• Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.
  • Die Young: Screen zum Spiel Die Young.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.06.2017
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Preis Update 07.01.25

Über das Spiel

Die Young
ist ein dynamisches Action-Abenteuer mit offener Welt, das aus der Perspektive der ersten Person präsentiert wird. Sie erwachen auf einer malerischen 12 km² großen Insel im Mittelmeer, lebendig begraben und für tot zurückgelassen. Verhungert und dehydriert hat Ihr Kampf ums Überleben gerade erst begonnen. Springe, klettere, nutze deine sportlichen und Parkour-Fähigkeiten, um die Gefahren und die Wildheit der Natur zu überwinden!

Bleib am Leben
Dies ist kein "klassisches" Überlebensspiel. Wenn Sie viele Tage und Nächte damit verbringen möchten, nach Ressourcen zu suchen oder einen Unterschlupf oder eine Festung zu bauen, ist dies hier nicht möglich. Ihr Hauptziel ist es, am Leben zu bleiben. Ihr einziger Zweck ist die Flucht. So schnell wie möglich. Bleiben Sie im heißen mediterranen Sommer hydratisiert und suchen Sie nach einem Weg, um zu gehen.

Finden Sie heraus, was mit Ihren Freunden passiert ist.Erkunden Sie die Insel und erfahren Sie mehr über ihre rätselhaften Bewohner, alten Ruinen, dunklen Minen und Höhlen. Entdecken Sie die schreckliche Wahrheit hinter dem ruhigen, idyllischen Leben der Insel.

Ausrüsten und kämpfen
Ohne alles Wertvolle bis hin zu den Schuhen an den Füßen muss man davonlaufen. Sie haben keine Chance zu entkommen, wenn Sie sich nur auf Ihren Verstand verlassen. Suche nach Gegenständen und Kampfausrüstung, die dir helfen können, den Albtraum zu überleben.

Die erstaunliche Schönheit der Naturlandschaft verbirgt tödliche Bedrohungen und Feinde. Es ist hoffnungslos, sich den Weg nach draußen zu erkämpfen. Laufen, springen, klettern und diejenigen zurücklassen, die dich tot sehen wollen.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320 or better
  • GFX: NVIDIA GTX 670 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or better
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64 bit required)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Laptop versions of graphics cards may work but are NOT officially supported.
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 | AMD FX-8350
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 970 or NVIDIA GeForce 1060 | AMD Radeon R9 290X or AMD Radeon RX 480 | (4GB VRAM)
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64 bit required)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Laptop versions of graphics cards may work but are NOT officially supported.
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

663 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 13:53
weiß nicht warum das game so hoch gelobt wird. Es gibt nur eine Kahle map. Grafsch ist es nicht so top und spielerisch naja, klettern, waffen finden die sich abnutzen und rätsel lösen.. alles in allem nicht schwer oder herrausfordernd. hätte mir mehr erwartet
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 14:54
Ich habe es im Early Access 2019 gespielt. Das spiel hat mich schon damals gefesselt. Am Anfang ist man etwas verwirrt, da es wirklich keine vergleichbaren Spiele gibt, doch sobald man beginnt in die Story einzutauchen, die sich sehr langsam offenbart und einfach die wunderschöne Atmosphäre genießt, denkt man sich, wow! Lange nicht so viel Spaß gehabt in einem Spiel. Die Kletterpassagen und das erforschen der Insel sind wirklich einzigartig. Die Rätsel machen sinn und auch spaß. Und manchmal weiß man nicht, ob jetzt Urlaubsfeeling oder Panik aufkommen soll, tolles Game. Werde es jetzt nach Jahren ein zweites mal angehen und hoffen es ist noch besser geworden.
197 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 20:23
Extremst parkourlastig...das muss man mögen. Für mich ist das nichts.
180 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 15:43
Ein tolles Survival-Game, mit toller Kletter und Rätsel Mechanik. Die Story ist spannend und durchgehend voller Überraschungen. Ein bespiel für ein gelungenes Early Access Spiel!
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 12:22
langweilig und billig lieblos programmiert nicht mal die 8 euro wert
231 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 11:36
Ich kann dieses Spiel wirklich nur jedem empfehlen, der die Story von FarCry3 mochte und die Parkoureinlagen von Tomb Raider. Vielleicht muss man sich am Anfang etwas überwinden am Spiel dran zu bleiben, aber nach 3-4 Stunden hat man sich in das Spiel verliebt. Dicke Empfehlung
363 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 19:25
Geniales Spiel !!
Super spannend !
Klare Empfehlung !
265 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 12:04
Fun to play, good game mechanics/ideas. Just some of the jumps are pretty tuff, same goes for some fights.
Sadly it crashed a few times and some of the achievements wasn´t unlocked, seeking for keys can be pain and i expierienced heavy performance losses, when using the lighter. But overall a nice Game with some potential. Maybe give it a shot. Prepare for some fun and falling to death on parcour routes. :) Oh and it has crowbar n crossbow, whatelse could someone need to survive this.
262 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 11:32
Das Spiel fängt gut an, aber irgendwann summieren sich die vielen kleinen schlechten Designentscheidungen zu einem unspielbarer Desaster, daher der Daumen runter.

Nur einige Kleinigkeiten:
- Kletterspiele mit waghalsigen Sprüngen funktionieren nur gut, wenn man im Zweifelsfall immer vor dem Sprung speichern kann (verträgt sich hier nicht mit dem komischen Speichersystem.)
- Openworld und Quests funktioniert gut nur zusammen, wenn man weiß, wo man hinmuss und wenn man für Quests nicht über die ganze Karte hin und her gescheucht wird
- Ich habe auch nach 11 Stunden keine Armbrust gesfunden, selbst wenn ich zu blöde zum suchen bin, sollte ich nicht mittlerweile über eine gestolpert sein - dafür verstopfen 1000 Pfeile mein Inventar

Zusammengefasst: Das Spiel ist ein typischer Fall von zu viel gewollt und dann ist nach ewigen Early Access wahrscheinlich irgendwann das Geld knapp geworden und es wurde veröffentlicht. Schade eigentlich.
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 15:54
Läuft leider nicht auf meinem Laptop mit einer GTX 780M. Nach dem Intro schwarzer Screen. Schade. Sonst bestimmt toll. Deshalb keine negative Beurteilung.
155 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 19:21
Mir persönlich gefällt Die Young schon sehr, ist aber noch nicht so ganz abgerundet. Die Grafik ist in Ordnung und die Kletterei sorgte bei mir (Höhenangst) für nasse Hände. Es macht super viel Spaß die Gegend zu erkunden, um mehr über die Hintergründe der Insel und dessen Bewohnern in Erfahrung zu bringen. Das Crafting ist relativ simpel gehalten, geht daher gut von der Hand. An manchen Stellen ertönt dann einfach diese Oldschool-Musik, die ich absolut feiere und sogar stehen bleibe, einfach um mir diese etwas länger anzuhören.

Leider bin ich, ohne mir entsprechendes Material anzuschauen nicht immer weiter gekommen. DIe Wege sind ziemlich verzwickt und es fehlt einem manchmal einfach die Orientierung. Hier weiß man zwar was zu machen ist, kommt aber ohne an einer gewissen Stelle gewesen zu sein und Gegenstand X eingesammelt zu haben, nicht weiter. Die Controllerunterstützung bzw. Steuerung gefiel mir hier leider nicht so gut. Sie ist einfach nicht ganz on the Point. Switched man hier auf die klassische Maus und Tastatur, rennt das Game aber absolut smooth.

Hoffe auf eine größere Gegner Vielfalt und weiteren Kontent.

31 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 16:28
ich fand das Spiel gut. Die Grafik ist echt okay und das Gameplay ist angenehm. Obwohl die Kommentare der Hauptfigur zum Geschehen tatsächlich manchmal ziemlich naiv rüberkommen und mir Daphne manchmal ein kleinen bisschen doof vorkommt, vor allem nach allem was sie im Laufe des Spiels durchmacht, ist die Story doch recht gelungen! Die zu erforschende Welt ist schön gemacht und verlangt von Spieler wirklich Aufmerksamkeit, sonst läuft man an dem ein oder anderen Geheimnis gern mal vorbei.
Alles in Allem bin ich zufrieden und kann das Game empfehlen.
174 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 18:44
if I was in this situation the games title would be Die Virgin
115 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 16:27
This game has loads of content u can play through, a lot of achievements, and has an awesome story line. It is single player but its worth trust.
10/10 definitely recommend
411 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 21:09
The game is broken for me. When i launch it freezes. alt tabbing in and out can let me navigate screens (barely). In the settings it shows no resolution is selected and none are available.
Never had an issue with any other game regarding this so I'm assuming it's an issue with the game itself.
138 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 15:17
If Farcry, dying light and the forest and mirror's edge had a love child, that would be die young.

I was playing on easy difficulty, to be honest after getting a crosbow and molotovs, the fights were mostly easy.
Still the game can be a bit challenging with the puzzles and the parkour elements, and with fights aswell sometimes.

Overall I would say it's not that hard game, you can have a lot of fun, its a decently long open world survival/crafting/horror/parkour game, with elements.
Reminds me a lot to farcry3.
Haven't really seen any bugs or glitches. (maybe the AI is a bit dumb...)
I deffinietely recommend the game especially on sale!
825 Produkte im Account
819 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 14:27
Die Young disappointed me a lot. The game itself could be really good, but it just doesn't feel that way. I would describe Die Young as the ugly child of Dying Light and Far Cry. Stranded on an island, you fight for survival and must progress as sneaky and stealthy as possible. It's a mix of parkour and survival. Unfortunately, the game feels like a walking simulator most of the time, as you just walk from A to B a lot (go to A and find out that you need keys, go to B to get the keys, go back to A, open the lock, gather new items, go to C, etc.) - at least in the first half of the game. The second half is more about climbing a lot. Nevertheless, there is not much happening, and you have seen 70% of all the interesting locations in the first hour (you will unblock new areas as you keep playing – but a big part of the late game consists of walking through the woods, climbing a mountain and reaching the top of the high tower). Angry animals are slow and can be outrun and the enemies can’t really catch up either, if you jump on rocks in order to escape.

The worst thing about the game is that sometimes you go down a huge route, which was sometimes even difficult to reach, only to realise that you are at a dead end because you need another key or another special item to move on. So, you turn back the whole way again to get the item and come back. And this happens way too often. Especially because there is no clear indication of where to go, but most of the paths are blocked until you have the right objects. Super annoying and a big waste of time.

Unfortunately, even the gameplay doesn't feel as good as I wish it did. In fact, the controls are slightly junky when running around and climbing. Also, the fighting doesn't really feel that great for being a main element of the game. The parkour elements themselves are nicely done, even if there are minor technical errors from time to time.

The story is okay, but not exceptional (and it only begins to be interesting towards the end of the game). The graphics, on the other hand, are really well done.

Unfortunately, I can only recommend the game when it's strongly on sale.
79 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 20:55
the best survival game i ever played, story rich so much contact, and the parkour is sooo goood!!!
i really enjoyed to play the game! 10/10
325 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
2682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 20:29

Hoofit dies young

What is Die Young
It’s a survival game in the literal sense of the world. You play a young woman called Daphne who is stuck on an island and is attempting to find her friends and escape. As beautiful as the island is, it is full of dangerous wildlife, and people that wish to seek you harm. You will need to eat, keep hydrated and sleep, failing to do the last two will kill you. As well as finding and making weapons, handy equipment and maybe even finding some of the very rare wearable items that are ‘hidden’ across the island. There is definite item resource management going on.

I’ve seen it described as a survival horror and I can see why, there are some unpleasant people/things that go on, but it’s not like resident evil where its constant, or that’s a part of the game’s soul. Most of the island is pretty and there’s even friendly villagers, there’s even large parts of it where you can just relax. Whilst there are bad things, there’s only really a couple of places, later on where horrifying things have happened/are happening.

I would call it survival exploration, the exploration of which involves a lot of parkouring- jumping on/off things climbing etc. There are a lot of places to visit, landmarks to visit and locations to explore. And yeah, you do a LOT of climbing and jumping, most of which involve some level of risk including falling to your doom. One tip learnt from experience, jump about a second after you think you should- as there’s a bit of leeway and it helps to make those tricker jumps!

Die Young as a ‘true’ open world
You have total freedom to explore in that whilst you have to rest at night, you can take as much time as you want, in the main, exploring that ruin, finding out what has been happening in the story, hunting for ancient idols (the games only collectible) etc. It’s an open world game in its truest sense in that you have a whole island to explore, at your own pace, with but a few non-respawning enemies. As opposed to a Ubisoft open world which has millions of collectibles, upgrades, and area progress status bars.

It’s also quite unique in that it doesn’t hold your hand, so whilst there’s notes and clues and there are quests, it doesn’t really advise you where to go, when. There are locations with really useful items, and ones without, and you may stumble into a really useful item, or miss an almost critical one and not be the wiser. There are a few upgrades which are really helpful but you may miss how to make them without having done a very specific thing.

Instead, it’s up to you explore, follow quests, or not (they don’t give experience, more of that later) avoid/fight animals and guards, gather loot and expand your backpack (critical). I strongly advise you find a backpack as soon as is possible and then make more upgrades, it’s a lifesaver as there’s a lot of gear you will want to hold.

The one collectible (ancient idols) aren’t massively well explained, and there’s little way of knowing where they are unless you look at a guide. Any indoor location where there’s a hard bit to get to may have one. Whilst you don’t need to collect all you will need a few for buying poisoned bolts which I class as essential.

When you do a quest for a man named the collector, you can then buy items with the idols and after doing so you then learn how to make them. Others highly recommend the harpoon and there are other good ones too, but seriously save some for poisoned bolts which become available late-game. And save some bolts for the ending.

Upgrades, crafting and experience
Another big difference from the triple A open world’s is that there is much less crafting and upgrades. You learn to make various weapons, medi-kits, drugs and equipment but really there isn’t a huge amount. I don’t mind this, there’s enough useful stuff to make without drowning you in options. Be aware there isn’t trial and error crafting, you learn a recipe by story, finding the recipe or buying off the collector. You can’t upgrade your weapons, but can increase your storage amounts.

There are inventory slots but most slots like hands have one or two items. I don’t mind this, it makes the game less about gear management and more about just playing, but if you love picking through items and deciding what is optimal for you, then this might be a draw-back. This is a game where you can choose climbing gloves or gardening gloves.

Speaking of which there are no levels, experience or skill trees. Daphne never reaches level 2 or learns a hunting skill, nor does she inexplicably get stronger. You will get better gear and actually threatening weapons but Daphne won’t improve at an arbitrary level. If you will forgive my literary flourish, you as a player will level up, the jumps which at first saw plenty of me falling to my death, become easier to make. Combat you will figure out (sneak up, bash, then circle strafe worked for me) and even though I didn’t have more stamina and strength points I felt like I had levelled up.

How does it look and play
Honestly Die Young’s island is beautiful, whilst there are glitches (I’ll come onto that) and the character models are a little basic and lacking in variety, the island and its locations are great to look at. Take time to explore and admire the view from up high and you’ll love it, spend time thinking why do all the guards have bizarre bandannas and look like they’ve been cloned from one of the same 2 men and you won’t.

There are glitches, people have reported clipping of model’s, bodies sometimes die and then drop inexplicably into difficult/impassable terrain. My game was mostly free of that, though I did have one guard who I killed on top of a tower fall through it and off a cliff, thankfully I did not need his weapon! What I did however is the standing up dead people bug. Basically, any guard I killed later on would when I left the area stand back up again and only collapse back when I got close to them. Spooky!

It plays quite well. The parkouring is generally intuitive and it’s great to get the top of a tower/building and be able to see for miles. It took me a bit of learning but I’m not the world’s greatest platformer. Combat is extremely basic with a limited stealth system and not much variety in moves. I just snuck up behind people to get the first blow then circle strafed like a mad man. When you get a crossbow, the game becomes 10X easier and that’s not much of an exaggeration. I’d recommend you leave bosses well alone until you get the crossbow when it’s open season.

Hoofit's finishing thoughts
I have recommended this game. It’s not flawless but for a cheaper price indie game that’s perhaps a bit much to expect. It’s limited in some ways for good (not drowned in useless options/upgrades) and in some ways for bad; you can’t look at the map outside of the region you’re in. The glitches may bother some, and the combat is just something you have to get through until you get a crossbow.

But it is an interesting island which whilst the end goal is to escape from it, my goal was to explore, find out what happened and look at the beautiful sea from places I had climbed to. It’s sold at an affordable price, certainly compared to AAA games, and it felt good to level up as a person not by killing dogs for experience.

You do need a bit of stubbornness on some of the harder parkouring bits, have to want to explore and it’s a game where you can really come a cropper at the end if you haven’t got the right recipe. But still for the price it’s well worth your time, and it’s still being supported by the developers, a good purchase, and a great one on sale!

Oh, and save regularly and start in adventure mode until you get more confident.
135 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 07:08
- graphics
- atmosphere
- mysterious antagonists

- story
- flat characters
- fighting
- climbing
- bad AI
- map
- bugs and glitches
- final boss fight

Buy it only if highly discounted.
141 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 14:53
Climbing mechanics are too clunky. Meh game.
95 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 10:32

The Forest 2 looks good!

260 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 03:16
This game is fantastic, right up to the final moment. But then the devs decided to completely change the game play (entirely without warning, I might add) and you end up hopelessly unprepared to finish the game.


For the entirety of the game, you have to rely on stealth and quietly get the upper hand on unsuspecting enemies. But in the final moment of the game, you're pitted against 12 to 18 enemies (a mix of snipers and melee attackers), alongside an aggressively overpowered final boss. There's a really good chance you won't have enough weapons or healing items to survive, because you get ZERO warning. The stealth techniques you mastered through the rest of the game are useless against the boss. A single attack from a hidden location, and all the enemies know exactly where you are. The game switches from a stealth platformer to a first person shooter, but your character remains a weak rogue without the defence or HP to survive the ordeal.
I will never understand why the developers decided to do this! They completely ruined a game that I've put nearly 20 hours into by pulling the rug out from under my feet!
108 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 21:50
This game caught my be surprise but I was immediately intrigued by the premise and the beautiful island setting. What an amazing world to explore and the atmosphere was top notch in my opinion. I felt immersed in the story and environment.

The parkour actually feels nice and ends up being quite challenging at some points. It's like Dying Light parkour but requires more precision. Also, the player doesn't have a spiderman-like grappling hook like in DL, which makes it more grounded into real parkour and climbing. The combat... not so good but you can skip it most of the times. I liked the puzzles too so I'd say it's a great game overall.
82 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 04:36
thought this game was going to be another walk through.
it has you running back and forth trying to find keys and clues.
gets a little buggy sometimes but nothing game breaking,
great game
20 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 13:01
Very nice game play and good story line, (just make the last boss fight more enjoyable) :))
229 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 01:58
This game was a surprise gem in a Humble Bundle - I wound up liking it a lot more than I expected I would. The island setting is beautiful, the pacing is good, and the horror elements underlying the whole thing are well done.

The platforming segments are where the game really shines. The jumps are brutal, and you'll see the Load Game screen many, many times during the longer sequences. But the save points are placed generously enough to prevent things from getting frustrating, and it's genuinely a joy to reach the top of a tough climb.

The story is pretty good as well: you wake up on an cultish island where half the population is drugged out of their minds, the other half are working in slavery under the illusion of freedom, inconvenient people tend to disappear or worse, and the guys at the top are a bunch of hypocrites and phonies who decry the ills of modern society while living off its largesse. In other words, your typical socialist paradise. Your job is to explore the island and survive long enough to find a way to escape (or, if you prefer, join the Community).

The biggest beef I have with the game, aside from the occasional graphical stuttering, is the boss fights. For a game built around exploration and stealth, it's quite jarring and immersion-breaking to suddenly wind up in a closed arena in straight-up combat. The mid-game boss isn't too bad, but the final one is just awful; it's a terrible ending to what is otherwise a very enjoyable game.

Boss fights aside, I heartily recommend this game to fans of open-world exploration.
74 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 16:17
Great adventure game with tight atmosphere and a steady sense of danger and urgency. Great refreshing mix of open-worldish exploration, awesome climbing-mechanics, light combat, light crafting, ok graphics and linear but very interesting story that does not care about boring political correctness and ever-preached AAA conventions
1720 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 00:57
4 hours into the game and I can easily recommend this - great play style -
Very impressed with IndieGala for this one -
Some stealth, some parkour, some mystery and very cool.
359 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 08:54
This game is long, but pretty good. The puzzles, while sometimes beyond confusing, can be fun, and the movement system is great (as long as you don't make a wrong input and fall off a cliff and then have to load 2 hours back because you didn't have the time or inventory space to save).
376 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 08:10
I was really enjoying it until the forced platforming sections. The coastal tower killed me twice and I gave up. You can't save unless you have wood, and it is really hard to acquire wood. For reasons. There are small trees and what looks like branches everywhere, but no wood. So, its not like I could just save at a critical jump which if you miss, you'll fall and die.

It feels like a rip on the Elder Scrolls way of having unpickable locks everywhere, but if you get to the other side of a door, it is no longer locked. If I had the option to skip some of the platforming, like the coastal tower, I might have kept playing it, but the climbing is fairly janky in this game and the things that can be grabbed with a sprint jump isn't entirely clear.

Up to the coastal tower I was really enjoying this open world survival experience, but this killed all interest in the title for me. Its not like Rise of the Tomb Raider with clear climbing mechanics and constant autosaves. You fail a jump, and you have to redo the entire platforming puzzle.

No thanks. Not my cup of tea. I liked the way Rise of the Tomb Raider did climbing and parkour (originally what attracted me to the title as it felt like a cross between Far Cry 3 and Rise). I don't like the climbing and parkour in this one. So just be aware that there are forced climbing puzzles and if you fail them you'll have to restart all of it. Otherwise I decent title marred by a stupid design decision.

I played on the normal difficulty. I cannot see how Survival mode would be doable as there is so little food and water and nothing respawns (as far as I can tell).
314 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 17:27
This is not really a bad game. Its a good game with bad design element. The combat is meh which I kinda anticipated anyway. Its parkour is let's say between Mirror's Edge and Dying Light (average), DL perfected that mechanic. The world is beautiful to run around with.

The cons of this game is the map design, In first area you can go to a specific location in a lot of direction you can but when you got in the middle game it starts to funnel you to a series of routes that is so confusing. Pinewoods was its intro in how annoyingly to navigate an area. When I got to the Stone Pillars I got frustrated are there are so many climbing routes to take and hard to remember where they will end up.

I could have accept this if the map update and actually show the routes I have taken to better navigate areas but nope map is as obsure in showing path just as in the beginning. This game is design to be confusing to make the game time long is not good to me. If only the dev put QOL in navigating confusing areas I would have enjoyed just running around everywhere.

That is just my take if you have no problem wasting time trying to mental map all the routes then this game may give you enjoyment. For me I just can't waste my time trying to remember how to get to where.
244 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 22:01
Just 2 words is enough: Fantastic game!
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 23:51
I want to love this game, I really do. The graphics are impressive for such a small team. I am fully invested in the plot, the main character and how her story will end. But I am extremely frustrated with two things: 1) The crashing. The game crashes pretty constantly. And if you don't have a save point nearby and put in an hour or more of work and the game crashes you are screwed. 2) There is no direction whatsoever. I understand there is supposed to be an air of mystery and uncertainty, but there are times where there is no direction whatsoever on what you're supposed to do or where you are supposed to go. The sense button does not light up documents or other clues so you quite literally have to search every nook and cranny to find them, which can be tedious and time consuming. All in all, I think the crashing is the biggest downfall of this game. If the devs could add just a tad bit more clarity by giving players a little bit more push in the right direction, or possibly some hints, they can maintain the realism while not leaving us completely in the dark.
206 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 08:00
I've tried on multiple occasions to get into this but there's nothing compelling enough to make me actually care about anything this game has to offer
892 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 04:01
Crashed multiple times so i had to run the game as administrator. Other than that, the climbing parts was pretty fun and was like a great break from the usual stuff I play.
1256 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 20:03
Ehhhh - There's something mediocre overall about this game. I'd say if you're exceptionally bored and this is cheap, check it out otherwise you aren't missing anything skipping it.

The only thing that kept me going was an interest in how the story shook out and mystery. There's parkour like Dying Light/Mirror's Edge, combat, crafting, and a ton of goats. Was hoping for more mystery like the show Lost and some complete resolution to the story (unlike Lost).

There's some irregular progression (heavy backtracking), prolonged parkour sections, difficulty in finding the fast travel/shelter points, oddly bad voice acting, boring combat mechanics, and pretty much no stealth mechanics other than hiding in tall grass or far away. There was little to no payoff with the multiple endings I encountered (I just saved before key decisions, definitely didn't replay the game).
36 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 18:36
This is a lot like Lara Croft, so far I like it.
544 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 14:49
game is like 80 percent platforming and the ledge grabs works like 70 percent of the time, the 30 percent in which you fall you die and start running all the way back, mountain pass and pinewood is the most frustrating part. I give up. Came for surivial horror, got mario odysessy
259 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 21:45
Kind of slow gameplay. The parkour needs a lot of work. When jumping and grabbing rocks or some iron sticking out of a rock your sights will change telling you the character will make the jump. When jumping from ledge to ledge you don't get that indicator in your sights. The ledge looks like you'd make it with no problem but you don't. On a second attempt she'll make it. It's like she won't get enough speed or something and not all ledges give you space for a running start. It's really aggravating. I quit playing because of this. Tired of falling to my death when I did everything right. Enemies... You sneak up on an enemy and attack them ferociously and your character will delay and they'll hit you hard out of nowhere. You'd think they'd be stunned or overwhelmed especially since he was talking to himself about the devil and not going to church. Not much dialogue or ambiance to draw you in. This could be a descent game if some issues were addressed. Right now I can't recommend.
483 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 04:14
It's a little more linear than it wants you to believe. Like it's a little too explicit where you can and can't climb, and as an extension of that there are locked gates and such that you really should be able to climb around or through but can't. It's still rather open, though. Also the stealth/detection is jarringly unrealistically forgiving.

Otherwise, it's pretty solid so far. I have had a good time exploring and skulking around. It also crashed the first time I ran it, right after the intro cutscene, but it's been stable since.

It's also got a few small nice touches I appreciate. Like the plants that you can craft with are named things that are just short descriptions of the plant, until you find a document that gives you the actual names.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 13:54
this is a super fun game feels pretty unique you cant go wrong buying it one of the best single players ive played in awhile
1637 Produkte im Account
641 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 00:07
A game where you play a young woman who has gotten kidnapped on a remote island in the Mediterranean and is trying to escape from cultists who have built elaborate mazes, obstacle courses, and rock climbing walls to torture her with. But seriously they're just trying to kill her lol. I feel like the stealth side of the game is all right. The exploration and climbing is fun but some of the areas are confusingly circular to navigate. Like, be prepared to end up working your way through an elaborate series of leaps and climbs only to find yourself back where you started because you grabbed this handhold, and not that one. Also, this is not a load bearing combat system, and yet the game has boss fights. I've never understood why games where you are encouraged to spend all your time sneaking around enemies and not fighting unless as a last resort will all of a sudden hurl you into an arena with a giant meat slab with a hammer and force you to fight them mano a mano in order to progress.
957 Produkte im Account
199 Reviews
1287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 23:08
Die Young is a pretty weird game that mixes free-running, parkour, stealth, quest-solving, hand-to-hand combat and a little taste of FPS. Most of the characters in Die Young as well as the story itself are pretty deranged, so it's not for the faint-hearted. It also defies logic in every way possible so one has to try hard to let the BS plot slide. If you can do that, the gameplay part is awesome. There's lots of running and climbing, scavenging for supplies, crafting all kinds of tools and healing mixtures and whatnot. I experienced only a couple of glitches but otherwise it was a very smooth game.

The open-world (more like open-island) setting has varying terrain to offer, from sunflower fields to lovely forest areas to incredibly high and steep cliffs and man-made structures where one wrong step means instant death. Some of those hardcore terrains were a bit of a nuisance because they're designed to only allow one way traversal, e.g. you jump off a ledge but can't reach it if you wanna go back, meaning you'll have to once again find another way around. This going back and forth takes quite a bit of time and it really gets annoying towards the end. Sometimes though you'll be able to unlock a door or a gate from the other side to be used as a shortcut if you ever need it later. It comes in handy when exploring the island or doing quests because they seem to require plenty of backtracking. As for exploration, the island itself has many points of interest scattered all around it - documents, people, bodies, attire upgrades to increase your stamina or endurance, etc., and some of them provide good backstory context as to what's happening on the island and why.

The hand-to-hand combat is not the most pleasant aspect of Die Young though and generally felt clumsy. Stealth only works if you're further away from the enemy or hiding in tall grass, because enemies will hear you behind them even when you're sneaking. You can't really creep up and do a one-hit takedown, as apparently impaling an enemy's head with a knife does only about 30% damage. So your best bet is to either try and avoid enemies or pop their heads with an arrow, which works alright and is satisfying.

Overall it's a fun gore-fueled adventure game with a pretty unique idea. Not the most immersive experience I've had but polished enough to be called a decent game.
139 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 19:18
I don't wanna go to church today, mommy!
1214 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 05:06
I like to give a quick reView of Die Young. Spending about 15 hours in the beta (back in 2019) and an additional 29 hours in the final build, I have to say I really enjoyed Die Young.

The simple crafting mechanics are not as involved as in other titles (Green Hell, The Long Dark etc) and even though the free-range parkour freedom is somewhat more limited than Dying Light, I think it's a very good blend of the two.

The story was great and even after exploring an overwhelmingly huge map, this game still left me wanting more.

It ain't the prettiest game out there but it definitely deserves to be loved. I definitely recommend this game!

Thumbs up for a sequel!
505 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
1622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 02:37
Solid game. Good story. Good puzzles. Nice atmosphere. Some platforming elements can be annoying but I'm not a fan of platformers to begin with so take that with a grain of salt.
17 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 12:08
great game the story is very interesting. I love how you never know what will happen until you do it, i would 100% recommend this game if you are looking for something new.
272 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 08:24
I really like this game, exploring and discovering things and feeling like an acrobat.
I found it mostly fun but sometimes frustrating when you have to do a lot of climbing.
I would class it as survival light as survival elements are very limited, it's very easy to stay hydrated.
What would kill me most is running out of stamina when climbing and falling or missing a jump. So death from falling was my biggest killer.
Enemies are relatively easy to avoid or kill.
The game runs well, it loads fast on a SSD and had no crashing at all.

I hated how difficult bosses are to beat. I found it impossible as combat is terrible. I was only able to defeat the Executioner by using a rock throwing glitch. I was not able to dodge his blows and he is able to kill you in 2 hits. I gave up on the horde and the last boss as it's too frustrating.
I would recommend this game to those who love exploring as don't get it if you're expecting it to be much of a survival game or if good combat is important to you.
But overall I can't recommend it myself as some things are way too difficult.
608 Produkte im Account
299 Reviews
2947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 08:36
I played the adventure mode, and Die Young is much, much better than the trailer had me believe; not at all a game of incessant combat.
It's essentially a game of exploration with parkour and stealth elements. Except for a couple of (grindy) boss fights, running away is always an option. The survival aspect is kept to zero annoyance, with sparse, sensible crafting, and a thirst gauge that is immersive instead of being a nuisance.

The game has some weaknesses, like amateur voicing, unjustifiably illegible documents, and the big one, a half-arsed, double-stupid save system:
- You've got the bonfire checkpoint crap of the Dark Stools franchise. To quit, first engage in some idiotic, possibly lethal pixel hunting for an hour, or lose your progress.
- Realising how moronic this system is, especially in an open world, they added crafting your own fires from collected wood. Again, a paramount feature is replaced by pixel hunting the smallest resource on the map.
- Crafted fires don't even stay where you put them. They are one use only.
- Loading times are long; feels like the entire map is reloaded each time.
- On the plus side, the system is multi-slots, although only at proper campfires. Half-yay!
Anyway, you can easily lose an hour of progress, particularly in the early game, when you can't find one of the tiny campfires after you've spent your 2 pieces of wood. The military camp is another culprit.
Even then, the UI dev didn't succeed in their nefarious plans of ruining the gameplay.

The island is the star of the game, and a joy to explore. Beautiful scenery, terrific sound design, vertiginous formations, vestigial buildings, nooks, crannies, shortcuts, secrets... Most locations are optional, each is distinct and nicely designed, memorable.
While the general plot is nonsensical, the environmental storytelling is excellent.
The climbing and jumping are very pleasant. The protagonist is more badass than Lara Croft. In fact, Die Young succeeds at recapturing the awesomeness of the early Tomb Raider games, unlike the modern titles of the franchise itself.
29 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 01:47
The detail put into the development of this game is unbelievably good, the story is there but your so focused on survival its a thrill, seriously. The game play is very nice, but extremely realistic in a way as well, with your constant needs to survive. If your into a survival, fast pace, run and gun idea of a game, and want more of a challenge then this is a game for you most definitely. I would recommend this to anyone who can handle playing a challenging survival game, but it does have multiple modes to choose from making play more fun or more difficult as well.
453 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 15:02
I bought this a while ago, and finally got around to playing it properly.

Great open world game with a fairly good stealth mechanic. The map, story, and scenery are pretty good, and would suit anyone who likes open world survival type games list 'The Forest'. Unlike 'The Forest' though, the crafting in this game is much smaller and limited to a few weapons and health items. The dialogue is a little mediocre in parts too, but definitely forgivable on the whole. A few glitches here and there, but for me at least, nothing game breaking.

I'd give this a solid 75% - Glad I played it, but definitely no replay.
40 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 23:41
The atmosphere, graphics and story are awesome. Game still needs to be improved (there were some bugs, that made it a bit unpleasant to play), but is worth playing.
785 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 19:38
Very good graphics, great movement and climbing, but very dumb and short-sighted AI!
But totally worth it; I had a blast playing it!!
340 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 09:19
It is a cool mediterranean settings, graphics are good enough. It feels a bit like an open world survival mirror's edge, although the survival aspects are rather limited and forgiving, which I actually like. The story is also interesting enough, though most of the storytelling is environmental and through notes. I recommend the game to anyone open to a mirror's edge esque open world game with crazy survival/horror aspects.
1209 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
1672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 07:50

While a bit rough in places, Die Young has so much vision and it creates a quite immersive world for an indie game. In my mind, the game is a fusion of Mirror's Edge, Dying Light, Miasmata, and Tomb Raider. It takes elements from all of these games and makes it's own with some very basic survival elements.

At the core, I would call this game an adventure exploration game that has action and survival elements. If you predominately like exploring, you will like this. (Ex. for the first 60 hours of me playing Fallout New Vegas, I just explored and hadn't reached even 25% of the main story quests.) Trying to find your way, map/compass read works pretty well. Most of the dangers can be avoided and I recommend doing that as much as you can because you just aren't made to be a fighter. I hoarded good stuff but in the end I didn't really need 85% of what I found. Found equipment on the other hand was super helpful and I've would've like more variety. (I liked that if you followed the in game hints and story, you can definitely find nearly all of the equipment if you're aware enough.) A bit more robust inventory system would've been nice too.

Wasn't really a fan of the boss fights, I don't think they came off very well; I would've liked to see other ways to deal with them. The hit boxes didn't always seem to be accurate. And the voice acting (and dialogue) was absolutely not good; I didn't mind the voice of the main character most of the time but she didn't seem to have any emotional care for dead people she'd find and would make very crass remarks that didn't fit the tone.

The story and story elements (journals, papers etc) I think were well done and the mystery unfolds nicely. For what it is, I think this work is very impressive and I can't wait to see what other types of exploration games they come up with.
18 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 18:21
great game...we are waiting for die young 2
90 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 11:50
Unfortunately it took me more than two hours to realize that this game is quite boring. It is mostly about jumping rocks, running in circles and gathering flowers to craft some potions just to heal your injuries from falling off walls.
169 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 03:47
Graphics: very nice. This island reminded me of Just Cause 3. You get to enjoy many beautiful sights.
Combat: you don't have to fight everyone you see. Just stay stealthy and you will be fine. You need to be very skillful and resourceful if you want to be aggressive.
Survival and crafting aspects: be careful if you're not sprinting because snakes may bite you. Stay hydrated and you will be fine. Save medkits or stamina boost for critical fights only. Resources are plenty to find so don't worry about crafting. It is not necessary to buy all the stuffs the old man offer to be good at crafting.
Story: I like how you slowly discover the fate of your friends. Who was bad and who was unfortunate. There are 3 endings and each of them is uniquely interesting to find out.

This game is underrated. I hope more people find out about it and have a good time parkouring through the island.
919 Produkte im Account
276 Reviews
750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 01:03
Pretty decent little indie game. Its sort of like if you took Far Cry and Dying Light but put it on a much lower budget and remove the guns and monsters. Quite a big open world, lot of climbing around you can do, decent mechanics with that, quite a lot of things to do and find and there's like a crafting system and side missions and lots of lore to pick up. Voice acting could be better but not too bad for an indie game. The enemies are probably the weakest point, there's maybe like 5 enemy types in the whole game and like some enemy animations look pretty dumb. The combat isn't that great. For some weird reason enemies can throw rocks at you that makes you go flying 5 feet backwards which is dumb af. It did crash once which was annoying but not too bad. Didn't have any game breaking bugs or anything like that so that's good. The hit detection on stuff can be dumb sometimes and also the pickaxe for some reason barely ever hits enemies which is annoying. Also characters mouths don't move when they talk which sucks. Pretty interesting little story though with a lot of lore and all that. Not a bad game overall definitely worth checking out, although the final boss is retarded and tedious and just a reskin of other enemies in the game so that's disappointing. The game does have multiple endings though so that's pretty cool. Overall not bad I'd give it a 7/10
882 Produkte im Account
462 Reviews
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 08:05

Information / Review English

The Young is a Survival-Adventure developed by IndieGala.

Gameplay / Story

In the open-world survival game Die Young, we control a young girl from the first person view, who for unknown reasons has been kidnapped to an idyllic Mediterranean island. Our protagonist is not the only victim of the kidnappers, but she is the first to escape from prison. The goal is not only to escape the tormentor and find a way off the island, but also to explore the mysteries, ruins, mines, caves and inhabitants of the island. The latter are quite suspicious and may also pose a threat to you. Die Young is developed on the basis of the Unreal Engine 4 and, in addition to the basic gameplay consisting of running, jumping and climbing in the first-person perspective, it also offers the option of searching for water, equipment and other items that may be used during the escape and exploration might be helpful.


+ stay alive
+ constant fear of being followed
+ beautiful graphics
+ matching pieces of music
+ Thinking alone is not enough
+ good puzzles
+ collectable items
+ Achievements and Trading cards


- very difficult at the beginning
- better combat mechanics
- more Survival Elements


Those who like to discover an unknown, dangerous world and uncover its secrets in the process will most likely find a lot of entertainment in Die Young. Personally, I would have liked more survival aspects than in other games, but a strong focus on parkour, free climbing and, above all, exploring and discovering small secrets makes this game different and puts its own stamp on the game.

Information / Review Deutsch

Die Young ist ein Survival - Abenteuer, welches von IndieGala entwickelt wurde.

Gameplay / Geschichte

Im Open-World-Survival-Spiel Die Young steuern wir aus der Ego-Ansicht ein junges Mädchen, dass aus unbekannten Gründen auf eine idyllische Mittelmeerinsel entführt wurde. Unsere Protagonistin ist nicht das einzige Opfer der Entführer, aber sie ist die Erste, der es gelingt, aus ihrem Gefängnis zu entkommen. Ziel ist es dabei aber nicht nur dem Peiniger zu entkommen und einen Weg von der Insel zu finden, sondern auch die Mysterien, Ruinen, Minen, Höhlen und Bewohner der Insel zu erkunden. Letztere sind recht verdächtig und stellen für Dich möglicherweise ebenfalls eine Bedrohung dar
Entwickelt wird Die Young auf Basis der Unreal Engine 4 und bietet neben dem grundlegenden Gameplay, das aus Rennen, Springen und Klettern in der First-Person-Perspektive besteht auch die Möglichkeit, nach Wasser, Ausrüstung und anderen Gegenständen zu suchen, die bei der Flucht und Erkundung hilfreich sein könnten.


+ bleib am Leben
+ ständige Angst verfolgt zu werden
+ wunderschöne Grafik
+ passende Musikstücke
+ Denken allein reicht nicht aus
+ gute Rätsel
+ sammelbare Gegenstände
+ Errungenschaften und Trading Cards


- mehr Survival-Aspekte
- am Anfang sehr schwer
- bessere Kampfmechanik


Wer es mag, eine unbekannte, gefährliche Welt zu entdecken und dabei ihre Geheimnisse zu erforschen, der findet in Die Young höchstwahrscheinlich eine Menge Unterhaltung. Ich hätte mir persönlich mehr Survival Aspekte gewünscht wie in anderen Spielen, aber starke Fokus auf Parkour, Freeclimbing und vor allem auch Erkunden und Entdecken von kleinen Geheimnissen macht dieses Spiel eben anders und drückt dem Spiel seinen eigenen Stempel auf.
15 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 20:38
It's exactly what I like in a game; part puzzle and part exploration. I find it challenging enough I want to keep playing but not so challenging I feel like throwing the computer. The jumps are sometimes terrifying as someone who's afraid of heights, I've discovered I'm afraid of them in game too. Nerve wracking in the best way.
111 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 02:33
Great game for exploring. Has an interesting story line and great game play. You can get stuck in a problem only to step back and see.
703 Produkte im Account
190 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 16:01
A very nice surprise!

This game strongest's points are the exploration and adventure with a dash of parkour and stealth. It has a survial mode but I wouldn't expect is to be too great because the survial and crafting mechanics are very basic. The fighting is also not a strong point of the game. It's basic and almost boring.

What I really love about this game is that is doesn't hold you by the hand. In the first half of the story, you have to figure out what you want to do and how you have to do it. It lead to one or two parts a little too annoying to figure out but, for the most part, I didn't everything on my own and it felt very rewarding.

I also love how open the world feels. Some area are more linear, especially towards the end of the game but you're often able to move freely between areas in multiple way and see neighbouring areas from multiple points.

Last note, I wouldn't recommend playing the prologue first. The base game does a very good job of teaching you the mechanics. The story of the prologue won't be relevant until the end of the base game and the main area feels a lot more like the areas you'll see at the end of the game. It was very nice to play and explore but I recommend doing it after the game if you want a little more.

Overall, very enjoyable, sequel please!
559 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
1506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 11:58
The game is okay, but not overwhelmingly fun. The exploration part is fun for the most part, but it could get pretty boring when needing to go back to the same locations just to find an item, or to enter a room you couldn't in anyway enter earlier. I also feel there should have been more things to interact with in the environment.
The climbing reminded me very much of Tomb Raider, with ledges you can grab marked with white. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as it would be tedious trying and failing when finding out where to climb, but it gives an idea of how open the climbing environment is.
I think the fighting in this game could use an improvement, and so could the AI of npc's, both of which reminded me of some old school game.
Something I miss is the ability to take down enemies from behind or stealth. I think this could have been a good addition to the game.
I would give this a 6/10.
1654 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
1712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 03:58
A very impressive first-person survival style game made by a small team. I clocked in 28 hours after exploring everything and doing every single hidden mission. It's not a game where you'll be doing a lot of gun shooting fps. You're weak and you'll craft items to help you fight but none are powerful. You'll have to rely on your running/climbing/crafting/stamina skills to see you through this mysterious island with different endings. A lot of exploration and a unique story that you haven't played before in like so many other titles. Optimization is very well done using UE4 engine. I clocked maxed at 4K with everything about 85 fps. Without question I can easily recommend this one.
478 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 02:49
Liked the game, not quite as survival-oriented as I expected, but it did a good job at keeping me on the watch to find food(water, really) and keep my health bar full.
I understood the idea behind the game, but kinda felt like a right-wing extremist POV of how communism/socialism would be like.
Not a hard game, but its a long one if you aim to explore and do all the quests - and thats not a bad thing.
186 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 13:37
331 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 11:26
This game was sadly kind of boring and felt very clunky.
After all those good reviews I gave it a try but thankfully I managed to finish one of the main parcours before it was too late so I could refund it. It was just no fun at all

I think the idea of this game was great, but how it turned out it wasn't.
93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 00:02
The game is worth the price, but if you're looking for countless hours of game play i wouldn't buy it. The first few hours are very fun but the game gets really repetitive after the fun wears off.
189 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 10:24
Suddenly very good AA project... I really like how this game could be interesting. Each time when I finishing task at some location I see some hidden path to something new. And I can not stop to play it. Just in case - it's my first walkthrough
428 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 13:23
This one's a lot of fun.

Die Young is an open-world parkour adventure game. Contrary to some expectations, it's not a survival game. There is certainly crafting/scavenging for items, but you'll never be desperately managing different meters or building structures. It's hard to compare this to another game--it's not really the survival game it might appear from the outside. The game 'Miasmata' is the closest parallel. The fluid system of movement pared with rewarding exploration is the standout gameplay feature

Kidnapped on a Mediterranean island and left for dead, you must overcome the island's challenges and escape. The island is huge, full of varied environments and secrets. Above all, a fast-paced parkour style of gameplay pervades. You'll be doing plenty of running, jumping, and even climbing. At times, you will climb to stomach-churning heights that I've never experienced before in a game. Often, you'll make death-defying leaps that'll leave you on the edge of your seat. There were a few times when I thought the system wasn't consistent, but I realized it was mostly my failing (stamina recovers quickly, but don't start a climb on low stamina!). A handy cursor icon always indicates where a surface is safe to climb.

As I journeyed over mountains and through dark caves, a fun little story emerged. There's some twisted things happening on the island, and as long as you don't try to analyze it too seriously, it should keep you motivated.

By the game's end, I had gone from being lost and confused in a strange land to feeling like the master of the island. The was exactly the title I was hoping it would be, and despite some jankiness and a number of strange crashes in the final third of the game, I was strongly motivated to finish it.
376 Produkte im Account
250 Reviews
1228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 22:02
Die Young is an open world survival game played from a first person perspective. The player controls a young girl called Daphne who has been kidnapped by a strange cult while visiting a mysterious island with her friends.

Your goal is simply to escape the island, although to begin with its not really clear how you’ll achieve this, so all you can do is explore the island and try to figure out what to do. Thankfully you’ve been given a map indicating a few locations of interest, which gives you a starting point.

Travelling around the island often involves jumping puzzles similar to a Tomb Raider game, whether its climbing up rock formations and jumping across narrow ledges while trying to avoid falling and breaking your legs, or just climbing up the side of a building whose door is locked, to enter through an upper floor window.

The island is a dangerous place. As well as cult members armed with melee weapons or crossbows, and the occasional large guy with a massive axe, you’ll also encounter wildlife such as dogs, wolves, boars and snakes. You can sneak past enemies by crouching through long grass or by taking another path through the environment, or fight them using weapons like a knife, wrench, and crowbar.

Melee combat feels a bit janky and fighting more than one enemy simultaneously is tough, but as soon as you find your own crossbow, the combat becomes much easier. The AI is pretty dumb and I found that as long as the enemies didn’t see where I was shooting from, I could pick them off one at a time with silent headshots while they stood around looking confused.

There’s some basic crafting, using scrap metal and wood to make new weapons (they eventually break after repeated use) and collecting plants to make healing items. You can also craft upgrades to your inventory size, and can keep spare items in Resident Evil style storage boxes that can be accessed from multiple places around the island. You need to drink water fairly regularly to avoid dying of thirst, but there are plenty of water sources around the island so its not a big problem.

In addition to the main quest to escape the island, there are a few side quests to find out what happened to some other kidnap victims, or to help some friendly NPCs, and if you explore the island thoroughly you’ll find special items like canteens to store extra water, or clothing which gives bonuses such as improving stamina or reducing fall damage.

It took me 20 hours to finish the game. The story has multiple endings depending on how you choose to deal with a late game quest, but unfortunately the dialogue and voice acting is mostly terrible. Controls are fully rebindable and work well with mouse and keyboard, I didn’t have any problems with framerate but I did encounter a few bugs. Nothing game breaking, just weird stuff like corpses spawning in mid air and falling to the floor, when I returned to areas I’d previously cleared.

There’s a separate prologue where you play as a different character. Its much more combat focused than the main game, which is not really a good thing. Thankfully it only takes a couple of hours to finish but it doesn’t really add anything to the story so honestly you could skip it.

I mostly enjoyed playing Die Young, its a bit rough around the edges in places, but exploring the island and gradually piecing together what you need to do is fun, and it kind of feels like you’re the protagonist of a horror slasher movie. I’d recommend buying it on a sale.
172 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 08:40
Boring :(
598 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 21:22
Very different to what it looks like and plays like in the trailers. Its just another survival game. Great if you like survival games, but i hate them 0/10 for me
307 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
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418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 16:21
I bought it because I`ve read many people comparing this game to The Forest.

Be aware: this has NOTHING to do with the forest. It`s not a survival simulator. You have a linear story and
quests along the way. If you want something similar to The Forest, stay away from this one and don`t make the same mistake as I have.
130 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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2145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 23:14
I wanted to recommend this game but it is FULL of bad game design elements and input lag!
Sometimes the character simply IGNORES that I want to run.
Maybe the 3rd or 4th time I press SHIFT, that is when her mayestic ASS starts to run.
This is bs big BS.
Sometimes grabbing a ledge won't work and I fall ofc.
The hitbox is way larger than the player or the NPCs meaning I and ofc mostly they can hit me even they aim next to me so it should have been a miss but no it COUNTS.
Animal NPCs mostly dogs and wolves are extremely stupid in combat. For example if I run around them they can't follow me so I can spank their butt easely.
Let's not forget about loading lags, meaning when the game loads a new chunk of the map sometimes the game stops for seconds. Also lag can happen in combat. Which is horrible.
Talking about atmosphere. Sometimes the ambient noise goes off, have no idea why.
Human NPC animations are ok but the animals are poorly animated.
Animals can no follow the terrain differences so they are walking in the air (some legs are in the air)
Rabbits are drifting and some animal sounds seems to be taken from a BDSM movie, not from nature.
Only recomend buying the game when it's on sale. (50% min.)
All in all the game could have been a great Tomb Raider+Far Cry mix but the execution is poor, even the story and the atmosphere is good.

PS. The Prologue is one of the worst demo/DLC ever.
Unstable, auto-save only, wanky enemy movement + all the cons above.
130 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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3745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 20:46
I liked the game very much. until the final bossfight. It was horrible. The only way to win was to cheese him for 20 minutes. Wasn't fun at all. Didn't feel satisfied when finally he dropped dead. Kinda ruined the game for me.

Despite the many crashes the other parts of the game was fun and entertaining.
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 05:12
I did actually enjoy this game while figuring out how to play it, however having completed it now and seeing how that ended in addition to a few other issues I don't think I would recommend this game as it is.

This game did give me a good challenge as a whole, which I liked. There were a lot of clever bits that made it enjoyable. I have not played a survival game before, and this one was a good start to get me into the genre.

However there were a few cons that occurred.

If you miss something, it is extremely taxing to backtrack. Save for a few designated areas there is no fast traveling or anything which as a whole makes sense or you wouldn't have to explore. However if you were to miss a clue or a key, going on a hunt for it means backtracking miles of multi-layered maps. As a piece of the exploration, your map only updates with water or camp fire locations. There is nothing to indicate where you have been, what is there, really what the terrain is like, and you only get one portion of the map at a time. [spoiler] I for instance missed the key on the crushed logger. I had been in that area, but didn't see him in the mess. I had basically exhausted all avenues trying to find the key myself (thinking that I was done in that area), before googling for help and then having to figure out where the heck that location actually is. [/spoiler]

I was getting ready to wrap up the game and started going through achievements to figure out if there were things I missed. There is one to kill a particular enemy so I went back to take care of him only to find out that after a seemingly random point in the game he is no longer available. There is no reason for this, other than he would be a slightly easier kill with late-game equipment. So now I am missing one achievement that honestly wouldn't be all that hard to complete, but it isn't worth starting a new game just because he disappeared from this one.

One of the routes to completion also has essentially a final boss fight, which doesn't entirely fit. I feel a large portion of the game was the exploration and being sneaky. The character is not really a fighter and would easily be overwhelmed if you decided to hack and slash through the game, particularly in some of the late-game bases. But for this boss fight you are pitted against a team of melee and ranged opponents, a few dogs, and a monstrosity of a man who is even more complicated to kill than the one I mentioned in the achievement I missed. All for a character that really isn't made to fight. The only things I have read or heard about were basically people outsmarting the AI to take pot shots and kill them all which is what I did as well.

There are also little things that take away from the immersion. On one hand you can take a leap across a whole chasm or from a small, finger tip ledge up to another. And on the other hand there are times when she can't jump high enough for a ledge because you didn't do it in just the right spot or the dev didn't want you climbing there so she takes this little bunny hop and that's it.

While this game is made for exploring, there are at least two conversations I can think of that if you don't grill the person you're talking to, you miss out on huge pieces of the game. My first run through I did not contact [spoiler] Ibrahim's men [/spoiler] and I didn't actually utilize [spoiler] The Collector [/spoiler] until my game was basically over because unless you act ungrateful for your gift he doesn't mention anything else.

Overall it was a decent game, but there are just some really odd loopholes that were apparent near the end that really kind of killed it for me.
117 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 15:57
still nowhere near ready
298 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 06:48
Great indie game. Like a combination of dying light, the forest, and mirrors edge. Took me about 1.5 days to beat.
31 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 20:26
beautiful open world game plenty to do & lots of places to explore with a interesting story.
100% recommend :)
297 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 12:18
Die young is an ambitious attempt at a lot of things, but ends up doing all of them in a mediocre way. That , in itself, can still make an entertaining game , but for me at least, it wasn't. Why?


*Most of the time is spent with exploring between 3d platforming sessions , that can extend over hours.
* 3d platforming suffers from the usual problems of the genre , along with occasional invisible walls you jump into and fall to your death. in fact , the great majority of my death stem from those.
* The length of the platforming parts , even if you can unlock shortcuts and return, makes it suffer from poor pacing. You spend so much time climbing and jumping, that you still have to go on for another half an hour, even after you are fed up with it. once free , you're happy to disregard the main story in favour of exploration - because the main storry will throw yet another hour of platforming at you.
* The survival aspect of the game boils down to crafting health potions and tonics, and sipping water. But water is so easy to come by, that i never actually had to make use of the bottles i had. You can also slay animals for leather , which allows you to upgrade your carry limits.
*The difficulty of hunting is a joke. you see something , you run at it and smack it, till it's dead. There's a lot of animals around , and you can outpace most with some persistance.
*The quality of humanoid ai is fairly basic aswell. Enemies may not react to beeing shot from a certain range on , or remain in the vicinity , trying to get to you , as you pelt them with arrows. They do become alert or search for you , if they find a corpse - for a short time.
*Once you get your hands on an arbalest, you can one-shot most things you encounteron the map. Only boss battles may be challenging.
*The game is set to play uncanny music , when enemies are within a certain radius. however , that radius is way too large , and you may end up spending an hour platforming with no foe in sight - with panic inducing soundtrack in the back, untill it either looses it's effecciency or you get annoyed enough to turn it off entirely.
* The horror aspect of the game doesn't really stick , but maybe it's just me. You are supposed to feel horror at finding certain corpses , but the game never gave the player the time to connect with them - so all the atrocities and brutality you run across happen to strangers.
*The platforming parts tend to be fairly compact, on top of beeing long. As a result, they start to not only feel frustratingly claustrophobic, but also stale, as you are essentially spending an hour stuck in the same scenery.

Be that as it may.. there are good aspects about this game.

* The boss fights can be pretty cleverly designed.
*The world looks quite beautifull and idyllic in many instances. And if you turn off the jaws sountrack playing in the background for no reason again, you can even enjoy the exploration a little.
* There's many little side-tasks and notices you can find. so it is up to you how deep you want to go into the backstorry of the game's events.
* several instances of finding point A for the MSQ offer you two paths to reach that destination.
* The character's monologues reflect the player's growing disregard for the brutal things they find with further progress into the game. This helps feeling validated. And it's kind of ironic , that they start feeling frustrated , bored , unimpressed and sarcastic after a while , as the player feels pretty much the same. However , the Player should not feel bored, frustrated and detached all the time.

I really tried to push trough the chewy bits, but i won't be finishing this title.
188 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 16:17
Reminded me quite a bit of The Forest, with mountaineering replacing spelunking as the main exploratory activity. It's an open world survival action-adventure in a similar vein to the aforementioned (great) game. More subtly creepy than outright horrifying, the combat and AI aren't as strong, and the crafting is much simpler (no shelter building). On the other hand I really liked the world design.
661 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 03:30
This felt like an open world, low-budget spiritual successor to Mirror's Edge. I thoroughly enjoyed my play through. The survival elements are minimal; the major challenge is traversing the environment, and some pretty average combat with sub-par AI near the end of the game. The real star here I think is the level design.
132 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 16:59
Amazing open world game, loads of explorations to be done and a lot of hours filled with amazing gameplay and story to follow
65 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 04:24
This game has a really cool premise and I love the idea. I'm torn about the execution. After playing for a while I've come to the conclusion that this is not primarily a stealth game. It is not primarily a parkour game. It is not even primarily a survival game. It is, in fact, a jump challenge game. And on a jump challenge scale of Super Mario Brothers to Turok 2, this game is heavily on the Turok 2 side. There are ridiculous nonsensical jump pillars everywhere. And the game mechanics do not favor jump challenges, so plan to die very often as you leap for a far ledge or pillar only to fall just short or slide sideways on the pillar and fall instead of catching it. I haven't been this mad at a game in a long time. Rating voice acting on a scale of resident evil 2 (the original) and the new Tomb Raider series, expect resident evil 2. I'm not sure about the story yet because I'm only three hours in. Keep in mind that only an hour has passed in the real-time game day, so simple math shows I've wasted two hours dying on jump challenges. I'm not kidding.
There are several bugs that are annoying, For example, if I accidentally or on purpose change the language in the settings, the selection window will never go away and become unusable so I have to click around it to figure out how to start or quit the game without access to the selection buttons I need. If I succeeded in changing the language I now have to do this in Spanish or some other language I can't read. I've also had enemies get stuck or AI get wonky. Stealth mechanics are schizophrenic.
That said, I love the exploration and the graphics, and again, the concept is compelling. So despite the insanely frustrating, overused, and unnecessary jump challenges that are only there to slow down the progression of the game (and the slow it down a LOT), I keep coming back to play.
577 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 13:39
This game is absolutely fantastic, and I would heartily recommend it. It is one of the real indie gems. Having said that there is one caveat, the final sequence of the game is badly designed and extremely frustrating to the point of probably being unbeatable for lots of players. This is a terrible shame as it will leave a sour last impression of the game.

Save for this one blemish this is easily one of my favourite games. Perhaps we can see a directors cut to sort out the final challenge.
182 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 16:58
A B rating plot but with enough engagement from the game to keep you on the suspense. This indie developer shows promise.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
78.71% 621 168
Release:05.06.2017 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: IndieGala Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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