffe es kommen noch ein paar Patches denn das hat dieses spiel Leider nötig.
3023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 10:01
2245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 19:06
Und all das von einem kleinen Indie-Studio. Aus Frankreich.
Ich hoffe es kommen noch 1-2 DLC mit neuen Regionen und starken Boss Gegnern
Nicht Empfohlen
2591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 01:17
Weiterer negativer Punkt ist die Vielfalt der Gegner. Es gibt vielleicht ungefähr 5 verschiedene Gegner. Mit jedem Gebiet ändern diese sich minimal im Aussehen. Auch behalten viele deren Namen und ein Prefix wird lediglich hinzugefügt. Im ersten Gebiet gibt es z. B. einen Gegner der XYZ heißt, im zweiten Gebiet heißt der selbe Gegner plötzlich Zersetzter XYZ. Dies sorgt für Leute die sich alle Elementarwiderstände merken jedesmal für Verwirrung. Im ersten Gebiet ist der Gegner gegen Feuer anfällig, im nächsten Gebiet dann plötzlich immun dagegen.
Letzer negativer Punkt wären die Sammelbaren Materialien. Alle Pflanzen- oder Erzvorkommen sehen überall gleich aus. Gegenstände die hinterlassen werden ändern sich allerdings jedes mal. Es kann passieren das man tausend mal das gleiche aus einem Vorkommen gewinnt und beim tausend und einem mal droppt plötzlich was vollkommen anderes. Man kann also nicht wirklich gezielt bestimmte Gegenstände für Herstellungen erfarmen.
Fazit: Es mag kein AAA Studio sein aber das Spiel war seit über 2 Jahren im Early Access und ich habe, ohne groß danach zu suchen nach lediglich 10 Minuten zwei Gamebreaking Bugs gefunden. Am Anfang mag das Spiel Spaß machen, aber hey, welches tut das nicht? Nach mehreren Spielstunden merkt man aber dass das Spiel sehr linear und eintönig ist. Also, spart euch das Geld. Für 30 Euro bekommt man weit aus bessere und offenere Open Worlds.
908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 11:06
Insgesamt gefällt mir das Spiel bis jetzt sehr gut und ich möchte die Entwickler mit meinem Review zu Release unterstützen eine fundiertere Meinung kommt sobald ich das Spiel beendet habe.
1554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 19:41
Ich habe das Spiel jetzt schon seit einigen Jahren und es bereits in der EA gespielt. Habe es vorher auf dem Account eines Kumpels gespielt und es mir dann selbst gekauft.
Da ich gerne auf ein paar Dinge eingehen möchte, muss ich mit den negativen Dingen als erstes beginnen:
- die Prologkampagne könnte so mitreißend und toll sein, allerdings hat es mich so sehr überrascht dass sie das Game voll veröffentlicht haben und die Gesichter, sowie die Bewegungen in den Sequenzen in meinen Augen katastrophal wirken - die Gesichter sehen fast alle gleich aus, die Nasen wirken wie von einem schlechten pseudoplastischen Chirurgen durchgeführt, die Mimiken, Gestiken, Bewegungen sehen einfach nur katastrophal aus
--> versteht mich nicht falsch, ich bin niemand die sofort die beste Grafik benötigt, aber Gesichter sind nun mal neben der Sprache die emotionalen Träger, das klaut ungemein viel von der Atmosphäre - riesiges Schade ! Ich hoffe da folgt noch eine richtige Überarbeitung
- die NPC Gesichter im Allgemeinen wirken sehr lieblos und aus der Alphaphase, sowie auch Hände, Bewegungen usw.
- in der Prolog Kampagne sind manche Charaktere verglitcht
- es sind immer noch einige Bugs vorhanden, z.B. dass im Tutorial wenn man mit dem Controller spielt, man nicht weiter klicken kann, sondern mit der Maus manches anvisieren muss (das betrifft bisher nur das Tutorial)
- Tutorialtexte könnten meiner Meinung nach besser eingebunden werden, sie wirken sehr klobig --> allg. die Textbox könnte etwas kleiner bzw. dezenter gestaltet werden
Da ich das meiste aus der EA noch kenne werde ich das jetzt nicht weiter schreiben, sondern das Spiel erstmal weiter spielen. Ich war nur vorhin so enttäuscht, dass ich das Spiel ausgemacht habe.
-ich bin ein riesiger Fan vom Kampfsystem, auch mit dem Controller oder mit der Tastatur (von Bugs abgesehen) funktioniert alles wunderbar --> es gibt zu wenige taktische Kampfsysteme, daher begrüße ich das, vor allem da sich wirklich viele Gedanken gemacht wurden was sinnvoll eingebaut werden kann mit den Feldern, den Tageszeiten usw. ich möchte nicht zuviel Spoilern, aber wer alte JRPG Kampfsysteme mochte, wird hier definitiv glücklich
- die Musik ist sehr schön und bekommt von mir volle Punktzahl
- die englische Synchronisation finde ich bisher gelungen und rettet vieles vom unterpräsentierten Prolog
- die Umgebung ist wunderschön, das was den Gesichtern fehlt, steckt mit viel liebe dort drin, einfach toll
- die Auswirkung von Wetter und Tageszeit, vom Nutzen und Aussehen
- sehr viele liebevolle, süße Details in der Umgebung, die für Atmosphäre sorgen
- wunderschöner Artstyle
- Kristallsystem und Möglichkeiten, sowie Tiefgang diesbezüglich
Da ich in der EA immer nur ein paar Stunden gespielt habe kann ich noch wenig zur Story sagen. Bisher ist sie sehr interessant.
Kann ich das Game empfehlen?
Wer JRPG und vor allem die der alten Schule liebt, kann auf jeden Fall zuschlagen. Seid euch aber der Bugs bewusst und dass noch ein wenig an dem Game gearbeitet werden muss.
Aber ein Team aus so wenig Entwicklern, hat ein Game geschaffen das sehr tolle Anstätze hat, wenn sie an den richtigen Stellen polieren, kann es eine richtige JRPG-Perle werden.
Ich werde diese Rezension bei Gelegenheit überarbeiten.
Grafik: 6/10 (Gesichter vs. Landschaft)
Sound: 9/10
Steuerung: 8/10
Story: kA
Insgesamt: 7/10
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 19:08
Heute ist der Tag des Release. Ich habe also ein brandneues Spiel gestartet und wurde von einem ebenfalls völlig neuen Trailer begrüßt. Dieser hat nicht nur eine gute Stimmung geschaffen, sondern auch die Geschichte in ihren gröbsten Zügen erzählt. Genug, um mein Interesse zu wecken, nicht so viel, dass man keine Fragen stellen will. Also wirklich bestens für ein Intro!
Der Prolog bot mir einerseits ein kurzes Tutorial, baute andererseits durch eine recht kompetent erzählte Geschichte durchaus Spannung auf. Nach dem Ende war mein Interesse dann endgültig geweckt! Es dauerte noch eine ganze Weile, bis ich in das Gebiet des Early Access kam, was sich nun aber viel besser in die Story eingebunden findet, klar, aber auch einen viel besseren Erzähl- und Spielfluss hat, als je zuvor.
Die Grafik kann sich sehen lassen. Sie ist natürlich noch lange keine Konkurrenz für große AAA-Spiele, aber für das recht kleine Team doch sehr solide. Aber vor allem das Design macht dieses Spiel zu einem Hingucker. Der erste Gegner wirkt schon durchaus beeindruckend, einige Gebiete wirken sehr geheimnis- und stimmungsvoll und die Gegner sind, wenn auch nicht sehr innovativ (bisher!!), gut gestaltet. Der Hauptcharakter wirkt ein bisschen arg Klischee-Anime-15-Jähriger-RPG-Protagonist, aber das zumindest in einem deutlich erwachsenerem Stil als die vieler anderer RPGs. Und he, er ist zumindest schon volljährig :)
Charaktere und NPCs sind soweit gut geschrieben, dass sie nicht generisch wirken und ich spreche nach ein paar Stunden immer noch gerne mit zufälligen Dorfbewohnern und sonstigen Personen.
Das Kampfsystem ist ein flüssig ablaufender Mix aus rundenbasiert mit ATB (Leiste füllt sich. Wenn voll, kann der dazugehörende Kämpfer handeln etc.) und einem zwar recht seichten taktischem Positionierungssystem, das aber gerade durch seine mangelnde Tiefe den Spielfluss in keiner Weise behindert.
Um auch die Standardkämpfe interessant zu halten, gibt es in jedem Kampf eine oder mehrere Nebenaufgaben, wie etwa Gegner unter drei Zügen töten, mit Elementarvorteil angreifen, etc. Das ist gut eingebunden, fühlt sich nie anstrengend an und bietet eine nette Belohnung, die aber auch nicht wehtun, wenn man sie nicht erhält.
Auch das Sammeln von Gegenständen auf den weitläufigen Gebieten fühlt sich nicht nach Arbeit an. Keine unnötigen Animationen, kein großer Zeitaufwand. Einfach anklicken und fertig. Vielleicht ein bisschen sehr flach, aber das finde ich bei der Masse an Sammelpunkten auch völlig in Ordnung!
