Disco Elysium
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Über das Spiel

Unprecedented freedom of choice?. Intimidate, sweet-talk, resort to violence, write poetry, sing karaoke, dance like a beast or solve the meaning of life. Disco Elysium is the most faithful representation of desktop role playing ever attempted in video games.
Countless tools for role playing.? Mix and match from 24 wildly different skills. Develop a personal style with 80 clothes items. Wield 14 tools from guns to flashlights to a boombox, or pour yourself a cocktail of 6 different psychoactive substances. Develop your character even further with 60 wild ?thoughts ?to think – with the detective's Thought Cabinet.
A revolutionary dialogue system with unforgettable characters. ?The world is alive with real people, not extras. Play them against each other, try to help them, or fall hopelessly in love. Disco Elysium's revolutionary dialogue system, with partially voiced characters, lets you do almost anything.
Carve your unique path across the city?. Explore, manipulate, collect tare or become a millionaire in an open world unlike anything you've seen before. The city of Revachol is yours for the taking, one small piece at a time. From the streets to the beaches – and beyond.
Hard boiled, hard core. ?Death, sex, taxes and disco – nothing is off the table. Revachol is a real place with real challenges. Solve a massive murder investigation, or relax and kick back with sprawling side-cases. The detective decides, the citizens abide.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-7500 or AMD 1500 equivalent
- GFX: Integrated Intel HD620 or equivalent
- Software: Windows 7/8/10
- HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7 or AMD 1800 equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA Geforce 1060 or equivalent
- Software: Windows 7/8/10
- HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 17:06
While I really did like the story, everything else is more or less a walking simulator in my opinion, very little RPG elements. There isn't really anything you can fail at, just walk around, look at everything, talk to everyone and that's it!
2596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 15:13
So if you´re a fan of RPGs, deep diving stories, emotional situations, thought breaking moments and if the massive amount of words doesnt scare you. Buy it. Play it, enjoy it to its final core. Its every single coin of money worth it.
Nicht Empfohlen
3037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 10:17
Die Vertonung ist super. Disco Elysium ist ein vielstündiges interaktives Hörbuch zum Mitlesen. Die Sprachausgabe ist allerdings nur auf Englisch, und die Dialoge haben ein sprachlich sehr hohes Niveau. Mit einfachem Schulenglisch kann man da oft nicht folgen.
Die Geschichte ist spannend, der Kriminalfall erfährt einige Wendungen und Überraschungen, bevor die Ermittlungen gelöst werden können.
Die Welt wird sehr komplex und tief vorgestellt: mit den konkurrierenden Gesellschaftssystemen, dem Kapitalismus, den internationalen Verflechtungen, der Arbeiterbewegung, den Kommunisten, den Faschisten, den Schmerzen eines verlorenen Krieges.
Die Präsentation ist interessant, sie sprich psychologisch viele Aspekte der unterschiedlichen Gedanken und Stimmungen an, die in einem Menschen herrschen.
Allerdings hat Disco Elysium am Ende bei mir einen faden Nachgeschmack hinterlassen.
Das Würfelsystem hat mich extrem genervt. Das hatte zur Konsequenz, dass ich sehr bald vor jedem Gespräch gespeichert habe, nur um das Gespräch anschließend ein zweites Mal im Schnelldurchlauf führen zu können, nachdem ich zuvor erfahren habe, welchen Skill ich gerade bräuchte, und welche Kleidung ich dafür am besten vor dem Gespräch anziehen sollte... Den Würfelwurf beim Skillcheck nicht zu schaffen war eigentlich nicht akzeptabel für mich, da ich dadurch einige interessanten Aspekte der Geschichte komplett verpassen würde. Nicht selten habe ich dann mehrmals geladen bis der Check bei einer Chance von 48 % oder 78 % endlich gut war. Im Prinzip hatte ich immer das Gefühl es steht 50:50, egal wie der Ausgangswert war. Ich habe tatsächlich Würfe mit 3 % geschafft und Würfe mit 97 % vergeigt. Zunächst dachte ich mir, na gut, es tun sich bestimmt andere Optionen auf, die Quest weiterzuführen. Am Ende war es aber dann tatsächlich nur der eine Skillcheck im Gesprächsverlauf, der über Hü oder Hott entschieden hat.
Verstört hat mich auch die soziale Beziehung meines Protagonisten zu seiner Umwelt: Ich beginne mit einem totalen Gedächtnisverlust. Die Leute verachten mich, und lassen es mich offen spüren. Ich bin wohl ein Verlierer, der säuft und andere tyrannisiert hat? Ein Tiefpunkt wird schnell erreicht, wenn ich versuche eine Leiche von einem Baum zu nehmen, mir dabei die Seele aus dem Leib kotze und zusätzlich von übelst asozialen Kindern ausgelacht, beleidigt und „zur Bitsch“ gemacht werde …
Nach 50 Spielstunden hat sich das Bild leider nicht gewendet. In der Abschluss-Sequenz, nachdem ich gerade den Fall gelöst habe und die Insel vor dem gröbsten politischen Schaden bewahrt habe, (Ich hatte eigentlich das Gefühl das war so ne Art Happy End?) wirft mir das Spiel einen Gesprächspartner entgegen, der mich aggressiv angeht und beschimpft und mit seiner Verachtung gegen mich nicht spart.
Wer Interesse daran hat, einem gebrochenen Mann dabei zuzusehen, wie er sich selbst weiter zu Tode säuft und permanent zur Witzfigur macht, sollte Disco Elysium spielen. Ich hatte tatsächlich versucht, die Kurve zu kriegen, nicht mehr zu saufen, Exzesse zu vermeiden und vernünftig mit den Menschen zu reden. Gebracht hat es nichts. Das Verlangen, das Spiel ein zweites Mal auf andere Weise zu spielen, und nun die krankeren Antworten in den Dialogen zu geben, Geld zu erpressen, Dreckhaufen nach Flaschenpfand zu durchwühlen, im Müllcontainer zu schlafen und jede Flasche Fusel zu saufen und Drogen zu nehmen, habe ich nicht.
2615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 20:45
3408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 13:27
It has the perfect mixture of sound/music, environmental storytelling and dialogue. The attribute and skill system is very well thought through and the thought cabinet adds a new mechanic to rpgs that is somewhat refreshing. A mixture of advantages and disadvantages finetuning your character. I sometimes wished for some more interactions of thoughts or that some thoughts would cancel each other out if they would contradict each other (i.e. different ideologies) but maybe we'll see those things in future games.
I dunno what else to say... If you like CRPGs than you should just play it. It's worth every cent..discounted or not.
3727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 23:38
It strikes a perfect balance between a quite depressing undertone that's ever-present, the realistic hopefulness it presents and the absolute insane hilarity of some of the decisions it gives you.
Most of the game is either taking or solving puzzles but all of it is engaging and fun.
You're given almost complete freedom over what you want to do or say throughout the entire game.
This may not be a comprehensive review, but the recommendation should be clear. This game is 100% worth playing and if you're on the fence about getting it, you should try it.
Nicht Empfohlen
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 10:20
Ein hochgelobtes Spiel, das mir erschreckend schlecht gefallen hat.
Das Spiel wird über Dialoge erzählt. Sehr lange Dialoge, durchsetzt von Selbstgesprächen, Gedanken und Streitereien zwischen den verschiedenen inneren Aspekten der Spielfigur. Die geradezu endlosen Textpassagen werden immer wieder unterbrochen von rollenspieltypischen Fähigkeitstests. Mit einer in Prozent angegebenen Wahrscheinlichkeit besteht so die Möglichkeit weitere Informationen und Erkenntnisse zu erlangen. Nur dumm, wenn der Test nicht klappt, dann ist er zeitweise oder gar permanent gesperrt. Also läuft man durch die Gegend und quatscht und manipuliert weiter rum, alles in der Hoffnung, dass sich alternative Wege ergeben. Einige der vielen Aufgaben lassen sich so recht schnell erledigen, während andere gefühlt eine Ewigkeit nicht vorwärts gehen.
Besonders irritierend ist das „Sterben“ aufgrund von zu wenig Moral. Völlig unerwartet entwickelt sich ein Gespräch zu einem moralischen Tiefschlag und das Spiel ist plötzlich vorbei.
Mag sein, dass sich die Mehrheit von dem grafischen Stil des Spiels und den Dialogen eines verwirrten Säufers angesprochen fühlt. Bei mir war es nicht der Fall.
2611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 02:40
I was a commie, an artist, a homeless anarchist, a scientist and also a spiritual medium.
Beside that i tried to solve a murder case.
A game that gives you many liberties and space for your own way to discover the world.
Funny, original, spine chilling and interesting untill the end.
If you got a weakness for P&P's you're absolutly in the right place.
6143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 00:13
One could write an endless essay about this game but i keep it simple with one sentence:
If all video games would be more like this game... the question if videogames are art would be answered forever without any doubt.
Long Live Kras Masow.
6448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 10:31
Ich werde es auf jeden Fall noch ein zweites Mal spielen mit anderen Charaktereigenschaften.
Da es nun leider vorbei ist, hoffe ich sehr, dass es weitere Fälle zu lösen geben wird!! Sehr gerne mit dem mir ans Herz gewachsenen Ermittlerduo :)
4975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 18:46
But if we put it in the P&C adventure genre, than its's nothing short of a revolution. It is by far the most roleplaying game you can get. Even more so than most -so called- RPGs.
The different parts of the brain discussing stuff is hillarious.
While the sheer amount of different and unique skills can be overwhelming at first, they all have there right to be there. Choose 3 - 5 to define your character and just play him like you would in a Pen&Paper-RPG.
4286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 07:27
This game offers one of the best written characters I've ever seen in a video game. Every single npc has it's story and purpose, and even more importantly, a distinct personality. Kim Kitsuragi, your partner in crime, feels like an actual person that you can relate to and I caught myself sacrificing things that wouldve benefited me but Kim wouldnt have liked it. Amazing game overall, really makes you think differently about RPG's in general. I really really hope that ZA/UM's next game is gonna be just as good or even better than this masterpiece. I literally cant wait.
