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Über das Spiel

Du musst einen Weg finden, der elenden Insel zu entkommen. Aber bis dahin: Viel Spaß mit der bittersüßen Apokalypse!
Erkunde die Ruinen der Vergangenheit und entdecke Technologie des hochentwickelten Zeitalters. Verschaffe dir einen technologischen Vorteil vor der feindseligen Umgebung. Oder gehe der Sache weiter auf den Grund und birg verlorenes Wissen aus den verborgenen Grabkammern der Vorfahren. Beschaffe Materialien mit beinahe magischen Eigenschaften und fertige mit ihnen leistungsstarke Ausrüstung.
Mehr als 99% aller Objekte können mithilfe geeigneter Werkzeuge zerbrochen werden, um Material zu bekommen. Also zerbrich und sammle die lieblichen Werkstoffe der alten Welt: Kunststoff, Gummi und Metalle. Es gibt eine angemessene Anzahl unterschiedlicher Materialien zu sammeln. Finde Rezepte, um haltbare Objekte und Aufwertungen zu fertigen.
Erkunde die weitläufige und handgearbeitete offene Welt und errichte Außenposten, um dir einen besseren Stand zu verschaffen. Erobere Stück für Stück das Land zurück. Finde geheime Schätze und löse Rätsel aus ferner Vergangenheit. Finde Mittel, um von der Insel zu entkommen.
Die Welt nach ihrem Ende wird von garstigen Kreaturen bevölkert. Etwas Bösartiges hat die meisten Wildtiere und frühere menschliche Bewohner der Insel verändert. Jetzt sind sie angriffslustige tierähnliche Kreaturen. Schalte sie aus und sammle, was von ihnen zurückbleibt. Hole dir ihre Organe und verschaffe ihnen die Ewige Ruhe. Oder fliehe und kehre zurück, wenn du stärker bist. Kämpfe mit diversen Nah- und Fernkampfwaffen. Stelle Fallen und locke Monster hinein. Mache, was immer notwendig ist.
Du kämpf nicht, um nur den Status quo aufrechtzuerhalten. Das ist doch kein Hungerspiel. Keinesfalls bist du ständig auf der Suche nach irgendeiner leckeren Schabe, um deinen ewig knurrenden Magen zu füllen, während du auf die ultimative Gnade des Todes wartest. Du wirst niemals Hungers sterben. Du wirst immer stärker und schaltest dauerhafte Aufwertungen frei. Zwar ist die Welt ein gefährlicher Ort und du wirst Rückschläge erleben, aber am Ende wirst du bestimmt erfolgreich sein.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 17:30
Das Spiel erzählt eine interessante Geschichte für alle Fans von Loooooreee ;)
Es gibt auch nette Puzzles, ein wenig Tower Defense und die Map hat auch verschiedene Biome. Es macht sehr viel Spass das Zeug nieder zu kloppen und das ist auch das was EP einbringt. Hunger und Durst Leisten gibt es nicht dafür spielt die Temperatur später eine entsprechende Rolle. Ich kann es nur empfehlen! Und wenn man unsicher ist, Wishlisten und auf einen Sale warten ;)
5603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 10:16
Man kann wirklich fast alles klein hauen (über 99%). Dadurch kann es im Verlauf des Spiels vorkommen, dass man ein Haus sieht und fünf Minuten später nichts mehr da ist.
Wer etwas anspruchsvolles und actionreiches möchte, ist hier aber falsch.
2653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 12:40
Grafik: 4/5 Die Grafik ist bei dem Spiel wirklich nicht entscheidend und vollkommen in Ordnung
Preis: 4/5 Es ist das Geld definitiv wert.
Spieldauer: 5/5
Grindigkeit 4.5/5 Keinen Bock Materialien zu farmen? Dann ist Dysmantle das falsche Spiel für dich. Aber es nimmt nicht überhand.
Cloud save: Vorhanden (Für mich auch ein Kaufargument)
Abwechslung: 4/5 Gegner besiegen, Materialien farmen, Equipment verbessern und freischalten, Farming und Kochen, Angeln, Mini Dungeons, Endgegner, kleine Story
2818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 19:40
Nun nachdem ich schon keine Ahnung wie viele Stunden in dem Game verbracht habe, muss ich Persöhnlich sagen, es ist das für mich derzeit beste Looter Survival Game was ich kenne, es ist sehr Spieler Freundlich, keine Gewalt oder Blut zu sehen, also auch Kinderfreundlich. Es hat sehr großes Sucht potenzial, Es gibt sehr viel zu endecken, man kann Wirklich bis jetzt fast alles Looten und zerstören, es ist für jeden Spieler der mal ne Abwechslung zum Shooter Genre möchte und gerne spiele spielt um zu relaxen wirklich das beste was es gibt. Es hat soviel zu bieten, coole Quest die teils es richtig insich haben, eine Wirklich richtig Große Welt. Soviel zu looten das man selbst dabei die Zeit völlig aus den Augen verliert.
Für 13.00 Euro ist es ein sehr sehr geiles Game gewurden, man kann es nicht beschreiben was das für ein Spaß macht. Man muss es mal anzocken und schauen, es ist ne Umgewöhnung weil man in der Vogelperspektive spielt, ist nicht jedermans Sache. Aber wer sich da einmal reingefuchst hat und das Spielprinzip verstanden hat. Für den ist es einfach nur Perfekt.
Ich kann noch net mal Negative Sachen berichten weil ich bisher keine Gefunden haben, so viele Rätsel die ich selber noch finden will und kann, so viele offene Fragen, es macht sau viel Spaß das Game zu endecken.
Kann es nur jedem ans Herz legen, es hat zwar nen sehr kommischen namen, aber dafür steckt sehr viel drinne.
1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 10:10
Man wird zwar ein wenig an die Hand genommen um Grundlagen zu lernen aber vieles muss man einfach ausprobieren und auch mal zu bereits besuchten Orten zurückkehren um dort weiter zu kommen mit neuem Equipment was man gebaut hat.
Alle die ein Spiel für zwischendurch suchen wo man aber auch ohne Probleme stunden drin verbringen kann kann hier beherzt zugreifen.
853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 03:45
Bugs 9/10
Keine wirklich wichtigen gefunden bisher. Jedoch kann es bei Questen passieren, dass diese abgeschlossen werden, wenn du sie angenommen hast, wenn du deren Aufgabe bereits im Vorfeld erledigt hast. Da bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob das wirklich so gewollt ist.