Nach allem, was ich gehört habe, dürfte auch die Spielzeit recht lang werden. Laut Entwickler war eins der größeren Updates alleine ca 10 Stunden lang!
Nach über drei Stunden fühlt es sich gerade so an, als würde die Story überhaupt erst losgehen! Und ich bin mir jetzt schon sicher, dass es einige sehr interessante Wendungen und Überraschungen geben wird. Darauf weist alleine schon der Prolog hin. Ich habe also riiiiichtig Bock auf diese Story!
Die Story wird gut aufgebaut und macht viel Stimmung.
Sieht solide aus, mit schönen Gebieten.
Schön flüssiges Kampfsystem mit Gimmicks, die auch Standardkämpfe interessant bleiben lassen.
Hübsch flottes Erkunden und Sammeln.
Also zusammengefasst:
Ja, ich kann dieses Spiel bisher ohne wenn und aber wärmstens empfehlen. Es wird seinen nicht mal hohen Preis durchaus wert sein <3
Nicht Empfohlen
1981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 14:06
Empfehlen kann ich es ohne eine schlechtes Gewissen zu bekommen leider nicht.
Obwohl ich das Spiel gut finde und hoffe das es sich in die richtige Richtung entwickeln wird. Aber ich möchte auch ehrlich sein was das Spiel angeht im jetzigen Entwicklungsstand.
Die Kämpfe sind rundenbasiert jedoch kann man sich auf dem Kampffeld in Waben bewegen.
Die Story möchte gut sein, schafft es aber leider nicht. Dies liegt daran das den Charakteren Emotionen fehlen.
Es kommt bei vielen Szenen nichts rüber und wenn dann nur sehr wenig.
Nebencharaktere (egal ob Hauptquest oder Sidequest) wirken lieblos und schlecht animiert.
Teilweise wirkt es als ob man versucht hat eine möglichst große und detaillierte Open World zu schaffen in der man am Ende außer Ressourcen sammeln, ein paar Monster platt machen und hier und da mal eine Sidequest machen kann, sonst nichts zu tun hat und die Darstellung der Charaktere vernachlässigt hat.
Würde dies jetzt auf die Unity Engine schieben, wobei ich schon Spiele hatte mit der Engine wo die Charakter schöner gestaltet waren.
Man kann im Spiel neue Rüstung herstellen. Leider habe ich diese Funktion innerhalb der fast 16h Spielzeit (bin Level 27) noch nie gebraucht da man besser Rüstung und Waffen von Drops oder Truhen bekommt.
Würde mir wünschen das der Tag und Nacht Zyklus nicht einfach nur hübsch anzuschauen ist sondern Nachts zum Beispiel andere stärkere Monster erscheinen.
Da es ein Early Access Titel ist, müsst ihr selber entscheiden ob ihr es kaufen wollt.
Hier mal ein paar Bugs die ich bis jetzt gefunden habe. Alle Bugs habe ich natürlich dem Entwickler gemeldet.
1. Bug
Reitet ihr mit dem Reittier in Gegner rein und bekämpft die so, kann es vorkommen das man sich nach dem Kampf nicht mehr bewegen kann. Auch das aufrufen des Menüs geht nicht mehr. Spiel muss über Task Manager oder der Task Bar geschlossen werden.
2. Bug
Sound Bug nach Kämpfen. Es kommt immer wieder das Sounds komisch wiedergegeben werden oder stecken bleiben.
3. Bug
Sidequest nicht abschließbar. Bis jetzt konnte ich die Sidequest an der Kaladaan Küste mit Petrus nicht beenden.
Nach dem Kampf mit dem Monster soll man Petrus aufsuchen. Nach dem Dialog soll ein Kampf mit ihm statt finden. In dem Moment crasht das Spiel und man muss es wieder per Task Bar/Task Manager schließen.
Ansonsten kann es immer mal wieder zu Laggs kommen wenn man ein Gebiet verlässt und das nächste nachgeladen wird.
PS: Falls jemand kommt das mein System zu schwach wäre .... Pustekuchen ... das übertrifft die Empfohlen sogar.
2424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 16:29
Final Fantasy ohne Final Fantasy
Als ich das Game zum ersten Mal gesehen habe, wurde ich unweigerlich an den Klassiker erinnert.
Die Charaktere sind liebevoll gestaltet, die Storyline ist umfangreich und sehr detailliert und obwohl es inzwischen 5 Kapitel an Inhalt existieren, haben wir noch immer nicht den Beta-Status verlassen.
Einige Implementationen sind noch nicht umgesetzt oder nur teilweise vollständig. Man bekommt sehr schnell das Gefühl, dass den Entwickler dieses Projekt sehr am Herzen liegt. Man nimmt sich die benötigte Zeit um die gesteckten Ziele auch vollständig um zusetzten.
Die überdurchschnittliche guten Rezensionen kommen nicht von nur ungefähr. Wer sich etwas Zeit nimmt und die Runden basierte Spielweise auf sich einwirken lässt, wird schnell seine helle Freude am Spiel finden.
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 14:25
Edge of Eternity ist ein echtes JRPG. Es hält alles bereit, was man erwartet: Eine epische Story, weite Welten, viel Loot und natürlich Grind. Mannshohe Waffen mit magischen Kristallsockeln, optisch gut gestaltete Zaubersprüche und fantastische Wesen, welche die Welt bevölkern, runden das Gesamtbild ab. Wem das reine grinden zu langweilig ist, kann sich auch Side-Quests abholen, die teilweise selbst kleine Geschichten erzählen und dadurch noch tiefer in die Welt eintauchen lassen.
Durch den Tag-/Nacht-Zyklus trifft man nachts beispielsweise auf Wesen, die tagsüber gar nicht zu sehen sind und umgekehrt. Darüber hinaus sorgen das dynamische Wetter und die verschiedenen Gegenden mit ihren Jahreszeiten für ein abwechslungsreiches Erlebnis auf Heryon. Die interessante Kombination aus Active-Time-Battle und taktischem Kampffeld, sowie zelda-esque Puzzles lassen das Spiel aus der breiten Masse der 08/15 JRPGs herausstechen
Durch die Vielzahl an Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, welche die Kristallsockel der Waffen bieten und deren Upgrades, die daraus resultieren, wird das Kampfgeschehen noch einmal um ein weiteres Level angehoben. Betrete die bunte und zauberhafte Welt von Heryon und erfahre Daryons Geschichte. Edge of Eternity bietet eine Erzählung, deren Ausmaß Du vielleicht jetzt noch gar nicht ahnst. Also begib Dich auf die Reise und erlebe ein großes Abenteuer.
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 16:57
Ich werde das Spiel defintiv noch weiter spielen und bei Bedarf noch einmal meine Bewertung anpassen
Bei meinem aktuellen Spielstand definitiv eine Empfehlung wert
819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 16:42
- Eine Geschichte in bester JRPG-Manier. Fantasy trifft Sci-Fi.
- Dialoge, deren Qualität der Geschichte logischerweise in nichts nachsteht.
- Eine wunderschöne Welt die Abenteuer, immer neue Geheimnisse und 'Open World' verspricht.
- Umwelteinflüsse halten Kämpfe interessant. Wo Kristalle Bonuseffekte in einem Bereich gewähren, erlauben Belagerungswaffen vernichtenden Schaden am noch so zähen Gegner.
- Von Jagden, über Schatzsuche und Nebenquests bis hin zu in der Landschaft rumstromernden besonders großen (und besonders gefährlichen) Bossen. Abseits der Hauptgeschichte gibt es immer genug zu tun.
- Der Leuchtturm! Altbekanntes Prinzip, das dennoch einen extra Punkt verdient: Kletter immer höher, die Feinde werden stetig stärker und alle 10 Etagen wartet eine Herausforderung. Leveln könnte nicht einfacher sein.
- Laufen ist doof und Pferde zu Mainstream also gibt es... Nekaruhs! Zweischwänzige Reitkatzen, deren Spürnase einen zu verborgenen Schätzen führt. Oder zu Wühlern.
- Das Tutorial sieht noch besonders ungeschliffen aus. Hier heißt es also Zähne zusammenbeißen und durch.
- Beim Puzzle versagt? Zurück zum Ladebildschirm! ...dem sehr langen Ladebildschirm.
- Schienbeinhohe Zäune in einem Spiel, in dem man nicht springen kann. Warum???
- Spiel crasht derzeit bei jedem Instanzwechsel. Und friert meinen PC gleich mit ein.
Es ist ein Spiel in der Entwicklung. Man sollte also nicht direkt ein geschliffenes Juwel erwarten, kann dem Spiel aber durchaus eine solide Chance einräumen.
Ich für meinen Teil werde es auf jeden Fall behalten, spielen und beobachten.
3215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 06:50
986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 14:52
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 09:47
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 12:19
2095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 21:36
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 20:40
1769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 22:21
747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 06:13
1817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 20:06
3772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 16:11
I am a huge fan of RPG, I have been playing them since I was a child. That being said, I want to recommend this game.
