• Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.
  • Dungeons of Sundaria: Screen zum Spiel Dungeons of Sundaria.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.12.2023
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Über das Spiel

Die Verliese:
  • 4 einzigartige Dungeons, gefüllt mit hunderten von teuflischen Monstern und dutzenden von teuflischen Bossen.
  • Drei Schwierigkeitsgrade: Normal, Schwer und Alptraum.
  • Online Einzelspieler oder Koop mit bis zu 4 Spielern.
  • Lokaler Mehrspielermodus mit geteiltem Bildschirm für bis zu 4 Spieler (erfordert nur eine einzige Spielkopie).

Erstelle deinen Helden:
  • Wähle deine Rasse: Mensch, Zwerg, Elf, Halbling oder Ork.
  • Wähle deine Klasse: Champion, Waldläufer, Kleriker, Zauberer und Schurke.
  • Passe das Aussehen deines Helden an.

Werde eine Legende:
  • Sammle eine große Auswahl an Waffen, Rüstungen und Zubehör, um deinen Helden zu individualisieren und seine Macht zu vergrößern.
  • Fertige mächtige Ausrüstungsgegenstände an und werde zu einer Macht, mit der man rechnen muss.
  • Mach dir das Heldentumssystem zu eigen, das es dir ermöglicht, die Macht deines Helden kontinuierlich zu steigern.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 760 with 2 GB Video RAM
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-Bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, or Windows 8
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Portugiesisch – Portugal, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Spanisch – Lateinamerika, Türkisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.5 GHz Quad-Core 64-bit CPU
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 1070
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Portugiesisch – Portugal, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Spanisch – Lateinamerika, Türkisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
71 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.23 00:14
Fun game to play with friends up to 4 LOCAL!!!
0 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.23 01:29
Please add: Floating Damage Numbers, when you hit enemies. Floating Health Bars to enemies.

Please Remove: Ability to dodge Roll while mid Air Makes Fall Damage irrelevant, as you can always dodge roll just before you hit the ground.

Game is super fun btw! These are the things that i´d love to see in the game ;)
313 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
7114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.23 20:57
There is no way this is a low budget game because it looks like it was made by the Dungeon Gods Themselves!!!.... Move over Eidos Interactive and other developers of yor, theres a new contender rising. This game is beautifully rendered and if you are of the Original Nintendo, you cannot help but sit down with three friends and remember long hours of Golden Eye! The action is non-stop and the there is a plethora of evil baddies to satisfy your killer cravings. While I do love playing mages, they dont stand half the chance that the other heros do. For being a wizard I expected the weak with the armor and life, but it does seem the wizard could at least get some more destructive power. Overall I would give this game a 9.7-10. I have been playing since the early stages and I keep coming back for me. Dungeon delvers delight!!!!
0 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.23 05:15
0 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.23 12:01
Companies other games (Zeus' Battlegrounds, Kings&Heroes) not doing so hot and being shutdown/canceled might, understandably so, make you wary of this game. Totally get that, BUT this game is very good and seems to take what was best in those other games and re-hash them for this dungeon crawler.
Game is pretty straightforward; gather your party, raid/loot dungeon, sell loot, buy/craft better gear, rinse & repeat. Great game for playing with buds, has local splitscreen, player-to-player online play, and Remote Play Together. Combat is simple, but satisfying. The highest praise I can give this game though, and this is VERY high praise from me, is that this game sometimes has me feeling like I'm a kid at the arcade again with pounds of quarters in my pockets playing Gauntlet: Dark Legacy.
0 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.23 14:05
So, I played a bit of Dungeons of Sundaria; I like it!
I recorded some of my progress in Dungeons of Sundaria.
Please take a look if you like a more Audio / Visual Experience.

