Dungeons of Edera
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Über das Spiel

Spiele niemals denselben Dungeon zweimal
Durch prozedural erzeugte Levels mit einer Vielzahl von Themen, bei denen zufällige Gegner und Bosse aus den zahlreichen Fraktionen ausgewählt wurden, werden Sie niemals zweimal denselben Dungeon spielen und jedes Mal eine neue Herausforderung mit sich bringen, wenn Sie eintreten
Dein Charakter, auf deine Art gespielt
Anhaltende Fortschritte und ein offener Fähigkeitsbaum bedeuten, dass Sie mit jedem Level und jedem Fähigkeitspunkt den Pfad Ihres Charakters auswählen.
Beute ... Viel Beute
Hunderte von Beutemöglichkeiten über mehrere Seltenheitstypen, die Ihre Fähigkeiten verbessern und Ihnen helfen, Ihren Charakter zu spezialisieren
Hinterlasse dein Vermächtnis
Gib dein Gold aus, um deine Fraktion mit Upgrades wieder aufzubauen, die bis zum Tod anhalten, und hilf deinem nächsten Abenteurer. Holen Sie sich einen Schmied, um exotische Waffen zu verkaufen, oder einen Trainer aus der Gilde der Feuermagier, um magische Fähigkeiten freizuschalten.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3100 / Intel Core i5-7400
- GFX: Radeon RX 5600 XT / Geforce GTX 1060 (3 GB)
- Software: Windows 10, 64 Bit
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 / Intel Core i5-9500F
- GFX: Radeon RX 5700 XT / Geforce RTX 2060 (8GB)
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10, 64 Bit
- HD: 8 GB available space
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 02:33
1709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 17:53
Großes Lob auch an die Entwickler. Kritik/FeatureRequests auf dem Discord Server werden gelesen/kommentiert/implementiert. Sieht man auch nicht allzu oft.
1246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 03:33
Man merkt diesem Spiel sofort an, dass es Konzepte und Anregungen aus allen Genres bezieht.
Daran gewöhnen muss man sich schnell und wirklich überlegen, was nehme ich mit, was sichere ich in der Truhe für den Fall der Fälle oder andere Charaktere!
Kann, muss man aber nicht mögen, dass man bei einem Tod sein komplettes Equipment verliert!*ausnahmen möglich*
Somit bleibt der Grind zwar nicht aus, aber dennoch nicht aufgezwungen und langweilig, sondern erfüllt einen wesentlichen Systemzweck und hilft bei Verlust nach dem Tod oder Crafting.
Das selbige gilt für euren Goldbeutel der automatisch von eurem Charakter Inventar in die Truhe wandert, sobald ihr in hinein seht. Die Truhe ist für alle anderen (neuen Charaktere) oder vorhandenen Charaktere nutzbar.
Zur Story:
Nett untermauert mit Quest's die auch einen Einfluss und sichtbare Veränderungen mit sich bringen in der Spielwelt.
Diese ist anders, wie das Spiel selbst
Die sogenannten Zwischensequenzen werden Spiel typisch anderes dargestellt. Es hat einfach seinen eigenen Charme, muss man aber nun auch nicht unbedingt mögen aber zumindest keine 0815 Kost wie man es eigentlich gewohnt ist bei den vielen EA Titeln seit Jahren.
Zum Gameplay:
Für den Stand der Dinge völlig in Ordnung! Sicherlich ist die Kollision abfrage und Boxing noch lange nicht ausgereift, aber dennoch solide. Man hat ein gutes Treffer Feedback, auch wenn manche Situationen schon witzig sind durch vorhandene Fehler, bleiben Sie dennoch selten und haben wenig bis keine einen Einfluss auf deinen Frust Faktor.
Zu den Klassen:
Aktuell spiele ich selbst noch die Einsteiger Klasse. Bleibe auch dabei mit Einhand / Schild herumzulaufen. Ob man bereits andere Klassen spielen könnte, in der aktuellen EA Form kann ich nicht sagen. Dennoch sind Sie leicht verständlich und Einsteiger freundlich. Gerade nach den ganzen Asia RPGs eine ungewohnte aber sehnsüchtig zurück gewünschte Form!
Besonderheiten gibt es ebenfalls, Abschlüsse von Missionen schalten Segen frei. Diese sind auch von Normal bis Mystisch gekennzeichnet. Diese geben entweder passive Off / Deff oder allgemein nützliche (Tragelast) Perma-Buffs an euren Charakter!
Zu den Items:
Es gibt alles, was man sich denken kann! Kategorien sind Normal bis Mystisch aktuell
Schwerter, Schilde, Keulen, Äxte, Hämmer, Stäbe, Messer usw.
Von Rüstungen, Stoff, Leder, Platte bis hin zu Schmuck wie, Ketten, Ringe etc.
Man hat so viel Auswahl und man sollte wirklich das Inventar und seine Truhe pflegen! Sammler wie ich müssen gerade am Anfang etwas aufpassen.
Zur Spielwelt:
Eine kleine aber leicht dynamische Spielwelt die sich auch mit den Quest's ändert und somit auch etwas Feedback aus den Quest's auf den Spieler bildlich übertragen. Quest's sind hier wie der Name schon verraten sollte, Instanziierte Dungeons die Random generiert werden. Es gibt zwar eine offene Welt wo ihr eure Aufbauarbeiten leistet, aber die Dungeons sind euer täglich Brot in diesem Spiel.
Zum Abschluss:
Was einige hier schreiben von wegen Performance:
Es ist kein Absturz oder sonstiger Fehler bisher aufgetaucht. Es gibt Dungeons wo die Performance ordentlich auf 40 - 60 sinkt, das kann man aber etwa ausgleichen in dem man die teilweisen nutzlosen Ultra Einstellungen einfach mal runterschraubt (Es ist nur ein EA)!
Gewöhnt euch bitte an das realistisch zu sehen und nicht mit Endversionen aus eurem Kopf zu vergleichen.
Was RPG angeht bzw. MMORPG bin ich recht eingefahren aus der DAoC Zeit. Daher bin ich überrascht wie es mich doch ordentlich fesselt mit seinen doch anderen Stil.
Für 10 bis 15 € eine absolute Kaufempfehlung.
