• Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.
  • Driftland: The Magic Revival: Screen zum Spiel Driftland: The Magic Revival.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.11.2017
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Preis Update 07.07.24

Über das Spiel

Nach einem zerstörerischen Krieg zwischen uralten Magiern ist alles, was den Planet Driftland zusammenhält, ein mächtiger Zauberspruch. Nachdem die sich bekriegenden Nationen mit ansehen mussten, wie ihre gesamte Zivilisation und das Leben auf ihrem Planeten zerstört wurden, entschlossen sie sich, einen Waffenstillstand zu unterzeichnen. Aber es war bereits zu spät. Indem sie ihre ganze Magie aufwendeten und einen mächtigen Zauber sprachen, schafften sie es, das Gleichgewicht ihrer Welt zu bewahren.

Seitdem sind viele dunkle Zeiten vergangen. Und immer, wenn die Lage aussichtslos schien, gab es einen neuen Hoffnungsschimmer: Überall auf dem Planeten verteilt erblickten neue Magier das Licht der Welt. Und heute, als der schlummernde Konflikt erneut auszubrechen droht, wird diese neu entdeckte Macht darüber entscheiden, ob Driftland wiederhergestellt oder seine Existenz vollkommen ausgelöscht wird.

Du übernimmst die Rolle eines mächtigen Magiermeisters, der seinen eigenen Turm, sein eigenes Schloss und sein eigenes kleines Reich auf einer der Landmassen besitzt. Mit deinen einzigartigen Fähigkeiten kannst du eine prozedural generierte Welt erforschen, indem du herumschwebende fliegende Landmassen miteinander verbindest, um dein Königreich zu vergrößern.

Das Gameplay fokussiert sich darauf, dass du all deinen Einheiten generelle Befehle gibst, ohne dass du dich allzu sehr um jede einzelne kümmerst. Die Krieger, Schützen und Magier unter deinem Befehl können unterschiedliche fliegende Bestien zähmen und darauf reiten sowie eine Vielzahl an Lufteinheiten produzieren.

  • Prozedural generierte Welt
  • Auf Ressourcen und Magie basierende Wirtschaft
  • Bewege, verändere und verbinde zerstreut liegende Landmassen mithilfe von Magie
  • Zähme und reite Drachen und andere Kreaturen
  • Erkunde und kämpfe auf ein und derselben Karte
  • Gib deinen Einheiten Ziele vor, anstatt sie direkt zu kontrollieren
  • Einzelspieler, Kampagne ** und Mehrspieler**


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 or Intel Core i3 (3 Ghz)
  • GFX: AMD Radeon 7970 or NVIDIA GeForce 770 or or equivalent DirectX 11 card
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 7
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 or Intel Core i5 (3 Ghz)
  • GFX: AMD Radeon RX 480 or NVIDIA GeForce 1060 or or equivalent DirectX 11 card
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 10
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

664 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 20:34
Ich habe es wirklich probiert, aber auch nach 4 Stunden macht es keinen Spass. Die Geld-Brot-Häuserbaumechanik nervt nur. Die Figuren-Grafik ist mir zu klein. Die Musik ist langweilig. Alles ist unnötig kompliziert.
193 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
1681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 19:55
Interessante Spielidee

- Schönes Strategiespiel
- Unterschiedliche Klassen mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten
- Es gibt einiges zu tun, aber auf eine einfache Art und Weise
- mal etwas anderes
- Story bietet Abwechslungsreiche Szenarien

- Klassen nicht ausgeglichen

Für Erfolgsjäger: Gut machbar, aber manche sehr langwierig.

Ich fand die Spielidee gut und es hat auch viel Spaß gemacht mit und gegen Freunde Herr über die Lüfte zu werden.
107 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
2270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 12:10
Für zur Zeit 9,99 EUR im Steamsale eine echte Echtzeitstrategieperle. Super Einheiten, Völkerlandschaften und einen vorzüglichen Gamesound. Das Tutorial läuft über den ersten Teil von 4 Teilen in der Kampagne. Ein Kampagnenteil erzählt auch eine Story zu einem Volk. Es gibt Menschen, Zwerge und 2 Elfenvölker. Alleine der erste Teil der Kampagne hat mich 15 Stunden beschäftigt. Die KI ist in Ordnung und führt zum Beispiel, auch mal heimtückische Großangriffe durch. Über die Funktionsweise des Spiels sollte man sich aber besser vorher über YT informieren, da einem im Game wenig Zeit bleibt alles schnell zu lernen. Den Multiplayer habe ich bis jetzt noch nicht ausprobiert. Für mich schon jetzt eine klare Kaufempfehlung, wenn man denn auch Geduld für solche Spiele hat.
1162 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 16:47
It's a bit like the old Majesty games, but the lack of QOL and automation features makes the game a real slog, even compared to its predecessors.
182 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 03:03
Looks like it has potential but then it just doesn't do much. Maybe I just suck at the game, but the game is basicallt about constantly expanding one island at a time, and you just do, until suddenly, despite trying to do everything to make it sustainable, it just isn't, and you go from having a very profitable society, to it going full wallstreet collapsing in a matter of seconds, and there's isnt eve that many options to downscale back to your fomerly functiona society
134 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 15:45
If you like RTS games then this one you should definitely try out. I gotta say I didn't expect to like this game as much as I did. I found myself adjusting my run of the mill rts strategy pretty substantially. I enjoyed that there was fun exploration with novel (at least for me) game mechanics and methodology to this game. The idea of bringing your base expansions to you was refreshing. I got the choice of just how much expansion I was willing to bite off at a time by choosing the island size I annexed. Now for the negatives. I only tried the campaign so maybe the multi or free mode or nomads variant of the game is more enjoyable. I could see some island clashes, vieing to steal and capture resources, between players being pretty fun. The sides all felt pretty similar in the end with only like 1-2 mechanics separating the races. I would have liked to see more variety in the different sides. Sure they had different spells for their spell casters but that was about the extent of the variation militaristically. Every side had the same types of spells and each side had the same physical attack units. I would have rated higher with more substantially different race play mechanics. Also the military was really annoying with how slow it was. I get the map is big and things take time that way but if the flying units were at least 2x current speed that would have been better. Still, I give it a 6.9/10.
29 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 20:42
Good game I downloaded this game because it's similar to NetStorm: Islands At War.
796 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 01:09
I love the premise of the game, with the ability to move islands, use different types of magic, build up a vast empire of floating islands etc.


i don't like that the management of gold, food etc is so hard early on.
I've played similar games like warcraft 3 and many others, this game has many really good ideas, but when you build 4-5 butchers to make food, but can't sustain 45 ppl, and your money is in minus because you have too many butchers, but can't assign more people to get gold, it takes a bit of the fun out of it.

now, granted i'm not the best at managing games like these, but when comparing it to a game like warcraft 3 for example, i find this game's management a bit harder, something which i feel take away a bit of the fun that i would otherwise have while playing this game.

another thing i dislike is the inability to move the hero as i wish, he just goes to drink some mead or whatever else is in that barrel of his, even though i want him to go look for treasure or fight something.

it might just be becasue i'm new to playing this game, but i find it a bit harder than it should be.

other than this, it's a great game, i love the aspect of it, i like the music, sound effects, buildings, it's all very nice and takes me back to a time when i used to play games like these more often.

I will definitely play it more another day, but sadly it's 2am now so my current game was only for a few minutes.

I might recommend getting the game in a bundle, like the current ukraine bundle on humblebundle, but can't recommend it for the current price on it's own.
369 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 16:30
Not enough people know about this game. It's some solid a.f. old school RTS action.
485 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 22:13
A fantasy floating Island city builder where you draw in new islands to colonize. similar to black and white, age of empires etc but a slightly different approach to the genre. Fun so far.
332 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 16:14
Looks like Majesty (non-direct control for units with more production micro-management) - sounds fine, but too slow and boring for me, especially fights.

So, you can give it a chance on sale.

89 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 15:42
it looks really pretty, and it has elements of RTS, but then it's pretty basic.
kind of like a base builder in terms of resource gathering and management, but not as much strategy involved.
armies are also kind of autopilot mode, so there isn't much there. you just build up and then steamroll.
238 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
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871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 00:49
It's almost a good game but just not quite there. I loved Majesty and have been hoping for a spiritual successor in vain for many years. This was close but ultimately it falls short. Still worth picking up to play if the price is right but I only got 14.5 hours into it before becoming bored.
620 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 02:34
Driftland: The Magic Revival is almost, but not quite, an enjoyable game for me. Majesty is one of my favorite games of all time - even though I usually don't like RTSes all that much - and the premise of Driftland is very appealing to me. But Driftland lacks all of the charm and personality of Majesty. It's just a pure numbers game. Heroes are bland, forgettable cannon fodder. Islands are just shapes with resources. And scenarios, as far as I got into the game anyway, are some bland combination of accumulate / go to / destroy and nothing more. Driftland lacks the incredible sound design of Majesty, as well as the creative variety of scenarios and quests, the much deeper unit pool (including meaningful decisions as to whether to recruit Dwarves, Gnomes, or Elves, and which temples to build), and the sense of individuality for the heroes you recruit.

There *are* ideas in Driftland worth praising. The sovereign-level magic system is not bad (though there aren't many spells), and the positioning of islands is definitely engaging. The city building and resource balancing is interesting enough if you're into that kind of thing, and there's clearly plenty of opportunity for optimizing build order and other RTS-by-the-numbers stuff. So, if you're an RTS fan there's probably enough here for you to get at least some enjoyment out of. But if you're here because you heard this game is like Majesty, I'm here to tell you it really isn't in any meaningful way.
152 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 16:38
Cathartic little time waster, but don't expect much of a challenge or a story. Missions are all quite similar and can grow a little tedious.

I enjoyed some of the magic spells and the uniqueness of the island-based system. It feels like a game that could have been great if it had spent a few more months in development, but it is still enjoyable. If you are a seasoned RTS player you may find it to be a little shallow.
341 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 21:01
cheap, interesting, looks good
made by great guys from Poland
give it a try if you like Majesty series

greetings from Ukraine, brothers
683 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 16:48
Its frustrating, it looks so cool, but you can't directly command, the unit AI is either inept or suicidal; its basic on the both the RTS side AND the building side which I would be ok with if it was actually... fun?

Maybe I was missing something, but watching your units fly wherever they want, including into the enemy capital and not pull back is just great.
684 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 23:46
The game is almost good.

Art style, music, early game economy management, randomness of nearby island resources.
There are various interesting points that can make you want to start another game just to try out strategies or figure out how the game systems work.

Win conditions - imagine an RTS where you need to defend your starter building, and everyone has the ability to instantly teleport their army across the entire map to an enemy 'castle' to destroy it.

Unit control - clunky. after a few hours you will learn how to effectively move around your army. But, if you don't completely overwhelm the enemy immediately (or if your base is attacked), your units spend far too much time running around and not simply attacking something. This further restricts your strategy to simply becoming 'send everything past the enemy, directly to their castle' if your only goal is winning.

AI - cpu strategy simply involves sending a wave of flying units to scout or attack a building, then bolstering the attack with a teleported ground army if they think they have a chance to destroy you. This can be defended with just a few towers indefinitely. Increasing the difficulty setting only noticeably changes the first attack wave, coming sooner/stronger.
--ex: The first level of the DLC campaign has an objective 'survive for 90 days.' I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but I think the enemy sent 2-3 flying units a few times just to scout me, then I suddenly won without anything happening. All the work I had been doing to take over nearby islands from aggressive natives/beasts was pointless, since all I needed to do was build a few cheap towers to defend one specific side of my base.

Unit balancing - terrible. The unit armor system in this game is a flat damage reduction. The melee units in this game are given both the highest attack and highest armor values, making them effective vs everything AND take 1 damage per attack from weaker units.


Final words: It's okay to play as a little RTS sandbox if you can get the game at a REALLY cheap price. Most of the campaign will only feel 'involved' because you are given a lot of arbitrary goals, like scouting specific parts of a large map in a specific order. After a few custom games of trying out different strategies, the game will feel empty, unbalanced, and unpolished... mostly because of how armies interact with one another and how easy it is to avoid all mechanics and strategy aside from directly destroying the enemy castle whenever you are tired of building/playing.
511 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
2208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 17:46
Play it!
It is pretty chill and unique with some cool strategy and an AI flag based order system.
706 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 05:09
Game has some novel ideas and is generally bug free. However the weird learning curve, obtuse combat/unit systems and expansion gameplay that gets stale fairly fast make it hard to like. Also the campaign's story telling is not very good.
1297 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 19:07
It's a first version of a new concept. If you like Majesty, you will like this game, as it also has indirect control.

I love the concept, but the game still need improvements to be as fun as majesty.

That said, it's definitely worth playing and I hope they release the continuation, I will definitely buy it.
303 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 05:48
This new kind of strategy.. you need to keep balancing the economy (make sure enough house and food),
while expanding your area (pull island closer and positioning for good eficient access),
and dont forget to prepare the battle, put some watchtower and build army.
the key is balancing, always looking for gold mine
249 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
7639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 19:08
Very good relaxing game. Yes, it's slow sometime, but if you have time to spend, it's classic, mostly base building RTS
106 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 22:35
Lovely RTS, has it's flaws but definitely worth getting! :)
267 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 13:57
Too slow for an RTS, too fast for a colony builder. Economy crawls along behind what you want to do and resources are too varied to focus on anything for long. If you want the game, only buy it on sale, it's not worth more than 5 bucks.
264 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 17:07
The game name you try to remembers is
NetStorm: Islands at War
124 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 14:04
This game allows you to lose the final mission by clicking the wrong island which is marked on strategic map same as the islands you're supposed to blow up. Why the **** would you give the player the objective to blow up three islands and mark the final big island you're supposed to leave intact the same way as your mark an objective, why the **** would you even mark it as an objective, and why the **** would you put it in the front of enemy island cluster instead of in the back like in case of any proper final objective.
Now this made me feel better
Honestly though this game is just not worth the price, 90% of the missions are laughably easy, and in general the gameplay is mostly repetitive, slow and not tactical at all (you play the same each game and win)
Also it's pretty much a dead game when it comes to multiplayer has like 20 players on steamcharts, faded into obscurity just like it deserves.
272 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
7866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 14:07
Yet another 'neutral' rating. I've leaned on the positive side as a heads up for the developer, but see below.
Driftland is a nice original RTS with quite novel mechanics. It shows a lot of promise, yet often fails to deliver.

Let's start with the good sides.
First, the active pause system works like charm. Basically, you can start any action while on pause, it drastically decreases the usual for RTSes time pressure.
The island positioning subsystem is probably the most important feature in the game, and it works, too. Forging an empire from fragments is fun, requires planning, and so on. There is a room for improvement (no flexible joints, no island rotating, no group movement...), but it is already good, and you might want to play the game for it alone.
Economy, while simplistic, generally works. Building upkeep in general, and particularly its dependence on distance from your capital island, facilitates meticulous planning, mana is another limiter on your expansion, the other resources has their functions, too (coal seems overabundant, though).
Magic is bare-bones, but covers all the necessities. Could be more diverse and/or faction-depending, of course, but acceptable as is.
Military operations are acceptable: nothing wonderful, but you get some variability in army composition and tactics. Moreover, there is a possibility of fighting with entire islands: basically, you set up a gate, a magic tower, several watchtowers, probably a camp, then send the island towards the opponent, with watchtowers being effectively an assault weapon (with human opponent, tug-of-war might ensue, but it can be countered via sending several 'flying fortresses', then connecting them with bridges...).
Tech advancement system is acceptable. Could be more deep, of course.
Graphics is decent: nothing special, but provides a nice view once in a while and never irritates (assuming that you've turned off 'active pause effect' and 'flare effect', these are annoying). They've put quite a lot of work there, it's a shame that you'll probably spend most of your time in a schematic 'strategic view'.
Soundtrack is nice, too.

The bad? Well...
Seeing indirect control, you might assume that the game is low on micromanagement. Wrong, you're getting a hell of it. The problem is: while you don't give the orders to your units directly, you can cancel them, with the unit immediately switching to a different objective. You can and should repeat it. There are some specific instances where this is strictly necessary: mount taming (generally speaking, you want your warrior types to mount dragons, rather than wizards or rangers, but the first unit to go after the mount is effectively a random free one) and skill picking (sometimes you just don't want a specific unit to pick a certain skill from a treasure on the map, and it will try to pick in once in a while).
Then there is another field of micromanagement: island positioning. See, there is no grid. That means that you position your islands by eye, according to their shape, with the system not always agreeing with you on where islands fit. Now, given the upkeep system, you want to fit as many islands as possible, as large as possible, adjacent to your capital island... preferably in the first attempt, as every island movement costs mana (and, if you try moving several islands at once, they'll just stop on collision). Some form of planning mode is clearly missing.
Then there is another one: there is no in-island grid, too. Good luck fitting all those dwarf factories, especially when mining/logging is still underway.
The game balance/faction design is questionable. Dwarves are powerhouse (even if a bit slow on early development), humans are generally good, dark elves are dependent on the map, and... wood elves seem like a clusterfuck: extremely expensive, in terms of tech, racial shtick and lackluster unit skills (especially their camp ability) are just disappointing.
AI is unstable. Sometimes it enacts quite a pressure, more often it just screws up everything.
Random map generation adds more instability: early development relies on random features (builder's bounties, lightly guarded chests, gold deposits, just islands themselves for non-dwarves) a lot, unfavorable map or just suboptimal opening sequence entails slow development.
Public multiplayer, as usual for indie games, is effectively dead.
Campaign plot is a cliche upon cliche upon cliche. Yes, it is THAT bad.

Overall: interesting, even if inconsistently executed, concept, delivering effectively unique experience with multiple awesome moments along with quite a bit of frustration. Recommended to those who seek something entirely different and don't mind some oversights and limited replayability.
Hopefully, the developers learn from their mistakes and will eventually release a sequel, most components of greatness are already their, it's mostly refinement that's needed.
752 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 22:56
I really like the idea, and I wanted this to feel more like Majesty. However, I didn't find that the semi-autonomous units had enough character to make them interesting, just a little annoying to manage. The island management dynamic is VERY COOL and it makes you think about how you want to build/connect your empire. I just felt that the main management/exploration loop wasn't all that interesting. I might give it another try, but for now I'm not super into this.
1432 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 00:13
Good for few hours.
Game plays best in tactical map overview, making the actual visuals obsolete.
Missions are repetable and ultimately boring. Lack of variety (or the speed it is introduced) killed it for me.
The concept is good but somehow lacking.

Not sure where I got this from. Humble Bundle probably.
499 Produkte im Account
257 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 01:10
This game is just slow and boring.
A lot of work obviously went into it, interesting premise and good art design but the whole thing just comes off flat.
It's sad and disappointing
55 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 01:14
Nonfunctional multiplayer, very hard to connect and impossible to start multiplayer matches.
411 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 00:59
This game is like Majesty's understudy. It does some things really well, and is a good game to unwind with. That being said, there are a lot of things this game does not do as well as majesty.

Nothing causes as much anguish as watching your level 3 rogue Tedrick eat shit because he forgot all he can do is loot corpses, but there isnt a comparison to this game. Resources are plentiful and everything will be replaced. That being said, Resource management is much more important. There are also different races who specialize in different things, yet none of them have the character that a simple tax collector might have from Majesty. There are a lot more units, and buildings, but they aren't as meaningful, as if you play right, you have resources out the ass anyways.

Difficulty is relative, it feels. At least for the campaign. I got through a mission and then played a solo game, and it just felt lacking. The hard AI wasn't as challenging as managing my units in majesty, and making them not kill themselves.

All in all, i would give this game a 5/10. Good concept, okay execution, but in general I would play Majesty. Especially because it has a rampant modding scene for a 20 year old game.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 18:50
In a realm shattered in ages past
When mages scarred the land,
By wicked use of magic
Their castles fell like sand.

The earth was torn asunder,
The reaper's scythe was grim,
A truce was needed
To mend the pain and live.

To bind the dying world
They weaved a mighty spell.
And thus the mages lost
Their font of power
As they fell..forgotten,

The spark of hope survived
In spirit, a dormant flame.
And now the time has come
To learn, to build, to thrive,
A new dawn nears

94 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 08:47
I personally found this game to be pretty shallow. The slow, indirect nature of unit control forces you into a strategy of building a massive economy before attacking, but there are also penalties for growing too large. Rush is non existant. The mechanics are not fully covered in the tutorials but you can learn everything through trial and error. Every game turns into the same pattern of play so it gets old really fast. The story is very loosely constructed and based solely in poorly written dialogue so there's nothing compelling about finishing the campaign.
4976 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
2161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 09:07
Driftland, the once beautiful and living planet was destroyed by an ancient war. However, the planet, or at least its fragments, still kept together by magical powers. These fragments are islands, floating around, and still serve as the home of life. In a world like this the resource is even more scarce than previously. Welcome to the strategy game of Star Drifters, where you need to fight for every island and then bind them with magic to your empire.

The premise of the game is promising. Unique, visually stunning environment. A real refreshing strategy with magic, legendary creatures, spiced up with an unrealistic magical world.

Build up your empire

Each island has limited resources. To gather/mine them you will need the required building and assign citizens to it. However your citizens need food, so that is required to be produced too. All these costs gold, earned by unassigned citizens. Sounds easy right? No it is not. Overpopulation gives negative effects to your empire so you can’t just expand to a high population to be able to gather all resources at the same time. At least at the beginning. Later, with unlocked technologies, your population could reach higher numbers. Creating a balanced empire is the biggest challenge of the game.

Once you stabilized your empire and balanced it you will start to run out of resources. Now you need to connect more islands to your empire. Magic is not only for healing your units or damaging enemies. You can also move unconnected islands with it, destroy them, create new ones or just “terraform” some to make it more habitable to your race. Once you connect some to your capital you will realize a bad news: maintenance cost goes up with the distance from your capital island. A cottage might have 3 golds maintenance on your capital island but 3 islands away from it the cost is now 6 golds. Yes, you will need to have an even bigger population and if you want some defensive towers at the edge of your empire then your pocket will be empty. Always:-)

Keeping your empire alive is not that easy but if you managed to do it on apprentice mage, then you can enjoy Driftland on 3 tougher difficulties.

The good parts

-play a strategy game in a world like no others
-great campaigns, 4 different total, for 4 different races and with interesting plot twists. The campaigns not essentially focus on “build up then conquer”, on many maps there are different goals. On some you just need to find artifacts, travel with your own island to find a secret island or kill legendary, ancient dragons or creatures available only in these campaigns.

The bad parts

-The game lacks some depth. Highest levels of buildings could be reached way too fast. The amount of technologies is quite low. There could be wild animals, more types of flying creatures and legendary monsters, creatures. There is a big, unique dragon in the campaign, but it would be great to see many others on free games too, like one available during each game. Demons, space worms, etc, the possibilities are endless.
-you can’t control your units directly. You can give them orders, but they will execute it by their own will and they might be distracted and so attack other enemies in the meantime or do something else.


I liked my campaign playthrough. If you like strategy games then this one is worth playing and you could get Driftland for a pretty solid price during sales. However, once I finished that, I wasn’t really interested in playing random games. I would still recommend Driftland to experience this unique world and play the campaign.

Hey, I am an achievement hunter!

Perfection time: ~35-45h. The campaign will take around 25-35hours and you can complete it on any difficulty. During the campaign you will get most of the achievements, only some stat related will stay unlocked and the achievement which looks like a multiplayer achievement. For the MP one you need to play an online game but you can protect it with a password and select an AI enemy. Beating it will unlock the achievement. For the remaining achievements just start a free exploration game on the biggest map without any enemies, connect some island, create an appropriate environment to farm for the stat related achievement and save your game. Then just reload, do the required actions with maximum speed and repeat.
Hints: During free game creations set economy values to max production and lowest need consumption. Recruit max 1-2 soldiers first, don’t tame flying creatures with them. With your spell identify islands with flying creature nests, and connect them to your empire. Make sure you will have enough for 2 camps, so 16. Then save your game and recruit 16-20 soldiers and also recruit flying creatures, reload, during these periods you can still let them loot up explored chests. Game keeps running while you alt tabbed so with max speed they will get them. Once recruited 1k heroes and 500 tame achievements done explore the whole map. Mark all chests for looting then recruit your heroes and flying creatures. You might want to save here too, so you don't need to mark the chests again. Keep reloading until you looted a total of 2k chests. Let the game run on max speed, each run should take up to 5mins so during that you can play something also or read something. Just don’t forget to turn off the option in settings, which set back the game speed to lowest if one of your units/buildings are under attack:-) That was the only 3 stat related achievements i still missed after the campaign, it will be the same for you(probably).

If you liked the review or you like to earn achievements, but in enjoyable, fun and entertaining games, then please follow my Average Achievement Hunter curator or just check out our curated games. Thanks
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 08:32
I admit it took a lot of reading and youtube to learn how to play, and of course.. being patient and doing the missions in order as designed. Now I can win easily.
This is a totally addictive game and I play it on my laptop in bed. The entire game can be played using nothing but the touch pad. This is quite a relief as I am sick and setting up the desk is a pain and uncomfortable. On the down side.. the game is getting a bit old now so finding other people to play with is a challenge. I have not seen anyone online to pay with yet.
For only $10.. bargain and my laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Extreme Gen2) handles it barely getting warm. It plays great on the 4K OLED screen too in case you were wondering.
91 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 18:07
quite boring..
368 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 21:51
It's not bad. Just it's not that interesting.
If your looking to just relax and play something while watching your favorite stream, this is fine.

If your looking for something good to play...
I would recommend playing the original Majesty instead, which sounds insane as it's over 20 years old.
Here's why:
Driftlands has some really cool mechanics but doesn't do anything with them.
The campaign is incredibly boring as a result, the game doesn't challenge you to do anything.
All the objectives involve putting together a raiding party and sending your death blob at the enemy.

Majesty is similar, but the path to the end game changes by them simply giving you some pressing goals.
Working around their scenario restrictions is way more fun.
Otherwise you would do the same thing every time, like in Driftlands.

Majesty is also dripping with character.
All the Heroes have voice lines in that game that give them personality.
Ex: A rouge snickers as he loots a grave of one of your other heroes that just died.

In Driftlands there is no voice over.
The sound effects and soundtrack fade away into the back of your mind.
There's nothing to break it up and keep you engaged.

Driftland heroes have unique passive abilities but there isn't that big of a reason to hire one over another.
Majesty heroes have a specific purpose:
Rangers scout the map, knights like to fight monsters, and greedy rogues want to find loot.
Driftland heroes just exist to fight, so if they have no extra purpose, then why bother making them autonomous?

The only thing Driftlands does well is it's basic gameplay loop.
Collecting islands and figuring out how to not crash and burn your economy is a nice puzzle.
Then again, what city/kingdom management game doesn't do this well?
2017 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 03:26
Has multiple SP campaigns, city building Majesty 2 style gameplay. Moving islands might be a boring gimmick but I enjoyed it plus the graphics are pretty enough. Planning to finish it later.
138 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 19:02
It looks nice and it sounds nice, but everything is too hard to manage. There are too many resources, too many buildings with too little differentiating them, and too little easy to find information. And the writing is really, really bad. I mean comically bad. People are telling you to solve some problem, and you don't know who they are, what the problem is, what the solution would be, or why you should care about any of it.
42 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 04:41
I really liked the concept of moving islands around for a citybuilder/RTS, but it turns out there's very little island moving and it's mostly just frantically trying to balance your economy and get the idiot eagle wizard to do what you told him to. Wishing I had talked to someone who'd played it before buying.
172 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 04:37
Have you ever played the old classics Majesty, or Majesty 2? Well this game is much like those ... with far less personality. It could have used a bit of voices or interaction sounds to help break up the same game music going constantly. It seems to have a decent fundamental base of mechanics, it just seems to lack personality that games before it had. If they simply added voice acting to the advisor, or extra sounds for combat this would turn into an easy buy, it just falls very flat in the sound department that makes it hard to immerse in.
466 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 02:10
A bit overwhelming at first with regards of info on the screen and things to account for but you soon find a pace and from then it it starts to become smoother sailing and quite enchanting. Very good atmospherical music accompagnies your acts of heroism, making you enjoy it a lot. I'm sure it'll get a lot harder still but the base components to make a good game are all plentiful.
92 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 13:26
It didn't work in my Linux back then, but it runs now.

Recommended because developers care about their product and give regular updates and free content.
72 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 08:01
I've never reviewed a game before but this one has been such a pleasant surprise that I can't help but share my thoughts. I got this game through Humble Bundle in a bundle a while back and haven't played it till now. I really should have checked it out earlier! This is not my normal type of game at all, but I played through the tutorial and read up on how the mechanics work. The gameplay is cool, although not my favorite thing about the game - that would have to be the story.

I'm halfway through the third of four sections of the campaign in the game, and without spoilers, it's a pleasant surprise. Not a revolutionary story, but for me it's interesting, fun, and it ties in very nicely with the gameplay. Instead of having the same goal and same character to play as every time, it gets switched up, so you could be playing a dark elf seeking an artifact at one time and a dwarven princess trying to prove herself some time later. And yet, it all ties together. I didn't expect it to pull me in as it did, but I'm quite invested in seeing how the tale plays out and uncovering whatever secrets have been hidden in the ending.

It's not perfect, by any means - sometimes missions seem to drag on for longer than I would like, though that might be me overpreparing, and this far into the game I'm still discovering mechanics that weren't explained well in the tutorial. But this game has a lot going for it for a casual player like myself - good art, music, a story that interests me, developers that seem to still be active and doing things, and a nice bit of gameplay that I loved when I originally had thought I wouldn't have.
8 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
7831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 21:15
The game is a bit of a different concept. Watch youtube video to guage the newness. The game is challenging and I have played quite a few hours.

The game has crashed to desktop multiple times. While I enjoy the game, I do not enjoy the crashes. My vid card is 2080 and my process is a Icore 7 10th gen (I think). My hardware is up todate and I get crashes.

The game takes quite a while which is something to keep in mind. Since you are on an island, troops can not just walk over. While there are gate spells and flying creatures, there is no easy way to attack decisively.

A decisive attack can really destroy your opponent. This can be done by cutting their island chain. This destroys their reputation and that stops their ability to grow. I think it is a bit cheesy but it is how this game plays.

For the right price, this game is worth the experience but I think one will get tired of it quick. Considering the cost of other entertainment, this could be a good.
63 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 21:10
The idea is appealing, the world looks fun. I jumped right into the dwarven campaign and as I would in general recommend this game I have two really big issues with it: 1) it is extremely slow: the main idea with getting islands, the economy, the micro armies - all of that slows things really hard, but on top of that you get AI controlled army - extremelly slow in reslut...
2) the game is too easy. I picked the highest difficulty and expected the game to destroy me, but it was a piece of cake, which tells me any lower difficulty has to be a joke. the missions are tedious, especially the fifth as dwarves, where the map is so big.
Id give it a 3 out of 5, because I love dwarves and the idea is fun. I bought it with a 75% discount and that price is somewhere about the actual worth of this game - I'd never buy it for full price.

update: after another 20 hours of playing, which puts me on 29hours in total, the game annoys me to no end. I finished the campaign and after the game started to kill me with boredom, I thought that at least I will go for all achievements. little did I know, there's an achievement for a multiplayer game which I don't think is achieveable, since there are no games to join. the campaign is short, plot is quite easy, there's a plot twist, but that's all. the game had a lot of potential that got wasted. the fact I won't be able to get all achievements because nobody plays this game is kind of a cherry on the top. I changed my review from 'yes' to 'no' with the recommendation. I'm still internally crying on how slow this game is and I have a feeling that this could have been fixed easily just by removing 2/3 of its flaws. UI looks pretty and these radial context menus look fancy until you have to use them - sending in forces from 6 pitch camps is pure torture. sending in a convincing force to make a coordinated attack is pure torture as well. the game tries to act like Majesty in terms of army control, but does it a lot worse. this makes not being able to directly control your units a real pain, especially when it goes to scouting and if you want to ommit something, then boy are you in a time to be disappointed...

the single thing that didn't bite me a lot harder the more time I got into the game was the economy. you will have to deduce some details on your own, because the descriptions nor tutorials won't tell you about them, but once you know all of it, economy makes you feel relaxed with it, since it's so simple and smooth as long as you go with its rules.
96 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 14:26
Reminds me of Majesty. Good game, story is generic, so there is no awe, just what you would expect from a normal tale about medieval war. There is no voice over in lines, I haven't found one at least, so you would have to read all of the things that happen in the campaign yourself and come up with voices of the characters.

Get it on sale.

I haven't figured out bridge building when islands are discovered but there is no vision, which makes sense if that is by design.
267 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 06:30
I would describe it as a flawed gem.

One of the first games that I played on PC was Netstorm and this game really draws some parallels with their maps and some mechanics. So, maybe it's because of nostalgia, but I loved this game.

The game has a dated design, that was maybe intentional, so it didn't bothered me too much.
The mechanics were not bad, but I think that the late game was little overlooked (the matches can become endless is some cases). It also has a very strong case of micromanagement mania. You have to keep looking for buildings in the map to spawn unities and it get's hard as you need to go through dozens of them at the late game.
The campaign was not bad. Some people complained that it was not cinematic enough, but this game is certainly not trying to go to this route, so I don't think is good complaint.
What I think that was bad about the campaign is that, sometimes, is hard to understand what the game wants you to do to win a mission. There are mechanics unique to some stages and they expected you use them with little explanation. I think a little more of QA with people outside the development team would've helped.

So, if you like the theme, have some nostalgia and don't mind the micromanaging, I would say this is the game for you.

2063 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 22:29
I enjoy the new take on RTS and suggest any RTS fan looking for a nice little change to give it a shot.
102 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 04:09
It's alright. Not great, but not bad. campaign was decent, nice story. gameplay is pretty mediocre. I did not like the Nomad scenarios. Game also crashed every so often.
664 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 12:25
Y'all remember Netstorm? This game is exactly like that but a fantasy version and it's just amazing. Flying Islands are really fun AND you can move them.

Edit: You can also blow them up.
384 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 23:48
Pretty kewl, like a mashup of mostly Majesty with the islands/bridging concept of NetStorm.
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 16:20
A fun time killing game
460 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 08:29
Got this game in humble monthly. Sucked me in and had quite a bit of fun, stratches a certain city building/rpg/rts itch.

That said, for A$ 39.99, the campaign story is bland and poor. All the factions essentially play the same.
Once you've figured out a reasonable build order the game play itself.
Zero multiplayer community.

For sub $10? Sure i'd recommend it.

For 4x that? No way.
511 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 10:56
Very well made game with lot of different elements in it. nice blend new mechanics and visual.
792 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 14:13
The only thing I don't particularly like is that you can't control your heroes directly. Except in a special mode.
322 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 01:36
It's a RTS city building game on floating islands. Something different. It's fun.
241 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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3133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 03:12
The game is ok. Not great not bad. But the Nomads DLC is really bad. Made this game a classic RTS and let's just say it does not shine at all. Everything is cluncky and underwelming.
640 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
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597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 19:23
If the game worth the asked price? Yes. A lot of content and decent mechanics which working steadily without bugs.
If it the best choice for this price? Not really. You may find better straight-to-the point strategies on the market.
I spent hours in the game, and that was OK. But in the end, I got tired of the monotonous micromanagement and repeating the same steps again and again, without much variation.
And it works rather strange on the gameplay aspect.

It's like the game borrowing elements from other strategies but mixes them in the wrong proportions to be fluent and entertaining.

It feels like you're playing 4K strategy without 4K core and UI.
But you spend a lot of time controlling resources in the same way as you do in 4K, without convenient handlers.
Also, it's so uninteresting and bothersome to gather resources, so you mostly specialize on the gold, tree, and stone and just buy all other missing resources in the market.
Unlike 4K, there are not many global goals that make recourse-gathering motivating.

It looks like you're playing Majesty, but indirect control lost it's sense because heroes not doing anything on their own and don't live their lives like in Majesty. In the Majesty, it was interesting to watch the heroes as they earn and spend earned gold, visit one building, then another, buy potions, equipment, meditate, participate in tournaments, etc. They were capable of exploring the whole map without single order, but you needed place bounties to motivate them to risk their lives over strong targets. In this game, the heroes without orders are mostly idle.

It looks like you take control over the floating islands like in Netstorm, but there could be anything else instead of islands because you do everything the normal way as you do on solid terrain.
expanding territory by connecting domains or venture forth from one domain to another trough portal (magic gates).
So it feels like any ordinary expansion via discovering towns/planets.
in Netstrom you could use the fact that everything is actually floating by breaking bridges under enemies and enemy buildings and use other tricks that utilize the position of islands and resources towards each other. Many points of interest were unique and you needed to capture them faster than the enemy in order to get the necessary advantage in battle.
Here there is no difference in the way you kill enemies and destroy their buildings, you do it the same way as on solid ground with flying units.

You can move islands, this is interesting mechanics, but the distance is limited, and it’s also not very clear where the islands have junction points and where not, unlike Netstorm.
The maintenance price rises with each consecutive island, and it would be interesting if it were possible to shuffle the islands for the benefit of it, but the moving function is implemented minimally and does little.
Moving and stitching islands together interesting in the beginning but gets repetitive quickly.
The islands are quite close in size, properties, and you can also grow the island in close distance, so the exploration of the territory (aside from points of interest) becomes secondary.
The islands could have been much more unique, much more different in size, shape (length/width ratio and orientation relative to each other), type of terrain, have special buildings on them, have more special properties and the distribution of resources, so it could be more exciting to explore the territory find something very unique or profitable instead of connecting everything for quantity. While a random connection of disadvantaged islands might have some bigger penalties.
365 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 04:07
I'm a big fan of the game Majesty, and it seemed pretty clear to me that Driftland was aiming for something similar, which is why I was interested in it. But while Majesty is brimming with charm and energy and depth, Driftland is bland and undifferentiated. I liked the novel mechanics of pulling together a network of sky islands into a brimming metropolis, but when it came time for the RPG portion of things, I just couldn't stay interested.

Not a terrible game, but I don't see any reason to recommend it over another replay of Majesty (or Majesty 2, if you insist on something more modern)
84 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 01:23
Feels like a dumb-down mobile builder game. Not for me. May be for you though. Try it yourself and decide.
620 Produkte im Account
395 Reviews
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183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 09:17
Expand fast, get bored, know you will not play this a second time. I wanted this to be more than it is, there is some ideas here that sound great but when you play it, they are not done well. There is only one way to play this game, grow fast. All the races are the same, there is only one way to win and no amount of strategy or planning is rewarded.
4187 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 12:17
Pretty entertaining strategy game with elements of god game and rpg. The wold has been shattered into small islands and you as a new god set out to unify these islands and restore the land. In a traditional strategy fashion buildings can be built and upgraded on islands, units can level up and be fine-tuned with a small range of skills and upgrades. As a god though you have access to a number of spells (buffs, offensive, defensive, special) including the ability to move or create floating islands to expand your empire. The campaign is a bit slow IMO and story is nothing new, but solo skirmish games can be entertaining, as can multiplayer battles if you can find an opponent.
195 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 07:28

Lewis does 5 hour Humble Bundle reviews.

Something i'm starting up, considering I do Humble Bundle a lot now. I play a game for 5 hours, as that is a good time to get a feel of the game, and whether im going to continue playing it. Review score with short pros/cons list at the top for TL;DR, followed by a summary below.

Score: 7/10
  • Gorgeous artsyle, clearly a labour of love.
  • Fun micro-manage economy system.
  • Magic is cool to use, if short lived
  • Definitely a unique expansion system.

  • Economy system grows stale quickly. Becomes more a chore than fun.
  • Combat system is clunky, frustrating and unfun.
  • Limited variance between games - Once you've played each race once, you've seen it all.
  • Small unit/army variety.

Am I likely to continue playing? - No.

So to conclude. The concept itself is definitely interesting and the expansion of lands by summoning islands to yours as a clump is something i've not seen before in an RTS game. The combat side of things is what really lets the game down - You engage by putting a marker down and your units attack anything in the marker. Frustratingly you have no control over the units or what they attack from a first person view. You can keep placing markers down and buffing up it's priority by spending gold to make the do that first, but it feels unresponsive and clunky. The small variety of unit types (3) and small armies themselves make combat quite unenjoyable if im honest. I can see what they were going for and it's clearly a labour of love. I think the combat will appeal to some folks, especially if you like a slow-paced RTS that has aspects of the micromanagement of a citysim in regards to economy.

It's not a bad game. Would I pay £23 for it? No. But if you're into slow-paced RTS with citysim economy elements perhaps look for it on offer. I'm going to give this a recommended based on the mentioned caveats. Otherwise, avoid.
162 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 06:40
Really not sure why this is mixed on reviews.

Looks gorgeous
Island mechanics and economy management cool
Majesty-Dungeon Keeper type of game

Clunky interface that gives very little info
Tiring music, not really fitting for a game like this

Definitely could have been more and should have been more. Still, i recommend this game %100, its a good distraction, totally worth the money with the discount.
1621 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
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123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 01:32
Driftland: The Magic Revival genuinely looks pretty cool in concept. The idea of drawing together magically shifting islands into a post-cataclysm floating empire seems, well, rad. Resource management and base building are right up my alley. Throw in a not-so-secret Majesty influence and I'm down. But Driftland is more of a pseudo-RTS with a clunky UI, excruciating command structures, nonsensical missions, obtuse progression and not much else to offer. Two and a half missions and ten minutes of skirmish was about all I could stomach.

My list of complaints is quite a long saga, so I'll try to stick to my biggest bugbears. The UI is cluttered and convoluted. Stuff is just sort of placed wherever, with little cohesion or usability in mind. The build menu is constantly trying to bind to my keyboard (lmb+[key] is a baaaad hotkey combo in a game with a WASD camera). There's a bolted on tech tree with maybe two impactful upgrades. There's too many resources—in my early missions I ran into gold food wood stone iron coal blue gems and red gems. What do you do with red gems, you ask? You feed them to eagles, obviously. Not the most elegant connection between game elements.

There's tool tips to try to make sense of it all, but the game keeps surprising you with little systems that surely could've found its way somewhere into the UI—for example, buildings in a desert produce -50% resources, which the game helpfully tells you about only after you've already built the damn mine.

There's stuff that seems smart—for instance, the unit list will leave blank spaces for any potential recruits, so there's no need to find the exact building to cap yourself on archers. But it always backfires—in the previous example, now you have 10 blank bird spaces for all the eagle nests you capture and will never use (what, am I made of red gems?). It ends up being hard to find your actual units.

Which is pointless anyway, because you don't control them. Driftland heavily borrows the old priority flag system from Majesty, a game I quite like. You can flag units to attack, islands to explore, etc, and your heroes will get around to it when they can. But Majesty is a game where generally the opposition is critter barrows and dungeon dwellers, so it's ok if your dumb AI knights don't rush over and kill those goblins right away—even then, that's the number one problem most people have with Majesty. Driftland, I realized far too late, is a skirmish RTS where other kingdoms can and will rush you, and you can't directly organize a defense. This makes AI stupidity infinitely more costly.

Oh and you need to spend money on these flags. Imagine if in, say, Age of Empires, ordering your units a) cost money and b) didn't work most of the time anyway. And of course, the AI has no issues with this at all. That's disastrous design for a skirmish RTS.

There's a lot more. The spells are boring (oh wow, a fireball spell). The story lurches from beat to beat, never actually explaining who what when where or why. According to others, later scenarios are supposed to take two to five hours, which for an RTS is absurd. And pulling aside everything irritating about Driftland, it's still just a slow and boring expansionist gameplay loop done better by dozens of games.

So there are base builder games with smoother gameplay than Driftland (e.g. Frostpunk), which doesn't matter because it's actually a skirmish RTS with a focus on macromanagement over APM, but there are games that do that better too (e.g. Northgard). I genuinely like the world design and concept art of Driftland, it's a cool City in the Sky type setting I'd be down to explore. But not in a game bursting with problems like this one.
346 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 01:11
Beatiful game, honestly the main reason I spent the time I did in this game. Very relaxed and chill experience.

This game when it comes to RTS, is most closely resembled Northgard and probably some resemble of early settlers games specially settlers 2, as in you don't really have direct control of all your units but you kind of do. You mostly care about managing resources, and building stuff to manage your economy and resources. As you do in northgard. Exploration and finding the right stuff is sort of similar too.

Why is this a thumbs down? Mostly becuase of difficulty balance. I was playing the campaign, for on easiest to learn the game, but as I went through the missions I went harder and harder, as the game was VERY easy. The opponent didn't even have a chance at all. Until I got to the hardest difficulty. opponents still didn't have a chance tho. HOWEVER, it was annoying, god damnit the leap your economy tanks from going to the second hardest to hardest difficulty, is absolutely absurd.
How it works. on easy difficulty, you get a lot of stuff from your buildings and workers, and stuff is cheap.
On harder difficulty, your stuff gives less and stuff is more expensive. probably no change in AI at all it seems.

On the second hardest difficulty, It wasn't hard to maintain your economy, and get a lot of units. (but still too easy)
on the hardest tho. you go from building up your population just to have them all needing to be farmers to feed themself. In a ever ending cycle, where you are forced to explore the world, to get enough gold to get enough tech, to unlock gold mine. And when that is done, you have to win before the gold is used up on the map.
I didn't find this to be fun at all. it became tedious as you stood there waiting for the little gold you could get just to do something. It became more a waiting game, then a game where on the easier difficulties you always had stuff to do and make stuff with.
Maybe I am doing something terribly wrong, but this is what my experience was with going from easy difficulties to the hardest.
It completely drained my enjoyment as I was expecting having to micro manage more efficent and faster as I went up difficulties, but the opposite happened. This is why I can't recommend the game, maybe its nice if you don't care about having any kind of challange opposing you on missions. They have completely failed in that regard.
To fix this they have to balance out the economy where in all difficulties everything costs the same and gives out the same output. But make it more difficult by either making the enemy smarter and faster, or making it cheat. But instead they gave you infinite resources on easiest difficulty, and scraps on hardest.
120 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 12:54
TL:DR, if you like the classic RTS AOE-type games, this is one game that you should definitely try out.

This is a classic RTS base and army building game that reminisce games like Age of Empires, with a refreshing twist. You get limited land on floating islands which you have to connect with bridges to form your empire. Also, you get to tame wild flying beasts, like dragons, so your units or 'heroes' can ride them to traverse the torn world. Other than economy and army management, magic plays a very big role in this game, especially for the elven races. Want to form your very own island out of thin air? Yes you can. Want to implode an island that you didn't like? Yes you can.

I've finished all four campaigns in the game, and I think the story is just average. Most missions are rather straightforward, build up your base and army, and then defeat the enemy. However, some missions require a different formula to win, which adds little spice to the usual rote. I like how the interface is organised, but a little dismayed as not all buttons have a shortcut key. Music is good, although it becomes a bit stale after a few hours in the game due to lack of variety. The graphics are stunning, and almost worthy of a triple A game. I like the details put into the graphics, like the blinding light from the core of the planet (I assume), and the flash from the firing of a Dwarven pistol.

On the down side, I don't really like the part where you cannot control the actions of each individual units, instead you mark areas with flags to attack, explore or raid. These instructions can be prioritised by investing some gold, but somehow this system seems to be a little buggy, as the units appear to have some priorities of their own, like dropping by the blacksmith for some upgrades or engaging an enemy while on the way to the main objective. Although this seem realistic, as you don't control people like robots, it's just something that irked me a lot.

All in all, Driftland is an RTS game with good potential, like a diamond in the rough, and is worth trying for RTS fans. I don't usually write game reviews, but this game caught my attention. Although it requires a little bit more polishing, especially on the unit controls, I believe it is worth my time writing this recommendation for people out there who enjoys RTS games.

P/S: Please feel free to drop by the Midcore Gamer curator page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/33780629-The-Midcore-Gamer/
184 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
3184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 22:12
Only writing about the campaign at the moment. It is a bit cliche, but - it's quite fun. Missions can be turtled or rushed, seems like dark elves are a bit unbalanced with their ability to drain islands of all the resources in a short time without building any mines, but whatever.

Game looks nice, sounds amazing! The soundtrack is better than many AAA games from huge studios so big respect for creators.

Each faction is somewhat unique, but there are common denominators with differences being mostly in flavour. Units: explorer (I'd say prospector), melee fighter, mage, ranged fighter. Units are shadows of themselves if not given a mount which makes things a bit more complex as mounts come in 3 variants. Raven, Eagle, Dragon - each progressively more powerful, each coming from a nest and highly limited. This is where dwarves differ - they don't use animals but rather build a flying machines.
Space can be the biggest constrain so plan your settlement well - each island can support limited number of population which in turn is turned into workers, units or taxpayers.

A fun thing - portal connects island to your empire. Portals can have permanent duration. Mage tower lets you cast spells around it's perimeter. Camp lets you group units around it. Finally, there's a spell to move island within your magic range. A small island, portal, camp full of best soldiers, mage tower. Sprinkle with defensive towers generously... congratulations! You've made a siege engine/battle ship! Just drift it towards the enemy and keep raiding them. Wreck the coast and blow up enym islands blocking your way
2424 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
2412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 01:05
I finished the story for this, its not great, not terrible. ;)
Love the Dwarfs , they were the most fun to play.
322 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 15:05
Reminds me of Settlers mixed with Majesty mixed with Spellforce. Feels good.
116 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 14:03
It's a really game with some new Innovative Ideas. It's still in development but its make really fun and new content is gonna come!
80 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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1213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 21:43
Lacking depth, is the same every time you play......
539 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 18:48
Not worth the price.

It's an ok game, but that's all.

Visually it's awesome, but everything else... need some work.

The main history it's sadly bad, like a bad film.

The gameplay it's overly slow, you are almost all the time waiting to things happens... also, needs more variety on units and buildings. Resources and the idea of floading islands it's cool.

Just wait for a discound of 5 or 7€, no more.
712 Produkte im Account
294 Reviews
1660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 16:55
Driftland is a nice RTS-approach. It has many different resources, including the land itself, needed to build on and to be stripped of diamonds, rubies, coal, mana, steel, gold, stone and wood. Small ruins give you further advantages when conquered, and being able to reshape the lay of the land is quite fun.
But I always felt totally drained of options in the beginning until hitting a kind of snowball reaction chain, when suddenly, I couldn't build and upgrade fast enough to keep my resources from stockpiling.
Visually beautiful, I caught myself exclusively looking at the strategic map. It' s kind of a shame, but no reason for complaint. If the game only worked on the strategic map, it would still be a good game.
Only real complaint I have is that you cannot control your units directly. And like in all AI based unit control, I had a few rage moments, because my heroes were acting stupid and treacherous.

Follow my curator at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/28337205-Fair-Minded-Witness/
373 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 20:57
Netstorm meets Majesty. If you know both those titles, then this should be an amazing game. Instead it's a pretty good game if you get it on sale.

The big mistake was not copying Majesty enough. Much of Majesty's success came from its light almost comedic tone. Driftland's tone is completely serious and dramatic.

Another key feature of Majesty was that the units had their own endearing personalities. Rogues cared only about money. Warriors wanted to fight. Clerics wanted someone to heal. Rangers preferred exploring. Elves were hedonistic hippies. And these personalities came out not only in unit behavior, but also in voice clips that played whenever you selected a unit or when the unit reacted to some circumstance. The units seemed to have their own lives. They would go home to rest, go shopping for supplies, and only react to reward flag when it suited them. They had their own names, and many of those were funny. The result was that I started caring about my Majesty units. I would cheer when my favorite mage gained levels, and I would curse if he died.

Driftland doesn't do any of that. When you click on the units in Driftland, they give weak little grunts or unintelligible responses. And the game makes it difficult to track a unit and see what it's thinking. If you want information about a specific unit, you get a big popup in the middle of the screen rather than a useful display in one corner. The units have different names, but otherwise no personality. I didn't care about any of them, and half the time I didn't even notice them until they entered combat.

Beautiful visuals
Good music
Gameplay successfully combines Netstorm and Majesty

Pitiful sound effects
Amateur writing
Amateur voice acting (except for opening monologue)
Units have no personality
Cannot conveniently track units.
Mood falls flat. It's neither the gritty intensity of Netstorm nor the light humor of Majesty.
1825 Produkte im Account
740 Reviews
687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 15:40
Similar to Majesty, but lacks a lot of it's charm in the actual gameplay currently, I can still sit for hours watching my heroes level up and aggravating me on Majesty. However this is a very nice clone-ish game with a lot of potential and I certainly don't regret the purchase. Highly recommended! Takes a bit to learn the ropes, but once you've mastered the basics, it's a golden game.
63 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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1648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 16:03
In the end it's a boring game where most of the gameplay is waiting for things to happen.

- Combat is very slow paced and so is movement
- Story is boring and dialogue is laughably bad.
- Every mission is the same because you always need to build the exact same buildings and train the exact same units

I really like the core idea of this game and had great fun in my first 2-3 missions... but that's pretty much where it ended. The past 10 or so missions have felt like a pure grind. After the last one I wondered why I even bother and deinstalled.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.19 19:40
There's some nice ideas here but the game is so shallow that none of them really reach their potential.
It starts out well enough but you notice pretty quickly that you don't have all that many options to influence things.
There's no unit diversity or meaningful customization, handling your economy is insultingly easy and every combat basically comes down to zerg rushing things and throwing a few spells into the mix.

It looks decent enough, runs smoothly and is certainly fun enough to pass a few hours with, but the lack of depth and repetitive missions means that anyone looking for actual strategy will be bored quickly.
81 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 10:56
If you like RTS but don't like micro, this is the game for you.
442 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
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519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.19 14:12
One fine morning, I remembered what an awesome game Majesty was. Both original and sequel haven’t aged gracefully, but they’re still fun in their unique way. Craving for more, I learned about Driftland that supposedly used the same mechanics and decided to give it a shot.

D:TMR does use a core system where you don’t directly control units but place ‘Reward’ flags around the map. But the whole economy layer where your little dudes go and buy their upgrades and weapons and potions, that’s just not there. They just get the gold for the reward and that’s it. D:TMR has some other interesting things going on, like resource management and zone control, as well as the ability to manipulate the map itself which is made of floating islands! However, the narrative and the campaign was not engaging enough to keep me coming back; units and buildings (largely shared among factions) were also not that inspired. Ashamed to admit, never got to complete this one, leaving the ‘Played’ counter at 10 hours... https://www.facebook.com/chriskuv/
259 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.19 07:04
This was a tough one. On the surface it's a pretty good game. Classic rpg/rts elements. if all your looking for is a nice RTS with some new mechanics then i say go for it. If however like me, you were looking for the successor of Majesty, then you'll be disappointed.

Your units kind of have a default behavior, but as soon as you tell them to go somewhere, they go. You can create a blacksmith, but then you choose which upgrades to make available for your heros. (I do however like that it's not all linear upgrades). My big gripe with the whole game that left me disappointed, was that it just doesn't feel like a kingdom ruler sim. Maybe I read it wrong, maybe it never claimed to be, but if that's what your looking for best try one of the Majesty remasters.
Logo for Driftland: The Magic Revival
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
71.7% 636 251
Release:29.11.2017 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Star Drifters Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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