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Über das Spiel

Dies war als vorübergehende Lösung für eine unvermeidlichen Krise geplant.
Es war eine gute Lösung für Jahrzehnte, die das Überleben für Menschen ermöglichte. Einige von den Integrierten betrachteten aber diese neue Existenz als die Zukunft der Menschheit.
Die post-humanistischen Integrierten, die kein Interesse daran hatten, den Prozess umzukehren, nannten sich Rayonne. Kurze Zeit später brach ein weltweiter Krieg aus, und die Rayonne versuchten nun, alle aufindbaren Menschen unter ihre Herrschaft zu bringen, indem sie diese zwangen, sich der Integration zu unterziehen. Diejenigen, die sich weigerten, wurden vernichtet.
In Disintegration spielen Sie die Rolle eines Integrierten namens Romer. Er ist einer von vielen, die sich wehrten und jetzt von den Rayonne gejagt werden.
Es liegt an Ihnen, eine kleine Gruppe von Outlaws zu führen; Menschen, die entschieden haben, sich zu wehren und zu überleben. Das Ziel ist eine bessere Zukunft, in der wie diejenigen schützen, die uns am Herzen liegen, in der Hoffnung eines Tages wieder ein Mensch zu werden.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 15:42
Aber leider ist auch dieser Versuch – zumindest finanziell – wieder voll danebengegangen: Das Spiel ist vor einem Jahr veröffentlicht worden, bekam eher durchwachsene Kritiken vom Gros der Spieler, aufgrund niedriger Zahlen dieser, wurde der Multiplayer nach knapp fünf Monaten abgeschaltet und das Studio V1 Interactive Anfang/Mitte März geschlossen.
Es ist nicht so, dass ich mir solche Spiele aussuche, aber diese Underdogs (mit Ansage?) – mit dem Herz am rechten Fleck – mochte ich irgendwie schon immer. Mein Eindruck, den ich vorm Kauf des Spiels hatte, hat sich bestätigt: Es ist dieses Liebhaber-7/10-Projekt im hochwertigen Double-A-Gewand, dem ich gern knapp 11 Stunden meines Lebens gewidmet habe. Viele fragen nach neuen oder wenigstens frischen Spielideen, aber wenn sie da sind, werden diese kaum oder nicht gewürdigt. Schade.
Da man selbst auf dem mittleren Schwierigkeitsgrad mit Maus und Tastatur ordentlich gefordert wird, kann ich mir kaum vorstellen, wie das im hektischen Befehls- und Ballerdickicht mit einem Controller auf den Konsolen aussehen soll. Was vielleicht auch ein Punkt für das eher miese Abschneiden in der Gunst der Käufer war...
Ich werde mir die Tage noch den wunderschön-heroischen Soundtrack des Spiels gönnen und Disintegration in nächster Zeit bestimmt nochmal anwerfen, denn sowas wird es in den kommenden 20 Jahren eher nicht nochmal geben. Leider!
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 08:50
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678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 22:22
Played 11 hours and it starts okay, but it gets worse the more of the game and campaign you play.
Multiplayer was dead on arrival, but who cares, this game needed no multiplayer at all.
Your troops are not a big help, since they can almost nothing do against air units.
And even on the ground the pathfinding seems to be as worse as in C&C games with the harversters.
Difficulty is a joke since in later missions the reset points or respawn points (Save points) are set so badly, you have to do like 20 minutes of fighting again, if you die before the next savepoint.
And its no fun, to play the same fights over and over again. I mean difficulty in later missions is terrible balanced.
Same for the resource management, its handled badly.
You fly around and have to scan all the map, in order not to miss out resources (to level up) and chips (to level up your squad). That is even more bad, if youre goal is to reach the mission in a certain time limit.
Time limits in this game are a totaly pain in the ass and another thing it had not needed.
I am sad, the idea of this game was great, some parts of it are ok, but all together its a mess, not worth your money.
I took this one from my account, afer i put 11 hours in it. // i was so frustrated in the end, i could not play it anymore.
