Duke Nukem Forever
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Über das Spiel

Doch dann kommt alles ganz anders: Wieder mal bedrohen bösartige Außerirdische die Menschheit - schon müssen Sie in Duke Nukem Forever zu Ihren Waffen greifen, um diese zu beseitigen.
Viel mehr ist leider noch nicht bekannt.
2K Games und Gearbox Software haben bekanntgegeben, dass es nicht mehr lange dauert, bis Duke Nukem Forever 2011 offiziell das langersehnte Debüt auf dem Xbox 360 Videospiel- und Entertainment-System von Microsoft, dem PlayStation 3 Computer-Entertainment-System sowie auf Windows-PCs feiern wird. Duke Nukem, der pietätloseste und am häufigsten zitierte Charakter der Spielindustrie, wird mit all seinen Markenzeichen zu sehen sein: Frauen, Zigarre, Bier, Arschtritte und jede Menge Action. Wenn man die Erde und die Frauen schon wieder vor einer Horde Außerirdischer retten muss, dann doch auch mit Stil.
"Alle guten Dinge brauchen Zeit - eine Menge Zeit!", lacht Christoph Hartmann, Präsident von 2K. "Nach einer Auszeit von der Welt der Computerspiele ist Duke Nukem endlich zurück, und er ist besser als je zuvor. Die Rückkehr des Königs aus den glorreichen Zeiten der Shooter wird die geduldigen Fans ebenso zufriedenstellen wie die neue Generation harter Kerl mit Flip-Flops und Kaugummi. Um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden: Duke Nukem Forever ist ein Hohelied auf die Zeit, in der Shooter noch aufregend und spaßig waren."
Setzen Sie die Sonnenbrille auf und bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, in die Stiefel von Duke Nukem zu schlüpfen, dessen Legende seit seinem letzten Abenteuer bereits epische Proportionen erreicht hat. Die außerirdische Horde ist zurück, und nur Duke Nukem kann die Welt retten - mal wieder. Schweine-Cops, außerirdische Schrumpfstrahlen und riesige Boss-Gegner werden unseren Helden nicht von seinem Ziel abhalten: die Welt retten, die Frauen retten und bei beidem gut aussehen. Der König aller Shooter ist mit völlig überdrehten Waffen, massig Außerirdischen und einem einzigartigen Ausmaß an Interaktivität zurück. Werfen Sie Körbe, stemmen Sie Gewichte, lesen Sie Erwachsenenmagazine, hinterlassen Sie derbe Nachrichten auf Tafeln oder bewundern Sie die zahlreichen schönen Frauen in Dukes Leben; natürlich nur, wenn Sie Arschtritte und Beschimpfungen lange genug ignorieren können. Duke Nukem war schon immer und wird für immer ein unsterblicher Teil der Spielgeschichte sein - dies ist sein Vermächtnis.
"Ehre dem König, Baby! Es ist unglaublich, total abgefahren und es wird auf jeden Fall passieren!", sagt Randy Pitchford, Präsident von Gearbox Software. "Gearbox hat es geschafft, dass die hartgesottenen Erfinder der Duke Nukem-Reihe und Veteranen der Entwicklerszene zusammenhalten und ein Spiel abliefern. Alle Spieler verdienen ein Happy End, und da wir selbst als Spieler unglaublich viel für Duke Nukem Forever fühlen, freue ich mich, in einer Position zu sein, in der ich genug Vertrauen, Macht und Bedeutung zu genießen, um es geschehen zu lassen. Bin ich irre? Eier aus Stahl, Baby, Eier aus Stahl!"
Duke Nukem Forever wird gegenwärtig für die Xbox 360, die PlayStation 3 und für Windows-PC entwickelt. 2K hat ie exklusiven, langjährigen Veröffentlichungsrechte an dem Spiel.
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.0 Ghz
- GFX: 256 MB nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600
- RAM: 1 GB
- Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7
- HD: 10 GB
- SFX: DirectX Compatible
- MISC: Steam Aktivierung
- LANG: Deustch, Englisch
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.6 Ghz
- GFX: 512 MB nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS / ATI Radeon HD 3850
- RAM: 2 GB
- Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7
- HD: 10 GB
- SFX: DirectX Compatible
- MISC: Steam Aktivierung
- LANG: Deustch, Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 11:27
I don't really understand why there was so munch hate about this game.
I haven't played the old duke nukem games, but I really love this game.
Yes, the graphics are not the best and yes it took too long to release that game, but the story is fun anyway.
You have duke nukem with cool sloagans, you can go into a strip club and you have an alien boss with 3 boobs. That game is so male that my balls grow while playing it.
If you haven't played this game yet, I recommend you to play it!
It's ass kicking time!
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 18:56
“I’ll rip your head off and s-h-i-t down your neck!“
Das Spiel Duke Nukem Forever kam im Jahre 2011 raus, es fühlte sich aber so an, als wäre es aus dem A-r-s-c-h vom Jahr 2004 gekrochen. Im Ernst, die Grafik, Sound und Spielmechanik sind einfach nur unterirdisch.
Ich habe das Spiel auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad durchgespielt, wie eigentlich alle Shooter die ich in meiner Steam Bibliothek besitze und hier zähle ich zu den 3% aller Spieler, die es überhaupt geschafft haben (WTF). Es war meines Erachtens nach, eins der einfachsten Shooter, die mir jenmals untergekommen sind, fast schon unterfordernd und ermüdend.
Das einzig Gute (Highlight) an dem Spiel, sind die coolen Sprüche, die aus verschiedenen klassischen Spielen und Filmen stammen (Kult) und natürlich die Stimme von Duke, die von Manfred Lehmann dem deutschen Bruce Willis Synchronsprecher gesprochen wurde.
Leider..... leider... aber, weil es Duke Nukem ist und die Erfahrung mal gemacht werden musste, bekommt das Spiel von mir ein Daumen hoch.
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884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 18:15
Meinerseits gebe ich ein klares Finger weg von diesem Titel, ist das Geld nicht wert.
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 20:11
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 12:10
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171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 23:01
Die früher so ironisch coolen Sprüche verkommen zu einer peinlichen Lachnummer, das Spiel ist dabei so spannend wie eine Raufasertapete und so tief wie eine Untertasse.
Solltet ihr einen würdigen Nachfolger zu DN 3D suchen, kauft dieses Spiel auf keinen Fall ihr werdet nur enttäuscht.
Habt ihr Spaß an schlecht gemachten und trashigen Spielen, eventuell ist es was für euch.
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 04:31
Would it have been better if they simply finished it in 2003? Probably.
Was it worth the wait? Oh definitely not.
Was it as bad as people said it was? No, Not really.
Does it have a good shotgun? Surprisingly, yes!
Did it deserve to be Dukes last game? No Honestly, He needs a proper game return one of these days. But with the way things are going now, I doubt that will happen unfortunately. He's an outdated character, a product of the 90's. But that is why we love him and I feel that is something that should stick with him in any future games (if there ever will be any)
I'd say it's an alright Duke title, It's worth playing if you want more Duke action. Be warned though, It is definitely a product of the late 2000's / Early 2010's. Get it on sale if you really wanna play it.
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 02:48
My friend got for me as a joke, I played the first level and it burned out my 3090 within 8 months of me getting it. The card was not showing any signs of stress prior to playing this game, it simply died after starting on the 2nd level.
Bless up to my 3090, rest in power you died for the bit and I'll never forget you.
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561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 19:28
I hope the guys on the multiplayer have fun tho, kudos to them.
Randy Pitchford is a bitchass mofo, no kudos for him.
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 23:38
Don't buy this junk. If you want a Duke Nukem game play Zero Hour or the originals. Buy DOOM 3, DOOM 2016, or Doom Eternal instead of this junk.
2628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 18:14
10/10 highly recommend.
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2086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 01:27
The story is disappointed for I was expecting duke would at least fight his own people due to the American leader hated duke and I wanted Duke to have choice to save women who are no longer human which it can lead to interesting story where it can effect the ending game and gameplay would be different. The main story of this game was mostly predictable and ending wasn't satisfying.
There is multiplayer mode which offer several mode to play in but you will not find many people still playing the game. Best time to find other players would be around evening. You can customize Duke appearance but you can't play as someone else such as women, soldiers, or any of the characters from previous game. You do need to play multiplayer mode in order to unlock Duke's customization and his apartment decorations.
The game mechanic still have issues for I hated they use too much shadows which force you have to use night vision frequently in certain areas. Yes, you can change setting of it but it still problem in certain areas. Monster Truck ride is flimsy for it is easy flip over and area is repetitive and mostly empty. I strongly dislike the idea that Duke can only use 2 to now 4 weapons which forces you drop rare or powerful weapons. There are multiple puzzles which leads to another problem. It ruin the pace of the game and it even force you replay something similar multiple of times.
If you still must have this game, Buy this game and DLC when it is on sale only.
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19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 01:41
3012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 21:58
I actually enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever back in 2011, and I still think it's hilarious and a decent game overall. Of course it couldn't live up to the expectations, but I learned it a long time ago not to sit on the hype trains so I had realistic expectations and wasn't disappointed at all.
It has the classic Duke Nukem feel to it, and I'm still waiting for a new DN game since it has been released. :D
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 04:18
1405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 09:35
881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 03:31
Decent game 08/10
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440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 11:10
regarding the gameplay, the animations are quite pathetic and you can only hold two weapons each with a very small ammo supply. there is barely any room for exploration, secrets and trying to figure out the way
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282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 17:52
Graphics- They are alright not good not bad just meh
Gameplay- Guns go boom make loud explosions (what more are you expecting in a run and gun shooter)
Sound- Duke Nukem VA> everyone else. and their is some music in there too totally forgettable
Story- Are you seriously looking for any story in a ******* Duke Nukem game? If so, go get your brain checked
Honestly the thing that kills this game for me is the RC car racing sections they are just so many levels NO NO NO. That is why I can not recommend this game. Think how in Arkham Knight how the batmobile is the most boring part of that game and you will find that comparable to this part of DNF.
565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 03:23
Would give a thumb up for every tit i see in game.
Unfortunately they only let me give one thumb up.
Buy this game for tits.
Don't let mom walk in on you faping to tits
Piss on mom and throw poop if mom does walk in
Chew gum and kick ass
Don't run out of gum
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 21:50
PS. This is definetely CONSOLE, not PC shooter so playing with gamepad on a couch is a preferable way to enjoy this game.
1143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 14:35
lets say that everyone who likes FPS and memes in general will enjoy it , the game is pretty linear with around 12 hours of game time but not a single level is repetitive , it has some minor rendering and graphical issues but nothing game breaking , has some funny achievements and tons of easter eggs . def worth 5$ when it goes on sale.
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 00:30
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 18:59
So i would recommended this for FPS fans as its still fun to play.
670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 23:38
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 01:48
Note: Imo, probably the worst thing about it is not having all 9 weapons at once. You can carry up to 4 using extended inventory which is not the worst thing ever but still. I WANT ALL ME GUNZ!
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187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 12:50
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1560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 06:39
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 00:14
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606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 03:52
THAT SAID: The Doctor Who Cloned Me is a pretty damn good DLC and it manages to be a lot more like what this game should have been.
The Good:
-Jon St. John
-A really meaty-sounding shotgun with great impact
-The Doctor Who Cloned Me
The Bad
-This game killed Duke's credibility
-Randy Pitchford owns Duke
-Again, see above
-It's a generic as hell 2-4 weapon limit FPS that would have been considered trite even in '05, but is just absolutely pathetic coming from a 2011 game, to say nothing of the fact this was the Yandere Simulator of the 90s in terms of dev cycle
The Best Suggestion I Can Make:
-Go buy Duke 3D if you haven't already
-Go buy Ion Fury, it's the closest thing we'll get to Duke Nukem 3D 2.
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 09:32
Those were the days, Duke nukem made our childhood, now he's going back to complete our adolescence, and leave his legacy. Duke Nukem is a legend!
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 03:24
2147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 10:29
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 11:38
Eu sou o comentário positivo que você estava procurando. lol Brincadeira. Primeiro de tudo, esqueça que este jogo foi lançado em 2011, não é um jogo de 2011. Todos sabemos por quanto tempo ficou em desenvolvimento, pense nele como um velho projeto arquivado que depois foi finalizado; podemos dizer que é um jogo de 2003 ou 2004. É uma abordagem diferente de Duke Nukem que os outros jogos ofereceram e eu até gostei. Não me importo com o humor datado, é assim que o Duke é, se encaixa perfeitamente nele; o tempo passou e as pessoas reclamam demais hoje em dia. Por todo o problema pelo qual passou, é um resultado bem aceitável, na verdade. Claro que poderia ser melhor, mas, de novo, sabemos de toda a história.