I like Dungeons of Sundaria.
These dungeons are massive & immersive, I love it!
I like how the crypt dungeon goes deep, down into the sewers with their own boss & deeper, into the caves, & then even deeper!
These dungeons have destructible walls, hidden areas, traps & make excellent use of verticality.
I like the glow-ie orb ability you have to help navigation; so much better then staring at some wireframe map; just plop down a mark & keep exploring.
I really like how you can go to whatever dungeon you want, though they do have recommended lvls; thank you for the choice devs!
The 3 dungeon difficulty lvls allow players to run them again at higher lvl for better gear & more challenge, like in Diablo, is great, making certain the earlier dungeons see some attention from higher lvl players too.

A 3rd Person sort of Diablo like:

Like in old school Diablo, you can break crates & barrels for loot as you slaughter monsters, as well as hunt for tombs & chests, & loot weapon racks for nice items.
While it doesn’t have the random dungeons of Diablo, the ones it does have are huge & immersive, & it does have the intense ARPG action & loot collection, & the amount of loot you can pack away here is staggering.

I like how these huge & immersive dungeons are just packed full of loot.
Dungeons of Sundaria is generous with both the loot & character storage, with your character able to pack away pages of gear; guess they are packing a portable hole; handy!
Five pages of character storage & no inventory tetras here!

The Combat

I like how action focused the combat is, with little down time between fights, & hp healing quickly after the battle, pushing the player forward towards more exploration & the next encounter; you won’t be mulching on food / water after every pull like some MMOs would make you.

There is No default bump damage, & enemies / other characters have collision, thank you.
There is also no tab targeting, as this is not WoW; you must line up your shots to hit your enemy; in general, if you can see it, you can hit it; love it!
You can parry attacks if you wish, but I find dodge rolling around out of crowd control effects / PBAOEs very helpful & more reliable.

While I do like Dungeons of Sundaria, I did come across some areas while playing that I feel could be even better.
That is expected & normal, but I have to point them out, in the hopes of helping to make Dungeons of Sundaria the best ARPG Dungeon Crawler it can be.
Please let me know if anyone thinks any of this is out of line or off-base.
I will try & keep this organized, separating this into Tech Issues encountered & Gameplay Suggestions.

Tech Issues:

1: Minor Bug: Gamepad Keys Showing While Using Keyboard & Mouse.
The game was displaying the controller keybinds when I was using keyboard & mouse, even when I unplugged the gamepad.
This was happening in the above video from the start.
It stopped when I plugged the controller back in; weird.

2: Minor Bug: Game Fills my Hotbar when I die.
This bug duplicating the bound keys, filling the hotbar
It’s Minor, but annoying.

3: Crash & Shutdown
Granted, I was streaming & recording, but I have to mention it.
This game runs hot!
The shutdown occurred at 35ish on the above video.

Gameplay Suggestions:

4: Mark The Junk

Would be handy to be able to mark loot you don’t want as junk, both to help the player quickly parse the item list without having to look through the same stuff multiple times, & to quickly sell said stuff back at base.

5: Skeletal Destroyers Chill!
The undead choking sound the skeletal destroyers make when you drop them is a bit too loud.
Tone it down skelly boys!

6: Racial Stat Increases + Abilities Planned?

Think active use abilities for the different races.
That orc looks big & mean, like they might be stronger & tougher than average, & maybe even be able to bloodrage or go berserk.
That short halfing might be harder to hit.
That elf might get bonus ranged & spell power, but lose out on a bit of hp.
The human might get bonus destructive damage, but not heal very well, & might even deal friendly fire damage to themselves (not allies to mitigate trolling), due to general human short-sightedness.
Meaning & impactful things like that
These sorts of fantasy racial differences are expected, & it being absent just turns the player’s chosen race into a purely visual choice, & it would feel much better it if was much more than that.

7: More RPG Please!

