Dishonored 2: Das Vermächtnis der Maske
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Über das Spiel

Von IGN als "großartig" und "herausragender Nachfolger" beschrieben, von Eurogamer zum "Meisterwerk" erklärt und von Game Informer als "eine der besten Geschichten um Rache und ein absoluter Pflichtkauf" bezeichnet: Dishonored 2 ist der Nachfolger von Dishonored, Arkane Studios Action-Blockbuster aus der Egoperspektive und dem Gewinner von mehr als 100 Auszeichnungen als "Spiel des Jahres".
Spielen Sie auf Ihre Art in einer Welt, in der Mystik und Technologie kollidieren. Schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle von Kaiserin Emily Kaldwin oder ihres Kaiserlichen Schutzherrn Corvo Attano? Werden Sie sich ungesehen Ihren Weg durch das Spiel bahnen, vollen Gebrauch vom kompromisslosen Kampfsystem machen – oder eine Mischung aus beidem wählen? Wie werden Sie die besonderen Kräfte, Waffen und Hilfsmittel Ihres Charakters kombinieren, um Ihre Gegner auszuschalten? Die Story reagiert auf Ihre Entscheidungen und nimmt verblüffende Wendungen, während Sie die ausgeklügelten Missionen des Spiels angehen.
Dishonored 2: Das Vermächtnis der Maske spielt 15 Jahre nach dem Tod des Lordregenten und die gefürchtete Rattenseuche ist nur noch Geschichte. Ein unheimlicher Thronräuber hat Kaiserin Emily Kaldwin den Thron entrissen und das Schicksal des Inselreichs hängt in der Schwebe. Als Emily Kaldwin oder Corvo Attano reisen Sie von den legendären Straßen Dunwalls nach Karnaca, eine einst glanzvolle Küstenstadt, wo der Schlüssel zu Emilys Rückkehr auf den Thron verborgen ist. Mit dem Zeichen des Outsiders und mächtigen neuen übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten jagen Sie Ihre Feinde und holen sich zurück, was Ihnen gehört.
Die Assassinen
Emily Kaldwin und Corvo Attano vermitteln als Charaktere mit Sprachausgabe ihre eigenen Perspektiven und emotionalen Reaktionen zur Welt und Story. Setzen Sie die besonderen Kräfte, Hilfsmittel und speziell abgestimmten Waffen der beiden Charaktere auf kreative Weise ein, um die Welt zu erforschen – ob Sie sich nun durch die Straßen kämpfen oder über die Dächer schleichen. Es liegt an Ihnen, welche Gegner Sie ausschalten und welche Sie verschonen.
Übernatürliche Kräfte
Fortgeschrittenes Knochenhandwerk und neue Verbesserungs-Bäume erlauben es, Ihre Kräfte auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise anzupassen. Werden Sie zu einem lebendigen Schatten, um sich lautlos an Ihre Ziele heranzuschleichen. Verbinden Sie Gegner, so dass diese ein gemeinsames Schicksal teilen – oder schlagen Sie Feinde in Ihren Bann, um ihren Geist zu beherrschen.
Eine Phantasievolle Welt
Von den schmierigen, rattenverseuchten Straßen Dunwalls zur üppigen Vegetation der exotischen Küste des verfallenden Karnaca tauchen Sie in stilisierte Schauplätze ein, die von Arkanes herausragenden Grafik- und Story-Teams ins Leben gerufen wurden. Die Welt ist ein eigener Charakter für sich – reich an Geschichte, Architektur und vielfältigen Personen. Das wird auch durch einzigartige Missionsschauplätze betont, wie beispielsweise dem von Staubstürmen und sich bekriegenden Fraktionen heimgesuchten Staubbezirk oder das mit beweglichen Wänden, tödlichen Fallen und Aufziehsoldaten ausgestattete Anwesen eines Wahnsinnigen.
Die Void-engine
Dishonored 2: Das Vermächtnis der Maske wird von der neuen Void-Engine, die bei der Rendering-Technologie für einen großen Sprung nach vorne sorgt, auf wunderschöne Weise zum Leben erweckt. Die Void-Engine basiert auf id Tech und wurde von Arkane Studios stark angepasst. Sie ist darauf ausgelegt, herausragende Art Direction zu unterstützen und die leistungsstarke Hardware der derzeitigen Generation vollends auszuschöpfen. Die Void-Engine erlaubt erhebliche Fortschritte bei allen Spielsystemen, dazu gehören eine realistisch reagierende künstliche Intelligenz bei heimlichem Vorgehen und Kämpfen, sowie Licht- und Grafik-Rendering, Story-Präsentation und beeindruckend dichte Stadtumgebungen.
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320 oder besser
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7970 3 GB oder besser
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-Bit-Versionen)
- HD: 60 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- CPU: Intel Core i7-4770/AMD FX-8350 oder besser
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB/AMD Radeon RX 480 8 GB oder besser
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 (64-Bit-Versionen)
- HD: 60 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 00:29
Clever und eloquent
Selten hat mich ein Spiel so sehr zum Experimentieren motiviert wie Dishonored 2. Elegant tänzelte ich über die Dächer von Karnaca, kundschaftete die schmalen Gassen der mediterranen Hafenstadt aus und überlegte, wie ich denn am elegantesten die nächste Gegnergruppe hochnehmen könnte.
Dank den Parcour-Fähigkeiten der Protagonisten sind wir sehr mobil unterwegs und es offenbaren sich mannigfaltige Wege, die alle zielführend sein können. Kernbestandteil ist in dieser Hinsicht - neben dem etwa bei einer turbulenten Flucht sehr gut zur Geltung kommendem Bewegungsgefühl - die Teleportationsmechanik, mit der wir mühelos durch die Level wuschen. Oder wir ziehen Gegner nach einem Upgrade dieser Mechanik stattdessen durch die Lüfte in unsere meuchelbereite Hände. Oder erschaffen mit einer weiteren Fähigkeit einen Doppelgänger, um Gegner abzulenken. Oder wir verketten das Schicksal dieses Doppelgängers mit ausgewählten Gegnern, töten unser Abbild und sind damit auch die Gegner los. Oder, oder, oder.
Die beschriebenen Fähigkeiten sind noch lange nicht erschöpfend und beziehen sich auch nur auf Emily Kaldwin. Kurz nach Spielbeginn entscheiden wir, ob wir die Kaiserin oder ihren Schutzherrn Corvo Attano spielen möchten. Und genau - der bringt nochmal ein komplett neues Fähigkeitenset mit, das ich noch nicht getestet habe, sich aber mindestens genauso verlockend anhört.
Ich habe den Großteil des Spiels versucht, Gegner heimlich aus den Schatten zu bearbeiten. Das Spiel bietet allerdings auch zahlreiche offensive Möglichkeiten. Da zudem die nicht in einem Durchgang vollständig freischaltbaren Upgrades der magischen Hilfen oftmals mehr machen als nur Zahlenwerte hochzutreiben, sondern stattdessen neue Möglichkeiten eröffnende Ergänzungen liefern, ist der Wiederspielwert sehr hoch.