1607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 11:27
2026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 23:14
Was für eine wilde Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle
Nach einer wilden Party erwacht man in seinem komplett zerstörten Hotelzimmer auf, weil man sich hart mit Alkohol zugepumpt und gefeiert hat. Man kann sich an nichts erinnern kann, nichtmal an sich selbst. Wer ist man überhaupt und welche Rolle spielt man in dieser Welt, all das werdet ihr im Spiel erfahren. So beginnt das wilde Abenteuer von Mord, Drogenexzessen und vielem mehr abgefahrenen Zeugs. Man geht mit schweren Kopfschmerzen runter ins Foyer des Hotels und dort wartet schon ein Kollege vom BMR, der sogenannten Polizei von Revachol. Dein Kollege Kim ist ab sofort immer an deiner Seite ausser wenn ihr Abends zu Bett geht, dann verabschiedet er sich. Ihr könnt euch dann nämlich ohne ihn Bewegungen, was manchmal von Vorteil sein kann. Der Mordfall ist das Hauptaugenmerk in dem Spiel. Zuerst seid ihr am Hafen unterwegs, eines von den 3 Gebieten der Stadt. Die Story ist eine wilde Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle. Es gibt Leute die man sofort hasst aber auch viele die man in sein Herz schliesst. Mehr möchte ich erstmal nicht zur Story sagen damit ich nicht spoiler.
Gameplay und Grafik
Das Spiel wirkt wie ein Kunstwerk. Selbst der Boden vor dem Hotel sieht aus wie ein Picasso Gemälde. Das Spiel wird aus der Vogelperspektive dargestellt. Die Steuerung ist mit der Maus, ähnlich wie in einem Point & Click Adventure. Aber das Spiel ist viel mehr als das. Es ist ein reines RPG im Stile wie ein Pen & Paper Spiel.
Das Spiel besteht fast ausschließlich aus Dialogen, man stellt Fragen und muss zwischen Antworten wählen. Bestimmte Fragen erfordern Attribute die man skillen muss. Man würfelt dann mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Erfolg. Man kann die Prozente beim würfeln auch beeinflussen in dem man die Kleidung wechselt, welche Boni Attribute haben. Die man entweder im Spiel findet oder sich für Real (die Währung im Spiel) bei Händlern kauft. Ich war eigentlich ständig nur am Kleidung wechseln. Man kann zwar auch Alkohol oder andere Substanzen zu sich nehmen die aber nur einen zeitlich begrenzten Boni bringen. Es gibt auch Werkzeuge z.B. zum Türen, oder Container aufbrechen. Man kann diese Fragen zum größten Teil auch später stellen und das Gespräch erstmal beenden. Bei der Karte sieht man dann welche Fragen man noch offen hat und welches Attribut sie erfordern. Diese Fragen sind meistens der Schlüssel um weiter zu kommen.
Man levelt durch die erfolgreichen Dialoge und bekommt somit seine Erfahrung. Nach einem Level Aufstieg muss man sich nämlich entscheiden, ob man direkt die Attribute erhöht oder Themen verinnerlicht die man durch Dialoge freischaltet. Das Verinnerlichen hat den Vorteil das man z.B. 2 Attribute erhöht und man sie auch später für Quests gebrauchen kann.
Sound und Atmosphäre
Das Voice Over ist das Herz des Spiels es ist ausschließlich auf Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln. Alle Texte sind vertont. Es sind mit die besten Sprecher die ich je in einem Spiel gehört habe. Es sind Sprecher die einem echt unter die Haut gehen. Die Musik ist auch immer passend unterlegt. Im Soundtrack ist alles vorhanden von melancholischer Musik bishin zu Hardcore Techno, mehr möchte ich auch hier nicht Spoilern.
Die Welt und ihre Wirkung auf mich ist sehr bedrückend, die Leute haben viele Probleme wie auch im wahren Leben und man selber auch wie anfangs erwähnt. Die Umgebung sieht auch sehr zerstört aus und man will sich die Zukunft so nicht wirklich vorstellen.
Je nachdem wieviel Zeit ihr euch nehmt und wie lange man auch bei den Fragen in den Dialogen überlegt, welche locker einem Roman füllen könnten, braucht man zwischen 30 und 45h um den Abspann zu sehen. Natürlich spielt es auch eine Rolle ob ihr die Quests welche locker über 100 sind abschliesst oder nur der Hauptstory Line folgt. Ich habe bis auf 2 oder 3 Quests alle gemacht weil sie eh auf dem Weg lagen und ich unbedingt wissen wollte wie es in manchen Situationen weiter geht. Ich habe mir auch zur Aufgabe gemacht während meinen Durchlauf alle Türen zu öffnen.
Wer ein Spiel sucht mit einer Geschichte die unter die Haut, dem kann ich das Meisterwerk nur empfehlen. DISCO, HARDCORE!!!
???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????⠀⠀⠀
1896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 12:41
Im Weiteren gehe ich nun auf ein paar Gründe ein, warum dass Spiel so unglaublich ist.
Spoiler freie Erklärung
Um kurz das Spiel zu erklären, ohne zu spoilern. Du bist ein Detektiv mit dem Auftrag einen Mordfall aufzuklären. Welche Art von Detektiv du bist bzw. wie du mit Leuten umgehst, steht dir natürlich selbst zur Auswahl. Aber hier beginnt bereits der Große Unterschied zu anderen spielen. Beginnen wir erstmal mit dem Skillbaum. Der Skillbaum besteht auf 4 Kategorien mit jeweils 6 Skills. Also ingesamt 24 Skills in denen Punkte beim Levelaufstieg investiert werden können. Je nachdem wie man den Charakter erstellt, hat man aber bereits zwischen 1 und 6 Punkte in die jeweiligen Bäume gesteckt. Hier ist aber das besondere: Jeder einzelne Skill ist eine Stimme in deinem Kopf. Wenn du z.B. in Logik eine Menge Punkte investiert hast, dann erzählt die Logik eine Menge logischer Sache von der Welt. Wenn du Punkte in Elektrochemie hast, erzählt dir die Stimme, wie toll es doch wäre die Flasche Wein zu trinken oder Drogen zu nehmen. Jede Stimme sagt die Wahrheit auf ihre Art und Weise und versucht dir damit im Spiel weiterzuhelfen, ob du der Stimme vertrauen solltest, steht dir natürlich zur Auswahl. Gleichzeitig kann die Stimme auch keine Ahnung von einer Sachlage haben, wenn du zu wenige Punkte investiert hast. Dann kannst du gewisse aktive oder passive Checks nicht bestehen. Die Interaktion ist meistens aber sehr unterhaltsam und sehr lehrreich.
Ich habe zwei Läufe durchs Spiel gemacht, einmal als Denker und einmal als körperlich starker Detektiv. Beide Läufe waren grundsätzlich anders. Bei beiden hatte ich unterschiedliche Queste, Einfälle und kam auf viele unterschiedliche Indizen und Beweise. Klar letzendlich bleibt es natürlich der gleiche Mörder (wenn du ihn finden kannst), aber die Herangehensweise ist wirklich drastisch unterschiedlich.
Das ist der erste tolle Aspekt des Spiels, der zeigt wie wichtig das Wort Rolle in Rollenspiel ist. Der zweite Punkt ist die Tatsache, dass du nicht einfach jede Quest oder Redemöglichkeit auch wirklich durchziehen solltest. Dadurch dass du viele Stimmen im Kopf hast (nicht jede davon gut oder sogar legal), sollte man darauf achten welchen Weg man folgt. Möchtest du ein strammer Cop sein, der jedes kleines Verbrechen bestraft? Dann gehe bloß nicht auf die Ideen der Elektrochemie ein, sonst bist du ganz schnell higher als du dir vorstellen kannst. Oder willst du lieber Angst und Schrecken verbreiten? Dann ist die Mitgefühl keine gute Alternative. Gleichzeitig geben dir die Leute und Stimmen auch Quests, die du zwar annehmen kannst, aber eventuell nicht ausführen solltest. Letzendlich musst du wissen was für eine Rolle du spielen willst und versuchen dich daran zu halten. Die Welt wird dich für deine Taten und Worte beurteilen.
Neben dem unglaublichen Gameplay, ist der Erzähler auch einfach stark. Jeder Gedanke, Stimme und Charakter ist voll vertont, aber der Erzähler ist einfach der Beste und macht das Reden wirklich erstaunlich gut. Die Charaktere sind unterhaltsam, lustig und es gibt viele Momente wo ich geweint, geflucht und gelacht habe. Es ist eine wundersame Welt und eine erstaunliche Geschichte.
Aber hier kommt ein Punkt, wo viele bestimmt Sorgen haben. Es gibt zwar eine Menge zu tun (neben dem Mordfall auch viele Nebenaufträge), aber letztendlich ist beinah alles reden und das Spiel ist gut schaffbar in 15-25 Stunden (in 10 Stunden sogar, wenn man nur die Hauptquest macht). Viele fanden das Spiel für zu kurz, aber lieber nehme ich ein 10 Stunden Spiel, dass ich zweimal spiele, als ein 20 Stunden Spiel dass ich kaum einmal spiele. Um ehrlich zu sein, verstehe ich die Leute nicht, die einen Fetisch für die Spiellänge. Da Länge meistens kein Garant für Qualität ist. Also wenn das Spiel wirklich für euch zu teuer ist, dann solltet ihr wirklich auf ein Rabatt ausschau halten. Denn wenn ihr wirklich nicht der Meinung seit, dass es euer Geld wert ist, dann kann ich euch zumindest garantieren dass es eurer kostbaren Zeit wert ist.
Spoiler Erklärung
[spoiler] Der Grund warum 0,5 Punkte fehlen sind zweierlei. Es gibt ein Moment in der Geschichte, wo du eine vermutete Täterin Ruby folgst. Du stehst vor dem Gebäude, wo du vermutest sie sich aufhalten kann. Du musst einen Schauder Check machen, der aber, wenn du zu wenig Nebenquesten gemacht hast, beinah unschaffbar ist. Solltest du ihn nicht schaffen, erklärt dein Charakter woanders weiterzusuchen. Ich verstehe rein gameplay mäßig, warum dies gemacht wurde. Aber für mich persönlich hat das keinerlei Sinn story mäßig gemacht und mir wirklich stark den Wind aus dem Segeln genommen. Wenn man wirklich der Meinung ist, dass sie in einem Gebäude sich versteckt hält, warum dann woanders suchen und nicht einfach in dem Gebäude, wo man gerade davor steht???
Aber abgesehen davon hat das Spiel wirklich eine Menge Menge Menge guter Sachen gemacht und selbst diese Sache würde mich nicht mal dazu bringen es auch nur annähernd nicht zu empfehlen. Würde mich sehr sehr doll auf einen zweiten Teil freuen!! [/spoiler]
1345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 01:10
Just sayin' : Only recommended to people who really like to read a lot of dialogues and who appreciate some dark flair and deep philosophical contents. It's not the kind of game, which let's you shut down your brain for a while to stay on autopilot.
7510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 12:21
1364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 18:43
Dabei darf man nicht außer acht lassen, dass es neben den komischen Szenen auch absolut tiefgehende psychologische Fragen zu stellen gilt... Und wenn man es von außen betrachtet, dann ist das eine sehr, sehr traurige Geschichte.
Von mir gibt es definitiv einen - und wenn es ginge eine Million - Daumen nach oben!
Falls jemand Interesse hat schaut euch mein bescheidenes Let´s Play an. Nichts professionelles, nicht kommerzielles. Nur Ihr, der Abgrund und ich.
1840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 20:56
this is for you.
Amazing characters.
Sometimes very funny!
Amazing Soundtrack.
Incredible Story with lot of twists.
Choice matters! ....a lot! Depending on your charakter and choices before.
But be aware that it needs your patience.
You have to think ... yourself.
If you liked the trailers ...somehow already, you probably should buy it.
2339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 18:25
Man sollte bei diesem Spiel genau hinschauen was man macht. Selbst kleine Entscheidungen am Anfang, haben Einfluss auf das Ende. Die Story gibt sogar noch einen zweiten teil her.
Ich kann nur sagen: Wer auf ausgefeilte Story, Geschichte und ausgefeilte/abgedrehte Charaktere steht, der kommt hier nicht dran vorbei. Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung und Daumen hoch.
2275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 20:29
DE hat mich extrem an die guten alten Monkey Island Geschichten erinnert :)
1600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 12:43
Das Spiel faszinierte mich seit dem Review bei Game Two. Nun waren jedoch meine Sprachkenntnisse nicht allzu ausgeprägt, als dass ich das Spiel auf englisch spielen und würdigen könnte. Daher war die Weihnachtsfreude groß, als die Übersetzung passend zum Fest kam und nach einem Durchlauf muss ich sagen:
Unkonventionell, minimalistisch und eine schöne Erfahrung. Lesen, Pen and Paper, Philosophie schrecken nicht ab, daher schreckt auch Disco Elysium nicht ab. Teilweise anstrengend zu lesen und alle Stränge im Blick zu behalten, aber trotzdem tief und verwoben, sodass die Motivation über das gesamte Spielen hinweg anhält.
Wer ein wenig Frustration aushält, der wird es bis zum Ende hin mögen ...oder auch nicht.
Spontane Kleinigkeiten + / o / -
Die Welt ist schön...
Das Charaktersystem ist schön... die vielfältigen Fähigkeiten sind interessant und unkonventionell...
Das Ende... [spoiler] Es ist so frustrierend wie schön. Gerne hätte ich noch mehr über den Mord erfahren und es wirkt etwas willkürlich, was gleichzeitig aber auch so herrlich ins Spiel passt. Das schnelle Ende mit dem einsamen Soldaten auf der Insel ist schon - gefühlt - aus dem Nichts hergeholt, aber fügt sich herrlich in die kaputte Welt ein.[/spoiler]
Jammern auf hohem Niveau... ich wünsch mir ein System zur Sortierung meiner Kleidung...
Schnellreisen wären auch nett, aber vermutlich nicht zweckdienlich...
Manche Dialogmöglichkeiten sind schon sehr offensichtlich, wenn es um die Schwerpunktsetzung geht (apokalyptisch, kommunistisch, ....)
Ich wünschte, dass ich in der Lage wäre mich so sehr wie der Hauptcharakter - wie hieß er noch gleich ? - zu betrinken, um einen Filmriss zu bekommen, der mich das Spiel nochmal unvoreingenommen und ohne Erinnerung genießen lassen kann.
Nicht Empfohlen
715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 19:11
I really tried getting excited about the plot of this interactive novel. I didn't...
The game feels like a mixture of those interactive books of the nineties and the monkey island/indiana jones adventure games. The idea of talking with specific areas of your mind is ok. Too many quests/missions/storylines are active at the same time and progress may be blocked by bad luck (throwing dices) or time progress. It's hard getting back into the game after taking a break of a few days.
After 11 hours of playing I regret not having given the game back within the 2 hour-time-frame.
Nicht Empfohlen
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 17:58
Endloses Gerede und das in einem Chatfenster? Mag cool sein, kommt bei mir aber nicht an.
Evtl. hätte ich noch länger spielen sollen, aber wollte dann doch lieber mein Geld zurück.
2379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 22:06
With that being said, if you are looking for a game that makes you feel like a winner, this game might not be for you. Every ending (to my knowledge) is bittersweet, and no matter what politics you align with, you will be rigorously mocked. No matter how hard you try, you cannot save everyone.
Speaking of trying hard, if you are the type to keep your eyes glued to the wiki and savescum frequently to get your ideal outcome, again this is probably not what you want from an RPG experience. There are many skill checks that you can come back and try again - the ones you can't are usually the most important. To my eyes it seems like the game expects you to fail forward, and live with your shortcomings.
However, far be it from me to prescribe what you'll find fun. If you decide to get the game I sincerely hope you enjoy it -Disco Elysium a confounding masterpiece and I cannot wait to see what this studio does next.
Sunrise, Parabellum!
1773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 21:15
The amount of references they've put into the dialogues is incredible, skill check system is fun to deal with as well. Music is also very cool.
So, want to say 2 more things:
1) Don't disappoint Kim Kitsuragi
2) Al Gul is bad for your health, guys
2429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 22:27
A lot was already said about Disco Elysium and even more will be said in the future. About its unique and meticulously designed setting, complex and entertaining characters, political commentary and, most important of all, absolutely exceptional writing and creativity nowhere else to be seen. My voice would not strafe away from those praises, so instead of describing themes, I would like to quickly focus on this title in terms of general impressions and product quality (while you are still bothered to read rest of the review).
Disco Elysium game is a big colorful marble with beautiful patterns inside of it, but some noticeable scratches on the surface. It’s a mesmerizing game that despite slow pace rewards you for your attention and critical thinking skills, while being a hardcore (HARDCORE) example of a term RPG. While the fantasy of being a crazy cop on a difficult case is fascinating on its own, Disco Elysium gives you plethora of options of how to role play your character and shape him how you see fit. This is the game’s strongest suit, which is proven by how strongly I started to care and like my main character, despite him being a catastrophical screw-up. Additionally: flavor-full skill system, interconnected web of events to untangle and heavy atmosphere are also big draws of the game that I enjoyed greatly.
However, there are aforementioned scratches that are definitely noticeable. Game can be technically a mess. Wonky, sometimes broken animations, occasional bugs of low to medium severity and inexcusably long load times. Voice-acting can be hit or miss depending on a character. You can get stuck in a story a little bit. If you are exceptionally unlucky or you decide to not cooperate with certain shady characters, you may wander aimlessly for a bit without knowing what to do. Lastly, game does censor certain slurs in dialogue and graphics. While I can definitely see why somebody would like to have them bleeped, but I think it can break immersion somewhat (since setting of the game is in serious mess already) so optional toggle would be much appreciated for maximum bleakness.
While above issues are certainly points of interest for improvements and feedback, I cannot overstate how unique and great of an experience Disco Elysium was for me. It’s breath of fresh air in a polluted city of terrible writing typical for the current mass produced AAA junk-stories.
I felt impressed, shocked, intrigued, thought-provoked. I felt sadness, joy, curiosity, existential dread and more… And I hope you will be able to feel it as well.
1868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 04:32
From the gameplay mechanics to the narrative, Disco Elysium is a experience that hits different. All Revachol has a lot to stories to tell and also your own character and is not exactly easy to digest all this tales , from murder, sex assault and political ideologies. From the other hand the gameplay is based on reading, decision making and dice rolling decision that can depend on which stats (like must of the rpgs) you have improve (btw all in here has personality, even your on stats); and the decision really I mean really have impact on the game. The way all the story is tell is outstanding; and the way it sounds with all the voices on the final cut is also outstanding.
This review doesn't touch all the points for me to tell that Disco Elysium is a masterpiece; but that's also the point of this game, you really have to experienced it your self, a lot of twist happen on Disco Elysium, some of those can even stay with you for a lot of time.
This game is truly awesome and everyone has to try it, from beginning to end. 10/10
PD: you really going to love Kim Kitsuragi
1870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 01:29
4631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 19:57
It's superbly written and the game's pace for a dialogue-focused game is great. Nothing ever felt like it was drawn-out or like we are diverting from the main case too much. The voice acting added in the Final Cut version is the best acting I've heard in years, it adds a lot to the immersion.
The melancholic music, the pastel style of visuals, the tone of the game, everything adds up to Disco Elysium's unique atmosphere which you'll remember for years. And the characters, they are something else! I'll miss Kim Kitsuragi!
1875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 15:01
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☑ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☑ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10
1373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 23:20
- Amnesiac protagonist who is revealed to be alcoholic hobo cop
- Communism
- Postmodernism
- One million words of spoken dialogue
- Beautiful prose
- Surreal humor
- A man so wealthy he can bend spacetime around him so that you cannot even physically look at him
- Lieutenant Kim
This game has such a unique creative voice that it's difficult to even discuss. What review could ever do it justice? Definitely a modern classic.
3953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 19:36
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good (but doesnt need to be good)
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☑ Best
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☑ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☑ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10
60177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 15:40
It is not a game, it is an experience. A very special one and totally unique. And it can be the best one you had in a lifetime of gaming.
I have finally reached a THOUSAND HOURS playing this game. So I guess it is time to review it. Every viable choice and path, probably saw all the dialogues, I dare to say. I really did everything possible, researched all the alternatives, even explored the most grim and absurd outcomes, just to see how far your freedom goes. I did it all. And it really gives you the most absurd amount of choices and risks to take. All the perfect choices, all the wrong ones on purpose. And usually, there is no wrong path to take. What kind of cop do you want to be?
Disco Elysium gave us all hope, the genre of the CRPGs may not be dead yet. The level of the narrative is outstanding, the quality of this writing I never saw in a game before. The artstyle is mesmerizing, has its unique flair and it confer more char personality, and those characters really make you feel something, they go beyond archetipes and simple conflicts, they have souls, pasts and internal struggles. So does the city in ruins, a eternal reminder of mankind's brutality. You may be surprised how deep and complex the characters can be. Always unexpected, they can make you laugh, really cry and hate them, at once. And it the thought cabinet mechanic utilized were genius, it viabilize the elaboration of a quirky persona, as well as your rebelous self-conscious personality traits that can manifest themselves whenever they see fit. Your feelings and instincts may step in with their opinions, but so can your Horrific Ugly Necktie. Take them seriously its up to you.
The plot and and the politicial context has social sensibility, subtle criticism to EVERY kinda of ideology or political alignment (and you can choose whichever you want, you can even choose multiple and lie to multiple people). It satisfies everyone. It mocks all the shortcomings of any position in smart ways as well, while not losing it seriousness and the deep philosophycal questions. It really raises a lot of ethical dilemmas. Of course, you can ignore most of that and dedicate yourself to drug addiction and alcooholism too. Whatever you decide, the adventure is UNIQUE and will be a different journey to everyone. The important think is never choose anything that would cramp your style.
As I said, it is not a game, it is a experience. Unique for each person. One that really changed my life and my perspectives, I am really grateful for all the time I have put into this.
And I really look forward to the future of ZA/UM Studio.
5851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 04:18
I guess its worth a snag.
11/10 a masterpiece
6478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 15:31
If you can handle a ton of text (it's fully voiced btw, so don't be too afraid) and like to explore fictional worlds (extremely good written) you'll fall in love with DE just like all of us here
5224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 03:50
We all have our different mediums.
Disco Elysium doesn’t really feel like a game made by developers, but rather as a game made by writers who decided to tell a story through a video game. As such, it is a game that innovates quite a bit, even if it isn't particularly well-made from a technical standpoint.
Generally, detective games tend to be too linear, not leaving enough room for you to piece things together yourself. Disco Elysium does more than enough to scratch that particular itch.
You take on the role of a detective with a vast array of skills, 24 to be exact, separated into four categories the game calls Attributes: Intellect, Psyche, Physique and Motorics. As the game has no combat system, these skills will most notably come into play when encountering skill checks, either during conversations or when interacting with objects in the environment. For example, the Physical Instrument (Physique) skill will come into play should you need to break down a door or a window, while Empathy (Psyche) will be taken into account when trying to emotionally connect with a character you’re talking to. These checks are separated into White checks and Red checks. Red checks can only be attempted once, while White checks can be retried by leveling up the relevant skill... Or by doing some detective work on your own. Other than that, your skills are influenced by the clothes you’re wearing, time limited buffs that come from consumables, and Thoughts - perks that can have varying uses and are unlocked by specific actions you perform.
The aforementioned detective work comes into play when dealing with hidden modifiers most, if not all, of the active checks in the game have. These will impact your rolls either positively or negatively, provided you’ve fulfilled certain requirements. For example, let’s say you have a suspect you need to persuade into working with you, with a White check of your Authority skill standing in your way. However, earlier in the conversation you’ve said something that made the character take you less seriously, thus earning yourself a negative modifier on the roll and failing the check because of it. If you’re out of available skill points, the check will remain locked, and you'll need to head out in search of more XP so you can try again. However, before managing to level up, you engage in conversation with someone who knows your suspect and acquire some incriminating information you can confront them with. You do so and receive a positive modifier on your Authority check, which unlocks it and helps you pass. Thoughts can affect checks in similar ways. You have a huge amount of freedom in almost every interaction you’ll come across in Disco Elysium, leading to impressively dynamic storytelling opportunities. It is a game that benefits from multiple playthroughs, as not every character will be able to pass every single check once the more difficult ones start rolling in later in the game. However, the true beauty of it comes from how your Attributes and skills affect conversations outside of checks, and in turn develop your character's personality.
During every conversation, the game will constantly be performing passive skill checks in the background that determine whether or not your skills will talk to you. I mean that quite literally, as skills will chime in during conversation to advise you on how you should act, what to say, as well as provide information on your conversation partner. Not only can the same conversation have a different outcome based on your skills, but your perception of it can completely change as well. You can even argue with them your own skills on the validity of their advice. Sometimes, more of them will want to advise you on the same issue and will get into fights between themselves. They all have their own personality, so think of it as carrying 24 additional characters wherever you go.
Disco Elysium’s writing is definitely the best I’ve seen across all of the games I’ve played, even the handful of those I’d say I like more. No word is wasted and anything can come back into play later on. Even all the background information on the game's expansive world doesn’t feel out of place and can affect future conversations should you bother to read, or listen through all of it, as the entire game is voiced. Hell, even simple flavor text doesn’t feel the least bit tacked on, as It helps in establishing the numerous characters you’ll come across - to the point where I doubt there’ll be a single NPC you don’t have a thought-out opinion on. The way the text box takes up the right side of the screen, while the left side is dedicated to letting you admire the beautiful, painterly visuals of the scene you’re currently in, allows you to read and navigate these prolonged conversations with ease. I could go on about how good the writing is, but I also wish to talk about the negatives, as well as something else that beating the game had made me think about.
Disco Elysium has its faults. While I don’t mind the lack of combat, having the entirety of the gameplay rely on dialogue and skill checks makes it drag a bit in the second half. The animations could use some work – some of them are unbelievably stiff – and the pathfinding for a game in which a good amount of time is spent walking from place to place is frustrating. The performance is fine, but I’ve encountered a good number of graphical glitches; sudden changes in lighting, flickering icons and certain text and images appearing where they’re not supposed to. Sometimes, the game would soft lock and prevent me from interacting with anything until I reload a save or tab in and out. Music would fail to play at times, leaving key scenes completely silent, save for the dialogue. It's a shame, since every track has the ability to further solidify this game as the Iconic Moment Generator it already is once it plays properly. The voice acting I found to be hit-or-miss, with most of its strength coming from the writing rather than the performances. It also notably varies in recording quality. Some of it is also missing, or is straight up mismatched with the text on screen.
So, what happens to the verdict then?
We’re all guilty of calling a game a “work of art” at some point or another, as a way to emphasize that we’re not just talking about one that’s damn good, but also surpasses what it means to be a video game and gets elevated to this mystical status where it gets to hang out with all the big boys of the art world, such as books, paintings, sculptures or other things you might find when you go visit a museum or a gallery. Wouldn’t it be strange if we applied this standard, that only specific titles within a medium are considered art, to other forms of expression? Say we compare two paintings, where one is a depiction of an important historic event, and the other merely a beautiful portrait? An abstract art piece to some really good fanart you saw online? Is a fun 250 pages long sci-fi novel a lesser work than a 1000 pages long monolith, full to the brim with existential dread, written by some Russian dude in the 19th century? Would you rate any of these on a scale from one to ten? Probably not, as it is kind of redundant to label pieces that have had so much impact on the world with a score. It all boils down to video games not being around for long enough and being primarily viewed as an entertainment medium rather than an artistic one.
Disco Elysium’s faults aren’t that severe, but If I give it an 8.5 because of them, does that mean I consider it a lesser experience than a game which, while not as ambitious, is an excellent RTS with great gameplay, no technical issues and okay writing, I gave a 9 to?
It’s all a bit melodramatic, I agree. But, how would you feel assigning a number to a famous painting, which would make me come across as too pretentious had I name-dropped it here?
Nicht Empfohlen
953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 07:11
6/10 (Decent)
1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 13:48
It comes wrapped in a classic CRPG package: isometric perspective, point & click controls, dialogue choices and skillchecks. But inside this package are smuggled some great ideas moving the genre forward. The Thought Cabinet: political and personal ideologies with an impact on gameplay. Martinaise and the world around it: a half-familiar, half-foreign setting with a deep lore. Well-written two-faced characters with relatable motives, secrets and weaknesses. Drunken stupidity. A playable character who (once again) suffers from amnesia, but is actually more than a blank page. A murder investigation that has been more compelling that any other game quest I've ever completed. The absence of combat, outside of one or two confrontations where branching dialogues and skillcheck results can lead to multiple outcomes.
This game was gifted to me by an old friend at a time where I needed to escape stressing real life issues. I'm really grateful for this gesture, as Disco represents one of my most memorable gaming experiences next to Firewatch, Fallout and a few others. Looking at its screenshots now, I'm sincerely sad that I'll never again go through the feelings that the first playthrough gives. Let's hope some sort of sequel will eventually come.
3978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 20:29
It won't be a game for everyone, as if you don't like to read this probably isn't your game because there is quite a bit of reading. But guess what, if you don't wanna read a lot of the dialog you don't have to and the game won't punish you.
Truly an amazing game for the correct audience.
3427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 19:33
Speech is silver, thoughts are golden
At the beginning there was only darkness, calm and endless. Until a voice echoed throughout the void and the black veil lifted slowly, one thought at a time. No primordial truths today, it’s 8 o’clock and the bottle in your hand implies you just reinvented a hangover into something deserving a new name of its own. Good morning, officer. There is a murder investigation waiting downstairs and you just might have partied so hard that you can’t even remember your own name. I know you have questions, but first at least put on some clothes.
Disco Elysium is undeniably an RPG game, although it is unlike other titles of the genre. The most distinct aspect of this game is that the entirety of the progress is conducted via dialogue. There is no combat or shiny exclamation marks over NPC heads here. There are people to question, one line of text at a time. Countless stories hiding within their heads are yours to pursue, or not. Disco Elysium does have an open world. However, it is not so much about discovering your surroundings, as it is about exploring the people that live within. Developers at ZA/UM had a curious storytelling idea and the game in question is essentially a wrapping, giving said idea the most vivid form the creators could muster.
Inland Empire
During the first few lines of dialogue, the second aspect of Disco Elysium distinct style makes itself apparent – the inner monologues of the protagonist. The player is given a window into the officer’s head, a live feed of the responses that heard information causes within the protagonist. Going so far, as to divide the character’s psyche into main categories responsible for perceiving the world.
Creating such a believable train of thought is a truly impressive feat of writing, providing far greater immersion and sense of realism, once you get used to it. The game even goes to such details, as character’s addressing the protagonist’s silence, if the player chooses to trail off too far in the middle of a conversation. Despite being an endless stream of intrusions, somehow the thoughts didn’t disrupt the flow of the text at all.
Roll the dice
Internal monologues rely heavily on the core gameplay element of Disco Elysium, namely the skill checks. The protagonist has a vast selection of upgradable abilities falling into 4 categories, describing his aptitude for interaction with the world both physically and psychologically. There is plenty of active checks, especially the more challenging ones, that allow the player to prepare before attempting them. However, most of the checks are passive ones, simply happening inside the officer’s head as he talks to people. Will your affinity for drama help you realise that a shift in speaker’s body language indicates a lie? If not, the conversation will simply go on.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] – If you were to recreate how the internal workings of the protagonist’s mind look like, this is a reasonably similar imitation.
THE REVIEW – You could try and write the rest in such a manner.
LOGIC [Easy: Success] – You *do* realise that it would be abysmal to read and you really shouldn’t.
1. – Nod. (Proceed)
There are hundreds of checks throughout the game and while failing some may lock you out of concluding certain side tasks, they won’t prevent you from completing the game. Should you happen to be a type that doesn’t take kindly to failing a quest because of a dice roll, quicksave feature is yours to command.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2556239382 [/url]
Right-wing royalist liberal centrist
It’s high time to address the fly in the ointment. Praise of all the critiques in the world won’t change the fact that Disco Eylsium is an extremely niche game. Not only because it’s dialogue-centred to the point this title can be called a pinnacle of interactive books. Even more so because of its social involvement. The protagonist is a carte blanche in an environment of mixing cultures, philosophies and political believes. If you are to truly understand what drives the people around you, the officer must also find himself amidst this brainstorm. Many of the characters met, are vocal about their outlook at social and political issues and there is no other option for the player but to make opinions. Adopt a rigid political credo or make a mockery of them all, you will get dragged into socio-political discourse whether you like it or not. All of the above makes the game’s reception difficult to say the least. Disco Elysium is moody, provocative and downright tiring at times. To the point you may start appreciating a bored shop clerk for simply minding her own business.
To the game’s credit, the commentary it provides is foremost a critique of portrayed schools of thought, alas drawing any conclusions is left at the player’s discretion. Admittedly, there are a lot of subjects covered that don’t require a huge leap of logic to start drawing parallels between Disco Elysium and modern history. However, one must not forget that this game is ultimately a work of fiction, as it is revealed at later stages of the game, to a far greater degree than it initially lets on.
Voice in me head
Disco Elysium has seen its fair share of updates since initial release back in 2019, by far the most substantial one was the addition of voiceover to the entirety of the game. Not only it is stellar, it also adds another layer of depth to the events playing out on the screen. The narrator does excellent job at emphasising the emotions of each scene and the cast composed of diverse engilsh accents highlights the diversity of Revachol’s residents in a terrific way. If you’ve completed the game before its introduction, there won’t be a better time for a replay.
Deserving a separate mention is the art style of the game, no less eccentric than the rest of it. To begin with, the world map is filled with what seems like strokes of paintbrush. Furthermore, there is abstract and bizarre art depicting abilities and thoughts. Scenes at times are presented in oddly oversaturated colours. Much like the game’s written content its visuals are there to prod and irritate your thoughts. A fitting piece of a greater whole.
A wit’s end
Fully intentionally, Disco Elysium is an odd one out. While this title is highly recommendable, I would also highly discourage leaping into it blind, based alone on high notes it receives. Especially, if you are the one to skip the dialogues in order to get faster into action, you should probably skip Disco Elysium altogether. I can’t stress enough how niche Disco really is, this title touches many subjects that are a stark departure from escapism usually associated with games. This game deliberately taunts the player into thinking about the state of the world around them, only to then sweep whatever the vision they built from beneath their feet. If you are willing to humour Disco Elysium, it can be an extraordinary game. It’s an impressive piece of ambitious narrative delivered in a form of a highly immersive experience. What will it be then, officer? A first day of the rest of your life? Or a painfully lucid pause in-between intoxicated rampages? One way or another the disco must go on.
1906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 06:37
Disco Elysium is an Extremely interesting journey through the depths of human condition
It is an exceedingly deep game, with extremely provocative socio-political commentary on the world, it`s perception, and thoughts on what makes us human.
Disco Elysium has one of the deepest world building I have ever seen in any game. Creators have really given you a window into a world that doesn’t exist, and made it feel like something real (it is felt through the political structure, the religious structure to just the way that world functions). It is all done in a way that makes it really feel like you taking a journey into a parallel universe that actually exists.
But notice this:
Disco Elysium is not for everyone due to lack of gameplay, but it is for those who love to think, because this game makes you think in every possible way
4041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 21:08
Just buy it bratan!
The game is about drunken suicidal cop who can't remember anything, even who he is. It's a unique game. I would say it's an rpg-point&click adventure game with some Kentucky Route Zero vibe.
The gameplay is quite simple yet amazingly good and satisfying. You inspect objects and pick up items, talk to people and talk to your...mind. This is where it gets more interesting. You have all those different brain parts responsible for something. There are four main skill trees and each is divided into subcategories.
Intellect – logic, encyclopedia, rhetoric, drama, conceptualization, visual calculus.
Psyche – volition, inland empire, empathy, authority, esprit de corps, suggestion.
Physique - endurance, pain threshold, physical instrument, electro-chemistry, shivers, half light.
Motorics – hand/eye coordination, perception, reaction speed, savoir faire, interfacing, composure.
Some of these are self explanatory but others sound weird heh? Well, they are weird (in a good way) and that's what makes this game so amazing. These skills lead to various actions, dialogue options and consequences you can't even imagine. You can play it like a normal (almost) human being. But due to these skills and your mind talking to you, like empathy suggests one thing, logic another, drama throws something else, you get some crazy choices which could lead to hilarious moments.
Oh you must solve the murder case btw.
Skills matter a lot and you must choose wisely but in the end you won't be able to do everything. Like I kicked the object and my health dropped to critical. But who cares – I am the law! Apocalypse is near and I need to get my hands on some drugs and fight the entities.
It's like a dark comedy. You'll laugh and if you pick certain dialogue options, you'll laugh like an idiot sitting in front of the screen and your wife will think you're going crazy.
Oh and there are thoughts which can be developed over time. You first need to unlock the thought, then start internalizing it and once its done it could give some bonuses. Like hobocop, superstar cop, cop of the apocalypse and more.
This is an exceptional game. It's hilarious but serious at the same time. It fascinates me how it plays with your mind and how it makes you doubt everything. You may start roleplaying as a certain kind of officer and at the end of the day become a better or worse human being. But sometimes you just stop and think “maybe I shouldn't do that anymore, it's dumb”.
The game is very political but it doesn't promote any political ideology or it just shows that all of them suck. It plays with your mind. But when you pick one the game mocks your choice. And it doesn't matter what you pick, you always will feel like maybe you should've chosen differently. Or not? Is it a dream? Where am I? What are we doing? The end is nigh!
You'll meet communists, capitalists, racists, etc.
Most people probably have political views and other things but imagine you don't know anything, you don't know who you are, what politics are or anything. So even the views you agree now might look differently if you learn about them when your head is completely blank.
The game is set in a fictional location and a lot of the events and things are fictional but each of those represent something from our world, each person represents a certain world view. You'll agree with some, you'll disagree with some, you'll cry for some, you'll mock some, you'll laugh your ass off with some and you'll make some of them suffer or maybe you'll find love. And probably you'll even find someone who represents yourself in real life and since the game likes to mock you it could lead to you feeling stupid and think about your views, are they really good? Is that what I want? I see the idea of the game as “doubt everything and think for yourself”.
The area you can explore is tiny when you compare it to other games, in some way it's similar to Yakuza, tiny map filled with content. There's so much quality content in this game. This is a proof that you don't need a vast ubicrappy open areas, what matters is quality content.
I love how it transforms in mood. One minute it could be a hilarious game, next minute it turns into a gloomy, depressive piece of art. It's an emotional rollercoaster, it will make laugh, cry, think, you'll sometimes be lost in your thoughts. You think who are you, are you really what you want to be, you might rethink your values. And there are some thoughts i've already been thinking about like what is nothing? How can you measure nothing and if nothing is really nothing, how nothing can exist if it's nothing, it must be something then?
You try to rebuild your reputation and take your life into your hands or you embrace whatever mindset you want, alcoholic, corrupt cop, hobo, crazy cop spreading the message that apocalypse is coming. There's also no way to get along with everybody so you make a choice whit whom you want to be nice. Skillchecks play a huge role in dialogues and sometimes you could end up in a situation when a young kid tells you're his bitch now and you feel completely humiliated so you start taking drugs and find hobo friends, crazy people, you feel at home.
Items like clothing and tools play a role too. Clothes give you bonuses to some stats.
Consumable items are used to restore your hp & morale or for buffs. But while they increase one stat, they lower other one. I strongly advise saving your drugs for tough situations. Unless you have electrochemistry leveled up like me, my pockets were full of drugs. Smoke a cig, some beer, sniff speed, you're a super cop.
All the characters in the game are more or less important and every single one of them is fun to talk to. You'll also hear some phrases or words you rarely hear in games and most people probably won't get it, but eastern europeans will understand and start to laugh instantly. On top of that there's more stuff for eastern europeans.
Graphically the game looks amazing. Although the graphics are mainly 2D backrounds with 3D character models but those backgrounds and overall artstyle is amazing. You can see there has been so much work dedicated to the art. Every area, every corner is something special and tells a story. The game looks like a painting sometimes, especially in those more surreal points of the game.
Performance is great, no hiccups, no fps drops, game runs very smoothly. But loading times are way too long. Saving system is very frustrating. Because when you overwrite that doesn't change the name of the save.
Sound. I waited until developers added full voice overs. And voice acting is mostly amazing. The narrator voice is absolutely wonderful. Including all the characters and horrific necktie, it's hilarious. I only disliked lymbic system.
The dialogues are the main thing in this game and every single dialogue means something and you want to hear it.
There are only couple of jazzy tracks but they're great. It feels kind of sad but calming at the same time and combined with atmosphere it creates that surreal vibe.
This an amazing, unique game, a masterpiece. I recommend this to everyone, you can play it however you like and there are multiple ways to achieve your goal. There's no skill required or anything so it's suitable for everyone. It's an amazing blend of rpg and point&click in my opinion which will leave a footprint in your brain forever.
- Great engaging story
- Interesting characters
- Freedom to do and be what you want
- Small map filled with content
- Beautiful art
- Great soundtrack
- Great voice acting
- Hilarious
- Depressive
- Unique skill system
- Failing is an option which could lead to even more interesting outcomes
- Game plays with your mind
- No summary after ending
Follow my curator page for more
1770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 19:23
3543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 03:48
The writing was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I'm really suprised how well this game is written. Every dialogue, depiction and internal conflict among the parts of the character's psyche is woven with intelligence. Its literary style has a unique taste that combines a crippling tragedious narration and self-deprecating dark humor. In some moments, the pain that the protogonist passes through made me drift in my own memories of bad times and I occasionally found myself contemplating on my own darkest hours. This game broke my heart, in the most satisfying way.
But it's not everyone's cup of tea. To be honest, The game would appeal to a very niche audience. If you are not someone who enjoys literature, poetry and even politics in general, you may get bored of its modern poetic nuance and pseudo-politic thought trains. The story is excellent but It's slow-paced and if you can't stand reading things in games, I suggest you think twice before purchasing.
1768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 01:19
It may not be for everyone. It's dark and multifaceted to a point where it's off-putting sometimes.
2579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 18:57
And what a ride it is.
Rebuild your shattered mind and body in this beautifully stylised, deeply immersive world, and maybe have a go at solving a murder while you're at it. The complex character system really impresses, allowing you to play a number of detective-like roles.
Here's a short list of some of the things you can get up to during a play-through:
1. Have a heart attack whilst getting dressed.
2. Proposition a suspect.
3. Punch a child (don't worry, he deserves it)
4. Debate morality and race with a xenophobic-nationalist.
5. Fail to knock out a xenophobic-nationalist.
6. Tie people up with your impressive logic.
7. Leap across buildings.
8. Breakdance. Become one with the music of the universe. Disco Elysium, baby!
9. Substance abuse.
10. Talk to yourself.
11. Argue with yourself.
12. Love yourself.
13. Substance abuse.
14. Karaoke.
15. Become a communist.
16. Become a capitalist.
17: Eat a sandwich!
18. Hunt for creatures unknown to science.
19. Solve complex bullet telemetry in your head.
20. Read a book.
21. Introspection.
22. Sleep.
23. Throw-up.
24. Substance abuse with some homeless men.
25. Play Boules with a veteran... and much, much more.
If all that doesn't make you want to play, I don't know what will. Maybe try substance abuse?
2122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 09:00
4330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 22:55
8032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 16:04
The more time passes since I've completed it for the first time, the more space this game takes in my heart.
It seemed to me that growing older and more cynical, each new game would have less and less impact on me, and I would never be able to call a new game my favourite. Boy, I'm so glad I was wrong. I wish I could forget it and play it again for the first time.
You know that feeling when you read a book and your mind starts to wander? Now imagine you can interact with this world. That's what Disco Elysium feels like. It's mesmerising.
- The writing is stellar.
- Visuals are gorgeous, I absolutely love the artistic style.
- Music is truly magnificent, it creates such an enchanting melancholic tone.
Let Disco Elysium take you into this sad and beautiful journey and you will not regret it.
There is nothing. Only warm primordial blackness... and this game.
6115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 13:35
1. Fight it, but you know you can't
2. What do you mean I can choose?
3. Buying it now, or not at all
1979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 21:54
The music - very ambient - is splendid.
The only downsides: technically a bit rough around the edges. Too many loading screen, too much loading time, 3D art not at its best. Easily forgotten thanks to the overal great visuals.
1827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 09:56
Although it can be a heavy read, the game's writing is stellar and has something for every quadrant of the political compass. You're given control of a deadbeat drunk cop who's hit absolute rock bottom, losing all of his memory in the middle of an odd murder case with possible huge political ramifications for the area. What you do with him from there is entirely up to you- do you make him pick up the pieces of his broken life and memory and solve the case? Or let him stew in alcoholism and be an abrasive, rash unpredictable cop? Or just snort a whole bunch of coke and smack a telephone pole and die of a heart attack?
Disco Elysium features an RPG-like stat system for different aspects of the cop and his psyche which talk to him and offer him different perspectives on things. For example, if you're interrogating someone, Empathy will suggest a kind approach and deduce how the subject feels while Authority will demand you take a firm and hard approach. Dialogue trees often have dice roll checks in them that are likelier to pass if you put points into the relevant stat for that check. While it can be frustrating to have a check locked behind a stat you are not putting points in, there is almost always another way to progress.
Every character has well written dialogues that give you deep insight into the world and setting. The game's art style is unique, fitting to the world's run-down and shaky political climate. The socio-political and economic themes are explored in the world via dialogues and internal monologues. While they can be quite heavy-handed at times, they're well written and interesting to read.
My only complaints gameplay wise are the not-so-good menus and the lack of an always run toggle. Story wise, without spoiling, the conclusion of the murder case arc fell a little flat to me (although it did have another arc's stellar conclusion), but this game is all about the journey and not the destination.
2467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 17:18
The writing is so good you will be glued to your screen for around 41 hours, which is my playtime, and i did every quest I found even some secret ones. The protagonist is such a twist on games of this genre that all dialogue choices bring constant humour and laughter to your face. It is really funny to see other NPCs react to the dialogue choices you pick. Above all, its a detective game where you investigate a murder by slowly gathering clues and talking to NPCs. 90% of this game is talking, but its the best talking ive seen in games in years!
ZA/UM gained a fan today, please make Disco Elysium 2 as the ending hints at a sequel!
4430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 21:36
There's two halves to Disco Elysium: a video game, and a role-playing experience.
The game is a point-and-click detective RPG without combat. The game is built on active and hidden passive dice rolls in a series of conversations - with other people and inanimate objects - all corresponding to different aspects of your personality in place of standard stats and skills. It's unique and intriguing to play a game that is itself a deep dive into the player character's psychology, with a 'fail forward' approach to failed rolls that makes failure (almost) fully accounted for and fun to see the results of. It takes place in a story about a city trampled under neoliberalism, and how people live with that reality. It's a story about being confronted with crushing inequality as an outsider, about questioning your own role as someone who enforces that inequality, about living with personal and political heartbreak, about trying to fight for your sobriety when the world drives you to alcohol and drug abuse. Despite the 'choices matter' tag, they honestly don't; you'll almost assuredly arrive at the exact same conclusion, but that tag speaks to the strength of the illusion.
And that's where the role playing experience comes in.
Though the story is, mostly, pretty heavily linear, the journey matters so much more than the destination. After finishing the first playthrough that left me in tears, proud of my empathetic, apologetic cop starting his path to clean living and moving on, I came back months later, to start a playthrough as a physical, aggressive fascist whose only understanding of social skills was 'I am a cop, I am a god'. And that's when the game got its claws in me all over again.
It was this second playthrough when it really set in for me that Disco Elysium truly is an RPG instead of a visual novel with dicerolls attached. That illusion of choice is strong because of the range of self-expression that the game's dialogue trees generally allow. I absolutely despised my second character, but I was enthralled by the performance art that playing the game became, watching a story evolve where he developed a crippling addiction to magnesium antidepressants to offset the morale lost from alcohol and racist rants. It's a game that knows how to be both funny and emotional in equal measure (albeit not without its own pitfalls), and I'm excited to have a third playthrough after a couple months of 'cooling off' before starting a playthrough as another type of detective.
Absolutely, completely recommended. Oh, and show that phrenologist who's boss.
1810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 01:24
3097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 15:30
SUGGESTION - So I recommend this game to you.
REACTION SPEED - Well, Certainly this is different from the common games hat compete for reaction speed.
EMPATHY - But hey, Isn’t there too much text? My god. It has over 970,000 words!
PAIN THRESHOLD - Ow... My eyes get tired...
INTERFACING - Plus, it moves so slowly. ...frustrating.
ENDURANCE - Is it really worth putting up with all that?
ENCYCLOPEDIA - Valve (STEAM) will issue a refund for any title that is requested within 14 days of purchase and has been played for less than 2 hours.
VOLITION - Well then... Let's try it.
DRAMA - You become a detective with a lost memory and investigate a murder case. How much can you immerse yourself in this strange world? Now, the adventure begins.
ESPRIT DE CORPS - So, is this a sort of detective game which asks players to solve a series of murders by exploring crime scenes and different locations?
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Different. This is a game that makes the detective *YOU* through the choice of the player *YOU*, rather than a game of simple game of solving a case. You, who have lost your memory, can be anyone you choose on this world.
SHIVERS - OMG What will this behavior lead to?
ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY - Throw away the useless desire for achievement and follow your own impulses! Have it your way, baby.
SAVOIR FAIRE - Like this, the impression of this game varies widely depending on what the player is doing.
PERCEPTION - This game is not a game that you have to read all the text. Maybe most of those texts are designed to be selectively ignored.
LOGIC - Like life, nothing goes according to plan in this game. After all, the most fun way to enjoy DISCO ELYSIUM is to do it roughly in your way.
TL;DR - If you haven't read all of the above and scrolled down, you may not like this game.
3827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 10:21
Guess i am an older gamer now, also last year i played D&D for the first time and i really like it.
But also you can do so much stuff and play however you like, like giving drugs to children is only 1 of many things you can do while beeing on police duty.
Not for everybody but i am glad it is for me.
Watch reviews and let's plays first.
2843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 20:08
Primordial voices argue on infinite loop about your greatest human failures while you traverse a complex and nuanced political and socioeconomic landscape that pits capital against commoner, corruption against corruption, as a void of static cracks open in the briny sea and expands to swallow the whimper of war-torn humanity. Put on your best fucking tracksuit and gator boots, boost those intangibles, have an original thought for once, you Wasteland King, and roll the red 20-sider on solving the murder of a vanity-tattooed war criminal. Speak to his bloated corpse. Listen to his fat tongue and bulging eyes swaying from a tree-turned-playground-turned-gallows explain the afterlife. Vomit at the foot of his altar.
Remember who you were. Why she left. Face each twisting knife of your past as if you're living it for the first time. Decide who you are. Pay for *all* the damage you've done, you unrepentant narcissist. Apologize. Apologize.
Start an EDM dance-club drug-den with teens who proselytize the way of HARDCORE in an abandoned church where the stained-glass portrait of your Matron stares you into submission and a vagrant swings from the rafters to the highest point of the steeple to live where sound ceases.
There’s no task too tertiary to your investigation, you cryptid-loving communard, you magnesium-obsessed Capitalist. You contain fucking multitudes, moron.
Warm up those karaoke pipes and croon the saddest song in your heart and pray to the stained-glass portrait of a genocidal goddess someone finally sees you—not the dehydrated amphetamine-eaten hack, but a vastness of love, an embarrassment of spiritual riches. The worst fucking detective in the RCM. The best fucking detective in the RCM. A true child of Martinaise.
You control everything. You control nothing. Submit to your limbic system and play the void like your life depends on it. It does.
1973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 18:39
Story: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Art: 10/10
Game play: 7/10
Depression: 999+/10
2539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 23:51
Having suffered retrograde amnesia from a horrifyingly long alcoholic and speed-coated bender, ████ ██ ███ sets out to find out what in the hell happened to him. Him and the player soon find themselves grasping at seemingly pointless straws, all weaving together into the ragged cloth of history that is Revachol.
████ ██ ███ is a horrifyingly sad character. But he's so irredeemably hard not to love. The biggest asshole on the planet with the biggest most malleable heart and body ever is all yours to control and create. Is your ████ a supercop with good morals or is he a speed-toting, coke-stunting disco freak? Maybe he's both? Will it at all help you solve the case of the murder or is it going to lead to a rabbit-hole into your very own limbic system, finding out things about yourself you wish you never knew?
The portrayal of the mind as a living companion has never been as interestingly portrayed. With not only beautiful, beautiful writing, but gorgeous art and incredible music, au British Sea Power, to boot. The genuine shine and grime of disco elysium gives it such a painstakingly big heart that it becomes impossible for you to want to even wipe away the scars and aches that the game gives and ails you with. Delving into ████'s horrific and painful past is as painful by game mechanics as it would be to remember trauma over a cup of wine on your own.
An incredibly beautiful and memorable game that will forever sit etched in my mind, with its' music, its art, and its impeccable and frayed, long, sprawling story.
1380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 20:33
2875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 10:57
And that's only one of the combinations, *Bratan*.
Far from flawless, but highly entertaining.
2489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 00:29
Me being a college grad in his mid twenties who grew up in a formerly communist nation riddled with economic inequality, ethnic tension, and social injustice probably helped enhance that experience, because so much of Revachol (and its world at large) felt painfully realistic on a personal level. Simply put, I don't need to visit Revachol to get a glimpse of what a post-revolutionary, post-communist country struggling with ideological burden and disjointed self-identity looks like, I can just ask my parents, turn on the TV, or go for a walk in the countryside.
Ahhhhh, of course ZA/UM hails from the elegantly resilient nation of Estonia - it all makes perfect sense now.
1890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 02:13
2059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 01:14
Be warned though, you better enjoy reading. There's a LOT of reading.
I personally enjoy reading however and enjoyed the voice acting that was present.
The graphics and audio especially together really set the tone for the whole game of being dark, yet uplifting at times, emotional, and warm or inspiring. This game is incredibly thought provoking and hilarious at many moments.
I enjoyed the multitude of layers the game had to offer from history of Revachol, various political alignments, aspects of the human psyche, and a roleplaying experience unlike anything else i've ever had the pleasure of navigating. I cannot commend this game enough for the amazing job it does at portraying how meta and deep not only the options and angles in which one could solve this mystery, the exploration through the concept of 'who am i and what makes me ME' , and additionally how meta and deep the human interactions, governing powers, and dynamics of the human condition run all played out in this CRPG that uses DND roll type tactics for certain story-changing actions.
Volition be damned, take my money now for every DLC to follow this game like my electrochemistry skill is to an addict, i'm hooked.
2986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 20:03
The way the narration is done and how it's intertwined with skills brings to mind RPGs played at the table, rather than the usual cRPGs.
The stories you discover and the art style combined with phenomenal music make you feel like it's an work of art and not a computer game.
It's one of those rare games where playing it, dialog to dialog, location to location, is a reward in itself, and it doesn't need some complicated progression systems or plot twists at every corner to keep you hooked.
It has its share of bugs and issues, both on the technical and storytelling side, but in the end it just reminds you that nothing in life is perfect and in this case the journey is more than worth it.
1441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 09:36
There's a lot to unpack here so let's get right to it.
The positives:
-Did you like Tyranny/Pillars of Eternity/Divinity, but felt that the combat got in the way of the roleplay elements? Then boy oh boy, this game is for you. I like roleplay. WoW, Pathfinder, DnD, Dark Heresy, even Fallout New Vegas. This game has immersed me in a way that few others have, and made me feel invested not only in my character, but the world around me. This is -the- roleplaying experience on Steam, and if you are drawn to that at all, this game is for you.
-On that note, writing and voice acting are phenomenal. Characters have depth. Even the ass hole-ish ones, some of whom develop into at least partially sympathetic figures throughout their arcs. In addition to this, there are few, if any, 'one off' characters. Everyone has a story to tell, and are treated as people, and not just plot/quest objectives. People are realistic. Even the racist ones. Especially the racist ones.
-The music is stellar. Especially when setting the mood in a location or for a character. And speaking of mood, this game does a great job of setting the mood.
-Choice. Choice choice choice. Choice in your build. Choice in how your character responds to events. Musclebound meathead that brute forces his way through things? You can do that. You can also be the sensitive social wizard who seems to always say what needs to be said. Wanna be socially inept but a walking encyclopedia of the supernatural? You can do that too. I am on my first playthrough still and I am already considering my next character's build to see how events unfold differently.
The negatives: A lot of these are smaller complaints but they still warrant mention.
-This game's weaknesses are on the technical side. Of the nearly thirteen hours I've spent playing, probably an hour of that has been spent replaying previously covered territory thanks to crashes or glitches. The game's auto save only seems to cover major events, so having to restart without a recent save hurts (manually save your game constantly!) This especially sucks since a lot of longer conversations/travel time aren't considered important enough for the auto save.
-This game was pretty clearly made for a specific audience. If you need lots of combat/action, or detest reading most of your game, steer clear. This is absolutely not the game for you. That isn't judgment by the way, that's just the nature of a pretty niche game like this one. There is physical conflict, sure, but it isn't the bread and butter of the game, and you gain experience via tasks and roleplaying.
-On the subject of voice acting, it is top notch. Personally however, I always find it jarring when role playing games like this one utilize voice acting for what feels like only a quarter of the game. Going from hearing a character's voice in one conversation to having to read other conversations is somewhat immersion breaking.
-Also, a very minor gripe: if you are looking for a customizable main character, they aren't here. He's a dude, he's white, and you can't really change his back story. Is that a problem? Not in my opinion but if you wanna play as someone other than that, you're kinda S.O.L. The consolation prize here is that you can turn that dude into anything between a fire spitting communist or the absolute pinnacle of lunatic fascist, so there's that.
34902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 14:13
If you want to try it, I'll give you three advices:
- Don't look for spoilers, be a real detective.
- Don't metagame or reload if you fail a check, live with the consequences of your choices.
- Don't skip text. If you are tired of reading, stop and play again another day.
While Disco Elysium has some replay value, it's all about the first playthrough. Don't spoil it and enjoy the ride.
4899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 18:45
Nicht Empfohlen
1953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 23:46
I say that because in some ways playing it reminded me of going to visit a modern art gallery. When I first arrive, I find the first few paintings interesting and can appreciate the talent and out of the box thinking that went into them. But after a whole day of seeing a bunch of abstract paintings, it just gets old and I'd prefer something more traditional.
And that's how the dialogue for Disco felt for me. It's intelligent and aggressive - covering a lot of heavy hitting topics like politics, philosophy, and feelings of existential dread. In fact, I'd often feel lost and some of the characters I had to really scrutinize what they were saying to make much sense of it. And it was very interesting at first - partly because I was amazed that a video game could contain such intelligent writing. Also in part because even if you didn't understand a lot of the ideas and concepts the game brought at you, it still could skillfully convey the overall mood and tone it wanted to convey.
However, there's a lot of dialogue that doesn't contribute to the main plot, and I got tired of reading it. Also I got tired of struggling to keep up with what the game was trying to say or what was going on, since the dialogue's rarely straightforward.
I was torn on down or upvote for the game. The game earned my respect with the intelligent writing, but not I actually enjoyed the ride enough to recommend. It's worth at least experiencing a few hours of.
1365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 08:25
5345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 15:41
Final score: 69,000,000,000,000/10
1820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 16:50
Constant Diversion Curator Reviews: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37485611/
Curator Group to Join: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/constantdiversion
Disco Elysium tells one of the great video game stories of recent years. There’s simply no way to come about reviewing it without declaring it. The game is the story and the story is the game. The gameplay, the plot, and the characterization are so deeply entwined that it’s impossible to give any truly honest review about it – other than to state, loud and clear, that the story is astonishing. Nearly to the point of being legendary by video game standards.
That story emphasis doesn’t mean that the game lacks for gameplay, or stuff to do – because you’ll be reading. A ton. And that is, technically, a lot to do. I’ve played a lot of these isometric types of RPGs in the past and have admittedly been bored to death with some of it. Pages upon pages of reading non-essential, mediocre prose will do that. But everything in Disco Elysium is so on-target and so completely character and plot-oriented that most of the time I would forget I’m reading. Instead it just feels like playing. Active, not passive. And it’s immersive. The gameplay is directly tied to the text and dialogue so it would be difficult to play it and not get that true sense of immersion. That’s the game. Reading, soaking it in, and playing parts of your personality against the other, or in conjunction with the other. It’s wonderfully original. The risk is that this innovative way of doing game design only works if the story is good. The gameplay is completely dependent on great writing. It simply wouldn’t work unless it was good – excellent even. And, holy hell, what confidence the developers must have had to take this chance and succeed. And they did succeed. By a mile.
The game follows a drug-addicted alcoholic police detective trying to solve a murder that has recently torn apart what remains of a down on its luck, shell-shocked community, suffering from a collective PTSD. And that’s the entire setting. The remnants of a town ripped apart by partisanship and war. It’s a powder keg ready to ignite and blow. The murder is the catalyst for that – the match lighting the fuse. It’s a nuanced omen, a theory, on the end times of partisanship. The ultimate destination for those unwilling to compromise. The conservatives, are naturally, labeled racists fascists from a bygone era. The liberals, are naturally, seen as lazy commies using labor unions to bully communities. Then there’s the moderates, wackos who believe in the fairytale of centrist thinking – naturally. And this is what they’ve wrought. A wasteland of emptiness, void of compassion or culture. A gray world. Not “disco.” The best we could do.
Impressively, Disco Elysium presents these concepts with the intent of actually exploring them. That’s rare. It’s not enough to just have them exist like in most video games. You see, often games will present an idea to just have it be there. It’s Bioshock: Infinite. A game stuffed full of commentary – that has absolutely nothing to say. Indeed, lesser games love to present the illusion of socioeconomic, racial, political, religious, and cultural problems, but they lack the ability to flesh them out. Or the desire to. Or, frankly, the balls to. Disco Elysium *had* to present them. It couldn’t hide. In a game that is so uniquely tied to its story, you don’t have the luxury of ignoring the story’s root details. In that sense, it’s a marvel. A sad, cautionary, and completely original tale of the disaster of partisanship in post-colonial western democracy. The final result of collectivism. Hell.
It’s sad joke too. All of it.
The personal issues of the protagonist have their own commentary. As I said, that’s literally the gameplay – watching and occasionally choosing which of his personal issues to play off each other. In a world full of so many shades of gray, so is our hero. He’s a walking contradiction, like most people we know. A protagonist for his place and time who, also like the rest of us, has the heavy baggage that comes with being human. People use you. People lie to you. Some of us rise above it and fall into heaven. Others fall into hell. The game makes the point that anyone can be a hero, particularly when well-intentioned citizens blindly behave like villains. Someone must rise above it. And in doing so, the game indirectly makes a critique on heroism. Or the concept of hero-worship. Solving this murder seems like the only *good* thing that you can do, and solving murders just so happens to be the only thing you’re *good* at. So why not? The things you’re *bad* at, the failures that haunt you, those are the things that secretly motivate and shape you. No one is born to be a drug-addict. They become one naturally. Our pasts can be heavy, full of misadventure and sadness, and the game uses the mystery of the hero’s past as a plot device. The character drinks to forget – you, the player, try to remember. The game is at odds, even with the player. The contradictions continue. It’s a fascinating dynamic. Maybe even the same one I experience when I’m staring down the glass of my 10th beer in one evening? There’s a prophetic truth to it. And somewhere buried deep inside – melancholy?
To live in a world where our parents failed us sucks. To live in a world where people identify themselves by their collective ideologies sucks. To experience the grief of the loss of love ones sucks. To have everything and yet, seemingly, nothing of value sucks. To plainly face the dehumanizing experience of being forced into collecting plastic bottles, and selling them, just so you have a bed to sleep in for the night sucks. This is the world of Disco Elysium. A place that feels less like Elysium, and more like… home?
Tune into Sad FM and be ready to feel something.
Check out my youtube review page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6ZcQm_YvJ7Anv_lru3h6w
3137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 02:48
1268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 21:13
2180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 11:12
7263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 18:00
No other game has spoken to me like this one. Not in a sense that it touched something deep inside my soul, but in a sense that playing this game is much more akin to a roleplaying session with your friend, who is also the best DM this side of the ocean, and also very brilliant and educated and well-versed in, well, everything you find interesting, and also funny enough to have his own Netflix special, a good one, and also loves you very much and wants you to have a great time, and maybe show off a bit, not in an insufferable way, but in a charming extremely amusing and utterly sufferable way, than playing a CRPG.
1595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 17:21
Or tell you a thought-through history of a unique world.
Or drag you into unending arguements with yourself, usually spiraling into despair and self-loathing.
Or leaving you wordless as you observe a dramatic scene to masterfully written soundtrack.
This is art, folks. One of the best games I have played in years.
1832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 14:22
Now for the last part of the game. It is, to some, unfitting to the rest of the game, out of place, underwhelming. I believe it is because we expect games to be like superhero movies. One big, flashy, and sadly easily foreseen ending with explosions. This game does not have that. I tend to agree the ending feels worse than what the game could offer. But it is because the game is so amazing it feels that way, I am also gonna say the ending is very good. It is just... normal.
And in the end this is a normal story of a washed up, drunk cop solving a normal murder, told in an extraordinarily detailed and amazingly well written way. I wish all of you a sidekick as cool as Kim Kitsuragi and hope you all try this masterpiece out and enjoy!
Nicht Empfohlen
1537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 08:36
I found the dialogue to be very boring, which is a problem in a game that has no traditional combat (there are a couple of combat scenes, but they’re played out through the same dialogue choice menu). Most characters ramble on and on about nonsense for several minutes per conversation. I never skip dialogue, but in this game there were several times when I lost interest halfway through a conversation and I found myself skipping dialogue. (And yes, I recognise the irony of this criticism coming from someone who writes very lengthy reviews. Honestly, if you ever thought my reviews are too long, don’t play this game).
I found the character creation system to be much more restrictive than advertised. Your character can either be a drunk loser who is really intelligent but physically weak, or you can be a drunk loser who is super strong but dumb as a brick. And then pretty much every character you meet refuses to help your investigation, and constantly criticises you, because you’re a drunk loser who lost his badge, lost his gun, doesn’t remember his identity, etc. This game constantly and relentlessly (even including the final scene of the game) punishes the player for decisions that were outside the player’s control, made before the game started.
And the quest progression is full of artificial gameified road blocks where its obvious that you need to do something but the developers just didn’t programme the game to let you do it yet, so you need to jump through a bunch of hoops first before the game will let you do the really obvious thing. For example, one important character refused to give me any useful information about the murder case until I either found my badge or did a side quest for her, even though my partner was in possession of his badge and could therefore prove that yes we are cops. This is even worse on day 3. Heavy spoilers follow.
[spoiler]So at this point my investigation had two main leads. Find my primary suspect who is supposed to be hiding somewhere in a coastal area, and investigate three locations for signs of gunfire. One location is an island that can’t be reached by foot. I’ve gained the trust of an important character who owns a boat, but I don’t have the option to ask her to take me to the island.
I search the whole coast and don’t find my suspect. I’m pretty sure they’re hiding in a ruined building that I can’t get inside, because I’ve searched literally everywhere else, twice, the second time while constantly holding down the tab key to highlight objects so I could be sure I didn’t miss anything. There are no ground level entry points, but I think I can see what looks like a door on the roof, and I can see a ladder next to a mural on the wall. I can’t interact with the ladder, so my primary quest is at a complete standstill.
The only side quest I haven’t really done anything with yet is helping a cryptozoologist who is searching for the insect equivalent of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. Even though this is a complete waste of time for a police officer, there’s a vague dialogue hint that helping this search might help my own quest, so I do it. This involves walking back and forth across the city several times, talking to someone, interacting with an object, going back to talk, going back to interact with something else, on and on. I eventually complete this quest and I get a hint to go investigate the mural.
I listen to the wind (I’m not making this up) and hear what sounds like a cough coming from inside the building, which confirms that yes, my suspect is definitely inside the building that I was convinced about several hours of gameplay ago. Oh, and now I can interact with the ladder. Why does searching for an insect make my character notice a ladder on a wall? I have no idea. Anyway, the ladder is broken so I can’t climb it. My character says some nonsense about trying to teleport to the roof, which obviously fails.
As I sit there debating whether or not to just bring my time with this game to an end, I see that I can now interact with a sewer drainpipe. I’m sure this was not highlighted as an interactable object earlier. So I go check it out and discover that its locked, requiring me to pass a skill check with a 17% success chance to force it open. (Most of my skill points are in intelligence skills, which has been the correct decision for most of the important skill checks up to this point). I save the game, try the check, fail, reload, try again, fail, reload. I need to roll a 10 off 2 dice to pass the skill check, so I’m sure it can be done, and at this point I can see no other way to proceed. 10 minutes later I succeed and finally make some actual progress with the quest.
Later in the game, on day 4, it becomes clear that I now really need to go to the island. The person I know who owns a boat has left town, but my partner suggests that I should ask some people in a fishing village if they have a boat. So that thing that I knew I had to do like 10 hours earlier but wasn’t allowed to do, I now have to do it. Amazing game.[/spoiler]
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32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 16:08
You see, I love CRPGs and adventure games. What I do NOT love is slogging through pages upon page upon pages of text. Absorbing volumes of context and history with nothing going on-screen is not my idea of fun. It's boring. Yes, story is important to a good game, but I tuned out after an hour in and reading endless dialogue trees. It was more work than fun.
If I want to read a novel, I'll read a novel.
Again, this is just my personal taste. This isn't a condemnation of this game, it's a quality production. It just isnt for me.
2183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 09:37
Disco Elysium IS a masterpiece, there's no doubt about it in my mind, having completed the game in approximately 35 hours across 5 days. I'm not going to write a thousand words on this one (which is a change for me), because I think it's hard to capture what the game is about even with ten thousand. I don't have the wit or writing skills of the creators of this game, I can't conjure up something clever to convince you, and I'm far behind thousands of other reviewers who have already told you what I'm telling you. You'll just have to trust me. Play the game.
Disco Elysium is without a doubt, the best written game I've ever read. It is also the most in depth, with believably broken characters. Not the caricature of the noire detective, but a genuine man so broken I can see him stand before me and feel his pain. It's not just the main character though, it is every single character I encountered and that's what makes this game really shine - how complete it is. It is every setting, it is every thought, it is every action. The gameplay itself is standard point and click; you click things, you read about things, you talk to people, you read more about things, you equip things which increase your stats to complete tasks (which naturally, you read about) and you move the forward story. It sounds mundane when the gameplay is broken down, but the world is crafted so perfectly that you simply cannot fail to be immersed and invested.
I completed Disco Elysium about 6 weeks ago. I've been thinking what to say about it ever since and failing to find the words I need. It's indescribable.
???? If you find the reviews of an old Welsh lady interesting, please follow My Curator Page. ????
456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 15:38
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam. |
Is this game a masterpiece? YES, this game is an absolute masterpiece.
At first sight it seems to be a 08/15 point’n’click adventure game with a cool story, but it is something different, something more complex. There are a few classic puzzles and an inventory, but far more important are the multiple choice dialogues and the skill checks when you try to do something.
It’s justifiable to call Disco Elysium a role-playing game. There might be no (classic turn-based) battles, but conversations, after which your stats may change. Lose enough health, and you die of a heart attack. Lose enough morale, and you go nuts. The same goes for skill checks, fail them and you might die, like strangling yourself by clumsily trying to retrieve your tie from a ceiling fan. Your character has 24 skills, like logic or reaction speed. You can also develop thoughts, that can then be slotted into your brain and influence your stats and skills. The map is rather large, kind of an open world. The sheer volume of stuff to interact with, people to talk to, and quests to pick up is quite overwhelming. A list of quests, aehm tasks, is constantly building up in your notebook, and you can perform them in any order you like.
The game starts when you awake, all alone lying on the floor, but with a devasting hangover and soiled underpants… you do not remember anything, not your name, your job, where you are. You seem to be a cop, sent into town to solve a brutal murder, but the only thing certain is that you are an alcoholic and in a bad shape. Your investigation so far seems to have been only in regards to the bottom of flasks, while the victim still rots away hanging on a tree in the backyard…
The game now allows you to build your character – by playing it. Your dialogue choices and actions define your character. Piece together you broken mind, while at the same time following the story of the game. I have not encountered such a game before; your character really becomes what you make out of him by your actions.
You meet quite a few characters in a beautifully ugly, decrepit city. Your actions influence how they will react to you in the future. It is not possible just trying out all dialogue options – call someone names and the conversation with him will be over for the rest of the game. Most dialogue choices are not that simple, though. You will have to go through a lot, brilliantly strange, vibrant and branching dialogues… with many different outcomes. The things you say and decisions you make in Disco Elysium actually matter, affecting your role in the world and the inner workings of your mind. The writing – and there is a lot of it - is funny, the scope of the game is enormous, play through it multiple times and you might still not see everything.
Part detective story, part psychodrama, a beautiful art style, great writing, an amazing soundtrack and memorable characters fit together perfectly to make this a tremendous game.
1664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 05:43
I haven't played a game like it, where you can feel the ~weight of its world's~ histories and ideologies bearing down on every character you meet and every corner you cover, reflecting where we are in the material and philosophical points in our history. Also, it indulges weirdness, which I am personally a big fan of. The closest thing to it in terms of being a somewhat distorted magnifying glass of the enormity of real life is Dujanah, but that's on the other end of the genre spectrum with that game's surrealist approach and glitch/clay-punk aesthetic.
The skills as party members and the Thought Cabinet are ingenious RPG mechanics.
and yes the descriptive prose and the internal dramatic narration in this game are actually poetic and yes shivers is actually the best skill
Disco Elysium is proof that we can have 25+ hour RPGs that are riveting from start to finish without any traditional combat systems and that video game writing could be so much sharper, so much funnier, so much more unpredictable, so much more illustrative, so much more challenging, so much denser, and so much weirder.
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