Nicht Empfohlen
1813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 13:02
Nicht Empfohlen
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 19:23
1833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 09:26
3290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 08:03
PS: Props gehen raus an Hänno, EEEEhre!
1426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 19:26
day 2: companions? finisher?! nice!!
day 3: what, legendäry Weapons after boss fights? i can rush missions? nice!!!
day 4: wait, a good story with voice and comic? Nice!!!!!
day 5: ultra settings after update? noice!
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 12:40
924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 09:33
+ Grafik ist für ein EA-Game vollkommen in Ordnung
+ Leichter Eintieg in das Spiel ist gegeben
+ witzige Story
- zeitweise sehr glitchy (Pflanzen, sowie Gegener ab und an in der Wand)
- Minimap wird zeitweise nicht korrekt angezeigt (Burglevel)
- wenige Maps (nach 2 Stunden kann man Speedruns machen, weil man die Map bereits kennt)
- die Helligkeit ist nicht optimal (erstes eigenes Lager sehr dunkel im Gegensatz zu Schneemaps, die sehr hell sind)
- Waffenlevel- und Häufigkeit sind nicht aussagekräftig (niedriglevelige ungewöhnliche Waffen zeitweise weitaus stärker als hochlevelige legendäre Gegenstände)
- Begleiter sind nicht ausbalanciert (die 500-Gold-Magierin ist weitaus stärker als der 1000-Gold-Bogenschütze)
- Übersetzung zwar vorhanden, ist aber sehr gruselig
Die Monster Tooth Studios haben noch einiges zu tun, um nörgelige Menschen wie mich zufrieden zu stellen. Bis dahin kann man sich aber gern an der (unfertigen) Version des Spiels versuchen. :)
1674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 00:16
Es läuft bei mir sehr gut und es gibt tonnenweise loot. (Coole Waffen und Rüstungsdesigns, keine Abstürze bisher)
Die vertonte Story mit gezeichneten Sequenzen ist nett gemacht und die Musik paart sich unaufdringlich mit dem Spielfluss.
Wie du kämpfen willst kannst du dir selber aussuchen, ist alles vorhanden im Talentbaum (Nah/Fernkampf,Magie und gemixt).Wer nicht alleine kämpfen möchte, wirbt sich einen Ki Begleiter an, der aus verschieden Klassen wählbar ist zb: Heiler, Feuermagier, Paladin, etc
Ein wenig kribbeln entsteht durch das System alles zu verlieren wenn man stirbt, außer das Zeug in deiner Truhe oder soulbound Sachen. (dieses Atribut ist aber zufällig, update: kann aber später drauf geschmiedet werden) Also Sprich mach ich die Endbosse für mehr loot (oder Tod) oder nicht :) deine Entscheidung, zumindest meistens, manchmal führt kein Weg dran vorbei.
Klar ist es ärgerlich die geliebten Sachen (episch,legendär) zu verlieren aber man findet wirklich viel Zeug und sollte immer ein soulbound Ersatz-Set in der Truhe haben um damit wieder weiter zu farmen, falls man wirklich stirbt.
Sicher die Levels wiederholen ihren Style aber da kommt bestimmt noch mehr und hey Hauptsache das Lied deiner singende Klingen fliegt duch die Luft bzw manche Gegner fliegen wie vom Pferd getreten weg . (haha soll das so? )
Und Gegner gibt es genug:
Knorrige Goblins, Zombies, Räuber, Ritter, Skelette, Orks die "Für die Horde brüllen" (Garrosh bist du das ?) und Ururks mit weisser Hand Bemalung im Gesicht, (Oder bilde ich mir das nur ein :) ) die Entwickler haben anscheinend ihren Spaß.
kleine Starttipps:
-Bögen sind anfangs recht stark gegen Bosse( ausser es ist super eng) und die Begleiter helfen auch ganz gut.
-Fässer zerhauen, da ist ordentlich Kram drin
-Wenn ihr mit N das Stadtportal ruft und benutzt wird euer Dungeon zurückgesetzt und ihr könnt nicht mehr zurück und zB: Endboss machen (Gibt einen in jedem Dungeon/Mission)
-Bei den Altaren nach besiegen des Bosses, gibt es auch manchmal ein Taschenupgrade, unbedingt mind. 2 mal wählen!
Gebt dem Spiel eine Chance und danke für den Spieltipp an Hänno!
2624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 14:47
-Grafik kann sich sehen lassen
-Charaktererstellung nach integriertem Tutorial
-Skills sind durchweg nützlich
-vollkommen offene Charakterentwicklung
-Permanente, stapelbare Boni an Schreinen nach dem Bosskampf
-Gelungene Kampfanimationen
-Actionreiche, dynamische Kämpfe
-Drei wählbare Schwierigkeitsgrade pro Mission
-Pro Levelanstieg wird man spürbar stärker
-Charaktererstellung beschränkt sich rein auf Männer
-Gesichtsanimationen (noch) nicht vorhanden
-Es dauert u.U. recht lang, bis man alle Skill-Trainer freigespielt hat (Feuermagie)
-Ich finde es schade, dass man für die Zauber zwingend einen Zauberstab braucht!
-Ein Dual-Wield-Skill hängt ab und an in der Animation, was zum Bildschirmtod führen kann.
Möglich, dass das auch auf andere Skills zutrifft.
-Die Finisher-Moves bei einzelnen Gegnern sind zwar schön, können aber nerven.
Hier würde ich mir wünschen, dass sie weniger häufig abgespielt werden oder wenigstens
abbrechbar sind.
-Die deutsche Übersetzung ist (noch) eher ein Witz. (Lederhosen of the Pathfinder - Ahahahahahaaaa!)
-Die Dungeons sind schön gestaltet, aber wirken insgesamt recht leer.
-Ab der Schwierigkeit "Medium" verliert man alle Gegenstände beim Tod, außer den Bound Items,
was manchmal sehr ärgerlich ist (meine schöne legendäre Axt :()
-Quests mehr als generisch (hole dies, töte das)
-Der Item-Vergleich im Inventar sollte bei Ringen verbessert werden. Ich kann bis zu vier Ringe ausrüsten,
aber im Vergleich wird mir immer nur der stärkste angelegte angezeigt.
-Balancing generell etwas überarbeiten. Man ist sehr schnell stinkreich und kann sich alles kaufen.