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50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 01:31
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333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 13:42
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 18:17
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 17:47
-Action Shooter mit rudimentären Befehlsgewalt, dadurch schnell, leicht zugänglich und guter Spielfluß
-hatte das Gefühl, jederzeit die Kontrolle über die Begleiter zu haben
-meinen Bildschirmtot empfand ich immer als nachvollziehbar, da ich das Team entweder vernachlässigt oder falsch eingesetzt hatte
-läuft technisch einwandfrei (habe nur i5 4570/rx570/16Gb ddr3/SSD)
-während der Kampagne nur 1x mit dem Gravcycle festgefahren-im letzten Level, ansonsten nicht einen Bug, Ruckeln oder der gleichen
-Levelarchitektur und Stil sind Halo 1 ähnlich-sehr aufgeräumt und jederzeit alles im Überblick (Custom Edition nicht Anniversary)
-Musik passt gut
-Steuerung mit Pad nicht präzise/schnell genug-mit Maus und Tastatur jedoch optimal
Einige Dinge hätte ich mir bei einem erfahreneren Studio noch erhofft-für das Erstlingswerk ist es in meinen Augen jedoch gut geworden und hoffe auf mehr von ihnen.
Ich kann nicht ausschließen, das meine Meinung weniger repäsentativ für die meisten Nutzer ist, da ich ab und zu noch Halo 1 spiele-und das nicht wegen der Story
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219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 06:03
Das aller schlimmste sind die Bugs so schaltet man die Stromversorgung ab und die Tore bleiben teilweise aufrecht so dass man sich entweder allein durchkämpfen muss oder wie in meinem Fall einfach nach 3 Stunden nicht mehr weiter kommt da selbst ein neuladen nichts mehr bringt.
Finger weg und den Entwickler auf die Blackliste.
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 18:48
Die Grafik ist Schön, die Performance ist Klasse und die Spielmechanik ist nicht schlecht, einfach mal was neues.
Ich kann nur von meiner Seite aus sagen, das es mir persönlich keine 30 und auch keine 50 Euro Wert wäre, aber ich bin auch nicht so ein Fan von Roboter Kampf Spielen. Jedoch wurde es auf keinen Fall schlecht umgesetzt.
Das Spiel hat eine Kampagn sowie einen Multiplayer mit ein paar Modis.
(Getestet im Free-Weekend)
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383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 23:16
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 08:58
Leider schafft die Story viele Momente, die einem taktisch-entspannten Gameplay, das gut von der Hand geht, im Weg stehen. Eine Bombe zu verteidigen, die entschärft wird - hektisch und wenig Spaß. Die beste Lösung: Rückzug an den letzten schlauchigen Teil der Karte. Klasse, das die Bombe auch weiter entschärft wird, während sie von Gegnern umstellt ist. Immersion, naja... :/
Ein Glück machen diese Momente nur einen kleinen Teil der Story aus.
Neben dem angenehmen Gameplay ist die Story durchaus nett in Szene gesetzt. Leider endet hier das positive.
- Der Hub, den man zwischen den Missionen betritt, ist relativ sinnfrei. Er wirkt leer und leblos. Gefühl: Da war mal mehr geplant, es ist aber nicht mehr dazu gekommen.
- Gleiches gilt für die Story-Maps: So cool die oft zerstörbare Umgebung ist... die Karte wirkt oft leer und leblos. Hier hätten mehr Details wirklich gut getan.
- Das man Crew und Gravcycle nicht individualisieren kann; ok. Das Crew und Gravcycle für jede Mission vorgegeben werden - in meinen Augen nicht in Ordnung.
- Wenn man die Story mehr als Einführung in die verschiedenen Gravcycles sehen möchte & dem Game einen Fokus auf's PvP zuschreibt: Der ganze PvP-Part ist, angefangen bei der Menü-Führung, nicht prominent genug platziert. Ob er, als der Nischen-Titel, der er ist, überhaupt lange gespielt wird, ist leider fraglich.
An ganz vielen Stellen dieses Spiels steht für mich ein großes ''hätte''. Hier wurde unglaublich viel Potenzial verschenkt.
Ich empfehle das Game trotzdem - nämlich all jenen, denen es reicht, das das Gameplay wirklich gut ist. Ob sich der Kauf zum Vollpreis lohnt, bleibt trotzdem fraglich.
Eine große offene Frage wird sein, ob der Entwickler sich weiter um dieses Spiel kümmert.
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141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 10:05
Gute Video Frequenzen, schöner ton. Ansonsten nix gutes.
