• Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.
  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition: Screen zum Spiel Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 03.11.2009
Zum Shop
Preis Update 24.06.24

Über das Spiel

Du bist Hawke, ein Flüchtling aus dem von der Dunklen Brut heimgesuchten Land Ferelden, der sich anschickt, Champion von Kirkwall zu werden. Kämpfe um deinen Aufstieg an die Macht und schlage epische Schlachten, während du Entscheidungen triffst, die über das Schicksal der Zivilisation entscheiden. Dein Streben nach Macht beginnt jetzt. Wie wirst du dir deinen Platz in der Geschichte sichern?

Filmreife Erzählung – Erlebe ein Jahrzehnt voller Schlachten und Intrigen in einer nichtlinearen, actiongeladenen Geschichte. Ein überarbeitetes Dialogsystem liefert dir bei deinen Entscheidungen mehr Kontext und hilft dir dabei, einen komplexen, vielschichtigen Charakter zu erschaffen.

Individuelle Kämpfe – Dutzende Zauber und drei Kampfgefährten eröffnen dir in der Schlacht unendliche Möglichkeiten. Genieße rasante Kämpfe, bei denen du immer mitten im Geschehen bist, oder pausiere die Schlacht und erteile individuelle Befehle, um mit jeder Aktion die größtmögliche Wirkung zu erzielen.

Bedeutsame Entscheidungen – Deine Taten sind von größerer Bedeutung als je zuvor, und da du ein ganzes Jahrzehnt Zeit hast, um dein Ziel zu erreichen, musst du langfristig denken. Jede Unterhaltung und jede Entscheidung im Kampf beeinflussen dein Ansehen bei deinen Gruppenmitgliedern. Je tiefer deine Freundschaften gehen, desto mehr Möglichkeiten eröffnen sich dir.

Die Ultimate Edition enthält:
  • Das Basisspiel
  • Drei Erweiterungen: Der verbannte Prinz, Das Vermächtnis und Das Zeichen der Assassinin
  • Das Schwarze Emporion
  • Blutdrachen-Rüstung
  • Ser Isaacs Rüstung
  • Inhalte der Dragon Age II Bioware Signature Edition: Enthält Premium-Waffen und -Rüstungsteile wie "Natter von Antiva", "Bollwerk des Suchers" und weitere
  • Dragon Age II-Waffenkammer-Bundle: Enthält mehr als 20 einzigartige Waffen, Rüstungsteile und Gegenstände
  • Gegenstandspaket für alle Klassen: Enthält das Gegenstandspaket für Magier, das Gegenstandspaket für Schurken und das Gegenstandspaket für Krieger
  • Gegenstandspaket für alle Klassen II: Enthält das Gegenstandspaket für Magier II, das Gegenstandspaket für Schurken II und das Gegenstandspaket für Krieger II
  • Paket mit hochauflösenden Texturen: Ersetzt die meisten Texturen im Spiel durch detailreichere Versionen.
  • Dragon Age II-Soundtrack
  • Der verbannte Prinz – Eine Familientragödie wirft den adeligen Bogenschützen Sebastian Vael in ein längst aufgegebenes religiöses Leben zurück
  • Das Vermächtnis – Enthülle die bitteren Wahrheiten über die Familie Hawke
  • Das Zeichen der Assassinin – Rekrutiere das neue Gruppenmitglied Tallis, eine tödliche Elfen-Assassinin mit ihrem eigenen, einzigartigen Kampfstil


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Single 1.6 Ghz Prozessor (oder vergleichbar) oder AMD 64 2.0 GHz Prozessor (oder vergleichbar)
  • GFX: ATI Radeon X850 256MB oder NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128MB oder besser (Windows Vista: Radeon X1550 256 MB oder NVidia GeForce 7600GT 256MB)
  • RAM: 1GB (1.5 GB Vista und Windows 7)
  • Software: Windows XP (SP3) oder Windows Vista (SP1) oder Windows 7
  • HD: 20 GB HD frei
  • SFX: Direct X kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX (November 2007)
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz oder AMD Phenom II X2 Dual-Core 2.7 Ghz Prozessor oder vergleichbar
  • GFX: ATI 3850 512 MB oder NVidia 8800GTS 512MB oder besser
  • RAM: 2 GB (3 GB Vista und Windows 7)
  • Software: Windows XP (SP3) oder Windows Vista (SP1) oder Windows 7
  • HD: 20 GB HD frei
  • SFX: Direct X kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX (November 2007)
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
15189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 21:24
Die Geschichte ist wie ein roter Faden und zieht sich durch alle Teile. Ich liebe diese Games und freu mich riesig auf Dragon Age 4.
163 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 16:20
Einfach Nostalgie ^^
Auch wenn ich den ein oder anderen Bug habe und das Spiel ab und an mal abstürzen kann, kann ich es trotzdem genießen. Ich schiebe es einfach mal, auf das Alter.
1583 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
31311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 13:44
Tolles Spiel. Besonders gut haben mir die Sexszenen gefallen. Da ich ja auch schon einiges im Biologieunterricht und aus der BRAVO gelernt habe, fühle ich mich jetzt bestens auf die Herausforderungen des Erwachsenwerdens vorbereitet!
135 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 14:04
Auf neuen (oder aktuellen PCs) benötigt man aus dem Forum eine Veränderte .exe mit LAA support damit das SPiel auf 64 bit Systemen mit genügend Arbeitsspeicher läuft sonst crasht es oft!

Dieser Fix ist nicht von mir. Ich benutze ihn jedoch weil das Spiel oft gecrasht ist. Seit ich den Fix nutze läuft das Spiel absolut stabil! Andere Anleitungen wie z.B. das nutzen von nur einem CPU Kern (findet man im Internet wenn man nach Problemlösungen sucht) halfen bei mir nichts.

Das Spiel ist trotz seines Alters wirklich spielenswert wenn man die neueren Dragon Age Titel mag und bei einer etwas älteren Grafik trotzdem Freude hat.

Dieser Link erklärt alles:

Hier könnt ihr direkt die veränderte .exe herunterladen: (einfach mit der .exe im Spielordner austauschen)

Viel Spaß!
633 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
4898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 16:23
~ Schwierigkeit ~
???? Meine 100 Jahre alte Oma kann es spielen
???? Einfach
☑️ Normal
???? Schwer
???? Dark Souls

~ Grafik ~

???? MS Paint
???? Schlecht
???? Meh
???? Grafik spielt hier keine Rolle
☑️ Okay
???? Gut
???? Sehr schön
???? Zauberhaft

~ Musik ~

???? Schlecht
☑️ Normal
???? Gut
???? Zauberhaft

~ Story ~

???? Es gibt keine Geschichte
???? Als würde man Angry Birds für die Story spielen
???? Vorhanden, wenn man sich interessiert
???? Ganz okay, nichts besonderes
☑️ Gut geschrieben
???? Unglaubliche Geschichte

~ Preis ~

???? Gratis
???? Zu günstig
☑️ Perfekter Preis
???? Könnte etwas günstiger sein
???? Zu teuer
???? Geldverschwendung