People who likes RPG would definitely enjoy it.
Owing to the fact that was made with a small team, the result is really impressive.
The landscape is really beautiful, on more than one occasion I stop to contemplate it. They were brave to make a 3D RPG but i have to say it turned out pretty good for them.
The combat mode is in turns, however we will have to move through squares just like the enemies. We will be able to craft our own weapons and armors, which I recommend specially if you want to play in nightmare mode. We can also embed some crystals in the weapons which we can find by killing enemies or buying them from merchants; those crystals are the ones that will teach us skills and will improve our statistics even more.
The world they have built, gives us the feeling of sadness as well as hopelessness, without spoiling, our protagonists go through quite a few calamities and I liked the way they face them, with hope but taking into account the suffering that it brings in one even having so much responsibility, while saving the world is not the priority of all our protagonists.
They have also placed some jokes during the game that are especially aimed at those of us who like RPG from long ago.
6229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 00:57
Nicht Empfohlen
1347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 05:14
3161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 17:38
Well worth your time but manage your expectations first. This is an indie game so there will be plenty of flaws. Edge of Eternity is a good game but could be better. Good luck in your next game, developer!
I will give this 7/10.
I bought this game just before they released it out of EA so I had set my expectations appropriately. This game has a lot of potential but is limited by several circumstances that I understand.
1) The game has lots of lore and interesting concepts but the way the narrative represents it is kinda poor. World-building barely exists, then they throw you tons of jargons that they expect you to understand. As a result, I don't even care about the world's history. Comet? Church? The war? Nahhh I just care about my cat.
2) The characters are okay. Their interactions are well defined and each have their own traits. But, sometimes it was shown awkwardly in some cutscenes. Ehh minor issues.
3) The audio transition between scenes are jarring and sometimes there is no audio at all after teleporting. Very immersion breaking for me.
4) The music in the overworld and final boss theme are my favorites. The song in the loading screen would probably be good as well if I could only listen to it before it is abruptly cut out.
5) Then the UI/UX. This is what brings the score down the most. The first hour was painful. I missed several treasures because I didn't notice the interaction prompt. Put some background on it please. White color UI does not mesh well with snowy white environment. Then, when you walk to a NPC, you'll see the interaction prompt every time but not sure which NPC is being talked to. So confusing. Next, the map. I need to press every button to know which button to open it. Then, it also does not specify which area is walkable, it just shows everything. Finally, please improve the shop UI. I accidentally sold my gems when I thought I was in the buying section. This caused me to grieve an hour in my bathroom. There are more but it's better to experience it yourself.
6) The open-world area is huge, filled with lots of collectibles and monsters. The environment is very pretty but felt too large for nothing. The game does not use the space well and the narrative also just ignores it. They just depend on some quests to use it.
7) The combat is interesting at least. The most fun out of this game minus the camera and UI issues.
8) The character animations are as expected. Ehhh it's acceptable.
9) I like the character designs and their portraits.
Overall, it is a good game but could be better.
2893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 01:53
I have not even finished the first chapter yet
Why you ask...
I am loving the nostalgia of this game
I am loving the exploring of this game
I am loving the scenery of this game
I am loving the crystal system to upgrade your weapons
I love the battle system, it is simple yet enjoyable
I don't know what to say about the story yet
For now it is quirky and makes me chuckle
These are my thoughts, I highly recommend for any 90's RPG fan
I grew up playing RPG games in the 90's
It is actually amazing such a small studio created such a gem
If you have read this far here is a helpful tip
You can change settings to allow you to save anywhere
My only complaint was that I could only save a the portals
To be fair it wasn't bad, I am just a dad with limited game time so saving at any moment is super helpful
I will likely update in the future as I get to experience more story
For now jump into the beautiful world of Heryon and enjoy
3845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 04:23
Graphically - The world looks amazing and has lots of details small and large. Few things i noticed in my playthrough that could be improved but they are minor. Few areas of the game that looked like not much effort and thought went into them as a majority of the other areas as they just seem out of place in the overall world.
Story - Passable but lots of room for improve. Noticed what seemed like a few inconsistencies in the story that are muddled. Few things that just are introduced with no buildup or explanation that make no sense. Some questions unanswered.
Gameplay - Combat i found fun. Crafting system could use another look at as it felt too easy and never a challenge as if an afterthought of the game. Weapon socketing and leveling systems i found interesting.
Technical - Tried this on Linux OS first and its runs okay and looks amazing but does have graphical issues such as models not loading in, texture distortion, model distortion, partial animations or no animations of assets, issues with some particle systems. If on Windows OS these problems disappear and game is playable from start to finish with no real issue though there are still a few bugs i encountered. Found the final fight to be heavily buggy that added a whole new level of difficulty to it trying to figure out what was happening and if it was supposed to be happening. Also found a collection quest to be bugged that is barring one of the achievements.
3244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 19:04
Definitely looking forward to more games from Midgar!
First act of the game could've been done way better as it gets really interesting and fun after a couple of hours. My playthrough took around 54 hours to finish it.
It was nice to see DLSS available for those with RTX cards and FSR for rest and game was very well optimised , played at 2160p 90fps and only noticed frame drops a couple of times.
Only Main Story has Voice Acting which is totally fine since it's in multiple languages and has fair amount of story.
Would've loved to see Voiced dialogues between characters when at Inn tho.
VA's have done a great job but sometimes it doesn't fit with the character animations which isn't that much of a deal breaker.
Puzzles were a nice touch , nothing too complicated and not over-used.
As for Story and Writing , there are some aspects that are kinda weak but majority of it is pretty good. There are many plot holes tho , looking forward to story expansions/dlc's or a sequel at some point.
Combat could become repetitive quickly , Don't think it's one of those games where you just sit down and blaze through the whole content but something you play a couple hours now and then to avoid the repetition , It is abit unique like some final fantasy games but can definitely get repetitive if you're like me who does most, if not all side quests etc.
Music has been really well done alongside art for the game, never got tired of it in all these hours as it changes in every area and situation.
Game could definitely use some QOL stuff like getting markers on mini map when close to a chest or crystal fruit, or Vendors selling maps for location of chests/fruits for a high price.
Auto run/movement button would've been great aswell and Filters for sorting items in armor crafting tab and a couple of other things.
Putting it up here again , for a game made by a handful of developers this is fantastic
Don't expect to see AAA quality of everything going in.
3421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 00:17
The story's pacing can at times be a bit all over the place. It's generally fine-ish, but at times it feels like too much happens in too little time. This issue reaches a crescendo in chapter 6 in particular but I'll get back to that a bit later as I particularly have issues with this chapter of the game.
Balancing can be an issue as well. For a point of reference, I did my playthrough on hard difficulty and it wasn't particularly difficult throughout. Which is fine, I think. There's still a difficulty setting above hard but it's not simply the difficulty that is the issue. Certain fights in the game simply don't feel that fleshed out. [spoiler]The fight against Vaughn[/spoiler] is a complete joke that comes to the top of my mind almost instantly. [spoiler]The defense of Tyr Caelum[/spoiler] also felt excessively simple, which is a fair bit less defensible given the stakes of that battle in particular. In short, the game has balancing issues at certain parts of the game.
Yes, there is a bit of grind but I think it's perhaps a bit over exaggerated. Maybe I'm biased since I'm a big fan of open world RPGs, but I didn't really feel the need to grind outside of doing side quests and bounty quests. Most bounty quests ask you to generally kill around ~4-7 of a certain enemy so it's not even a significant amount.
I also did not like the gem crafting system. It is an RNG-based system where you take two gems and you re-roll until you get the stats and abilities you want. It doesn't present itself as much of an issue early on when you only have a few characters and relatively few gem slots to juggle. By the end of the game, however, you have 5 different characters to juggle, with end-game weapons with way more gem slots than early game. It simply feels like the system doesn't respect your time by asking you to essentially slot-machine to what you need for any given character.
Finally what I believe are the most serious issues of the game. Chapter 6 is, perhaps, the only time I did not really enjoy my time playing Edge of Eternity. In short, the balance and pacing issues I mentioned earlier come out in full force. So much happens in so little time that doesn't get explained that thoroughly that I simply felt dizzy by the time that chapter 6 completion achievement popped up. I had to put the game down for a bit and I was worried it would mean the final parts of the game are simply bad. Thankfully, chapter 7 rebounds mostly but it's not completely in the clear. The game commits what I believe to be one of the greatest sins in storytelling.
[spoiler]The main plot thread of finding the cure to the corrosion doesn't get resolved.[/spoiler] That's right, it gets sequel baited.
Regardless of all that, I still give this game a recommendation. So, why?
Well, this point might seem a bit shallow but the game genuinely looks very good. Yes, on the micro scale the lighting can look a bit off at times and even occasionally bug out, many textures are smudgy, character models not related to the main cast are notably lower quality and are very often copy-pasted. On the macro scale, however? The world? The environment?