Multiplayer nach 20 minuten Kein Match gefunden
SKINS IM MULTIPLAYER -> Es gibt Ingame Käufe für ca 400€ WTF? bei einem Vollpreis Titel... UFF
Also hätt ichs nicht kostenlos bekommen hätt ich es jetzt zurückgegeben.
Edit: Das Halo 1 Feeling ist eber ihrgentwie da. Aber halt 1, war auch sehr eintönig :D
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 19:13
1257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 13:36
When I played it MP was completely removed.
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187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 06:10
The graphics are okay and the shooting is fine. There's upgrades available for you and your team.
But here's the thing. Enemies often just beam in on top of you and sometimes there's nowhere to go. Also, your units are pretty fragile and kinda stupid. I didn't feel that I was really making much in the way of tactical decisions with my units, just hitting the specials of my units when they become available but a lot of the time, you are just exposing your fragile units to be shot down.
I tried to like it but felt that the game was working against me.
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 02:04
Also gave me Star Citizen vibes, like this is how SC ground combat should look, the ships looked similar too. Also Transformers, obviously.
1445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 03:34
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48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 04:03
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559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 14:14
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 21:44
Thats what your moneys worth!
Total failure....
I tried verifying the game files, re-installed the game, re-installed steam, disable firewall, anti-virus and pretty much whatever I could think of and still got the error....
I have requested a refund.
So nope! I can't recommend this game.
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1295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 00:02
I admit, I had pretty high hopes for this game. It appeared to be a pretty interesting and creative game that featured a unique blend of FPS and RTS gameplay, two genres I really enjoy. And it wasn't a bad game per say, it was just very... limited. Since I have mixed feelings about the game, I'll give a breakdown of what I thought was/wasn't done well, and ultimately why I decided to leave a thumbs down:
- It has an engaging story/narrative, this was probably my strongest incentive to play through the campaign.
- Good graphics, even on medium settings.
- The game is very well polished. I never encountered any glitches, frame drops, or crashes.
- There are plenty of likeable characters with good voice actors.
- The core gameplay is pretty solid. It's especially fun when you get to use some of the interesting mid/late game weapons.
- The game is unnecessarily restrictive, in my opinion. Before you start each mission, there's a briefing/loadout screen, only you don't get to choose your weapons. Or your Gravcycle. Or which of your squad-mates go with you (although, this last one could be justified for plot/narrative reasons). It's all pre-selected for you depending on the mission, leaving you with almost no agency in this regard.
- The world looks vast, open, and begging to be explored despite there being invisible walls EVERYWHERE. If you veer even somewhat off the path the game intended, looking for easter eggs or secret loot stashes perhaps, you will be met by nothing but the world boundary and disappointment.
- Despite being part RTS, it offers very little in terms of strategy. When you issue a command to your squad, you can only issue it to all of them at once, meaning your squad can't do more than one thing at a time despite being, well, a squad. On top of that, there are only 4 commands you can issue: Move, Attack, Interact (with objects in the world), and Use Ability (albeit, this command can be issued to individual squad members). And they can't execute two commands simultaneously, meaning if you tell your squad to move to a certain position and then attack, they will move to the position and then immediately abandon it to charge in and attack directly.
The saddest part of it all, and ultimately why I decided it deserved a negative review, is that it seems the devs are completely giving up on the game to the point where they're not only discontinuing updates and patches, but outright removing the multiplayer mode all together. It's a shame to see so much potential go to waste.
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 01:34
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 05:24
The graphics were very nice, scenery was great.
Gameplay was challenging for me even on recruit difficulty, more so in the solo missions or solo pats of the mission.
Only thing I would have liked to have been different is how you control your crew mates on missions, a system similar to mass effect would have worked well here I feel. In firefights your crew pretty much go where ever you aim so if your aiming at a lot of enemies or hard enemies they go barreling right into them. That works well when you have the heavy melee crew on a mission but ranged ones not so much. There is a function to tell them to go to a certain point but I found they hardly ever stayed there, they see an enemy they go after them.
I bought the game in a greenman gaming flash sale so feel I definitely received my $12 worth of entertainment.
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662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 18:04
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117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 07:43
I feel bad for the Devs looking at the game, and the props for even the first two hours you can tell that they really put some effort into the artwork, setting and characters. all for it to fail to reach its potential because of its base game play mechanics.
