• Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.
  • Dwarrows: Screen zum Spiel Dwarrows.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.02.2020
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Preis Update 03.07.24

Über das Spiel

Build and grow a new settlement and explore the lands surrounding it in this Peaceful Action-Adventure & Town-Builder. Search the lush forests of the Dusken Woodlands for resources, and adventure through mysterious new places to find lost artifacts.

Meet strange and quirky characters along the way, invite wandering people to join your town, and befriend cute animals who may help you in your travels. Control your team of three uniquely skilled characters to gather resources, build structures, and find treasure.

  • Explore: Play as three uniquely skilled characters to quest and puzzle through a peaceful and atmospheric world.
  • Gather: Supply your town with resources gathered from the land surrounding it, from hidden treasures, and other wonders.
  • Build: Discover and unlock new structures to grow and improve your town.
  • Befriend: Find friendship in the local wildlife to help boost your town and character abilities, and invite the wandering Wood-Elves to join and grow your town.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i5-760 / AMD FX-9590
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R9 270
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (Requires 64-bit)
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz / AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX570
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (Requires 64-bit)
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

487 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
3060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 09:11
Zuerst hatte ich das Spiel einfach nur mal gekauft, weil ich kurz rein schauen wollte. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es mir so gut gefallen würde. Zuerst dachte ich man könnte das Spiel sehr schnell durchspielen und das die Möglichkeiten sehr eingeschränkt wären, aber nach und nach öffnen sich im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes immer mehr Türen und man ist gefangen in sehr ausgeklügelten Rätseln, im managen der Stadt und der Suche nach verborgenen Dingen.
Sobald man glaubt, man hätte bereits alles aufgedeckt, kommen neue Elemente hinzu und es gibt noch mehr zu entdecken.
Auch die Spielmechanik, dass man mit 3 Figuren spielen muss, die alle verschiedene Fähigkeiten haben und oft nur im Zusammenspiel zu Ziel führen, gefällt mir sehr gut. EINE ABSOLUTE EMPFEHLUNG !
192 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 18:15
Dwarrows ist ein schönes Spiel, dass viel Spaß macht. Man baut sich sein Dörfchen auf, sammelt Spirits und Ressourcen, läuft über die riesige Map, löst kleine Rätselräume oder große Rätseldungeons (manche sind knifflig, manche erfordern Geschicklichkeit und Taktik und das Schalterumlegen in der richtigen Sekunde) , man kann sich Pets einfangen, die ausgerüstet Boni geben, es gibt Quests. Alles ist ganz entspannt und die Musik angenehm. Einzig das Ressourcensammeln artet irgendwann echt aus.... wenn es beginnt dass man 6-20k Holz/Gold/Steine braucht. Das find ich etwas übertrieben (Edit : Holt euch Wespen als Pet, dann bekommt man automatisch Ressourcen)...Meine Bewohner sind in ihrer Zufriedenheit auch seit einiger Zeit nur bei 75%, die Funanzeige ist bei Null %, obwohl ich gerade 2 Zirkuszelte gebaut habe. Naja mal sehen...mir gefällts jedenfalls und ich denke man kann hier viele Dutzende Stunden verbringen.
70 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 20:14


Bei Dwarrows handelt es sich um ein Abenteuer- und Aufbauspiel mit einfachen Rätzeln und Geschicklichkeitselementen. Der Spieler übernimmt die Kontrolle über drei Charaktere und muss den Waldelfen dabei helfen eine neue Heimat aufzubauen. Aufgrund der Optik und des gewaltlosen Spielprinzips spricht Dwarrows dabei vor allem jüngere Spieler an.


Obwohl sich Dwarrows mehr an jüngere Spieler richtet, kommt es doch recht komplex daher. Zu Beginn gibt es aber ein kleines Tutorial, in dem man die Fähigkeiten der Charaktere erklärt bekommt und in dem die Grundfunktionen, wie der Bau von Gebäuden oder der Abbau von Rohstoffen erklärt werden. Auch sind die Questbeschreibungen gut verständlich, Englisch ist allerdings Voraussetzung.