It's gorgeous. No, like, genuinely one of the best looking games I've played in that regard, and this is an indie title! I felt like I could get lost moving around the world for hours.
As well, despite fudging up certain bigger plot elements, I found the smaller interactions of the characters to be genuinely compelling. Don't get me wrong the game is very trope-y, but that's not necessarily a bad thing in itself and I found some of the main cast in particular to be compelling. Unfortunately the final two party members, [spoiler]Fallon and Theia[/spoiler], are introduced far too late into the game to get any sort of serious development. Besides that, though, it's quite good.
Despite the balancing issues I found the combat system to be pretty interesting as well. I don't think it's been as fleshed out as it has the potential of being, but regardless I found the combat to be interesting enough to keep my attention throughout the game with some lulls when the challenge occasionally falls off a rock.
With all that said, I really enjoyed my time playing this game. Sure, the flaws are very apparent, but I don't think the flaws are necessarily bad enough to write off the game completely. If you enjoy this type of game I'd recommend it, particularly if you find it on sale.
2799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 15:05
1503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 18:39
2082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 22:09
3214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 20:32
2685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 18:56
There are a lot of really good things about this game and I am very surprised that a small team has made a game of such quality, I am 27 hours into it now and I haven't really encountered any bugs that I am aware of. Nino Kuni 2 was made by a big team and 2 years after it's release the bugs have not been fixed and at certain points the game is unplayable. No such issues with this game, there are a few small moments where I have experienced a very minor amount of lag but that could just be down to me having everything set to maximum settings to play the game in the best possible quality.
The battle system is fun and I like that you have the option of using items like traps or bombs to inflict status effects, the item usage in battle is also limited depending on the items you want to use so it can make certain elements of the battle a little challenging depending on the situation you are in, I started this game on nightmare so I am unsure if the item limit usage is a reflection of playing this on the most difficult setting or if it is the same on other difficulty settings. There are nice puzzles throughout the world map as well to complete that offer up some nice rewards and so far plenty of quests to keep me busy in the game without the game feeling like it is just full of side quests, they are spread apart quite nicely and the challenges to kill additional monsters through the hunting board is a nice touch as well, I really like that battles have conditions to them that you can complete for additional rewards, these are optional and make no difference to the battle result except you get an extra item for completing them.
The weapons system is pretty cool, it is a lot like FF7 in that you equip different gems to slots much like materia but you can get stand alone weapons or find recipes to unlock different weapons through crafting which can also be upgraded into more powerful versions, I like the crafting system, it is fairly basic and not complicated to use. Material gathering is pretty easy and I have yet to find myself in a position where I could not fairly easily obtain the required materials to update my weapons and armour, I love the crystal crafting, I have spent a decent amount of time combining different crystals to offer up different stats and abilities and working out what path on my weapons I want to take based on crystal colour and additional stats that path will offer, this does take a little planning and reviewing your weapon choices but very worth while.
There are a few little details that could be smoothed out, zoning into different areas at first was a little bit of a shock, it could of been a smoother process as the screen just went black and I had a loading bar, I thought the game had crashed at first but I was just entering a new area but as it just looked like I had no reached a zoning point yet it was a bit of a shock, not a big issue as I said could just use a little smoothing in the process, the only other thing I would make a slight adjustment to is the battle training/tutorial. It is very quick and could contain a little more information, there is information that pops up in the top corners after the battle tutorial but it is pretty quick and when your fighting can sometimes be difficult to read, for example I played for about 3 hours before realising I could press R1 to initiate a pre-emptive strike, this did eventually tell me I could this but at a stage in the game where I had already killed and completed hunts for quite a while.
Overall, I would say this is a great game made by a great team and has been one of the more enjoyable RPG's I have played in a long time, in a world where everything seems to be becoming Action RPG's like FF15 which I absolutely hated with a passion, this is a breath of fresh air in the right direction.
671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 16:34
Combat is cool, the way skills work is cool.
I like the characters. It's just a very nice JRPG so far.
Lots to like.
The characters aren't animated and sculpted the best way, but after 10 minutes it doesn't matter anymore. Game has gorgeous environment.
Happy with it :)
1218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 16:12
I'd give this game a 7/10. Yes, the graphics could be a little better, as well as more voice acting.
That being said, I'm having a BLAST with this game. It feels like an MMO, but without the annoyance of actual MMO gameplay and competition.
I personally look forward to checking out more titles in the future from the small company.
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 02:38
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62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 01:22
I was hoping to love it, but there's something *off* about it. Like an uncanny valley of video games. It feels like they tried to get that AA polish, but couldn't quite get there.
I ended up refunding because it just didn't click with me or start scratching that JRPG itch.
938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 03:15
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 23:06
Check the full review: https://turnbasedlovers.com/review/edge-of-eternity-review/
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571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 20:19
There are spoilers ahead for the beginning of the game.
The original games story was simply about a plague that wrecked havoc on the world and anyone who got this disease, it was basically a death sentence. The main characters mother got sick with it, and so they immediately set out on some sort of an adventure to find a cure. They met more people along the way, etc. It was a pretty typical story but it worked and made sense. When the game was still very early access, the worlds were very empty, it felt very bland, some of the environments were very pretty, and nice to look at, but others not so much. Plus, the combat was super boring, it made me avoid fighting anything unless I needed to for missions because it just felt like fights would draw on and on.
When I took a break from the game, seeing the small developer team was constantly adding updates, I had high hopes they would make the combat more exciting, and maybe adding more to the world, making it all feel less stiff.
When I opened the game after the first title update, I was very excited seeing the main character start off with a group of characters that seemed to be close to the main character. I was excited because they were part of this army that was mentioned in early access, but we didn't get to see, and was something I was hoping they would add, which they did! Immediately after we meet these characters through, the camp becomes under attack, and by nothing other than...!
Robot aliens...?
Ok, I wasn't so upset by this. Was it a weird addition? Incredibly, but It also explained the origin of the plague that was killing thousands. Apparently the aliens appeared out of space and decided to befriend the humans and then, changed their minds and spread the plague. Though, with the time the game seems to be set in, a plague similar to the black plague that was spreading around that their medicine couldn't keep up with would have made much more sense to me. So the main character and his team fight one of these robot aliens, and immediately one of the characters we were just introduced to dies. Then another one dies. Then another. Then the last one turns out to have somehow gotten the plague, and you kill him. So now the main character is alone, and it felt like having all those characters introduced was useless.
Then the main character runs into this like, lightning god? Its super confusing. And you fight him, and then he goes away, and then he comes back, and then he goes away, all within like 2 minutes. His appearences felt very random, uneeded, and a bit forced. Then you find this temple where a bunch of people are offering themselves as sacrifices to some sort of a crystal. The crystal kills them all and the main character watches. Turns out they offered themselves in order for the crystal to shoot a giant beam at a alien spaceship up in the sky. Then the creepy priest guy that convinced all the people to sacrifice themselves also sacrifices the main character but he fails and the main character passes out, if I remember correctly. Then the lightning god guy comes in and kills the creepy priest.
Honestly, thats a really crappy recap, but all of that happened in the first 5 minutes of the game. It was so overwhelming and confusing. I had no idea what was going on. It felt like 3 different games had been mashed into one. Robot aliens, lightning gods, a creepy priest cult.
I havent played very far into the game at all, so maybe the story gets much better and it all starts to come together, but in the beginning its just a mess.
On another note, the terrible fighting gameplay and world maps have been updated right?
Well, no.
The maps have a bit more grass and plants, which make them a bit nicer to look at, but the extremely flat land covered in grass still makes it feel very bland. Theres little to no terrain.
And the combat is EXACTLY the same as when the game was in early early access. Its still so boring. There is nothing fun or flashy about it. The fights are just very dragged on and honestly this kind of game would be so much better if the fighting was not turn based, that is honestly my opinion though. It feels a lot like final fantasy and pokemon had a child. It doesnt really work.
At the end of the day, I havent made it nearly as far in my new save, but the game just doesnt seem any different than when it was early access, other than some major bug fixes that youd expect to be fixed, a teeny bit of world map changes, and a ton of story changes that honestly weren't necessarily needed. It's just very disappointing and the game as a whole is not very fun to play. This game is also absolutely not worth the price, at all. Wait for a sale, or until its updated to be a bit more enjoyable.
I will give it a +1 for the Nekaroos though. Best part of the game.