1038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 05:33
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2292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 19:52
Unfortunately where as in the manliest man, his one-liners and attitude are part of the charm in the 3d version with the addition of fast-paced shooter, and somewhat great mapdesigns (There's few stinkers in 3d as well), forever goes over-the-top, the one-liners don't hit, duke gets squashed every so often, and seems it's more of a cover shooter than straight up blast-em-to-bits what it used to be, and busywork that further slows down the gameplay, just to get more minutes out of the game.
And i didn't want to write this from the point of comparing it to just to the older duke-franchise. So if i would review this from a point of a new ip. It's predictable, boring, tunnelvisioned covershooter, where every designchoice seems rushed and aimed to please the customer, without knowing fully why the first duke was so popular in the first place.
It's literally been one of the worst games i've played this year and don't recommend it to anyone, unless you enjoy self-inflicted violence.
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 08:15
1703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 12:14
don‘t get me wrong: there is a lot to legitimately criticize about duke nukem forever. The grafics were behind the times (but to be fair: so were Duke Nukem 3D’s, with Quake beeing released not even half a year later), the gameplay is constantly jumping between puzzles, turret- and vehicle sections, dream-sequences and first-person-shooting, thus completely ruining any sense of pacing and steady flow, and the gunplay, while not being outright bad, feels a bit off and unsatisfying.
but for a game that had such huge shoes to fill and on the other hand had such a highly chaotic and unfortunate development history, it is downright unfair to call duke nukem forever bad or even one of the worst games of all time.
after 14 years of development and so many different developers involved, it was pretty obvious that a game that had it’s foundations laid out in the mid- to late nineties would not shake the fps genre in 2011 like it‘s predecessor did in 1996. but that’s what most people seem to have thought and it‘s a prime example of unrealistic expectations, fed by mass naivety, cluelessness and blindly believing the hype. so all you haters out there: don’t blame the game, take a look in the mirror instead and ask yourself if it was smart to build up such huge expectations for almost one and a half decade. I would‘ve been mad, too if i paid 30 or 40 bucks for this back in 2011, but then again, you should’ve seen it coming.
so, let‘s step back again and take a look at what duke nukem forever is now, without considering all the hysteria about it:
duke nukem forever is still not a very good game, let alone one that could compete with the fps-champions of it‘s time period. but it has at least a couple of redeeming factors that make it far from beeing as bad as its reputation.
for example the game has a degree of interactivity, that is seldom seen in fps to this extent. you can literally pick up everything and screw around with it, if not for actually meaningful gameplay mechanics, but for the sake of just having some fun and one or two laughs with it. of course it is super stupid and childish to play with a turd, but admit it: how many of those who played the game have picked it up and threw it around in the changing room for at least 30 seconds at the start of the game? I certainly did it and i have absolutely no regrets. And looking past this, you can play basketball, air hockey, billiard, whack-a-mole, gamble, put a rat in a microwave, look at porno-mags, draw a penis on a whiteboard, use a glory hole and not to forget: slap wallboobs. Yes, this is incredibly immature, but: What other game lets you do all this stuff?
Besides all that, the leveldesign, as bland and inconsistent as it may be for the most part, has a few really well designed highpoints, for example when you get shrunk and have to fight your way through the kitchen of a burger restaurant, taking cover behind mustard-glasses and using burger buns to jump over a heated stove.
Lastly, the Duke himself was criticized heavily for having fallen behind the times and his witty machismo being reduced to outdated oneliners. Guess what? Duke Nukem’s personality was already outdated in 1996. He is supposed to be that cheesy over-the-top stereotypical parody of an action hero who is stuck in the 80s, like Rambo, John McClane or the various iconic personas of arnold. Humor and satire are always subjective, but the people who criticize Duke for „not growing up“, just don’t get the purpose of the character.
Bottom line: i don’t want to glorify Duke Nukem Forever and pretend that it is something that it’s not. But i do want to try to make you judge the game in an objective and unbiased way. Jump off the hate train, try to ignore the ridiculously unjustified hype around this game and most importantly re-adjust your own expectations. Duke Nukem Forever still won’t become your favorite fps of all time, but you’ll see that it is actually much better than the world wants you to believe.
