• Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.
  • Disciples: Liberation: Screen zum Spiel Disciples: Liberation.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.10.2021
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Preis Update 14.01.25

Über das Spiel

Disciples: Liberation ist ein Dark Fantasy Strategie-Rollenspiel mit rundenbasierten Kämpfen, in dem es an dir ist, die vom Krieg verheerten Länder Nevendaars zu befreien. Folge den verborgenen Fäden deiner eigenen Geschichte, in der keine Entscheidung ohne Konsequenzen bleibt und jeder falsche Schritt dein letzter sein könnte.

Erkunde eine detailreiche und düstere Welt und triff deine Wahl unter den Fraktionen Nevendaars, zerrissen zwischen den religiösen Fanatikern des menschlichen Imperiums und den ungezähmten Mächten der Untoten unter dem Befehl einer wahnsinnigen Königin. Schare Verbündete um dich, sammle Ressourcen, um deine Stadt auszubauen, nimm Einfluss auf das fragile politische Gleichgewicht und stelle dich bestialischen Kreaturen in komplexen rundenbasierten Schlachten.

Du allein schreibst deine Geschichte – deine Entscheidungen sind der Schlüssel für das Schicksal Nevendaars.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6402P oder AMD Ryzen 1300X
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4 GB oder AMD Radeon R9 380 4 GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-Bit
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Integrierte oder dedizierte DirectX 11 kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: (1080p / 30 FPS / Niedrige Grafikeinstellungen)
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-7600K oder AMD Ryzen 1700
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6 GB oder AMD Radeon RX 590 6 GB
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-Bit
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Integrierte oder dedizierte DirectX 11 kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: (1080p / 30 FPS / Niedrige Grafikeinstellungen)
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

217 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
11668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 12:51
Macht Spaß! Spiele das Spiel zum zweiten Mal durch, weil [spoiler] der Hauptchar sich an Ereignisse vom ersten Mal Durchspielen erinnert [/spoiler] !
153 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 17:58
Gott wie kann man so etwas machen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass alles vom Inhalt viel blasser wird, wenn es für andere Plattformen gleich angeboten wird. Ist die Erwartungshaltung so dass X-box oder Playstation User weniger Tiefgang oder geistreich sind?
Echt schade. Es gibt ein Beispiel: Kings Bounty 2 .

- viele neue Einheiten
- viele Zauber
- Versuch einer neuen Grafik
- Ende

- total blasse Story
- stupides hin und her Gerenne
- das Up - Leveln bringt Null Änderungen an der Strategie
- taktischer Tiefgang ist echt nur rudimentär
- Karte unübersichtlich
- Quests öde oder ohne Anspruch
- Das Baumenü ist auf eine Stadt begrenzt, bringt also NULL Abwechslung, da man im Prinzip alle Rasse immer zur Verfügung hat
- man braucht nicht unterschiedlich Strategien je Rasse probieren.
- und und und
Nein, ich bin in der Zweiten Karte und es ist schon jetzt total langweilig. Hin und Her laufen. Ach da schaffe ich es nicht, dann mach ich da bei der Quest weiter. Und der Oberknaller ist, dass man mache Passage erst kann, wenn ein Held z.B. Schlösser knacken kann. Ja, erst dann kann man in die Erste Level Karte zurück!!!!
Nur um einen Schatz zu heben- merkt euch dass nicht dass ihr Ihn vergesst, weil das Feature so spät kommt.
Echt wer hat sich das ausgedacht.???
Meine Wertung von 1-10 --> 4 , mehr ist leider nicht drin. Ich werde es auch keinen meiner Freunde empfehlen.

3426 Produkte im Account
310 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 18:07
Einen solchen RPG-Mix habe ich echt noch nie gesehen.

Auf Grundlage des klassische Heroes of Might & Magic Prinzips mixt Disciples Liberation weitere Genres und Spielelemente hinzu - aber auf ein sehr gekonnte und unterhaltsame Art.

Was sofort auffällt, dass Game ist wirklich eine Augenweide. Es sieht genauso gut aus wie es die Screenshots vermuten lassen, man bewegt sich durch extrem detaillierte und wundervoll inszenierte Welten. Ob nun die saftigen Wiesen des Imperiums, die verschneiten Landschaften der Elfen, die Vulkanebenen der Dämonen oder die trüben Sümpfe der Untoten, man läuft wirklich durch eine Miniatur Welt.

Interessant ist, dass man Gebäude betreten kann. Die Perspektive wechselt dann in einen Art Dungeon Crawler (!?) Sicht schräg oben so wie man es aus Diablo etc. kennt. Auch hier gilt, es sieht weiterhin wahnsinnig toll aus, knackscharfe Texturen, tolle Lichteffekte, liebevoll gestaltete Umgebungen.

Die rundenbasierten Hexfeldschlachten machen ebenfalls super viel Spaß. Die Effekte sind toll, es gibt eine riesen Einheitenvielfalt und Tonnen an Fähigkeiten die man entdecken kann.

Die Heldin lässt sich mit gefundenen Gegenständen ausrüsten, ganz wie in einem richtigen RPG – und man sieht die Ausrüstung auch am Körper, sehr wichtig für mich ! Es gibt waschechte Skilltrees, verschiedene Klassen, verschiedene Magieschulen, Zahlen, Werte, Buffs, Resistenzen, Loot von Selten bis Legendär, es ist ALLES da was ein RPG ausmacht.
192 Produkte im Account
222 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 14:19
Disciples: Liberation liefert eine langweilige und unspektakuläre Geschichte. Die Hauptdarstellerin wurde ziemlich lieblos gestaltet und wirkt eher wie eine abgehalfterte Bettlerin, als wie eine Heldin. Für ca. 10% der Dialoge gibt es eine deutsche Sprachausgabe. Den Rest muss man sich halt durchlesen, oder man klickt einfach auf weiter. Verpassen tut man hier nichts. Das ganze wird auf einem Interface serviert, welches aus einem billigem Handyspiel zu stammen scheint. Am Anfang machen die rundenbasierten Kämpfe auch Spaß, leider ist das auch schon alles was bei Disciples: Liberation Spaß macht, aber das lässt schnell nach, weil die Kämpfe sich von ihrer Art her nicht verändern, oder fordernder werden, sondern es nur darum geht die Charaktere hoch zu leveln. Um genau das geht es fast die ganze Zeit: Charaktere leveln und immer wieder die gleichen Kämpfe. Das wird sehr schnell langweilig.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 08:00
Ich gehöre zu den Spielern Ü50 und liebe Hexagon-Spiele. Nach dem notwendigen Patch 1.1 erhöhte ich den Schwierigkeitsgrad auf schwer und spielte es in rund 80Std. durch. Ich habe nicht jeden Kampf gemacht aber alle Rätsel abgeschlossen. Von mir 5 Sterne und ich kann schlechte Bewertungen nicht nachvollziehen. Aber heutzutage gibt es immer 10% Meckerer.
413 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 11:25
Aufgrund der kampfgeschwindigkeit wird das spiel künstlich in die länge gezogen merkt man besonders bei bossen, am ende pulverisiert man die ohne das die schaden anrichten, diese besitzen jedoch einen so immensen lebenpool das ein kampf durchaus 20min dauert nur weil man das leben runter prügeln muss.
Story ist auch leider nur semi gut erzählt, teilweise wird man auch mal in die alten gebiete geschickt weil es dort gegner gab die 10-20lvl über den eigenen waren, jedoch ist das was hinter ihnen liegt dann auch wertlos.
Der versuch einen Spagat zwischen allen fraktionen hinzubekommen ist auch ziemlich unbefriedigend, vor allem wenn man diese selbst ihnen verbündet ist stehts gegen die kämpft, es fehlt einfach der punkt das man sich für eine gänzlich entscheiden kann und diese dann auch vollkommen als verbündete hat.
Ebenfalls versucht das Spiel eine mischung aus RPG und Strategie Spiel wie Heroes of Might and Magic
zu sein was auch vieles erschwert.
Leider mehr negatives als positives in diesem Spiel (vor allem quick load fehlt gänzlich)
493 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 14:57
Gute Mischung aus Kings Bounty und Heroes of Might and Magic.
Grafik und deutsche Sprachausgabe sind gut.
Ich finde es vom Schwierigkeitsgrad angenehm.
Man kann viel probieren und die Story ist soweit auch ganz ok.
Macht auf jeden Fall Spass!
372 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 11:17
This game is actually really good, Im quite enjoying myself. The graphics could be better, and the UI could be more user friendly,. but the tactical combat is great imo. Varied and diverse, different synergies (thouigh you can brute force fights too) and a multi-facted story. Def recommend for TBS games.
5463 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 00:17
8/10 - What King's Bounty II should've been. This is a great turn base strategy with lots of choices and deep troop customization. The protagonist is gender-locked to female.

Follow my curator page for more reviews!
6 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 21:52
Nice tactical battles!
Unfortunately, spells are not that useful as they can be triggered only by the main character (or I am missing something).
121 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
4121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 01:40
This is a very good game with only one major flaw: The vast majority of the hundreds of battles are very similar and become a sort of grind routine (if you do them all)

- Description:

You govern a castle in which you recruit troops, upgrade stuff, learn spells. From there you venture into one region at a time, which are semi free roam and contain between 10-30 encounters. Here you progress story, companion quests and side missions. After you finish the main questline in one region, you can then select another. The fights are turn based on some sort of arena ground with obstacles and bottlenecks.

- Good:

- Looks good
- Lot of content (68 hours to finish for me doing almost all encounters)
- Level cap of MC so high that you won't reach it, so you can keep levelling
- Nice variety of gear, upgrades, spells, abilities and units
- I am not into lore, and skipped most dialogue. There seem to be a profound story, with seeminly good lore. But it is not forced upon you and skipping is fast
- Meaningful choices regarding keeping companions at your side and balancing faction rep (needed for advanced units)

- Bad:

- Only one thing: The fights get very very repetative, with only a handful of boss fights, and the rest feel very generic and uninspired. If you doubt about buying, watch some fight vids, because if you seen one, you seen all (though with different units). Of course you do not need to do all encounters, like me. And about 20% you can autoresolve.

- Gameplay tips:

- When I started I redid encounters if I lost troops. Do this only with rare, unique troops you get through your marketplace or encounters. Your heroes cannot die and all troops you can recruit from faction buildings are very very cheaply replaced and upgraded to your level.

- I saw some people complaining about this being hard. I played on normal setting and the beginning was challenging, but I made a caster lord which took 3-6 units in first turn (from mid game on, when you get Area Of Effect Spells), and usually my battles lasted 2-4 turns throughout late game. Just concentrate Area Of Effect abilities on packs of enemies, and have some units/heroes that can paralize other enemies from far. I had two different healers in backrow and the Empire unit that beams enemies, and after killing one goes on (getting up to 6 kills in succession for me).

- I found melee relatively weak compared to ranged or magic, mainly because you loose half your action points by getting into position, and having limited AoE abilities.
91 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 18:53
From Disciples here only the name - it's more closer to King's bounty.
World and it's inhabitants behave very weird, not serious. It's no more dark fantasy , it's fairy tale.
There're few interesting mechanics , but in general it's monotone gameplay - fight after fight after fight...
And all these autobuff animations is very long, every fight .
Feels like fine game for mobile platform
368 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 15:20
It's interesting but it gets repetitive super quick. Too many fights against trash monster packs just taking up time. Also the reputation system could use some kind of a indicator what each side quest does reputation wise since you can actually get locked for getting better units without the necessary reputation with faction.
967 Produkte im Account
556 Reviews
4790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 07:24
Disciples: Liberation es algo a medio camino entre un juego de rol y un juego de estrategia por turnos estilo Disciples III (o Heroes of Might and Magic si preferís). La mezcla funciona razonablemente bien y tiene ideas interesantes, pero al mismo tiempo acaba no alcanzando la potencialidad que podría haber tenido si desarrollasen más cada una, siendo un juego de rol un poco simple y un juego de estrategia igualmente un poco simple. El combate es lo principal del juego y funciona bastante bien, siendo entretenido y razonablemente variado gracias a las cuatro facciones bien diferenciadas y la cantidad de unidades. Los grandes bosses de algunos momentos añaden variedad y los entornos y situaciones lo mismo, haciendo que tarde bastante en volverse repetitivo, lo que ocurre un poco ya en los últimos compases del juego. En cambio, todo lo relativo a la gestión del castillo es realmente pobre y escaso.

Gráficamente el juego cumple, sin grandes aspavientos ni errores. El sonido cumple igualmente, aunque de un modo más irregular, especialmente con las voces de algunos personajes que son bastante malas. Me he encontrado con un par de salidas a escritorio y ralentizaciones, pero nada demasiado terrible.

El resultado de todo ello es, sin duda, un juego entretenido que, sin embargo, quizás podría haber dado más. Un 6.
302 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
2208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 23:50

I didnt know what to think of this game, But I ended up enjoying it quite a bit

Very minor spoilers below

I went into this game completely blind, all I knew was that it seemed like a game id like and at first? I didnt really. It was alright but alot of things were jarring or just plain out of place. For example, especially in the early game, there are alot of bizarre voice acting choices, Some of them amazing voice actors totally miscast, others just kinda bad all round [Luckily this problem doesnt extend to the main cast!] . The story and characters start out kinda flat, [Orion is quite litterally a nothing character and every companion up to this point is more anoyying then fun] that was untill Greyleaf.

In Greyleaf we meet Ejamar and are introduced to the many undead that inhabit this world, and this is where the game begins to shine. Ejamar is a insane Necromancer whos died many times, killed many times and brought back just as many undead, We also get sent to this soul dimensions/prison thing with him. Now its during this soul dimension part that i really began to enjoy this story, We meet a Werewolf character here and I choose to have some romantic times with him, I wont spoil it but the sweet moment that happens after really showed me the potential this writing had. From then on this game grew and grew on me, Having lots of moments just like that, characters like Ejamar showing a deeper side to themselves, characters like Orion showing that theres more underneath the surface, Humans lying while demons tell the truth.

Eventually most of the games problems either sink into the background or disappear entirely, Orion for example does get some character growth and the voice acting gets less bizarre the further into the game you get. But the combat dosent, ill be real theres alot of good in the combat, its fun, BUT there is so much of it and it isnt that fun that i want fight after fight after fight, because its a boring system, there isnt any mastering it, what you get at the start of the game is what youll get 20 hours in ( btw the game isnt 80 hours long they just expect you to play the entire game twice for a slightly different ending, no thanks I downloaded a save file for that ending).

Heres just some final thoughts,
I dont know if it was just me, or because I liked Ejamar and Sharlea so much, But most of the main cast kinda felt boring to me aswell, The demon lady and Druid were cool tho. The choices dont have much of a lasting impact, they more so impact that moment in time and then are left aside every time jump. I enjoyed this world and the various characters within it, this was a overall fun game. I hope if any future installments get made they build apon the best parts of this game.

Id say this game is a solid 7 out of 10.
121 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 12:06
kinda meh.

starts interesting at first, but than battles are dragging on forever.

you cant upgrade your caste unless you play like 10000 hours , so you are forced to play with tier 1 units for an eternity.

no restart button on battles, which is extremely bad, especially as they can go wrong in a flash, especially at start.

starts fun, than transforms into an eternity of grinding.
567 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 07:09
This is a very good game. It fills the holes left behind by others of this genre. And it improves on the formula by creating good, likable, broken characters and an intriguing story line. And if what I've heard is correct, it also has 80+ hours of game play. What's not to like?
120 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 03:33
I really enjoy a game. This game is very unique. They have to make friends with other groups to build your army but this allows you to add new units to your combat group that supports the Hero and her champions. Combat is grid like Civ V. The story is pretty good, map is limited but has multiple areas. You can;t finish each area all at once. There are missions you cant get to or complete until you get the right hero. I would recommend this game to anyone and have.
18 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 16:34
I post this review in the hope the developer will read this. I like this game, it's fun and well done. Nice graphic, very fun combat mode and nice music. However it has some flaws wich i hope the developer will fix as soon as posible: 1) In the dungeons you can't move the camera (very annoying) and there is no map of the dungeon while you're in it . 2) No mini-map at all . 3) In some dialogs voices are off.
99 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 22:40
Being a fan of the Might & Magic franchise, this game came as great surprise. I have never played the other Disciples games of the franchise, this is the first one. All i can say is that the game is great.

There are four factions for the player to choose during the campaign. All of the four are the main fantasy factions: Humans, Elves, Necromancers/Undead and Demons/Inferno.

The game would benefit greatly with a sandbox mode. Something like HoMM where you build your town and hero from scratch. That would be fantastic!

TLDR: If you like fantasy, turn base tactics, this a must buy. Especially if you are a Might & Magic fan like myself.
390 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
3087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 04:01
Disciples: Liberation pulled me in with the Heroes of Might and Magic-esque battles and HoMM3-like castle, but I stayed for the story and the characters. Try the demo and see if you are hooked like I was. My main complaint with the game is that it becomes almost too thin at times.

I played through the game twice (normal and Liberation, the New Game+) and found the story to be very enjoyable, with interesting plot points and characters that interacted with each other. I have never played a Disciples game before, so I was thrown into the lore pretty much blind. It was interesting to explore the world, and I felt rewarded most of the time. The game world is advertised as dark, but there was always a bit of reality and hope tied in (depending on your choices). There were dark themes that were explored without being unncessarily overdone.

The battles were fun at first, but did become kind of dull after a while as I became much stronger than the opponents I was facing. The AI seems to lack planning, and can be easily beaten if you set up the battlefield correctly (The dev has since updated the game to be more in tune with you if you have completed all of the side quests). However, there were some balancing issues that came to mind during my two playthroughs: 1) the main character could get spells and the spellcasting classes quickly became 1-round 1-shot matches. 2) The companions felt very wildly balanced. The companions are based upon other units, and the units have tiers. Higher tiered units have better stats, but more importantly, higher tiered units have better abilities. Companions have better versions of those abilities. This means that some companions were just more useful than others.

In the end of the story, it kind of became noticeable that the choices you were making in the background didn't seem to matter, except if the person in question came up again. There was a particular side quest person I saved, and she appeared later in the game and that was a cool nod, but alternatively, I had saved a bunch of people and became a queen of a land and it didn't seem to change anything at all. On this vein, some of the companions really stick out, but some just fade into the background.

Lastly, there is a faction system, where when you complete quests for certain factions, you get reputation with them which changes what units of theirs you can recruit and their morale in your army. I noticed that some factions are really, really easy to please and others are not. Not for lack of trying, but because it seems the quests tend to be skewed.

Overall, I recommend the game if you like RPGs and strategic combat, but play it in sections. The maps are huge and take multiple hours to beat: mostly because combat can take 30 minutes, but also because you need to run from place to place to complete quests. I was hooked by the story, but I did find myself spending a lot of time in the combat wondering when it would be over.
118 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
6863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 22:55
First thing you should understand - this is not the sequel of the original “Disciples” series. It is not even a strategy - it is a RPG with turn-based battles and some strategic elements. The closest analog would be the “King’s Bounty” series.

I am not familiar with the original “Disciples” series, but I assume this game shares its lore and world history with it. But that’s all.

Here we travel around an open world, interact with its inhabitants, complete quests and so on. But unlike the most such games, while fighting enemies the hero does not do it himself, but instead he commands a small army, which jumps out of the pocket. So the main gameplay aspect is a tacticals turn-based battle. And it has been done well enough.

Game has a nice combat system, where each unit has regular attack, special attack with cooldown and passive ability. There is also a rear line, where we can put a unit to gain some passive effect over the entire squad. All these features produce a good variety of tactics and combat schemas, making the battles quite interesting.

However, there are some absurdities in unit properties: skeletons and ghosts can bleed and can be poisoned. How it can be possible, while such creatures do not have a bloodstream? Some imp-archer constantly yells “I will bathe in fire”, but has no resistance to it and burns like everyone else. And so on.

During the gameplay we will fight the giant bosses, which requires special tactics. This provides additional diversity for the battles.

However, only Avyanna can cast spells. You will not face any equal challenge: an army led by a hero with a spellbook and the same abilities.

The game has a good variety of units, coming from 4 different factions. During the game we have to pick sides in the world events, improving relationships with some factions, but losing it with the others. So it is hard to remain friendly with everyone, which limits the available units list per each playthrough. Thus the game provides a good re-playing potential.

Also there is a “game+” mode with a twist. I do not want to make a spoiler - you’ll see it when you get there.

There is no automatic healing after the battle. We’ll need to find a healing spring in order to replenish the unit's health. This leaves us running circles around the map: fight with the enemy - go back to healing spring, return to fight the next enemy - go back to healing spring and so on. Also there is no way to heal the squad at the home town.

The game takes too much time to apply the unit's passive effects during battles. Hit a succubus and wait a few seconds while she casts a backfire effect on the unit, hit her again and wait for another few seconds… Such things are better to speed up.

The game does not contain cut-scenes or cinematics (actually it has 3 or 4, but I would not count them). The entire story is presented via text descriptions and partially voiced dialogs, in which we can see only the characters’ faces. Such game appearance is very disappointing, as it does not channel emotions and drama behind the story events. It looks like an interactive book - not a video game. If we were talking about a strategy game with some story campaign presented in this way - it would be fine. But this is a story-telling RPG!

The game already has character models with enough detailisation used for the tactical battles. These could be easily reused in cut scenes, which should not be necessary implemented in very high detail mode. Just remember the “Spellforce” series for example. Of course, someone may say this is a “classic” or an “old school” approach. But I think this is simply “end of the budget”.

One more thing related to the story-telling: it contains a lot of sexual encounters. At some point it seems Avyanna sleeps with everyone she meets, including demons and undead... Perhaps this is how authors define the term “dark fantasy”. Nevertheless, without any cut-scenes or other visuals for it, all these sexual stories look rather stupid then lustful.

Story itself has a lot of holes in it. For example: we find the home town, which is an “abandoned ancient city” in a livable state with some buildings producing modern units in “ready to go” mode. There is no rebuilding, no seek for the builders or workers - nothing. There is no formal requirement for the castle advancement, just - “you need to advance the story”. How does, for example, the emperor’s death relate to our town building? It could be justified better, like we need a specific schematics, a special resource or artifact, but…

Same thing appears for the Avyanna character class. She starts the game as a “mercenary” and can pick another class only after a particular story event. For an RPG it looks stupid: she should be searching for a mentor or something to master a new profession.

Graphic is basic. Can’t say it is bad, can’t say it is good or realistic. For the game, which main feature is tactical battles shown from the height, it is acceptable. There are some glitches like collisions in clothing (elven robe in particular).

Music and sound is unremarkable, but suits the gameplay well enough. However, the sound sometimes freezes right in the middle of the dialogue phrases. It looks like a disk swap. Although It may be just my local machine’s problem.

Overall it is 6/10. If you like turn-based battles, you will probably enjoy this game. But its other aspects appear unfinished, which is a pity. I think the game could appear much better without much extra effort.
351 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 11:08
Initially I liked the game and could not wait to unlock more heroes and units. After making it to 30 hours in, I dread the fights, they are not that fun and become pretty repetitive. I found the story lackluster, basically everyone is evil. The heroes did not really connect for me either, and you get to play matchmaker if you want. Skill tree/classes/spells were also lack luster, You get two class skills, one has a timer so you can use it then wait 3 rounds. Have a bunch of spells you can unlock but I only found myself using only 3 spells if I did use them. Really wanted to like the game, would only buy if you got on a good sell. I doubt I will ever finish this game as the fighting and story just did not have enough to keep me interested.
207 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 15:37
Stopped playing a while ago and never finished because combat was way too slow so I always dreaded running into the next battle. Most of the hours on record is watching excruciatingly slow combat animations, and at some point the game just felt like a chore. It could be raised to 200% but that was still way to slow. Apparently it can now be raised to 300%, which is still going to be way to slow. There should be at least an 800% speed option.
315 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
25309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 03:04
Great story, choices matter, good graphics, fairly balanced, a ton of choices regarding your army which gives you great replay options.
This is my first review so understand that is because this is truly a really good entertaining game.
I hope you enjoy as much as I am!
93 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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3370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 03:51
I started out really liking this game, but I couldn't bring myself to finish it. I got to level 55 or so and by that point I had already felt like I was slogging along for the previous 15 levels. I just got bored. Combat just gets too repetitive with some utterly game breaking balance issues. 9 times out of ten in a fight where the objective is to kill a named enemy, I can win before they even move because I just spec'd for high crit. With 75% crit chance and ranged judgment attack on main character, plus a few devastating ranged attackers, it's doing 4k+ damage to a named enemy and slaughtering them immediately winning the fight is just too easy.

Voiceover is good but some conversations just feel extremely contrived
Story is decent but sidequests and companion quests are generic and don't offer much depth
Gear and upgrade system has variety

Combat becomes repetitive and unoriginal quickly
Overall game just feels like it drags on
Balance issues ensue once you figure out that there are just some troops that are super imba as well as skill trees and abilities that are overpowered

This isn't a bad game and I could honestly forgive the balance issues if it was just a shorter storyline. I absolutely cannot imagine replaying this game 4 more times to unlock all the endings.
75 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 23:38
the game is very good and the devs are even better.
i had a minor bug in the game and i made a post in the steam forum, within 30 min a dev posted a reply and how to solve this issue. Actually, the most responsive devs I have ever encountered
1008 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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2720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 18:05
Story might be good, but could not finish because the game-play was incredibly tedious.
109 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 20:23
At the moment, not really worth it. Combat is extremely repetitive a ridiculously easy. Each unit has only two skills, that have absolutely no interactions with each other. Basically the whole combat system is based on using one ability, that is stronger and has a cooldown, and then spamming the other one for the rest of the combat. Even the companions are just simple reskins of basic units with slightly tweaked stats.
The main character gets dumbly overpowered around mid game, being able to clear whole battlefield in the first round - including enemy tier 4 enemies. No need to even look at the ultimate ability - it's weaker by a mile and you get it much later than the spells.
Sadly, this game offers the most disappointing bosses I have ever seen. They deal no damage, they offer no interesting mechanics, they're just big, annoying and boring damage sponges. You just stand there, not even dodging their attacks, spamming your abilities for 10 rounds.
The whole game seems kind of lazy and really leaves a feeling, that noone really playtested the game.
In the end there is really little to offer. Perhaps get it on 60-80% discount.
733 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 11:28
Mediocre and boring uninspired game that parasitizes on classic title

[Bad in general]
-RPG part is very weak. Choises don't have any impact and player is droven on rails.
-Story part is very weak. Generic full of cliches story. Unappealing and blank characters.
-Poorly written dialogues. Trying to appeal to trash factor with alcohol and sex references.
-Mixed voice acting quality. Bad acting of main heroine not matching text with emotions.
-Boring combat. No thought process and tactical decisions, feels like cleaning debris with your hands.
-Maps are empty and lifeless. You're just running inside empty corridors.
-Generic fantasy feel. No race consistency. E.g. every race has a healer. Each race is a hodgepodge of abilities and mechanics.
-No monster characters in the game except for a few bosses and 2 dragons. All characters are humanoids. No spiders, no animals, no riders, etc.
-Bad UI/UX - UI design seems to favor mobile or console platforms, you need to make additional unnecessary steps and confirmations. Instead of simply draging and dropping. A lot of things is unclear - what it produces, what it provides.
-Cheap feel in general - Feels like a mix of Unity Asset Store assets and not something thought from ground up.
-Companion characters are simply reskinned versions of higher tier units.

[Bad in reference to Disciples]
-Loss of grim decadance atmosphere.
-Core idea of the game - Gods and their disciples was removed. Gods now play secondary role.
-Unique game mechanics like unit trees and terramorphing were not preserved.
-Developers didn't seem to understand that game mechanics in classic game were interconnected with lore. E.g. Highfather/Empire - heaven, blessings, sky, lightnings. Bethrezen/Legions of the Damned - hatred, violence, fire, demons, curses. In Liberation Empire mages throw fireballs and some dark balls while Legions attack with lightnings.
-Redefined lore. Names are the same but meaning is completely different. It would be ok if new lore was interesting. Unfortunately new lore feels generic.
-Story perspective changed from gods and disciples to single character centered.

+Nice visuals. Kudos to artists.
611 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 10:27
The original Disciples had cool art, nice tactical combat and focused gameplay without unnecessary bloat.
This version has meh-tier 3d visuals, boring combat and a lot of progression mechanic which were added just to be here and not fun. Main gameplay consist of slow grind and repetitive fights where you slowly build you power and relations with factions to progress the main quest. Very low effort release to cash-in on the original IP.
446 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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2494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 00:59
While initially fun the combat becomes incredibly repetitive with slow animations (even turned up to top speed) and very littel strategy.

I wish it were better as the gameplay could have been much more interesting and the story is decent.
122 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 04:22
This is not a Disciples game. Do not expect Disciples I / II from this for you will be disappointed.

This is a King's Bounty clone made apparently for mobile with unnecessarily heavy grind and time sinks.
152 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 12:30
Tl;dr: The game has a fun base, but lack of explanations and lack of certain seemingly obvious features really hold it back.

There's very little in explanation on how the game mechanics work. I don't think I got a prompt on how backrow units all had to be unique, certain buildings can only be built on certain spots (I played my first 2 areas with the same party because I didn't realize I actually had access to recruit different units), and even basic things like how much damage abilities have or if they affect multiple units in melee range.

There are also a number of features that seem like obvious inclusions that they just omitted: you can't dismiss units you get (you have to lose them in battle, and it can clutter up your unit selection and as of October a developer said they have no plans for changing this), you can't see what building blueprints you've unlocked unless you phase out a building to see what you can build in that spot, and you can't collect resources without several unnessisary clicks (when there is a prompt for resources being full, you should at least be able to click the prompt to jump straight to the resources page collect the resources, then jump back with a single click.)

Finally, I think it's pretty stupid that you have to play as a mercenary through 2 starting areas before you choose your class. Being able to change your class would help make the second area more interesting, as you don't unlock tier 2 units until you complete the second area.
257 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 17:20
this game is really really boring and has nothing to older Disciples.
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 06:16
This game is nothing the earlier titles and feels like a glorified mobile game with a huge price tag rather than a turn-based strategy game with faction systems. The people reacting positively to this game most likely didn't play the earlier titles and aren't here for the nostalgia factor. I just want to be able to play a modernized version of Disciples: Sacred Lands or Disciples II: Rise of the Elves. Not a $40 mobile game.
117 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 04:03
As a longtime fan of disciples since disciples 2, I was very sceptic when coming to this game. Aside from the universe being the same, some of the lore has been retconned, mountain clans are extinct (so if you were sad the clans were only neutral troops in disciples 3, I have some bad news), gameplay being different closer to kings bounty than disciples 2 or even 3, battles being a improved version of disciples 3, units looking and playing very different from disciples 2 and 3.......

But I gave this game a shot, I recommend you do so as well, and the game will surprise you. It is quite fun and good. It is a very good kings bounty style game set 2000 or 5000 years after the events of disciples 3 maybe even more. So dont expect any refrences to the characters from past games, they are beyond ancient historyin this game. People talk about the mountain clans being extinct like we talk about the Roman Empire. (your main character might possibly be a reincarnation of Frey, the inquisitor antagonist who always wins against you in disciples 3, unless I missunderstood)

Story and characters are great, it does feel like a reboot a bit because its sooooo far in the future compared to the other games. So it sems the devs are looking to expand the story with other games. Who knows, maybe money from this game will go to fund a disciples 2 remaster ;), maybe a disciples 4 made in the spirit of disciples 2 or 3, to explain how the dwarfs fell. This game seems to be quite popular and profitable, possibly because kings bounty 2 was kinda bad, and this 1 does kings bounty well.

Okay enough talking, game is great, buy it, play it, support it, ask for disciples 2 remaster ;)
575 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 15:13
It is fun, but a bit on the easy side. Reminds me of a mix of HoMM and Kings Bounty. If you are a hardcore Disciples fan you may not like it, but otherwise it is a fun strategy RPG.
102 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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5247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 22:28
It seems they've put a lot of time into this game however there is simply no challenge to it. Even the bosses are simple with a lot of hps so it just take time to kill them, it doesn't challenge you in any way. I've just been playing through (currently at level 65 in Chp 4) and I feel like I've actually gotten dumber. The concept of the game has promise but it just doesn't seem to matter which units you choose or even how you fight with them. Your hero can kill half an army in the first round of combat consistently. If you're looking for a game to just walk through then this is the game for you. I've had such an overflow of resources I'm glad I didn't buy the deluxe version. If you're looking for something that requires at least 5% of your brain then this game is not for you. That being said I do think they did a quality job in the units and maps and I don't think the game is terrible just needs a harder or smarter setting. Also, there's little investment in your units which is a disappointment from the previous releases of this title. If you lose one you won't notice it and they're easy to replace.
425 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
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842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 19:55
Game looks nice but 3/4 of chapter 1 Im already at 100 combats which are boring, slow even at 200% speed. There is no challenge and every battle feels like you are mopping up the enemies since turn 1. I chose Elves (hardest?) map as first and it was good. Humans 2nd still ok and then the Undead map was just battle after battle after battle to *suffer* through with no way to skip!

Only challenging batle was a L30 dragon while L14 myself.

There are also some bugs but that would not bother me enough to write a negative review.
64 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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2102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 17:51
They must have hired a bunch of mobile game designers and then had the stupid notion they should listen to their ideas. Mobile games are awful, and I don't like being gate kept from the abilities and units I want through random chance. So much potential wasted.
81 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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2719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 16:54
I tried my absolute best to defend this game in the forums. Unfortunately it was the only battle i have ever lost in regards to this game. People were calling it easy and i told them you cant say that when you have not seen the full game. I have seen the full game and it is indeed easy.

I saw the trailers on steam for this game that i have never heard of before and it looked great. Finally a new game i could play and really get into i told myself. Put it on my wish list, played the demo, then pre ordered it and the day finally came. i was hyped and that blinded me to what the game is really like. I was reading another negative review that mentioned this was just a mobile game on the PC, and now that i have read it, i cant unsee it. Thats because its true and i was blinded and he opened my eyes to the truth. This is no different than going on your phone and finding some random bull shit game in the app store claiming it to be an RPG. Wait an hour and gather resources, find resources laying around the map. use those resources to build your home and hire disposable units to fight for you. 1 main abilty, and 1 special ability for every one. companions get an ultimate ability later in the game but not relevant as everything is easy.

Its as brain dead as putting fitting shaped blocks into their correct hole. The arena is small for little tactical planning if there was any at all. The game gets easier as you progress due to the main character Avyanna being too over powered. If you play witch max out the unholy skill tree, you gain a skill that literally kills the entire board with one hit. You can literally just progress through the game with that one skill and not even use your units. Even without that skill all her other skills still one shot and using units just slows you down.

Ive been through regular encounters that was harder than the boss fights, they are as trivial as can be, ignore the mechanics and just burn it down as fast as possible. It even has a conquer option to skip fights but reap the same rewards from it, completely ignoring the aspects of the game. I have 43 hours on this game so you dont have to waste almost 2 days playing it like i did. it Deserves more negative reviews telling the truth and not positive ones because they liked the story line and the game is visually pleasing.

I have not even been able to find a multiplayer match
556 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 16:27
beyond cringe
865 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
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657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 15:21

Your enjoyment of this game will vary a lot based on your tastes. I want this to be an informative review rather than a verdict


+ Fresh take on the series
+ Ability to play with units from different factions and mix it up
+ More relaxing than previous entries with no pressure
+ I appreciate the change of colors


+ The dialogue is terrible. This is a big con because you just do battles and dialogues in this game. I usually like fantasy stories but the dialogue here is terrible in trying to be excessively sadistic and bizarre in a desperate attempt at making the game seem very hardcore and very dark with no real reason behind it. It seems like it was written by children for teens. Absolutely terrible, unrealistic and very immersion breaking. Good story and characters make a fantasy game believable but here it detracts.
+ You are very limited in terms of unit choice. At the beginning of the game you can choose only one unit from each of the 4 factions instead of having access to all of them. And they are all melee. Say goodbye to making an army of archers like in Disciples 3 or other combinations. After 10 hours I barely unlocked (based on choices that you do) a higher tier for one of the factions and it was still just melee. It takes a really long time to unlock things and based on your story decisions, you might not unlock them at all. This means either a lot of saving and reloading to get faction alignment options in story decisions that you did not like or not unlocking the better units.
+ Shallow game and progression. Press a button to get all resources, shallow characters, not much real progress for your story, relations or gameplay.

More details

I really appreciated that they choose a newer art style and wanted to make the game more accessible and more relaxing.
However, the main problems relate to repetition and lack of quality.
You will quickly be doing the same grindy fights with the same units mopping through terrible dialogue.
Speaking of the terrible dialogue (and I am huge fantasy fan), I don’t know how they ended up trying to write such excessively sadistic-horror stories that it completely destroys all sense of immersion, realism, fantasy and likeable characters.
I will give an example. You take some quest from random people to do random vengeances. When coming back to turn in the quest, the guy died because of some vengeance. Get loot and that’s it. No continuation, no relationship building, not much going into details, no mature story, no meaning, nothing.
Then there are these bizzare stories of sadism without any reason that do not add anything to the game but just randomly detract. Dark fantasy is ok when it has some purpose not just random exaggerated violence.
Weird random sex encounters. Meet some undead or some animal in some random place and you have an option to have a ‘romance’. There is no point to this, no relationship building, no animations, videos, interesting writing, nothing, Just weird abrupt unbelievable romances in silly places that add no value to the game. I am actually a fan of romances in fantasy games. Take the Witcher, Dragon Age Origins. Even hentai games for 2 bucks have done it better. Here, the things are just odd.


At the time of writing this review, it seems that a good number of people are enjoying it if the Steam algorithm can be trusted.
However, I caution that this game is pretty low quality. It does not really have an identity and does not really excel at much since the gameplay quickly becomes too repetitive and the rest is pretty basic in it.
I recommend carefully reading reviews and watching gameplays before you buy since the game is very mediocre at best and depending on your tastes, you might not stand it.
37 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 12:03
Truly a new beginning for the Disciples universe. Highly recommended.

Disclaimer: This is not Disciples 2 – not even the same genre (a turn-based strategy game with static units). It’s much more like Disciples Reincarnation – an RPG with dynamic battles. If this is a deal breaker, then this game is not for you. Also, there is a demo. When in doubt, see for yourself.

+ Outstanding systems and mechanics (vastly different units, spells, and skills).
+ Engaging turn-based battles (endless combinations and synergies to make each battle different).
+ Fantastic graphic (Disciples has always been known for the incredible visuals, but this game is just beautiful).
+ Hundreds of hours of entertainment – and I mean it literally. I have already over 30 hrs and I am still in the first 4 regions. There are 13 in totals, a New Game +, and also you can have your primary alliance and troops with different factions - so you can reply it from another perspective.
+ Interesting story. Surprisingly, the story is quite engaging. Also funny. I bedded almost everything that moved, from golems to demons LOL.
+ Wonderful level progression. Your avatar (Avyanna) and companions learn new and interesting skills / magic all the time.
+ Nice exploration and atmosphere. It’s not an open world game, that’s for sure, but you have many choices: where to go, who you will fight for and against, freedom of movement from map to map.
+ Efficient programming. It takes no time to start up, save, and load.

+ Veterans of the genre will find this game too easy. Difficulty options are a must for a game like this. To me, it’s like being forced to play “story mode”. I create my own challenges to keep the battles interesting (i.e., fielding fewer units than I could, or not using magic….), but we need an “impossible mode”, also an “iron man” option. This is, by far, the weakest point of the game.
+ Bugs, glitches, and puzzling UI decision. The worst is that you cannot dismiss units no longer wanted. Not a big deal if you can adapt (I made a “mini game” out of it, losing unwanted unit in the battlefield) but this is really a “brain fart”. Also, there is an annoying glitch that make Avyanna “dance” uncontrollably when in exploration mode (she gets stuck and go back and fort in the same spot).

Last word: This is probably my GOTY so far.
487 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 09:21
The game is Ok at best, I played for a short time which is should have just downloaded the Demo cause this is Not Disciples. This is not a dark fantasy, the voice overs hurt the soul and they lines are bad, really bad. No unit evolution........You cannot call it Disciples if you are missing the Art, Music, Unit Evolution and even the voice overs of the older games is better then this and makes for a better setting for the game.
Logo for Disciples: Liberation
Release:21.10.2021 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Frima Studio Vertrieb: Kalypso Media Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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