Overall I give it a 3/10
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2853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 14:31
it feel different when Ysoris betrayed us in the clockwork field when he betrayed me in the story i can feel the disappointment and disbelief on the trust put to him by Daryon or when Daryon meetup with Sil again in the chamber and give her the clay and then meeting her again coroded by Oboros. it give off a different feeling to me than the first time Daryon squad got killed. [/spoiler]
Beside the story relationship build up i think the story have a few thing left unexplained [spoiler] like what happen to mryna at the end? what happen with the war with the Archelites? what happen to the corosion? isn't corosion is the base story of everything happen? what happen to the grand quest of Selene finding the cure? what happen to Daryon at the end? is he die? i'm assuming he is not since Selene call him in his mother & Sil grave but then what is the meaning of Daryon seeing his old squad mate ? to me it will be more better if Daryon die (not because i hate him or anything) because technically it is mention in the story that The Seeds of Destruction is dangerous thing and Daryon clearly reject the teaching of how to use it when the 2nd Bearer (whoever is this because the main story didn't tell me who/what is it) and the imperator want to teach him. So i think personally it will be more touching if Daryon die at the end since he use it to save the world [/spoiler]
so overall the story get a 5/10 for me.
the VA is average except for the sycte user [spoiler]Ysoris[/spoiler]. the sycte user successful nick the character he play.
for the battle i will give it 7/10 it's using the grid system and ATB system with a spell canceling bar if your character and for each hit to the caster will fill up the resolve bar and break the casting if the caster was hit with to much damage. it also use skill slot (crystal in game) where the skill that character use is determine by the crystal equip on weapon where every character have it's own skill so for example Daryon can't use any mage skill even though he equip a crystal with a fireball spell on it. Also there is some NULL text on a spell and status of the enemy i think the QA in Midgar Studio forgot naming the spell so it printing NULL on my screan dunno why but kinda funny to me hahaha but not really affecting the battle pace
TLDR; I wouldn't recommend this game if you are looking a deep story RPG but for a casual one i think it's fine
2792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 05:49
Aside from the bugs, the game is overall pretty easy, and there is not much room for choice or customization. It is a ride for the story and world, which is satisfying, though I don't see much room for replayability. The combat begins to drag a bit after several dozen hours, but I am glad I played this.
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116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 05:53
I have just under 2 hours on record, and let me just say...those 2 hours felt like 6. This game is neither good nor bad, but just outright boring. I don't know if there's a good hook that gets introduced later on in the game, but I don't really want to put in the time to find out. The 2 hours I put in felt too long and boring enough as is, I think I'm just done with this game.
I hope the team does find success though, it's clear they poured heart and soul into this, so I really hate to leave a negative review for such hard work.
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488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 12:59
Unfortunately, the game contains a bug with all vendors. No matter what I sell or buy, I get a 0 on my account immediately.
It's a shame, I'm enjoying the game, I'd like to continue, but this is a real gamebreaker for me.
Until this bug is fixed, I can't recommend it.
2225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 02:26
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2123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 21:53
Graphics are excellent. World is very pretty.
Creature/NPC design is good and has lots of variety, while still maintaining staple types.
Music is ok, but there isn't much of it. Uses ambiance to great effect in some areas.
Story starts off well, but drops off fast. There is no moment where I felt invested in the cause.
Gameplay is incredibly boring. It's tactical, but it doesn't feel rewarding for actually using tactics.
Abilities that require activation time or have long animation sequences feel very underwhelming.
During battle there are tactical' objectives you can complete to get items, which are not very rewarding.
Core Progression is....unremarkable, wear any equipment and gems and your good to go.
Removing equipment and gems seems better to bring out the games tactical elements.
I mentioned world looks good, but nothing stands out as 'lets go explore'.
There is lots of loot, but instead of at the ends of interesting 'lets go explore' locations, they are just scattered along the edge of the world map.
Exploration involves 'follow the right/left walls and you'll get all the loot'.
Buying items in bulk is a chore, you have to buy one thing at a time.
Crafting items in bulk is a chore, you have to craft one thing at a time.
Crafting benches are almost never in convenient reach of other crafting benches or shops.
All gems share the same stats. Different color gems grant different abilities. No real depth.
Crafted items don't really give a significant boost over bought items and require way too much time.
NPC's that join your group have no indication if they are temp or perm, and take your items when they leave.
The game features a decently sized world space to explore. Unfortunately, instead of using the terrain and story elements to block progression, they use roadblocks and invisible walls in some of the later sections. It doesn't really feel right when an area that was previously blocked suddenly opens up without explanation. In one case, the area is blocked off from one direction, but when you arrive from the other side it's cleared - but the underlying cause for why it was blocked in the first place still exists and there's no mention as to why it has changed.
Another thing to note, is that there is no jumping in the game and minor things will get in your way often. This leads to your character getting stuck on small rocks, fences, even the decorative elements on road on bridges and cities. This makes no sense, as you can climb on other terrain elements like boulders and tree roots and other large objects. If this isn't crazy enough, in combat, it's the opposite - you can walk thru things except large objects.
Earlier I mentioned that the way to obtain almost all the loot is to follow the 'left/right wall', but you must be careful not to get stuck in terrain and the invisible walls when doing this though. There are a few locations in the game that looks like there might be a way to get behind something, but just past it is an invisible wall - even if there is a legitimate wall behind it that would block your path anyways. In some instances, I would get stuck between this obstacle and the invisible wall, and could not escape. The only recourse is to load your last save. This has happened multiple times.
1586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 21:36
There's a lot of good things to say about this game:
-Graphics are pretty spectacular (although some are better than others)
-Characters are written pretty good
-Puzzles are interesting, and vary in challenge
-Story is rather unique, and fits for what is going on
-Great customization
-Battle system is engaging and (generally) not too complicated
-It takes way too long to get more (permanent) party members.
-The recent crafting update has made almost all (non-weapon) crafting unneeded
-Odd difficultly spikes in areas
-Certain battles can feel overly complex, which makes them feel more frustrating than fulfilling.
-I'm not really sure why energy is still in the game, it's a complete nonissue with a recent update
-The skill system appears to be vastly more complicated than I have have found, but being in chapter 4/6 I still have never found a rank two of a skill. Not even sure if they exist, I assume they do since there are rank ones.
All in all, I'd give it a 7.5/10, definitely worth trying out if you like these sorts of games, but some character progression issues hold it down.
3090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 06:48
3754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 16:24
The first half of the game was a bit slow in terms of pacing as it took a long time to fill out the party, and also it felt like a lot of the story beats were deliberately being held back. Things didn't really start coming together until the end but unfortunately a lot of the plot threads were left unfulfilled. There were some typos, and I did have a crashing issue at launch that was resolved promptly by the last big update and I have had no such issue like that since. To the developers credit, as of writing this review, they have continued to update and support the game so it is only going to get better.
I wanted to comment on some of the negative feedback people have been leaving on this game. Some of it is fair, at the end of the day this was a small team doing their best and certain aspects of the game are not as refined as what one might expect from a $60 game (so good thing it's only $30). However most of the reviews are coming from people who haven't played through the game and to some extent they don't know what they are talking about. For example someone mentioned the soundtrack as bland however they have only played for 7 hours and so there are multiple stand out tracks that they haven't heard yet. We have to remember this is a 50+ hour game so while some of the music is run of the mill, there are definitely gems in there that are on par with any top tier soundtrack. Someone commented that Daryon just seems to get over the horrible event that happens in Chapter 0 too quickly but as they haven't played the entire game they don't understand why that criticism is flat out untrue.
Overall, this is the most fun and ambitious JRPG that I've played in years. It punches well above its weight class. It feels like it is supposed to be AAA quality based on the length, gameplay, and even graphics and by AAA standards it doesn't quite deliver (although to be fair AAA games launch with bugs all of the time and most of them aren't nearly as good on the whole as this one is). Compared to games actually on this level, this one blows them out of the water.
I had a lot of fun and look forward to seeing what this studio does next. I truly loved this game and wanted to make a video talking about it. If you'd like to hear more of my thoughts and see some gameplay footage from a late game dungeon you can check that out here: https://youtu.be/xafcJJT1c0s
2346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 07:48
Not only is everything -- everything! -- absolutely gorgeous, the plot is engaging, the characters make you care about them, and the morals, intended or not, are not subtle, but are also not a case of Dropping Anvils.
I also like that there are options for the size of the subtitles. It's a nice accessibility feature.
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3384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 20:11
✅ Has the classic JRPG gameplay loop. Battles, Experience. Rinse and repeat. Scratches that itch for me.
✅ The battle system is interesting. A tactical system that depends on positioning on the battlefield, and using the environment itself to your advantage.
✅ The weapon and skill progression system is interesting as well, allowing you to customize stats and abilities on the fly.
✅ The soundtrack is good overall. Not really a lot of memorable tracks (save for the boss battle theme), but the songs are appropriate for when they are used.
✅ There is a bug report system built into the pause menu, and the dev team has been receptive to reports and suggestions ever since the game was first released in Early Access.
❌ The story is convoluted to say the least. The foundation is solid, but side characters you that are put on the sidelines early on come back for important roles later on, and there's no narrative reason shown in the game that they should be there. The ending doesn't give the payoff that the story leads up to either. Rather disappointed.
❌ The voice acting is hit or miss. Some characters play their roles very well (especially Ysoris, the lovable scamp.) Other characters feel phoned in.
❌ The dialogue is also hit or miss. Sometimes, it doesn't even match what the characters are saying, which wouldn't allow players with hearing difficulties fully appreciate the story as would people who can hear the dialogue.
❌ Many of the game's sound effects seem to come from widely-used repositories. Explosions, laser beam sounds, roars, nature sounds, and the like. It feels like I heard those sounds before in other media.
❌ Many of the animations feel jerky and stilted. I understand that a small studio likely cannot afford things like motion capture, but in many scenes it feels like everyone just snaps from one pose to the next. The animation doesn't feel natural at all. Also, many of the enemy animations just look silly.
❌ The game runs on the Unity engine, and it shows. It is poorly optimized. Everything from texture pop-ins, to sudden dips in framerate, to questionable camera tracking, and frequent crashes, it just smacks of Unity.
Edge of Eternity is an ambitious project from a small team who clearly has a passion for old-school JRPGs from the PS2/3 eras. The battle and character progression systems are solid with just enough new stuff to keep you engaged. However, the game needs a LOT more time in the oven. The graphics are poorly optimized, the story goes all over the place, the writing isn't consistent, and the performances are varied.
1472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 15:35
Remember, this game is made by a small but very passionate and dedicated studio.
As the time of writing (10 hours in), the game feels good. I've yet to encounter any bugs actually, there was nothing game breaking or similar happening
The Prologue/Intro of the game was actually really well made, I quickly connected with the characters and their witty dialogues.
The Open World is really beautiful, but there isn't much to do. Here and there is your odd glowing chest or item you can loot with a few monsters etc. - nothing special there.
Traveling this open world tho is ... sorta funny. Let me explain:
The way the character runs is odd. Like really odd. Usually the camera is behind the character, but of course while you run around you can pan the camera around. When you do so, pan to either side of the character and you will see what I mean. The characters run like they stubbed their toes, but all 10 of them, consecutively, oh yeah and the floor is made out of sandpaper. It's really odd and makes me laugh.
I wish tho there'd be a dedicated jump button. Sometimes you stand in front of small rocks or tiny fences and instead of jumping over them, you have to run around them.
Also, while traveling, it would be nice if the characters banter more with each other to lighten the mood a little, that's almost completely not present in the game.
Like mentioned earlier, it's a beautful game with lots to look at, the foliage is lush, the weather believable and textures look quite sharp ( I play 1080p with all settings to max ).
NPC look a bit boring, but that's no surprise tho, why waste time and ressources on NPC you barely look at.
This is a miss for me. I really don't dig it... the fanfare at every end of a battle is kinda lame imo.
The music while traveling sets the mood alright, but it just misses that certain catchiness if you know what I mean.
The voice-acting is surprisingly well done and sometimes so on point, it really gets to me.
Can't say much right now, I think I'm in the middle of finding out what's really happpening.
Traveling is mentioned above, TL;DR - World is beautiful, but not much happening at all.
The fights are fun, I play on normal difficulty and for me it's just right. The tatical aspect in this genre of video games is refreshing, reminds me a bit of South Park The Fractured But Whole.
The companions... well I don't really know. I'm 10 hours in and only now the third character joined the party, but by the looks of it, they will leave rather soon again I guess. The developer stated that there will be around 6 party members in total, I guess they just take their sweet time.
So all in all: Yes, I would recommened you this game.
Graphics beautiful, Cutscenes and dialogue are well told, combat is fun if you make it challenging and much more. If you're a fan of the old turn based Final Fantasy games and their World settings, this is for you.
2311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 20:48
-Beautiful and unique world.
-Rich lore, and engaging story lines
-Unique Premise - Fantasy world, with technological invaders. Even has Al Bhed like people.
-Engaging Combat JRPG with a tactical overlay
-Good Performance, had zero crashes and only two areas where my FPS dropped from a stable 100 FPS.
-DLSS support
-Great music
-Rich character creation system
-Crafting system
-Interesting Side Quests, specifically the later half of the game
-Interesting Villains
-Writing at times can be a bit amateurish
-Lots of grinding if you want to stay up to date on crafting
-Gem system could've been streamlined a bit so that colors of gems had more meaning
-Theia is a rather useless character in combat
-Animations can be all over the place
-Combat doesn't start really taking advantage of the tactical layer until later in the game
Overall I am really excited and hope the team makes a second game as I think given more time, and resources for a second game, they can improve upon this formula and fix a lot of their issues.
3846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 09:19
I've been following this game for quite a while, playing Early Access and beta builds. Most of the things in the recent negative reviews are (or used to be) true, even though they mostly depend on personal taste and subjective expectation. Parts of the game can get grindy, the story isn't exactly Shakespeare, the music wasn't composed by Hans Zimmer, the facial animations aren't on Square Enix level.
But I think that's the point: this game was made by a small studio, not Square Enix, but I've had so much more fun than in several Final Fantasy games or other (J)RPGs. I think the visual quality, the size of the game, the offline-MMO feeling that you get while playing: that's AMAZING for a game from a small studio.
The visuals are great, the voice acting in on point, I even liked the humor and sarcasm of certain party members (which I very rarely do in these games). The game shows lots of ideas and ambitions to be beautiful to look at, to do something new and unique that isn't your cookie-cutter JRPG (combat system, equipment, gems, skills) and to include MMO-style aspects like a crafting system, for which you gather ores, herbs, lumber from the environment as well as monster drops.
What's most important to me is that you can literally see how much the devs love their game and how much effort they put into it. How very much they appreciate and value community feedback.
Shortly after release, they launched a patch to address exactly those issues that were predominantly mentioned in negative reviews, like animation quality and nightmare difficulty scaling.
During early access, I submitted feedback on the community page to express some suggestions that would improve the game in my opinion, for example I thought that weapons had some pretty bad scaling, because they lacked a main stat that would reflect the weapon level. Shortly after, I got a dev reply and an update to the beta branch that would include a reworked power stat on weapons. Honestly, I find it awesome to see a dev team looking into community feedback that much and to witness them constantly trying their best to improve the game. Someone complained that special attack animations aren't skippable and I agree, but heck, I can see QoL stuff like that changed within a couple of days, just because the devs read those feedbacks.
I love that and think that the devs deserve a lot of praise and support for what they have to offer.
Even though I can absolutely see the point in most negative feedbacks here (and upvoted them, because they do indeed point out weaknesses), I believe that the game currently appears underrated and I can only tell you that the fun and appreciation I already had playing the game was totally worth the price tag - and I can't wait to re-play and complete it now that it's released. If you can see the game for what it is and not confuse your expectations with an AAA Final Fantasy that sells for double the price (and then turns out to be FF-XIII-2), you'll find the game amazing, too. If you really dislike certain aspects of the game, I can only suggest to leave some constructive feedback and let the game rest for a while - but do return at a later point. You might be surprised.
3552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 19:18
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 06:53
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 22:03
2370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 11:32
Massive, beautiful and detailed fields
Stats actually have an impact on difficulty, no slashing around
Interesting story
battle system is fun and offers some cool tactical possibilities
small variety of monsters
farming items (easier if encyclopedia was present with locations)
synthesis is tedious and not really rewarding (this is being overhauled right now)
occasional graphic glitches duing cutscenes
all in all I can reccomend this game. you might wanna wait until the full product is out and ready, but I am sure you will get your money's worth of entertainment.
5548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 11:54
Nicht Empfohlen
3539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 21:52
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 22:58
A really good Early Access title that if they release as fully launched i wouldn't even complain (granted if they provided constant updates to fix it)
The music and environments are so soothing too. Besides the mass bodies at the start i suppose '-.-
I look forward to more of what they're gonna add and fix and definitely would recommend this game even though it's in early access, definitely worth a try.
2900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 14:15
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 07:16
This is what happens when the big AAA companies say that turn based RPGs are a thing of the past, the indie companies step up and show them how it is done.
While the game is not perfect, I think it is a brilliant attempt and honestly a lot more than I would ever have expected from an early access game, which I still find hard to believe as I do not generally support early access games.
Now it may be a case of me setting my expectations seriously low, but this one caught my eye and so far it has not disappointed.
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 16:38
Ohh and the developers are actively trying to get feedback from the players through the optional surveys, an active developer that listens to the community and shows they care about their product is a huge plus in my books.
7377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 14:04
5329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 18:44
The only flaws in this game i've run into are more of a nuisance than anything. the combat cameras is wonky. resource collecting for crafting is... lets say broken. That's just the best way of saying it i can think of. the faces of the characters are a little off, not as emotive as one would expect. all this being said, every time there's an update, regular ones by the way, there's very visable improvements. i feel like this games gonna be something special if the effort being put in continues.
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 09:09
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 16:45
1097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 11:06
Anyway, This is a temporary review.
So far its a good game...No, The game is very good considering it is in early development (Early Access) and team size.
+ Interesting Settings & Story So Far
+ The world is lunch and fun to explore
+ the battle system is a mixture of classic ATB system, a tactical grid system like Final Fantasy Tactics
+ the music is awesome,
+ Character Leveling System & Skillset System
+ Plenty of equipment for characters
+ Good variety of custom settings and options
+ Ride a Nekaroo, who's a cute over-sized cat
+ Simple and User Friendly UI
+ Active and Supportive Devs
- Some dialogs doesn't match with the voice.
- Control/Animation is not good
- Some bugs encounter
Pay no mind to Mixeds/Cons because i believe that Midgar studio is going to fix these issues for the final release.
Anyway, for an Early access game, and one made by such a small development team, it looks great, and for the price I think the gameplay is worth it.
2445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 22:31
What I have played I have thoroughly enjoyed. It is rough around the edges and can do with various improvements across the board, but in spite of these, I really enjoy this game and recommend it to anyone looking for an indie JRPG experience. A must-play for fans of classic Final Fantasy, Xenoblade Chronicles, and fans of MMO style single-player games.
1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 02:43
2101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 11:33
560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 18:25
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 15:09
1215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 00:45
+Visuals and environments
+Tons of content for the price, even in EA
+Crystal spell/ability system
+Turn-based battles
+Plenty of equipment for characters
+Good variety of custom settings and options
+Ride a cat monster!
+Excellent bug-reporting and survey system for EA
+Small dev team has been responsive and active updating
-Lacking in some animations/expressions
-Inconsistent sound/voice quality
-Battle camera often too close or too far
-Poor balance at times, some battles drag
-Only 2-3 characters for much of the game
-Only ~20-25% of a weapon's upgrade slots are usable
-Lackluster crafting
-Some EA bugginess
552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 20:29
1285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 22:42
I purchased the EA really early. The game was interesting, very rough, barely playable. I waited a few months and started it up again and wow! They really improved things. Better graphics, stuff works well, drop rates are better, and resource gathering has been improved.
One thing that's stayed the same - good story. I also like the crystal mechanics and crafting is at least interesting.
Graphics are still a little rough, but this is a very playable game now and I am enjoying it.
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 17:08
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 13:12
The bottom line is, if you love JRPGs and Final Fantasy games in particular, then you will enjoy this game. The developer team clearly draws inspiration from Final Fantasy. They named themselves Midgar studio after all. And this game oozes the Final Fantasy vibe from the visuals, which are beautiful, to the soundtrack, which is outstanding. Using a modified version of the active battle system, they have incorporated hex-based movement into the combat which adds a level of tactical decision making into the mix.
The dialog writing is a level above the standard minimum exposition required to move the story along. Touching on serious themes in ways that are sometimes deep and profound while injecting humor from time to time so as not to become too heavy. The brother/sister main character’s relationship is handled well and draws the player in, as does their main quest. Overall, the writing is consistently intelligent and the voice acted parts are professional level.
Basically, Square-Enix should hire this group right away as this game feels more like a Final Fantasy game than some actual Final Fantasy games and from what I have seen they continue to work hard on what is obviously a labor of love. This is one early access game I do not feel bad about spending money on and I look forward to what these developers have yet to come.
942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 01:19
Edge of Eternity is quite a tribute to the old-school JRPG with a modern look and feel, while introducing some additional mechanics that seem rather unique. There's a good amount of complexity and currently it finally reached its beta stage after being out in early access for about 20 months, with 5 of the planned 8 chapters available. There's certainly a decent amount of gameplay available already in what's there, with the developers estimating around 30 hours of gameplay. I have spent a little under 10 hours so far, doing a lot of running around and side quests, so I feel like I am still barely scratching at the surface of the game.
In as far as indie games go, this is an impressive project from a small team. The game is currently on a last 30% sale with base price of $19.99 before an increase because of finally heading into beta recently. Worth the price.
The story unfolds in a fantasy world where a previously friendly alien race had turned violent, Daryon is a young protagonist trying to save his mother from a mysterious illness. With the aid of his sister and some obscure leads, the fate of the world rests on their shoulders. The story unfolds in a meaningful way and the character development is pretty decent too. I am rather happy with the story progression so far. The voice-acting is not outstanding but also not bad, almost all of the plot-furthering lines are voice-acted.
You will explore a vast fantasy world filled with plenty of beautiful scenery that is dramatically altered by weather, in turn affecting the heroes and the enemies alike as the days and nights roll by. Take on quests major and minor to achieve your goals of becoming more powerful, obtaining more money and stuff, so that you can craft more stuff, and ultimately face the big and bad guys who are the antagonists. Face all kinds of creatures and unnatural enemies along your path, because they just will always get in your way.
Mechanics of Interest
This game tries to do so much that thinking about it all at once is a bit overwhelming. There's a really unique weapon-leveling up system that unlocks branching pathways with further upgrades that you can unlock by slotting in crystals. The crystals will give stat boosts and also some spells/skills that once they are in your weapon, you can use in battle. This kind of feels like a mashup of the Materia and the Guardian Force Junctioning systems found in Final Fantasy 7 & 8. There are only so many skill slots that you can use, so taking on any particular battle you already have a plan in mind. You can see the enemies you are engaging and you know exactly what skills/abilities you have equipped.
In-combat interaction with the terrain is fun. Various objects give you power/defense buffs passively, while other items you can use to wreck havoc on the enemies. The battlefield is divided up in a hex grid and you can move to any hex unoccupied by the enemy units and take advantage of any preexisting objects there to your advantage.
The game throws plenty of interesting little challenges your way as optional objectives for almost every combat session. These range from enduring a certain amount of damage to your characters, to taking out enemies in certain ways or doing certain combat maneuvers. All in all, even though there's not too much going on during the individual fights, you can use these little objectives as ways to increase the dynamic nature of your game. You will see the the type of reward from doing them, so you can choose to pursue them or not.
Useful items in the environment will respawn over time, just as the enemies do. You can craft after learning recipes. The crafting system is not extensive, but it's almost preferable in this way. Each of your playable characters have various armor/gear slots and then there are the crystal slots associated with each individual weapon. Then there are various rarities that you can get for each craftable item, plus you can play around with gem upgrading that can become painful/expensive before too long.
Even though the game has the traditional save points that you can access, you can also use them to teleport/fast-travel to any other previously-visited save point, so make sure that you hop on and use them at least once to activate the teleport ability. I say this specifically because there's a save-anywhere option in the difficulty settings that allow you to completely skip all save points should you wish. You can walk up and be staring at a boss in the face but still outside of the trigger zone, save, and then head into the fight. I am taking full advantage of this option. There are also difficulty settings from 0 to 10, and so you can fiddle with it to find a setting that's suitable for yourself to have a challenge but still have an enjoyable game.
Playing Early Access build Beta 1.23 at the moment, I can say that the game is still showing plenty of rough edges. But just the updates I have seen in the last few days have dramatically improved loading times and made significant improvements. It's still not great, but I am running the game more or less stutter-less at 60 FPS at max settings on FHD and 2K settings. My frames vary between 20-45 for the most part on moderate 4K settings. Also trying to press the screenshot key sometimes will freeze the game for 2-3 seconds before a capture. I would be super cautious if your hardware is actually closer to the minimum requirements though.
-When changing equipment all you see is a comparative stat change. Side-by-side comparison is preferred.
-Longer fights could get a bit tedious due limited options for moves.
-Cannot dictate orientation/facing direction of the characters after moving.
-There's a really strange limitation on max number of times you can use potions/ether/etc. in any battle. So you could carry 30 potions but use up your limit of 3, and die while staring into your backpack at all of those glittery bottles because there's an invisible force field stopping you from dipping into your inventory.
-The footfall sounds too loud/much, IMHO.
-Already improved, but some of the facial expressions in the cut scenes could use some better attention. Disdain comes through pretty well. Lots of flat expressions though.
-A photo mode would be most welcome.
-Various bugs that are not game-breaking.
Controls well with a controller, and seems to be designed for it. I played a little bit with a KB+M, but I think the controller is the way to go.
The artwork is great, screenshots here:
Music & Sounds
The music is absolutely fantastic. I am just finding out right now that the OST is composed by Yasunori Mitsuda. Some sound effects (footfall) can be dampened.
For fans of the JRPG genre, this is a fun title. It's nice having modifiable settings that make it more suitable for players looking for alternative difficulties.
Edge of Eternity is an indie JRPG that could use some polish and improved optimization, but is overall impressive, fun, and worth playing through.
Score: 8.5/10
I received the product for free. I did not receive any compensation to write this review. The opinions represented here are entirely my own and were not influenced in any way.
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 13:11
Adorei o que vi no kickstarter, e mais ainda do pouco que joguei!
Infelizmente meu laptop não é bom o suficiente para jogar este RPG, e como ainda está em acesso antecipado, espero que façam uma otimização em breve!
Incrível o que um pequeno time é capaz de fazer!
Nicht Empfohlen
1004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 14:18
I'm going to be brief here, since our review video speaks for itself.
While we cannot recommend this game to our viewers in its current form (as of June 20th when our play-through ended), the potential here is nearly limitless. It is the full belief of Studio Blue that once Midgar Studios fixes these issues and presents a game that is polished and complete, that this game will rival the likes of Final Fantasy. We urge the developers to consider our feedback, and will happily amend our review once the fundamental issues are fixed and the game is the very best it can be.
Keep on being awesome Midgar Studios!
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 16:09
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 14:44
Edge Of Eternity is a captivating JRPG adventure from Midgar Studio, but still in Early Access.
In a torn world, the people of Heryon are waging a desperate war against mysterious invaders, the Archelites. The conflict between magic on the one hand and technology on the other begins to reach catastrophic proportions as a new threat arrives on the battlefield. Decomposition - arguably the cruelest weapon of the Archelites: a terrible disease that poisoned the body, distorted the limbs and turned their victims into hideous, deformed deformities. Daryon, a lost soldier in this hellish war, is ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country. Until one day he receives a letter from his sister. Their mother has fallen ill with the fatal plague and they need his help to find a cure. On that day, Daryon must make a decision that will change his life and the fate of his world forever.
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ so lala
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Very good
☐☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
Edge Of Eternity offers u a monumental story full of hope and sacrifice that surprises with unexpected turns and heartbreaking moments.
6350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 18:36
Edge of Eternity
is the most beautiful game in my steam library.
As for me, it can easily compare with the Final Fantasy series.
If you love exploring magical sceneries, if you like good character design and excellently written dialogues, this is a game for you.
The plot, as far as I know by now, is catchy and a little bit dark. There is really much to do besides the main quest.
The combat system is round based, just as I like it, but still paced fast.
Edge of Eternity is in Early Access now and you will find different bugs, but it's much fun to play and everything is improving quickly. The devs really put their heart and soul into the game. They are interested in the players' opinion and have a good contact to their community.
This game will be a masterpiece - no, it is already. :)
I can't wait for the next chapter. (And no, it isn't a chapter game, that's just the update system during Early Access.)
13683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 18:52
i m about to start chapter 5 and i can tell i m quite excited to know what happend now to my character.
midgard studio is doing verry great on discord when we want to talk about the game with them ans issues we meet to fix it asap.
i don't understand how people can rate down their works
on a side note the music is just awesome, i hope midgard studio will meet the success they deserve soon and keep me entertained with the next content.
814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 04:06
3351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 16:58
This is in alpha, so take the jankiness with a grain of salt. It's very playable as of this review, but there are rough edges slowly getting smoothed out.
1086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 08:26
The setting is well-made, and there wasn't any slack on worldbuilding. The plot looks very interesting to me, and it's just dark enough that it scratches both itches (very tense and fantastic) at the same time. Characters are also quite mature compared to the usual stuff in the genre. The gameplay is turn-based, and it's a damn good throwback to its golden era, and the graphics are good enough to not particularly fall behind major releases.
I don't know what it'll look like when it's finished, but for now I'd bet you wouldn't want to miss this one.
1268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 22:30
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 20:58
The game isn't as high of quality as a AAA game, but you really can't expect that when there are only 9 people working on the project. But they all work really hard to stay connected with their players though their discord, and their updates show that they really are trying to make the best game that they possibly can.
I will say that, as far as game play goes, I absolutely love the battle system. Their hexagonal tiling system provides a really nice mix of strategy and turn-based RPG. If you have ever played Wild Arms 4, the system will be familiar, but the system in this game allows for a lot more freedom of movement closer to a Fire Emblem game.
As far as the art goes, I think that it is relatively well done considering the amount of resources that the development team has available to them. Some of the models come off as being a little bit polygonal, and some of the textures would benefit from redoing the bump mapping (the wood shelves are a little too flat sometimes), but the world that they have constructed is absolutely beautiful and I really like walking around in it.
Overall, if you like games like Final Fantasy or Fire Emblem, then I would say that you will probably enjoy this one, and I would definitely recommend giving it a go.
4915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 20:32
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 20:21
It's a great game for early access. I've ran into a couple of bugs here and there but the devs are super open and receptive to feedback. So far the combat has been super fun and I really love how open things feel when moving about the world.
If you enjoy strategical combat with a good story, this is a perfect game for you.
My only gripe is how odd the puzzles can be at times, but that's more of a personal issue.
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 01:06
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 18:05
Story seems solid currently but then im only on chapter 3, combat needs a little work but still feels alright.
I would add to wishlist and pick it up if it goes on sale. :)
Nicht Empfohlen
1364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 02:16
1414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 08:18
keep up the amazing work on this game guys, you are appreciated greatly in this time where we are all stuck inside a little more than we normally are :) <3
see my comment about the issue actually being probably a mix of a bad patch combined with being on the windows insider program and being on beta windows 10 builds for other reason :)
love to the dev team. if you guys are ever in vegas Ill buy you all a round or ten
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 02:34
Nicht Empfohlen
1677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 02:19
In reality, the game works (mostly) but isn't very good. Nothing is specifically bad, but there are rough edges everywhere not least of which is the dialogue, camera, and environmental objects as set dressing. Maybe in 5 years if progress remains steady it will be a finished project. If you want to jump in for an alpha-like experience go for it, but as it stands it's not worth the money.
I'm conflicted about the recent update - as an 'Anniversary' update feels like something you would release for a game that was done a year ago. As it is, it's mostly a reminder about how progress is so slow. Still glad this small team is working on it - and again - good on you for doing it - but in my mind it's time to move on.
1370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 06:48
1957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 09:03
Nicht Empfohlen
1321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 22:17
The story is really well written, and is probably the sole reason I stuck around for as long as I did.
The graphics are also really good, with the exception of character models. The character designs are nice, but their expressions... need a lot of work.
Gameplay wise is pretty good. The battle system I found engaging, as well as the puzzles throughout the overworld. The overworld does occasionally load as you're walking around, but it's not that big of a deal.
The bugs and glitches. They make the game literally unplayable in some instances. Such as the ground not loading making you fall into a void before being respawned on solid ground surrounded by an endless void. I've also been respawned inside of walls, either having to void out and respawn, or run against the wall before being put back on the correct side. The game occasionally crashes when entering a new area, or the game only partially loads. Sometimes the colors are inverted or are just straight up not there, until you start a battle. Or sometimes a battle will cause it, especially at night. As bad as all of this is, it somehow managed to get even worse after the start of Chapter 3.
There's a battle near the beginning of Chapter 3, and after defeating all enemies, the battle should have ended, but it continued with nothing to do except restart the game and replay the whole battle. Halfway into the chapter, none of the NPCs for the side quests would load. You can initiate the side quest, but the NPC and text won't appear, and the cutscene can't be skipped, soft locking the game. It also crashed my entire computer when I tried to sleep at this very specific camp. Later in the chapter, the visuals didn't completely load, and it kept flickering rapidly. Any cutscenes in the area would trigger a black screen with a text box. After the cutscene was over, the visuals still didn't fix.
*Other things to note*
I noticed in some other reviews people had issues with the controller. I personally didn't have any issues. As far as the amount of content and things to do, Chapter 1 was a little bare-bones, but Chapter 2 and 3 I feel had quite a lot of optional content.
*Final verdict*
The game shows a lot of promise, if it was just playable. These bugs need to be patched. Hopefully in upcoming updates, they can resolve these issues, or at least lessen them. I look forward to seeing how this game will play in the future, but in the meantime, I can't bring myself to recommend this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 23:48
Well, for starters, and by far the worst part, is that in chapter 3 and chapter 4, the battles become annoying, not interesting. The key problem is that the battles all require a high degree of movement, but movement takes an entire turn. In many cases, you end up spending 70% of the battle just running. Presumably the developers are going to add yakety sax to the sound track to help.
Beyond just the movement, the timing for attacks and reaction is just too tight. It happened way too often that I'd start a basic attack spell with Selene, and seconds later the boss would start their super ultimate death spell, targeted at Selene's location. Selene would finish her cast, but then die horribly before getting another chance to move.
The locales are beautiful and very well done. Unfortunately, there's nothing to do in all that vast expanse. You've basically got a quest hub model here...without any quests. Good thing you level up so fast so you're not missing anything anyway. The towns, while beautiful, all feel generic and soulless (except for that one with the mine that you save in chapter 2).
Also worth noting are the puzzles. which are horrible. They make no logical sense, and are required for progression in chapter 4.
On the plus side, skill progression is another key aspect of JRPGs, and one that Edge of Eternity does well. Leveling makes you stronger, but skills come from crystals that you slot into weapons. The crystals also give you stats, and so getting the right combination of skills and stats is a constant challenge. It also helps that crystals are frequent loot. I found myself compulsively optimizing for +1 speed (to avoid the ultimate death attack), and had a lot of fun doing so.
Finally, the story. Despite the hubs, this is still just the same old hallway quest you know and love. Fortunately, the story is halfway decent (so far). The characters, despite being the chosen of God and/or Satan, are interesting and have good chemistry. The quest itself has enough turns to be interesting, although by chapter 4, feels nowhere near over half completed.
Ultimately, the flaws are superficial, not structural. If the developers can stop tripping over themselves by trying to be clever, there's an awesome game potentially here. Make movement cost only 75% of the action bar and eliminate the puzzles, and all of a sudden the game becomes fun again. There's other stuff (like the empty open world) that will presumably be fixed in time as well.
If these things are fixed, the game is an easy recommend. For now...the problems remain and destroy what is otherwise a fun game.
Midgar Studio
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