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 07:03
[Review was conducted primarily on Xbox]
Want to know more? My full review is avialable over on TechRaptor.
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688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 00:52
Now they've shut down the multiplayer, and it doesn't look like they'll be updating the game.
You can safely pass on this one. If you're curious enough, wait for a sale; I imagine it will be on deep discount, soon enough. A shame.
1215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 00:31
The gameplay wasn't great. Nothing really new is introduced you haven't seen in any other game, and other things you have are missing. You're a gravcycle pilot, but instead of racing around in the gravcycle tearing it up in a sort of motorcycle meets hover-gunship death machine, you're stuck mainly floating around the battlefield, dodging some gunfire and trying to return fire and not die because you're too slow to really fly around, and not as powerful as you'd like to be. No real cover system to speak of, since you typically are floating above most of your enemies. You don't even have the ability to use your boost to damage enemies or break any of the destructible stuff on the battlefield really.
The attempt to integrate more strategy into an FPS could've been awesome. An RTS where you can still blast the heck out of enemies directly. But it instead lacked in both areas. You cannot direct your units individually just tell all of them to choose one enemy, or move to a different location. You can only directly select specific units when telling them to use their abilities.
So some of the more tactical applications where you could've separated out your force, dealt with different threats at once, and generally done what you do in a strategy game, while still pitching in and blowing the hell out of some of the smarter or stronger enemies weren't available to you.
It made it very bland and not something that would've added a whole new spin on 'shoot em ups'.
No upgrades to speak of either, or ability to kit your own gravcycle out the way you want to for each mission. Not that there were huge differences between the frames of each gravycle, from what I could tell.
The story was kind of fun, but too short. I don't know if it was just because the game was so short, but the story was missing a lot of what would've made it good. Backstory, more interactions, etc anything that really went beyond a very basic storyline wasn't there.
I do think there should be a Disintegration 2, but it needs to have something new, something exciting that makes gameplay a thrill (c'mon you're in a hovering motorcycle with guns. add speed and courses rather than small mission areas, zipping around in the air... the whole concept should be self-explanatory and intuitive!) , and definitely more storyline. I really want to know more about the world of Disintegration.
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600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 19:56
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131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 01:51
Ai were improved
weapons were interesting
combat was strategic
character abilities weren't flavorless
THEN the game would be decent
i really wanted this game to be cool )':
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972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 16:22
1646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 17:27
Give it a chance if ya catch it on a sale.
There is a massive amount of potential for this game i am looking forward to see how and were it goes.
Controls are tricky at first but feel right when you get used to them.
Disregard all the bullshit reviews about game sucking.
It is a new game and for once its a company trying something new not just cookie cutter crap like 90 % of games produced now.
Give it a legit try ! :)
930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 01:55
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 19:42
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38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 15:07
Needs more variety, the ability to get your shoes dirty, and also, to fix the dang intro scene. Like holy crap are the sounds out of sync but only enough to drive a man mad, the animations are a little clunky, and, well, there is a heavy LACK of sound. I'm supprised how silent that hulking mass of metal is when he moved. Gotta have a real damn good absorber in his limbs.
These are things that could be fixed if the time was put into it.
While i'm late to the party, I plan to play it through to expand my opinions, but really, the game is just not worth it's heading price.
In it's state it's a 20$ game at best. Especially since everything is so straight forward.
Not to mention the low survivability of your allies and dumbfoundingly low damage rate.
In the MP sandbox, almost none of my TANK classes managed to get a ability in. And that was against a weak little team of units.
The stat balancing needs to be worked on too.
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 20:33
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416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 04:39
Grade = C? Worth a buy, if you love the visual design. However, if you're looking for exciting gameplay content, it doesn't have
⚖️Check Scoring Scheme
A+ | 80 ~ 100 | Worth a Season Pass / Deluxe Edition | - | No Wait | [/tr]
A | 60 ~ 79 | Worth Regular Price (Base Game) | - | No Wait | [/tr]
B | 40 ~ 59 | Good Value | - | Wait 10%~35% | [/tr]
C | 20 ~ 39 | Overpriced | ✔ | Wait 40%~90% | [/tr]
D | 0 ~ 19 | Not what you need | - | Wait 100% | [/tr]
???? Able to hover around
???? Being as a Commander + Medic + Infantry at the same time
???? Robot acting like real human
???? Some breakable objects in many places
???? Some attractive cutscene setting
???? Manually backup save file
???? Accept the challenge that restricts to limited ability
???? Accept the bland cutscene
???? Love to be a role as Assistant in the combat
???? 1 hour: Lack of playstyle option...
