• Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Neuer Screen zum Spiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Neuer Screen zum Spiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Neuer Screen zum Spiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Erste Screens zum neuen Rollenspiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Erste Screens zum neuen Rollenspiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Screen zum Spiel Die Zwerge.
  • Die Zwerge: Neuer Screen zum Spiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Neuer Screen zum Spiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Neuer Screen zum Spiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Erste Screens zum neuen Rollenspiel.
  • Die Zwerge: Erste Screens zum neuen Rollenspiel.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.12.2016
Zum Shop
Preis Update 30.06.24

Über das Spiel

Ein gewiefter Dieb muss die unerträgliche Sommerhitze der letzten Tage genutzt haben, um sich an unseren schwitzenden Wächtern vorbei zu schleichen. Hinab in die Schatzkammer, tief in den mächtigen Festungsmauern des Königspalasts. Dort unten fand er dann unser bestgehütetes Geheimnis – die Geschichte vom Spiel der Zwerge.

Ein Spiel, welches unsere Alchemisten unter den wachsamen Augen des weisen Schriftgelehrten Markus Heitz entwickeln. Ein Spiel, das all jene, denen „Die Zwerge“ lieb und teuer sind, in Verzückung versetzen soll. Sei es nun durch einen hinterlistigen Alb oder gar durch düstere Hacking-Magie – das Geheimnis ist keines mehr: Ja, wir entwickeln „Die Zwerge“.

  • Der Story-Hintergrund des Spiels orientiert sich am ersten Buch der Saga von „Die Zwerge“. Er bietet darüber hinaus aber auch zahlreiche neue Quests und Charaktere.
  • Der Hauptcharakter Tungdil schart im Laufe der Zeit eine Gruppe von bis zu 12 Begleitern um sich; alle mit ihrer eigenen Hintergrundgeschichte und individuellen Fähigkeiten im Kampf. Hierbei haben wir uns von Spiele-Reihen wie beispielsweise „Fire Emblem“ inspirieren lassen.
  • Vor jedem Kampf stellt ihr eine Gruppe von bis zu vier Helden zusammen, die dann gegen hunderte Gegner gleichzeitig antreten müssen. Helms Klamm lässt grüßen!
  • Das „Geborgene Land“ wird auf einer Weltkarte bereist, auf der es dutzende Schlachtfelder und Orte gibt, die zum ausführlichen Erkunden einladen.
  • „Die Zwerge“-Buchautor Markus Heitz ist als wichtiger Berater direkt in das Projekt involviert und wird vielleicht sogar die eine oder andere Quest beisteuern. Ihr dürft gespannt sein!


  • CPU: Q9650 / AMD Phenom II X4 940
  • GFX: GTX660 / Radeon 7870 / 2GB
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64bit only)
  • HD: 25 GB freier
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 3770 3,9 Ghz / AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
  • GFX: GTX770 / R9 290 / 4GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64bit only)
  • HD: 25 GB freier
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

415 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 21:47
Das Spiel folgt dem ersten Buch aus der Reihe der Zwerge von Markus Heitz und hält sich dabei Passagenweise auch getreu an die Sätze. Es ist schön, wenn die Bilder aus der Fantasie hier relativ liebevoll Gestalt annehmen. Die teilweise etwas blutigen Erklärungen aus dem Buch finden sich in entschärfter Form im Spiel wieder. Das Spiel fasst sich kürzer als der Roman.

Potenziell könnten hier auch die weiteren Bücher in der Spielreihe erscheinen. Mir ist vor allem aufgefallen, dass die Engine bei mir sehr flüssig lief. Technisch schein es also sauber umgesetzt. Pathfinding ist in den Kämpfen gelegentlich ein Problem. In einer der Zwergenfesten sind mir Zwerge von der Decke gefallen. Das reißt natürlich aus der Fantasiewelt, aber ich kann das Verschmerzen.

Insgesamt wohl eher etwas für Zwischendurch. Ich habe 12h Spielzeit gebraucht und dabei weniges wiederholen müssen. Als Vollpreistitel sollte es gerade bei Rollenspielen vielleicht ein wenig mehr sein. Wer es im Sale ergattern kann und sich gern in einer abwechslungsreichen Story mal als Zwerg durch Orkhorden schnetzeln möchte, sollte zugreifen.
85 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 18:40
An sich schönes Spiel...aber Kampfsystem schlecht.Die Helden sind nicht im Kampf zu führen.Heilloses durcheinander.In der Festung der fünften hat man vor der Festung und in der Festung in der Summe drei Kämpfe.Die Helden müssen drei Kämpfe hintereinander schaffen ohne dazwischen zu regenerieren.Die Zwergin kann keine großen Heiltränke zu sich nehmen.Es ist mehr drin bei diesem Spiel.Charakter können nicht geskillt werden das passiert automatisch.Kein Lootsystem im klassischen Sinne.Kein Ausrüsten der Kämpfer möglich.Irgendwie ist das anstrengend.Kämpfe zu lang Story etwas kurz dafür schön gemacht.Verbesserungswürdiges Spiel.
86 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 08:18
nice Game
43 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 19:05
Eigentlich hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass es mir gefällt, aber es ist wirklich toll gemacht. Die Erzählerstimme ist grandios, die Geschichte sowieso (Fans des Buches werden zustimmend nicken) und es spielt sich gut und wird weder langweilig, noch ist es zu hektisch. Zudem finde ich die Atmosphäre und die Musik sehr stimmig. Ein in sich sehr gelungenes Spiel.

Wer Zwerge mag und RPGs a la Baldurs Gate spielt und ein etwas kürzeres Spiel (kürzer als Pillars of Eternity/Baldurs Gate) der/die kann hier unbedingt zugreifen. Für Actionfreunde und Fans von Skyrim/Witcher ist es evtl nicht ganz passend. Immersiv ist das Spiel nicht. Eher wie eine interaktive Geschichte, die in jedem Fall packt und fordert.
143 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 15:34
Schönes Spiel und Gute Umsetzung der Bücher.
110 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 21:41
Trotz einer geringen Spielzeit von ca 10 Stunden ist das Spiel eine Empfehlung wert. Durch die Qualitativ hochwertige deutsche Sprachausgabe machen die Dialoge Spaß beim zuhören.
68 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 11:48
Gefällt. Gute Umsetzung der Bücher.
914 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 22:21
I loved the books but this game is just so poorly done, it doesnt live up to them. The voiceactors are nice and even the graphic is fitting but the gameplay and fight mechanics are the worst!
40 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 17:17
Also dieses Spiel ist echt ein Meisterwerk - gut, ich bin ein Fan der Buch-Reihe, aber das Spiel selbst ist auch so einfach nur ein Hammer: Story gut, Nebenquests machen Spaß, Schauplätze liebevoll und genauso gemacht, wie man sie sich vorstellt, Soundtrack lässig, ...
Einziger Kritikpunkt ist das Kampfsystem: Ich habe länger gebraucht bis ich endlich mal reingekommen bin, da die Beschreibung am Anfang sich recht kurz hält. Weiters passiert es immer wieder, dass Charakter mitten im Kampf einfach nur dastehen und NICHTS machen (da ich ihnen keinen direkten Befehl gegeben habe und der letzte Gegner tod ist) .... kann es ja wohl echt nicht sein, dass man von ner Orkhorde überrannt wird und da einer rumsteht und NIX macht .... ;-)
95 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 20:49
Das Gameplay ist jetzt nicht der renner aber die Geschichten erzählung ist wirklich gut gelungen
261 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 10:11
sehr schöne erzählte geschichte
419 Produkte im Account
204 Reviews
763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 13:16

The Dwarves

???? Story

In „The Dwarves“ erleben wir die Geschichte rund um den Zwerg Tungdil, welcher von einem menschlichen Magier großgezogen wurde und von eben diesem auf einen Botengang geschickt wird. Schnell wird daraus aber nichts geringeres als die Rettung des Geborgenen Landes, welches von finsteren Mächten, den Kreaturen des Gottes Tion, bedroht wird.

Die Handlung ist definitiv das Herzstück des Spieles, beruht sie doch maßgeblich auf dem Roman „Die Zwerge“ von niemand geringerem als Markus Heitz, einem der erfolgreichsten deutschen Fantasy Autoren, der auch wirklich weiß, was eine gute Fantasy Geschichte ausmacht.

Dementsprechend kann man sich in der Handlung auf gut platzierte Wendungen, durchdachte Charaktere und eine von Anfang bis Ende packende Geschichte freuen. Zumindest war ich wieder einmal gefesselt und das obwohl ich das Buch 3 mal gelesen habe.

Wie es bei Spieleumsetzungen oft der Fall ist, fällt aber leider auch einiges hinten runter. Da wirklich nur die Geschichte von Tungdil erzählt wird, erfährt man über einige Ereignisse, welche im Buch teilweise ein ganzen Kapitel erhalten haben, nur am Rande. Das schadet dem Verständnis der Geschichte, die durch das Spiel erzählt wird zwar nicht, aber wer das Buch kennt wird einige Details sicherlich vermissen.

Zudem mangelt es dem Spiel etwas an Nebenmissionen. Das Spiel ist eher darauf ausgelegt, dass man relativ strikt der Kampagne folgt.

???? Gameplay

Abropo strikt folgen, damit wäre ich beim ersten Problem des Gameplays…. unsichtbare Wände. Wenn man sich auf der Karte des Geborgenen Landes wie auf einem Brettspiel von Ort zu Ort bewegt gibt es vereinzelt Schauplätze zu besuchen. Abgesehen davon, dass es recht wenige sind, besitzen diese eigentlich immer unsichtabre Wände, was das Erkunden stark eindämmt und kein richtiges Rollenspiel Gefühl aufkommen lässt. Man folgt einfach stur dem Pfad, den das Spiel vorgesehen hat.

Pro Tag und Charakter verbraucht die Reisegruppe auf diesem Weg Nahrung. Ist diese alle heilen Verletzungen aus Kämpfen nicht mehr, wodurch man in den nächsten Kämpfe mit weniger Leben startet, andere Konsequenzen hat die fehlende Nahrung aber komischerweise nicht.

Auch dass alle Charaktere ihre Waffen und Rüstungen immer tragen und es keine Möglochkiet gibt diese umzurüsten ist eher ungewöhnlich. Lediglich ein Amulett oder ein Trank können ausgerüstet werden, was ja nun nicht viel ist.

Auch etwas nervig ist, dass man diese Gegenstände immer mal wieder umrüsten muss, denn obwohl es mehr als ein dutzend Figuren gibt können immer nur 4 mit in die Kämpfe genommen werden und in manchen Schlachten schreibt einem das Spiel auch noch einzlene Charaktere vor.


Die Kämpfe laufen zwar in Echtzeit ab, können aber jederzeit pausiert werden um den einzelnen Helden Befehle zu erteilen und Fähigkeiten zu platzieren. Dabei ist ein wenig Taktik von Vorteil denn Engpässe kann man blockieren, Gegner in Abgründe schleudern und jede Fähigkeit mit einem Wirkungsbereich kann auch Verbündeten schaden.

Auch wenn die Kämpfe gegen die Gegnerhorden oft etwas chaotisch sind macht es meistens sehr viel Spaß Orks, Goblins und andere Monster niederzustrecken. Dennoch fällt immer wieder negativ auf, dass die Kämpfe durch die Fixierung der Kamera auf den ausgewählten Charakter schnell unübersichtlich werden und die Helden auch nicht wirklich ausbalanciert sind.

[spoiler] Habt ihr erst einmal Rodario kann dieser im Alleingang jede Mission machen, die kein Zeitlimit hat. Seine Fähigkeit zur Tarnung nutzen, an eine Gegnertruppe ran gehen, Flammenwerfer nutzen um alle in Brand zu setzen und wieder tarnen. Dann warten bis die Energie wieder voll ist und den Vorgang widerholen. [/spoiler]

Neben der Kampagne gibt es übrigens noch 3 Spielmodi in denen es nur um das Kämpfen geht. Wem das Metzeln also Spaß gemacht hat oder wer alle Erfolge erreichen will, kann sich dort noch etwas austoben.

???? Grafik

Das Cartoonartige Design des Spieles hat mich sehr angesprochen und mich irgendwie an den Stil von „Star Wars The Clone Wars“ erinnert. Und wo ich gerade dabei bin, findet noch jemand das Lot Ionan dem guten Count Dooku ähnlich sieht?

Alle wichtigen Charaktere des Buches haben ein eigenes Design mit passender Garderobe und Bewaffnung erhalten. Auch viele der Gegner sehen sehr eindrucksvoll aus und die Karte des Geborgenen Landes ist super. Auch die vielen Filmsequenzen sind detailreich und super in Szene gesetzt. Einziger Wermutstropfen: manche Gebiete, gerade wenn man in der großen Stadt Mifurdania ist, wirken recht leblos und auch in den Zwergenfestungen könnte mehr los sein.

???? Sound

Wenn man davon absieht, dass es gegen Ende einen nervigen Bug in der Sprachausgabe gibt (viele Sätze werden doppelt widergegeben) ist die gesammte Vertonung sehr gelungen. Was nicht wirklich überrascht, wenn man bedenkt das Benny Ochsmann (Hitman Absolution, The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief) für den Soundtrack verantwortlich war.

Zudem hat man sich mit Leuten wie Erich Räuker, Jürgen Kluckert, Peter Groeger, Tanya Kahana oder auch Oliver Stritzel eine unglaubliche Starbesetzung im Bereich der Synchronsrpecher organisiert die so ziemlich jeder schon einmal in seiner Lieblingsserie, einem Anime oder einem anderen Spiel gehört hat. Um das Ganze noch abzurunden darf man auch noch der deutschen Metal-Band Blind Guardian zuhören welche den Song „Children of the Smith“ spielen.

❤︎ Fazit

Auch wenn noch Luft nach oben gewesen wäre, gerade im Bereich Gameplay, ist „The Dwarves“ ein sehr gelungenes Spiel aus deutschem Hause. Ich würde es jedem empfhelen, der eine gute Fantasy Geschichte erleben möchte und keine Lust hat sich das Buch durchzulesen. Aber auch wer die Vorlage kennt wird sicherlich auf seine kosten kommen.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare.
89 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.19 01:58
Ich liebe den Humor der Zwerge :D und wenn man davon absieht das es sowas wie ein Stratigie Spiel ist macht es echt Spaß und bringt einem gut ins Schwitzen da man aufpassen muss das seine Begleiter am leben bleiben. Ich als absoluter Zwergen Fan kann dieses Spiel einfach nur empfehlen :)
508 Produkte im Account
358 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 17:00
OMG what are these controls and voice lines. The tutorial/introduction section was enough for me. I don't need to put 1 more minute in this.
1374 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 19:29
Die Buchvorlage haben ich vor vielen Jahren gelesen, aber das an was ich mich noch erinnere, haben sie gut umgesetzt und schön inszeniert. Die musikalische Untersützung war passend und die Synchronsprecher sehr gut. Auch die Charaktere waren alle schön gestaltet. Das ist aber auch schon alles was ich positives über das Spiel sagen kann.
Im Bereich Gameplay scheitert es komplett:
- Steuerung sehr umständlich
- Kreaturen schieben sich die ganze Zeit hin und her
- mit den eigenen Fertigkeiten ist die Gefahr groß seine Gruppe zu verletzen (dadurch häufiger Mission gescheitert
- die Kämpfe sind sehr simpel und ich bin häufiger gescheitert durch friendly fire
- ein Nebenquest war auch verbuggt, wodurch ich es nicht beenden konnte
423 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 11:42
The controls for this game make no sense, neither does navigating through the game or what to do. Decent graphics though.
66 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 21:56
The Dwarves suffers as a clunky RPG that undercuts a fantastic cast of characters. The Dwarves has a strong tale based on a best-selling novel, and it generally maintains that legacy with a cast of lovable and well-voiced characters. It's a solid base, but it's not strong enough to compensate for the game's flaws, which include unsatisfying RPG features and an obstinate camera. It's not a good game; it's an okay one. It's unique and has charm. Worth of a sequel, and worth improvements.
455 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 20:25
I expected dwarves. I got dwarves. Everything else was bad though.
1119 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 19:37
While the story and the overall aesthetics of the game are pretty decent and interesting, it all falls apart with the gameplay and combat.

It is already sort of annoying, that nothing in this game is real time as you will be pausing the game every two seconds or less to issue commands, but the thing that killed the game for me was, that even after switching to very easy, the difficulty was still spiking a lot. If you don't like a game, where you cheese your way through a level instead of actually playing it, then this might be for you. I hated the combat in this game. I truly tried to push myself through the combat to continue the story and hear more about this world and its likable characters, but even on VERY EASY, the combat is just a lot of pausing, a lot of luck and a lot of being pushed around.

There are also several bugs within the game, including being unable to turn the camera at all, even after a game restart. And don't get me started on the camera itself. It just gets obstructed by basically everything at all times for no reason. I wish I could recommend this game and given the amount of positive reviews, there is certainly fun to be had, but I ain't one of them. After less than 7 hours (probably 1 or 2 hours away from the end), the journey is over for me.
719 Produkte im Account
141 Reviews
695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 13:09
Perfect game for fan of Tolkien and dwarves. Story driven and with nice narrative reminding game master in paper rpg. Game has alot pluses but also minuses. Still positive, because overall its really worth playing. Could be longer and ending better, but still its ok. Story is nice, not overwritten, ssimple but also with some small plot twist. Combat is ok, but minus is in units blocking and sometimes randomly running and degrouping. Obligatory later in game is to use huge black warrior, one of the companions, which can push through all enemies. Skills - there are better and worse, still later game totally focuses on support skills and teamplay, cant just whack road ahead. Sometimes its also advised to clear room and just wait for health regen. Exploring map is ok, still could be more side quests. Despite few flaws still the game is good, there iss this something which drives you through story. Game should be bought on big sale, despite being hack and slash and rpg is too short. Overall ok!
133 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 12:15
Atrocious gameplay, decent story.

As a massive dwarf fanatic who loves everything about dwarves and dwarfdom, I found this to be a complete waste of money, despite picking it up on an 80% sale.

The story is still not good enough to wade through the quagmire of diarrhea that is the gameplay.

If you really want some dwarf lore, read Markus Heitz' books that the game is based on.

3/10, some interesting characters, decent story, dreadfully terrible combat system and gameplay.
796 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 00:29
I have not read the books from Markus Heitz, but I am certain that this game is a love letter to them.

Sadly the game-play features are not fleshed out, multiple RPG systems in the game are just simply shallow. Do not get me wrong this game was a work of passion. The game itself was funded on Kickstarter and with that they set out to create something huge, but couldn't manage to flesh out most of the ideas. They kept to their enormous vision and it ended up as a half baked product probably due to budget and time constraints.

The end product is nothing to write home about, it is sadly a prime example of a developer that wanted to create something more, but couldn't manage to, it is still a work of passion that should be given a chance.

If you like classic fantasy Dwarves or the books written by Markus Heitz you should give this game a try, it seeps with passion and dedication.

Also Blind Guardian did the soundtrack for the game, which is amazing.
331 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
84 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 16:53
One mug filled with mead till the morning
Too much for an elf
Two more mugs full of mead till the morning
Add more from the shelf
There's three mugs filled with mead till the morning
Long since I was born
Four more mugs full of mead till the morning
Worthy of a dwarf
Nobody is welcome in a tavern full of drunken dwarves
No respect for humans, dragons, trolls, or pointy ears
If you want to die, stay as long as you're alive
We'll bring chaos to the tavern till the dawn has come
Nobody is welcome in a tavern full of drunken dwarves
No respect for humans, dragons, trolls, and pointy ears
If you want to run, do it faster than my axe
Don't you dare mess with a hall full of drunken dwarves
May you hear us sing along, from the forest
To the tavern's hall, until we fall
Alchemy and magic forge the night into a hearth of stone
In the tavern's hall, until we fall
With five mugs full of mead till the morning
Someone starts to crawl
Six more mugs full of mead till the morning
Everybody falls
Seven mugs full of mead till the morning
Right or even wrong
With eight more mugs of mead till the morning
We will start the brawl
May you hear us sing along, from the forest
To the tavern's hall, until we fall
Our blood is boiling fast
Like mead poured on the table
In the tavern's hall, until we fall
Nobody is welcome in a tavern full of drunken dwarves
No respect for humans, dragons, trolls, or pointy ears
If you want to die, stay as long as you're alive
We'll bring chaos to the tavern till the dawn has come
Nobody is welcome in a tavern full of drunken dwarves
No respect for humans, dragons, trolls, and pointy ears
If you want to run, do it faster than my axe
Don't you dare mess with a hall full of drunken dwarves
620 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 23:56
My first impression of this game was great, cool Dwarfs and horde mode mechanics where you control a few Dwarves slaughtering all the orcs with interesting RPG elements and fully voice story telling. I read all the reviews about the combat system and didn't believe it was that bad the first 5 missions. The combat definitely needed polish but didn't think much of it.
That is until you start needing to cheese levels or to execute moves by spamming space every 2 seconds cycling every hero. The core gameplay loop just isn't fun, who likes to keep spamming space and execute a move to achieve perfect usage of skills or to sit around idling for HP to regen because the Orcs are stuck somewhere odd. Not all companions are equally strong too so a lot gets to sit on the bench.
  • The bugs in combat sure doesn't help either, you can cycle each character or highlight them all, sometimes they will move and sometimes they won't. Sometimes when you cast a spell it won't always fire and the character will just stand there only way to fix it is to use your mouse.
  • Variety in skills is also very limited, two choices every two level sometimes with no choices. Most interesting choices is arguably everyone but your main character, if you're forced to use him why not give him something no one else have?
  • The only way to make this a little bit enjoyable is to turn the difficulty all the way down to Very Easy.
  • Trinkets are useful but could've had its own menu, why bundle it together with the gold and loot
  • Provision concept is cool but then again I was never punished for being at 0 so why does it matter
  • Gold was only used for Trinkets, potions are useless as you can cheese the whole game.
  • Character auto attacks? why even bother making them do more than 1 damage, knock down clearly is the king in every regard in this game as it just instant kills

The story isn't something that is solely worth playing, while interesting at times it is just a good vs bad story and it doesn't offer much in depth backstories to companions.

I liked this game, gave it a fair chance and stuck with it to the end to see something / fight something cool. The game play loop just isn't good and this is a video game.
111 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 23:13
The actual combat is kinda, meh, its not great but its okay.

The REAL draw, is hands down the story, its fun, has made me smile, and you get to make fun lil choices. Its not perfect but if ever on a sale (I picked it up at -75% off) its worth your money maybe not full price, but it was a fun bit of snacky delight for the 11hrs I played it for
280 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 23:11
I want to like this game, I really do, but the game mechanics get in the way of enjoyment.
243 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 09:44
Physics and collision based combat; there are definitely not enough games that operate on these kids of mechanics. You get a good position and angle and you can kick enemies off of cliffs (satisfying). Positioning and not getting surrounded is a must. The narration, voiceacting, and story are quality; you don't need to be underage to think so either.

The game is fairly short; you will beat it on the same day you get it... a shame. Also, physics based combat may not be for everyone: if you are a person that is so used to guard-rails that you will walk off a cliff without them, then this game is not for you.

The game is definitely worth the buy if it is on sale. However, if you do find yourself falling off cliffs so much so that you feel like rage-quitting, then it is probably a good idea that you put the game down and add more bubble wrap around your shins and forehead as the amount you are currently wearing is likely insufficient.
306 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 21:15
I actually quite liked this game. I think the role play side of things, the world and the characters are very well done and the graphics are truly gorgeous! Unfortunately, the combat is a little bit weak; not absolutely weak and it's not terrible. This is the game's second greatest flaw, only eclipsed by it's price tag! At £35, this game is not cheap, but it really is quite dear when you consider that I beat the thing in less than 15 hours, which is pretty bad for a game with very limited replayability. In addition to that, while the world building and Characters is fairly good, I do wish that those things had been taken further; I would have liked to have seen the budding romance between the two dwarves flower more and to have learned more about the kingdoms of Girdlegard, but with those two complaints, it may be that was all that there was in the source material that KING Art had access to, although, obviously, I don't know for sure as I am just some mook posting a review on Steam. Overall, I do recommend this game, but I would advise that this be purchased on a steam sale, as it is not worth it's steep price tag otherwise.
353 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
1437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 12:10
Playing The Dwarves is a whole lot more enjoyable than what I expected. Review became a lot longer than I expected too so.. TLDR.

STORY AND LORE that goes into the game is well done and progresses at a good and steady pace.

NARRATIONS AND VOICE ACTING are amazingly well written and well done. I particularly loved the comical dialogues that comes up from the interactions between the characters throughout the game and the voice overs definitely give life to each of the characters which makes it so much more enjoyable than it would have been without them.

GAMEPLAY AND MECHANICS I personally had a lot of fun with it. I am just reading the reviews right now and I see a number of negative reviews pointing at how bad the controls and mechanics are, which are definitely understandable, but that was what made it so fun IMO.

CHARACTER CONTROLS is definitely not easy at first as most times you need to find a way to get through hordes of enemies or allies that just blocks you off and can be irritating but it just makes sense cause the realism is you cannot just bulldoze through everyone unless you are huge, remember you are just a dwarf and human sized at most.

FRIENDLY FIRE this happens a lot, and I mean A LOT. Be it a normal attack or a skill used, a dwarf swinging around a giant axe around and your other character moving automatically next to him to flight is clearly going get a faceful of axe from time to time. So the main thing you can do to lessen this is POSITIONING AND CONSTANTLY WATCH THEM, YES, ABUSE THE PAUSING because that is the best perk to have for full control of all your characters at once. Every characters have their own skill range shown to you so make good use of that.


Every battle sequence you encounter as you progress has objective(s), you may murder everything in the map but always remember that is not the only thing you have to do. If the objective tells you to escape, you can only just focus on escaping. If it tells you to beat one guy alone, just beat that one guy alone and you can be sure you will still able to progress with the story. I played through on the HARD difficulty, I do not know what the difference of other difficulties are, but the hordes are no joke, if you are surrounded too long and cannot get out of it, you dead. So OBJECTIVES are always your main priorities even if you want to satisfy your blood lust like I did (and I died countless times too doing it, no regrets though, its part of the fun)


It really is a great game and can be somewhat challenging with how the mechanics are BUT it definitely is worth playing IN MY OPINION.
297 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
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142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 01:32
I want to like this game. The main characters and story is interesting but its controls are so terrible. I had a heck of a time doing anything in combat. It was like trying to move water without a bucket all the characters are so floaty and everything moved like it had no traction. Not to mention the friendly fire. Move them so they cant hit each other and you get swarmed move them so they cant be swarmed they will kill each other before the orcs can even hit them.
31 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 09:38
The voice acting is phenomenal, story is interesting, music is great and the combat can be frustrating at times and fun on some levels. The game has a very basic levelling and inventory system. I would only recommend it on sale because it is extremely overpriced.
105 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 22:03
Rpg game with dwarves in the lead role. The gameplay can be boring, but the plot and narrative are well done. Perfect position for players who like adventure games with a good story.

Check my other reviews at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38149651/ ☺️.
1229 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 03:08
Very reminiscent of Dragon Age: Origins in combat style.
Reasonably well written story and good characters.
Voice acting was pretty good.
A few bugs that forced me to load my game a few times, but nothing disastrous.
I had fun with it.
227 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 09:45
I was very excited to try out this game. I didn't care that there were already lots of reviews about the terrible gameplay. After close to 3h of gametime, all I can say is: the control in fights REALLY sucks.
I loved the story so far, if there was a mode without battles, I would still love to explore. But since you need to be victorious in all battles, I'll just quit.
579 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 17:36
This game was a mixed bag for me as far as I got but I don't recommend it especially at it's full price. The story I was enjoying at first if a bit lost at times. I came in with no knowledge of the book that this game was apparently based on and I found quite a bit of things were unexplained or confusing. But that isn't my main gripe. The gameplay unfortunately is quite tedious especially combat which is physics based but only ends up being a confusing mess where you have as good a chance of friendly fire as hitting the enemy. Difficulty is also inconsistent with rapid spikes without warning. That combined with the overall short campaign makes it a frustrating experience.
1653 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 14:06
The combat in this game is total BS.
356 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
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20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 01:59
Camera angle is very restrictive. Makes it frustrating to play
291 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 13:59
Playing on controller. Controls are clunky and keep pausing the game. I could not get past the tutorial as the king kept dying. Glad it was part of humble as I wouldn't have bought this.
296 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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1090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 09:47
+ Excellent voice acting
+ Great dialogue
+ Good music
+ Good gameplay concept

- Numberous bugs e.g. some characters get stuck on a certain action, unable to trigger anything else; Items not appearing in the slot even when already mounted
- Poor programming design choices e.g. one slot for both artifact and consumable item, sliding characters
- Gold was useless, as well as provisions
- Story was average
- Good idea on how to present the credits, but nothing is readable since they are running including the text

This game had a lot of potential. Gameplay could have been fun if it weren't for the glitches that happen on every fight. Such a shame, I wanted to like this game but it was a pain to play through until the end
220 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 17:14
I recommend this game but I think it is fair to say that it may not be for everyone. The game is based off of a book by the same name by German author Markus Heitz and I really want to buy the books and start reading them now - something I plan to do tonight.

It took me 10 hours exactly to finish the game - there is some repeatable content like battle modes but combat isn't the strong part of the game. Story is. I kept the combat on easy mode and I didn't have trouble with most of the encounters. I struggled a bit at first and when you get the hang of it you can notch it up to normal or hard and still have a good time. The collision based combat is fun as you can throw enemies around and it is a cool experience.

The story is overall good - I have one or two gripes about it, an off screen character death and a romance that is probably better explored in the books. And there are a few twists and turns that I found pretty interesting. I also found the characters to be enjoyable and I had some investment in a lot of them. The protagonist is an outsider and this allows the game to really do some superb world building which I enjoyed.

The game had a few hiccups, maybe two or three character animation glitches and once I had a character get stuck in terrain, as well as a challenging bug at the end where my health potions didn't show up as consumables - but luckily you have a few characters and abilities capable of doing healing so it wasn't a game breaker at all.

Some of the reviews mention it feeling unfinished - I feel as though this is because they are unaware this game covers the first book in what is now a 4 book series. So yeah, the ending has a bit of a cliffhanger and gets more combat heavy because it is the climax of the book.

I also found the graphics to be enjoyable and the aesthetic in general.

Who do I recommend this for?

- Fantasy genre fans
- fans of games that are story rich and story heavy
- fans of Dwarves which are often under-represented or play a minor role in fantasy works (looking at you, Tolkien).

But thanks, King Art I'm buying a new book and following a new author because of this fantastic game.
666 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
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324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 02:40
I tried to like this but I couldn't. I absolutely love the book series but this game is an absolute mess gameplaywise.
1596 Produkte im Account
568 Reviews
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242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 18:27
A pausable tactics game where you play a dwarf setting out to learn more about his heritage and save the world. I really liked the writing and the setting, and I think the decision to make the protagonist a dwarf who was raised by humans and is learning about what it means to be a dwarf really interesting. However I the fights eventually became too much of a struggle for me. In some fights even one character dropping to 0 health is an instant loss, and there was a general lack of healing abilities or aggro drawing abilities so one squishy character could ruin your day over and over, not to mention the way characters bump each other around and have a knack for knocking one another off cliffs. Which is a shame because I was really invested in the story, I just couldn't push through the battles even dialing the difficulty down.
708 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 16:47
The game is too unique for its own good. It attempts to be a small party horde focused around abilities but with the heroes to have autonomity. Sadly this is where it fails. They tend to run around like headless chickens and get themself killed. Multiple parts of the game doesn't allow anyone to get killed, so then you straight up lose because of it. Since you also control 4 characters you can't micromanage a character refusing to go where it should.

On top of this it has very wacky physics with knockback and knockdown being a part of the game. Game also has friendly fire. Overall this makes the game very very clunky. I beat multiple levels by placing 3 characters in a corner and control 1 well. They require so much micromanagement to not run into a group of people and die that is more effective.

On top of control bugs, characters getting stuck, archers shoots through walls and floor, enemies stands still and doesn't attack, your characters stops attacking and overall the game comes off as trying something really grand but failing hard at it coming off as unfinished.
461 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 17:37
I enjoyed the game to the point before I hit a game breaking bug that I couldn't get past. A story quest requires me to kill 30 undead and 2 bosses but only 29 undead spawn. I can't continue past this point and loading a past save does not fix it for me. Can't suggest people buy this game.
182 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 20:02
As someone who knows the novels. I would love a sequel.
254 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 16:38
Nice graphic and story, terrible mechanics and combat
490 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 20:15
Consider this not a game but a short fully voiced story. Put it on difficulty very easy and just enjoy the story. There is nothing else in the game.

Since the controls are just terrible, which makes the combat really annoying.
Either the characters constantly run away or you accidentally kill them with friendly fire.
Or the camera is in a terrible angle that you cannot properly change.

If you ignore the combat, the story is ok to good, but rather short.
Altogether was done after 8h.
Could have been a great game, but the controls are just ruining combat and with that the game aspect of it.
346 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 22:27
Bought it on a whim during the steam sale.

Its.... okay, i think there is a bit of an expectation that you're already aware of the mythos the game is set in, quite a few moments where there seemed to be large plot holes or just rather cheesy moments

Game play wise it was quite interesting, i think it would benefit from better UX for move choices and control + indications if you're going to crash into environmental objects...( hello first level flying off bridge )

The worldmap was one the redeeming features, with moving tokens indicating other groups/caravans and what felt like meaningful choices in how to advance through the game.

... if you like Book its based on you may find it more engaging - Personally though i wouldn't recommend to the uninitiated.
182 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 23:59
This is a game that i really want to recommend, but unfortunately I just cant. The game has a bunch of interesting mechanics and the story is really good, but its insanely repetitive and in many ways broken. It feels really well done in the sense of the story and the graphics, which make sense because it comes from a book. Unfortunately, the combat is sub par at best and seems really interesting at first, but quickly becomes just ignore the enemies and go to the exit. If you want a really good first 10 minutes then this game is just right for you. If you want a complex world that is hardly explained and leaves you confused but at the same time the story is completely predictable, then look no further. Unfortunately if you're looking for anything else just move on. The game really feels like a fan service to the book series, but not in a good way.
54 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 17:31
I have not played this style of tactical RPG game before. I thought I would give it a go and was surprised how much fun it was. There is so much story! I finished the main story but I can go back and play it again trying a different route.

The graphics, game play, music really well done! If you like fantasy medieval with story this is worth playing!
122 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 11:26
I got this game through a humble bundle awhile back and was itching to play something different, so I downloaded it and gave it a shot.

Pros / Cons for the first 4 hours of gameplay:

• Great voice acting
• Fun storytelling
• Good animations and graphics
• Dwarves!
• No crashes or game issues.
• Twin Dwarves!

• Combat is a little wonky at times
• UI could be polished more, but it does it's job fine

Although if I hadn't have gotten this game through humble bundle, I don't think it would have been on my radar at all. If you are into dwarves, solid voice acting, an interesting world and fun storytelling, then I say pick it up on sale!
628 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 11:57
The story and the animations during cutscenes were awesome. The characters felt like each of them had their own personality and were quite likeable. The graphics itself is nice to look at.

The combat on the overhand is very clumsy. I get we're meant to be hoarded but it felt like such a chore when basic attacks do next to no damage; the only way to quickly blast your way through the first part of the game before you get AoE attacks is to knock the enemy down and do a ridiculous amounts of critical damage. When a character goes down there's no second-chance system - you drop dead? Tough. Go back to the start of the mission. In the end it just bored me too much to keep going.

Satisfactory game but not my cup of tea.
264 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 08:14
I really wanted to like this game, I like a good Fantasy story, but goddamn, I could not get through this game. The story was intriguing, but that alone could not save this game from it's shit combat which was just a deal breaker. I haven't read the damn books, but go read those instead of playing this. I even tried playing on the easiest difficulty, and still would rather crap my pants in front of Gal Gadot than sit through more of the boring, and at times, ridiculous combat and gameplay.
169 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 11:29
Story was enjoyable, combat slightly entertaining. Not worth it even on sale imo.
769 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 20:53
The story is interesting but the gameplay is buggy.
810 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 18:51
Please follow TotalWar:Arena for quality reviews

The Dwarves Review – Take on Dark Forces

Both Tactical and Role-playing elements are ready to offer you challenging gameplay like never before. THQ Nordic presents The Dwarves, the real-time RPG game, in which a few legendary heroes are facing tons of vicious enemies. The game makes you the leader of those legendary heroes and your main objective is to lead them to victory at any cost while fighting against the dark hordes from an isometric perspective. Freely navigate the massive world to partake in tactical real-time fights, and unfolds the fantastic story focused on the bestseller “The Dwarves”.

Experience RPG mixed Tactical Gameplay

Set in the fantasy world where strange creatures are waiting for you as it is an RPG game that comes with an exciting story and challenging real-time fights. There are over fifteen playable heroes available and each comes with unique skills. During the game, you can deploy any of your legendary heroes on the grid-based map to assume his duty by fighting against enemies in turn-based combat. While playing the game, you can take on the following superior of:
• Zombies
• Alfs
• Orcs
• Dark Mages
• Bognilim

Based on the Best Selling Novel

You may be amazed to know that this RPG game is based on a novel of the same name and will let you experience an outstanding tale involving the fantasy race, known as The Dwarves. The Tactical real-time battles will pit you against tons of enemies with some companions. There’s a special feature that you can use for an advantage over the battle as many times as you want, is Play and Pause Feature.

Experience the Crowd Combat

As the game starts, you find your heroes in the crowd of strange creatures that are amazingly rendered using complex physics. Therefore, you feel the battle is running in real-time and lets you reveal your tactical thoughts. While navigating the world, you should reveal dark secrets and try to learn more about the world you are navigating and its inhabitants by merely solving challenging puzzles. There are several maps and each represents a unique environment to explore. The world, where the game takes place, is Girdlegard ranges from deserts to snowy mountains.

Navigate All Maps Freely

As mentioned above that there are several maps, ranging from mountains to deserts, and you are allowed to explore each one freely to meet new characters and experience challenging adventures to advance the story. During the journey, you should keep in mind that several actions you made on the map have some far-reaching consequences.

Pause and Play Battles

Control legendary heroes and lead them to victory. Using the Pause and Play feature, you can easily dominate the enemy territories. When you find yourself trapped, you can use a pause feature to take some rest and find the best solution on how to come out from it. Similar to a movie, you can make the game pause anytime when you want and play when you feel relax.

The Verdict

Both Strategy and Tactical approaches are required to lead your team to victory. Legendary heroes are ready to help you out in your task, but you have to decide who the best is for you. Making the wrong choices will push you into more difficult scenarios from where coming out is a bit difficult. Your every decision does matter in the game and will determine the fate of your people.

Rate: 10/10
140 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 01:08
I enjoyed the world and IP enough to actually pick up any Dwarves novels (very interesting to see Dwarves as the guardians of the world, instead of another Tolkeiniest background dying race), but in a game where the main focus is combat, its just too clunky and full of weird bugs that caused instant mission failures out of no where. Even with patches or updates the combat system remains pretty weak, and you will spend 95% of your time in combat.
118 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 19:32
this game story is okay, and so does it's gameplay, but many bug are not fixed even after 2 years, like character stop moving, control that sometime not working, hero froze , and game froze . i dont think this is a great game tbh
194 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 19:23
Nice game. Only buy at sale
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