Currently, the RPG components of this boil down mostly to:
• Which of the 5 classes selected at the start
• Which items you equip; though most will likely equip the item with the highest spell / melee/ ranged power.
• At which point you spend the gold to upgrade a specific ability, though it is all lvl gated, & most will easily have the gold to buy the slight ability upgrades at lvl,4 6, 8, etc.
• At lvl 20, you start to get Heroism lvls to spend 1 point on a passive stacking boost to a specific ability to damage / resistance type.

That is something, but more RPG would add many more player choices, much more player immersion, & much more replay-ability to Dungeons of Sundaria, & would do so at little dev cost.

Think attribute points the player can put in on lvl up, letting them choose to specialize or generalize their character as they wish.
Think allowing the player to put 5 point per lvl in some combination of Melee, Ranged, Spell, or Health, allowing the possibility of characters that do not strictly adhere to their chosen archetype.
This would make the archetypes more as a starting point, not just the end point.
This would add much more player customization & replay-ability to the game, as players would be able to make meaningful gameplay choices beyond which of the 5 classes they chose to play at the start.
They could try to make a melee mage, or a magic tossing champion, or an archer that likes to dabble in a bit of both.
They might not deal as much damage as a pure class true, but they would have increased versatility & options to make up for it, & besides; it would feel different to play from the typical pure class playstyle.

8: More Exciting Stuff To Find!

Gear is good, but I mean more than just more gear, or at least, gear as it currently exists.
Think active use trinkets, scrolls or wands, opening up more options for the classes, giving them some access to an ability they might not possess.
Think finding skill books in the dungeons, Diablo 1 style, with books & scrolls having a chance to be in chests, drop off caster enemies, or on book shelves or lecterns.
Think Fountains / Pools to find in the dungeon, granting temporary or even permanent buffs, perhaps at a cost.
Maybe they spawn guardian monsters, or the buff has a chance to be a curse, or comes with a potent downside.
Think finding magic potions or components for them that grant a free attribute point, powerful & meaty stuff like that.

9: Loot locked to Current Lvl?

It seems that high lvl gear will not drop when you are not at the current lvl of the dungeon.
For example, I was in a lvl 5 dungeon & was character lvl 4, & only lvl 4 gear was dropping; sad.:(

10: Power-Ups Planned?

Going heavier in the Gauntlet direction, you could have Power-Ups drop from enemies or pull out of chests / broken barrels, with dps power orbs & hp pickups.
This would create another drop players want, creating more excitement in the fights.
To prevent troll issues, the party should share the buff.

Anyway, I enjoyed my time with Dungeons of Sundaria.
I look forward to following it as it continues to develop into the great RPG Dungeon Crawler I know it can be.
Thanks for the indie fun.
0 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
2141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.23 04:46
You go into giant dungeons, kill enemies and bosses, collect loot, level up, get stronger and take on more challenging dungeons or higher difficulties. Classic formula done in a solid and fun way.
0 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.23 19:21
Yeah this game is freaking awesome. This reminds me of playing a WoW dungeon if it had dodge and block mechanics from Might and Magic: Dark Messiah. Industry Games is proving once again that you don't need expensive subscription services or microtransactions to have a fun dungeon exploring game (that ISN'T nothing but RNG generated nonsense) that you can play with your friends. This feels like one of those "This should have already existed" type games. Very happy they decided to put this out there.
917 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.23 23:00
split screen is the shit! had a blast playing with my daughter, nice to see this added option... good fun!
11526 Produkte im Account
547 Reviews
978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.23 02:12
It's a TPS dungeon crawler, and you can play it with friends from afar or on your couch. It needs more spells, and there are odd bugs that have been there since the beginning - but I enjoy it. Just understand that you're going into a game that has rather simplistic combat. The bright side is you don't have to worry about mana and just deal with cool downs.

It's not perfect, but if you're looking for a game to play that doesn't require a lot of thinking and fulfills your desire to loot everything in sight - this is still going to be a nice way to spend your evening.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.62% 472 144
Release:12.12.2023 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Industry Games Vertrieb: Industry Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop
1 Prisoner hat dieses Spiel schon
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