Legendäre Gegenstände sollten grundsätzlich Bound Items sein. Zauber sollten im Verhältnis zu Waffen
mehr Schaden verursachen.
Tipps für Einsteiger:
-Drückt alle Hühneraugen zu. Das Spiel ist im Early Access. Im Grunde ein solides Game, das viel Spaß macht.
-Nutzt Eure Stash-Truhe zum Bunkern von Alchemiezutaten, Tränken und Dietrichen.
-Bunkert auch ein wenig taugliche Ausrüstung für den Fall des unerwarteten Ablebens.
-Schaltet den Alchemie-, Kräutersammler- und Lockpick-Skill möglichst früh frei.
-Steckt besonders als Nahkämpfer viele Schrein-Boni und Skillpunkte in Ausdauer.
Insgesamt spreche ich eine unbedingte Kaufempfehlung aus. Wenn die Entwickler noch ein wenig an Performance, Balance und Bugs schrauben, wird das ein sauberes Action-Rollenspiel. Viel Spaß beim Schnetzeln und Sammeln!
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 16:19
Pro: Contra:
+Gutes Kampfsystem - wenige Gebiete
+ordentliche Charakterklassen -sammelbares lohnt sich zu selten
+mehrere Talent bäume -fehlender koop op modus
+ Ki Partner zur Unterstützung
1661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 20:25
Nicht Empfohlen
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.23 02:12
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.23 16:20
but the game seemd pretty fun. just frameskipped when capped at 144fps, and was laggy at 60fps.
my pc could run it at higher fps, but it was just bad performance, wich is sad, because i was actualy looking forward to trying this game
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.23 18:45
if you fight multiple enemies then their attacks will combo you into each others so youll be stunlocked without any chance of getting away.
the movement feels very sluggish.
great concept but not even close to finished and also very poorly balanced.
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.23 03:49
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 21:01
Devs actually care and response to questions, bugs, and FAQs in their discord!
3965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 08:17
3623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 14:05
Nicht Empfohlen
3911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 00:59
Nicht Empfohlen
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 05:04
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 11:33
All in all, the game is making steady improvement. It's a solid idea, with active devs, and it's been great to watch the gradual process of world development.
One recommendation I'll give to the devs- please slow down with the loot drops. Seriously. No one likes spending 15 minutes after every run working on item/inventory management. When you throw a bunch of items at people, the result is that everything feels cheap.
Sometimes less is more.
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 18:31
Nicht Empfohlen
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 14:40
4783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 14:18
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 11:19
+ combat is fun, yet not perfect at the moment. if the polishing is done right, this could be an interesting and quite challenging experience.
+ gameplay loop is there - not sure why, since there are so many issues bothering me at the moment, but the loot and level philosophy is just working in this game.
+ motivated developer, delivering a constant flood of updates and fixes. roadmap: https://trello.com/b/tarkmzyp/dungeons-of-edera-roadmap
+ a lot of different weapons and playstyles.
+ neat class diversity and a completely open skill tee. just spec what you like, mix up some classes, talents and stuff.
+ respec your character for free in the hub.
the debatable:
~ lack of enemy variety
~ making an item soulbound is way too expensive
~ kinda wonky controls
~ story isn't too great or interesting.
the bad:
- the games performance is very bad. my fps are usually fine, but there are still tons of massive frame drops and lags. lowering the graphic settings won't change anything and it's almost beyond unplayable on some maps. very frustrating in a game, where reactions are key and death is punishing. btw. this got nothing to do with my hardware.
- even tho the maps are random generated, they're basically always the same. they have to work a lot on their dungeon designs.
- physics are garbage, corpses flying around like crazy and stuff.
- a lot of glitched objects and textures all over the place. enemies running through walls and getting stuck there.
- stuff falling through the floor.
- ui is atrocious.
- using a controller in menues is horrific.
- chance of looting some herbs is way too low.
* don't let you fool by the looks, this game got almost nothing to do with souls games as it is. it's more like a classic action rpg / hack and slash with third person combat.
* keep in mind, this is an early access review and some (hopefully most) of those cons will surely fixed. ofc gonna update this review after 1.0 release and a decent amount of playtime.
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 11:51
the loot is plentyfull which makes crafting kinda pointless unless u are a midmaxing pro who knows what ur doing and i wasted 3 level up points on crafting ( u can reset the talent poins ), and at the time of this review u cannot craft armor at this point.
the boons are great u can finish the quest 1/3 ( the dungeon are big and make u wanna explore further ) and if u continue to explore u will find a boss after which u can select a new boon and i had a hard choice once do i want more inventory space ( u will have to drop ur crappy items tho i wish u could see an estimated value of ur items so i drop the havier ones ) or have damage reflection i chose more inventory twice now.
now if u are running and if u jump or bump into something u will have to press the running button again which is kinda annoying, lockpicking simply doesnt work iv read a few posts about it and it seems only 1 guy had it working, the keybinds can be bound to whatever u like ( these days it seems to be a feature cuz for some reason games dont have this anymore wtf )
so yeah i am at a point where i wanna shake the hands of the devs they are literaly doing everything great here, the 5 gripes i have: attacking doesnt always work, lockpicking dun work, running can be messy and shamans ( its what i like to call them ) they start healing as soon as ur stamina is at zero and they already take much longer to kill grrrr so u chill there waiting for stamina to regen while they casually heal and i do believe they also heal every one else in proximity, dual weilding is an absolute lie it halves ur damage so forget about it and just have either a shield or a wand ( i use a wand so i can cast magic )
so far so good definetly recommend.
in the future i do hope u get to upgrade ur town like instead of messy busted building made out of wood would be nice to upgrade it with brick or somthing and would be nice to have to defend ur town, just as u raid the monster villages would be nice if they had the same idea haha.
love this game so far and i wish all the best to the devs and ppl who enjoy this game. also be weary of the gambler.
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 16:00
I completely recommend this title, no ifs or buts. Oh and if you use a controller to play a PC game your opinion is as worthless as your taste in peripherals.
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 19:58
The combat feels pretty simple. You can do light attacks, heavy attacks, roll, dodge backwards and block/parry. Jumping attacks seem to exist as well but the animation would rarely play properly for me. Enemies are also very simple in their behavior. Most of them run at you, being easy to whiff punish or otherwise smack before they hit you. Some use bows, some use magic and some change to melee when you close in.
