After a solid couple of months working on the game's flight modelling, preliminary interfaces, early game logic (including AI) and controller interfaces, I've finally moved on to creating the first scenario in the game.
This scenario is a wood of Birch trees which the footage here was taken from:
Although (purposefully) not revealing much of the surrounding area, the footage does show the game has as much to do with height as it does with width and depth, and even a single tree has a lot of scope for exploring.
I've also managed to implement the AI (friendly) bees nest which is home for all of the bees you're tasked with protecting. Bees leave the nest in search of flowers from which to forage nectar. Upon retrieving nectar, the bees return it to the nest which in turn spawns new bees, and the cycle begins again.
Protecting the nest, the bees, and their resource (nectar) is central to the game.
Fortunately your military bee drone is more than up to the task (assuming the pilot is too!) and I'll cover more on the capabilities of the drone itself in a future announcement.
Thanks for reading!