~ Anforderungen ~

☑️ Dein Kühlschrank kann es spielen
???? Normal
???? High end
???? NASA PC

~ Länge ~

???? Sehr kurz (0-5 Stunden)
???? Kurz (5-10 Stunden)
???? Unterdurchschnittlich (10-15 Stunden)
???? Durchschnittlich (15-50 Stunden)
☑️ Lang (50-90 Stunden)
???? Sehr lang (90-110 Stunden)
???? Endlos

~ Spaßfaktor~

???? Farbe beim Trocknen zusehen ist lustiger
???? Schwer zu mögen
???? Wiederholt sich oft
???? Ganz okay
???? Amüsant
???? Sehr gut
☑️ Eines der besten Spiele überhaupt

~ Wiederspielbarkeit ~

☑️ Einmal und nie wieder
???? Nur für Errungenschaften
???? Wenn man eine Zeit lang wartet (Monate/Jahre)
???? Definitv
???? Endlos spielbar

~ Lohnt sich der Kauf? ~

???? Nein
???? Wartet auf einen Sale
☑️ Ja
114 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
6107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 19:31
This was and is a game, that makes you:
finish every quest,
search every corner,
overthink every decision,
hungry for more,
emotionally attached,
forget reality,
fall in love with the story,
feel happy to be alive and be able to play this gem,
die internally when it ends, because this character and universe became you and your reality and now its like waking up from an amazing dream that has poopy expansions.

If you feel similar, dont worry my dear friend, I and many others suffer with you.
102 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
6915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 18:11
Lange Zeit hatte ich dieses Game aus den Augen verloren bis ich es vor einigen Wochen im Store als Angebot sah und mir dachte, dass ich es nie wirklich zu Ende gespielt hatte. Es ist wohl wichtig zu Beginn anzumerken das Dragon Age Origins optisch nicht wirklich gut gealtert ist aber das dürfte bei dem, was dieses Spiel zu bieten hat wohl spätestens nach den ersten paar Stunden wohl niemanden mehr stören. 

Am besten an dem ersten Teil dieser Reihe ist wohl, das man wirklich das Gefühl bekommt in einer Gruppe unterwegs zu sein. Die Dialoge und die Charaktere die an deiner Seite reisen sind wohldurchdacht und überraschend vielschichtig. Zu keiner Zeit hatte ich das Gefühl das mir nur seelenlose Hüllen in meinen Kämpfen und in dieser Geschichte zur Seite standen. Deine Gefährten wachsen dir ans Herz und somit wird die Geschichte, die in diesem Spiel erzählt wird auf eine seltsame Art und Weise nicht mehr nur deine Geschichte, sondern die deiner Gruppe und das war sehr bemerkenswert.

Die Kampagne (Hauptgeschichte) ist sehr gut erzählt und bietet neben Verrat, Rache, erfülle dein Schicksal usw. alles, was das Herz eines Fantasy RPG Fans höher schlagen lässt. Das Kampfsystem ist etwas das ich damals als Teenager nicht wirklich verstanden habe und somit auch nicht wirklich gut fand, allerdings fehlt einem gerade als Kind meist die Geduld und das Verständnis für wirklich strategische Kämpfe. Zu meiner Überraschung kommt es mir deutlich schneller vor als damals und bieten sehr für Spielraum für Strategisches min-/maxing und bleibt dennoch schnell genug um nicht langweilig zu werden.

Der Grund warum ich eine Rezension zu einem Spiel schreibe, das nun schon so alt ist, liegt daran, dass ich die Hoffnung trage, das einige wenige die noch nicht das Vergnügen hatten diese Geschichte zu erleben es nun doch in Betracht ziehen. Dragon Age Origins ist einfach nur gut und wenn man über die veraltete Grafik hinwegsehen kann wird man eine verdammt gute Zeit in dieser Welt haben :D
3707 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.15 06:45
Dragon Age: Origins ist eines der unterhaltsamsten RPGs, die ich jemals gespielt habe. Das Spiel ist zwar aus dem Jahr 2009, aber ähnlich wie bei Mass Effect, stimmt hier die Kombination aus Story, Dialogen, Interaktion mit den NPCs, Kämpfen & Präsentation zwar nicht bis ins kleinste Detail, aber es ist schon sehr nah dran.

Es gibt Spiele, die kann man immer wieder spielen. DA:O ist eines davon. Ich habe es bisher seit Erscheinen 4x durch. Mit jeder Rasse ( bei jeder Rasse - sowie beim Sonderfall des rassenunabhängigen Magiers - wird eine eigene Anfangsstory erzählt, daher der Zusatz Origins ) mindestens 1x. Nicht einmal die ebenfalls hervorragenden Spiele wie Knights of the Old Republic oder Baldur's Gate 2 konnten mich bisher so oft zum Durchspielen animieren. DA:O ist auf seine Art einfach kurzweiliger, man vergisst die Zeit eher & findet auch nach längeren Pausen wieder direkt den Einstieg, auch weil die Story zwar spannend präsentiert, aber im Vergleich zu weiteren Vertretern aus dem Genre relativ simpel gestrickt ist.

Das Hauptspiel an sich reicht einem eigentlich schon. Die Story ist gute altmodische Mittelalterkost & in sich zufriedenstellend abgeschlossen. Die Erweiterung Awakening ist relativ langweilig & muß man nicht gespielt haben. Die einzelnen DLCs sind okay. Man hätte allerdings viel mehr herausholen können. Je nach Lust kann man in DA:O pro Durchgang um die 50 Stunden an Lebenszeit versenken, wenn man alles mitnimmt. Wer nur die Hauptstory spielen möchte, wird vieles verpassen, aber ist dann immerhin nach gut 25-30 Stunden durch. Unter http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/? findet man übrigens unzählige nützlliche & unnütze Modifikationen für Dragon Age: Origins. Ein Blick auf die Seite ist sehr zu empfehlen, allerdings ist eine Anmeldung in den meisten Fällen erforderlich, um die Mods herunterladen zu dürfen.

Technisch hatte ich bei diesem Spiel niemals Probleme, allerdings gibt es einige Dinge zu beachten: Um die DLCs im Spiel benutzen zu können, muß man mit seinem Bioware- oder EA-Account online eingeloggt sein. Das Hauptspiel läuft ohne weitere Accountbindung auch offline. Gelegentlich gibt es Probleme mit dem Herunterladen der DLCs, allerdings findet man im Internet diverse Hilfestellungen, wie man diese von Hand einfügen kann. Wer mag, kann mich diesbezüglich aber auch jederzeit fragen.
278 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
3879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.15 21:00
Wer in die Welt von Dragon Age einsteigen will, sollte unbedingt mit Dragon Age: Origins beginnen.
Selten habe ich so ein stark Inszeniertes Rollenspiel mit sehr viel Liebe zum Detail gespielt.
Klare Kaufempfehlung.
88 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.15 17:32
Für mich das Rollenspiel schlechthin.

Die beste und atemberaubenste Story die ich bis jetzt gespielt habe.

Diese emotionale Bindung die man zu seinen Gefährten aufbaut ist einfach genial.

Zudem hält das Spiel immer einen Lacher bereit wenn sich deine Gefährten wieder mal gegenseitig witzige Sprüche an den Kopf hauen.

Das Kampfsystem ist gewöhnungsbedürftig aber macht nach ein paar Stunden einen riesigen Spaß, weil man versteht wie toll es sich in diese heftigen kämpfe integriert.

Grafisch ist das Spiel jetzt noch sehr anschaulich ( mit bereits 7 Jahren auf dem Buckel)

Zudem muss noch gesagt werden, das Dragonage Inquisition nicht annähernd an diesen ersten epischen Teil herankommt.

Dieses Spiel überzeugt tadellos und bekommt von mir 93/100 Punkten.

Überzeugt euch selbst!

60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.14 20:46
Es ist nun schon eine Weile her, dass ich DA:O gespielt habe, mit dem immer näher kommenden Release von Dragon Age: Inquisition werden aber nun vermutlich viele mit dem Gedanken spielen sich den ersten Teil der Serie zuzulegen um halbwegs auf dem Laufenden zu sein.

Dargon Age:Origins ist für mich bis heute dass Beste RPG Spiel was ich jemals gespielt habe. Spoilern möchte ich diese epische Story natürlich nicht, aber soviel sei gesagt: Aller oberstes Niveau. Ganz großes Kino. Die Story ist in sich stimmig und logisch. Die Charaktere sind unglaublich charismatisch und bekommt wirklich das Gefühl sie mit Verlauf der Story immer besser kennenzulernen. Auch ist für jeden etwas dabei. Sei es Allistair, der teils ängstliche und immer mutiger werdende Krieger, welcher den Helden seit Tag 1 begleitet. Oder die Hexe Morrigan welche zynischen und provokanten Sprüchen immer wieder für einen Lacher sorgt. Oder sei es die gutmütige Bardin Leliana, welche stehts versucht das Gute im Menschen zu sehen? Es ist für jeden etwas dabei. Man reist in der Regel in einer Gruppe von 4 Kriegern durchs Land und so entstehen, je nachdem welche Charaktere euch gerade begleiten die Unterschiedlichsten Konversationen. Dazu muss man an jeder Ecke Entscheidungen fällen, was einem das Gefühl gibt, wenn man dieses Spiel 100 Mal durchspielt, durchlebt man 100 verschiedene Storyabläufe. Der wiederspielwert ist also ernorm, allein schon um alle Charaktere einmal ausführlich kennen zu lernen.

Die Graphik ist trotz des Alters immer noch auf gutem Niveau und dürfte deshalb für niemanden ein Kriterium gegen einen Kauf sein.

Die Vertonung ist für deutsche Verhältnise ebenfalls sehr sehr gut.

Das skillen der Charaktere ist einfach und verständlich ohne dass es an Variationen mangelt.

Ich kann DA:O nur jedem Rollenspielfan wärmstens ans Herz legen. Ganz gleich ob man den Kauf von Inquisiton geplant hat oder nicht, wer dieses Spiel nicht gespielt hat, hat in meinen Augen ein Meisterwerk verpasst.
227 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.14 23:51
Dragon Age: Origins. Was kann man über dieses Spiel sagen?

Dragon Age: Origins habe ich das erste mal gesehen, als 2009 auf meiner Youtube-Startseite der Trailer der Schlacht von Ostagar erschien, unterlegt mit Musik von Marilyn Manson. Ich war erst zögerlich, aber dann einfach nur gepackt, allein von diesem Trailer. Ich kaufte mir das Spiel direkt zum Release, und besorgte mir hier auf Steam vor kurzem noch einmal die Ultimate Edition, die alle DLCs beinhaltet.

Dragon Age: Orgins ist ein Action-Rollenspiel vom Feinsten. Anfangs entscheidet man sich für eine von 3 Rassen, eine von 3 Klassen, und den namensgebenden Origins, also Hintergrundgeschichten. Möchte ich einen adligen Menschen spielen, der mit Schild und Schwert die Dunkle Brut zurückschlägt, einen verstoßenen Elfen der seine Feinde mit arkaner Magie bekämpft, oder einen geschickten Zwerg, der in den Schatten wandelt und auf den richtigen Moment zum Zuschlagen wartet?
Nach der sehr komplexen Charaktererstellung (großes Plus), gehts ran an das Spielen der ausgewählten Origin.

DA:O ist ein Rollenspiel aus dem Lehrbuch. Jede Klasse hat komplexe Fähigkeitenbäume, es ist möglich sich für mehrere Spezialisierungen zu entscheiden und so seine ganz eigene Spielweise zu schaffen. Auch Utilityskills wie Taschendiebstahl, Überreden oder Alchemie sind rollenspieltypisch enthalten. Das Kampfsystem gestaltet sich angenehm taktisch, vorallem mit steigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad. So ist sowohl für Rollenspielneulinge, als auch für Hardcore-Fans etwas dabei. Glaubt mir, wenn ich sage, dass der höchste Schwierigkeitsgrad jede Menge Verzweiflung bringen kann.

Das Spiel führt durch eine semilineare Storyline. Immer wieder gibt es im Spiel Momente, in denen ich mich entscheiden kann, ob ich zuerst diese Quest mache, zuerst die Zwerge unter der Erde besuche, oder die Elfen in ihren Wäldern. Entscheidungen sind ein Hauptmerkmal in DA:O, sie sind zahlreich und nicht immer einfach. Entscheidungen können sich nur in geringer Weise auswirken, vielleicht habe ich es im nächsten Kampf etwas schwerer, weil ich nicht die Templer um Hilfe gebeten habe. Manche Entscheidungen wirken sich aber auch auf den gesamten restlichen Spielverlauf aus. Diese Entscheidungen sind der Grund warum es sich lohnt Origins mehrmals durchzuspielen.

Ein weiterer Punkt, und der für mich vielleicht wichtigste, sind die Charaktere dieses Rollenspiels. Vom mürrischen und rauen Zwerg, über die naive und liebliche Klosterschwester, bis hin zur mysteriösen aber bezaubernden Hexe ist für jeden was dabei. Zu diesen Charakteren kann man Freundschaften oder Rivalitäten aufbauen, und es sind die phänomenalen Dialoge die dieses Element so wundervoll machen. Man fühlt mit ihnen, man liebt oder hasst sie.
Die Story ist innovativ und in einer sehr detaillierten Fantasywelt verwoben. Jedes Element in diesem Universum fühlt sich echt an, und nach dem Ende dieses Rollenspielepos, das durchaus erst nach 25-30 Stunden erreicht wird, wünscht man sich noch länger verweilen zu können. Glücklicherweise wurden dafür mehrere, qualitativ hochwertige DLCs beigefügt, die noch etwa 15 Stunden mehr Spielzeit mitbringen.

Dragon Age: Origins hat für mich eine neue Messlatte in Sachen Charaktergestaltung, Storywriting und Kampfsystem gelegt. Nach etwa 200 Stunden Spielzeit, und 4 kompletten Playthroughs, kaufte ich mir die Ultimate Edition auf Steam, in die meine Spielstände problemlos übernommen wurden. Und daher begann ich mein neues Playthrough, und das wird bis zum Erscheinen von Dragon Age: Inquisition vermutlich nicht das letzte sein.

100% Kaufempfehlung, dieses Spiel hat keine Makel, und wird von jedem Rollenspielfan geliebt werden.
332 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
5076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.13 20:58
Wäre der Name des Spiel's Baldurs Gate 3,und würde im DnD Universum Spielen,wäre es wohl eine absolut gelungene Fortsetzung.

So aber spielt es in seiner eigenen Fantasy Welt,was frischen Wind ins Spielgeschehen bringt.
Da wusste Bioware noch wie ein gutes Rpg sein muss.

Wer Neverwinter Night's,Icewind Dale oder die Baldurs Gate Reihe mochte,wird Dragon Age lieben.
Eine mehr als packende Story,mit Verläufen wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten,das beginnt schon zu Anfang des Spiels.

Die Kämpfe sind ähnlich denen in den zuvor genannten Spielen,Echtzeit Kämpfe,welche man jedoch zwischendurch unterbrechen kann/muss um die diversen Kampfbefehle an seine Gruppe zu verteilen.
BG Veteranen kennen es.

Man sollte die Ultimate Edition,welche so einen Wert von über 100 Euro hat,definitiv mal bei einem Angebot mitnehmen.
Aber auch der aktuelle Preis ist absolut Gerechtfertigt.
809 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
4416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 18:51
I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible. I've finished DAO, DA2 with all DLCs and i just finished DAI as I write this review.

I initially played this game when it was launched many years ago, and it was one of my favorite games at the time. Now, 13 years later, I've decided to re-play the entire Dragon Age trilogy to see if DAO is still as great as I remember it or if my memories are distorted by nostalgia.

First and foremost, when I played DAO, I added a lot of mods, which I highly recommend because there are so many bugs, QoL issues, and just plain annoying things without them.

I'd say the DAO plot is a pretty conventional hero story with a lot of freedom, but the ending is a little underwhelming in my opinion, however the Awakening expansion adds a lot of complexity and unexpected twists to the story. The DLCs are highly recommended. The only problem with Awakening is that it is extremely buggy, with numerous quests that are broken. I had to reload several times older saves, and the game frequently crashed.

Best part about Origins for me was Shale and Morrigan. To be honest I really dint care for most of the other companions that much. The story was good, but i remember it being way better what it actually was but i guess that is what nostalgia does do you. Because it hasn't aged well, DAO would benefit greatly from a proper remaster.

If you enjoy these types of games, I still recommend this one, but it is quite old and requires a lot of patience.
546 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
11431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 15:25
one of my favourite rpgs of all time and easily the best in the series by a long shot
602 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
3891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 20:58
13 years later and it' still the best turn-based RPG because of 6 reasons:

- 6 origin stories granting a completely different first 2h in the game
- 6 romanceable companions
- 6 to 9 party rules possible (Tank, DPS, Heavy Hitter, Rogue, Ranger, Healing Mage, Damage Mage, Support Mage), plus 12 specializations
- over 60h of gameplay (that's just main quest + companions + dlcs, its over 90h with all secondary)
- Bioware-level storytelling that grants over 60 unique epilogue variations
- itens from DLC/preorders are nice and fit the story, not just power level meta crap.
269 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 13:26
a brilliant game ruined by crashes and bugs. The base game is pretty much playable while dlcs like awakening is extremely hard to play due to the number of crashes. The terrible crash right after the moment I defeat broodmother is the last straw that pushed me to give this version of the game a thumb down. If u truly wish to experience this great game, buy it on gog. Stay away from the steam version
676 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
3518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 00:08
I dont know what to say about this... Basically every thing has been already said before: its a great RPG, with great story telling, a believable medival fantasy world, great side characters, a compeling story where your choices matter...
Combat is a middle ground between Baldur's Gate real time with pause and some more modern action RPG.

Overall this game is a must play for medieval RPG lovers, a truely unique experience.
42 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 22:42
A classic RPG from the days when Bioware could still tell a decent story.
250 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 17:14
Just try to pick a favorite character. Try.
482 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
5579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 00:56
Easily one of the greatest RPGs of all time even 12yrs old this game holds tremendous power to this day. The amount of freedom in the game the choices you choose even for some random side quest or commoner NPC has lasting effect on the character and whether or not at times they survive. There are also amazing mods on Nexus to check out to install so i definitely recommend downloading some even for visual enhancement only if its your first time playing.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 11:59
(„• ֊ •„)♡
best game i've ever played!
also best DA out of the three.
seriously never gets old!!
103 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
23997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 14:19
First of all, saying I love this game is an understatement. I first played it when I was 9 on console and now I'm 21 playing it on the PC. I will be as unbiased as possible so you can try to have an enjoyable experience on my favourite game.


I would highly recommend you play on console as there are bugs that could ruin your experience of the game. The game crashes at times after dialogue, combat or simply after a cutscene. This is frustrating enough to not play the game at all however you do not experience this on console. Minor bugs include blood pools pixelating and looking like the gates of hell under the enemies you slain. Friend zoning Leliana does not work out and she will flirt with you regardless. If you are in a romance with another party member she will call you out for double timing.


Combat is very tactful and will give you the opportunity to control your party members non-directly by setting their abilities and deciding which range they will take on the battle field. However combat animation is a bit boring compared to Dragon age 2 and Inquisition but this personally does not bother me, It is for you to decide.

Story line/Soundtrack/Character

Without spoiling anything, DA:O has a dark fantasy theme and everyone is depressed, angry, and racist. Party members have unique personality's from different backgrounds and you can make a friendship, relationship or a rival out of them. Based on your decisions in quests you will gain either approval or disapproval points, It can be quite comedic at times.

The soundtrack is quite fitting to the game, people chanting for war and then you got some elvish songs too. I've heard soundtracks that catch my attention more but what's important is that It does a good job at setting the mood for the themes of the game.


Despite the bugs I do think this game is very enjoyable and definitely my favourite out of all the current DA games. There is so much dialogue and choices to make that determines the many endings you can get and (which importing your save into DA:2 and DA:I heavily influences the story line In those games) makes you interested in seeing the alternative of your decision. The game can be modded and the graphics is decent.
Give it a chance!
107 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 15:46
You can always come back to DAO, 13 years after first playing it I still come back and enjoy it 10/10
37 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
9602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 03:37
This is an older game, but I absolutely recommend this to anyone who likes Inquisition. In some ways the backgrounds and races you get to choose from are more satisfying (thought he lore for Qunari is a little under developed at this stage)

Especially a fun play through if you want to import your choices into Dragon Age Keep and play through the entire trilogy before Dragon Age 4 comes out.
183 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
6291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 02:10
this is THE RPG. The absolute peak of narrative reactivity and world building
99 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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6147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 22:26
The characters, role-playing elements, and the story are all great. BUT THERE IS STILL A HUGE PROBLEM. In Awakening DLC, where you're sent to Silverite Mines, you and yor party is stripped of your equipment by being taken as prisoners. Normally, you find your PC's equipment. However, due to an annoying bug, you can't and your equipment is lost FOREVER. The best solution is having a save file prior to the Mines and removing the PC's items. If you didn't save-since we can't know the issue-you must dealing with all these console commands and etc. The problem is I have limited time to play the game, i want to have fun and i hate losing my PC's equipment due to a bug which should have been solved by the EA or Bioware years ago! Thus, i do not recommend it to anyone at this state.
337 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
9150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 00:20
i love this game so much i will protect my friends with my life
34 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 22:23
92 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 16:10
Average Dragon Age Enjoyers Be Like :
93 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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5446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 22:59
in the words of neonkyatt on tumblr: i love dragon age so much dude i wish it was good
15 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 06:24
This is a very involved and complex game. The story line is intriguing and the quests are challenging. (Please note: I'm 74 years old, so what might not be challenging to younger players can be challenging to me!) The game play, for the most part, works well. Some of the battles are difficult, but with persistence, wise choice of skills, equipment, and supplies (and reference to a good walkthrough), the battles can be won. I am pleased that the game can be played solo, as I'm reluctant to play with strangers. I've had some bad experiences with that in the past. Mistakes are unavoiadable, but live and learn. Or maybe that should be, die and learn! I could wish backpacks were easier to obtain and a little more plentiful. But, again, a good walkthrough can help with locating and obtaining the maximum available number of them. Having the downloadable content to keep the adventures going just increases the enjoyment. The complexity of the game, requiring a good deal of study and learning to build player skill, ensures that I'll play it again and again.
26 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 23:19
I'm super late to the party and probably won't be able to communicate anything others haven't said better already but I'm in love with this game and pretty much all the characters,it's been an amazing experience.

Also, as someone who struggles with some motor tasks and thus quite a few games, I'm really glad this series allows you to pause and strategize during combat :)
128 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
3178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 03:43
Absolutely fantastic game but BUY THE GOG VERSION, it's a glitchfest on steam and it doesn't properly install all the dlc. Also fuck EA
78 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 23:18
I hate this game so much
33 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 14:50
The OG
83 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 22:29
The amount of LORE that went into this game is just insane. It's incredible. HIGHLY recommend. And if you're interested in feeling bad for Loghain Mac Tir, The Stolen Throne by David Gaider is just amazing and also heartbreaking. It's obvious how much the people that made the game love it.
236 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
4393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 03:05
probably one of the most underrated and tragically forgotten RPGs of all time. playing this game and comparing it to later Bioware offerings..... the difference is just unreal. I feel like DA 1 was way ahead of its time when it first came out, and big high profile games wouldn't try to replicate some of what it did/tried to do until years later. Not exaggerating when i say that this is probably the best game Bioware ever put out, and a sale price of $5 is a steal. dont let the currently bad reputations of Bioware and EA put you off of this one, it's a gem.
36 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 23:26
Still the best story driven rpg ever made. True roleplaying and dialogue options on a level i've not seen anywhere else, and certainly not on a cinematic game. The companions are the best written companions bioware have ever put out for my money, yes even better than the crew of the normandy. Once you finish it (and the sequels) good luck finding anything to scratch that itch again.

FYI, if you experience crashing, its a very common issue that has an easy fix! Here is the link to the steam post: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=233222451
68 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 16:29
Game is broken beyond belief on steam. Requires a third party Patch to get past the bridge in Ostigar.
No acknowledgement or fix from EA or Steam for the matter.

Absolutely disappointed as this game is easily the best game i've ever played, with some of the best storytelling in gaming history.
53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 00:49

Morrigan is very hot

34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 07:55
best rpg i've ever played the graphics aren't great because it's old but damn nothing compares to it
84 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 17:31
swooping is bad
37 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 07:34
The game runs a bit rough, crashes are common, so save frequently. Graphics are obviously dated, but the story is soooo good! Banter between companions is 10/10 and the amount of choices you get to make in the game is insane. This is honestly such a fun game with tons of replay potential. Also, you get a dog!
263 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
7335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 19:08
One of the best 3D RPGS of all time. It has one of the best stories, worldbuilding, and character developing in video games. It's just a shame that none of its sequels came anywhere close to even being good or fun to play.
197 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 15:19
I have played Dragon age: Inquisition 4 times but never played Origins thinking its an old game and I will definitely hate it. I admit it I was dumb as hell when I thought that. Origins maybe an old game but not an obsolete one. Its a good story and start of an amazing world building with really great characters. About the game-play, its a bit clunky but still enjoyable and the party banter is quite a bit better that that of DA Inquisition. I will update this review after I have completed the full game,but the few hours I have played are quite enjoyable and I think everyone should play this game.
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 15:55
Wonderful game and is great for people who are new to PC gaming and installing mods, like me. The characters are fun, the story actually had me crying a little, and the different intros determined by your race and class was a great way to get me immersed. The dialogue options are fun and the series continues to improve on this the more installments are released. Game aged well.
810 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
6597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 11:21
still good game in 2021 - gameplay is a little bit rusty, but story and companions are very well written.
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 06:56
One of my all time favorite RPGs. So fun
98 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
10609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 18:49
It's a childhood classic (for me that is). The storyline is great and there are lots of choices when you have conversations :D You can literally be yourself in this game unlike the other Dragon Ages, like there are only a few options you can go through (reasonable, diplomatic, sarcastic, funny or rude - these are all that i know of). The amount of options in this game makes it so much lively and fun even though the graphics is clumsy (its old game aight? -.-)
plus ye don't need origins launcher in order to play this :D i mean i can't even launch Dragon Age 2 cuz issues with the launcher -.- Only thing that i don't like is the game crashes a lot sometimes :/ but over all Its the best Dragon age game. Dragon Age Inquisition is great but It could have been more interactive :/ like i wanna talk to the homies (companions) more, like i can in this game xD
113 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 19:15
Love this game, crashes too often though.
50 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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2800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 23:49
Absolutely great game. Absolutely terrible execution. Trying to run this game is like trying to eat glass. It crashes upon loading, it crashes upon walking, it crashes upon saving (resulting in corrupted files), all the suggestions on the forums only mitigate the issue with it still being a huge problem. Absolute shame because this game on PS4 was spectacular and one of my favorite of all time. I WOULD highly recommend it on another platform, but Steam (and apparently most other modern vendors) cannot do it justice and bioware has given up any semblance of supporting the game. Only fix is to run the lowest graphics possible with several other fixes helping a little more. Very annoying. Still expect crashes and loss of progress.
477 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
9020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 03:35
Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant.
Join us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn.
And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten...
and that one day, we shall join you.
613 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 23:46
This is one of THE best games that Bioware ever made. This is a fantastic RPG title to pick up and play. And I will certainly have to say, that you NEED the full game with all the DLC to get the real, TRUE experience for it.

This game has a fantastic score with some amazing environmental/atmospheric music to listen to, the game has an amazing level of character customization and ways to play the game as you see fit, Some very interesting romance options between characters of your choice, some very good character design and unique story telling, a fantastic cyclical story system, with an Arch-Demon rising every so few centuries and such, and well.... I could go on and on about how fantastic this game is, and how many times I have replayed it, but I don't want to spoil too much in a review.

The game is Fantastic, and I would recommend it to literally anybody and everybody, even if its not normally their genre of game. It is a masterpiece, with so many ways to play it.
153 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 11:38
82 hours played, currently on a 2nd playthough.

Yeah, it's pretty good.
127 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 17:00

easily in my top 5 games of all time.

Before playing, you must know that it is an old game that crashes due to new hardware. look up how to prevent crashes when visiting denerim. Nonetheless it's SSS+ tier.

I recommend playing DA:O UE in chronological order.

Leliana's Song
Actual Campaign
Golems of Agmarak
Witch Hunt

874 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 09:47
Hands down, the best RPG i ever played. Great story, fantastic game mechanics, beautifull graphics at the time, unforgettable complex and deep characters. Yes... time flies, 12 years have passed, and I still remember very well the beautifull darkness in Morrigan's eyes.
159 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
21398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 13:57
Like with most BioWare's games, I use this game to escape from harsh realities of life and to experience what having solid relationships feels like. Time well spent, indeed!
289 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
15268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 04:11
Nostalgia may blind me with it's lavender haze, but DA:O was one of the greatest narrative rich RPGs ever made, and still is. Despite it's age, the characters remain engaging, the writing superb, and the combat challenging (if highly dated and, at first, very slow.) The other entries in the series cannot really compare, with each entry after this effectively forgetting its roots to achieve mainstream appeal, while both failing at being an effective RPG and the faster paced combat it adopted. DA:O was Bioware at their finest, with much detail put into giving weight towards the more mercenary or evil options your Warden can choose. Though admittedly some of actions taken by the player character in the interest of an evil play through can come off as both contrived and wholly worse than the morally good options. I think I will continue to return to DA:O for some years to come, to remind myself of what DA and Bioware used to be capable of- and to experience Ferelden all over again.
132 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
3815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 15:11
Enchantment? Enchantment!
241 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
20639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 16:51
This was one of the first games I ever played that made me fall in love with the game; where I was invested in the story so much that I stayed up playing all night just to find out what was going to happen- of all the games I've played, it's the one I will recommend without reservation.
216 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 11:30
The last true AAA great party RPG game, imo.
290 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 12:23
look its a amazing game with a amazing story.
it crashes... a LOT!
main issues i have experianced are loading new cells so saves, changing map/shops ect. the autosave is unreliable and half the time i find reloading them causes a crash. the load last on death is basically a crash button.
27 hours of play and i would say upwards of 50 crashes. how patient are you?
28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
10608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 12:30
no. 1 comfort game forever :')

(more in detail-...)

has everything you'd want from an rpg game; customisable character, interesting and unique back story for each class, amazing rich story line, you get to bond with each party member based on the choices you make, and enjoyable fights

best game ever. <333
681 Produkte im Account
266 Reviews
6645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 03:31
Bioware at its finest, one of the greatest RPGs ever made.
72 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 09:45
9/10 would be a 10/10 but there is no dog petting animation :/
146 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 23:56
I love this game but they're charging $40 Canadian and it's all messed up, textures are a mess, the colour seems off, and the game crashes often. It's a pretty sad joke and to find the solution you need to look it up where someone else provides the advice on how to MAYBE fix it. Bioware can't even ensure their game runs on Windows 10, it's pretty pathetic.
132 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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1408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 21:56
Loved this game when it came out. I have bought it 3 different times. Original DRM free hard copy, Origin and Steam. Sadly Can't play for more then 10 minutes before the game crashes or it blue screens my PC.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 18:15
So, I have nostalgia goggles, which makes this a slightly biased review.

Dragon Age Origins is easily one of my personal favorite games, though I do think it is a wee bit overpriced considering its age and datedness. If you only intend on doing a single run of the game, you'll have around 15-20, maybe 25 hours of satisfying gameplay. The combat can get a bit repetitive after your first run (or even before your first run ends), but I think having a slight bit of repetition in combat is worthwhile for seeing how everything can change based upon your decisions and your class, race, and whatnot.

The game's DLC is also mediocre, if you ignore the quite impressive Awakening DLC. This game is from an era where DLC was new but not commonplace, so its interesting to see how much less and more the DLC is compared to modern DLC.

The elephant in the room, however, is the crashing and the bugs. I have encountered quite a few bugs and crashes in the game, namely within Denerim. Usually, the solution to these problems relies within your graphics settings. Turn down your graphics and/or texture quality to medium, and most of the crashes should stop. Your computer is not bad, the game is just optimized for older hardware, so it bugs out a bit with enhanced processing power. One error I can't explain, however, is sound muting and cutscene bugs that occur when you unplug your earbuds, should you be using those. Just don't unplug your earbuds without saving first, and don't do it within cutscenes.

Aside from the rather minor problems with outdated software errors, the game is definitely a favorite of mine. The story feels like your choices matter. Also, this game looks pretty good considering it came out in 2010. If you're okay with doing multiple runs at less than maximum graphical settings, I don't think In could recommend this game more.
73 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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2556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 09:03
Amazing game as it ever was. but why EA always ruin everything they touched.
Just played about 2 hours on Origins (the main story) and now it keep crashing when I load my save game.


edit: ! solved the problem with these methods:

1. set affinity to core 0
2. set the graphic to medium or low
3. run as admin
4. run compability windows 7
5. turn off v-sync
6. lower the resolution to 720p

but, after I played for several hours, somehow the game randomly crashed again when I got in to battle and some point of the map.
honestly, it's hard for me to give a thumb down,
100 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 16:45
This game would be great, if it was playable. I was looking forward to playing this game again and maybe finally finishing it. Unfortunately, It crashes to desktop CONSTANTLY. I've tried looking online for fixes and was unable to resolve the issue. It sounds like support for this game has also discontinued, so there will not be an official patch. I can't recommend purchasing this, at any price.
224 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 09:55
first time playing on pc played it heaps on xbox 360 still one of my favourite games to this day
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 02:10
This is the best RPG I've ever played. The characters, story, gameplay, are near perfect! The only thing that would make it better is if it had newer graphics but can't fault the game for that since it was made in 2009.
362 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
6603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 00:48
Bioware at it's peak
747 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
4082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 03:18
This game is so interesting to me because it's a great example of how good game design and execution is more important than original ideas.
You can describe the story of this game in one sentence: Every x number of years, hero warriors called Grey Wardens are called to push back an incoming enemy invasion of evil beings called Darkspawn.
That's it. It's laughable how simple and rehashed this story is, but oh my God did Bioware absolutely NAIL about every other aspect of this game.

The ultimate packages have a few nice additions to the base game.the standalone single short story add-ons and the Awakenings just felt really anticlimactic after the epic grandiose base game.
Nice art style, but dated visuals that need a modders touch.
Anyone who has played KotOR series will have a good idea what they are getting, as in fun party based gameplay, cool story, likeable characters, good dialogue, i think i have no more to say.
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 19:04
this game is a classic and a pretty good play, if you like fantasy and a character driven game i def recommend the dragon age series
53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 17:33
I originally bought the game when it first came out, and recently rebought it on steam for the ultimate edition. after 12 years, the game has not aged at all. Adding graphic and UI modds helped improve the visual experience but the core of the game remained intact:
-The universe is dark, really dark, oppressing, depressing...and well made
-The story and the characters interactions/development are what I would consider bioware at its peak
-The gameplay is amazing with a mix of action and classic iso RPG, with a good variety of skills and spells allowing combos and creating new skills out of it.
-The character progression can be a hit or miss, as you get 3 points to spec in attributes e.g strenght, magic, dexterity. The base game does not offer the possibility to respec so if you're not carefull, you can screw yourself and make your life miserable.
-The difficulty is hard, even in easy mode you can get a game over, thus forcing you to be very tactical.
Overall this game is a masterpiece for the RPG genre and revisiting it put a huge smile on my face. I whole heartedly recommend this game for RPG fans and others...as long as you like difficult games
63 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 06:14
Ignore my time, it's bugged and counts only the pre-game menu. I have over 100 hours, possibly 200, and it is easily one of the best games, let alone RPGs, I have ever played.

It can be a bit more tactical than others, and micromanage-y but if you can handle that, it's worldbuilding and character
interaction might be the best in any RPG I've played.
149 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 12:37
starting romancing alistair as a joke/to get the ending i wanted but bro.....i don't think it's a joke anymore.........
60 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 15:26
HEY EA, you guys REALLY need to fix your broken product BEFORE SELLING IT TO PEOPLE!
Modern video cards not being detected
Game on high settings crashing
Slowmotion issues (might be from using the integrated vRam
modern processors not compatible

Now, I've played this game years ago with no issues. So I know it is a jewel of a game.

Please, devs, update this game to newer hardware. I have attempted all fixes disponible online to no avail, up to the point the game does not even open anymore.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 05:23
I am constantly searching for story rich rpgs to fill the Dragon Age sized hole in my heart. None can compare. This game has ruined me. I will never be whole again. 11/10
167 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 09:35
I'm very sorry to give this game a negative review. The game itself is incredibly deep and enjoyable. So many memories to my first playthrough on PS3.

Unfortunately this version is constantly crashing and comes with many, many graphic glitches. All the joy is getting replaced by simple frustration ...
423 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 10:55
Playing the other Dragon Ages just makes me want to play this one all over again. Soundtrack, Characters, Story still amazing to experience years later.
102 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 16:11
Simply one of my favorite games ever. Epic in every sense.
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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3252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 22:34
Although the game is great, the steam edition is bug-ridden and prone to crashing.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
34913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 00:30
It's dragon age origins. I like it. Thanks for reading my review.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 20:43
One of the best RPGs of all time.
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 20:59
Fantastic play even in 2021
157 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
5203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 08:40
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seriously, its great.
158 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 11:00
This is an older game but my hours on here don't give it justice as ive played on the ps3 when it came out on there. i absolutely love this game and it has been my favorite RPG of all time. I heavily recommend this game for anyone who is story driven but also capable of looking past outdated mechanics and old graphics, its a gem and gives you a whole universe to explore, especially if you play all the games.
415 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 09:34
When bioware made quality single player stuff :(
73 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 05:25
Ignore the fact it says I played for 81 minutes, according to my save files I've played over 60 hours, my mod manager just really messed with the game's interaction with steam.

The combat system is deep, but in my opinion, there's far too much of it. Hours of this game will be spent fighting grunt enemies in long dungeons that you will have no chance to lose against 80% of the time. There's mods to skip the fade and deep roads areas, which are the worst offenders for this. I'd recommend getting them even on a first playthrough, I didn't and I really suffered for it.
Melee classes really aren't fun as their gameplay will mostly consist of watching your character slowly autoattack like their joints got replaced with tar and their muscles have atrophied from a 100 year coma. Play as a mage.

The real strength in this game is the dialogue. The freedom of choice is wider than in any other rpg I've played yet. Especially in the main quests, the variety of what can happen from your choices is impressive.
It's pretty hard to get a very good ending your first time, but that's what makes it interesting. I love Mass Effect, but the dialogue system handholds you, and you can assume the paragon dialogue option will lead to a good outcome 95% of the time. In DAO, being the stubbornly honorable nice guy can blow up in your face, just as it might in real life.

A lot of the flirting dialogue is incel-tier, and I don't think the writers for this game ever talked to women before. I can forgive that though because until ~2014 Michael Kirkbride was the singular game developer in the world who even knew what sex is.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 03:59
Absolutely phenomenal game! The variety of backstories, meaningful story choices, and great characters make this an amazing role playing experience. The graphics are dated and it took me, personally, a while to adapt the combat system. However, once I got past that, I got to experience one of the greatest rpg games of all time.
452 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
4632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 15:18
Dragon Age: Origins will always remain the most perfect RPG made by classic Bioware for me, it's the one game where it feels like everyone on the team put all their heart and passion into delivering it. Everything about this game is simply captivating.

First, DAO graphic effects might seem old but its beautiful visual design for locations, equipment and characters still remains one of the most unique and always pleasant to look at. This beautiful visual art style was also kept consistent, being improved and used for later Dragon Age games as well.

Second, the story is exceptionally well written and engaging, years later DAO still remains one of the most grittiest video games stories ever told that didn't shy away from expressing its own voice, with many meaningful choices you can pick that affect the story greatly and a great dialogue system that allow you to fully commit to role playing. What most memorable is its charming but troubled characters and their interactions that often feel relatable to most people in real life.

Dragon Age lore stands out because it is digestible, it doesn't resort to text dump as most of the lore are being told through the main plot and actual quests. Knowing the lore in Dragon Age is rewarding because the foundation for Dragon Age world building was built not only for Origins but also its future installment as well, this mean lore in later games are actually built upon old ones instead of newly written lore or cheap retcon. Even though later Dragon Age games are its own game, they still feel strongly connected to each other because of this consistent in writing.

Even though the later games didn't manage to catch up to the perfection of Origins, Dragon Age will forever remain as one of my most favorite RPG franchises. I think it's fair to say this franchise right now is the only love child that Bioware still cares about.

If you want DAO experience to feel more consistent to later games by modding, check out my essential mods guide for this game here:
18 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 13:04

While this game is awesome, there is an issue that causes the game to repeatedly crash on Windows 10. There is an x86 4gb patch that resolves this, but Steam version won't allow the patch to be applied, and you wind up with error code 51.
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 18:30
I tried playing on XBOX first, hated it, the mechanics of the circle menu made me lose interest.
After reading a review of someone in the same position, hated Xbox but then loved the PC version decided to give it a go.
Loved it! The diferent mechanics changed the game for me, loved the PC version. If you don't mind the outdated look it is still a wonderfull game. I bought the full version with all the DLC, totally worth it :)
259 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 23:12
Quick Save is your best friend

Trust me
1076 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 16:44
Would suggest this every day of the week. Amazing game. Dont let the hours fool you, I have put well over several hundred hours into this on other versions.
546 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 23:49
It may be rather dated, but, this game still has it in terms of characters and story line. Both are excellent.
The graphics aren't bad either, considering it was made back in 2009.
Some say this one is the best in the series, and I agree. If you are into RPG's, definitely check out this one.
504 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 17:27
First time playing this, in 2021. Thus far story is interesting, music is beautiful. Beware, as with Left 4 Dead 2. Prt.Scr crashes game.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 15:33
Bought it due to nostalgia, but guess I should have read before buying, because I can't enjoy the game due to it not working properly on Windows 10, constant crashes and sometimes the save just won't load anymore. Shame, such an epic game it was.
35 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
10842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 23:23
+ does not require origin
225 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 02:13
gave up trying to play after game crashed over and over
467 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 09:39
Just here to romance Alistair so I can forget about my failing marriage.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 13:20
Graphics are a little dated but its still one of the best games old Bioware had ever made.
83 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 01:54
Best RPG ever played
275 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
3279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 21:43
inquisition can kiss my anus, this game is the best of the three
75 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
13424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.16 15:13
My in-game boyfriends are my only motivation to get up in the mornings.
roleplay, explore, dump bodies into wells for sidequests, and you get a dog. What more do you want?
10/10 would recommend.
87 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.16 19:46
Great storyline
Diverse character customisation
Intense action
356 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
3742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.15 00:58
i have played this game off and on for a number of years, without having completed the story before just recently. it is really a great game, with alot of top notch story and plenty of dungeon crawling to satisfy the tastes of most. the various 'origin' story branches make replayablilty high, and the expansion + add ons extend playablilty even more.
the main complaint i have has to do with the stupid approach that the parent company has taken to pc games. they have (again, stupidly) attempted to maintain an arbitrary barrier between pc and console gamers by refusing to include controller support for most of their pc titles. this would be forgiveable had they not released the same titles on each of the consoles, with, of course, full controller support. grow up! pc is the master race, but not because everyone loves kb/m. choices, choices are of utmost importance.
second complaint is how poorly the add ons and expansion were integrated into the main game. it seems that, with some extra work, they could have made it a seemless experience, but as it is i had to use the internet to see which order to play the additional content in. seems sloppy.
if not for the second part, this game would get 9.8 out of 10 from me, but since they cut some serious corners in my opinion, 9.3 out of 10. excellent game almost all around.
167 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.15 17:53
A very generous bundle edition of the first two dragonage titles including DLC missons, while the game may appear dated due to it's age (2009) it is still a worth while experience for any gamer who admires character and plot progression based upon player choices and medieval fantasy lore. If you are new to Bioware's games this is a great series to start with, if you prefer science fiction then try out the Mass Effect Trilogy.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.14 11:51
As a huge RPG fan, this is definitely one of the best I've played. It's one of those games that makes you want to take your time and explore the lore rather than just rushing through the story (I'm only about half way through as I write this).
181 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.14 00:15
Aboslutely one of the best games I've ever played!
81 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.14 18:01
Dragon Age: Origins sets itself apart from other games of it's genre. The story is phenomenal to say the least, the characters are some of the deepest, well-thought figures in any game I've ever played, and the RPG element allows the player direct decisions on nearly every aspect of the game. When 'epic, fantasy RPG' comes to mind, DA:O is truly the elite in it's class. The Ultimate Edition is no exception, great price for value.

I'm a long time console player with probably several hundred hours and atleast 5 playthroughs, but I have yet to complete my first playthrough of the game and all the DLC on the PC yet and already have 80+ hours logged. You heard correctly; 80+ hours on one character and I've only completed the base game, Warden's Peak, Stone Prisoner, and Golem's of Amgarrak. I have yet to complete Awakening, Witch Hunt, Leliana's Song, and Darkspawn Invasion. I expect the total hours to be 120+ on one character by the time I have done everything the Ultimate Edition has to offer. Easily one of the best values for dollar per hour spent.

The combat may be the only draw-back to the game. Strategy-wise, it's extremely in-depth and requires much preparation on higher difficulties. Veteran MMO players will feel right at home. However the visuals are lacking (keeping in mind the date of release) and the whole system isn't very 'exhilarating', though you'll feel the occasional rush during a boss fight. The combat serves its purpose and doesn't really throw any curves; it doesn't add much noteworthy additions to the game, but it certainly does not detract from the piece.

The vanilla game is stellar in itself, but the incorporation of the DA Updater allows easy organization of mods. Mods I've found especially good include textures, re-skins, graphics, combat AI, and combat tactics.

Overall, one of the best modern RPG's in existence. Give it a shot if you haven't, you won't regret it.

107 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.14 17:52
This game is a Party Extravaganza,
it is literally one of the RPGs with the highest amount of content and tremendous replay value.
They also have a Ghost Dragon.
761 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.14 15:38
One of the best RPG out there, with hours upon hours of content, especially if you get the Ultimate Edition which brings all the game's DLC in the bundle, adding even more hours of gameplay and some interesting campaigns that differ from the main one, showing us more about certain characters, even allowing us to taste being part of the evil faction.

I will add here some points that go for the game and some that go against it.

+It is a long game with a lot of content, a rare thing to find these days.
+It's side quests are where the game really shines, with a lot of ways to entertain the player in many different ways.
+Your choices change things in the world around you.
+It's background story is astoundingly well developed (As we have come to expect from bioware since games like KOTOR)
+The PC version has a more in depth tactical mechanic than its console counterpart, you can pause the game at any time to give orders to your followers or to plan how to tackle certain enemies.
+Various origins to choose from that affect dialogues troughout the game. (Hence the game's title)
+Many build options and various specs branching from three base classes: Warrior, Mage and Rogue.

-If you are someone that values graphics over other things keep in mind that this game came out in 2009, so it is bound to be graphicaly outdated (The graphics aren't bad tough).
-The main storyline is kind of typical and straightforward, and depending on your choices it might end in a way that leaves you with a bitter taste.
-The relationship system with your followers is not that well done, you might find that the character you are trying to romance in their highes approval level and still don't show any interest in taking your friendship further.
-It has mods, but the game's modding mechanics are kind of tough to get acustomed with, especially if you are new to modding games.

All in all it is a very good game and while it isn't perfect, since it is a mess to activate the dlc for some people, for example, it is a game that I do sincerely recommend.

10/10 -would play again-
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
12547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.14 15:57
This is a must play if you enjoy General, tactical RPG games with a Great immersive story. Enjoyed Every second of it. :)
Logo for Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
90.82% 13211 1336
Release:03.11.2009 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: BioWare Vertrieb: Electronic Arts Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Dragon Age
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