It feels like the game has okay longevity, as it allows you to do randomly generated missions for loot, gold and XP. In my short experience, there wasn't all that much variety, unfortunately.
Character building is good, you can make the usual archetypes or combine them as you wish. The talent tree gives you excellent freedom. You can also gain permanent boons to your character, if you defeat the boss which can feel rewarding.
The game is cheap and maybe it will be even better in the future.
Nicht Empfohlen
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 00:20
The movement system feels terrible and the game has no depth. The actual interaction systems are terrible, the physics have collision with invisible corners on everything, and the gameplay is less accurate to user input than a one eyed drunk driver. The skills and even trying to use the bow are impossible if you expect any consistent amount of result or even accuracy relative to your input.
TL:DR - 5/10 honestly, if the core gameplay loop at least felt decent I'd probably try to push through it, but the problem is the core of the game and not the peripherals/developmental issues.
Nicht Empfohlen
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 17:16
in it's current state, it's a great game for Early Access.
This game is a DIAMOND in the rough, truly. But, It's also very hard to not look past the little game breaking issues that plagues this game, at this time.
I would like to point out here, I used a brand new Xbox one Controller while playing the 2 hours of game play. I only played the campaign/ tutorial side of this game, and I also played the game on medium difficulty as well.
* Game is very fun, with simple, but great combat.
* The Combat Finishers are fantastic.
* It's Souls Like, and you need to block, or dodge or you will sustain a bit of damage.
* Graphics were very nice looking.
* FPS was smooth once you figure out where the *Sweet Spot * is if you will (Will explain in Cons section)
*Tons of awesome loot for you to equip.
* Fantastic variety of Weapons, Armor, Rings, Amulets, etc.
* Very balanced, and detailed item descriptions, along with varied and random stats on said gear.
* Fantastic visuals such as ever changing Helmets, Chest plates, Weapons, Etc. Nothing was ever the same twice!
* A great balance of challenge, and satisfaction throughout the tutorial, into the first dungeon.
*Little to no Character customization, textures were very outdated on hair and beard. Textures feel painted on, instead of free flowing.
* Graphics section of this game needs a lot of work; i.e Lots of frame rate stutter after 60FPS while turning the camera, moving your character, jumping, etc.
* Had to mess with the FPS, and Graphics to find that perfect balance where my game was not going to freak out, constantly.
* NPC's felt very stiff, and drab. They would talk, but nothing is coded for them to move their mouths.
* The Target enemy button was way too touchy (RB) on the controller to where an enemy would be right in front of me, and if you pressed the thumb stick even the slightest bit, you would target another enemy 20 feet from you.
* Mobs (Enemy Monsters, People etc.) would just randomly fly hundreds of feet into the air with the strike of a Weapon. Never to be seen, or looted again.
* The one dungeon I was in, was very bleak and bland, felt lifeless other then the Mobs that were there, along with the randomly placed traps and random Treasure Chests, but nothing else to loot really except your occasional plant.
* In game Menus are a nightmare to navigate with a Controller; i.e in the settings menu you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen, to go back to the previous menu every time, instead of being able to press a simple back button.
*Very nasty Inventory bug I encountered multiple times in 2 hours where you could not navigate out of the inventory, junk menu, or any inventory relation what so ever. Even with the Keyboard as well! You would just be stuck in the inventory until you mashed a bunch of buttons.
* Inventory buttons such as mark items for junk would randomly stop working, and even if you switch to the Keyboard, pressing H would do nothing as well.
*Could not navigate freely in the Inventory menus, had to grab side scrolling bar and pull it down with the A button every time, instead of being able to use a simple thumb stick scrolling option.
So in closing,
Just because I have given this game a Thumbs down, does not mean I hate it, or even don't recommend it. For my personal opinion, I truly am torn weather or not I would like to continue to play Dungeons Of Edera or not... It's a great game, and I have enjoyed myself, but I have also been quite frustrated as well with certain issues.
I hope this review has helped you in some way make up your own mind on weather or not this game is either a pass, or play!
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 01:37
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 01:55
1) There’s a campaign you can follow with lots of quests you can go on.
2) Movement and combat animations are solid.
3) Dying is punishing but not overly so.
4) Can choose difficulty for varying levels of rewards.
5) Lots of variety in maps and quests.
1) There’s minimal base upgrades (buy NPCs to unlock talents in the skill tree, upgrade farm plot, hire additional vendors, etc).
2) Many spells (fire tree) don’t work all the time. Sometimes you cast a spell and nothing happens.
3) Dead NPCs fly off into space.
4) F key is bound to shield bash. Can’t bind anything else to the F key. Useless when you aren’t using a shield!
5) Respecing talents is very, very expensive. Not good when you don’t know what a spell does (Is it instant or channel? Will it even work or is it one of the broken ones?)
I hope the developer keeps improving the game. I’ll keep playing but eventually the bugged spell system may make me quit. Dying to a boss due to a failed cast or wonky aiming is pretty frustrating.
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 19:08
If you like the idea of a 3rd person action RPG with procedurally generated dungeons and loot in a fantasy world of sword and sorcery with a classless leveling system, you should probably be adding this to your wishlist or buying it right now. The game is great already, the developer is actively involved with regular updates, and the potential for greatness is here.
DoE is an excellent game with a ton of potential. While I can see the comparisons to Diablo and Dark Souls mentioned by many reviewers, I don't think that description alone does the game justice (and you could easily draw parallels to other fantasy games, as well). Suffice it to say that the game exists in a fairly standard medieval fantasy setting and is primarily focused on short forays into individual missions (selected by the player from a variety of options) where objectives are completed (or failed) and tons of procedurally generated loot is procured. Death is penalized enough to keep you on your toes but is not so severe as to induce a rage quit.
Things to like about the game include:
- Procedurally generated levels
- Procedurally generated loot (so much loot)
- Varied skill tree with a seemingly classless leveling up mechanism to allow you to easily try out additional build options (talent respec available, too) -- Additional class specific talents available after unlocking additional trainers from following campaign quests (unlocked easily and fairly early)
- Punishing but not insurmountable consequences on death (lose non-soulbound items on death)
- Reasonable length game loop (15-25 minute missions/dungeons between returns to town) making it easy to jump in or out of the game as needed
- Boss battles (often optional) available at the end of every mission
- Permanent character upgrades via boons (awarded after defeating each boss)
- Story is present, but does not get in your way. You're mostly living out your own narrative through the decisions you make and the missions you choose to take
Things that could benefit from some improvement as development continues:
- Performance isn't amazing at all times, but certainly playable (especially with settings turned down) even on somewhat dated hardware (i7-3770 and a GTX 1060 seeing fairly consistent 60-90fps). Expect this to improve as optimizations and polish get added throughout Early Access.
- Quality of Life improvements to some UI elements (inventory management, etc.) would speed up some of the more common maintenance tasks, but the current state is certainly good enough to not warrant any negative feelings about the game (it's more than passable, and hasn't gotten in my way at all).
- While there is some enemy variety, more would certainly be welcomed. Not sure if this will open up more as I continue to play longer, but so far nearly all enemies are humanoid in nature (humans, goblins, orcs). I've seen a spider boss and heard rumors of trolls (but have yet to encounter any). The enemies I have encountered have been sufficiently varied (abilities, visible gear, etc.).
Being in early access, expect some small bugs and strangeness here and there, but in my first 10 hours I haven't hit anything even remotely game breaking (mostly visual glitches such as seeing the seam between dungeon segments, objects like candles hovering a little too high above the table they're sitting on, etc.). I already feel like I've gotten my money's worth and I foresee a lot of highly entertaining hours ahead of me still.
The current state of Early Access as of this review is sufficiently finished for many, many hours of enjoyment. The developer appears to be very active both with updates as well as communication with the community of players. Highly recommend this game to anyone who feels like one or more of the game's key elements would appeal to them.
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 02:49
Every session I play feels like progress because of the core systems. You receive permanent BOONS (passive buffs) after you beat the boss of each dungeon. Since this game is dungeon based, it's a lot of combat and loot. The loot & stats of items are fairly varied but it makes wondering what the next item will be exciting. On top of a BOON system, there is a talent system which allows you to spec your character a few different ways, Buffs, Magic Based Abilities, 1 Handed Weapon Skills, 2 Handed Weapon Skills, etc.
The story mode is fun which allows you to venture into new zones and towns. I've only beat the first camp which then portals you to a new zone to get new quests. It's a military castle. Combat is fun. I will say, it's nothing innovative or over the top, but it's FUN. Trash-mobs are easy, but bosses will give you a challenge. (Especially on HARD mode). The quests and zones are nothing you haven't seen before, but the simple process of slay mobs, get loot, get powerful, is satisfying.
My favorite part of this game is the art direction and character mechanics. The game reminds me of my personal early PC gaming days which hits a soft spot for me. The character you play has a perfect weight to him. The DEVS nailed it. He feels heavy like a real person, but light enough to enjoy sprinting around. The bow, sword, and magic mechanics look nice as well. It's just well done. The spells and effects on your weapons are a nice touch when you swing them.
You can't go wrong for $15 in my opinion. It's not a AAA game by any means, but so far, all the systems work and it's fun. It doesn't need to be fancy or over the top, which I appreciate. I am only at the beginning of the game, but I certainly have no intention to stop playing.
My advice is, if you like what you see, follow your gut and go for it. This game is only an ALPHA and I am excited to follow it's progress.
What i enjoy about the game:
- Reminds me of Dragons Dogma
- LOOT is fun
- BOONs are satifying to get to build character progression
- Talents Tree
- Fun and combat is to the point
- Boss at end of dungeon
- Mage companion is OP (you can hire followers)
- Ragdoll
There is other systems like crafting and gathering. You will gather while in dungeons, but I havent started crafting yet.
Like I said for $15 I know i'll be getting atleast 20 hours out of this game, probably much more to be honest depending on how deep the systems and loot are once I level up even more. I am currently level 10. To me, this style of game and it's cycle is satisfying.
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 22:23
Some areas of the gameplay are a bit floaty as I have read others say, and some hits felt like they should have landed but didn't but over all that is a minor complaint. The only other complaint I have seen through the first boss fight was that the mobs were pretty easy to kite and the AI pathing was not the best, for example I lucked out and got a decent bow to drop right at the start of the game and I was able to pretty well take out mobs from a long range by pulling them from the other side of a fence and just rain heck on them as they ran all the way around the fence without regard to their well being. They wouldn't stop for cover or hop the fence to come at me. This isn't a big gripe overall and actually was quite fun and I am sure that it is something that will get addressed as after all this is a game that is still pretty near to Early Access.
The main thing that appeals to me is that it is a loot game and it does have lots of loot. Overall I would say that for the asking price it is more than worth the money even in its current state as something just to hop in and bash some things and see some shiny loot drop. Don't expect there to be an epic story or anything like that, and I for one like it from time to time to play games that I can just hope in and do hack/slash/loot without really thinking about a story.
I like the mention that I am a Roguelike player so like most true Roguelike players, the story is really all about the emergent game play anyway. I am not sure how much emergent game play Dungeons of Edera will really have, but at least it will not really tie you up in hours of cut scenes when all you want to do is kill and loot. Anyway, I got long winded for a game that I haven't spent a lot of time with yet, but over all the game strikes me as something that I can really find myself enjoying and coming back to time and again when I just want to have quick sessions of game play.
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 20:13
The skilling is quite good and there are quite some potential builds for you to explore.
But for a title like this the most important is to have a steady supply of updates and a reasonable developer and this gets delivered in this game!
Also dev is open for ideas.
So far very satisfied with the development of this game.
2726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 10:45
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 09:10
Later in my run, I was loaded with loot and had a fire mage partner so I decided I was ready to set the difficulty to hard. I grabbed my best loot and headed for the dungeon. I was managing very well until the boss obliterated me and lost my best loot + my partner. I was totally raged and grabbed my other loot from my stash and went to another Hard dungeon, I did this like 2 more times bc I was desperately trying to gather more loot to compensate for my lost ones and was completly tilted.
So after dying like a million of times, to no one surpirse, I lost all the stuff I gathered and I was tilted af but cleared my mind and went to normal dungeons again and started farming loot again. I got myself some really good loot to use and gather a lot of extra loot to stash.
Then I decided to go to the Hard Dungeon again and finally won against the boss, I was overflowing with happiness and the best part is that all of this happened in ONLY 4 hours.
