• Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.
  • Dread Templar: Screen zum Spiel Dread Templar.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.01.2023
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Preis Update 27.01.25

Über das Spiel

Dread Templar is a fast-paced first-person shooter that combines elements from both modern retro shooters and classics from the 90s. You are a Dread Templar seeking his revenge deep in the evil realm. Explore the levels and solve puzzles to find hidden weapons and upgrades. Face hordes of demons and bloodthirsty fiends using ninja equipment, firearms, and infernal weapons that will make YOU the scariest thing in hell. Gain Dread Powers and customize your skills according to your playstyle, as they will help you in your battle against the dark forces.

  • Dread Templar uses elements from both modern retro FPS and classic shooters such as fast-paced gameplay, dashing, headshots and bullet time so you can enjoy the old-school shooting games in a modern way!
  • Customize your weapon skills to fit your own playstyle and fight against the demon hordes.
  • More than 10 types of weapons in the game including katana swords, firearms and infernal guns!
  • Explore side areas and secret places, solve interesting puzzles and get rewards.
  • Handmade retro art style - all elements in the game including weapons, demons, and levels are done in a retro pixel art style reminiscent of the 90s shooters.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: CPU 2.5+ GHz
  • GFX: NVidia GTX 560
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64 Bit
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: CPU 3+ GHz
  • GFX: NVidia GTX 750 Ti
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64 Bit
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

134 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 15:57
Really fun oldschool shooter, great movement even though there is no strafing. But very worth playing!
401 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 17:48
Das Spiel bis jetzt ist echt klasse. Es macht wieder jede Menge Spaß die Viecher, mit einer guten Auswahl an Waffen, weg zu holzen haha. Die Waffentypen die man kennt: Pistolen, Shotung usw. sind gut umgesetzt und die Inferno Waffen sehen gut aus und haben nen geilen Klang. Die Akte sind nicht zu lang und nicht zu kurz mit einigen Zwischenbossen die leider nicht sonderlich anspruchsvoll waren. Der Erste Aktboss war gut und einige male gestorben^^. Ich würde mir für die Zukunft noch ein Waffenrad wünschen, sodass man schneller an die Waffe kommt, die man haben möchte.

Ich bin gespannt auf die nächsten Level :D
27 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 20:15
Not much to say, I really like it so far.

The Bow and Katana are really nice, and the dash is addictive. Weapons overall feel great and the upgrade system is really cool - especially the ability to reset everything encourages experiments.

It feels good exploring the levels and hunting for secrets.

If there is one thing I would love to see it would be enemy collision. Especially with weapons like the Katanas it feels strange that I can just run through enemies.

Other than that I think this could become an excellent entry in this retro FPS market.

Congratulations to the Devs, I think you're onto something here!
1113 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 10:34

In nichts wirklich schlecht, in nichts wirklich toll

Irgendwo zwischen Prodeus, HROT und Wrath: Aeon of Ruin erscheint mit Dread Templar nun ein weiterer Retro-Titel im Stile von Full3D-Shootern der späten 90er im Early Access ... und wird dabei durchaus seine Zielgruppe finden, es aber vermutlich zwischen dieser Konkurrenz trotzdem auch schwer haben ...

Ein abgehalfterter Dämonenjäger geht einen Pakt mit dem Teufel ein, um in die Hölle zu gelangen und dort nach Rache zu suchen ... oder irgendwie sowas. Da ist es auch kein Wunder, dass sich das Setting irgendwo zwischen Doom und Painkiller bewegt.

Ob das handlungstechnisch noch irgendwo weiter hinführt als nur zu einem Aufhänger für deftige Ballereien, lässt sich derzeit noch nicht sagen, da das Narrative bisher aus zwei wenig sagenden und etwas zu pseudo-cool formulierten Text-Tafeln besteht. Aber nun gut ... die wenigsten Fans von Shootern im Stile der 90er werden die aufgrund ihrer tiefgreifenden Handlung konsumieren ...

