Bug Fixes:
- Player will wait until after landing on a boat to sneeze.
- Fixed a graphic bug with fence gates when exiting interiors.
- Insulated sac, sea sack and gold rock gets a minimap icon.
- Pathfinding should now work better in interiors.
- Fixed bug where minimap sometimes didn't properly uncover traversed areas.
- Can pick up items on the ground near un-sprung tooth traps now.
- Fixed a spelling error on the Batilisk Wing?.
- Thumper’s minimap icon fixed.
- Dense turf will grow tall grass.
- Fixed crash at the beginning of adventure mode prologue
- Life vest and amulet will save the player on water in Hamlet.
- Wheeler tracker won’t steal an item when a second is given to it anymore.
- Poison Frog Legs and Tubers won’t bother WX anymore.
- Fixed player boat crashing into shoreline when beardhair or dense jungleturf was placed on edge of lilypond.
- Bramble Armor will protect Wormwood from Cacti and Spiky Bushes.
- Bat Bat added to magic tab in Hamlet.
- Fixed very high awake entity counts, especially near waterfalls.
- Electric Isosceles won’t transport land based followers.
- Webber won’t attack neutral spiders with the attack key now.
- Pigs shouldn’t get stuck on city structures so much.
- Fixed a graphic problem with the pig totem torch.
- Roc won’t try and break non breakable structures.
- Roc won’t land when you are on the edge of the jungle and sky.
- Farmplot art will refresh properly on save/load
- City Pig houses minimap icon fixed
- Fixed some bugs with Ballphin Palace
- Fixed potential humongous memory spike on world load when worldhopping.
- The Doy Doy feather is actually tradeable now.
[Game Update] - 346255
Bug Fixes:
- >
- Fixed a sound glitch in the Volcano
[Game Update] - 346513
Bug Fix:
- >
- Fixed the burnt farm plot crash
[Game Update] - 346868
Bug Fix:
- >
- Fix for crash in seasonmanager when under attack in a Hamlet compatible ROG world
[Game Update] - 347153
Bug Fix:
- >
- Fix for sound problem caused by rabid beetles
[Game Update] - 347667
Bug Fix:
- >
- Fix potential infinite loop on load
[Game Update] - 354558
Bug Fixes:
- Fix potential crash on load with burnt farmplot.
- Wormwood will not catch fire when hit by lightning while wearing insulating gear in non-Hamlet worlds as well.
[Game Update] - 357353
- >
- Added official Chinese language support
Bug Fix:
- >
- Fix an issue with targeting a boat cannon while using a controller
[Game Update] - 379591
- Fixed Catalina support
- Added support for Apple's new notarization procedure