10/10 I will lose all my stuff again
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 05:22
That being said, currently, Dungeons of Edera is not a game. It feels more like someone's Unity pet project. The controls are rather clunky, and controller support is almost non-existent. The story is thrown at you quickly through dialogue, and has no real bearing on the game itself. The combo-based combat system, while fun at first, becomes repetitive very quickly due to the rather basic AI.
The levels are actually quite detailed, but none of those details add any gameplay elements. The flavorful decorations in each level are just static game objects, with no real influence on combat. Enemies spawn throughout each level, but their spawn locations don't really match each setting - in my second level, I fought a goblin and two orcs in the middle of an otherwise peaceful village.
Overall, the game looks promising with its combo-based combat, but it has a long way to go before it feels like a finished product. I don't plan to refund this game, but I would recommend against buying it until the systems are fully fleshed out.
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 00:35
First off this is another game where it would have been better had they gone the route of not including voice acting at all. I found myself laughing my ass off at some of the voice acting here. Animations are awkward and clunky. Overall, this game seems like The Elder Scroll’s IV Oblivion, but re-polished into a dungeon crawler. Though the game’s combat is far superior to oblivion's combat. So, the combat system is one of the way’s this game shines. It’s a little simplified, and for an RPG the stats need to be more and better raped around the combat. Though, the simplistic nature of it is its strong point. 3d models and art style are simply OK, there original but cliché. Game’s UI, looting mechanics, and system of giving quests I’ve seen so many times to see lack of originality and was present in the game dragon extinction of which I gave a negative review for. To break all that down into a score:
Games voice acting – 2/5:
This boarders along the lines of hilarity. Not good, but in a way that’s enjoyable. Like I said before I found myself laughing my ass off listening to it.
Animations – 3.5/5:
Not bad, but not good. Feels almost like the in-between of a cartoon on something that’s a direct representation of real life. Simply look’s funny, but does it’s job.
Combat mechanics – 8.5/10:
Really good, but not perfect. Too simplified to recommend it to someone like me, but most people will eat it up.
3d models and art style – 8/10:
There isn’t much to say here other than there original and decent, but cliché for dungeon crawlers.
UI, looting mechanics, and system of giving quests – 6.8/10:
Simply lack’s originality. I understand that studio’s cut costs by doing this, but I hope I can change what I said before and change this to a more positive score.
Overall score – 28.8/40 (can kinda recommend)
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 19:03
-companions acting weird, sometimes doesnt attack
-somehow when mobs die they flyin to sky
-from time to time mobs passing trough the wall and falls under the map (companions too)
-there is no jump:( should be
-boons might be stronger
-dropped item effects should be changed (especially the golds)
-optimization needs a little improvement
Nicht Empfohlen
1240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 01:59
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 17:35
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 16:09
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 19:24
First off, as this is an Early Access title and in an Alpha or Beta state, my review is based on that. The game does play really well for it being in development; movement and controls seem to be in a good place. The world itself seems fairly robust and I enjoy the maps. There is a very large assortment of gear, although this could be a bad thing because right now there isn't a way to really know what does what.
The magic system I wasn't really able to dive into because the only magic I had was a shield bash. The lighting can use a ton of work though. There are places where it is unusually dark, especially in what becomes your home base and that can cause you to stumble about awkwardly. The movement is awkward sometimes and you can face the wrong way when attacking even if you are facing the same way and targeting is also unreliable and doesn't work.
The campaign feels decent and the random dungeon mode gives you plenty of options to test your skills. The development seems to be fairly active and there were some patches done between when I was offered the game and when I did my playthough. The price is good if you consider the fact that you are getting a full campaign and a randomized mode and future expansions for free as far as I can tell. Giving it a recommend as it has plenty of good things going for it.
My playthrough is on Youtube to help you decide for yourself if this is the game for you :)
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257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 22:49
Its not done. Period. It has basic combat down. you swing a few times and then your character does a finishing move on its own and adds some gore. It's very repetitious. The story line is like a 15 year old wrote it. After slogging thru a hundred or so regular mobs you will come across a rare mob who is insanely different , some can 2 shot you, some have teleport or suddenly theres a tank/healer who you cant down or a caster beyond what you can kill.
It needs alot of work. The Camera for combat constantly has me spinning around and makes me dizzy after an hour of play. The hit boxes are way off thanks to the combat finishers.
This game has the bare bones and I do mean bare bones to being a decent game with alot of work. However at its current progress its only worth about 5 bucks at most and knowing what I know now I'd maybe spend 3 on it.
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285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 17:47
Seems like it can be fun, but I found the controls to be quite clunky. Tab target barely works, for some reason I always target the furthest of the group. Seem to get stuck on a lot of environmental objects which can be very annoying when you are moving around in combat.
Maybe I will check this out another time in the future if there are any updates.
Nicht Empfohlen
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 00:25
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 15:26
its still pretty early in development but there is lots to do and good combat fun
thumbs up
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 02:56
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164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 18:36
Thoughts and impressions:
not bad, but definitely needs balancing
It feels like an old school single player MMO, but not open world.
hit boxes can be weird, when using ranged and close to a barrel. You'll magically hit the barrel instead of your intended target
tons of loot, though most seems pretty garbage
simplistic combat, especially if you get a box... you can just shoot most enemies and not have to be engaged in melee
enemies move very slow, making the game pretty easy
skill tree is very basic almost pointless
character creation is not good, only a few options and one gender.
graphics are a little better than the initial start screen shows. It's not bad.
character movement is pretty decent. There's no lock-on targeting and turning while running feels Destiny-ish (if you know what that means).
Quests just throw you in an instanced dungeon or map which seem the same.
physics can be hilarious - NPC's flying after being killed and when walking on uneven surfaces your character appears to be walking at odd angles
the finishing moves, while initially cool, can be a bane when you're fighting multiple enemies since you can be hit during this auto/forced move.
equiping gear is not as easy as you would think - sometimes things disappear. Equiping rings was interesting as you cannot drag and drop to equip, you have to unequip an item completely to create an open slot.
things I'd like to see:
consistent hit boxes
possibly rerolling gear
adding slots
engaging quests/story
To my dismay, the core gameplay loop is repetitive and boring. I want to like it and you may enjoy it if you just want to have zero balance and challenge. Though, even with that, I don't think it's enjoyable enough. I was on the fence about 1.5 hours in, but now almost doubling it, I found myself pretty much done.