???? 2 hours: Finally we allow to change weapon, but still no exciting moment...
???? 6 hours: Restricted limited playstyle option...
???? Too expensive ➜ True
???? No strategy challenge ➜ True
???? Boring ➜ True
Recommended Video Review:
Approximate File Size = 10.3 GB
Average Completion Hours = 10h - 12h
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1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 19:50
The game is a lot of fun if you want a different and refreshing experience. If you expect this to be your typical cod clone or Battle Royale mechanics, then this isn't for you. However, here are some things i strongly suggest to improve the already fun multiplayer experience:
- Faster movement.
- Lower the cooldown for dashing.
- Add bots to fill in empty slots.
- Have an option to change teams.
- Have an option to communicate with team mates (pinpoint and or highlight point A,B, etc..).
- More maps.
- Offline mode to play and practice against bots.
- Crossplay.
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134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 04:43
But it looks pretty heckin' cool!
I know. It fooled me too. I read the reviews that said to avoid it. Then I read the dev post talking about the new patch and how they were listening to the community - and I figured I'd give it a try. Heck, the screenshots, some of the videos and, for some people, the premise, all look great. And the game looks really quite nice when its standing still. However, in motion even on my beefy gaming machine there is noticeable and distracting blur despite me adjusting all the setting I can (including on my graphics card itself). The camera in the main hub area is too close to the main character. A minor issue you would think, but when its zoomed in on the back of his blurry Rocketeer-esque head, its darn awful. you're so far above/behind/beside the combat encounters that the enemies are rarely more than a small blob with a red health bar above them - even on a huge screen.
A health bar, huh?
Yeah, the bad guys - all of them - are bullet sponges. No problem, right? I mean we are robots who are fighting robots - makes sense for everyone to be difficult to destroy. That would be fine if either element of the gameplay (RTS / FPS) was fun. They tried to make each element 'serviceable' but failed to make either appealing. The FPS elements are irrelevant because its more of a turret shooter - you know, those games from the late 90s where you were a pilbox on d-day or an anti-aircraft gunner on an aircraft carrier? Thats how it is, except that you can move your turret to different locations. The RTS 'gameplay' makes mistakes others in the genre figured out a decade ago. Envision that you have finally managed to navigate your team in Disintegration to an elevated firing position overlooking a combat area and your team is facing two guys who your whole team can see and shoot at equally well - Left and Right. For whatever reason your team is only shooting at Left, but you want them to take out Right first (this is a simple, but demonstrative example, suffice it to say stuff like this will be important from time to time). If you tell them to focus fire on Right, your entire team will run directly at that Right, until they are withing about 20 feet from him, and then try to shoot him. They'll abandon the high ground, and any cover they had, they march willingly into open ground for the slaughter, all because you asked that they shoot at Right instead of left. There are innumerable other comments/reviews critiquing the AI and they are all correct. Its just bad throughout.
Interestingly for those interested in game development, I think this game really suffered from a lack of an effective director. I'm not trying to call out one particular person, but it is clear that members/groups of the team were doing their own thing, and no one really saw the whole picture (or, if they did, they don't know art at all). I'm inclined to think each functional group had its proverbial nose to the grindstone working in their silo of information and influence, and whatever leadership was expected to make sure everything fit together only knew the aesthetic side of game making.
But something was good about it, right?
To be completely honest, I'm struggling to think of a reason to recommend this game. It looks nice when you're not moving and not too zoomed into the main character model I suppose. I think some effort went into the writing, but holy cow I only made it through two missions and each of my robot companions could have died miserably and I just wouldn't have cared. Even the human characters, the outlaws, were just 'rescue bait' that had very little going for them.
Its rare that a game with so much effort put into certain of its parts (graphics in some areas, voice acting, relatively innovate ideas, a story that may be going somewhere - who knows), and fails to fundamentally to make its GAMEPLAY fun. I'm going to uninstall this and never think about it again.
You certainly should not pay more than $5 for this game as it currently exists. I know that's rough for the devs to hear, and I want to be clear that I err on the side of developers (heck, I recommended Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on my channel), but this thing lacks so much that I can't support you charging anything near what you are for this.
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328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 01:15
The Good:
-Conceptually, it is an interesting game.
-The graphics are decent, especially given the small DEV team behind it.
-There is potential for a good game somewhere.
-Decent MP from what I was able to play.
The Bad:
-Everything else.
-The multiplayer is absolutely dead on arrival. The first night I played it I had relative success in finding matches. The next night, empty queue after empty queue. It's like the people from the first night got a taste of the game, and were immediately turned off by it and then told everyone they knew not to bother.
-The single-player experience is flat. You are restricted to using certain weapons for certain missions with no customization to be had.
-AI is bad.
-There is virtually no strategy whatsoever. Shoot your gunship guns....point and click on enemies for your units to kill. I found no reason not to just spam all the unit abilities every chance I could get.
-I paid FULL price and officially can longer refund this game after having played 5hrs. Don't make the same mistake as me.
In short, this game is not worth $50. It feels like a game still in BETA, or a work-in-progress title. I honestly, don't know how it's not a free-to-play title to be honest. The audacity they have to even offer micro-transactions for recolored skins is sickening. Avoid.
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821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 00:16
The RTS aspects are heavily lacking any ability to use any strategy outside of 'Go here, attack that,' etc. You command all your troops as one unit, you cannot split them up, which hugely limits any strategic ability. Your troops fall into one of four categories, which have their own strengths and weaknesses, I assume, because the game does a poor job of outlining them aside from pointing out that they have different special abilities.
The controls seem finnicky and unintuitive, but I'll chalk that up to the unique gameplay style and assume it will come with time.
The story seems interesting, but throws you into the thick of it immediately without context or background info, making it somewhat confusing, and leaving you making a lot of guesses and assumptions. However, I have not fully finished the campaign, so I will abstain from judgement in this regard. It also provides very little customization in the campaign, with each mission giving you a pre-set bike with pre-set weapons. You can upgrade via upgrade chips, but these only give boostslike +damage or +speed.
The, inter-mission garage feels larger than necessary, not helped by how sparsely it is filled. The only thing to do is talk to the same NPCs, half of which are generic 'bots' who give you missions, and seem to exist for no other reason.
The game isn't bad, but $60+ is a very heavy price. I would recommend holding off on your purchase until the game develops more or the price drops significantly.
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215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 08:20
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496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 20:28
Unfortunately, your game is not worth 50 bucks. I'm sorry. I waited for this game. I nourished big hopes for Disintegration. But this. This is not the final game. It lacks of polish and content. It could be a beta, but it is not the full game, and it IS NOT worth 50 bucks. You worked hard, and I truly admire you. But something feels off. Like the game was rushed. I mean, so many thing are not working :
- Cinematics could be epic but are cut in an awkward way. So the potential tention is... falling flat, and I don't care about the characters despite some great lines of dialogue.
- A garage/base that has no interest at all and is too big for the purpose it fills.
- A solid gameplay, but almost no diversity in enemies or situation. It's like you created something awesome, but don't know what to do with it.
- The game feels... I'm so sorry to say that, boring.
What to improve :
- Better writing of narrative and quests. Better staging of the cinematics.
- An smaller hangar, but full of things to do, and if you keep it big, please at least give us a RUN option.
- More enemies. More diversity. More challenge.
- More dramatisation and please please please a writing that makes us care about the characters, because there is so much potential here.
- Being able to personalise gravcycle loadout and team abilities. It is CRUCIAL if you want us to feel in control of the situation. As it is now, I just feel... trapped into what you want me to do.
- Action is E button. I'm sorry. Not F. It's E.
You game is not bad, V1, it's just not up to it's potential. You can make a great game out of this, it just needs more work. Maybe you had not enough money to finish it. Maybe you felt it was done. I don't know, and I truly wish the best for your young studio. What you have accomplished with such a small team is ambitious and VERY respectable. But Disintegration is not ready to be the great title you certainly meant to release.
I preordered it, because I believed in you. I still do. I USUALLY NEVER PREORDER. So please, help me like your game. Go back to the drawing board, and make it what it should be : a great game.
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 12:12
havent done the mp yet. but im not a multiplayer guy. just here for the story and single player then ill be out.
but im enjoying it.
Nicht Empfohlen
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 04:42
1. Everywhere feels empty. EVERYWHERE!!! Your base, the forest, the cities...everything is pretty background-wise but there are so few buildings and close environmental details. Your base is a dead echo chamber you have to jog around for over-echoed dialogue. Bad.
2. Little to no gameplay music. More bad.
3. Targeting is buggy and AI is stupid as fnck and will run around getting blasted until you have to swoop in for the revive and put your slow fragile self at risk.
4. Multiplayer is pretty dead. Long queue times for matches with poorly balanced loadouts where range gets stomped by rushing DPS loadouts.
I wanted to like this game but it just feels like they did what most games do these days and rush them out missing features, story, mechanics, and performance polish. Sure it runs great, but with such an empty world that is not very impressive. Put in some time to boost the NPC's, objects, wonky AI, and add some more music it could be okay. For now, I'm hoping for a refund.
Edit: Left the game running during lunch, so refund is denied. Let's hope it get's patched or I just wasted $50.
Nicht Empfohlen
1013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 03:28
Set in the distant (but not too distant) future, Disintegration is about a world where humans can choose to have their grey matter ‘integrated’ into a robot armature, allowing a temporary new life as inorganic robo-beings - Only it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, as it appears a group of integrated/robotic deadshits known as the Rayonne have decided that full-scale robotification should be essential and irreversible across the entire human race, squarely working to stomp out any pockets of resistance (Human and Integrated alike).
The gameplay puts the player into the saddle of something called a ‘Gravcycle’, a futuristic hover-bike thing that is one part podracer, one part motorcycle and two parts weapons platform. While it does not actually fly per se, you can maintain an altitude that suits based on the ground beneath you, navigating through the environment however you wish. From here you zip around the battleground, firing on enemies and overseeing your own units, issuing orders and directing the flow of battle. The gravcycle actually feels a little bit like someone wanted to weaponise or pilot the cursor from an RTS game, allowing you to interact with the units as you order them about but also allowing the opportunity to get your hands dirty.
While you don’t micromanage individual units, you do have a handful of order-commands that can be issued via context sensitive objects in the world, telling your forces to ‘Go here’, ‘Attack this guy’ or ‘Use this item’. The amount of controlled units in each mission can vary, and even grow and shrink depending on what the narrative calls for. This simplification of control serves to make general orders simple to issue (‘Shoot this guy’) but serves to frustrate when you have the luxury of spare time to get a bit more granular, as the commands cannot be issued to individual units; rather they are always applied to everyone.
This frustration can start to develop further when you observe your ground troops operating on their own accord. I felt like a kid watching ants – confused, robot ants. Perhaps the ‘immortal’ nature of being a robot makes you very gung ho (death is just a respawn away), but seeing my guys letting enemies swarm around them would leave me staring, mouth agape. Taking cover? Nah, that is for losers. What if they are super low on health, and I commanded them to activate a healing zone? I mean sure, they will go and activate the item – but they will then immediately trot out of its life-giving aura to go and engage some random guy hanging out behind a bush.
The narrative itself was enjoyable, right up until it suddenly ended. It’s hard to describe it as original, because it was really working to incorporate many established ‘doomed future’ tropes into something that was unique on its own. This meant that some trite plot hooks were actually subverted, including a commendable situation of ‘Bad guy backed into a corner threatens to ruin everything’ being resolved in a manner that is satisfying beyond words. I have to applaud the folks at V1 Interactive for achieving the not-so-simple task of making robotic characters interesting and engaging. While the game does not delve too deeply into what might define our own personal humanity, it does provide a handful of character moments that discuss identity and how being reborn out of your own skin can actually help someone grow. I was impressed that the character writing was kept sharp, without turning each of my NPC colleagues into a cartoonish caricature of their background – even if the black lady robot had a habit of z-snapping when I upgraded her.
Final Thoughts:
Disintegration is a daring title, treading a hybrid path that has proven treacherous for many developers in the past. Once you get into the swing of it, the genre-bending mechanics at play are quite fun, but they’re hampered by AI that needs to be babysat to a massive degree across both the campaign and its multiplayer modes. Much like your gravcycle, it does get off the ground – but it never truly soars. Wait for a sale and see if it tickles your fancy.
Full review: https://www.well-played.com.au/disintegration-review/
V1 Interactive
Private Division
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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