Der Bau von Gebäuden ist eines der wichtigsten Elemente im Spiel. So benötigen die Waldelfen natürlich Wohnhäuser und verschiedenen Versorgungsgebäude wie z.B. Farmen. Es gibt aber auch Gebäude, die wichtig für den Spieler sind. So gibt es eine Art Tierheim, welches als Unterkunft für nicht benötigte Begleiter (gezähmte Tiere) dient. Die Tiere können jedem Charakter zugewiesen werden, begleiten diesen dann und geben verschiedenen Boni.

Die Rätzel im Spiel lassen sich in zwei Kategorien einteilen. Überall auf der Karte gibt es kleine Rätzel, die meist in ein paar Minuten erledigt sind. Dann gibt es aber auch noch Dungeons, diese sind deutlich umfangreicher und bieten eine Vielzahl verschiedener Aufgaben. Entsprechend ist hier aber auch die Belohnung deutlich besser. Außerdem gibt es überall auf der Karte noch kleine Quests, hier gilt es meist Gegenstände zu sammeln und abzuliefern.

Die Belohnungen der verschiedenen Aufgaben sind wichtig um eine wohnliches Heim für die Waldelfen aufbauen zu können. So winken verschiedene Artefakte die neue Gebäudetypen freischalten, Schriftrollen die das Reisen erleichtern oder auch Gegenstände die die Werte der Charaktere verbessern.


+ Kombination verschiedener Genre
+ für jüngere Spieler geeignet
+ viele Rätzel und Aufgabe/Quests
+ putzige Grafik

- teilweise viel Klickarbeit (Rohstoffe Sammeln, Tiere Zähmen)


  • Musik/Sound: 6/10
  • Weder die Musik noch der Sound kann vom Hocker reißen. Ausreichend ist die Soundkulisse aber auf jeden Fall.[/list]
  • Grafik 6/10
  • Auch grafisch ist Dwarrows kein Überflieger. Leider fällt hier und da die Bildrate ein wenig.[/list]
  • Spielspaß 7/10
  • Aufgrund der vielen verschiedenen Aufgaben und der guten Kombination mehrerer Genre ist Dwarrows auf jeden Fall ein Blick wert.[/list]

    Spielstart und Tutorial:



    Mir gefällt an Dwarrows besonders, dass es ein Spiel für Kinder ist. Entsprechend sind die Inhalte etwas niedlicher und einfacher gestaltet. Die Lösungen für die verschiedenen Rätzel ergeben sich meist aus einer guten Beobachtungsgabe und einer kleinen Portion Ausprobieren. Kein perfektes Spiel, dennoch eine klare Empfehlung!

    Kleiner Tipp

    Betretet ihr ein Dungeon betreten, solltet ihr darauf achten, genug Platz für Holz, Steine und Gold zu haben. Es wäre schade, wenn ihr diese nicht aufsammeln könnt.

    Review Info!

  • Testzeit: ca. 7 Stunden[/list]
  • Version: 1.0[/list]
  • Im Testzeitraum sind mir weder Bugs aufgefallen noch kam es zu Abstürzen.

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    35 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    209 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.02.20 00:32
    das spiel macht richtig Laune. ich habe es sobald es verfügbar war gekauft, heruntergeladen und direkt mal einen 3 Stunden Stream rausgehauen. Für alle die sich die Wiederholung ansehen wollen, ich heiße auf Twitch myosin_tv.
    339 Produkte im Account
    30 Reviews
    1729 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.01.22 19:00
    Good game. Worth to get it on sale. Great achievement list.
    91 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    2587 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.10.21 10:47
    A little bit of grinding at the beginning but a well rounded game, I put 43 hours into this game and got 100% of the achievements

    222 Produkte im Account
    154 Reviews
    609 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.07.21 10:08

    Surprisingly good... I actually enjoyed it

    I don't like puzzles and I HATE platforming, but in this game fortunately 80% of the puzzles and platforming is avoidable... and that just really leaves the player to explore the VERY large open-world map, just building up their city and collecting pets and resources. I particularly like the pet system. Overall, there's many things that the devs could have done better or improved upon, but what's here is more than enough to justify paying $30 for it. It's not GOTY material and it's unfortunate that the devs aren't releasing any content after the game's launch, but what's here is totally playable and a solid game for $30.

    For more reviews, visit my curator page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/7851637/
    For my full recommended list of games: https://steamcommunity.com/id/lfpg/recommended/

    See my 2hour first impressions review here: https://youtu.be/dWZguyYHBlQ
    28 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2188 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.05.21 21:08
    It's a nice game that is chill. No fighting or jump scares. Just a bit of building and puzzles. Some of the puzzles are buggy though.
    341 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    890 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.04.21 01:48
    Wants to be fun, but is not.
    20 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    2166 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.03.21 21:48
    -- GAMEPLAY --
    City bulding: Initially this was the one, that sold the game for me. I love city building games. But here, well here, i don't really know. The city bulding and planning in itself is well designed, though the look of some buildings, are just so not in the same style of every other building, that it becomes an eyesore. The management of the town, well that needs some tweeks. Every citizen has it's needs, but sometime they just can't find the buildings to satisfy these. Even if there is more than citizen. And they stand next to it. So kinda randomly, 1 or 2 citizen go full angry and leave the town. But the biggest problem here is, that the city has zero impact on others parts of the game. The only thing that matters is that you build a bank and the special stores. But those do not even need the population. Just a city with 1 citizen is enough. And this makes me sad.
    Exploration: Exploration is fun in this game. The gameworld has it's problems, but it is fun to look around and find stuff to do.
    Puzzles: These give me a mixed feeling. Most are fun to solve, but there is a lot, that are just plain annoying. Not because they are hard to solve, but because the solution is annoying. Especially the jumping puzzles. When i was at the fire trial, i almost dropped the game.
    Pet taming: Yes, this is a thing too in this game. And it is terrible. The idea itself is good, but the execution.... You need a lot of luck to it, because the minigame is full random. You can make it easier by leveling up the skill, and exploiting dogs, but it still not negates the randomness, that makes it terrible.
    Resource gathering: I have to mention this too. It is an MMO style gathering, which makes it really slow and a big chore in the game.Especially since late buildings cost a lot. At the end, where you can buy black powder and have access to the swamp it becomes faster, but it still takes a lot of time. A hell of a lot of time, if you want to build a nice, big 5 star city.

    -- GRAPHICS --
    They do not want to become the next big thing in graphics, so do not expect much. You do not need a strong graphic card. It looks a bit cartoony, but, it really fits the game, and the gameworld itself. One can say, kind of a perfect match.

    -- BUGS --
    You can catch and HUG bugs trough the pet taming system in this game, but i'm not talking about those here. I'm talking about the glitches. Which are almost non existent. The only thing i encountered is, that it is really easy to stuck in texture, when jumping around. But it is really easy to get out from it, trough teleporting.

    -- SOUNDS --
    Well, they are just there. Not amazing, not bad. Just there.

    -- STORY --
    It has something of a story, but it is only there to fill the void.

    The world looks nice. It has a nice feel to it. But It is static. Really static. NPC-s only exist, when you have a mission with them. And that is all.
    There is some worldbuilding, but only enough to be some minimal framework to the story.

    Taking everything to account it is a fun game, with a lot of annoying gimmicks.
    Don't buy it if you are into city building games, but if you want a game that is a peaceful mix of city building, puzzles, exploration then go for it, if there is a discount. They made these elements fit and work together in a unique way.
    232 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    2121 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.03.21 00:01
    You can befriend a beaver!

    Fantastic game. Non-violent. Clever. Did I mention beaver friends?
    276 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    329 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.03.21 12:56
    No survival, just gather resources, build a city, and maybe solve some puzzles. It's a chill game to unwind to.
    287 Produkte im Account
    21 Reviews
    1451 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.03.21 15:45
    Dwarrows is a weird combination of a Platform, Adventure and City Building game. It's nice, charming and relaxing and the gameplay works: you are constantly engaged in all the activities the game offers to you, for building the city, finding the resources required for it, solve puzzles and exploring places.

    On the bad side this game is terribly unpolished, buggy and clunky. Nothing that can ruin your overall experience but, sometimes, you want to have a pause between a terrible camera preventing you to reach the right platform or being unable to demolish a building because the controller scheme don't work well.

    Despite the problems mentioned above (and a long list I spare you), it's a pleasant nice game and I recommend you to try.
    1040 Produkte im Account
    22 Reviews
    1849 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.03.21 07:40
    Only just really starting but its incredibly charming and really chill :) In the vein of games like littlewood, its just great to go gather materials, build a little town, race, solve the puzzles etc. Muchly recommend :)
    1339 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    295 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.21 17:46
    This is a nice little game, genres of which I have been looking for byt only just managed to stumbled across: Nice having the party based system where you explore in the open world to gather materials and solve puzzles and do questing.

    Gathering materials to then use in city building and management is a nice idea and done well so far.

    Nice and relaxing!
    575 Produkte im Account
    58 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    196 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.01.21 17:44
    Fun concept.
    Badly executed.

    I originally saw this game on Let's Game it Out and was so interested in the overall game that I put it on my wishlist and grabbed it when I finally had time for it.

    Although the building seems like it is going to be really fun the game is absolutely a chore to play and not in a fun way. I love resource gathering in games but I hate when resource gathering involves running from resource to resource with no sprint and giving you around 50 materials per 5-8 seconds worth of mining into a pool that at level 2 goes up to 2,500. It takes AWHILE to mindlessly drone for resources all on top of having to deal with lots and lots of puzzles that require you teleporting you guys to a spot and then using a limited resource to teleport them back to other spots.

    Then lets get into the cost of buidlings.
    Everything feels rather balanced starting out.... then it gets wacky fast in resources required to build X and Y and then oh hey you want the next tier of building? Build 4 of those buildings that take you an insane amount of time to build even just one.

    The game is a grindfest... and very hard one.
    There is a reason this game has almost always been in single number digits on steam charts with the release month pretty much being the only time its had over 12 concurrent players.

    Game had potential but bad balancing and push to make grinding a chore instead of an addiction flat out ruins the game hard. I really wanted to love this game....
    26 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    774 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.11.20 19:45
    You might think it's for children, and that it's way too simple for anyone older than 7. Yes, it has bunnies and green-faced beings, which a kid of 5 could have drawn, but it also has puzzles which make a seasonal player turn to YouTube for tips (Could be that I'm just an idiot though).

    The basis is simple: gather resources, build, and keep your inhabitants happy. In Dwarrows you don't play with one, but three characters, between which you can freely switch. They all have special skills and you'll need all of them to succeed. Beyond that there's nothing very special which would set Dwarrows apart from the rest of it's kind, and is actually even much simpler than for example My Time in Portia.

    Anyway, Dwarrows is just what the doctor would order if you were stressed, and if doctors would prescribe games. And if you were stressed.
    770 Produkte im Account
    254 Reviews
    949 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.11.20 04:05
    Like how it's balanced and simple in all the areas you can build, explore, or solve puzzles.
    462 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    2509 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.11.20 02:58
    Great game to kill time and get lost in, I would definitely recommend giving it a go.
    16 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    2340 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.06.20 15:42
    I have only played one three-hour session of this game so far, but I absolutely love it! It's exactly the chill, relaxing game I expected and wanted it to be. I'll definitely be playing this more. Highly recommend to those who want something chill. It's definitely a bit grindy with the resources, but I typically enjoy those parts of other games the most so it's perfect for me.
    38 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    4606 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.04.20 22:53
    Dwarrows is a masterpiece.

    I'll write a more detailed review later - for now, just wow! :)
    914 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    891 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.04.20 17:38
    This game is super fun. If you like city builders and like survival type games this game combines aspects of both. You have the exploration and gathering from the survival genre and the city management from the city builders.