Neben der Magie arbeiten wir natürlich auch mit hartem Stahl. Pistole und Armbrust fühlen sich eher zweckmäßig an, der Säbelkampf hat dafür eine gute Wucht. Außerdem gibt es Minen, Granaten und das gesamte Arsenal lässt sich bei Schwarzmarkthändlern verbessern. Sammelbare Artefakte gewähren passive Perks, die per Crafting auch kombiniert werden können, um gegen das Risiko der Verderbnis, also zusätzlichen negativen Eigenschaften, Platz in den Artefaktslots zu sparen.
Hilfe, ich komme gar nicht dazu!
Ein paar Level in Dishonored 2 gehören zur allerhöchsten Güteklasse, die Videospiele zu bieten haben. Es wird mit verschiedenen, simultan ablaufenden Zeitlinien gespielt, mechanische Abläufe in einem Haus verändern dessen komplettes Inneres und Staub verhüllt plötzlich in einem gesamten Distrikt die Umgebung. Generell lässt sich festhalten, dass das Leveldesign in fast jeder Situation neben der offensichtlichen, direkten Lösung mehrere, oft etliche verstecktere Wege zum Ziel anbietet. Es kann sich wahnsinnig befriedigend anfühlen, diese zu finden. In Kombination mit den magischen Skills wollte ich oft gerne am liebsten mehrere Wege gehen - einfach um die Möglichkeiten auszukosten.
Darüber hinaus bietet das Spiel eine wirklich hohe Gegnervielfalt - Hexen sind im offenen Kampf sehr schwer zu besiegen, mechanische Gegner können nach hinten sehen und sind nicht heimlich ausschaltbar (ein [willkommener] Graus für meinen Stealth-Build auf hoher Schwierigkeit), lokale Banden lassen sich gegen andere Parteien aufhetzen und die Blutfliegen haben bei mir immer wieder für Schweißausbrüche gesorgt, wenn ich mich an deren Nestern vorbeiquetschen musste und kein entflammbares Material zur Bekämpfung dabei hatte. Die KI ist zudem meist sehr aufmerksam, wird glaubhaft misstrauisch und kesselt den Spieler in der Regel auch gut ein.
Auf Entdeckungstour
Selten hat mich ein Spiel so sehr zum Entdecken motiviert wie Dishonored 2. Elegant tänzelte ich über die Dächer von Karnaca, kaperte die Balkone der großen Herrenhäuser und fandete nach optionalen Hinweisen, versteckten Artefakten und den fabulös geschrieben und ins Deutsche übersetzten Hintergrundtexten. Das Spiel braucht dazu gar keine Open-World. Stattdessen sind die einzelnen Stadtgebiete und großen Gebäude einfach mit so vielen Details, versteckten Hinterhöfen, Wohnungen und kleinen Rätseln ausgestattet, dass man aus dem Erkunden manchmal gar nicht mehr herauskommt. Durch den Immersive-Sim-Ansatz sind die Gebiete natürlich auch entsprechend interaktiv.
Diese Detailversessenheit kommt ebenso der optischen Qualität des Spiels zu Gute. Abgesehen vom genialen Zeitreisen-Level mag die Technik hinter dem Spiel niemanden mehr ins Staunen versetzen, aber die Stilsicherheit, mit der Entwickler Arkane diese mediterrane Steampunk-Welt umgesetzt hat, tut es sehr wohl. Die Panoramen, die immer wieder spektakulär den markanten, über Karnaca thronenden Felsen in Szene setzt. Staubige Innenräume, die mit ihrem eleganten Interieur und den illustren Gemälden von vergangenem Prunk zeugen. Das Stadtbild mit seinen pittoresken farbenfrohen Häusern unter der Decke der gar noch größeren Mammutbäumen oder den schmalen Gassen, gesäumt von Fischverarbeitern, die für einen stetigen Rinnsal an Blut sorgen, der sich seinen Weg über das weiße Pflaster Richtung Hafen schlängelt.
Untermalt wird das Spiel von einem eher dezenten Soundtrack, der düstere Elemente mit der Wärme des Südens und dem mechanischen Fokus des Settings mischt.
Einer meiner wenigen Kritikpunkte: Die Räumlichkeit des Sounds war nicht immer akkurat. So liesen sich Gegner teils schwer lokalisieren. Allzu viel mehr habe ich wirklich nicht zu kritisieren. Teils war das Spiel etwas bockig, wenn ich durch Fenster in Gebäude einsteigen wollte. Das ist recht spezifisch? Ja, sonst fällt mir nichts ein. Wichtig ist nur, sich wirklich ein bisschen in das Spiel reininvestieren zu wollen, damit es seinen Reiz entsprechend entfalten kann.
Geschichten der Inseln
In die Story muss man sich dagegen nicht ganz so sehr investieren, denn sie erzählt allgemein gehalten eine einigermaßen klassische Rachegeschichte. Die junge Kaiserin Emily wurde gestürzt und muss sich ihren Platz wieder zurückerkämpfen. Über den Verlauf mit Corvo als gewählter Protagonist kann ich noch nichts sagen - doch Emilys Selbstreflexion, interessante, gut geschriebene Wegbegleiter und die bereits erwähnten Hintergrundinformationen, die nicht nur äußerst stimmungsvoll geschrieben sind, sondern auch ein sehr spannendes Universum rund um technischen Fortschritt und verrufene Magie konstruieren, machen die Geschichte dann doch besonders. Außerdem müssen wir immer wieder ins Leveldesign verwobene Entscheidungen treffen, die wie unsere generelle Spielweise das Ende beeinflussen.
Persönliches Rating: 91/100
Dishonored 2 erstickt mit seinem herausragenden Leveldesign und den magischen Fähigkeiten jegliche Routine im Keim und bietet eine Welt, die vor Details und Geheimnissen nur so strotzt. Ein elegantes Meisterwerk!
Wenn du meine Review hilfreich findest, freue ich mich über eine Bewertung.
6433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 00:40
This game doesnt give you a straight direction in how to play it, but you will find your own path with the many given possibilities it delivers- Which also leads into a high re-play factor <3 Great design, unique world, interesting storytelling, and definetly a worthy follow up to the first part <3
1345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 15:01
- tolle Story
- Charaktere gut designed
- Missionen spannender und anspruchsvoller als im ersten Teil
- mehrere Möglichkeiten das Spiel durchzuspielen
- coole neue Fähigkeiten
- nichts
Dishonerd 2 bietet ungefähr 22 Stunden actiongeladenen Spielspaß mit bereits bekannten Elementen und vielen Neuerungen. Nachdem die Gesichte an den ersten Teil anknüpft würde ich auf jeden Fall erst Dishonored 1 spielen. Ansonsten eine eindeutige Empfehlung meinerseits!
617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 13:30
1799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 14:25
1006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 21:49
1417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 18:27
1459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 14:50
Leveldesign - Gut
Grafik - Nice
Story - In ordnung
Wer mehr Wert auf Gameplay liegt wird mit dem Spiel mehr als zufrieden sein
Die Story ist nicht wirklich ergreifend, aber ist schon in ordnung
2171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 12:24
Die größte Verbesserung findet man bereits vor Beginn des eigentlichen Spieles, denn man hat die Wahl das Spiel mit dem altbekannten Corvo Attano oder mit Emily Kaldwin durchzuspielen. Corvo übernimmt die selben Fähigkeiten wie in Dishonored 1, während Emily ein komplett neues Moveset hat und somit komplett neue Gameplay Möglichkeiten bietet. Zudem haben beide Charaktere eigene Dialoge, die sich je nach Chaosfaktor verändern. Mehrere Spielverläufe lohnen sich also sehr.
Das Spiel spielt 15 Jahre nach den Ereignissen aus dem ersten Teil. Da nun die Seuche bezwungen wurde, sind die Städte viel lebendiger. Man kann förmlich spüren wie viel Liebe und Zeit in die Architektur der Häuser und die Atmosphäre innerhalb der Städte geflossen ist. Die Straßen sind voll mit Händlern, es singen Straßenmusiker und die NPCs führen Gespräche über Themen wie etwa Politik. Die Atmosphäre ist mit einer der größten Stärken der Dishonored-Reihe und das sieht man in diesem Teil ganz besonders.
Doch leider ist das Spiel nicht fehlerfrei. Die Story ist definitiv nicht die Stärke der Reihe und das merkt man hier sehr deutlich. Die Geschichte beschränkt sich auf das Hitman-Konzept, das heißt das Spiel gibt dir eine Zielperson X die du ausschalten sollst um den eigentlichen Gegner zu schwächen. Das spielt sich dann immer so weiter ab bis man bei diesem eigentlichen Gegner, Delilah Copperspoon, angekommen ist. Delilah Copperspoon ist für mich leider kein erfolgreicher Antagonist, da sie sehr eindimensional als das Große Böse dargestellt wird. Eine Möglichkeit diese interessanter zu gestalten wäre, indem sie positive Auswirkungen auf das Land hat und somit einen inneren Konflikt in Emily auslöst, die sich dann fragt ob sie wirklich die Richtige in der Kaiserrolle ist.
Allen in Allem ist Dishonored 2 eines der besten Stealth Spiele die ich je gespielt habe. Für alle die Stealth Spiele mögen ist dieses Spiel ein absolutes Muss. Man sollte aber den Vorgänger gespielt haben um das beste Spielerlebnis zu haben.
10176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 22:40
2288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 19:42
Der Nachfolger von Dishonored ähnelt diesem vom Spielprinzip und Grafik deutlich und ist doch erfrischend verbessert, umfangreicher und für mich absolut unterhaltsam.
Die Geschichte setzt 15 Jahre nach dem ersten Teil ein. Emily Kaldwin, für die Corvo Attano in Teil 1 gekämpft hat, ist nun Kaiserin in Dunwall. Gleich zu Beginn erfahren wir so einiges und es geht turbulent los. Spielen können wir dann entweder als Emily oder als Corvo. Soweit ich weiss, unterscheidet sich das Gamplay dadurch nicht wirklich. Durch (sehr viele) Notizen und Briefe werden Hintergründe beleuchtet, sowie durch (merklich weniger) Gespräche und Cutscenes die Geschichte weitererzählt.
Auch diesmal kann man in den insgesamt 9 Missionen ganz unterschiedlich spielen. Man kann kämpfend wie Rambo oder stealthig schleichend vorgehen. Die Tötungssequenzen können für zarte Gemüter doch etwas herb sein (FSK 18 aus gutem Grund). Man kann umgekehrt sogar gänzlich ohne jemanden zu töten oder Alarm auszulösen durchkommen, was allerdings schon erheblichen Aufwand erfordert. Es gibt verschiedene Wege durch die teils sehr großen Level, von denen ich bestimmt noch einige übersehen habe.
Ich habe für den ersten Durchgang die brutale Variante gewählt, um dann in Ruhe die Level erforschen und nach ihren Geheimnissen absuchen zu können, von denen es viele, aber nicht inflationär viele gibt. Während Runen und Artefakte noch im HUD eingeblendet werden können, sind die anderen Geheimnisse ohne Hilfsmittel zu suchen. Alle habe ich aber doch nicht entdeckt.
Mit der Zeit kann man sich ein umfangreiches Arsenal an Fähigkeiten zulegen. Insbesondere die übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten bieten sehr viele verschiedene Vorgehensweisen.
Es juckt mich in den Fingern, das Spiel erneut zu spielen, um verschiedene Spielstile auszuprobieren (wenn es nur nicht so viele andere Spiele gäbe ...). Es wird bspw. explizit angeboten, ohne übernatürliche Kräfte auszukommen. Die vielen Errungenschaften zeugen auch davon, dass es noch viel zu entdecken gibt.
Es gibt verschiedene Enden, je nach dem, wie friedlich und freundlich man sich verhalten hat. Das wirkt sich, so mein Eindruck, aber hauptsächlich auf den Epilog aus, es sei denn (glaube ich), man metzelt auch die Zivilisten nieder.
Die Grafik ist im Stil wie der Vorgänger aber deutlich verbessert. Ich fand sie sehr gut. Ebenso der Sound. Die Gespräche und Selbstgespräche sind gut gemacht. Nur die Notizen muss man selbst lesen. Alles ist aber auf Deutsch.
Ich habe mit Controller gespielt und das hat hervorragend funktioniert.
In Zahlen für mich persönlich ein Unterhaltungswert von glatten 10/10.
Das Spiel hat mir sehr gefallen, sowohl als Stealth- als auch als Action-Adventure. Ganz klasse gemacht.
2775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 08:56
This time from [spoiler]your pain in the ass sister-in-law[/spoiler] who has encased the empress [spoiler](your daughter)[/spoiler] in carbonite.
I know I'm late to the Dishonored franchise party but I cant stop playing since I started Dishonored 1 (and both DLCs)
Nothing to complain about. Its a great game with something for everyone.
Play as a mass murderer or a pacifist.
BTW, in this game you can play as Corvo or Emily
Looking forward to new game + as Emily on my next playthrough.
Play it or play it again ; )
767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 23:56
2201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 16:30
After playing the first one 10+ times I gave in and bought this.
I really like it. Its a massive game, after every mission theres things ive missed despite trying to explore every area. The powers for corvo are the same as the last game which is nice, I didnt want to have to learn a whole new system. You still have that option with Emily though.
I love the updated graphics too. I could ramble about all the things I like about this game but I'll just say if you enjoyed the original you should find things you like in this, theres some changes but overall it feels like a dishonored game.
My only real criticism is I think the voice of the Outsider doesn't fit at all. he just seems like an edgy emo kid with a voice changer now. In the last game his character was really well voice acted and had good dialogue, I'd look forward to finding his shrines. The dialogue for him is pretty boring in this and his character is pretty dull. Almost dont care when I find him now.
3527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 11:20
Dishonored 2
With people and even the developers saying that the game is heavily inspired by the old Thief games, it's hard to miss this point with the second game in the series. And like the old Thief games, the second game in the series takes the core elements of the first game and improves on it in almost every way. There are of course some flaws, but the result is just fantastic. I'll never understand why both games don't have more sales on Steam and elsewhere. I'm only going to compare the two Dishonored games because someone will surely want to play the first before the second, I guess. Because the first one is still great and a bit different, but you can also go straight to the second one.
+Gameplay: Two characters, more and slightly different powers, you can do basic builds as you have different bonecharms and crafting, better controls, better AI, better combat and more or less the same stealth mechanics.
+Level Design: This is the best part of the game and reminds me so much of the old Thief games. Mission 3, 4 and 7 are some of the best I've played and the others are pretty good too. Different pathways and secrets everywhere, locked doors, a few riddles along the way. No random loot like in some other games. Well, most of it.
+The graphics are obviously better than the old game, but the textures and the different character models compared to the old games are the biggest improvement here.
+Soundtrack, sound effects and the voice acting is still great. Stephen Russell, the voice actor from the old Thief games, is still doing Corvo. Rosario Dawson, Sam Rockwell, Erica Luttrell, Pedro Pascal and others. Well done!
+Gameworld, Lore: First of all, it's completely different from the first game. You are in a beautiful town south of Dunwall with a Mediterranean flair. Personally I like it much better. It's livelier (ok, there's no plague), but still. You can really feel the city, while taking one of the many different routes around the town. Again like in the good old Thief games. Wonderful immersion. Parts of written lore or through audiograms, various conversations between NPCs, different factions and so on. All this contributes to this great atmosphere.
+No random DLCs or DLCs that add some useless achievements or completely different gameplay. Just the core game. Plain and simple. There is a standalone DLC called Death of the Outsider, but thankfully it's not implemented in the base game.
-Story: It's really the only cheap thing I can think of. They took the story of the first game literally, adjusted it a bit and threw it in your face again. Well, games like Assassin's Creed are excatly like that and there are about 40 of these by now and it still kind of works. But for me, that's the one point where the game let me down a bit.
Still a good story if you haven't played the first one, but I really wish something else was added. Seriously, that one mission is exactly the same as in the first game and the ending .... Yikes!
Whether you want to play the first game or not, Dishonored 2 is a no-brainer and you can buy it without hesitation. Even more so when you look at that full price these days. You get around 25-50 hours of quality playtime for that sum. You really can't ask for more than that.
Personal Score 9.5/10
1139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 17:49
I liked Dishonored more but I still think Dishonored 2 is a great game.
Some tips for a Clean Hands & Shadow playthrough (you don't kill anyone and no one spots you) as the female protagonist without spoilers:
- Dark Vision is your bread and butter. The upgrade that shows enemy routes let's you easily position yourself to choke enemies or place stun mines.
- Far Reach is your second bread and butter. Upgrade that lets you grab objects also applies to grabbing runes/bone charms from a distance.
- Link is a great skill for disabling multiple enemies. Linking enemies and simply choking one of them will disable all linked enemies.
- Mesmerise is great too, especially upgraded and when enemies are stacked together.
- Killing any non-human enemy does not count as a kill (Clean Hands), but if they see you, it does count (Shadow). Pretty much whenever you see the Combat tutorial pop-up, that's Shadow achievement lost and time to load.
- Enemies discovering bodies does not count as you being spotted (Shadow).
- If you're unsure, check Stats in the Options menu to see if anyone has spotted you or you accidentally killed someone.
- You cannot select missions and replay after completing them, so make sure at the end of the mission you check Stats. You might have to restart. To avoid this, save often and not just quick save.
- The game is hardest at the beginning with no skills, and gets progressively easier once you get more runes/bone charms.
- Craft bone charms and get the stack same stat upgrade ASAP once you have faster choke and faster movement while in stealth bone charms. Stacking 4x of these is pretty overpowered, in my opinion, especially since most negative affects don't apply to you.
2435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 01:18
The only drawback is the Dreadful Wale, which is the place you go to between missions and is a major step down from the Hound Pits Pub. In the first game you had this big area with a few neat things to explore and a handful of characters with new dialogue and some events each time you came back to; meanwhile in this one there's virtually anything to do on the ship.
2185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 13:49
Dishonored 2 is a stealth action set in a fictional world. It’s a direct sequel, so this review contains spoilers to the first game’s story. It's also possible to start with this one, since it gives you a short recap of past events at the start and expands on the most important ones during the course of the game.
Pros & Cons
+ New abilities that change the way you play
+ Superb level design, now with bigger levels
+ Deep and interesting lore
- Very straightforward story
- Lots of lengthy notes, breaking the flow of the game
- No way to unlock the full arsenal of powers during one playthrough
It takes place 15 years after the previous game’s ending. The plague was beaten and the throne was restored to the right ruler, Emily Kaldwin. Corvo Attano was also reinstated as a Lord Protector. But something is rotten in the state of Dunwall, a new coup is underway. Once again, you find yourself playing as a character, who was accused of things they didn't do and lost their high place as a consequence. Now it's up to you to restore their good name and put an end to the real culprit.
This time, however, you can choose between Emily and Corvo to play as, which will change the story slightly. Your character isn't mute anymore, hooray! They will more often than not comment on the current state of affair, which further establishes their character and sometimes even shades a light on their background. The story itself is more straightforward this time, but diverse locations and memorable characters make it interesting to follow. There are more story choices that you can make along the way, which will slightly affect the course of the game and will be mentioned in the ending.
This is what should be called the right sequel. It does everything its predecessor did, but better and bigger. Just like in the previous game, you play as a skilled assassin armed with a large arsenal of gadgets and magical powers. While gameplay as Corvo is basically the same as in the previous game, it's expanded by the addition of new upgrades, that make the same powers stronger and more versatile. Playing as Emily you will find a whole new arsenal of powers. Two of which are just alternatives to Corvo's powers, but they work a bit differently, which makes it feel fresh and forces you to take different paths than you'd take as that character.
As with the first game, each level is an open location, where you proceed to your goal however you want. Most missions take place in residential areas, with each building being populated with apartments, that you can explore freely. There are a lot of different paths through the levels available to you depending on your chosen powers or your story decisions. On your way, you will meet some new obstacles like blood fly infestations, which are similar to rats from the first game, and mechanical soldiers, which have eyes on their backs, making them nearly impossible to take out stealthily. Two of the levels even feature unique mechanics, that encourage exploration and experimentation. It makes the game memorable and makes you want to revisit those levels to try something different.
Though I've enjoyed my time with Dishonored 2 there are some flaws that I've noticed. The game has a lot of notes and books describing the history and current state of this magical world. On one hand it makes the world more alive and immersive, on another hand, it breaks the flow of the game. Raiding one apartment may take you 2 minutes to loot everything valuable and 10 minutes to read through the notes you've just found. There's also a lack of Runes, which are used to upgrade powers. Even if you collect all of them, you won't be able to unlock your full arsenal of powers. On one hand it encourages multiple playthroughs, on the other you get used to using the same powers, so it's hard to make uses of new ones besides just trying them out.
Graphics & Audio
Visually, the game makes a departure from a cartoonish look of the first one. Environments look more realistic and detailed, while character models still retain their distinct look. However, there's a downside to those highly detailed environments, it makes it harder to find useful items, because they just blend in with their surroundings. As for the sound design, it's gotten much better than in a previous game. Now it's much easier to understand where enemies are, depending on the sound of their footsteps. The amount of dialogue is much bigger, you won't get tired of guards chewing out same lines over and over. The soundtrack is fine too, there aren't any memorable tracks, except maybe the main menu theme, but the ambient music is great. It's creating the right atmosphere for a level and for actions on screen, while not pulling all your attention to it.
Specs: Intel Core i5-7300HQ, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 1050 4GB.
On low settings in 1080p resolution, performance is not very stable. Framerate ranges from 30 to 60 depending on the location.
With its smooth, addictive gameplay and large levels filled with secrets and unique mechanics, it's hard not to recommend Dishonored 2 to everyone. It's an exemplary sequel to a great game, which has something to offer for gamers looking for both action and stealth.
3307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 17:02
Being able to play as Emily brings a breath of fresh.
The graphics for coming out in 2016 is like looking at a painting.
The maps are bigger, the powers are more, the villains are interesting.
The story is the only slight suffer but if Dishonored 1 was a 10/10 story this is still a solid 8.5/10 because of the lack of impressive side characters and plot twists.
If you enjoyed Dishonored 1 you will enjoy Dishonored 2 without a doubt in my mind. Might like it better honestly. My biggest recommendation with Dishonored games is your first play through. Just go through and murder anyone and everyone and if you had fun then do a stealth run.
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 13:40
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 21:54
1616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 19:25
Nicht Empfohlen
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 22:51
5118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 03:12
3324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 02:14
At first I didn't want to play Dishonored series as i don't like magic/fantasy type of stuff. But oh boy, I was wrong - this part is not overwhelming at all and beautifully integrated into lore and story. Moreover, game and its' core design provides you with an opportunity to complete game by refusing to obtain those unnatural powers in a void sequence at the start of the campaign.
My only advice on how to play this game - DISABLE OBJECTIVE MARKERS/Waypoints as figuring out where to go, where your target is and how to neutralize them is part of the fun and freedom immersive sim provides you with. You will also discover a lot more stuff on locations around and on your way as you will be softly forced to investigate instead just having marker on your target which is literally a WALLHACK that ruins immersion and handholds you on your path to your victim and leaves very little motivation learn map layout (Arkane's level design is top tier as well as many other things)
Technical complains in the current (final) build about FPS are usually referred to camera bug that was fixed only in Deathloop, unfortunately (as they built on same Void engine). You can have solid 60-90 FPS and still feel like you're playing with 40 FPS. There are some easy workarounds (that helped me), usually related to disabling Vsync and some other shenanigans, I bet you can find the solution in google within few minutes. But yeah, technical part of game is not the strongest Arcane's side.
5201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 16:38
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 18:57
2902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 05:40
Environments are highly detailed and well designed so that there are multiple ways to get into an area to achieve goals. Just when you think you've figured all of them out, you spot another way in (usually from the inside, and you wish you had noticed that one at the beginning, when you were outside). Go up, under, around, through... pick your poison.
I don't think I even unlocked half of Emily's powers, and I had a blast playing through as her the first time. This one will go into my regular rotation of games to revisit. I definitely want to do at least one playthrough as Corvo (voiced by Stephen Russell, aka Garrett from Thief!). There are just so many fun little combinations of powers to experiment with.
The art style, level design, and characters were very interesting. Too many details to explain. The game ran flawlessly at 2560x1440 for me on a 2080 Ti and i7-8700K without a hitch, glitch, or crash. I could Alt-Tab out to Windows all I wanted.
My one and only complaint about the game was the sound propagation. If an enemy was on the other side of a wall and there was a doorway off to the left, the voice should have been muffled. Instead, it sounded like it was coming from right beside you right in your ear in the direction of the door. Just a weird sound propagation issue. Most games get sound incorrect these days, so it definitely didn't hurt the overall quality of the game much.
Definitely look forward to playing this one again many times.
2431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 01:49
2750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 23:11
If you like stealthy games this is an excellent choice. If you want, you can play the entire game without killing a soul and there's a few achievements related to that.
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 07:32
1213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 00:32
1632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 12:26
Nicht Empfohlen
1370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 21:38
695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 15:08
3567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 14:00
Some sequels go for bigger stories and/or expand on the first game’s gameplay. Dishonored 2 doesn’t change much of what made Dishonored fun to play -- it simply gives you more of it. You can play as either Emily, now the Empress of the Isles, or as Corvo, her father and Royal Protector. This means after you’ve finished the game with one, you can play it again with the other. Because Emily and Corvo each has her/his own unique set of supernatural abilities, your way of completing the game will differ depending on whom you use.
As in Dishonored, you can choose to complete the game with Low Chaos (i.e., no to very little killing), or with High Chaos (i.e., more or less a bloodbath) in this game. Early on in the game, you can also decide whether or not to accept the gift of supernatural powers from the Outsider. Mathematically then, there are 16 different ways to play Dishonored 2, making it highly replayable. Needless to say, you can get much value out of this game if you have the time and patience to explore all permutations.
I chose to play as Emily for my stealthy, no-kill playthrough because I felt Dishonored 2 is really her story. Plus, having already played as Corvo in the first game, I wanted to try out Emily’s powers. In general, her abilities enable her to affect multiple targets. Corvo’s, on the other hand, are more precise in execution and in effect overall. The differences in their individual sets of powers do make gameplay different, and provide good reasons for playing parts of the, if not the entire, game again as a different character.
However, no matter whom you choose to play as, the overall story remains the same. The story of Dishonored 2 is rather simple. Delilah, the leader of the Brigmore Witches, arrived at Dunwall Tower one day during a ceremony in remembrance of Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, Emily’s mother. Delilah usurped the throne, leading to the exile of Emily or Corvo. She/he resolves to reclaim the throne, all the while going through a hit list of Delilah’s co-conspirators when investigating the origin of the coup.
It would have been great for Emily and Corvo to have her/his own individualized adventure, but the reality is that it would have taken the developers too much time and money to make it possible. At least your in-game decisions affect the ultimate outcome, with the consequences of your actions ranging from being subtle to glaringly obvious. You’ll need to consider how your actions will affect Serkonos and the Empire of the Isles politically before you make your decisions.
Where Dishonored 2 truly excels is its level design. Many of them offer multiple ways to approach a target or to achieve major objectives. The first Dishonored game has its celebrated levels in “House of Pleasure”, “Lady Boyle’s Last Party”, and “Flooded District”; this game has “The Clockwork Mansion”, “Dust District”, and “A Crack in the Slab” at the very least. “The Clockwork Mansion” is a particular standout, with the titular mansion literally being an elaborately constructed puzzle itself. “A Crack in the Slab” features an incredible mechanic that offers a new layer of challenge, especially if you opt for a stealthy approach. It’s truly unfortunate that this mechanic is only functional in that one mission.
Despite my praise for the game’s gameplay variations and level design, the at times unpredictable physics holds Dishonored 2 back from being a thoroughly enjoyable game. There was this one time when I, in a crouching position, accidentally threw an unconscious guard onto a table. The resulting impact not only broke the table, but also killed him. Yet, when I dropped another guard down a flight of stairs, he lived. If you wish to get the “Clean Hands” no-kill achievement, you should check your game stats regularly to see if you’ve inadvertently scored a kill.
Dishonored 2 might have not moved the Dishonored franchise forward in the way that Half-Life 2 and Batman: Arkham City did with the Half-Life and Batman: Arkham series respectively. However, it does offer many ways for you to play, as well as some spectacular levels that rival the best ones in the first Dishonored game. Dishonored 2 might not have been as grand, or as thoroughly enjoyable of a game that I had expected, but it’s nonetheless very satisfying and memorable.
1555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 22:22
The assassination missions themselves are a bit like a small version of Hitman where you try to take strange and out of left field routes to accomplish them. They are fun.
Combat is super easy because of the giant parry window. I did my 1st run on Very Hard and was killing mobs with only my sword.
There are two levels which are incredibly clever with their mechanics and fun to traverse and investigate.
Anyway, I got this for £3 so can't complain.
2919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 08:32
I played twice Dishonored about 5 or 7 years ago. I can't express completely how this game impressed me. I was totally into. Its storyline and characters,atmosphere and environments,graphics and gameplay...everything captivated my attention! Moreover the DLCs. They're directly connected with the main stroyline and they are worth to play if you do like the original game.
Afer all these years I finally got introduced with Dishonored 2. Logical and solid sequel. I haven't played the DLC yet but I'm pretty sure I'll love it. I've got some short comments to share about the sequel. Dishonored 2 astonished me a lot! I love it in all possible ways! I don't wanna describe everything in details,just wanna say that you should give it a try and see. Yes,the game still has some glitches like NPCs can be stuck over an object or texture and still keep walking or even fall into walls. Nevertheless, none of these problems could push me away from the game.
If you're new to this game and this story, you'd better get the first one primarily. I do highly recommend both games. They're really awesome.
1505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 16:54
I am in awe of the achievement that this game is.
Edit: fixed my performance issues that had nothing to do with the game in the end. Now it's basically a perfect experience.
1987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 21:19
From its astounding level design to its engaging narrative, this game was a memorable experience and a joy to behold.
You see, if you happen to like other games of this genre with open-ended level design, like the latest Hitman trilogy, you will most certainly take some enjoyment out of this game as well, and vice versa.
I started my game as Corvo Attano, Emily's father, and went on a non-lethal run as I didn't see fit for a man looking to save his daughter, who's also been through the loss of a loved one, to go around and kill people. Instead of having him be this ruthless assassin, I had him be a Batman-Esque vigilante who'd much rather break bones than kill, and for the most part, it all worked out great; It made the game a bit more challenging, and it fit Corvo's character perfectly.
Now, I skipped the first game and jumped right over onto this one, as I didn't feel the need to go back and play that one first, and for the most part, that feeling stuck with me; I don't regret my decision, the story wasn't too hard to follow, and some key parts of the first game's story were explained and revisited. So, as you can tell, it's not exactly spoiler-free.
Its optimisation, though, is not so appetising. If you're still rocking an older GPU inside of your machine, you'll most likely need to crank those graphics settings down a bit.
But other than that, it's a solid game.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got another middle-aged man to add to my role models list.
3733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 00:06
2000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 21:06
4170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 13:50
Make your way through the intricately designed alternative routes without alerting a or killing a single person, or
Kill your way through everything that comes across you openly and violently, or
Silently kill your way through everything, without alerting a single person, or
A mix of any these
For all of these options, none are less viable than the other. Being given sufficient powers, items, and proper environmental design, the game allows you to truly “play it your way”. The Dishonored franchise allows the concept of role-playing because it never pushes the player to default to a specific style of play due to design shortcomings at any point. Coupled with beautiful steampunk-meets-victorian artstyle, a dedication to excellent audio design (which is crucial for any stealth-action rpg), and a compelling story, there are little games that come close to Dishonored in the stealth-action rpg genre.
10/10 will recommend easily at full price, let alone a sale. P.S. Dishonored 1 is still extremely playable, despite being 9 years old. Go play it before this equally strong sequel.
1763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 23:04
Emily Kaldwin’s empire quivers on an inflection point.
The resource that girds its power and industry – whale oil – is close to depletion. With the growth of their needs vastly outstripping the sea’s ability to meet demand, Dunwall and its neighbours have hounded the whales to near extinction. This abuse of a natural resource has left the future in doubt, and urgent questions are being asked across the empire as to whether or not the young Empress is capable of meeting the challenge.
Now the harshest of these critics are being systematically slaughtered by a serial killer. The ‘Crown Killer’, they call them. And most fingers point with accusation to the tower of Dunwall, where Emily Kaldwin rules. By her side is her father, Corvo Attano, reinstated to the role of Royal Protector after being wrongfully accused of his lover’s murder.
Although Kaldwin is innocent, she has failed to detect the ripple of discontent the killer has unleashed, and so failed to see the plot seeking to take her throne. On the fifteenth anniversary of her mother’s death, that plot reaches the tower, too late for either the Empress or Attano to prevent it.
The Duke of Serkonos, Luca Abele, arrives flanked by clockwork soldiers, and a litter bearing a woman who claims to be the sister of Kaldwin’s mother – and the rightful heir to the throne. The woman is the witch Delilah Copperspoon, who has let hatred rot her heart. Their coup is swiftly underway, moving as slickly as the gears of the clockwork soldiers; half the guard, some clutching at old grudges, turn and kill those loyal to the throne.
The Empress flees into exile. But they are no stranger to false accusations, and immediately embark on the long, dangerous road to unravelling the Duke and Copperspoon’s conspiracy.
Somewhere, away from the perils of empire, a boy is beaten by his master for being late with the tea. It leaves him blind.
Does the world have to be this way? Are the two linked?
They’re the questions no one is asking, yet they’re the only ones that matter.
“This is the Duke. I just awoke from a dream.”
In Karnaca, capital of Serkonos, the Duke sermonises and admonishes over the PA system, whether the people want to hear it or not. With bloodfly infestations shutting down entire buildings and workers coughing up their lungs in the silver mines, the Duke would like his citizens to know the poor exist because people are lazy. That it’s always been this way and will always be this way. “The way of the worlds,” he says, not caring whether it’s true or not.
Can’t let something as silly as truth get in the way of being the biggest bloodfly on the island.
In spite of Duke Abele, Karnaca, the “jewel of the south”, is a beautiful and resplendent city. Tucked beneath great white cliffs and a vivacious green forest, it runs along an idyllic coastline. The salt on the sea breeze mingles with the tang of blood, which streams from the whale carcasses and into the streets.
It’s a city with many faces and many secrets, but one whose people are in desperate need of a benevolent hand. For decades it has supplied Dunwall with much needed silver, and the means of its acquisition was never questioned. With the corrupt Duke intent on waging war with the northern states, he has driven mining production to the maximum, inducing dangerous dust storms that threaten his people’s well-being.
It’s here in Karnaca that the exiled Empress must begin picking apart the plot that took her throne, starting with the so-called Crown Killer. It’s a journey that’ll show Emily Kaldwin what kind of Empress she needs to be...
“And what are the cups at Dunwall tower made from, Empress?”
...providing she chooses it.
The beauty of the immersive sim is that, should you take a very different path to mine, your play style might tint everything I’ve written so far with cynicism. It might even be a vengeful one. Perhaps you’ve left a trail of bodies so dense, bloodfly nests have cocooned half of Karnaca, making life harder in a myriad of ways and bending Emily for the worse.
It’s hard to resist unsheathing the sword; Arkane Studios have crafted such a smooth, viscerally satisfying, near balletic combat system. Whenever I was caught (which happened quite a bit), I’d indulge my thirst for blood before quick loading – clashing swords with an enemy, spinning and kicking a second over a parapet before decapitating the first is just extraordinarily fun.
But that’s not the game I wanted to play. In my game, Corvo was trapped in stone. In yours, that could be Emily, meaning what I’ve written so far might not reflect your experience at all.
There are so many choices, so many different roads. At every moment I could feel a different kind of game opening up before me, no matter where I was or what I was doing. I was so conscious of the consequences of my actions (like when I slipped and knocked someone off a balcony by accident), of the nature of cause and effect, the latter of which is the engine of good storytelling. Dishonored 2's ability to harness that engine and create a variety of outcomes that feed a powerful, overarching narrative is magnificent.
“I’m not only going to restore things to the way they were. I’m going to make them better.”
So often I play non-linear, choice based narratives that struggle to create and sustain strong thematic goals. It’s why I largely prefer linear games because the designers can more easily stick to a coherent message. In these games I expect variety to occur within the gameplay. Emergent play of this sort is hardwired into the immersive sim genre, but the best of them encompass narrative, too. It’s about making the player the driving force on every possible level.
Dishonored 2 accomplishes this task by making the story itself about choice. Delilah Copperspoon takes everything away from the protagonists, then the game asks what you think should be done about it. Will you show empathy to your enemies, or will you cut their throats? Is it even that simple?
Those choices won’t just define the character you're playing – they’ll shape the people around them, too. Duke Abele says the world just is what it is. That it exists outside of us and follows its own rules and thus cannot be changed. But that’s not true at all. The world is what we make it. This core truth is at the heart of the immersive sim, of which Dishonored 2 is undoubtedly the best since Deus Ex. I felt that was the case early on, but only when past, present and future became reactive to my choices (you’ll know when you see it) was I certain Arkane had crafted a masterpiece. I so rarely use that word, but there’s no way around it: it’s exactly what Dishonored 2 is.
The sublimity of the experience will stay with me for a long time yet. I won’t forget waking on the Dreadful Wale between missions and stepping onto the deck, consistently and gratefully stunned by the sight of Karnaca. My closing memory of the city has it softened by purple twilight, the last light a brilliant strip of orange on the horizon. I left it a better place, looking forward to a brighter, kinder future.
The next time I play, though, it might be more than just whale blood running through the streets...
1607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 04:22
Dishonored 2 takes place 15 years after the first game, (Dishonored-which i highly recommend you guys to play first because its a true masterpiece in game design) with the antagonist of the DLC content for the first game Delilah Copperspoon coming back to usurp the throne from Emily Kaldwin. You get a choice at the start of the game to play as Emily or as her father Corvo Attano who was the protagonist of the first game. Both have differing sets of powers which incentivises the player to go through the game a second time which i myself am gonna do soon.
The gameplay consists of semi open world levels with lots of verticality making it extremely satisfying to use the teleporting power to reach higher ledges so that you can gain vantage points to scout out the enemy base for information about their guard patrols and other useful items to help you in your mission. The game developers have done a extraordinary job in creating the game levels which are designed in such a way which gives the player numerous ways to infiltrate the enemy base to carry out their mission. The sheer genius of the levels designers shows in the level design which gives the player full freedom to use whatever tools or powers they want to sneak into their targets location. The game is structured in such a way which accomodates even a no powers playthrough as well which is so brilliant and also greatly increases the replayability of the game.
The game ran smoothly with no major hiccups except fps dips when exiting a menu, other than that i experienced no technical issues with it. This is a must play for stealth game fans as well as immmersive sim fans. Arkane Studios have done it again with this sequel and i am looking forward to their next title Deathloop which is set to release in september of this year.
2470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 13:28
There is something futuristic features included but on the other side of view that roughly contains an impression of how local residents' lives were like back then
One thing that leaves much to be desired would probably be the graphic improvement
I mean it is not that bad in comparison with well-known games for its awesome graphic stuffs like BATTLE FIELD and STAR WARS. however, it is causing dizziness a bit especially when the character takes specific actions
I can appreciate how hard they put efforts into the game to make an splendid work that anyone can be absorbed in Dishonored with ease
The landscape and ambient sound are beyond description. in addition, they have a diversity of skills, one of them is teleport which can literally teleport where you pointed at.
By and large, other then storyline and graphic, this game is guaranteed to be fun
2688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 05:14
3045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 04:46
Sure, same premise - but the worlds are so much more complex, enemies more realistic, and the powers are way more varied and cool.
950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 17:16
In this you get to play as Emily or her father, Corvo. I recommend players choose Emily first and go from there, because playing as her and Corvo offers vastly different experiences between dialogue, character interaction, and even plot to an extent
169716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 21:23
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 14:28
Create the illusion of prosperity. What else do we need? Beautiful fakes creating an illusion. Who can ask for more? Outcast with a heart of gold. He will come to destroy it. But no one will wait for him. Everything is falling apart. Save soulless dolls. The outcast failed to bring true prosperity. This place is so rotten that even a heart of gold turns rusty. The fake was stronger. Return to your illusion. It suits you. You don't want to see anything but this, do you? There is nothing not to think about, this is your life.
2819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 01:41
6411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 14:56
This time around you can choose to play same character (Corvo Attano) as before with same powers or as Empress Emily Kaldwin (jup same little girl you rescued and protected in first game) with new powers.
After you finish game no matter which character you played first time you can go into NG+ and again choose who you gonna play but this time you get powers from both character no matter who you choose to play the second time and you get to keep all the blueprints for gear and weapons that you collected on your first play.
4447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 17:50
9/10 • One of the most enjoyable games I've played. It's impressive for so many reasons: visually stunning, highly imaginative, excellent gameplay, satisfying combat, and an absorbing story. There are a few technical issues but otherwise it's quite remarkable. Better all round than the original (which was also excellent). If only all games were as good.
3550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 14:31
Also worth mentioning that the game is very stable, unlike certain other stealth game series - the largest annoyance I had in my 60 hours played was Depth Of Field setting sometimes turning itself back on when quick-reloading the game.
2250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 00:28
910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 12:38
gameplay-wise and level-wise. ... Gameplay is much of the same but better in every
way. And the story was a much more prominent focus than the last game.
4263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 07:24
Achievement hunters, 100% achievements is easily obtainable, through 2-3 playthroughs depending on your playstyles... (took me about 5 playthroughs because i'm the type to just stab everyone I run into :/ )...
Aside from a few small bugs that aren't worth mentioning there isn't much for me to complain about.
Spoilers ahead... [spoiler] However, I do have to complain that unlike the original, there is no major plot twist, which replayability :( [/spoiler] Spoiler over.
I'd have to give the game, an 8/10, for being such a great sequel overall.
5458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 08:56
4452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 09:40
2600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 00:00
Tommy Wiseau: What about after that?
Good sequel, bad people. If you're lucky, you will discover about 2 side characters who didn't kill someone for a slice of cheese. Brutal world.
2958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 13:34
☐ Kids.
☐ Everyone.
☑ Mature.
☑ Casual Players.
☐ Pro players.
☐ Potato.
☐ Bad.
☐ OK.
☑ Good.
???? Either you like or don't like Dishonored's unique artstyle. I personally liked it. It's not realistic neither cartoonish, a bit hard to describe it so here's a screenshot :
☐ Beautiful.
☐ Masterpiece.
☑ Full Price.
☐ Wait For Sale.
☐ Refund It If You Can.
☐ Don't Buy It.
☐ Free.
☐ Minimum.
☑ Medium.
???? 45fps on High on a GTX 1050.
☐ Fast.
☐ Super Computer.
☐ Easy.
☑ Medium.
???? That's the difficulty I felt when playing on Very Hard, doing a low chaos playthrough with powers.
☐ Hard.
☐ Very Hard.
☐ Death March.
⌛Game length:
☐ Really Short. ( 0 - 3 hours)
☐ Short. ( 3 - 8 hours)
☐ Medium. ( 8 - 16 hours)
☑ Long. ( 16 - 25 hours)
???? 25h on low chaos playthrough on very hard with powers.
+ 5h reloading some saves to complete some achievements.
???? 6h on high chaos playthrough on easy with powers (NG+).
☐ Very Long ( 25 - 40 hours)
☐ Extremely Long (40+ hours)
☐ Endless
☐ It Doesn't Have One.
☐ Horrible.
☐ Bad.
☑ Average.
???? It was okay but no more in my opinion
Compared to the first one it fell dull, although on paper the plot is pretty similar to the first one [spoiler]Bad guy usurps the throne and you're wrongly accused to have committed crimes[/spoiler], it wasn't as well executed as in the first one.
I think what was missing was a major plot-twist and more morally ambiguous characters like we had in the first one.
☐ Good.
☐ Fantastic.
☐ It Doesn't Have.
☐ Horrible.
☐ Bad.
☑ Average.
☐ Good.
☐ Like Watching A Movie.
☐ Horrible.
☐ Decent.
☐ Average.
☐ Good.
☑ Amazing.
???? As expected from a stealth game you can hear every characters movements, the voice acting is also really good!
Fun Fact : Pedro Pascal voiced Paolo.
☐ Terrible.
☐ Bad.
☐ Average.
☐ Good.
☑ Fantastic.
???? Discover new powers by playing Emily or use the same powers from the first game with Corvo. What's even better is you can mix both powers on New Game Plus!
☐ Game Itself Is One Big BUG.
☐ Game Breaking Bugs.
☐ Lots of bugs.
☑ Few Bugs.
???? Very minor, not worth mentioning.
☐ Nothing.
☐ Terrible.
☐ Bad.
☐ Average.
☐ Good.
☑ Great.
???? Although the story was average it was compensated by the great gameplay.
☐ Fantastic.
Multiplayer: ☐
Singleplayer: ☑
????Final Score:
1614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 10:37
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☑ Very good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
3111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 11:09
I heard that there were stuttering, crashing, and other performance issues at launch, but I assume it has all been fixed since I didn't experience any of those.
3086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 14:59
2024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 16:05
You got two protagonists to play:Corvo or Emily.Corvo has the same abilities from the first game,Emily has a whole different set of abilites.The levels are much more open and detailed,giving you more room for exploration and infiltration.The Clockwork Mansion is one of the best designed levels in gaming.The game has a lot of replayability.If you go for High Chaos or Low Chaos,the world will react to both.Your actions have consequences.The game runs well too,but be sure you rig is up to the task,cause you will need a hefty one.
There's also a standalone DLC,which I hear is just as good.
Nicht Empfohlen
1656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 22:46
Even 60 FPS looks like 25.
I get horrible frame pacing issues and micro stutter, so bad that it gives me a headache. I have tried absolutely everything i can think of to make this game playable, along with Bethesda supports suggestions and it still runs like hot garbage.
My system (1080ti w/ 10600k) is more than enough to run the game.
Bethesda support have been extremely unhelpful. They asked me create a Youtube video of my problem and then denied it exists only to acknowledge it later and provide no helpful solution. I spoke to 8 different support agents in 9 emails, its absolutely laughable. They clearly have no intention of helping me, just passing the ticket from one staff to the next.
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 17:25
Ok I changed my mind =D. Dishonored 1 was better. But still I think it was acceptable.
2235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 06:32
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 16:56
Since then the PC version's been completely fixed. it runs like any other game and looks great.
Dishonored 2 has some of the best level design you'll ever find in an immersive sim. Look for more recent reviews to make your decision instead of reviews made back when the game initially launched. From me it's an easy recommendation. This game is fantastic.
2133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 02:05
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 19:17
-Incredibly fun and a great sequel to the first dishonored.
-Good amount of powers to try out and play with
-Lots of routes and ways to progress the story and change it.
-Story is alright and nice finish to the series.
-Gameplay is smooth and well optimized.
-Graphics are great and pretty much a step up from the first Dishonored. They really did well sticking to the original look and graphics in comparison.
-Nothing really. There is sort of a problem with this one achievement and you have to do it right to get it.
1303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 12:27
Gameplay: 10/10
- ability to play all missions however you want (stealth, guns/swords/crossbows blazing or a mix of both)
- multiple choices/alternative ways to finish missions
- good level design
Graphics: 9/10
- some locations look really beautiful
- sometimes there aren't enough details in the distance
Story: 10/10
- intriguing story
- different endings based on your play-style
OVERALL: 9.7/10
3152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 12:03
4310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 20:06
1363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 22:13
1779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 12:04
Did entire campaign on high chaos, now will do on low chaos, also 2 main characters with different powers/abilities adds to replayability. Defo get, great game, good fun.
2345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 11:38
4654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 23:09
2393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 18:30
Good graphics, good story, great art design, great gameplay, great atmosphere and most important of all a masterpiece of level design! I mean the Stilton Mansion mission is definitely the best mission design I have seen this generation and and is one of the best in my life.
Give it a go If u haven't already.
1544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 18:19
1995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 00:00
Arkane Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Engine:keine Infos