Wie bei der Konkurrenz stehen schnelles Gameplay in nicht als Schläuche angelegten Levels gespickt mit Secrets auf dem Plan. So weit, so solide. Gerade das Gunplay fällt Stand jetzt aber noch etwas zu ungeschliffen aus. Die eigenen Schuss-Animationen und das Treffer-Feedback lassen noch den nötigen »Wumms« vermissen. Gerade beim Kern der Spielerfahrung kommt also noch nicht ganz der Spaß auf, den Dread Templar auffahren könnte.

Das Waffenarsenal kann sich aber immerhin schon sehen lassen und reicht von Dual-Pistolen und -MPs über die üblichen Verdächtigen wie Pumpaction, Doppelläufige und Raketenwerfer bis zum dicken Templar-Revolver und -Handschuh (quasi Dread Templars BFG9000) sowie Pfeil und Bogen. Für den Nahkampf stehen zwei Katana bereit, die sich auch zum Wurfspeer umfunktionieren lassen. Gerade für die Zerstörung von Kisten, Urnen und Co., in denen sich vor allem Munition finden lässt, fehlt dem Spiel aber eine Art Kick oder die Möglichkeit, das Katana auch mit gezogener Schusswaffe schnell mal zu schwingen. So nimmt der momentan noch nötige Waffenwechsel (wenn man Munition sparen möchte) unnötig Tempo heraus. Nicht viel zu meckern gibt's bereits jetzt bei den Gegner-Horden. Lange im Gedächtnis bleiben werden die einem zwar nicht, fast jeder Typ fährt aber eine unterschiedliche Standard-Taktik auf -- einfach dumpf in der Gegend rumballern reicht als eigene Taktik also in der Regel nicht.

Das Level Design geht wie bereits angedeutet in Ordnung, auch wenn es ebenfalls nicht über ein gehobenes Mittelmaß hinauskommt. Bei zukünftigen Levels darf der Entwickler aber gerne noch etwas mehr bei der Environment Art wagen. Über Höhlen, Grüfte und Friedhöfe kommt die nämlich derzeit noch nicht hinaus.

Ebenfalls noch etwas Nachholbedarf besteht beim Soundtrack. Zwar wartet jedes Level mit einem eigenen Thrash-Metal-Track auf. Dieser wird allerdings undynamisch abgespult. Heißt: Der Track dudelt vom Anfang des Levels bis zum Ende unaufhörlich im Loop vor sich hin. Da die Tracks zudem recht schlicht sind, kann das auf Dauer auch durchaus nerven, selbst wenn man (wie ich) was für die Musikrichtung übrig hat. Hier wäre weniger (sprich ruhigere Klänge, wenn gerade mal nicht geballert wird) durchaus mehr. Vielleicht setzt man hier im Laufe der EA-Phase ja noch mal an.

Über ein (noch?) rudimentäres Skill-System lässt sich der Templar ebenso rudimentär verbessern. Dafür braucht's jedoch keine XP-Pünktchen oder so einen Schmarrn: Sowohl die Items, mit welchen man Slots freischaltet, als auch die Skills selbst, müssen in den Levels gefunden werden. Die meisten Verbesserungen sind aber nicht viel mehr als ein »Mehr Munition für Waffe X tragen« oder »Erhöht Schaden von Waffe Y«. Den meisten Spaß zieht das System daraus, die Verbesserungen in den Levels überhaupt zu finden, etwa in extra als solche gekennzeichneten »optionalen Arealen«, die schwerer sind als der restliche Level. Optional ist hier aber etwas weit hergeholt ... denn wer lässt schon freiwillig Content aus?

Die Balance hat noch so ihre Problemstellen. Die 4 Schwierigkeitsgrade gehen insgesamt in Ordnung, auch wenn der zweite (»Normal«) jeden, der schon mal einen oldschooligen Shooter gespielt hat, maßlos unterfordern dürfte. Gerade die Boss-Gegner lassen sich spielend-einfach mit simpelster »Die-ganze-Zeit-um-ihn-herum-im-Kreis-laufen-und-aus-allen-Rohren-ballern«-Taktik besiegen. Zusätzlich vereinfacht werden die Kämpfe noch mal durch eine, wenn aufgeladen jederzeit aktivierbare, Bullet-Time, welche sich durch das Besiegen von Gegnern langsam füllt, aber auch nur wenige Sekunden hält. Mehr als ein kleines Gimmick ist sie also nicht.

Wie einige Mitbewerber auch baut Dread Templar auf die Unity Engine -- schon in den ersten 10 Sekunden überkommen einen hier aber auch aufgrund des Environments und des Level-Designs Quake-1-Vibes. Wüsste man es nicht besser, könnte man Dread Templar optisch tatsächlich für einen Titel der späten 90er halten.

Leider ist der Artstyle in der Summe allerdings ... es ist schwer, dafür einen einzelnen Begriff rauszukramen, der den Nagel auf den Kopf trifft ... Vergessenswert? Zweckmäßig? Uninspiriert? Jedenfalls nichts, weswegen einem der Titel im Gedächtnis bleiben wird.
Größter Kritikpunkt dürften aber vor allem die eigenen Animationen und das Treffer-Feedback sein. Wie alles andere an Dread Templar fällt das zwar nicht unter »grottig«, es fehlt aber wie bereits angesprochen noch eine ordentliche Portion »Wumms«, um in den Schießereien richtig Spaß aufkommen zu lassen. Man kann nur hoffen, dass die Entwickler hier im Laufe der EA-Phase noch einmal Hand anlegen.

Zum Release der Early-Access-Version enthält Dread Templar etwa 40% des für die finale Version geplanten Contents. Die meisten Waffen sind drin, mit 10 Schießprügeln ist man also bereits jetzt gut ausgestattet, um das gute Dutzend verschiedener Gegner über den Styx zu schicken. Für die in zwei Episoden aufgeteilten 10 von insgesamt 25 geplanten Levels braucht man, wenn man nicht gerade trödelt oder jedes einzelne Secret mitnehmen möchte, gut 3 Stunden. Hochgerechnet könnte das für den Full-Release entsprechend eine Gesamtspielzeit von circa 8 Stunden bedeuten.

Der aktuelle Content ist in Spielzeit umgerechnet also noch recht überschaubar, der veranschlagte Preis von 15 Euro ohne Rabatt allerdings auch.

Dread Templar macht nichts gravierend falsch ... aber kann auch in praktisch nichts wirklich herausstechen. Das Gunplay ist okay, aber nicht berauschend. Environment Art und Level Design gehen klar, hat man aber auch schon besser gesehen. Optisch könnte das Spiel direkt aus den späten 90ern gefallen sein, einen unverwechselbaren Style wie andere Titel aus der Ära oder aktuelle Retro-Shooter hat es aber nicht. Der Umfang der EA-Version ist noch recht überschaubar, der veranschlagte Preis ist aber durchaus fair.

Für Fans des Genres, die sich über jeden neuen Retro-Shooter freuen, bleibt damit trotz allem klar eine Empfehlung übrig. Alle anderen, die nur gerne mal wieder mit einem guten Titel in Nostalgie schwelgen wollen, haben jedoch bessere Alternativen zur Auswahl. Unter dieser Konkurrenz wird es Dread Templar voraussichtlich schwer haben, im Gedächtnis zu bleiben.

[QUOTE]Zu meiner Kuratoren-Seite rund um Classic-, Retro- und Oldschool-Shooter mit aktuellen Reviews
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225 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 12:24
Ersteindruck ist hammergeil. Richtig fetzige Oldschool Shooter Action. Da kann glaub ich nicht mehr viel schief gehen
181 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 03:07
It's better than dusk
465 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 15:48
gun go boom, level design go brr, blood go everywhere, riffs in ear

excited to see where this goes, its rare i get early access games and even rarer that they feel this amazing, went off of cv-11s word and was not disappointed
4240 Produkte im Account
297 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 20:53
Combine Quake 2 with Doom and perhaps a bit of Painkiller and you might end up with something like Dread Templar. Even though that does sound like a 'killer-combo', I'm not sure what to think of this game.

The game starts off pretty slow and it takes quite a long time to step up the pace which gives me hope that in the future this could be a really fun game when finished. Like in most 90s/Retro FPS games you will be running around killing creatures and finding keys or levers to unlock doors. Obviously there are tons of secrets to find which contain ammo, health or perks which you can use to give your character extra health or extra pistol dmg and so on.

The problems I have with this game is that killing creatures is not really that fun compared to some other games I've played + the maps are not that interesting. Especially the earlier levels are a borefest, nothing you have never seen before.
The weapons are fine I guess. Obviously it's getting harder for developers to come up with unique weapons.

Like I said before; At one point Dread Templar starts to become more interesting and comes pretty close to Doom (2016) using the Quake 2 engine but not long after that you will have finished the game since it's still in Early Access. I do have to say that the heavy metal soundtrack is pretty good and keeps you in the mood.

Dread Templar certainly is not the worst game of the bunch but at the moment I can't really recommend it compared to the asking price.

72 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 12:56
Played on the early access content update #5.
Good game overall with gameplay that doesn't excel at anything in particular.
The majority of guns feel relevant with just the standard pistols being pretty bad without the top tier upgrade.
The soundtrack is incredible with my personal favorites being E1M3/E1M4 and E3M1/E3M2.
134 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 00:48
Dread Templar is great, the gameplay, the design, the music. It's all really good.

The game is still in early access which does result in a small amount of playtime/content but that small time was great. The levels are all very well designed and never found too hard to combat my enemies. I sometimes got a little lost on where I was required to go but after some wandering I was able to continue. The shooting and general combat is solid. All the guns feel powerful and purposeful, I was really impressed with the amount of weapons. The game has a very large line up of guns for all purposes. The guns feel modern and also feel very quake/doom like.

The art in the game is as expected, it's a modernised version of the classic fps visuals. There's some extra lighting tech that really helps push the game a little further and the enemy designs really stood out as intriguing. It's certainly not anything to be excited about but I did enjoy seeing what the locations had on offer. The music is probably some of the best you can get from the genre, the early levels have the best tracks, they are heavy, fast and have tons of power behind them. The performance is quite good, some fps dips in places which is odd with the low poly count. They were not awful but it happens at times. A big issue I had was my frame rate being extremely high which was causing me to work harder than it needed to because the game has no frame cap. A frame cap would have been a great setting to have and would have helped the game perform better. There were little to no bugs within the game, some very small inconveniences but nothing ever bothered me.

In conclusion, the game is great. There is not much here currently which might make some avoid it, i was able to beat it in 4 hours on normal difficulty but If you're looking for more old school shooters I'd certainly add this one to your library.

Note : purchased via Humble Bundles - Boomer shooter bundle.
679 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 17:24
a little short on content currently, but the dev's have been surprisingly on time with their roadmap so far. Easily one of the best retro shooters i've played, I'd say on par with Dusk. Only real negative point I can make is the music, definitely a little too repetitive. Either needs to be more ambient or more varied if it's going to be so intense. Otherwise, solid mechanics, good increase in difficulty by the time you get to end of e2, nice upgrade system, good secrets, varied themes between episodes, really hits all the marks.
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 12:55
get it
276 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 15:36

Amazing game, but ugh episode 3

So I just finished this early access build, and I gotta say DO NOT make more levels like the last 2, in episode 3 (the ice cave ones)... I don't know if the team got rushed but those two levels make a fresh and fun experience plummet into repetitiveness and frustration. Every single encounter it's literally the same - 4 ice scorpion/bugs that slow you to a crawl if they bite you, 2 huge ice xenomorph aliens and 2 mages that spawn enemies. Add to that an uninspired bland environment and it just doesn't fit with the previous levels of the game.

The game itself (aside from ep 3) is awesome. Fast paced shooter with proper mechanics, powerups with a cool arsenal making it fun to decimate enemies. There is also an upgrading system in the game which allows you to upgrade weapons and powerups with upgrade tokens you find around the level, giving a good incentive to explore the interesting and detailed environments.

TL;DR Amazing game however it falls flat on episode 3
357 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 17:15
Very Average. Nothing here excites me and feels like just every other boomer shooter trying to capture the classic feel but fails completely and just feels awkward.
75 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 00:59
Cant wait for full release, This games dope
224 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 21:39
I wrote a positive review of this product because it is a very good product.
373 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 02:42

Definitely one you should keep your bloody eyeballs on.

Dread Templar does everything right and rarely falters in any of its facets. Gameplay is as tight as you should expect from a game of its kin. Move fast, dash, slow down time and combine your katanas into an unstoppable spear of death on your way to victory.

Weapons pack a wallop just as a good arsenal would. You got your standard accoutrement of armament ranging from your dual pistols and SMGs, shotguns in both single and double barrel flavours to your long range Bow and Arrow (with an infinitely refilling quiver on a cooldown), angry Hell Rocket Launcher and Revolver and - Dread Templar's BFG - the Infernal Fist that erases everything in its path; disappointment is not a word in this game's dictionary.

Graphics are instantly reminiscent of Quake with its crunchy 3D models and textures and brown colour palette in the first Episode, cosmic green skyboxes with a world drenched in purple haze and neon pink ooze in the second Episode - and its incredible closer - and a massive library occupied by phantom clerics wherein - upon interacting with a painting Mario 64-style - it leads to frozen scapes and shipwrecks with ghostly crew still on board in Episode 3.

Clever level design with passages and pathways that lead you right where you need to go after you flick a switch or grab a key and side areas that are riddled with enemies and hazards but reward you with much-needed upgrades, though I got lost but those occurences were few and far between.

Oh yeah, upgrades. The game has an upgrade system that thankfully does not adhere to the derivative tree scheme and instead opts to ask you to gather Emblems and Blood Gems in order to unlock upgrade slots for your weapons or your person (using Blood Gems) and equipping said Emblems. Be sure to find every secret you can because your benefit will go beyond the simple armour or ammo cache.

Music is majestically metal and legitimately the best soundtrack I've heard in a good while courtesy of the much underappreciated PRIMEVAL - who should receive as much recognition as Hulshult does. If you don't know who he is, he has composed the soundtracks to many Doom mods including the immensely enjoyable Ashes 2063 and Ashes Afterglow.

I was very impressed with how good performance was, considering how often my laptop gets brought to its knees by even the least graphically potent games. However, bullet time did consistently tank my performance so that remains to be addressed.

At the time of writing, there are two complete Episodes with three boss fights, with a third currently in the works. The game is planned to ship with five Episodes. The first level of the third Episode has been released and it's stunning. I was able to finish my first playthrough on Normal difficulty in a little over three and a half hours with some light secret searching. I spent another hour replaying levels to unlock achievements I had left and obtain some upgrades. I saw nearly everything in about five hours.

Overall, Dread Templar scratched ever itch I have in a boomer shooter and it's one that you should not skip if you fancy yourself a good Retro FPS. It's a very polished and competent shooter that has barely any bugs even in Early Access and will seldom leave you bemused. The future is looking bright for 1C and T19 and I'm very excited to play every subsequent content update.

Score: 8/10
300 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 14:57
If you like retro shooters, you would probably find this game enjoyable.
Maybe it is because I haven't played a lot of these games but I find some of the secrets annoying to find where you just have to mash e on parts of a wall even if it looks the same as the others.
309 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 22:23
This has a lot of potential. Being a huge boomer shooter fan and a boomer myself, I'm gonna be hard on the game in this review lol. Its far from a perfect retro FPS but man it's got a lot of promise. It's high points are it's rockin soundtrack and the weapon combos. Enemy's are a bit too easy and i'm playing on the hardest difficulty but it's in early access so the devs have a great foundation to work off of. I'm expecting the final boss kick my teeth in and show me why you don't go into a boomer shooter on the hardest difficulty too overconfident XD. All in all, I've loved my first 4 hours but Its an average shooter so far. Devs should keep working on b/c they have a hell of a fun game on their hands.
512 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 02:17
There is a lot to like about this game.

Love the graphical art style and the combat and controls are very good. As for the game play and mapping well I think that is all great too.

The game has lots of levels and the level design is very well done. Not a simple shoot em up by any means.

All in all a very nice game for old school shooter fans, awesome job and thanks a bunch to the developers.
219 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 00:41
The slow mo its a lame mechanic, but its up to you use it or not.
The game its fun and it gets better as you progress.
1314 Produkte im Account
467 Reviews
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 13:55
With the fast gameplay, varierty of enemies, level design, lots of smart secrets and a skill system this could be one of the best retro FPS games of next year.

Keep an eye out for this one. Recommended..
106 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 02:51
This game is great, there's a great foundation for the game, it almost feels like dusk got a dlc with more guns and level selection as well as better puzzling, i was slightly disappointed when there wasent as many uses of things like sliding such and such, but later down the game i understood why, its not trying to be a dusk copy its trying to be what the devs set out to do. I love the us of each type of movement in this game. Great game 100 percent recommend
48 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 22:54
This game provides everything it says on the tin. It's a great action-shooter with some customizable weapon upgrades, a well-implemented Bullet Time system, dope weapons, and exciting boss fights. My main complaint is that the Level 3 tier upgrades are far more interesting and apparent then the others. I like how getting the cooler upgrades rewards exploration, but I wish that gap was smaller.

There's a cool character in the game art, but there's no real story to see at all. The game gives you Quake-Style text entries between episodes. These could still be cool, but they need a writing facelift (At least if the game plans on not having cutscenes), getting all DND with it and writing some atmosphere into these texts can still give the game some excitement between levels. Another thing I note is the environments in Episode 2 are far more interesting than the first. The second is a trip through a very colorful version of hell, while episode 1 has some, kinda boring crypts, to run through. But these are nitpicks and very subjective. This game is a great time and I'm excited for the full release!

572 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 13:12
Wow. This is an awesome retro shooter designed like the games I grew up with in the 1990's. Smooth action, nice weapons and skills and great fun around a group of enemies. If you loved the FPS titles from the 1990's like Hexan and Heretic, this is a must have. Buy it today, or at least ask me to buy it for you.
502 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 02:48
Honestly a super solid doom inspired game. Big thumbs up from me.
558 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 16:18
Developers: Do you want Quake or Doom or Painkiller?

Me: Yes
247 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 15:36
A must if you like your Quake, Doom, Dusk etc. Good amount of content for early access & the soundtrack SLAPS.
1792 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 12:52

(Don't Fear) The Templar

It took playing the recent Quake remaster, but now I get it.

It's good. Nay, ace. No doubt about it. If it wasn't up against the stiff competition that is the years upon years of high quality 'boomer' shooters, this would be a completely unqualified early access recommendation.

Ultrakill, Ion Fury, Post Void, Project Warlock 1 + II, Amid Evil, DUSK, HROT, Maximum Action, GTTOD, Prodeus, Cultic, etc - be they full games, early access, or just demos, the retro, 'boomer' shooter genre really is booming. I also cannot wait for the likes of Into the Pit, Fortune's Run, and Forgive Me Father. In fact, there are so many that even when I say that I'd place this firmly mid-list it's not even that damning.