    You have three different Heroes that each have a different role to play. I am absolutely loving the game.

    One thing that is my only complaint is the game seems to need to be optimized as after playing for about an hour or two the lag becomes extremely awful to the point that you can't play well. I must save and exit then restart to get the game to run at a solid frame rate after about 2 hours. The development team is working on it and releasing updates to try and make the game run more smoothly so I would still recommend the game you should pick it up.
    126 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    3504 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.03.20 03:52
    Worth the price.

    This game has a lot of elements. It's a resource-gatherer and town-builder. It has big puzzles and mini-puzzles. It has an interesting story, but you can ignore it entirely. The map gradually becomes available to you as you play, and it's a free-roam game, but a lot of progress depends on platform jumping. There's a mechanism to tame wild animals and once you've done that they improve your stats, but the improvements don't help you with the most difficult gameplay elements.

    Here's my problem: to complete the whole game you have to be good at all of these, and I'm not. So I will never finish this game. This annoys me. Nevertheless the game kept me busy for over a week and I think I got my money's worth.
    377 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    603 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.03.20 10:12
    I feel somewhat conflicted in giving a bad review as there are some good aspects to this game, but I don't feel like it deserves a $30 price tag and still needs some help to begin to make sense.

    The Good: This makes for a good chillout game where you just want to mindlessly grab some shinies and solve simple puzzles. For the average 8 year old, I think this would make for a perfect game. There is nothing challenging about this game... It just exists for you to invest time into it.

    The Bad: -- First, this game is an homage to all of the various forms of grinding that exist. There are six basic forms of resources that all have to be found in order to develop your town (along with a bunch more stuff to collect). After about 6 hours into the game, I realized there is no reason to every actively harvest the building resources as I could just idle and let interest accumulate things for me while I explored, or during the three hours I took to level up my pet taming level. After about 7 hours in the game, I just decided to stop trying to build up the town more as nothing more could be gained by doing so. Even though I had gotten the second size upgrade, expanding the total land by almost double, I couldn't build some buildings that I long since knew because of random artificial resource caps. There is certainly more that could be said about the economy, but imagine all of the worst ways an open world game could go.

    -- The artifact grind. This game has a weird system where the ability to build certain buildings is contingent on the player finding artifacts randomly in the world and restoring them with a different resource found by completing challenges. The system feels incredibly contrived in order to draw out gameplay, and ends up being another grind.

    -- The puzzles. The game wants the player to challenge a good number of these random platform and logic puzzles found across the map. Most puzzles can be accomplished with only one of the characters on your three person team, but some require two or three. This becomes immediately irritating as you have to pull the builder and harvester from their locations and run/teleport them to the puzzle. Then, once the puzzle is done you have to reset their locations. Luckily, you start rolling in scrolls of teleportation once you explore a bunch so you can at least get your people back to the closest fast travel location and run them back to where they were from there. On that front, I also find it weird that for the duration of play, your teammates just stand in place doing nothing while you are not using them. If it wasn't for these random puzzles, Dwarf would have been stuck south of town staring down a unharvestable tree for hours on end. Back to the puzzles, they are rather simple fare. For what this game could do in jump quests for a little difficulty ramp, I certainly wish the puzzles had more to them.

    -- The graphics. Normally I dont try to worry about the graphics in the game, but it is the stark mismatch between different assets that really gets me. The three playable characters are very well done stylistically with significant time spend giving them their own look and feel. Then there are the Wood-Elves, with weird bulbous heads, a skin palette somewhere in the neighborhood of barf, facial features that look glued on, and ROUND EARS?!? The first time I saw them, I honestly thought it was a graphical glitch. I can only assume that this was a stylistic choice, but it feels so weird to go from the very detailed team to the Mr. Potato-Head looking Wood-elves. There is a vaguely beast race in the game that look moderately detailed, which then further makes the gradation of attention feel weird. You also see this mismatch in the terrain as well. There are multiple points where the terrain texture looks like a MS Paint style color gradation, while the wall sitting on top of it has some real care and attention to it. Furthermore, a bunch of the random buildings found the the wild vary from solid color, almost no texture walls, to nicely done stylistic choices. Overall it gives the feeling of the game being unfinished with large chunks of the graphics just being placeholders.