( ) 0/8 Simply one of the worst games ever made.
( ) 1/8 Bad. Seriously flawed with barely any redeeming qualities.
( ) 2/8 Sub-par. Only for hardcore-fans of respective genre / series.
( ) 3/8 Meh-diocre. It‘s okay.
(X) 4/8 Decent, but not for everybody.
( ) 5/8 Good game, Must-play for genre- / series-fans.
( ) 6/8 Great game, universal recommendation.
( ) 7/8 Outstanding game, a milestone of it‘s respective genre.
( ) 8/8 Simply one of the best games ever made.
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1254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 23:25
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526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 20:33
3221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 17:37
There's just something about the Duke. Even at his worst, he injects far more personality into his games than any no-name Sgt. Bland from Generic Military Shooter 2020.
It's nothing even approaching the awesomeness of Duke Nukem 3D, but enough of the soul is still there for it to be an enjoyable distraction. Maybe now it can even be viewed as so bad it's good?
I cautiously recommend.
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 08:56
Time for chewing gum is over, butts are nowhere to see, but you're still here and you're pissed
As much as I like Duke Nukem as a charachter, I must say I dont really understand why people Hail To The King so much
I mean
Lets be honest
The ONLY game that made Duke Nukem really popular is the Duke Nukem 3D
The same story was with Wolfenstein 3D before The New Order happened
First two games looked liked garbage
Console games ARE garbage by the book
And I dont even remember Advance games because its not advanced at all
What can I say about DNF?
Its an anomaly of game
No, of a game franchize
Duke Nukem 3D was a 1-st Person Shooter with a lot of parodies in it, movie gags, game gags and all of that funny bullshit
What was DNF? - It was a Console Shooter with a lot of parodies in it
It made fun of Halo, it made fun of Half-Life, it made fun of NPC's in shooter games
It made fun of free action world in games (you can throw shit, piss and draw a DICK)
But most importantly - It made fun of Duke himself
The guy is old as fuck already - but he still trying to kick ass and chew bubblegum - and its hillarious
BUT - that was a bad decision from the developers - because they hit hard the players themselves, especially the fans
And Im being NOT a fan and just a commoner can say only one thing - Im sorry guys - you deserved better that this xD
Still - it had good shooting mechanix, a variety in gameplay and a cool boss fight
And lets not forget The Proton DLC (which was AWESOME)
I still think developers simply was thinking too hard about Realism and deliberately made all that silly and lame jokes to show how Duke was irrelevant at the release - to make people forget about him - but what it did in the way - it made people pissed of
As for me - 7.5/10 - a good but mediocre shooting game
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364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 10:26
315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 01:52
DNF2011 isn't as bad as people say it is, it's actually really fun. If DN3D was a parody of 90's fps, DNF is a parody of late 2000's fps, just not done nearly as well.
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811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 06:23
The 2001 version was on its way to become the true sequel to 3D, but then it turned into this... thing. I just don't understand. It made the IP go 50 steps backwards. It felt like it was made by a bunch of seedy hillbillies.
Anyways, Duke Nukem's universe used to be cool. It had elements of dark and morbid sci fi, modern day themes, and a hint of comedy here and there. It was the perfect formula and what made Duke 3D so good.
It's now beyond comical and has gone full slapstick with an absurd amount of cheap sexual themes in attempt to sell what little appeal the game has.
Duke Nukem used to be this laid back badass jock that had style and a desire to save chicks and the world. Now he's just become this horny douche with a half a brain cell and the worst script I've ever seen. Not even the original voice actor was any good. Personally I think he should be fired from ever playing the role again. He lost his touch after Zero Hour. There are a lot more better impersonators that can be found on YouTube.
Gearbox and 2K are sitting on a pot of gold and they don't even know it. Release the 2001 version already!
1319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 13:03
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 17:59
16078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 13:51
The King is back baby!
Some key points that this game offers:
1. Duke Humour
2. Explosive FPS Action
3. Multiplayer
4. Nonstop Action
Gameplay & Controls:
Duke is console and PC based; it has partial controller support for PC. The control handling for the game isn’t the best, there are some instances where careful navigation is required, and to be frank, the handling isn’t the best. Don’t get me wrong here, it is not broken, it just isn’t as smooth as you’d want an FPS game to be. The key layout is decent, and can be remapped if needed.