What I understand now having given the Quake remaster a fresh play is the kind of fast-paced, strafe-dodging gameplay Dread is trying to cultivate here. I started up a playthrough on the hardest difficulty and finally got a handle on getting through levels whilst taking minimal to no damage. It was a blast. The one thing Dread truly nails is superb action committed to dodgeable projectiles and no-hit runs.


There are more than a few things that really are on Templar's side. Presentation is gorgeous and refreshingly colourful. Golden upgrades transform a weapon such that you can carve out a unique playstyle. It takes a significant investment in the weapons to unlock the privilege after all, yet it also doesn't force you to commit to anything you've invested. Great stuff. I like the quick switch between similar weapons. For an amateur like me who can't do the fast weapon switch method used by speedrunners in Doom Eternal, RE: Village, etc, this really delivers the illusion that I can. The bullet time is a great ability given how finger-click fast the action is. Level navigation is ace and well paced with save points, even if it's not the most inspired level design in the world. It's all very readable and I enjoyed seeking out secrets (including references!). Action is silky smooth and gives great gory feedback. Certainly no complaints there. Dashing makes platforming much more interesting. There's some flirtation with more 'out there' enemies, weapons, and level design, but as it is I need a lot more like the electric trap launcher and the power fist. The soundtrack fits it like a glove. Bosses are a highlight, particularly the (current) final one wherein you have to be cognizant of aerial damage. Panic inducing, that one.

As a solo dev project, it can't be overstated how impressive it all is as a package. They seem very dedicated to player feedback too, which bodes well for all future content.


If I have any complaint, and it does feel a demanding one in light of the above, it's that it feels ever so lacking in personality and a unique niche/identity to call its own. Despite its excellent name and action, it lacks something definite to call its own other compared to its genre compatriots. Bullet time, a dash, and its upgrade system, sure, but elements like its power glove tease something more. This is a derivative and nostalgic genre by nature, but perhaps there's some way it can become more distinctive going forward.

As to the action, I feel the dash and the katana throw both need to disrupt the player flow less with their cooldowns. Dashing like a maniac is liable to get you killed anyway (I'd assume) and I can't see any reason why I can't switch back to my normal katanas right after a javelin throw. Creating these clamps on player power and killing momentum feels antithetical to the fun of the genre for me. It's hard to have bullet time and not be immediately compelled to slide and dive. Med kits on the hardest difficulty being reserved for secret areas is perhaps too brutal.

Edit: But wait! Having played again on the hardest difficulty after Quake, the one thing I will commit to above is the nitpick of not being able to switch back to normal katanas right after a javelin throw. That seems unnecessary. Everything else feels pretty reasonable. Even committing to med kits as secrets feels okay given the game's focus on avoiding all or most damage. It's doable.


Dread Templar is as solid a start to an early access retro shooter as you could ever want. Whilst I think it needs to do more to avoid simply being tossed on the pile of the ever-expanding genre, it's Quake-esque action with select modernisations really is a treat.

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Spiders are bad.

Big spiders are even worse.
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This is a Daddy Shooter through and through.

Massive levels, lots of secrets, and brilliant shooting action.

This is an amazing version - 21:9 support, able to run at 400fps+, ultra responsive - this is what pc gaming is about.

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Verfasst: 14.08.21 07:24
You can turn two swords into a throwable sword and slam the f**cker into a distant enemy, only to watch them explode into red mist. It looks like Quake, kind of feels like Quake as well. It's totally level-based, just like the classics, and you'll be finding keys and activating switches and the like. But there's also bullet time, plus upgrades for your weapons. Honestly, it's a lot of fun, even if it doesn't do anything all that different from anything else. If you want another FPS that's like Quake or Dusk, this scratches that same itch.
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9 Reviews
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 06:17
TL;DR: If you like Doom Eternal or any Quake style game **YOU WILL LOVE THIS GAME.**

Dread Templar has smooth movement, loud punchy guns, diverse enemy types, and some of the best music I have ever heard. It's an absolute must play. Full review below.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
89.68% 339 39
Release:26.01.2023 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb: 1C Company Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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