    Final Verdict: If you are looking for a mindless and non-threatening game, somewhat in the style of a increadably watered down version of Super Mario 64, and you are willing to deal with an economy that feels like 3-4 systems bolted together with no real thought towards direction and graphics that feel confusing, this is a good game.... for maybe a $20 price range.
    888 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    334 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.03.20 13:49
    I really wish this came had a sideways thumb, but since it doesn't I'll err towards the team behind it making improvements.

    Don't get me wrong, Dwarrows is a LOT of fun so far. You play as a dwarf, who is your resource gatherer, a halfling who can find treasure with a divining rod (and also has the ability to run), and an...elf(?) who can build up the settlement and fix things with her hammer. You switch between the three characters and roam around the world, doing puzzles, platforming, finding citizens to invite to your village, and building said village out. Ideally, this is the perfect kind of game for me, especially on a lazy streaming weekend day.

    The downside:
    I feel like this game should be in Early Access. The cute graphics have clipping issues (half the time, my characters' feet are below surface level), and if you haven't pressed yourself right up against the resource you're trying to mine, sometimes you'll whiff and chop/mine at air.

    Basically, the core mechanics work great, but there a bunch of bugs that should really have gotten worked out before they called this a full release. At the moment, I'm not sure I could recommend paying full price for it, but if you really want it and you don't mind the occasionally annoying graphical hiccups, you may well get your money's worth from it.
    254 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2815 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.02.20 07:39
    This game oozes coziness. Relaxing, no combat - the challenges come from solving puzzles and managing the town, but there's no serious punishment in the town building (settlers will leave if they aren't satisfied for too long but you can always convince them to come back). Lots of fun little side quests and places to explore. If you enjoy the questing of Zelda, you'll really enjoy this game.
    1827 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    78 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.02.20 03:30
    I purchased the game with high hopes, but the game didn't do it for me. I enjoy gathering/townbuilding games, but this one was just too sedate. It feels like a MMO crafting/gathering system without the MMO piece.

    Collecting resources involves just slowly walking around on holding right bumper until the item is gone. The treasure finding person is pretty fun with a hot/cold mechanic to find it. All the characters move at a pretty slow pace, and the hit box distance is a little too short.

    There is a taming mechanic also, but even that feels too sedate and slow, without obvious indications on how far off you are from a perfect button timing.

    I usually use a mouse and keyboard but planned on using a controller for this game. All menu selection is made by virtual mouse movement though, and is really clunky. Maybe this was my specific setup that triggered this, but I am going to assume its the default. I also ran into a few situations where I had to left click before I could continue dialog again.

    The dungeons were interesting, but I ran into a few more bugs switching characters: when I came switched back to them they would be looking in a different direction then I left, making quickly switching cumbersome as I spun around to figure out where I was looking at.

    The blueprint experimenting was interesting, as is the town building mechanics. I admit I didn't get too deep in it, but initially placement didn't seem like it mattered.

    Overall I could see this as a fun game for someone looking for a really chill sedate experience, but it was just too slow for me. Lacking combat isn't a negative at all for me.

    Great charm and graphics
    Cool concept
    Multiple people management each with different skills is cool.
    Puzzles requiring different character skills is interesting

    Gathering is ultra slow and boring
    Taming system is ho hum
    Controller use is a little buggy
    163 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    53 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.02.20 00:58
    If you enjoyed my time at portia then this game is for you. I can hardly find a good management game these days but this one 8/10
    32 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    228 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.20 20:59
    I will mention this first, I did receive this game free, but that will not impact my thoughts on it. Dwarrows is a fun single player game (that could be really cool multiplayer!)
    I've honestly been having a lot of fun with this game, it's definitely a game I would consider a fun time sink (much like Stardew Valley) where I can happily put hours into it and still be entertained. The controls are well explained, the characters quirky and the story is fun. Some of the puzzles will actually challenge you and once you understand the mechanics of the village you'll have everything set up for your settlers very quickly.
    That being said it does have it's moments, sometimes quests or instructions aren't clear (though that can in some cases, make it more fun), some things can be a little tedious, there are some typos here and there, every now and then things are over explained or you might want to murder the mayor, but overall, a well rounded, fun, little game.
    1543 Produkte im Account
    301 Reviews
    310 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.20 20:44
    Dwarrows knocks it out of the park mixing adventure, city building, and Zelda like dungeons. The puzzles in the dungeons are challenging, but not frustrating. You gather resources, build a city and search for treasure right from the start. The world is large and easily accessible, it begs you to explore it.
    This might be upsetting to some to read, but Dwarrows does not have any combat, but it honestly doesn't need it. You'll love all the other aspect it offers. The dialog is fun and each character is interesting and filled with personality. There is always a story quest, citizen request, or dungeon that needs to be explored. This keeps you busy and having fun the whole time.

    My daughters and I streamed some of it, please check it out and hit that follow and like button to support us!

    ⠀⠀ If you enjoyed my review please consider following and joining my Steam group.

    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Mature Minded Gamers

    2698 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    3124 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.20 19:59
    Dwarrows is the game I've always wanted.
    A super chill, somewhat sedate exploration and puzzler, with light city building mechanics.
    I've spent 52hours with the game due to getting an early code from the dev to do coverage.
    I've loved every minute of it. I emplore you to treat yourselves and give dwarrows a shot.
    If you want a hands on look a this glorious game, check out some of the videos on my steam profile.
    If you like the look of the trailer i wouldn't hesitate to pick this up.

    I have 2696 games on steam.
    This easily fits into my top 20.


    8 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    120 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.20 19:02
    If you would like to see a 2 minute review on it, check it our here:

    In short, this game is a great combination between adventure/exploring with town building. You play 3 different characters that allow you to find treasure, mine resources or expand your town and do a bunch of Puzzles.
    It plays well and I only had one gripe with the adventure side of things, which I go in depth on the video. Still, it's very recommended!

    682 Produkte im Account
    275 Reviews
    1837 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.20 16:38


    Dwarrows is a single player, third person adventure game set in a fantasy world that combines together city management, puzzles, minigames and open world exploration. Players impersonate three members of a colonization team sent to unexplored lands to settle a new city, while also uncovering the secrets of ancient civilizations and doing tasks for various people.

    ???? Pros
    • Varied gameplay formula that blends together many activity types and makes each of them meaningful for progression.
    • A large world to explore full of secrets, treasures, collectibles, animals to tame, dungeons and puzzles.
    • Good content amount for the proposed price.
    • Overall decent visual style that pairs well with the fantasy setting.

    ???? Cons
    • Important locations, NPCs and critical items are not marked on the map even if already discovered or close by.
    • Resource balance feels very grindy in the late-game phases, with low density around the map compared to the costs.
    • Some bugs and technical issues, though mostly on the minor side with very few actually crippling.

    Rating: Very Good

    Click here for the complete Rating Chart


    The first and arguably best point in favor of Dwarrows is variety: from town building, management and puzzles to quests, pet taming and open exploration this game offers a plethora of mechanics that make the experience diverse and interesting, while also making all of them worth doing and perfecting. The world is large and dotted with secrets, NPCs to talk with and things to discover, while fast travel points and consumables make traversing it comfortable. The visuals, while not stunning and cartoonish, are well suited for this lighthearted fantasy setting and create a fairy-tale-like atmosphere.

    On the bad side, the fact critical locations, items and NPCs are not in any way marked on your map, even if you pass very close to them, makes it annoying especially later on to find that small bit you need to progress in a huge map. The late-game phase, especially when seeking the highest town rating, felt very grindy as even the best resource farming zones resulted in poor gains compared to the huge amounts to spend in advanced buildings. The technical issues with the game are several but in large part part minor, at worst reloading a previous save or restarting the game will fix most issues.

    Overall Dwarrows is a solid open world sandbox that with its variety and mostly well-designed gameplay will please most fans of adventure games. It took me around 30 hours for a thorough run, completing all the puzzles, quests and other side content I could find, while bringing my town to an advanced level - for completionists aiming to tame every pet, fully build all the city space and doing every possible bit, it can go as far as 35+ hours. For the price of 25€ default tag, and overall solid content quality, I can definitely recommend getting this game for full price.


    In-Depth Breakdown

    ???? Gameplay Analysis
    The gameplay of Dwarrows is divided into Exploration, City Management, Puzzles and Minigames.

    Is done on foot with each of the three characters, and also with the aid of fixed fast-travel points, consumable teleport scrolls for when you're far from a static one. One of the three heroes can sprint and is considerably more agile than the others, he will be the prime candidate for exploring new areas. While exploring you'll find things to repair, people to talk with and get quests from, material piles to harvest, diverse animals to eventually tame, and puzzles to solve. Exploring thoroughly is fundamental in getting all you'll need to progress the main quest. You can control one character at the time of the three, while the other two will stay idle.

    City Management
    Is not overly complex but has a lot to it. Using the workbench, accessible only to your Engineer, you will be able to build new facilities for the city such as farms, houses, gardens and so on. To unlock new structures there are two ways: the first is to complete an Artifact Set, ancient items belonging to a past era and found with quests, exploration or puzzles, while the other way is using the Design function to combine two existing buildings and create an advanced one.

    Each inhabitant has needs such as food, happiness, energy and more, making sure there are enough crops, housing, environment quality and entertainment are critical factors to keep citizens happy and productive, if not, they may even decide to leave in the long run. Most facilities give bonuses but they need to be manned, so having citizens working happily boosts how well these buildings also work. This said, the whole management is never overly obnoxious and can be taken with leisure. Once certain thresholds of statistics in the city are reached, the city will evolve to a new tier, up to Tier 5. Space can be expanded by collecting Spirits in the world.

    Are scattered throughout the land and often are logic-based challenges involving one or even all of your team members, that you will have to position and control with some degree of multi-tasking to get to the treasure. Puzzles are fundamental because they give out Soul Quartz, the only way to examine artifacts and in turn, discover essential new buildings. Trials are major puzzle segments composed by a long series of both platforming and logic enigmas, with usually a large reward and major story revelations at the end.

    Are varied and include pet taming, with each pet giving modest to powerful passive bonuses to the equipped character, treasure hunting for extra consumables and materials, while also time-based races for extra quartz and a special challenge if you complete them all. The various minigames are good diversions and actually very worth doing if you plan to unlock all artifacts or get an edge with the pet's passive buffs.


    ???? Technical
    PC Specs: RTX2080Ti, Ryzen 3900X, 32GB RAM DDR4
    The game has by default numerous visual distortion effects such as glow, bloom, depth of field and so on that cannot be individually disabled, requiring manual editing of .ini files to get cleaner visuals. Same goes for anti-aliasing, which even at the highest in-game setting proves insufficient and requires external aid to function properly. Optimization is not the best with the game's relatively simple visuals using 90-100% GPU on a 2080Ti, even if locked at 60FPS frame cap. Stability is good with no crashes to mention, and despite the high usage, the game actually runs well without stuttering or other issues in 1440p, 144hz.

    Final Thoughts

    Dwarrows is a varied and engaging open world sandbox that introduces many different gameplay elements and manages to make them all interesting and worth doing, resulting in a solid experience for the genre.

    This game was reviewed using a free key

    53 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    839 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.20 16:08
    I highly recommend this game to anyone looking for a peaceful puzzle/adventure/city-building/resource collecting game! The graphics are adorable, the game runs smoothly, the dialogue is entertaining (and quite funny at times), and the story overall is great! There is so much to do in the game that you'll get plenty of hours of enjoyment from it!
    Logo for Dwarrows
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    82.56% 71 15
    Release:28.02.2020 Genre: Aufbaustrategie Entwickler: Lithic Entertainment Inc. Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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