A lot of gamers might have only heard about Duke Nukem; others may have grown up playing it back in the old console days. Aliens invade earth and Duke Nukem is the only man that can save the world!
Duke likes kicking ass, but he loves his babes more, and that is one thing the aliens are abducting. They are laying waste to all of Dukes hard earned fame and fortune. Grab your shades and get your gun, its ass kicking time. There is an arsenal of weapons to make use of; and you will need it. There is a massive invasion in progress and every alien harbours a massive grudge against you. They are out for your blood, and the only way to stop them, is by spilling theirs first. There will be violence, chaos, explosions and titties…
Duke Nukem Forever isn’t ugly, it’s just not very pretty. There are so many fine details that adds to the visual marvel that this game has to offer. Whether it’s artwork on the walls, or the numerous items and machines that you can interact with. There is just so much detail that adds to the game’s world. The same goes for character models, be it NPC’s, Duke or the numerous Aliens you kill.
This is a touchy subject, Duke Nukem Forever’s development took a few years. The visuals would have been amazing if the game released closer to the start of the development start, but to be honest it released more than a decade after development started. Visuals, graphics and cinematics were never adequately updated, so when it released it already looked like an old game. I can’t say whether they simply decided to leave the games visual aspects as is, or if there was another reason for the behind the times look of Duke Nukem Forever.
Under settings there are a few options that allows us to customize our game.
The one aspect where there is pretty much no issue worth mentioning. The background music adds to the action and chaos that the game creates, forming a beautiful atmosphere. Voice over artists did a fine job here giving each character a unique personality.
Duke himself, received a whole lot of extra attention. There are several cheesy one liners that add to Duke’s personality. The chaos and explosions really set off a nice ring to the atmosphere that you create as you go about kicking ass.
Under the settings panel there are some volume control options for you.
Duke Nukem has several difficulties to test your skills out, however the hardest difficulty only unlocks upon completing the game once, so a second replay will be needed. There are in game collectables, and then achievements/ trophies as well.
The game offers multiplayer as well for those that wish to take the game online.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers ahead:
I grew up with Duke Nukem on the PlayStation 1. Back then gaming was a lot simpler than It is now. Duke Nukem Forever is a fun game, it is entertaining, it is enjoyable and it gives you the Duke experience.
It is not the same developers so I cannot expect an identical sequel to those good ol games I grew up with. Gearbox did a fine job with Forever, the action, the chaos, the babes and the aliens. It all has the same feel and vibes.
The biggest issue here is the hype; We have been waiting for a new Duke for so many years. The hype and expectations are high and the slightest move in the wrong direction will spell disaster. As someone who has played most of the older titles, I can easily say that you will get your fill playing Duke.
The biggest let down that this game offers, are the time of release. It released now, yet it feels ten years old already. This game had so much potential but its biggest enemy was time. The development time took its toll that in the end, the game was released long after its due date, and what it had to offer just isn’t enough to make it stand out.
Score 5
By: MGRza
Date: 15 June 2011
Additional info:
Platforms: PC: PlayStation 3: Xbox 360
Genre: FPS: Nudity: Action: Aliens: Sci-fi: Old School: Gore
Censor Rating: Nudity: Violence: Drugs: Language: Gambling
Age Rating: 18
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K
Release Date: 10 June 2011
MGR Gaming Steam Curator:
MGR Gaming:
2001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 03:32
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342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 10:25
Buy it on sale and only if you're a Duke Nukem superfan (do those exist?) or if you're feeling nostalgic but can't find (or be fucked to set up) your PS1.
671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 22:09
6634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 20:32
2730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 21:12
I understand why people hate this game so much, because after waiting 14 years they gave us this short and average game xD.
You can finish this game in 5 hours, if you add the dlc, it would be a maximum of 7, if you go for all the achievements, it will take you 30 or 40 hours, I have fun doing it.
I wish people would give this game another chance, this game is not bad, it is not the best Duke Nukem but it is still fun ...
I give this game a 7/10
good game ❤️
1632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 08:09
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245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 12:51
Just replay Half-Life 2.
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1035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 01:22
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511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 22:41
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655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 19:14
Gearbox Software
2K Games
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos