• Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.
  • Dungeon Of Dragon Knight: Screen zum Spiel Dungeon Of Dragon Knight.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.01.2019
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Preis Update 17.05.24

Über das Spiel

Background Story
You take on the role of a four person party after your hometown was attacked by orcs. As a last resort, you fled into an unknown forest. Suddenly, a witch appears in front of you, pointing to a house not far away, saying she can provide food, water, and a place to rest. However, upon arriving at the house, the woman disappeared. Before entering, you find that it is in fact a cave. Then you're informed by a note that the witch needs you to enter the cave and find the Dragon Knight, Sowen, who has a magical weapon that he intends on using to open the Gates of Hell. So you descend into the dungeon and begin your search for the Dragon Knight and the powerful weapon he possesses, hoping to stop him before he puts an end to the world.

Owner of the Dragonslayer tavern, Rula
Once upon a time... I think you are quite familiar with this kind of legend. What I want to mention is that your client, Lula, is a mysterious and beautiful lady. During the exploration you can visit her tavern.

To survive the dungeon
Fire guides you:
The most terrible nightmare in the dungeon is getting lost. To make the situation worse, fire is going out. You'll feel a growing sense of isolation and loneliness as you trek through the dark tunnels. Thanks to our designer, you have access to this exciting and life-like exploration in DODK.
Speaking of spells:
The magic system uses a series of six runes that can be combined with one another to create more complicated spells. They are not just on a list. You have to use trial and error to figure out what each combination does.
Keep stones and carry on:
Puzzle solving is another major feature of the game. You will face increasingly challenging puzzles during the exploration. As an ancient saying goes: "Where there is a stone, there is a way." When confused, use your stone.


  • CPU: Core i3
  • GFX: GTX650 or RX 350
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch, Chinesisch
  • CPU: Core i5
  • GFX: GTX 970 or RX 470
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch, Chinesisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

969 Produkte im Account
229 Reviews
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 21:39
356 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 17:06
Klassischer Dungeon Crawler im Stil von Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder und Legend of Grimrock mit allem was dazu gehört. Sehr abwechslungsreich, da hier mit Rätseln über mehrere Ebenen hinweg gearbeitet wird und das ganze dadurch teilweise sehr labyrinthmäßig aufgebaut ist und man ohne Automap aufgeschmissen wäre. Hat mir sehr gut gefallen!
192 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 14:50
Ein Mini-Grimrock für 20 Stunden Spielzeit. Die Komplexität der Puzzles ist überschaubar. Es gibt 5 Charakterklassen, wobei man mit Krieger / Magier / Kleriker / Waldläufer gehen sollte. Der Kriegsherr taugt einfach nicht. Er ist eine Mischung aus den anderen 4 Charakteren. Er kann die Waffen und Rüstungen des Kriegers verwenden, kann mit Nahkampfwaffe + Bogen gleichzeitig angreifen (ja sehr logisch... ) und hat die Feuermagie des Magiers und die Dunkelmagie des Klerikers. Ihm fehlt jedoch der Spezialangriff des Kriegers und hat zum Zaubern zu wenig Mana, wenn man ihm Platte anzieht und dafür auf Stärke investieren muss. Ohne den Spezialangriff kann man aber gleich rein mit dem Bogen ballern, da man etliche Monster mit normalen Nahkampfangriffen gar nicht trifft. Die Waffen- und Rüstungsauswahl ist ziemlich bescheiden. Der Kleriker hat eigentlich keine eigene Rüstung, sondern verwendet die gleiche wie der Magier. Die Anzahl der Zaubersprüche passt und ist ausreichend. Für die 10 Euro kann man es sich holen und es ist ein netter Zeitvertreib für Freunde dieser Grid Dungeon Crawler.
343 Produkte im Account
287 Reviews
2820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 11:29
Dungeon of Dragon Knight (v1.0142)



+ Grid-based Dungeon Crawler
+ Rassen: neben den klassischen Menschen, Zwergen und Elfen, kommen noch die exotischen Drachenblut dazu (humanoide Drachen)
+ Klassen: Krieger, Waldläufer, Kleriker, Magier und Kriegsherr (eine Art Kämpfer-Magier)
+ klassischer Grafikstil und nicht dieser bunte comicartige Mist den man sonst so sieht
+ Fackeln in Fackelhaltern erzeugen sogar einen richtigen Schattenwurf
+ freies Umschauen (rechte Maustaste)
+ vertonte Kommentare der eigenen Charaktere je nach Situation oder Ereignis, was ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Dungeon Crawlern ist
+ stimmige Geräuschkulisse bis Ebene 8 (siehe dazu auch unter Negatives)
+ Traglast
+ klassische Schalter, Bodenplatten, Schlüssellöcher, Teleporter
+ Klingensturm als Rundumangriff (Krieger) und Überraschender Angriff für erhöhten Schaden gegen ein Einzelziel (Waldläufer)
+ während Kämpfen und Zaubern ist man nicht unbeweglich an Ort und Stelle gebunden (eine Unsitte einiger neuerer Dungeon Crawler)
+ Wurfwaffen und Geschosse werden automatisch eingesammelt wenn man drüber läuft (sehr nützlich!)
+ Hunger
+ zerstörbare Einrichtungsgegenstände die auch Barrieren darstellen
+ Fallen: Falltüren, Dornenfalle, Fallgrube, Zermalmer, Sägefalle, Truhen mit Sprengfalle
+ klassische Monsterarten wie Riesenratten und ebenso riesige Schaben, Gallerte, Skelettmonster, Minotauren, Mimic, Gargoyle usw. (wenn auch insgesamt zu wenige)
+ Dungeon-Rätsel
+ übersichtliche Karte inklusive nützlicher Stecknadeln und Notizfunktion (so gehört sich das)
+ Taverne zum Kaufen und Verkaufen, die über Portale erreicht werden kann
+ spezielle und anspruchsvolle Arena Dungeon Abschnitte mit nachspwanenden Monstern
+ Charismawert hat Einfluss auf die Preise
+ zusätzlicher alternativer Oldschool Modus ohne Karte
+ eigene Portraits können eingefügt und dann im Spiel genutzt werden
+ ordentliche Spielzeit von etwa 35 Stunden für alle 12 Ebenen
+ Editor für selbstgenerierte Level



- Steam-Cover (da hätte man echt was besseres aussuchen können)
- Rassen sind nicht gebalanced (Drachenblut zu viele Vorteile und Elfen haben zu wenig)
- miserable Klassenbeschreibungen
- Rüstungsklasse errechnet sich aus Geschick (was ok ist) und Intelligenz (was Quatsch ist)
- bei der Erschaffung ein Attribut von 10 auf 11 zu setzen kostet genauso viel wie es von 19 auf 20 zu setzen
- bei eigenen Porträts sind die Begleiterkommentare leider deaktiviert
- ab Ebene 9 bis 12 plötzlich keine Hintergrundsoundkulisse mehr(!)
- zu kurze und nichts-sagende Beschreibungen der gefundenen Gegenstände
- zu wenig unterschiedliche Monster (9 an der Zahl) die auch spätestens in etwa Ebene 4 alle bekannt sind
- Monster können nicht unter Türen zerquetscht werden (Stichwort Dungeon Master)
- hölzerne Türen können nicht eingeschlagen werden (auch hier wieder der Blick zu Dungeon Master)
- Goldmengen sind viel hoch (statt 1 Goldmünze findet man gleich 1.000 davon, so dass man hier unnötig hohe Zahlen hat)
- ab Stufe 15 (etwa der Mitte des Spiels) konnte ich immer alles im Laden kaufen, was es gab
- nur vier unterschiedliche Dungeon-Hintergründe ist heutzutage einfach nicht zeitgemäß
- im Spiel selbst befindet sich keinerlei Story abseits des Intros und des Outros
- auf Stufe 27 hat man alle Talente erlernt die einem zur Verfügung stehen, was so nicht sein sollte (am Ende war ich auf Stufe 30)
- Mangel an Höhepunkten



DoDK ist ein klassischer Dungeon Crawler der alten Schule. Man sollte natürlich kein Legend of Grimrock erwarten. Das größte Problem ist die schlicht fehlende Geschichte innerhalb des Dungeons. Die Entwickler sind zudem nicht nur textscheu, sondern auch nicht wirklich textbegabt. Die Lichtstimmung im Dungeon, die auch tolle Schattenwürfe beherrscht, gefielen mir wieder sehr, und auch die (englische) Vertonung der Gruppenkommentare hab ich so noch in keinem Dungeon Crawler gesehen. Alles in Allem würde ich sagen dass das Spiel trotz der aufgeführten negativen Punkte noch zu den besseren Spielen dieser Art gehört.
Fans von Grid-based Dungeon Crawlern ist das Spiel sehr zu empfehlen. Deshalb von mir auch einen Daumen nach oben. Alle anderen, die fremd in diesem Genre sind, werden mit dem Spiel aber vermutlicher eher weniger Spaß haben.

Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid, dann folgt meiner Gruppe.
1925 Produkte im Account
419 Reviews
1842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.19 17:13
Konkurrenz für Legend of Grimrock!

Ja, es kann wirklich gut mithalten.
Am Anfang dauert es ein wenig bis man rein kommt, aber dann nimmt das Spiel richtig Fahrt auf und die Levels werden anspruchsvoller, interessanter, auch die Kämpfe werden zahlreicher und spannender.
Man könnte fast von einem Klon sprechen, weil das Kampfsystem etc. doch sehr ähnlich aufgebaut ist.
Vorteil ist man findet sich leicht zurecht.
Die Rätsel und Laufeinlagen sind zum Glück nicht ganz so extrem fordernd, dafür bekommt man durch mehr Gegner auch mehr Erfahrungspunkte, wodurch man quasi am Ende alle Skills aufgewertet bekommt.
Das finde ich so sogar besser, da man mehrere Waffentypen und Zauber ausprobieren kann und man nicht wegen einem Laufrätsel die Segel streichen muss.
Die Grafik ist gut, Gegner, Leveldesign etc. auch alles gut gelungen.
Spielzeit ist gut, Kaufpreis dafür wirklich günstig.

Fazit: unbedingt kaufen! :-)
249 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.19 15:41
Für den Preis ein wirklich sehr guter Dungeon Crawler der alten Schule der gut aussieht und einen stimmigen Soundtrack hat.
2825 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.19 18:27
Ich möchte das Spiel wirklich mögen. Stimmungsvolle Musik, nette Rätsel, unnette Gegner. (Ladezeiten erträglich und das Spiel ist wirklich stabil) Nur wenn ich den Level zum 5ten Mal nach einem fehlenden Schlüssel durchsuche und trotzdem nicht finde, dann bleibt der Spass, den ich bisher wirklich hatte (>8h) Aktuell müsste ich dem Spiel ein neutral geben, was nicht möglich ist. Da er trotz Allem viel Spass gemacht hat gibt's erstmal einen Daumen hoch und ich hoffe, dass sich ab der Sucherei noch etwas ändert.
271 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 10:05
Finally I started to play this game (got it in a slae some time back) and at first I really liked it. But I started to wonder, why I rarle do damage with my fighter and why spells can miss or why there is such a great range in damage for spells (sometimes the same spell hits for 25+ damage, then again it only hits for 7).
I started to read the discussions, because I thought, that you probably can raise your accuracy by a stat (or something else).
But it seems like this game is bugged. Read some reports where melee chars often do 0 damage (as is the same case with my party). That's a shame, really! I don't know how people finish this game. Maybe this bug doesn't show for everybody or those people, who finish the game just brtue force through it (maybe magic/ranged attacks only?).
But I have too many unplayed games in my library to do that, so I will turn my back on this one.
A shame, really. It looked promising!
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 18:59
Great dungeon crawler! Eye of the Beholder meets Grimrock - highly recommend.
500 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 11:22
Could be a nice Dungeon Crawler but combat is broken because all melee attacks do 0 damage (or critical hits) and this didn't get fixed within at least 1,5 years. Perhaps it was broken from the beginning and fixing it would mean to rebalance the whole game because you still can beat it by using arrows, rocks and spells... but the whole immersion is gone when your damage dealers with their big swords and hammers have to throw sticks and stones to deal damage...
1952 Produkte im Account
307 Reviews
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 08:29
It is a good game but the early levels + straight out blasphemous idea of a 'tavern' you can teleport to any time you want to do trading is just something many of the reviews are unable to stomach. Got to admit myself this looked so bad and as a result the first two levels in the game is really weak and really grinds on your motivation as you realize this is no Grimrock. But keep on going and you notice around levels 3-4 that the game sure tries it's best and the going gets better and in no time the dungeonmaster vibes start to come. Just don't expect to experience that much terror from monsters creeping on you or dying of hunger (yes you can even create food with magic).

A pretty decent attempt now as i go towards end game. I really do question the decisions the makers have done as they tried to break the formula but end result is a bit sub-par. Nevertheless even though this is no Grimrock it is a pretty decent attempt to imitate one. I have seen much much worse games than this so worth a buy on a sale.
398 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 16:25
This game looked like a decent approach to dungeon crawling which is why I bought it (love dungeon crawlers).
However, it seems to be just unfinished. There are some more or less game breaking bugs (e.g. melee only does 0 damage most of the time) and some very poor design choices (Arena - if you ever go there, you will know what I am talking about).
In the end, I deinstalled the game after the first complete level because I could not go on. Shame. Seems it is unsupported for now, too.
754 Produkte im Account
356 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 19:00
DODK is a classic Dungeon Crawler, grid based, party of 4, mimics and the minimum of D&D-plot starters. This is all well and fine, but it failed to get me. In Legend of Grimrock, I was invested almost immediately, while LoG2 repelled me in the second level by introducing spiders hopping in my face. The developer was so nice as to confirm for me, that THERE ARE NO SPIDERS in DODK. Really big plus!
On the other hand, I didn't feel my attacks make an impact, I didn't know what I did wrong sometimes, and though death isn't too punishing with liberal checkpoints/autosaves, I quit on my second death three levels down and won't return. It looks good, but doesn't feel good for me.
Solid dungeon crawler, just not for me.

Follow my curator at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/28337205-Fair-Minded-Witness/
142 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 02:03
This game was fun thanks
139 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 19:24

Dungeon of Dragon Knight is a good solid dungeon crawler. If you like classic dungeon crawlers then this game is definitely for you but if they are not really you're thing then probably best to give it a miss.


Dungeon of Dragon Knight is a good solid dungeon crawler with a decidedly “old school” feel despite being quite a modern game. The graphics and sound are up to modern standards and at the time of writing (about 18 months after release) the game is still being supported and updated by the developers.

The gameplay is pretty good and the levels reasonably well designed. The difficulty level of the puzzles is about correct to be able to play the game without constantly having to refer to a walk-through whilst still being challenging enough to require some thought. On the other hand the plot (which is never a strong point of dungeon crawlers) is eminently forgettable.

In some ways I was a little disappointed by this game. Whilst it does the basics well there is nothing new or innovatory about this game and there is a fine line between “classic old school” and “retreading old ground” and just occasionally this game seems to veer onto the wrong side of the line. The magic system is also a little limited and spellcasters tend to end using 1 or possibly 2 spells for the entire game but the ability to “summon” food is an interesting one and takes the stress out of hunger management if struggling for a while with a puzzle.

My other main criticism is with the characters or rather lack there of. A few more variations in terms of both character race/class and visual appearance would have increased the replay value of the game which is rather lacking as it stands.

As it is quite a new game there are no issues to report. It runs”straight out of the box” with no issues or messing around and there aren't any bugs that I have found.

Overall the game is pretty good value and competitively priced but as with most things on Steam look out for offers and sales. The main thing it is lacking is re-playability. I've played through and complete the game once and enjoyed it but I don't think I'll be going back of another run through as there just isn't that much variation.
890 Produkte im Account
141 Reviews
2697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 06:48
Definitely Old School grid-based dungeon crawling. Very intuitive control. You can't go wrong with this game. A lot of thought has gone into the layout of the dungeons. The sound effects are very good. 9/10.
31 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 21:44
Plug n Play Dungeon Crawler. No frills, but the basics are done very well. Gold & loot distribution, graphics, voice acting all high points that make the $12-15 perfectly fair. Not very challenging but it absolutely hits the sweet spot for anybody looking to burn a weekend squinting their eyes descending down a monster & trap filled dimly lit old school dungeon.
62 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 20:47
just a few inputs on this game:
* Definitely inspired by Grimrok series which is appreciated.
* Awkward chat function: i'm not getting the value of it and, moreover, it is not clear how it works? It is not a real-time one, you able to face your own messages based on the current location.
* Unclear attributes grid: there is no visible and straight impact of stats on damage, chance to hit, etc figures.
* Weak combat system: consequently from the previous point, you just can't figure out what has an impact on your party damage. 'Zero' hits are super common.
* Overal UI slowness: falls, hits, movements are not smooth and have a visible delay.
* Straightforward map design: at harts, this is exactly what you should expect from dungeon crawler.
* Magic is worthless: self-explanatory. Moreover, it is not convenient to use it as combat is actually real-time,
130 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 18:39
Nice throwback to the days of Eye of the Beholder with contemporary graphics. If you want it hardcore you can cast via runes (need scrolls to find out what combos are what) and play without automap.
Great game!
880 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 14:45
I bought this in the grid crawler bundle, I picked one at random to play first.
Once I was in and loaded with a party I pretty quickly noticed the sheer clunkyness of the game. I figured I happened to pick the oldest of the games, then I checked the store page and it's not even a year old.
There is such a disjoint of what you see on screen and what is actually happening.
I'll probably finish this one but I'm going to play the other ones first.
2802 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 09:54
It's about 20 hours of game play. It finishes before it gets boring and there is a good split between puzzles and combat. The food aspect adds nothing and gets a bit annoying but food is cheap and money is plentyful and the rest of the game is a fun way to spend a weekend
873 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 07:26
6.5/10 - Similar to other games in this genre. Don't expect quality of life stuff other than option to play with in-game map. Character portraits and class designs are very average at best. Magic system disappointing. There are only a tiny few monster types in this game all with the same moves. They can all be beaten by the strafe or moving back and forth before they attack lands.
Only give this a try if it's on sale for a few dollars.
33 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 21:10
This game actually has what every other dungeon crawler lacks... a left-click attack for the whole party!
240 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 05:23
One of my favorite dungeon crawlers over the last couple years. It just gets everything right. Good puzzles that don't require a guide, a steady pace, good atmosphere with the music/sounds, and the perfect length. 23 hours is about right for this type of game...lately I've been seeing crawlers that you can beat in 6-10 hours. DODK gives you plenty of content for your money.

The ending paves way for a sequel, and I hope it happens. The story is not original at all, and the broken English translation doesn't do much to hold the story together. I am confident if the series continues, it will be even better than the first one.

Great job by this small team putting together an old school, yet accessible crawler!
186 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 15:46
Finished the game this morning and sighed in relief. I am happy to have supported the developer and there were some moments of enjoyment, but in retrospect, I would have preferred to spend my time on something else. I enjoyed it as a dungeon crawler and most of the puzzles were fun/challenging, but the overall feel was off... Might be my age, but the lack of story, unexplained mechanics, monotony of monsters & equipment, and lack of discernible goal/# of levels greatly detracted. The game became a chore for me to finish so I could move on and I feel no desire to head back to find any more achievements. I got 20+ hours of entertainment for $8, so if you are hungry for a dungeon crawl, get it while it's still on sale. Anyway, on to something new! Cheers!
729 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 21:42
The story...nothing much to talk about there, your standard intro and ending once you finished the game. Not that you will care about them. Characters races and classes are limited, and most items/spells don't have any in depth description.
My mage can just spam 1 basic arcane spell throughout the game as it does the same dmg as the higher tier spell and also uses less mana. For melee, sometimes enemies will just get hit for 0 dmg or immune but any range/thrown weapons can just hit them without problem. A lot of things aren't explained and you need to take a guess at them or consult any of the guides available or just ask the developer in the steam discussion board

You can say that the game is not as polished as the others or have some questionable choices in their design, there are still some bugs, minor annoyance as well as exploits in the game as well. A major annoyance for me is the tavern, using the tavern is a chore, items bought are sent to your storage instead of to your characters so you will need to access another menu to transfer from your storage to the character , same goes for selling items.

The game engine itself also seems to be more resource hungry than other games in the genre. It only seems to be playable for me on the lowest settings without any slowdown when moving. You can say its my slightly older PC but I did not encounter this in others on the Grid-Based Crawling Bundle.

Its not all bad but I can't fully recommend this game because of all this. Hopefully the developer's next project will be better as it is heading in the right direction for a dungeon crawler.
46 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 17:50
if you enjoyed grimrock you will like this too
564 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 05:02
I've been itching for a good Legend of Grimrock game since Grimrock 2 and, well, this ain't it.

The combat is clunky as hell, the voiceover is like an extremely bored William Shatner, and there's a ton of traps that will blow your entire party to bits unless you either avoid most treasure chests, unexplored rooms, and so on... or save-scum like there's no tomorrow.

Save your money guys. Its not worth it.
1100 Produkte im Account
201 Reviews
1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 20:08
Certainly does the trick for that old School dungeon crawler feeling.

I haven't played much yet, but it seems pretty casual so far. And that's the way I like it. Puzzles not to complex, a good map system and secrets you can find. It's also fun to go to the tavern and sell or buy things, don't really like the food system but that is a design choice I guess.

The graphics are pretty good, if a bit samey and the sound is OK but I turned of the dialogue pretty soon (sounds like little kids wanting those items).

So far, I would give this game a highly recommended. However based on time played I may update my review in the future.
186 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.19 01:48
Overall I have had a good time playing but not something that I will play multiple times like LOG. There is a lot to love and a lot that they could have done better.
Get to make your party
a lot of secrets
portal to a shop ( that updates as you play and find secrets)
fluid battle system
felt like I get my moneys worth
i liked some of the puzzles

you only need to focus on your main stats and they are not well explained
repetitive monster types
scrolls lack any explanation or use, you unlock the spell automatically once you get the node unlocked
Monsters never feel very threatening
my dwarf cleric cannot wear light armor
story was meh

Over all I had fun, I did buy the game on sale. If there was a second one I would look into it. If you are very critical as a someone who loves this type of game but has high expectations maybe you should pass. if you love this type of game and can look past a small studio trying hard but making a few mistakes to create an above average game then pick it up.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.19 10:35
This game has good start, however after a while it becomes repetitive. It only has few different monster,weapons etc. Design of the dungeons also not change much.

On the other hand, it has cool mechanics like hunger, many secrets, portal to a shop. So if there will be a sequel to this game, i believe it will be more playable
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
75.78% 97 31
Release:22.01.2019 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: HexGameStudio Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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