• Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.
  • Dome Keeper: Screen zum Spiel Dome Keeper.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.09.2022
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Preis Update 03.02.25

Über das Spiel

Dome Romantik hat sich zu Dome Keeper entwickelt, mit toller neuer Pixelgrafik, stimmungsvoller Musik und Sound und einfach mehr von Allem. Verteidige deine Kuppel gegen eine Welle um Welle von feindlichen Angriffen in diesem Roguelike-Survival-Bergbau-Spiel. Nutze die Zeit zwischen den Angriffen, um auf der Suche nach wertvollen Ressourcen unter der Oberfläche zu graben. Setze sie sorgfältig für mächtige Upgrades ein, die dir helfen, am Leben zu bleiben und es in die nächste Welt zu schaffen.

Bohre Tunnel unter deiner Kuppel auf der Suche nach wertvollen Materialien. Achte auf die Zeit, du musst zur Kuppel zurückkehren und bereit sein, wenn die nächste Angriffswelle kommt. Wie tief wirst du dieses Mal vordringen? Wie viel kannst du zurücktragen?

Übernehme die Kontrolle über die Verteidigungswaffen und wehre die Angriffe der Aliens ab. Luft- und Bodenangriffe, langsame und schnelle Angriffe - die Angreifer müssen priorisiert und abgewehrt werden, bevor sie deine Kuppel auseinanderreißen.

Nutze die Mineralien, um mächtige Upgrades zu erhalten: Verbessere die Stärke deiner Waffen, erhöhe die leistungsfähigkeit deines Bohrers, verbessere die Geschwindigkeit deines Jetpacks und erforschen weitere Verbesserungen. Finde Artefakte, um deine Überlebenschancen zu erhöhen.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.5Ghz or better
  • GFX: Support for OpenGL 3.3
  • RAM: 512 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or newer
  • HD: 500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Französisch
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188 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 20:35

Defensive Digger

Review by Unam
Curator Group Here, Consider Following!

Dome Keeper is one of the most simplistic yet thorough games I've ever played. I initially got to check it out during a Steam NEXT Fest, and I fell in love with the demo, it was one of the highlights of the festival. If you don't know much, you'll probably be fooled into thinking that this is a simplistic high-score tower defense game, but it is so much more than that and I adore it.

Straigthfoward yet challenging

For those unaware, Dome Keeper is a Survival Roguelike where you need to balance your routine between mining and defending your dome. Every 2 minutes eldrich monsters will attack the dome, and the player needs to balance this with exploring the caves under the dome. During your expeditions to the cave, you'll find resources that can help you upgrade the dome to defend it better or make mining easier and accessible. The game gets progressively harder as you continue, with more and new enemies invading you, so your speed is also a factor to consider whenever you are doing something. This gameplay loop is oddly addicting, as it pushes the player towards their absolute limit without feeling unfair or frustrating. Like other Roguelikes, all your progress is lost whenever you succumb to your enemies, but with each run, you learn more, so it is always worth it to continue. There cave system is also very complicated, as the lower, you dig, the harder it is for the player to return to the dome, and the more objects you carry the slower you go, which creates tense situations where you have to choose whether to try and save time but risk-taking more damage or play it safe and take the resources slower. This is something I valued a lot during my time with the game, as it's not often that games make me think about what I do on such a constant basis. There are other locales and different weapon types, which really helps spice things up when you feel you've mastered the basic feeling of the game. The graphics are nice, but they are nothing noteworthy in my opinion, although it ensures that you can play Dome Keeper on any laptop, which is nice.


I'm fairly certain that Dome Keeper will keep me coming back for a long long time. It's very easy to pick up and play nature is something I appreciate a lot and its addicting gameplay loop is something I did not expect. For fans of the genre, this is an easy recommendation from my part, and for those new, I still strongly recommend it if anything I said sounded interesting. Happy Digging!

I give Dome Keeper a...


More Reviews here!
192 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 20:13
Really as fun as it looks. Even when your dome gets overrun and cracked open like a raw egg, it still feels fair and not too punishing. It is more of a motivation to restart and try a new strategy.
28 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 20:07
this game lets you experience being a goldfish in a dentist’s waiting room aquarium
536 Produkte im Account
411 Reviews
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 19:17
Really fun tower defense kinda game with some mining mixed in. The soundtrack is relaxing, the graphics are nice to look at even tho they are minimalistic, the upgrades feel worth taking and depending on the relic drops you can get different builds depending on the run.
476 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 19:09
A soild title, great for playing while watching a podcast. or if you want stress, the higher difficulties are there.
45 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 17:55
fun and a lot of replayability
650 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 17:52
EASY recommendation.

Fantastic overall design and dynamic. Wonderful aesthetics. Plenty of unlocks, potential builds, and game modes (incl. leaderboards) to keep you coming back for more and more. And, frankly, the price of this game is criminally low at $18.

The core game loop is 1) mine resources beneath the dome, 2) haul them back, 3) upgrade, 4) defend the dome against a wave of enemies, 5) repeat. What keeps this very fresh is procedural generation, RNG, and your choices for build progression as each run progresses.

Once you've conquered the various difficulties and map sizes (with some experimentation and unlocks) in Relic mode, you're ready to try Prestige mode with leaderboards and personal bests. This absolutely continues to push interest in the game as you're refining your runs and approach in a way that continues to feel compelling, at least to me.

All things considered, I'm absolutely thrilled with what's being delivered here, even more so for the price.
1534 Produkte im Account
216 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 17:34
Dig Dug was a roguelike, right? I mean, I guess every arcade game was kind of a roguelike by the loose definition we now use, but that’s not important. What is important is that Dome Keeper is like Dig Dug except instead of the enemies being cute dragons and weird diver dudes underground, they’re horrible shadowy blob monsters that try to assault your dome-y home.

Abbreviated Review: https://youtu.be/iWExePAft1k

The Home Dome

The premise of Dome Keeper is simple, you come blazing down from space in your vaguely spherical home and slam onto one of those aforementioned blob creatures just minding its own business on the surface of an alien world. That’s essentially all of the narrative there is to glean from the entirety of the game. Yet, there’s plenty to discover and explore within the depths.

The gameplay is split between two very distinct facets, digging underground and maintaining the dome on the surface. The surface doesn’t have a lot of interaction outside of the times when it’s under attack, but it’s the part you do everything else to maintain. When it is attacked, your initial counteraction is to take control of the massive laser that tracks along the outside of your dome and use it to blast those alien creatures. After each wave, you’re treated to a pleasant reprieve where you can repair any damage and head back down to dive into the heart of the gameplay underground.

Into the Depths

Despite the game-ending importance of maintaining the integrity of your dome, the majority of the gameplay involves you grinding through rocks underground. It’s as simple as pointing your pixelated engineer in a direction and letting them bounce their drill off of the surface until it breaks. The various densities of the blocks determine how long it takes for you to make it through, similar to Minecraft, so it’s advantageous to try and pick a route that affords you the most progress before the next wave approaches.

The goal of all of this digging is to find veins of resources, crack them out of the rocks, and haul them back up to the processor in your dome. You can attach as much iron, water, and cobalt to your character as you can find, but you’ll limit your movement speed until you can’t move at all, so there’s plenty of discretion in this process. Part of the strategy is balancing your load with the time remaining before the next wave – as those aliens will attack regardless of your presence. The resources you obtain can be used for several types of upgrades including those that make it possible to drill faster, move faster, and carry loads more efficiently. However, it is equally important that you upgrade your dome and its defenses to survive each wave.

During your mining expeditions, you’ll also come across special glowing blocks that, once returned to your base, will reveal a selection of special abilities or tools to aid you in your adventure. These can be as simple as a bomb you can place on a surface to carve out a huge area instantaneously or the incredibly useful cargo elevator that slowly hauls resources back to the surface for you. They also join the upgrade page with separate trees used to make them more effective and efficient. This cycle of digging, defending, and upgrading goes on for as long as it takes to find the main alien relic buried deep underground.

Uncovering the Victory

The initial (and primary) game mode is all about you finding that relic and dragging it back up to the surface like all the rest of the goodies you’ve obtained. Once you do that, it’s essentially the end of the run after a scary final assault. However, that’s not the only game mode. As you complete these relic runs, you’ll unlock numerous additional gameplay features and functions. Things like a crazy harpoon sword and deflecting shield replacement for your laser and a “repellent” alternative to the secondary energy shield for your dome are interesting ways to add variety to the experience. You’ll also unlock bigger maps with much more digging and resource gathering and variations on the existing gadgets you have obtained.

The biggest divergence from the initial gameplay you’ll unlock is that “Prestige” mode, which is basically a high-score game mode. Here, instead of looking for a relic, your goal is to get as many resources as possible and send them back to space on a rocket for ‘prestige’ point bonuses. Then it’s all about surviving waves and ultimately putting yourself on a rocket and getting the hell out of there. Whether you succeed there or die horribly before ever getting close, whatever points you obtain will put you on the leaderboard to be judged along with the rest. It’s a stand-in for an “end game” experience since there’s not necessarily a way to “win” the game. It’s quite easy to find the relic on the normal difficulty and the small map, but you can very easily ramp that up with bigger maps and two more notches of difficulty.

Mining for Gold

I was a little concerned with the lack of a campaign when I first started the game. Usually, when left to my own devices, I don’t feel like I’m good at crafting my own best experience. I’ll either make it too easy or too difficult and then it’s my fault for not making the game fun for me. Dome Keeper made the lowest difficulty “normal,” which of course is just a clever way of disguising “easy”, but it felt pretty satisfying to play from the start. The map sizes can change the difficulty slightly but are more about letting you better explore the upgrade tree and determining how long you want to play a round. I’m not sure if the difficulties have any bearing on what is unlocked each time, but every completed Relic mode has resulted in an unlocked item each time – which is rewarding.

Dome Keeper is much closer to the classic roguelike design than modern roguelites. Progression is entirely in the form of modifiers to a fresh run rather than slowly buffing yourself up to beat the game. You’ll always start falling from the sky and face the same basic challenges you had in your first attempt – similar to games like Spelunky. Yet, the variety provided by the different starting options and modifiers can make each run feel distinct and the Prestige mode is always there to tempt you with leaderboard legacy. While I do think it would have been nice to have some kind of initial campaign or some narrative to tie all of this together, what is available is fun and approachable for almost anyone – and it leaves plenty of room for additional content in the future.

If you'd like to see more of my reviews, check out my curator page here: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/28346672-Endyo-Gaming/" target="_blank">Endyo’s Indies, http://store.steampowered.com/curator/38271367/" target="_blank">Abbreviated Reviews
204 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.22 17:14
Video Review Here: https://youtu.be/bqlEho9-kfQ

Dome Keeper is a brand new mining and tower defense roguelike that combines some of the best elements between the underground excavation of Terraria and the tower defense of the Kingdom games. I loved the demo and am happy to say the little and not-so-little improvements to the game since then make it a must buy that is tense but is still oddly relaxing as well. For those that may be put off by potential difficulty issues, there's now 3 difficulty modes and other ways to modify the gameplay experience to make it enjoyable for you.

More is in the video but overall, I highly recommend it!
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
91.86% 79 7
Release:27.09.2022 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Bippinbits Vertrieb: Raw Fury Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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