Musik/Sounds: 8/10
Ist okay, passt irgendwie dazu, nervt nicht wirklich. Was ich super finde: Wer das Spiel live streamen möchte, kann in den Optionen einstellen, dass geschützte Musik nicht abgespielt wird.
Grafik: 9/10
Naja, wie im Video zu sehen auf der Steamshopseite. Ich mag den Cartoonstil und mir gefällt die Grafik. Ich finde es so okay, man erkennt alles gut, was wichtig ist. Manches kann man sich detaillierter anschauen, wenn man draufklickt.
Mobs und Monster 7/10
Die Mobs sind eher übersichtlich von der Gegnerauswahl, aber ich finde es so in Ordnung. Wirst du getötet, stehst du an deinem gespeicherten Lagerfeuer auf und deine Leiche wird dir auf der Minimap angezeigt – da kannst du deine Beute wiederholen. Stirbst du auf dem Weg dahin nochmal, überschreibt sich dieser Anzeigepunkt. Da ich bisher keine alten „Leichen“ von mir wiedergefunden habe, gehe ich davon aus, dass diese dann wohl verschwinden. Achso: Du brauchst nicht zu essen, verhungern kannst du nicht. Aber du kannst schon erfrieren, in Löcher stürzen oder umgehauen werden.
Die Welt 10/10
Also ich glaube, bis man die ganze Welt aufgedeckt hat, dauert seine Zeit. Es gibt unterschiedliche Zonen, bei denen du auch auf die Temperaturen achten solltest. Manches in der Welt kannst du später nutzen zum Weiterverarbeiten deiner Gegenstände – wie zum Beispiel Herd oder Sägewerk. Die Wege ständig hin und herzulaufen kann mit der Zeit mühselig und langweilig werden. Allerdings kannst du dabei auch dein Inventar füllen und an unterschiedlichen Lagerfeuern in Kisten abladen. Auf der Karte kannst du auswählen, was du sehen möchtest und eine Wegmarkierung setzen. Erbeutete Items bleiben auf der Map liegen und despawnen zum Glück nicht.
Fähigkeiten/ Charakterentwicklung 9/10
Im Laufe des Spiels entwickelst du dich weiter- glaube, das maximale Level ist 300 – da bin ich aber noch ganz weit davon entfernt und weiß nicht, ob das stimmt. Mit jedem Level erhältst du einen Fertigkeitspunkt, den du in einem Fähigkeitenbaum verteilen kannst. Da solltest du deine Auswahl sorgsam treffen, da manche Materialien schwerer zu finden sind als andere. Beim Kochen kannst du einmalige Werterhöhungen umsetzen. Mit dem erneuten Kochen von beispielsweise der Tomatensuppe habe ich ein paar TP heilen können. Du kannst nur an einem Lagerfeuer alle Werte vollständig recovern und dabei Ausrüstung aufwerten. Nutzt du das Lagerfeuer, spawnen alle Mobs wieder neu. Ich habe mir Ausrüstung zum Hochheilen hergestellt, meine Brechstange maximal ausgebaut, Inventarplätze für jeden Slot verdoppelt und bin gerade dabei, meinen Rucksack auf Maximum zu leveln- da habe ich auf den langen Laufwegen dann genug Zeit und Platz, fleißig zu sammeln und zu zerstören. Schade ist, dass man verschlossene Fähigkeiten oder Rüstungen/Waffen nicht sehen kann, bis sie freigeschaltet werden könnten.
- Grinden, grinden, grinden- und zerstören, zerstören und nochmal zerstören. Anfangs kannst du noch nicht soviel zerstören, aber umso länger du das machst und auflevelst, desto mehr kannst du kaputt machen.
- Kochen
- Felder bestellen
- Angeln (endlich mal ein Angeln, was keine Nerven kostet!)
- Graben (Juchhu! Du kannst einfach so den Boden nach Ressourcen umgraben, aber dich auch auf Schatzsuche begeben)
- Events triggern- auf manchen Plätzen kannst du zeitgebundene Questen aktivieren und abschließen. Du kannst dabei auch sterben.
- Geheime Tafeln suchen – diese scheinen wohl eine weitere Story zu enttarnen.
- Gruft freischalten und Rätsel lösen – die Rätsel können resettet werden und stirbt man dabei, landet man am Anfang der Gruft und erleidet keinen „richtigen Tod“.
- Nebenmissionen erfüllen
- Achievements und Medaillen erfarmen
- Sich mit Tieren anfreunden- ich hab Tierfreund ausgelevelt und laut Beschreibung bedeutet das, dass diese wohl auch an meiner Seite kämpfen, aber ich hab noch nicht rausgefunden, wie das funktioniert.
- Die Hauptquesten erledigen-aber wenn diese beendet ist, endet das Spiel und man kann keine Nebentätigkeiten oder Missionen mehr erledigen.
Speichern: 10/10
Das kann man immer machen. Also man muss nicht zu einem Lagerfeuer laufen, sondern kann jederzeit im Spiel abspeichern und ausschalten.
Negativ finde ich:
- Nach jedem Lagerfeuer spawnen wieder alle Mobs, zum Glück bietet das Spiel Möglichkeiten an im späteren Verlauf, das in Bereichen auszuschalten- leider ist mir unklar, wie groß dieser Bereich ist.
- Dass man nach dem Beenden der Hauptquest nicht wieder zurückkann, um die Nebenmissionen zu beenden oder Achievements zu farmen. Also wünschenswert wäre da durchaus die Möglichkeit danach ins Spiel zurückzukehren um die Welt final zerstören zu können.
(Bei einer anderen Seite etwas günstiger, aber finde den Preis auf jeden Fall in Ordnung)
Fazit: 9/10
Dysmantle ist ein sehr schönes, grindlastiges Survivalgame, bei dem ich endlich die ganze Welt in Schutt und Asche legen kann! Langfristig gesehen finde ich, dass bei grindlastigen Spielen ratsam ist, auf einem anderen Bildschirm Videos laufen zu lassen oder TV zu schauen. Es ist einfach ein schönes, entspannendes Spiel ohne störende Bugs, was wohl für jeden etwas ist, der gerne Survivalspiele mag und endlich mal nicht dauerhaft nach Nahrung suchen möchte, um zu überleben. Es sollen wohl noch DLCs veröffentlicht werden, die kostenlos genutzt werden können. Ich hoffe, dass das auch so zutrifft, da mich bei anderen Spielen echt nervt, dass man dann nochmal zig Kosten zusätzlich hat und das unübersichtlich wird mit Season Pass, Exklusive Skins-DLCs, Content-DLCs, etc.
???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????⠀⠀⠀
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 14:14
Trostlos aber nicht ohne Hoffnung. Gerade steige ich aus meinem Schutzraum, nach der Katastrophe, das treue Brecheisen in der Hand und sehe mich um. Eine Gestalt kreuzt meinen Weg. Scheint verwirrt zu sein, der arme Kerl. Sabbert und grunzt in einer Tour. Irgendwas stimmt nicht mit dem. Wankend kommt er auf mich zu. Ich schaue genauer hin...
Ein Monster!
WtF ist das denn?!? Der Geifer tropft aus seinem Maul, das ist kein Mensch! Deformiert und entstellt schleppt sich das Wesen voran, auf mich zu. Und grunzt. Und trieft. Ich bin wie erstarrt. Er ist beinahe bei mir, als ich zuschlage.
Das Brecheisen trifft sein Ziel, der Kopf des Wesens gibt einen dumpf matschigen Klang von sich und der Fleischberg sackt zu Boden.
Was war das denn? Wo bin ich hier nur rein geraten? Vorsichtig betrachte ich das Ungetüm, das war ganz klar mal ein Mensch. Doch nun nicht mehr, es ist etwas anderes. Bewachsen von seltsamen Strukturen, die ihm aus Kopf und Schulter wuchern. Was ist hier nur geschehen? Sind alle Menschen jetzt so? Bin ich der Letzte?
Ich sehe mich um, die Siedlung scheint verlassen. Ratlos blicke ich umher. Bisschen von dem Kram sollte ich wohl mitnehmen, wer weiß, wann ich das eine oder andere mal brauchen kann....
Und da lieber Leser kommst Du dann ins Spiel. Denn rate Mal, Du wirst absolut ALLES(!) gebrauchen können. Also schwing die Keule (ähm, Brecheisen meinte ich natürlich...) und klopp alles kurz und klein.
Stell Dir vor, Du bist in einer Metal Band in den 80´ern und hast vor Dir ein piekfeines Hotelzimmer stehen. Nimm Gegenstand A und hau auf Gegenstand B drauf, bis von der ganzen Sache kaum mehr als Staub übrig ist.
Dann steck Dir ein, was noch brauchbar scheint und das machst Du dann stunden und stunden und stundenlang. Klingt nach Spaß, weil Du genauso Loot süchtig bist, wie ich? Tja, dann sind wir schon zwei.
Es ist herrlich, wirklich absolut alles abbauen zu können, ein wahres Loot Fest. Und es kommt noch besser: zahllose Perks und Werte wollen verteilt und gesteigert werden, ist das nicht fabelhaft?
Und da hab ich Dir noch gar nicht vom umfangreichen Crafting vorgeschwärmt, das ganze Zeug muss ja irgendwo auch wieder verbaut werden.
Du siehst also, die Apokalypse bietet so viel und verlangt so wenig (eigentlich nur einen super robusten Loot Finger aus gehärtetem Titan) und schon kann man seinen Spaß haben.
Kleine Rätsel gibts auch ab und an und bisschen Story darf auch nicht fehlen in einer Welt, die nicht aufregend aber hübsch ist und der Ton...naja, geht so.
Und ja, das ganze ist eigentlich nur ein typisches Zombie Klopp Survival mit Crafting. Aber eben von allem viel mehr als gewohnt und vor allem stimmig bis ins letzte Detail, hier fehlt wirklich nix.
Also schnapp Dir Dein Brecheisen und los gehts.... ;-)
Und hey, wenn´s Dir gefallen hat, ne Runde von mir zu lesen, dann klick hier
und da gibts mehr von mir auf meiner Curator Seite. Schmökern for free: Also stell Dir nen Tee bereit und viel Spaß beim lesen...
5328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 15:59
Achja: Story, Gegner, Quests und so ein Zeug hat das Spiel natürlich auch. Für die die es brauchen ????
5023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 17:52
In der Welt laufen viele Untote rum, wo es verschiedene Varianten gibt. Beim ersten Treffen sind sie sehr gefährlich, aber später mit EQ und Waffe aufgewertet absolut kein Problem.
Die Welt ist riesig - wirklich riesig! Es gibt so viel zu erkunden und ich hab das Game seit dem 27. November 2021 nahezu täglich viele Stunden gezockt! Man kann manchmal nicht aufhören.
Es gibt keine Hunger/Durst Anzeige bzw. Status. Aber dafür Hitze und Kälte. Ein klitzekleines bisschen Tower Defense ist dabei. Wenn wir die Bunker befreien sollen, strömen dutzende Zombies raus, die man so in der Welt nicht trifft. Sie laufen ein kurzen Weg zum kleinen Turm - ist dieser kaputt, muss man das ganze neu machen. Diese wehren wir mit 2 Geschütztürmen ab: MG und Raketen oder per Schwert / Axt etc. - diese müssen allerdings erst freigeschaltet werden.
(Diese Aufgabe sollte man am Ende des Games machen, glaubt mir)
Da ich kein Profi in Rezension schreiben bin, sag ich am Ende nur Folgendes: BITTE " DYSMANTLE 2 ".
Für ein 2. Teil wünsche ich mir Folgendes: Größere Welt, mehr Schusswaffen, mehr Geheimnisse, mehr verschiedene Monster und Werkzeuge wie Kettensäge, Erdbohrer (Für Wände etc.) und vor allem mehr Kleinkram, mehr Crafting und eventuell besseres Skill System :)
5381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 11:58
3847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 14:52
Die ersten paar Stunden sind zäh, taff und nicht leicht zu bewältigen, man stirbt oft oder bekommt das Gefühl das wird nichts, doch sobald man seine Waffen aufgewertet hat, fängt es an Spass zu machen. Die Map ist riesig, man hat immer etwas zu erledigen und zu entdecken. Hatte schon teurere Spiele mit weit weniger Content.
3968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 01:28
ich bin bei 66h Spielzeit, bin noch nicht durch, denke aber das Game ist jeden Cent wert. Liebevoll gestaltet, bisher nicht einen Absturz gehabt, Savegames trotz EA erhalten geblieben. Es handelt sich um kein Survival Spiel, meiner Meinung nach eher Hack&Slay + Looting, tut dem ganzen aber keinen Abbruch.
Wer farmen mag, wird das Spiel lieben, quasi alles ist zerstörbar :)
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 21:09
☐ Fertig
☐ Weitere DLC, Erweiterungen geplant
☑ Early access (Regelmäßige Updates)
☐ Early access (Seltene Updates)
☐ Early access (Tod)
☐ Besser als Reallife
☐ Wunderschön
☑ Gut
☐ Okay
☐ Schlecht
☐ Sehr gut
☑ Gut
☐ Nichts Nennenswertes
☐ Schwammig
☐ Schlecht
☐ Ohrgasmus
☐ Sehr gut
☑ gut
☐ Nicht so schlecht
☐ Schlecht
☐ Kinder
☑ Jugendliche
☑ Erwachsene
☐ Alle
☐ Einfach „W“ drücken
☐ Einfach
☑ Gehirn muss genutzt werden
☑ Einfach zu lernen / Schwer zu meistern
☐ Schwer
☑ Nichts zum grinden
☐ Nur wenn dich Leaderboards und Ranks kümmern
☐ Ist nicht nötig um weit zu kommen
☐ Normaler Grind
☐ viel Grind
☐ Keine Story
☐ Normal
☐ Gut
☑ Hin und wieder Cutscenes
☐ Es ersetzt dein Leben
☐ Unendlich und noch viel länger (Je nachdem ob man über die Story hinaus spielt.)
☑ Lang
☐ Normal
☐ Kurz
☐ Lang genug für eine Tasse Kaffee
☐ Es ist kostenlos!
☑ Dem Preis wert
☐ Wenn du etwas Geld übrig hast
☐ Zu teuer
☐ Kannst dein Geld auch gleich verbrennen
☐ : Bugs? Kann man das essen?
☑ Mini Bugs (normal keine aber manchmal kommt es schon vor.)
☐ Kann nervig werden
☐ Game breaking Bugs
☐ Ein Terrarium voller Bugs
☑ Einzelspieler
☐ Spiel hosten möglich
☐ Einer muss Hosten
☐ MMO (Server liegen immer bereit)
☐ Externe Serveranbieter müssen bezahlt werden.
Ein sehr schönes Postapokalyptisches Spiel mit einem tollen Grafik Stil.
Eine Große Map und viel zu entdecken.
Ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 09:29
Das macht soweit auch Laune, könnte auf die Dauer aber noch etwas Abwechslungsreicher sein.
Wer sich einen Eindruck vom Spielablauf verschaffen möchte, hier ein Lets Play von Chilli Chilong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv-IznTw1jQ
PS: Das Spiel läuft tadellos auch unter Linux dank SteamPlay
909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 20:05
Original: I haven't played much as of yet (~7 hours) but I'm giving this game a positive review for the sole reason that it is incredibly polished for being an early access title. Nowadays that tag seems to be used by developers that ran out of money and need cash to finish their half-finished pile of trash.
Performance & gameplay-wise the game runs without issues really. Haven't experienced any glitches or bugs at all in the time I've played it. I got stuck in an object twice but the game immediately teleported me a few meters away and got me unstuck so that was nice. My game also crashed after playing for like an hour or two. I was so afraid because you cannot really save unless you go back to the menu. But the game seems to constantly auto-save in the background so when I booted it back up it was basically like I had left it. No second of progress was lost. I thought that was quite impressive.
Ryzen 5 3600,
1239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 17:24
Suche, baue, koche, angeln...., und kämpfe dir deinen Weg durch die Insel!
Die Grafik ist gut gelungen und mit den Sound kommt auch eine nette Atmosphäre auf!!
Fans von dieser Art Genre sollten es Kaufen!!! ;-)
8709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 19:04
Then this game will give you the freedom to smash litterally everything you want into pieces, grab that pieces and craft an even bigger stick to smash bigger things. Sound's like fun, insn't it ? ;))
More serious, the game is an openworld (light) survival game , that has crafting, fishing, gathering, farming, fighting and did I mention bashing stuff already ?
It has some RPG aspects were you can customize your character by picking perks on every level up and also by discovering cooking recipes that give permanent bonuses.
Enemies react to player behaviour, they have a sight range, can hear you and once they become alarmed they start searching for you until their stresslevel go's down again.
The game give's you a lot of freedom to reach your goals. You can sneak up to enemies and crush them with a powerful surprise attack, you can lure them away or even completely avoid them by creating a new path through walls, fences and other destroyable obstacles.
In my opinion , it's a big plus that the game doesn't force you to follow a specific path (aside some unavoidable boss encounters in the story). You can spend all day with (again ^^) bashing furniture, wreck whole settlements, or just gather mushrooms, berries etc, solve little speed challenges, dig up treasures without fighting and still get EXP while doing so.
Even though the developers call the current version still alpha, it is a good example of a well made early access, that allready offers a lot of things to do, is (at least for me) 100% stable and has a degree of polish that some other titles still lack on full release.
If the rest of the content (2/3 of the map is not yet reachable) and story, hold's to the standart that is already there, the game has the potential to become one of my all time favorites.
IMHO for the current pricetag it's a steal and the money well spend!
TL/DR: Will bash (dysmantle) with fun, again and again...
7668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 17:44
13679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 10:30
3845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 04:11
5122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 03:02
1. Fun to smash up zombies
2. Fun to smash just about anything you can think of
3. Fun to explore and find new items to craft
4. Variety of materials from smashing things that can be used for crafting
1. Lack of enemy variety
2. Not that many things to craft with all the materials you end up with from smashing things up and many of these choices are not super meaningful aside from a few which are indeed a must
3. When you finally do get super useful items you pretty much have either finished the game or are close to finishing it
This is a great game worthy of your time and gaming dollar but there are a few glaring issues that detract from the fun time.
6559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 00:40
The map is massive. There is a built in puzzle game with useful rewards. The main quest is long and requires a huge amount of game play.
I enjoyed it and completed the main quest (only 10% of players thus far have finished the main quest). But many will find it far, far to much grinding while taking far too much time to accomplish the tasks.
I bought it on sale for about $10 and played it for a little more than 100 hours. This works about as a dime an hour cost for my game enjoyment.
The plot was interesting, but slow to develop. By the last third of the game combat is pretty easy. Before that combat is very deadly.
This game is not for everyone, but if you like a pretty deep plot, lots of things to build, and an entire world to dysmantle this game is for you.
4892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 21:17
4247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 11:00
Some of the fights may be tough, but after mid-game, things are going much easier. And sometimes collecting absurd numbers of specific materials can make the job tedious. In some cases, the game doesn't help you at all about where to go or what to do. This time, you may encounter the situation of wandering around the same places, wondering if I missed something behind. However, the direction of the game in the missions is quite enough.
In short, I really liked the game. Except for the last few hours, I wasn't bored at all. But if you don't like breaking things, or if you're not patient, do not buy this game.
3519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 05:41
6418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 19:42
Eventually the game will end, but there are many other interesting events that can be completed afterwards.
2982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 17:34
Survival Lite: No stupid hunger or thirst meters; food provides permanent buffs on the first meal.
Crafting Lite: There aren't tons of things to build, nor tons of resources; gathering is the main goal.
Combat Lite: Combat isn't hard at all. Seeing the actual hitbox is a nice change from most games.
Building Lite: You won't be building bases, but there are a few things to put on the ground.
Nothing is too hard, too scary, or too grindy. Dysmantle is a relaxing game that doesn't require a whole lot of time if you charge through the main quest. But the fun is in, well, dismantling. You can break down almost everything in the game, which is pretty cool.
It's easy to jump in and out of the game, but it's really difficult to stop playing once you start. It's just so enjoyable tearing everything down into parts to upgrade your gear.
Oh, and I said the combat is easy, but don't underestimate the enemies. They hit hard, but their attacks are really easy to avoid if you're paying attention.
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 10:00
The gameplay loop consists of:
1. breaking objects around the map (fences, furniture, trash cans etc.)
2. picking up materials dropped from broken objects (wood, plastic, leaves etc.)
3. running back to the campfire where you need to store all of those materials every few minutes because your inventory is abysmally small
4. checking if you are able to unlock new items or upgrade existing ones with gathered materials
5. rinse and repeat
There are occasional zombies that you need to kill and there are lore bits that you run into once in a while, but it all gets clouded by very tedious leg work of breaking stuff and gathering materials.
The graphics are very pretty and the look and feel of the game is very well done. Like I said - breaking stuff is very satisfying. If you think that makes up for tediousness of playing it then sure, I'd recommend getting this. Otherwise - skip.
11165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 23:04
I can say without a doubt this is one of my favorite games of all time. The crafting, exploration, & resource gathering are all great and really fun. There's lots to do and many different ways to go about your objective. There's lots of quests to complete, medals to track your progress, collections to find and the story is great too. This game checks so many boxes for me. there are few like it with the progression system it has. To simplify it you could call it a metroid-vania type game, where progress is locked behind the next upgrade but it's so much better than that. Really enjoyed it! I can't wait to see what's next from these devs! anxiously awaiting DLC ( Shut up and take my money, already)
2732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 19:47
You have a pretty steady drip feed of stuff you can make progress towards, and places to explore. And unless you get close to too big a foe, or too many, it's pretty chill. Pro-tip, you don't have to click anything while fishing. You just... start, and your little guy will take care of it.
3930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 05:20
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 01:55
2120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 19:39
The map is also HUGE, so exploration is plentiful. Even for areas that have been explored will still need revisit after upgrading equipments for things that previously cannot be harvested, it's a game where we will remember every nook and cranny on the map because we pass through areas in the game quite often.
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 19:41
Just two things bother me:
Why can't I be a woman? Honestly, I'm not asking for character customization, just the simple choice to be male, female or maybe neither, would be highly appreciated.
and the noise of the head scratch is just... wrong... in the beginning I thought there was something crawling around, scratching, maybe attacking me, then I realised it's my guy, waiting for me to finish planning my next stealth assault...
1038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 16:45
From my perspective, the developer decided to focus on what feels fun.
Beautiful, easy to understand User Interface.
Silky smooth inventory management that lets you focus on smashing and grabbing everything.
And I mean everything. Lots of delicious clutter and fine detail.
If you hit something with your crowbar, every object will give you a damage threshold. You KNOW eventually you'll be able to take EVERYTHING.
Dysmantle nails the hording game-play loop, and as of this Early Access Review, it feels 150% polished.
Combat is dynamic. Firm, but its not a souls-like. Ranged is a bit weird, but I feel its more a 'me problem'; 8 hours in.
There is no story, but this open world sandbox works very well without one. Again, nothing gets in the way of that addictive smashing and looting.
I recommend re-binding the camera to the right mouse button. There are a lot of tight spaces, trees, cars, etc, and I felt a noticeable confidence with both combat and noticing hidden resources when I manhandled that camera.
The way the base game is designed, I could see the developer expanding the map in every direction, forever. Let some modders get all up in there, and who knows?
I've already gotten my money's worth with Dysmantle, and I am excited to see where 10tons Ltd takes things.
3957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 10:50
26.8.2021 : (EARLY ACCESS) | v0.8.0.15 | Really recommended!! | [/tr]
In Dysmantle you are a survivor in a lost world, owned by monsters, and you need to escape!
You will start crafting your very first tool (crowbar) and you have to start to destroy objects in order to farm resources, which is the main activity of the game. Your tools will be also useful to kill monsters, hidden in every corner of the region.
The game is very close to be out of early access, but right now it feels almost like it is a full complete game, and it has now even Steam achievements!
[Map / Level Design]
The map is HUUUGE, there are so many areas to explore, and they are very well made and different from each other. There is a path to follow, yes, but often you can decide which way you go first, since sometimes you have to obtain certain tools in order to advance in certain areas. Is it possible also to skip many of these.
As I said, the primary activity of the game consists in farming resources destroying any object you see on the map, from tvs, sofas, letterboxes, to cars and even walls!! There is a very nice progression system that guides you doing this, so while you proceed into the game, you feel the desire to make your tools more powerful in order to destroy more objects! Right now there are a few objects that cannot be destroyed yes (a 5% of the object in the entire map), but devs promised that this will change at some point of the development.
Then there are monsters. There are many types of them, with different skills and combat techniques. Progressing into the game, you'll learn different combat styles, thanks to a very well made stealth component.
There is also farming, a nice building system, puzzles, a main story, but I don't want to talk too much about it... the game for me was beautiful because it's full of surprises! :) Just don't try to spoil it to you too much, trying to avoid forums as much as you can!
I didn't finish the game yet (the end part is still in development and will be released I believe in the next few weeks), but I promise you it can give you even close to 100 hours of gameplay... depending on how fast you will be to do the most challenging quests (there is one that really asks a LOT from you).
[Graphic Style/Art/Optimization]
I bet the game will run even on cheap laptops, as it is very well optimized and with a nice graphic style touch. It is a top down game with the possibility to slightly change the camera, rotating it in all directions. Lighting is also very well made, and it has very cool moments in the morning and during the evenings. Too bad you cannot see the sky! :)
At this moment, there is no music during your gameplay (only in some cutscenes), so all you will hear is the sound of your tool smashing objects, and the monsters that are impatient to kill you. To be honest? I wouldn't do anything different on this.
I think I quickly covered all the aspect of the game.
I couldn't wait to finish the game to write this review, as I wasn't expecting all this content in a game like this, that is also still in development! I'm totally addicted to it right now, I stopped to play anything else.. and it wasn't happening something like this since a lot of time. If you're worried about bugs (since it's still in early access) don't worry about it.. there are just a few minor bugs right now and game is veeeery close to be finished. It's absolutely fully playable.
The game is a STEAL even at full price, for what it offers. Clap Clap to the devs...
2480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 21:38
This developer has a good feel for Grind, Difficulty, Levels and all of that balancing stuff. They assume you can find food and water so no need to manage that. The cooking you do is for character buffs. Earn experience points to level up. Destroy anything you can see to get materials and upgrade your gear. For a survival game, everything is pretty much where I expected.
Inventory management: Bottomless storage crates! These crates are distributed around the map. They are interconnected, so when your backpack is full there is no need to Go. All. The. Way. Back. To. The. Start. Area. Just drop the items in the nearest crate. When Crafting, there is no need to take the items out of the crate and into personal inventory. All of your collected items are accessed through the crafting interface. Brilliant!
Progress at your own pace. This game doesn't seem to have any time limits to complete the quests. 45 minutes in, the early stages of the game are easy- A great way to start off! I'm not good at the combat part. I choose to stay in the starting area and build up my character and equipment before heading to the more dangerous areas.
This Early Access title is 20 bucks USD, a very good value for this polished version we see today. Highly Recommend!!
Great job and best of luck with the project!!
Nicht Empfohlen
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 16:08
I have zero interest in the story as there's nothing there to grab my attention and make me care about it, the bots reading the text and talking about things over the radio really didn't help at all.
So that just leaves the gameplay, which consists of retreading old ground countless numbers of times, combat is simple and boring after a short period of time, a lot of enemies can be baited into attacking you after which there's a cooldown where you go in to attack them, rinse and repeat, finding a new enemy is the only interesting thing that happens but even then it's still pretty much just the same thing constantly.
Levelling up, gathering resources, crafting new items, having to take specific items to places to repair things to do a thing it's just, boring.
Maybe it'll get better in time but at the moment the content that's here becomes stale.
Nicht Empfohlen
874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 18:50
So I was asking myself the whole time what is the purpose of this game? To escape an island doing repetitive tasks over and over and over again?
Do yourself a favor and watch youtube videos before buying cause this game is not for most people. And Survival tag should be removed from steam as it is very misleading...
2686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 01:04
1431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 00:40
To put it simply, this game reminds me of a combination of Grim Dawn, Graveyard Keeper, and any of the slew of survival horror titles out there.
Here, it's all blended into a chill and addictive game. I'd even venture to say that there is a lot of metroidvania aspects (powerups to help unlock new areas, etc.) but honestly, I'd argue that any survival horror is a variation on metroidvania.
Anyway, if any of the above sounded good, or if you just want to get sucked into a fun game that's rewarding, then don't even hesitate.
2367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 23:39
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 02:14
Seriously though it is a really good game and the devs have been doing a great job.
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 11:13
Game itself is super fun.
Progression system keeps you engaged and entertained, cost of upgrades is just enough to not let you unlock them right away but not too expensive to make you grind endlessly.
Mobs are challenging enough to force you to learn their attack patterns.
There's a lot to do for a small game such as this, excited to see them add online co-op too.
1371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 09:55
The Game: Zombie apocalypse in a top down destroy everything perspective. The game is huge and will give you more than what you paid for. The progression is also just right, not too grindy but enough to satisfy your itch for a good challenge. You can destroy almost anything with the right tools. You will build your character along the way. Art style is also cute, I have a midrange pc and i have it all maxed out.
2440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:29
In my opinion this is a great quality of game and I'm excited and eagerly waiting for the next update! :) 10/10
1338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 03:18
Nicht Empfohlen
1642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 03:32
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 15:36
No bugs so far, already quite a lot of contents, good graphics compartment and an interesting twist on the usual zombies/survival/craft games.
Also the price is fine.
For now, a 7.5 on 10, in will become an 8 when it's finished, if done correctly :)
607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 08:44
1264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 04:17
4914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 11:20
a fine little story in the game.
you find few bugs here and there but get almost fixed after over the next to patch if you fill the bug report..
i always play on pre stable release and thats where i noticed the fast bug fixes.
at the current time if you rush the game there will be around 20 hours content a bit more if you want to upgrade everything
1424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 15:22
1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 10:30
To be honest, I'm kinda fed up with most crafting games, where you die within in-game 24 hours unless you hole yourself up somewhere. Crafting involves strict recipes that has that *one* material that is so hard to get, unless you jump through a special hoop and dig it out from under the 50th monster you've had to kill with a bow and arrow that will break after another use or so.
Wait, no, it just broke, while the monster is about 1 more hit to death. Which means you die instead. And respawn hours away.
As it stands, Dysmantle is different because it's so much more casual, but yet with that crafting tree that limits where you can go and what you can do as you find more materials, upgrade, and then find more mobs to kill and places to explore. Mechanics are a little janky at times, such as no lock-on when you run, but overall, it's nothing that makes you want to throw your mouse at the screen. Art is pleasant, and the choice to turn off copyrighted music is nice (for streams).
Though that kinda turns off ALL music. Hmm.
So yeah it's not perfect, but it's fun. It's casual. It's pleasant, not over punishing, and not a game that hardcore Souls player would pride themselves on playing. But for gamers who actually want some challenge without having to grill their body parts on the roasting CPU in sacrifice to the gods of RNG, Dysmantle occupies a little satisfying niche of its own.
I highly recommend this for people who're sick of over complex crafting games, while enjoying a saunter through a cartoony post-apocalyptic world with a crowbar in hand.
Especially if you don't want to worry about your hunger bar, or protein bars, or any kind of bars. No alcohol seems to be present in the game. I'm allergic anyway.
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 19:35
Graphics: 6
Not really the best visuals, but it works for what it is. I wish there was just a little bit more detail, maybe some better lighting, but it honestly won't prevent you from enjoying the game.
Sound: 6
Basic sound quality, again, just average. Nothing spectacular, but nothing that feels out of place. It all kind of fits in a bland way.
Gameplay: 7
Pretty fun game, but also repetitive. The talent tree is still being worked on, and although there are a few cool perks here and there, it feels pretty limited. Still no guns, so it's just a melee bashfest. Upgrades will give you a huge boost to how many items you can carry at once, but it's a grind to get to that point. First half of the game is going to be spent constantly running back and forth to deposit your materials. Zombies are either incredibly easy, or ridiculously hard. Not really a middle ground yet. I really hope to see actual base building, with maybe some zombie hordes that attack at certain times, but nothing like that yet.
Performance: 10
Solid performance. No FPS drops, no stuttering, and no crashes for me yet.
Final Thoughts
At it's core, it's a fun game, but nowhere near complete yet. If they don't add a fully fleshed out base building mechanic and other features, then it's going to stay a simple time killer with nothing else much to offer.
Buy if you want to support it, but not much is being offered right now. At least their updates are pretty consistent.
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 02:06
1568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 13:50
1161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 13:19
Then i just realized its a low budget game, but that it put its focus into all the right parts so i couldnt compare it to other games
Now after hours of play im calling this game ascended as its scratching all my mental itches, ive ben hunting for a game like this for a long long time and now im very happy. AND ITS ONLY $20!
3257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 13:13
706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 21:40
There are some elements that can be improved upon (combat, fishing, etc) but overall it's shaping up to be a good game.
Full video review:
1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 15:33
Progression is good and makes sense and you're never in a rush, you can do what you want and don't even really need to follow the main quest if you don't feel like it on a given day - just around and level the whole island while getting XP and resources to make you stronger and allow you to upgrade your gear to make the journey easier.
Nicht Empfohlen
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 23:54
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 07:30
2122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 19:34
21 hours in and I may be through the current story, but I know I'll be spending as long in it again even before the next update drops. Happy to thoroughly recommend this one.
Nicht Empfohlen
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 08:48
And most of all the it felt lagging just by moving around not smooth at all
1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 22:29
1734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 16:19
This is a game for people that don't want to get into Rust or Valhiem,
Nicht Empfohlen
1121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 16:58
So far, the game simply doesn't offer enough content and at a certain point it gets pretty samey and boring, which is why I personally can't recommend it yet.
Nicht Empfohlen
2291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 18:29
Although it's the zombie apocalypse the control system is your worst enemy. Your character behaves strangely, almost as if this game was designed around a controller and not keyb/mouse, and to compound matters he attacks in the direction he is facing and not where you click. To make matters even worse he doesn't prioritise enemies when swinging his whatever, so you'll frequently go to hit a zombie and instead start disassembling a chair or table.
I'd leave this on your wishlist for now. It's not quite there yet.
1569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 22:09
Graphically it is very nice and the game play is really chill. The Zombies aren't very hard, nor are the bosses, but taking the world apart is what really is the strength of this game!
This game has become one of my chat's favorites, it's relaxing and doesn't require too much concentration, but oh god, it's fun to hit things and break everything just so you can upgrade your stuff to break even more things!
1102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 17:54
I bought this game for €13 bucks on the current steam sale, and honestly, I understand the overwhelmingly positive reviews. It's a pretty solid game in my opinion.
Some mobs have really made it hard on me, and dying felt bullpity to me at times, Its kinda hard to fight (Certain fast mobs) in dense forests for instance, with bushes (that are destroy-able) but kinda camouflage away a bit.
So I'ma tell you, dear reader, in advance, this game might look easy, but on the get go might certainly not be an easy experience, and may be downright frustrating.
That said, I enjoy the island, I can't believe how (Potentially) big it really is, the skill system, the crafting system, everything in it just really rubs me right, and although I haven't (as far as I know) finished it in its current setting, I can honestly tell you that I like it enough to recommend it to you, if you like these types of games.
Beyond that I'd like to give you advice to read the negative reviews, and contemplate them. I think most of these people are just a tad to whiny for my experience, and expect humongous things from this game, while it factually just is a solid game as it is (Though developers, please don't go lazy, and give us some more goodies to have fun with! <3)
2828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 13:03
- Completely Open World (at the start you are stuck in a starting zone until you figure out how to get out then complete freedom)
- Multiple types of enemies: humanoids, animals, plants and what has not been discovered or developed yet. Even have Boss types. Some have said repetitive but they are too lazy to read and discover. There are tricks (discoveries) to learn that allow you to fight stronger monsters in the same area where low level monsters spawn. You can even make the monsters go away forever if you don't want them to spawn anymore. The monsters can be fast,slow, or immobile. Different attack types of monsters: Hand to hand, projectile, immobile spikes plants, etc.
- Sporadic non-monster dangers like falling in deep holes/crevices.
- You can loot your corps
- If you leave objects on the playing field, they will still be there later
- The world is diverse. They have climate change effects like temperate, warm/hot zones, cold zones, overgrown cities, dense jungles, you name it or discover whatever else is there.
- Interesting discoveries: Wishing well, Towers that can be upgraded in many ways (just did an upgrade that allows for quick transport to other towers) and timed locked chest.
- Quest and achievement systems
- Building, cooking, making weapons, making armor, fishing; upgrading what you would expect that can be upgraded (e.g. weapons, armor, potions (blood) etc.
-This is only alpha build so this will be Best Last Day on Earth that people always dreamed of because there is no stamina that will hold you back and no loading zones (just open world) There is no loading other than cut scenes.
-It is not completed yet
In conclusion. If you take the time to play and discover, you may find this to be one of the best games out there. I have an extensive library but this is the only game I actually like playing all the time. Please support these guys so they can complete the game.
3632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 15:30
Enjoy it I do. The designers have created an immersive and very interactive environment. The thrill of exploring new areas is very real. The game mechanics are very engaging. Increasing your character's abilities through leveling up, crafting and cooking (perma-buffs!) is very satisfying.
After 60 hours, I have reached the level cap (currently 25). I very much look forward to upcoming patches increasing the cap so that I may continue playing (I am far from finished with the content already available, to say nothing of future content to come). I did not encounter any bugs in this game.
I would highly recommend trying out this game!
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 23:00
Warning: Misleading trailer and genres on the right column but good game
Well with just one hour I already feel like giving a first impression and clearly this game while the themes presented are correct I want to say that the trailer gives another vibe of how the game play actually is. When you look at the trailer you get this Fortnite-esque feeling of destruction and sandbox element. While there is in fact a form on sandbox element, after only 1 hour this has only transpired into destruction of decor elements to collect materials.
It's also important to note that the game right now has a Soul-like mechanic, yes I was kind of shocked when I discovered that because in the genres shown we don't see that and it kinda play a major part in the game as an early access. The game has a concept of bonfire (Campfire) to which you can rest, craft and unlock new recipes. If you use the campfire, your character is healed and all enemies previously killed are spawned back. When you die you lose the materials you had collected.
There is also a level system, with perks to unlock and recipes to learn as you level up further, kind of like a skill branch but for schematics.
So right now overall the game looks good graphically, when I play it it is very fluid, I didn't get any performance issues, only 1 crash happened. Then I was also surprised with actually fairly well made cut scenes used as transitions between zones early on. I think artistically the Dev team nailed it and I hope they keep going that way.
My only issue here is that the trailer is a little misleading in what the game play actually is about. Right now the trailer kind of gives the typical survival zombie vibes with either large or mediocre sandbox elements for construction/sheltering, except it's nothing like that. Don't expect to build walls or safe houses in this game, it's basically a very colourful and slightly different Soul-like on a Above-top camera, semi-isometric with bosses like any proper soul-like but a soft one.
Do I recommend this game ? Yes, it has its merits of looking very different of any other soul-like, graphically nice to look at as well, easy to learn as well. But once again the trailer is misleading and I hope they fix that because I wouldn't have bought this game if I knew beforehand of the bonfire mechanic being in there. That's right I don't actually like playing soul-like games, fun to watch though. But I can at least still recognise the quality of the game even after just an hour of game time.
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 03:35
1763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 21:50
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 15:53
It's very polished for an early access title. Smooth controls and graphics, very addicting gameplay loop, easy to get into. I just love the fact, that all the chores of normal survival games have been left out. Your gear does not break, you don't need to eat, drink, or sleep to survive, but all of those activities award you with (permanent) stat boosts.
The game let's you focus on exploring, gathering, crafting, and of course dismantling everything with your crowbar. You can literally tear down a whole village, if you feel like it. Combat is alright, but could be improved with more variation and weapons. Enemy behaviour is ok, but very predictable.
I've not met any (friendly) NPCs so far and the game starts to feel rather lonely. You do find written notes or radio transmission to learn more about the world. I would love to see other survivors or random encounters. It would also be great, if you could interact with items like computers or bookshelves. I am sure this is something that will be improved over time. There is a short in-game cutscene after you finish the first location, which shows what 10tons and their game engine is capable of in terms of storytelling. I'd love to see more of that!
Would I recommend this game?
YES! It's already a great game and will only get better from here.
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 20:16
In most games you have to break and collect stuff to build other stuff, here it seems breaking stuff is the source of pleasure itself so having to stop to craft something is like a chore and i can't wait getting back to breaking stuff. Beating up the occasional zombie is ok too, it's like breaking stuff that tries to break you. Hunting is breaking stuff that tries to run away.
The gameplay is solid and polished. Everything is done well, solid craftsmanship.
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 17:20
988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 16:59
Early Access Launch Day Review
Being one of the Alpha testers, the devs have made plethora of changes as a response to player's suggestions. Here are the pros and cons about the game.
The Good
-Unlike other survival games that focus on living needs, this game has none of that and just simply has a health bar(and thermal control I guess).
-The character can eat to get health, and the first time he eats will [spoiler]grant him permanent bonuses[/spoiler].
-Tools, weapons, and armor don't have durability and can be permanently upgraded. There are gadgets to give you constant bonuses and a second weapon(equipment) slot for healing and throwing weapons.
-The character can be upgraded once leveled up.
-The game isn't pushy. Whether you wanna fish and farm to stock up resources, break everything in a house(not achievable early game), or speed run through the main quest, the game will not force you to progress.
-Bosses are fun and challenging, though there's a steep learning curve between the first [spoiler]mech boss[/spoiler] and the second [spoiler]mech boss[/spoiler].
-Enemies have several varieties. Each biome gets some unique ones. The regular ex-humans can be [spoiler]one-hit killed and others can be sneak-attack killed late game[/spoiler].
-You can fast travel between [spoiler]radio towers[/spoiler], but you have to activate them first.
-Beautiful graphics that aren't demanding. (7700k, gtx1080, 32g, 3440x1440@75fps)
The Bad
-All upgrades require materials, and there will always be some materials that are hard to come by at any given stage of the game. Destructibles don't respawn, so you have to go through many houses to find enough of materials.
-Hunting deer is, oh dear, harder than theHunter.
-Monsters respawn every time you rest at a campfire. YES. THEY DO. This can be stopped by modifying the [spoiler]radio towers[/spoiler] later on and only the area controlled under that [spoiler]radio tower[/spoiler] is affected.
-You can fall into water and instantly die. Realistic, but kinda meaningless.
Dysmantle is a game settled on an island filled with ex-creatures. It has a good combination of survival and rpg. The game is not finished as of this review, and as stated, building is not available in the first 1/3 of the game which is this version. I haven't experienced any noticeable bugs during the 16 hours of playtime. After finishing the early access content, I can't wait for the rest of the story to unfold.
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 15:11
Exploration feels rewarding. Crafting, farming, fishing etc. all serve a purpose. Combat is not very complicated but mastering it takes time and skill. The user interface is clear and simple. Graphics are a perfect fit with the tongue-in-cheek humour of the game. Although not everything is in the game at this point, it still has a lot of depth and the player is totally free to do what he wants, especially after leaving the first area.
Not all of the planned content is in the game, since it was just released for early access. Then again you can get it for cheaper during it. All in all the game is enjoyable and somewhat addictive.
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 13:28
The only problem i encountered would be the auto-lock system. My character focuses a zombie outside when dismantling in a house really often, even after disabling it in the gameplay menu.
Except this annoying point, it is very good.
10tons Ltd
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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