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 02:49
This game is superb in every way so far i am astounded by the super high standard the devs have set and achieved in every aspect of the game so far i have always wanted this game finally someone is making it i could kiss them!
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 12:05
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 15:10
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 23:11
Simple formula. Enter dungeon, get loot, repeat.
First play through was way to easy, didn't find it challenging but once i hit the insane it became challenging.
Would I recommend this game?
Yes, but not in it's current state, it's quite buggy and still has a long way to go.
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 02:42
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 07:49
Early game loot drops feels and looks like end game gear, which ruins the experience for me entirely, when I got a huge ass axe with 7 or 8 different attribute increases (+2 strength etc.) I lost my motivation to play entirely.
This kind of game is, to me, *all* about how ones base and character develops over time, and seeing the apperance of ones character change as one grows stronger, is a big part of the fun.
Other than that, solid game and I will still recommend it.
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 00:07
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535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 19:44
Dungeons of Edera
Dungeons of Edera is a game that looks promising but unfortunately fell short to what its trying to achieve. If you like a relaxing game that doesn't require much thought and just slash some Goblins down then this game is for you. The controls is smooth and responsive. Dishing out those combos is so satisfying but the buggy skills ruin it. Some abilities makes your character stand still and get stuck in animation. You'll end up wanting to rely on your normal attacks for everything. The archery can sometimes feel awkward when the camera angle gets in the way and you miss your arrows due to weird hitboxes.
The talent tree feels dead. Abilities that are way too generic and the passives don't lead to different builds or playstyle and is just there to pad your base stats. A lot of perks in the game lacks basic information and has unnecessary tooltip added instead. The story is uninteresting and is still in the works. It's 2 hours of content that if you're fast enough, you can even finish it and refund the game.
Overall, the game just lacks motivation to play however I do believe it could lead to a promising game when it gets out of early access. The game has a roadmap posted in Discord and is frequently updated but right now, it is just not worth your money and you could get much better games for the same price.
! End of Review !
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 12:37
On the main menu screen, you will have the option of two Game Modes, Campaign and Dungeon Runner. Dungeon Runner Mode allows you to jump straight into the dungeons with a random character. You’ll be able to unlock every talent, while death is permanent, however, 15% of any gold collected is transferred to your stash.
The Campaign Mode will take you through the story of Dungeons of Edera. For years the Oswary Empire has ruled the continent of Edera. They kept peace among the numerous factions who lived within the borders of Edera with fair leadership and representation. However, as time went by the Emperors became corrupted with greed and power, peace did not last for long. Campaign after campaign for new lands and wealth were made by the Oswary Empire, demanding more and more from their subjects until they reached a point of no return. The factions of the north come together and march into the heartland of the empire to put an end to the greed and power of the Oswary Empire.
Chapter One - Forgotten Grudges begins with you being asked if you’re ok, and told to go check to see if there is anyone else left alive. Scovis also tells you to see what you can salvage and gives you a weapon taken from the Oswary dogs who may still be around in the area. You can ask some questions to Scovis about what is currently happening, which will help you understand what is going off. Your first goal is to search the town for survivors, from here is the tutorial which will explain what to do.
After completing your first goal of looking for survivors and dispatching any Oswary troops you come across Scovis asks you if you want revenge for your parent's deaths. You have the choice of Yes or No, I’m not sure what happens if you say No as I chose Yes because who wouldn’t want to avenge your parent’s. Scovis has military experience but he’s not a spring chicken anymore unlike you but with his help he’ll show you how to wage war against the Oswary.
From this point you’ll be able to customise your character, you have the choice of three Factions, the Arbidum, Sufract and Wakara. You can customise your characters features, Head, Face, Eye Colour, Hair and Name or you can randomise how your character looks. You can also choose your clothes, Top and Pants and whether or not you want to play in Hardcore mode. Once you have finished customising your character you find yourself in what will become your base camp. New characters will appear here which you can interact with, buy items, training, hire folks to accompany you as you travel into the dungeons.
Scovis is one of the characters you can interact with, talking with him will allow you to do quests which follows the games story. The quests he offers you will have some information about what you must do and the rewards you’ll gain for completing the quest. There are also three Difficulty levels Easy, Medium and Hard. Depending on the difficulty you choose will determine the rewards you’ll gain. Selecting Easy you’ll gain two hundred Experience points and Fifty Gold and a random Common Item. While selecting medium difficulty will gain you three hundred Experience Points and Seventy-Five Gold and a random Uncommon Item. Hard will give you four hundred Experience Points and one hundred Gold and a random Rare Item. You can find more quests on the notice board when it’s available and you may find some characters require you to do a quest for them.
In the top left corner of the screen you’ll find your Health, Stamina and Mana status bars. Your current objectives are below your health etcetera. Along the bottom of your screen is your current Weapons, Off-Hand Item (Shield and Wands) Quick Slots for your Potions and Skills.
There are different types of weapons you can use, one-handed like or two-handed along with bows and off-hand weapons. Not all weapon types are available to you right away, such as bows or some two-hand weapons. You will have to unlock these types as you progress by hiring new character which can train you to use those weapons.
While you’re out on a quest and defeating enemies, they’ll may be drop weapons, armour, gold, rings or amulets. You can collect these and store them in a chest back at base camp. However, if you should die then you’ll lose any items collected including any weapons or items you have equipped to your character. You can only carry so much before you become over cumbered, if this happens then you’ll moving slowly until you reduce your load.
As you progress collecting experience points your character will level up. Each time they level up you’ll gain Talent Points, you can use these points in one of four Talents (abilities) categories, Common, Arbidum, Sufract and Wakara. You can also gain Perks (Boons), you can gain these by defeating a Boss of a dungeon and then activating a Shrine. Hidden somewhere in the dungeon is a swirling ball of light, this is the gateway to the Boss.
The options consist of Video - Window Mode, V-Sync, Dynamic Resolution, FPS, Resolution Scale and Gamma. Graphics - Motion Blur, View Distance, Antialiasing Quality, Shadows, Post Process, Texture Quality, Effects Quality and Foliage Quality. Mouse & Keyboard - Sensitivity, Invert Mouse, Keybinds. General - Language (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portugues.
+ Looks good
+ Multiple combat styles
+ Plenty of quests
+ Lots of loot
+ Has achievements
- Had the game crash on me once
- Can be frustrating at times
- No cards currently
Restore Edera to its former glory, take on the Oswary Empire and battle hordes of monster as you crawl through the Dungeons of Edera.
Key provided by developer/publisher for review purposes via THE CPT FROGGY CLUB!
Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
For more reviews, great game giveaways and much more.
Come join us @ and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group
Come join us @ and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group
675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 03:37
Most importantly it is fun to play.
Combat = ****
Loot = ****
Controls = ***
NPCs = ****
Enemy AI = ***
Story = *****
Ambiance = *****
Third person Diablo is a quick way to describe Dungeons of EDERA. Easily worth EA, due to replay value, but if we get to see this game grow, this could be a true gem.
Thank You Devs, please do not slack off on this one.
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 03:19
The combat is pretty good. The loot system seems balanced. Just the occasional game crash and enemy soldiers getting stuck in walls but I expected as much from early access. This game is very fast paced and once you get your bearings its nothing like the videos showing someone sitting still and swinging. I hate comparing every game to darksouls but this game feels like a faster and easier version. But death is just as punishing if not more. I lost a few items just experimenting with combat but overall I loved the experience.
Some notes:
Sprinting currently doesn't use stamina and I hope it stays this way!
I love how easy it is to hover over items on the floor and pick them up without any annoying pickup animation.
I'm on the fence about adding some kind of way to soulbind your items. I like the thought of not losing items when you die but I also love the risk of losing it with every instance.
I give this early access game 4/5 stars. More polished than most EA games on release.
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 12:06
Up until now, I am really glad I bought it. I am very pleased with the overall quality of gameplay, visuals, writing and even voice acting (that I didn't expect somehow!).
Controls are quite fine, for sure they can be improved, but that's what EA is also for. I also hope enemies AI will evolve a bit with time, but I can totally see myself finishing this game, probably more than once.
Now, without further words, I am back to playing as I itch to explore more of this beautiful world. I will write more about it on this same review later.
611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 03:01
Feel like they are trying to take darksouls combat against zombie INT level monsters, diablo loot and semi hardcore and blend them toguether. Being an early release it is not bad at all could see this being a decent mobile game if played on dongen run mode.Got hooked on the loot aspect of it, can see myself having a lot of fun if it were co-op.
Would really like to see them how much better this can get.
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 22:09
Dungeons of Edera is FUN.
I've played a bit of the Alpha, and will update this review as I play more of the game, but I wanted to provide an organic viewpoint of the game as I play it; so, more to come of course.
You spawn in your camp (after you customize your character a bit if you want), gear up, maybe take a mercenary with you, spend any talent points you have unlocked, select a quest, and go.
No wandering around trying to find the quest entrance, nop, in this game, directions are precise, so it cuts out the boring bits of walking/hiking/riding to where the action is, the game takes you right to the action; The Dungeon. And The Dungeon might not be some dark, subterranean hellhole, it might be an overgrown ruined hellhole, or some frigid snowy field of crumbling fortifications and slaughter, or other Dungeon hellscape area ripe with vile monsters for the slaughter. YES!
So you arrive at The Dungeon, and begin your Slaughter of creatures most foul; and it Feels so Good. The Combat Feels Good.
The Controls and Combat feel a bit like Dark Souls; not as granular perhaps, but Very Fun. But I think the clearer influence on this game is even older.
Playing the game, I got a massive sense of Diablo, the first one. The Town is the safe place, The Dungeons are the bad (and fun) place. Loot and gold explode out of monsters and chests, items and gear upgrades are everywhere, and when you die (and you WILL die) you spawn back in town with your talents and Lvl, but absent your stuff, just like Diablo. That is what this game is, 3rd person Diablo, and it is Awesome!
You combine all that Awesomeness with Great Third person Combat, Flashy and Explosive spell effects, and Meta Progression, and, really, How can you say no to that?!
Compared to the Alpha, the game optimization is improved, less frame rate drops when rounding a corner, when lots of particle effects are on screen, stuff like that.
There's also a Campaign mode now, and a nice intro story, presented in comic style. This is in addition to the Dungeon Runners Mode, which starts you with a random character, death is permanent in this mode, but transfers 15% of found gold to your stash in you camp.
Note: Dungeons of Edera is currently in Early Access, but also note, Early Access does not mean not Fun. :)
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 20:52
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92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 10:29
The good:
* A lot of loot, I like the randomised stats on items, always makes you push your luck
* Talents & boons adds personality to your character
* Game looks good, not amazing by any means but for a small team they've done a good job. There is room for improvement though.
* I like the cheapness of it, reminds me of Dungeon Runners from years ago which had a similar art style.
The Bad
* Ranged is incredibly OP as you can easily kite any boss without ever receiving damage. Adding a movement speed reduction while using bows might easily solve the problem.
* Combat is too simple, weapons have almost no differences between each other. Different attack animations & move sets for each weapon would increase the build variety in the game.
* Enemies should have more attack patterns. Almost all of them are doing the same thing. Perhaps adding skills they sometimes use could turn combat into more of a challenge.
* Level designs are really bland, a lot of long corridors all around. I get that it is randomly generated but there has to be some more thought put behind it.
* NPCs looks like nightmare fuel, so does the animations (Not a big issue but can be worked on later on)
* Need more customisation on the character which is a given since it is EA game
Yes game has potential but it will require a lot of hard work. The scope is really big so I'm not sure if the devs will be able to manage to bring out a more refined product by the end of it. However I will not completely rule out buying the game. I think it is fairly priced and can provide you a few hours of good fun until you get bored. If some of the issues are fixed I can see myself changing the review to positive.
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 23:45
++Roguelite with ARPG combat system
++Diablo like talent tree that allows multispecing
++Good variety of loot and environments
+Progressive campaign even if your character dies
+Good graphics for indie
+Fairly bug free
--Needs more variety in enemies and armors
--Had a few FPS drops, probably needs more optimization
-Minimap needs improvement and way bigger view
Overall, having a blast so far, will update as I get further into game
2764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 15:25
Monster Tooth Studios
Monster Tooth Studios
Unreal Engine 4
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos