DiRT Rally
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Über das Spiel

Jede Etappe verlangt dir etwas anderes ab, während du den Grip auf verschiedenen Oberfläche erspürst und deinen Fahrstil einer Vielzahl von Wetterbedingungen anpasst. Wenn sich die Abnutzung an deinem Wagen bemerkbar macht, musst du mechanische Schäden berücksichtigen, während dein engagiertes Rallyeteam versucht, dich mithilfe von zeitlich begrenzten Reparaturen zwischen den Etappen im Rennen zu halten. Während sich eine Etappe an die andere reiht, wird jede Rallye zu einer Marathonprüfung der Konzentration und des fahrerischen Könnens, bei der du deinem Beifahrer und deinem eigenen Reaktions- und Anpassungsvermögen vertraust, um mit der Konkurrenz mithalten zu können und diesem stets schwer erreichbaren perfekten Lauf hinterherzujagen.
Die Steam Early Access enthält:
- 17 WAGEN AUS SECHS NEUEN UND BEWÄHRTEN KLASSEN - Unter anderem BMW M3 Evo, Audi Quattro S1, Lancia Delta HF Integrale und Subaru Impreza
- DIVERSE LOCATIONS - 36 fordende Stages an Orten wie Hafren (Wales), Monte Carlo (Monaco) und Argolis (Griechenland)
- TEAM-MANAGEMENT – Spieler werben bis zu vier Mechaniker an, die zwischen den Rennen an deinem Wagen arbeiten
- ASYNC-RALLYE – Herausforderungen über Tage, Wochen und Monate gegen Spieler aus der ganzen Welt - ohne die Notwendigkeit, gleichzeitig online zu sein.
- RALLYE-SAISON – Spieler treten in einer Reihe von Renn-Events an und erreiche die stets nächste Sprosse der Erfolgsleiter.
- EIGENE RALLYE-EVENTS – Spieler wählen Wagen sowie Strecke und konfiguriere eigene Rennen. Anschließend versuchen sie, die Zeiten der KI-Fahrer zu schlagen.
- UPGRADES –Verbesserungen im Bereich Steuerung und Fahrleistung.
- TUNING – Spieler passen das Fahrzeug-Setup basierend auf Wagen, Strecke und Wetterbedingungen an, um den Rennstil optimal fahren zu können.
- PHYSIK-BASIERTE FAHRERASSISTENZ – DiRT Rally lässt die Spieler Autos in ihrer reinsten Form erleben und bietet zudem eine Auswahl an Fahrerassistenzsystemen wie Schlupfregelung und ABS, die auf Rennstrecken und im Straßenverkehr gleichermaßen Einsatz finden.
- SCHÄDEN & REPARATUREN – Ein umfassendes, realistisches Schadensmodell simuliert detailgetreu kleine und große Mängel und Defekte. Schäden können durch angeheuerte Mechaniker im Wartungsbereich des Teams zwischen des Stages behoben werden. Dazu steht allerdings nur begrenzt Zeit zur Verfügung.
- CPU: AMD Athlon x2 Dual Core or Intel Core 2 Duo Processor @ 2.4Ghz
- GFX: AMD HD5450 or Nvidia GT430 or Intel HD4000 with 1GB of VRAM (DirectX 11 graphics card required)
- Software: Windows 7 or Windows 8
- HD: 35 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX Compatible soundcard
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Supported Graphics Cards: AMD HD5000 Series, HD6000 Series, HD7000 Series, R7 Series, R9 Series Nvidia GTX400 Series, GTX500 Series, GTX600 Series, GTX700 Series, GTX900 Series Intel HD4000 Series, HD5000 Series
- LANG: Deutsch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
9555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 16:12
One of the best rally simulation games ever.
Incredibly fun even after many years.
Unfortunately getting on in years and therefore a bit buggy.
The SavegameBug let it be known that everything will eventually end.
Nicht Empfohlen
1318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 16:54
2977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 01:40
Alles was danach kam konnte nicht mehr mithalten ...
Beste Steuerung egal ob Lenkrad, Gamepad od. Tastatur.
Egal ob Aussenansicht od. Cockpit Kamera, die
Grafik ist sehr gut. Läuft auch auf älterer Hardware
noch immer schnell. Meine Wertung 9/10 !
7424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 20:02
2230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 01:52
Auch das Gameplay kann sich sehen lassen, denn das Handling-Modell ist kaum gealtert und fühlt sich dadurch berechenbar und realistisch an.
Das Spiel besitzt, je nach Fahrzeug und Strecke, einen etwas angehobenen Schwierigkeitsgrad, was durchaus im Hinterkopf behalten werden sollte.
Für diejenigen, die ausgiebig Rally-Events bestreiten wollen und auch gerne eine Herausforderung annehmen, kann ich diesen Klassiker somit vollstens empfehlen!
28853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 13:52
Im Spiel sind 39 Fahrzeuge aus verschiedenen Epochen.
Mini Cooper S, Ford Escort Mk II, BMW M3, Subaru Impreza, Audi Sport quattro, Lancia Delta, Ford RS200, Citroën C4 WRC, Ford Fiesta RS WRC und VW Polo R WRC.
Es sind Rallye-Etappen in sechs Ländern spielbar: Deutschland, Griechenland, Finnland, Monte Carlo, Schweden und England (Wales). Weiterhin sind Rallyecross-Strecken in England, Norwegen und Schweden und als Hillclimb-Strecke Pikes Peak verfügbar.
Wer Rennspiele mag sollte es gespielt haben. Gutes mittelding aus Arcade- und Simulation. Mehr davon!
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 20:48
2856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 01:22
The car list may not be big for modern standards but it really makes you fall in love with the iconic rally cars featured. They all feel unique with their own distinct sounds and handling features, be they positive or negative, mirroring their real life counterparts. The audi quattro for example will understeer a ton, just like the real car, because of its front biased weight distribution, even with the tuning options in game there's not a lot you can do about it. In this way the game teaches people about certain aspects of cars and why they behave the way they do. The tooltips are pretty useful in this way too with lines explaining how for example turbochargers work.
Nothing is perfect though, and this game is no exception. The mechanic system could have been totally left out and the game would not have been any worse, the values for repairing your vehicle could have just been set values, or increased as you drove more or got further in the career mode. Some other minor issues include some stages, or whole events taking a bit too long for my liking and your co-driver sometimes calling corners or braking points out too late. A wider selection of cars to choose from would also have been great.
With all the being said, I wholeheartedly recommend this game. It's a simple, no nonsense, hard as hell racing game. And I love it!
7995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 16:49
- No pisscolors.
- No fireworks.
- No Ken Block.
- No gymkana.
- No Baja.
- Codemasters going back to their roots (see CMR 2005 and previous games).
- Nice car roster.
- Good driving physics, at least to me, I've never driven a real rallycar unlike Samir.
- Limited stage restarts, which doesn't allow for experimentation with the setups.
- Rallycross, srsly why?
- Limited amount of rallystages and environments.
- Most stages are too short in my oppinion.
- Not moddable or not mod friendly so the community could adress the previous two point.
- The music is pretty bad but at least you can turn it off.
- Hillclimb (just Pikes Peak).
- Crew management.
As you can see from my playtime I really enjoy this game altough it is punishingly hard, even when you are an experienced simracer. This is made worse by the fact that the limitation on the amount of stage restarts doesn't allow you to experiment with the car setups, which is critical in this game.
Maybe Codemasters sought a fusion with From Software to create Dark Souls Rally but my guess is that DiRT Rally was just way too hard to be considered a Dark Souls game.
Excellent Rallysim if you want to put in the effort and can be had really cheap these days.
4104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 21:54
1758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 14:40
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 20:50
2306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 17:04
The game that made me buy a Thrustmaster wheel and made me wonder why I ever bothered with arcade racers.
The adrenaline rush when transferring the weight of your car through corners while trying to remember what your co-pilot yells into your ears is unmatched.
+ Extremely exciting gameplay
+ Cars range from the sixties to 2010
+ Except for a single glitch, the game runs butter smooth
+ Realism first, but with some configurable aids to ease in people who are new to Rally Sims (like me)
+ Still fun to play with a controller, I can however imagine that it's not as fun with keyboard+mouse
+ The game gives you bonusses when you turn of driving aids (stability control, ABS,...) or other aids (HUD, outside camera's)
+ Night, rain, snow mode
+ Great audio
+ Ok soundtrack
+ Rallycross and Pikes hill climb events
Con's (minor)
- So far credit doesn't seem to matter too much in career mode, you seem to gain money no matter how bad you do.
- The game sometimes starts in a weird resolution + aspect ratio. This can be fixed by alt+f4 and restart.
- Limited info about the cars you can buy. No info about intercooler/turbo, no power graph. No lore.
- You can't drive with gear shifters + real clutching. Clutching is only required with traditional shifters.
- Some sort of driving school/tutorial would be awesome. The game does contain some informative videos though.
- Meagre visual car modifications
1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 05:55
DiRT Rally. If people say Dark Souls is a difficult, frustrating game that punishes its players, then Dirt Rally is the equivalent of it in racing genre. First of all, I wish Steam has the feature where a reviewer can say that they're not fully recommending the game, but also not entirely against the game. Because i'm kinda like in the middle between recommending and not recommending the game. Why? Let me break it down below.
The cons. This game really punish you even for the smallest mistake. Let's say you're doing a rally stage. Then somehow you oversteer a bit and try to counter it with the slightest steering possible. In my experience, most of the time the car would straightly lose control. Then you either hit the ditch, the trees, roll your car over, or hit whatever is there on the outside of the road. If this happens, you have two choices, recover the vehicle with 12 seconds or more of time penalty (which is very frustrating), or restarting the stage. Both choices are terrible in my opinion. Not to mention the crazy AI drivers that can finish the stages way faster than you. Somehow most of the time, i end up 13 seconds behind the stage winner even though i drive clean and as fast as possible throughout the stage.
Now the pros. The amount of things you can do in this game is pretty cool. Standard Rally with the choice of cars from 1960s rally era until the modern WRC on 2010s. Rallycross series with the official license from FIA World Rallycross Championship. Also the famous Pikes Peak Hillclimb. In standard Rally itself, you start from the open series and work your way through the top. The graphics were okayish if we compared it to today's standard, but look great if we compared to the time when the game was released. Keep in mind this game has been released for years.
Now don't get me wrong, the cons that i explained above are surely a good thing for some, if not the majority of the players. Which can keep them grinding to master the game. So i recommend this game if you're a player with an experience on rally games, or if you can be patience enough with the learning curve of this game.
BUT, if you have a tendency to smack your controller or your table whenever you lose or whenever you crash because of the smallest mistake, don't get this game. DiRT 4 is a better choice. Save your equipment from getting smacked.
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 14:00
1423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 18:36
It has a good car list for a rally game, and haves three game modes: Rally, Rallycross and Pikes Peak. There are 70 different tracks to play with. You will get familiar with the game's locations, but i swear, all the tracks feel different on each car you drive.
Overall, it's a pretty good rally game. It also has great optimization, it can even run on old integrated GPUs, sure the game will not look that good, but it's impressive how they optimized the game to run on a good framerate with low end computers.
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 13:17
1040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 11:28
The driving model is enjoyable on a keyboard. It's hard, takes a lot of time to master, but very rewarding once you get it right.
There is quite a selection of cars, ranging from 60s to 2010s, but I wish there were more liveries.
But, this game is not perfect. It lacks maps.
This game punishes you for the smallest mistake. And that's a problem when your car feels like it's 120kg, not 1200. Sweden is very, very fucking annoying. Touch 1cm of snow from the sides and you end up flying. Doesn't feel quite right but hey, what do I know?
I didn't experience any game breaking bugs.. yet.
I cannot give this game a negative review since I enjoyed it but neither I can say that I recommend it. I am about 60/40 when it comes to recommending this game. Not because it's that bad, because something better already exists.
13514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 09:49
At some turn, my car catches understeer, then oversteer because of different road coverages (snow, ice, and asphalt). Few meters from my car was BMW X5. I've started a course correction and haven't hit BMW. But the next moment I've figured out that I'm on the top of a 1.5-meter snowdrift.
I bet it would scare everybody. But after 200+ hours of DIRT RALLY, I felt it like NATURAL. I've pushed the GAZ pedal, haven't stop and carefully left that snowdrift back on the road.
2330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 20:08
DiRT Rally
- Gameplay: 9/10Harder than DiRT 4 or 3 but much more forgiving than DiRT Rally 2.0. It's easy to drive into trees in this one but it IS avoidable, unlike in 2.0
- Graphics: 9/10 For a game from six years ago, the graphics hold up really well, they're better than DiRT 4 s' but slightly stylised. You won't notice without a side to side comparison.
- Audio: 8/10 Better than any other game but Dirt Rally 2.0. If you play Forza Horizon then its a 10/10.
- Music: 6/10 The biggest drawback of the game, at least for me. I have a feeling this one is trying to be too general and it takes away some of the games personality. I preferred DiRT 4 in this regard but it might be personal.
In general, its an awesome game, more forgiving than DiRT Rally 2.0, but still enjoyable,and it is holding up very well despite of being six years old now.
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 11:24
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⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡇⠀ ⠀⠢⠀Drive sober or
⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠖⠒⠒⠒⢤⠀⠀⠀ ⡇⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠢ get pulled over, son.⠀⠀
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4119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 18:44
Career mode is very basic but let's be honest - who needs that? You need a car and a track and DIRT Rally delivers.
487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 19:42
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 20:15
1534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 15:10
Nicht Empfohlen
1739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 03:10
Dirt rally 2 is somewhat better in this regard, but it's far from perfect.
Basically the controller is TIME based, the LONGER you pull the stick the farthest it will move. However it moves extremely slowly, and you can not catch a slide or do any counter steering, and if you can't do any counter steering you can't do rally. Assetto corsa for example its steering system is position based, if i pull the stick 50% the car will steer 50%, just like that. I have tried EVERY single setting, and I have messed with the ini files, I have spent allot of time trying to spoof the game into thinking my controller is a steering wheel, but to no avail.
947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 15:09
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 15:53
Physics is desperate to the limit, if you just hit the obstalce a little, the car overturns - it flies, you can't stop ... you don't even have time, you have to be in rush to make everything ok. The second part of the game is much better, and this was fixed in the second part but this one is chaos, the game is ok really but this will drive someone crazy to the extreme. Only for enthusiasts and people who have strong nerves, after all, don't even bother to play ... without a joystick or steering wheel it's very difficult. Someone who comes from DiRT3 on this one, don't even start the game. if not the toughest racing game of all time!
590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 12:53
1300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 19:25
1447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 02:30
As for DIRT Rally, it's a pretty fantastic and authentic simulation of arguably the most difficult motorsport in the world.
1591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 13:16
That said...holy damn this game is hard. This game is the Dark Souls of racing. It is the real life Fight Club of gaming. It will break you; it will exhaust you; it will leave lasting emotional scars because it demands nothing short of perfection if you want to get the best time and when you succeed, admittedly...it's pretty damn satisfying.
The lack of training module is really disappointing; and while I understand this is a game made for the diehards, you very much feel ill equipped for the punishment you're about to endure. You're like a kid on their first trip to the local watering hole. There's a sense of excitement that washes over you as you and your family arrive. And as you gingerly approach the shore and peer into the surface of water you're seeing for the first time, taking in the beautiful scenery, Daddy Dirt Rally scoops you up, lifts you high above his head, and Vince Carter Tomahawk slams you belly first into the watery deep. 'Stop being a wuss and SWIM!' he screams at you from the shore, as you ignore the severe pain in your body to desperately flail your several year-old limbs that you're barely familiar with, fighting to get to the surface. For that reason, I'm sure there are many people who will be turned off upon playing at first, I know I was; I've had this game for 3 years and i'm just getting around to committing to playing it. It helps to look up a few YouTube vids discussing the controls whether you're using a wheel or controller (controller for me, and it helped to turn the controller sensitivity way up) as a decent jumping off point to help you improve.
But the lovely graphics, engine sounds, and excruciating detail on the mechanics make this a game you'll find yourself coming back to over and over. Sure, it's pretty much the abusive but sensitive spouse of racing games. Your friends won't quite understand what you see in them and wish they treated you better, but there's an undeniable charm that keeps you making excuses to your friends and family while they watch you get walked on emotionally. There are other games out there you could play, but this one is good-looking and admit it: you're a shallow glutton for punishment with deep seated issues that could probably use some therapy.
Must buy for racing and rally enthusiasts; casuals may want to stick to the Dirt series.
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 01:33
1159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 12:57
I’m playing with a Steam Controller in gyro mode and it’s great, way better and funnier than with a joystick (or god forbid, a keyboard).
I’d love to try the game with a wheel someday.
10116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 03:53
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 15:10
2344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 07:39
I do recommand strongly to use a controller, a keyboard is just a no go!
Great game, good sound and graphics, even after 5 years.
23639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 08:14
drives me right around the bend
it's a long hard road people but
I have to make it to the end
Blew a tyre in Finland,
lost a wheel in Germany
I ain't making any new friends
down at the tyre factory
Crashed my car at Monaco
trying to keep it clean
in the final stage at Greece
I ended up in a ravine
I failed to win the weekly
spun out on the final stage
Porkhammer topped the leader boards
I'm somewhere down the page
You make your choices
likewise I'll make mine
but you can stick your RBR
where the sun don't ever shine
Got me a DiRT Rally
drives me right around the bend
it's a long hard road people but
I gotta make it to the end.
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 14:20
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Meh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Croky bird
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☑ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 12:34
3391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 23:31
The game features a control that leaves the player with nerves on edge, with beautiful graphics, accurate physics simulation and a high (but highly rewarding) level of difficulty.
An excellent way to classify DiRT Rally is that it is not a game for everyone. If you are the player who prefers your frantic racing game, in which you only speed up and get out on the tracks, this is not the ideal title. Otherwise, if you go into it looking for a game that doesn’t give you an easy go of it and expects you to concentrate and invest in the challenge, then you will find a satisfying and genuinely exciting game here.
1973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 12:35
- Long career
- Detailed, immersive and beautiful locations
- Good selection of cars and maps
6067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 18:20
So poetic part first...
You install the game, setup your gamepad or whell (more on that later) and start your rally adventure in a 60's mini cooper, not that hard you might think, after couple of stages you start to feel confident, this is easy you will say, i don't get the point of people who say this is hard game, than you complete your first championship with the easiest oponnent, buy an freaking Group B Audi Quattro and the pain begins, the damn turbo pushing 3 Bar up your brain, and you loose the sense of reality, you brain is suddenly too slow in order to make turns without crashes. Well I'll learn this car in few minutes, no you won't you fucking won't, first rally, harder AI, fucking Finland Paskuri where you are more in the god damn air rather than on ground, you step on the brake, kill engine mid air and be like fuck this shit...but don't give don't you dare give up, because whats to come is even more harder, even more faster and hell of a more fun. Days of practice later you are finally able to beat stage or two without crashing. You advance, build up your team, buy more dream cars, race more stages, and how happy you are that you didn't quit right after starting your first stage with the Audi back month ago. The sense of speed in this game is extreme, you fear turning into blind corners, you feel every crash, rage over every lost tenth but in the end the game gives you the feel of satisfaction. What do you feel after every stage? REDEMPTION, cos every hairpin, every fast right 6 corner gave you hell and you managed to overcome it. And if that is not enough for you...well theres a PIKES PEAK in three variations so you can drive Loeb's Peugeot like a mad man and fly from the hill couple of times. Also you can sit into Lancia 037 and than just lay down on ground and cry.
Now to the actual review:
The game is REALLY good rally sim. It gives you plenty of cars ranging from the 60's, through Group B right into the 2010's. Most of the iconic rally cars are in the game as well as rally locations. You get Finland, Sweden (winter), Monte Carlo (mixed dry/ice), Germany (tarmac), Greece and Wales. You also get 3 rallycross tracks and Pikes peak. As for realism this game really nails it, unlike Dirt 4 cars here don't feel glued into the terrain in order to prevent you from crashing. This game punishes mistakes heavilly, and you will suffer a lot. You can play carrer mode, manage your team a bit, or some online event (daily, weekly, monthly), PvP(rallycross), custom game, or create an online league. AI starts off easy but gets harder as you progress. Graphics are nice, not great, but very good and you don't need a NASA PC in order to run the game. Details in the cars are good, also stages are nice and the graphics are really pleasant. Sound is really amazing, you can hear the gravel hitting your car, engines sound awesome, and damn the menu soundtrack is sexy :D. Controls... well i played on Xbox 360 gamepad and it is really good with controller, you can be fast, you can be good on the pad. there are also many aid to help you, but the immersion is missing, playing on pad means that you are forcing unreal and unnatural movements into your muscles, and you play more like machine than man. If you want the best experience get some kind of wheel, I played on G29, FFB is good, it feels a lot better, you have lot more control over the cars, and it feels more natural...Pad doable...but get the wheel if you can.
Great game, well worth the current price, lots of fun, and suffering, great rally sim, great immersion...get it if you are a rally or racing fan...
2848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 12:23
Very difficult game
DiRT Rally is a racing game from Codemasters studio released in 2015. The purpose of the game is, of course, to become a world champion by being promoted by successive leagues. This is actually the main mode of the game, where we are on time and we have to get through the tracks as soon as possible. Besides that we have Hliiclimb mode where we have to get to the top of the mountain in the USA as soon as possible and Rallycross where we will be able to chase the bots on different tracks.
We have cars from different periods of time available for our disoption, so we will be able to race the Renault Alpine A110 from the 60s, but also the Hyundai Rally from 2010s. And the more we drive the better our car gets. Playing for a long time can reward us.
In addition, at DiRT Rally we have our own team, which of course has a boss and employees who can also be improved. This works in the same way as improving cars. The more we drive the better our team gets.
What is important to note is that DiRT Rally is not a game that will be friendly to us. Riding in a game is difficult, as it should be in real life. To achieve something you have to sit several dozen hours in the game and learn the car and routes. Moving from one car to another is another challenge to face.
Routes are varied and these are maps mainly in Europe. That's why we'll be traversing routes in Sweden, where snow and ice dominate, so we'll have to be more careful. In Wales we'll find routes full of mud and in Germany we'll find asphalt roads. We also have routes in Finland, Monaco and Greece.
Graphically the game looks very good. The creators have tried to make sure that the cars are specific, especially when we hit something. During a collision our car may bend in a certain place, and when we roof we can see a well made suspension. I also like the weather conditions. We can drive in rain or snow, which effectively makes it difficult to drive.
DiRT Rally is a difficult racing game in which you have to spend hours to reach a good level. The difficulty of the game makes every race won a lot of satisfaction. I think that it is a game for every rally fan, because it can give you a hard time. Personally, I think it takes a little too long to collect money for the next cars, but still the game is very good.
✔️A great driving model
✔️Physics and damage model
✔️The game is very difficult
✔️A large number of cars and the possibility of team development
❌There should be some more routes
❌It takes a lot of time to raise money for new cars
[b]Rating: 8.5/10
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Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.
2853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 00:45
I'm still going to recommend this game as a flat screen gaming experience but DO NOT BUY THIS FROM STEAM IF YOU ARE VR ONLY
anyway, I only in race in VR and despite this being my go to racing game for VR, I really do have to say that it performs absolutely terribly on steam while playing VR mode, be prepared to play a mix of low and very low settings to comfortably sit above 90fps, that's with a 6700k and gtx 1070, don't even think about supersampling.
I have an oculus rift cv1 and don't really have any issues elsewhere with any other steam game in VR or not, it's not my system and it'll comfortably run the game just fine maxed without VR.
even though this game is still awesome with low settings, I just always wanted more from my favourite game and IT SHOULD PERFORM BETTER IN VR and sure enough, what I refused to believe for years is actually true, If you are ONLY playing in VR, buy the oculus store version, the performance difference is so vast it's not even funny.
it's not the full game with VR tacked on like the steam release is, it's a whole different game directory, you are unable to play the oculus store version on your monitor like you can with steam, it's vr only with different menus and settings in game and is absolutely optimised for silky smooth performance, no dropped frames, maxed out graphics with 140% supersampling ontop, i've gone from early ps2 graphics to s**t my pants scary realistic, DONT CUT!!!
I'm gutted it's took me this long to realise, VR adds a sense of fear you really need to experience and although it was sort of present on low settings just through the mayhem of forcefeedback and sound, having graphics match what your brain expects is a huge plus, trees look like trees, you can actually see the detail on the ground like rocks and stones, reflections and lighting at night feel real ect and sadly this steam version just cannot give that in VR, if you've got absolute sheer horsepower like a 2080ti you may have luck running high settings, but honestly this is one I have to give to oculus, it's not even the same game which is so disappointing codemasters still haven't at least added the files into the steam release.
For the best rally experience hands down, this is the game to have and is MUCH better to drive than the latest 2.0 game
force feedback is brilliant in comparison, driver call signs are accurate and believable not like the useless ones in 2.0 and the graphics still hold up (just not in vr on steam) no silly bloom or exposure changes ruining the game for sake of screenshots like 2.0
for anyone looking at a fantastic racing game that will punish and reward you while improving your real driving skills, this is the one.
I actually prefer playing with my logitech g25 wheel over my logitech g29, so if you haven't got a wheel already, pick up a g25 cheap as this game demands it from you, it's a fantastic rush and needs you to drive how you would (holding on for dear life) until you have built up enough understanding of the cars, surfaces and bravery to keep it pinned trusting the co drivers calls.
I absolutely love this game but sadly I won't be clocking up any more hours on this steam version for the issues mentioned with VR.
3235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 06:01
For reference, Wreckfest and PC2 have been the two other sims I've spent some time with most recently. I love them both for different reasons. WF for its unique take on the genre, crazy drifting and insane online racing community (with typically about 100+ servers [25 heavily populated] ready to go) and PC2 for it's sheer elegance, track and car selection and realism. DiRT is an incredible spot in the middle, not at all by quality but by what the game provides: amazing response, maneuverability, fantastic visuals and a learning curve making the long haul a worthy investment.
A technical thing I wish they'd revisit is shift speed. Very sluggish esp considering if you were in 6th and need to drop to first, you have to cycle slowly through the gears instead of skipping to 1st (I know, as is typical in any sim if you're not on a wheel.) Big time waster when split seconds count.
For a five year old game.. for a brand new game, this thing is great and I can't say enough good things about it.
Pros: Graphics, vehicle response, car and map selection
Cons: lack of online community (understandable,) and sluggish shifting.
Engine:keine Infos
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