Die Säulen der Erde
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Über das Spiel

England, 12. Jahrhundert: Der Mönch Philip wird Prior des kleinen Klosters Kingsbridge. Zur selben Zeit wächst der junge Jack gemeinsam mit seiner Mutter als Outlaw im Wald auf. Durch seine Ausbildung zum Steinmetz beginnt seine Karriere als großer Baumeister. Bald führt ihn sein Weg nach Kingsbridge, wo er eine der bedeutendsten Kathedralen Englands errichten wird. Die Geschwister Aliena und Richard müssen sich nach der Gefangennahme und Ermordung ihres Vaters, des Grafen von Shiring, allein durchschlagen. Aliena gelobt, nicht zu ruhen, bis ihr Bruder rechtmäßiger Graf von Shiring wird. Auch ihr Weg führt nach Kingsbridge. Als geschickte Händlerin unterstützt sie den Kathedralenbau und verliebt sich in Jack. Doch Kingsbridge und seinen Bewohnern droht Gefahr. Philips Erzrivalen, Bischof Waleran, und dem rachsüchtigen Adeligen William, der von Aliena zurückgewiesen wurde, ist der Aufstieg der Stadt ein Dorn im Auge. Sie wollen Kingsbridge brennen sehen.
Die Spiel-Adaption des Weltbestsellers „Die Säulen der Erde“ ist das erste gemeinsame Projekt von Daedalic Entertainment und der Bastei Lübbe AG. Dabei wird das Spiel mehr als ein ergänzendes Medium zum Buch sein und die Geschichte auf eine neue, interaktive Art erzählen. Rund 20 Personen arbeiten derzeit an der Adaption des Bestsellers in ein Multi-Plattform-Spiel. Die Autoren kooperieren im Zuge des Projekts mit dem Follett Office wie auch mit Ken Follett selbst. Dabei ist Daedalic das einzige Unternehmen der Gamesbranche, das ein derart episches Bucherlebnis aufwendig adaptiert.
- CPU: 2.8 Ghz Dual Core CPU
- GFX: AMD Radeon HD 6670, GeForce GTX 200 series with at least 1GB
- Software: Win 7, 8, 10, 32/64-bit
- HD: 13500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers
- DX: Version 9.0
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
- CPU: Quad Core CPU
- GFX: AMD R7 200 series, GeForce GTX 500 series
- Software: Win 7, 8, 10, 32/64-bit
- HD: 13500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers
- DX: Version 9.0
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.23 02:57
Die eigentlich durchweg fantastisch geschriebene Geschichte hat nur einen kurzen Hänger von etwa einer Stunde, da hier durch ein Ereignis an einem der vielen Höhepunkte die Geschichte extrem konstruiert wirkt, was mich fast dazu gebracht hätte, das Spielen abzubrechen und einfach kurz Wikipedia zu lesen, um zu sehen, was am Ende passiert. Zum Glück habe ich das nicht getan, denn die Geschichte erholt sich relativ schnell von diesem Punkt und wird wieder so spannend wie in den Stunden zuvor. Vor allem das Ende war sehr zufriedenstellend
Alles in allem bietet sich dieses Spiel durchaus an, wenn man keine Lust hat, das Buch zu lesen. Alternativ kann man auch die Miniserie schauen, die ich vor 10 Jahren gesehen habe. Diese war allerdings nur durchschnittlich und wich in Teilen stark vom Buch ab und das leider nicht im Positiven.
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 19:47
1538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 17:04
Worum geht es in dem Spiel?
In dem Spiel bist du im 12. Jahrhundert, hauptsächlich in England. Im Fokus steht die Stadt Kingsbridge und die Geschichte einzelner Charaktere. Das Setting ist historisch gut recherchiert, sodass du mit einbezogen wirst in das Leben in einer Epoche, in der Kirche und Glaube, Königen und Grafschaften.Ich versuche möglichst spoilerfrei nun meine Wertung und Spielerfahrung dazu abzugeben. Das Spiel ist in drei Büchern mit Unterkapiteln aufgeteilt.
Welches Genre ist „Die Säulen der Erde“?
Wie bereits erwähnt, stimme ich mit den Tags in Steam nur teilweise überein. „Mehrere Lösungswege“ erweckt den Eindruck, dass du die Hauptstory beeinflussen kannst. Dies ist jedoch nicht der Fall. Allerdings haben dennoch einige Entscheidungen, die du triffst, Einfluss auf das weitere Geschehen. Ich war überrascht, dass gegen Ende zahlreiche Entscheidungen, die ich vorher getroffen habe, in Dialogen aufgetaucht sind. Beispielsweise wählst du beim Weben einer Flagge zwischen drei Motiven und gegen Ende des Spiels siehst du dein Motiv. Auch bei einigen anderen Dialogen haben Entscheidungen, die du getroffen hast, Einfluss. Bei einigen schaltest du Achievements frei. Dies gilt auch für Nebenquesten. Nicht jede Quest, die du bekommst, ist nötig, um im Spielverlauf weiterzukommen. „Point & Click“ und „Abenteuer“-Kategorie trifft meiner Meinung nach zu. Jedoch spielst du dieses Spiel eher wie eine interaktive Geschichte/ Visual Novel durch. Oft bist du Zuschauer des Geschehens. Hin und wieder tauchen auf dem Nichts Quick Time Events auf, bei denen du in unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit markierte Felder durch Klicken der Maustaste treffen musst. Dies kommt teils sehr überraschend, aber ist gut schaffbar. Ich habe kein einziges QTE verfehlt.
Wie spielst du?
Ich habe dieses Spiel hauptsächlich mit der Maus gespielt. Du erhältst unten links anklickbare Felder, die auf deinen aktuellen Auftrag/ Aufträge hinweisen. Du kannst viele Charaktere anreden, im Dialog Entscheidungen treffen, wie das Gespräch verlaufen soll und diese anklickbaren Auftragsfelder gezielt auf Gegenstände oder Personen anwenden. So erhältst du Kommentare oder weitere Informationen, die dich weiterbringen. Du kannst dich nicht frei bewegen, sondern hast immer einen eingegrenzten Bereich, den du brauchst, damit du weiterkommst. In der Beschreibung „Features“ steht drin, dass du unterschiedliche Charaktere steuern kannst. Ich habe mir darunter vorgestellt, die ganze Geschichte aus entsprechenden unterschiedlichen Perspektiven spielen zu können. Dies ist jedoch falsch. Du spielst die Hauptgeschichte durch und hin und wieder wechselst du automatisch in eine andere Charakterperspektive. Das umfasst mehr als die genannten Charaktere, aber ist fest vorgegeben. Jeder Charakter hat eigene Fähigkeiten/ Items, die er nutzen kann. Aliena beispielsweise hat einen Dolch, ein Prior ein Gebetsbuch oder Jack eine Steinschleuder. Am Ende jedes Kapitels erhältst du eine Zusammenfassung der Geschichte.
Ist das Spiel schwierig?
Nein, jedes Rätsel kannst du ohne Hilfe auflösen. Hin und wieder musst du etwas rumprobieren, aber sie sind alle logisch zu lösen. Meine Befürchtung war ja, dass Daedelic einige Rätsel reinbringt, die so absurd sind, dass man Stunden damit verbringt (oder irgendwann frustriert im Internet nach einer Lösung schaut), wie das bei anderen Spielen der Fall ist. Du sammelst zwischendrin Dokumente, die du nachlesen kannst. Oft sind diese Informationen nicht relevant, um weiterspielen zu können, aber ergänzen die Informationen der Story, Schauplätze oder Charaktere. Bist du am Verreisen, wählst du deine Reiseziele auf einer Karte auf. An einigen Stationen erhältst du einen voll vertonten Text, den du mitlesen kannst, was da vor sich geht, bei anderen wechselst du in eine spielbare Sequenz.
Ich bin total begeistert von dem Spiel, aber Schwachpunkte hat es durchaus, auch wenn kleinere, nicht relevante. Bugs hab ich zum Beispiel keine gefunden. Bei einigen Kapiteln siehst du einen schwarzen Bildschirm. Du hörst dann zwar, was gerade passiert, aber es dauert dann einige Sekunden, bis wieder ein Bild zu sehen ist. In einigen Sequenzen ist keine Lippenbewegung zu erkennen, obwohl die Charaktere klar am Sprechen sind. Mich irritierte, dass ein Prior in zwei Stellen des Spiels einen Brief schreibt, der durchaus länger ist, aber keine Seite umschlägt. Er tunkt seine Schreibfeder regelmäßig in Tinte und erzählt, was er schreibt, aber die Animation ist durchgehend gleich. Weder schreibt er die Seite komplett voll, noch blättert er um oder bewegt sich anders.
Ist dieses Spiel nah am Roman dran?
Meiner Meinung nach ist das der Fall. Jedoch natürlich nicht so detailliert wie der gleichnamige Roman, aber da dieser Roman knapp 1300 Seiten umfasst, habe ich das auch nicht erwartet. Viele Szenen, die im Buch sehr detailliert und teils auch brutal erzählt werden, fallen hier überwiegend raus. Die Charaktere habe ich mir teils komplett anders vorgestellt als sie dargestellt wurden. Im Roman ist der rote Faden der Bau der Kathedrale, um den sich die Geschichten drumherum abspielen. Im Spiel liegt der Fokus auf der Geschichte von Aliena, um die sich der Rest aufbaut. Ich finde jedoch, dass wesentliche Elemente des Romans umgesetzt wurden. Schön ist auch, dass du als Spieler entscheidest, ob du weitere Details lesen möchtest oder nicht. Ich liebe die Romanreihe und habe das Buch zu dem Spiel mehrfach gelesen. Also bin beeindruckt davon, wie das Spiel auf wesentliche Aspekte neutral runterbricht, damit der Spieler nicht zu langatmig mit Informationen überflutet wird und einfach eine schöne und spannende Geschichte miterlebt.
Wie viele Bücher gibt es zur Zeit aus der Kingsbridge-Reihe?
„Die Säulen der Erde“ ist nur ein Teil der Bücherreihe. Die Nachfolgebücher sind „Die Tore der Welt“ und „Das Fundament der Ewigkeit“. Zudem ist mittlerweile eine Pre-Sequel erschienen namens Kingsbridge, die vorm ersten Roman spielt.
Grafik: 9/10 – Mir gefällt der Stil. 2 D, teils animiert. Es hebt sich vollständig von anderen Spielen ab und ich finde die Charaktere und Umgebungen liebevoll gezeichnet. Wer nun allerdings eine Grafik erwartet wie in Witcher oder Assassin’s Creed, wird wohl enttäuscht. Wer kunstvolle Zeichnungen mag, wird die Grafik lieben.
Soundtrack: 9/10
Synchronisation: 9/10. Ich hab es in deutscher Sprache gespielt und bin begeistert von den Synchronsprechern. Warum es jedoch relevant sein sollte, dass Gronkh einen Nebencharakter spricht, ist mir unklar. Dass jedoch Ken Follett selbst, als Autor der Romanvorlage, in der englischen Fassung diesen Charakter spricht, finde ich super.
Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis: Super! Da steckt jede Menge Arbeit drin! Aber wenn du nicht den vollen Preis in Steam dafür zahlen möchtest, findest du das günstiger auf anderen Seiten. Glaub, aktuell ist dieses Spiel auch im Epic Store kostenlos erhältlich. Aber ich finde, das Spiel ist seine knapp 30 Euro wert.
Wiederspielwert? Für die Hauptstory nein, für die Achievements oder zum Sehen, welche Nebenentscheidungen beeinflusst werden durch die Entscheidungen, ja.
Gesamtwertung: 9,5/10
1839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 22:21
1225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 09:22
Die Gameplay Elemente sind recht simpel gehalten und dienen ausschließlich dem Voranschreiten in der Geschichte.
Alle Dialoge im Spiel sind gesprochenen und durchweg gut.
Somit wirkt das Spiel größtenteils eher als würde man sich die Säulen der Erde als Trickfilm ansehen den als Spiel.
Das Spiel erlaubt einem gewisse Dinge zu entscheiden womit eine Abweichung von der Romanvorlage entstehen kann. Dennoch hält sich das Spiel nahe an der Romanvorlage und die grundsätzliche Geschichte ändert sich dadurch nicht.
Spieler die gerne komplizierte Rätsel lösen, um voranzuschreiten werden hier nicht fündig.
Alle anderen dürfen sich von diesem Spiel bezaubern lassen.
Nicht Empfohlen
1158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 19:41
Immer wieder müssen Dialogentscheidungen getroffen werden - die meisten bleiben absolut ohne Effekt, nur manches wirkt sich später wirklich noch aus. Man hat hier also die gleiche Spielerverarsche wie bei den Telltale-Spielen, was sehr frustrierend ist. Bei manchen Auswahloptionen hat man viel zu wenig Zeit, einmal nur eine halbe Sekunde. Die Geschicklichkeitseinlagen sind einfach nur lästig und ich musste viele mehrmals wiederholen, das Spiel würde gut ohne sie auskommen. Manche muss man zudem schlichtweg schaffen, da sonst einfach Game Over ist - ziemlich sinnlos. Wirkliche Rätsel gibt es nicht, Schauplätze und Inventar sind immer sehr begrenzt, es ist eher ein reines Abklappern der Schauplätze. Nichtsdestotrotz dauert es teils zu lange, die Schauplätze zu durchqueren, es gibt zwar Karten aber keine Schnellreise. Ab und zu gibt es optionale Nebenaufgaben, die man auch hätte weglassen können. Zudem gibt es nicht abbrechbare und nicht pausierbare Zwischensequenzen, so dass man hier teils wichtige Story verpasst, wenn man gerade dann vom PC weg muss. Einmal kam es auch vor, dass der Kapitelendbildschirm eine Entscheidung gegenteilig vom den anzeigte, wie ich sie eigentlich getroffen hatte.
Als Geschichte also gut, als Spiel leider nicht. Als klassisches Adventure hätte man da wohl mehr draus machen können.
1110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 19:25
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 15:58
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 19:13
Spielt sich ein wenig wie ein Telltale Titel, mit schöner Grafik und viel Story rund um die Romanserie.
Ich bin noch nicht sehr weit gekommen.
Aber da das Spiel aktuell für 6 statt 30 Euro im Angebot zu haben ist, wollte ich es euch unbedingt noch schnell empfehlen und euch den Kauf ans Herz legen, zumal die Entwickler jeden Euro gebrauchen können, um auch in Zukunft noch solche Spiele wie Deponia und Das Schwarze Auge Titel entwickeln zu können.
Fazit: kaufen, kaufen, kaufen!
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 19:35
Warum das so ist? Ganz einfach, Ken Follet´s die Säulen der Erde ist nicht nur irgendein Spiel, sondern ein stark Story geprägtes Spiel, in dem wir die Geschichte grundlegend verändern können und so vieles beeinflussen. In den knapp 16 St. habe ich eine motivierende und spannende Geschichte erlebt, welche zwar in der ein oder anderen Phase kleine Längen aufwies, aber insgesamt vollends überzeugt hat. Dieser Mix aus Story und Point Click war für mich eine relative neue Erfahrung und hat sich absolut gelohnt. Ich selber bin ja ein großer Fan von Spielen im Mittelalter. Daedalic Entertainment hat ein echt sehr gutes Spiel geschaffen, für das man sich definitiv Zeit nehmen sollte, es lebt von seiner guten Geschichte, die voranschreitet wie ein sehr lesenswertes Buch. Auch für Genreneulingen zu empfehlen!
Wertung: 85 / 100
1257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.23 20:39
So, what's this? A game based on a book. Truth be told, I haven't read it, so this is a review based soley on the gameplay, story and presentation, and not about how accurately (or not) it portrays the events in said book.
Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth, which I will from now on call just "The Pillars" for brevity, bears a strong resemblance to "Pentiment", in that both are narrative-driven point-and-click adventure games based in a medieval setting. If you liked that one, this one is an easy buy. If you liked this, Pentiment should be next on your agenda. If you've played neither, well, then let's get to it.
The Pillars is set in the classic point-and-click ganre, and as opposed to some other games within it, it doesn't attempt to do anything on the side. It's point-and-click through and through. There's no real combat (unless you count a couple of quicktime events) and almost no puzzles. The focus is put squarely on the story and narrative. Because of this, it's whether or not you're looking for a narrative-based adventure that will determine if you enjoy this game or not. Those that are not interested in pointing and clicking should stay away, as this game offers little besides that and the story. There are only a few minigames to be played here (which, I'd argue, might even be a good thing, as many developers implement them poorly and break their games' pacing).
The game features multiple protagonists, including a master builder, a monk, an outlaw boy and a princess. Their professions and status in life change throughout the story, but I can't really explain how without spoilers, which this PREMIUM review, which you should be grateful for reading, is free of.
The setup kind of sounds like you're in for a PG-13, family-friendly adventure about courtly love, forgiveness and happiness. Certainly, those all play a part. The cartoonish graphics (which definitely have their style and charm, mind you) certainly set the stage for a little family-friendly flick. However, if this is what you're expecting, then the game is about to blindside you. It's not some sanitised, teen-oriented hero's journey, it's actually a very mature story about cutthroat politics, crime, betrayal, death, despair and hope. If the liberal use of swearing early on in the game doesn't tip you off, then perhaps you'll be surprised to see people's throats being cut. You'll see people being clubbed to death, stabbed, burned alive. You'll see mutilations, hangings, executions and torture. The game handles topics such as sex, sexual assault, child abandonment, clerical corruption, blasphemy and many more. In short - it's a story for adults. For its balls in exploring such topics, and the seriousness with which they are handled, I'd rate the tone as excellent.
You'll often read that it has a religious theme. It does, insofar as one of the main characters is a monk and religion played a very important role in both politics and everyday life during those times. A cathedral is one of the primary, though not only, locations on the map. However, the game doesn't really appear to have a religious agenda. Yes, sometimes the concept of a one God is brought up favorably and references to religious motifs are made from time to time, but on the other hand - the clergy is not always portrayed in a good light, and at times clerics can be seen or understood to have done horrific acts. Contradictions between church doctrine and practice are brought up and openly discussed. A times, the church appears as openly hypocritical and corrupt. One of the characters may even have a soft conversion to a sort of atheism, depending on your choices in the game. For this reason I wouldn't call this a religious game. It's a game set in a religious time, with the portrayal of said religion being ambivalent in tone.
Now, I'm a person that does get bored after a while, but nevertheless stayed hooked until the end. I was surprised to see that it took me over 20 hours to finish the game. Now, granted, maybe a couple of those were AFK, but the vast majority of it was spent actively playing. I'm sure you could finish it far faster if you've tried, but the point of an adventure game isn't to fast-forward the adventure. That's quite a meaty adventure game. It's divided into three installments of several chapters each, but they all follow the same story and characters, merely with some time separation in between. Each chapter is serialized, meaning that while it contains it's own story, the main focus is on the over-arching story that bridges the gap between all of them. They are not self-contained. For this reason, the chapters cannot and should not be played out of order. Decisions made in previous chapters can affect results in future ones. I'd rate the story as very good to excellent.
As far as historical authenticity is concerned - while I noticed a few moments that I would deem somewhat doubious from an authenticity point of view, the vast majority of the game world, story and characters appear and act in an authentic manner. A few short moments about gripes regarding everyday life back in those days, that are not common knowledge, caught my attention and earned my respect. I'd rate the historic authenticity and realism of the game as good to very good.
And that leads me to decisions. This is a narrative adventure with branching paths, allowing for you to make decisions. Now, this is difficult to implement properly in a story-driven game and there overall direction of the game or narrative cannot be changed, but specific outcomes as relating to actions, the relationship between characters and the fate of some of them - can. It does a good job of making you feel in control of the story and recaps some of the key decisions you've taken in between them.
Technically, the game is stable. I've not experienced a single crash, despite liberal alt-tabbing. Nevertheless, at points I experienced a weird bug where alt-tabbing out of this game led to my GPU being blasted at max power. This is despite the game not being technically demanding at all. I had one freeze, in which interface items failed to load, which was remedied in a couple of seconds by opening and subsequently closing the main menu. I've read other reviewers mention problems with changing resolutions, but I personally haven't had issues. I've observed no other technical issues with the game. The only thing I wished is that you were allowed to pause the game while characters are in the middle of interactions. It appears that they may be fast-forwarded, but not paused, which can be a minor issue if you suddenly have to take a phone call or get distracted. You may use the spacebar to highlight interactable items, which solves the age old pixel hunting issue present in some similar games. However, at a few (rare) moments in the game, interactable items may be obsucred by being out of frame, and the position your character needs to get in in order to move the frame is not made clear. This is a very minor gripe, and not worth deducting points for. I'd rate the overall technical state of the game as good.
So, if you're in the market for a narrative-based point-and-click adventure, then The Pillars is a safe buy. It goes on sale for crazy discounts, at which point it's a steal. Overall, I'm very happy with this purchase. Recommended.
1197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.23 19:48
Very fascinating game, the narrative, the artistic work, the music all made this game very atmospheric.
It was very difficult to make every single choice.
A masterpiece!.
My respects to the developers of this game, you should be proud of this game you created.
947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.23 18:08
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.23 14:02
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.23 09:36
I'm very interested in religion and the medieval period myself, and Pillars of the Earth comes after all of Umberto Eco's books on my reading list, so yes, another "friar of Eberbach Abbey". I've often seen PotE mentioned in reviews while reading The Name of the Rose, but the two are very different, just as the game and Pentiment have nothing more in common than religious themes.
The game's adaptation of the original is much better than the TV series, probably because it has more time for narration, and the characterization is generally done right. My favorite characters are Waleran Bigod and Philip. Waleran has been changed a bit, with the game skipping right over how he became a bishop, whereas the novels were much more impressive when he made his first appearance. But I do think Philip is over-glorified. In the novel Philip pulls monks by their ears and punishes them for their disobedience, yet the game has him accuse Remigius of corporal punishment of newcomers. Perhaps the game is trying to convey the benevolence of Christianity (which Philip represents, at least in my opinion). Some of the dialogue options may seem merciful, but they are not conducive to Philip's portrayal, because they are in conflict with his beliefs. Philip in the game seems like the innocent lamb whose personality only gets moulded further and more complicated after witnessing the war first hand, but in the novels he starts to get to know the world in a real sense after his first meeting with Waleran. He sees that Waleran, who is not much older than him, is able to handle politics with ease, and he respects the other man while at the same time analysing him after he leaves.
Another note, the game has toned down the gender issues much milder than the original. It omits and changes some of the offensive plot points of the original, such as in the original's first chapter where Tom Builder sleeps with Ellen not long after Agnes's death, which is pretty disgusting, and made me really hate the Tom in the novel. There are some unnecessary and appalling sex-related depictions in the novel, and I tend to think that's Ken Follett's own fragile masculinity. They are... worse than some smut imo. But PotE is just a bestseller novel, it's the easy-to-read sort, a moderate story with details, not a literary novel like The Name of the Rose or Baltasar and Blimunda of similar themes. People give PotE too many overstated compliments, such as the page turner, but the truth is, it's not that good and shouldn't be expected to be a masterpiece. Not even epic imo. Nevertheless, I like the novel and the game for the religious and political strife. A lovely dessert.
I finished the game. It got more and more scribbled from Book 1 to Book 2 to Book 3. Book 3 was really sketchy, it skipped a lot of the plot and changed the ending into something overly idealized. It was a bit disappointing. It looked like it was trying to sell me on the Christian virtue of forgiveness, and choice had no real impact here. I've tried deliberately choosing bad options, but either I get a game over screen or it doesn't have much impact. William's death in Peace Route was somewhat unbelievable, how could he get one-hit by someone never practiced melee weapons in a duel? Why was the assassination of the Archbishop skipped? And at the end Waleran peacefully talking to Philip at Kingsbridge Abbey also cracks me up, in the novel he was ashamed and disgusted by the mercy shown to him by his enemies. It's an illogical adaptation.
1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.23 09:28
One of the best games for book readers. ????
1292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.23 12:25
Однією з ключових переваг цієї гри є відмінно розроблені персонажі і глибока історія, яка викликає емоції та спонукає гравця докладно розглядати кожен аспект внутрішнього світу героїв. Вибори, які гравці здійснюють під час гри, мають значний вплив на хід подій та кінцевий результат, що робить ігровий процес надзвичайно цікавим та різноманітним.
Задля покращення іммерсії, гра пропонує гарну анімацію та відмінний звуковий супровід, які допомагають поглибити гравця в атмосферу середньовіччя. Власне оточення та архітектурні деталі додають ігровому світу додаткового реалізму.
Оглядаючи загалом, "Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth" - це відмінна ігра для тих, хто цінує добре розроблену історію, відмінну графіку та історичну атмосферу. Гра надає можливість поглибитися в історію середньовічного Англії та відчути важливість кожного прийнятого рішення. З різноманітними гілками сюжету та надзвичайно живими персонажами, ця гра точно заслуговує на увагу прихильників історичних ігор.
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861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 18:35
What initially brought my attention to the game was the art style. A modern version of a classic 2D point and click with time and care provided to each character and most environments to help those unfamiliar perceive from the start.
The story itself (as told by the game) is pretty good. No significant surprises or gotcha moments. But where it really shines is the character development. The game takes its time, letting you get to know and become attached to the characters whose actions you choose/agree with. At times forcing me to become angry, happy, sad, etc., when certain events occur. Very well done.
Being a point-and-click style game, the gameplay has little to speak on. There are times when mini-games are added that seem out of place but nothing outlandish. Very intuitive and exploration encouraging for the most part.
All in all, I would give the game a 7 out of 10. A short but engaging game worth the price of admission if you enjoy this style of play.
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 22:48
Also, give the books a chance. :)
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 19:46
P.S.: This game is so good I had to buy it on steam, but I previously played it in other platform too.
1004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 22:56
It is unlike any other similar game, as it manages to use elements of classic adventure game, visual novel and Telltale (Walking Dead) formula in a way that feels like none of those and all of those at once. The result is an experience that is just as interactive as it needs to be to make story entertaining and keep pacing momentum.
There are flaws and irritating choice mechanics, but if you don't stress too much about achievements and accept that choices don't matter in grand scheme, you can enjoy it as simply an engaging, interactive story.
Voice acting is good, environments are moody and beautiful, characters personable. So just grab your hot beverage of choice and enjoy the story.
1279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 02:31
The puzzles that are here are pretty simple and straightforward, and also not abundant. They help to keep things interesting and keep the player engaged, but because there are only a few, it is not as challenging to manage inventory like in Night of the Rabbit. I would say it plays most like Memoria or Chains of Satinav.
The animations are nice, and sound design is pretty epic. Lot's of great voice acting.
There are little side quests and missables, and plenty of choices to make. The game explains how choices early on result in events later in the game. This game does a great job of presenting you with difficult choices that make you pause and think.
There are some really streamlined over-world/travel segments where you just read a short paragraph, see the icon on the map move, and make a decision at points. On one hand it is a little underwhelming, but on the other hand, you know you will not get bogged down in going from one main location to another.
I couldn't stop playing it til I finished it. The choices made are presented at the end similar to a game like Life is Strange or Beyond Two Souls. Although that is interesting, I still have not been compelled to replay.
The game is certainly long for an adventure game, but there are 4 or 5 chapters, so they are nice servings of game with clear stopping points for breaks. I think each chapter has 7 sections they are divided into.
Often when you go into a new section of story, you will change control to one of the other characters. All the protagonists are pretty likable, and the antagonists perfectly loathable.
Try it out!
Nicht Empfohlen
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 02:07
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 03:21
940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 16:01
990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 15:11
However, and this is a big however.
IF you don't mind reading a long novel, I would recommend it over this game. It's a well-crafted story in any context, but this is a story meant to be consumed in novel form. The miniseries did well enough, as did the game. But lord, the adaptation troubles show in this. if you could believe it, it took me two years to finish this game. This is mostly because the filler chapters, while nice sometimes, are often gratingly dull. Every dialogue, every movement, every cutscene, takes a long time to wind up. In short bursts this isn't too bad, but when you're navigating multiple scenes of static 2D characters talking about the year's crops or priory politics, there's little payoff for all that delay.
That said, there are definite advantages to the game format. The voice acting is consistently good. The artsyle matches the story much better than I thought it would, and really shines in expansive bids-eye shots of cities. The developers and artists clearly have the same love for architecture and history that Ken Follett has, so their product respects the spirit of his books.
Overall, this is a worthwhile experience. I don't regret buying it at full price ages ago, and if you're already a fan of Pillars of the Earth, neither will you. If you haven't read/watched/played this yet, I'd seriously consider which I'd prefer to engage with first: a well-crafted, if long novel, or a slightly shorter and less consistent video game.
1160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 08:36
The cartoonish graphics are simple but really eye catching and keeps a good touch of seriousness in the game.
Voice actors are very good most of the time!
All characters are very unique and it's amazing how they blend in to this huge story.
I almost finished it all in a couple days. It gave me lots of questions of real life value.
Amazing story and amazing game as a whole and i can't recommend it enough.
1157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 14:54
Pillars of the Earth is a point and click adventure, that plays more like an interactive movie. The story takes places in medieval times and spans across five decades. The game is based on a book of same name written by Ken Follett. I'm not familiar with the book and its' author, so I'm going to judge the game by its' own merit.
Pros & Cons
+ Engaging story that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster
+ Charismatic characters with different backgrounds and opinions
+ Beautiful graphics
- Dull gameplay
- Bare bones animations
- No skip or pause buttons during cutscenes
- Ending feels like it doesn't belong in this story
The game starts in England, in the year 1135, but later moves to other locations as time passes. The story spans decades and features multiple playable characters. The first one you'll play as is Tom Builder a master craftsman, who’s dream is to build a cathedral. The second one is prior Philip, a monk trying to save his priory from debt. The next one is Jack, a boy who grew up in the woods, forced to adjust to a new way of life. Last but not least, lady Aliena, who’s being chased by a sociopathic ex-lover. I won’t give any more details, as they might spoil the story for you.
The story is divided into 3 books. The first one introduces main characters and paints the historical background. So naturally, it feels very slow and boring. Some parts may be hard to understand if you’re not familiar with English history. However, the game tries its’ best to give you all the info you need. As soon as you think of a question, the game drops a dialogue with an answer or unlocks a short historical note, that you can read from the menu. After book one, however, the plot thickens quickly. It throws dramatic moments at you at the speed of a machine gun. Each scene can easily make you cry or bring tears of joy just as well. Genre-wise the story has everything: mystery, political thriller, action, romantic comedy/drama, road movie. It’s varied and will keep you engaged if you manage to play through the first introductory part.
Gameplay-wise it is a point and click adventure, that feels more like an interactive movie. It features a dialogue system, where choosing different options will lead to different consequences. Though, it’s like Telltale games in that regard, even though it feels like you’re making a big decision, it will only change slight details of the story. It also features QTEs, but they are very easy and it doesn’t feel like you can fail them, most of the time you get another try. And if you don’t get another try, then the QTE just leads to an optional achievement. There aren’t plenty of them, most of the time you’re required to complete some side-quest to help out some character. As far as point and clicks go, this might be the easiest one I’ve played, goals and their solutions are always simple and logical. The game has a button, that shows every active area on screen, so no pixel hunting is involved. Your inventory space is very limited, so even if you somehow managed to get stuck, it won’t take long to try every possible interaction.
There are some issues with the gameplay though. Most of the time it feels like a walking simulator, because locations are big and your walking speed is slow. There isn’t a button to skip walking, like in many classic adventure games, so you have to sit and wait until your character travels from one screen to another. It’s better to play with gamepad, since you can press right trigger to make your character move faster. I couldn’t figure out how to do that using the mouse. The other problem I have is mainly concerned with replayability, the game doesn’t let you skip cutscenes. You can skip dialogue, but it doesn’t skip character animation, so you still have to wait to see the stuff you’ve already seen. Another problem with cutscenes is that you can’t put them on pause. So, mute your phone and don’t forget turn off the oven before you play this.
Graphics & Audio
Visually the game looks beautiful. Backgrounds have a lot of detail to them and they just look gorgeous. Each character has a distinct memorable look and their emotions during cutscenes are easily readable. Animation on the other hand is not so great. It feels like you’re playing a flash game from late 00s. Sometimes instead of a cutscene, the game just shows you a static picture or even a black screen with action sounds in the background. Feels like the budget was running thin when they got to an animation phase. Though, it’s not as dire as it sounds, because for the most part of the game you’ll be listening to the dialogue. Which is well-written and delivered in a believable way by professional voice actors. Soundtrack is not very memorable, but works great in setting up the right atmosphere and highlighting turning points in the dialogue.
Specs: Intel Core i5-7300HQ, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 1050 4GB.
The game doesn't have any issues running at 1080p. Steam overlay shows it running at 100 frames per second, though due to the poor quality of the animation it may look like its running in 30 FPS.
If you value games for their story, this might be one of the best recommendations for you.
If you’re looking for puzzles, then it’s better to pass this one as it can’t offer you anything.
1167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 17:25
___| GRAPHICS |___
⬜ You will forget what reality looks like
☑️ Beautifull
⬜ Good
⬜ Decent
⬜ Bad
⬜ You will get eye-cancer
___| GAMEPLAY |___
⬜ Very good
⬜ Good
⬜ Just normal gameplay
☑️ Not really
⬜ You could play another game while playing this
⬜ Nonexistent
___| AUDIO |___
⬜ Eargasm
☑️ Very good
⬜ Good
⬜ Not too bad
⬜ Bad
⬜ Not worth it
___| STORY |___
⬜ This is now your life
☑️ Lovely
⬜ Good
⬜ Average
⬜ Some lore
⬜ No story at all
___| DIFFICULTY |___
⬜ Too easy
☑️ Easy
⬜ Significant brain usage
⬜ Easy to learn but hard to master
⬜ Difficult
⬜ Dark Souls
___| GRIND |___
☑️ Nothing to grind
⬜ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
⬜ Isn't necessary to progress
⬜ Average grind level
⬜ Too much grind
⬜ You will need a second life for grinding
___| GAMETIME |___
⬜ Long enough for a cup of coffee
⬜ Short
☑️ Average
⬜ Long
⬜ To infinity and beyond
___| AUDIENCE |___
⬜ Kids
☑️ Teens
☑️ Adults
⬜ Everyone
⬜ Check if you can run Paint
☑️ Potatoe
⬜ Decent
⬜ Fast
⬜ You will need a lot of money
⬜ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
___| PRICE |___
⬜ It's free!
⬜ Worth the price
⬜ If you have some spare money left
☑️ Wait for a sale
⬜ Not recommended
⬜ You could also just burn your money
___| BUGS |___
⬜ Never heard of
☑️ Minor bugs
⬜ Can get annoying
⬜ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
___| NOTES |___
➡️ Those are my own opinions, so please don't take them to serious
1534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 21:42
1376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 15:26
While playing this game, I noticed only a few things that negatively influenced my experienced. You can only pause (and save) the game at certain moments. During dialogues (of which there are a lot), you will have to wait. During the dialogues you sometimes only have limited time to choose the text you want to say. Although it helps with the immersion, it can be hard to read all your options and still have time to decide.
All in all, I would recommend this game. Especially if you can get it in sale for €3,- like me.
998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 13:32
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 11:05
Even though some chapter is boring and letting people to be fell asleep but it couldn't stop amazed me during the ending.
The most that amazed me would be the ending is really depending on your choice during your gameplay, especially when each option carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later on in the story.
Whether to live or die, options all yours. Just need to remember to use the save system well if you trying for go for different ending, as it will be a pain to rerun the whole game again.
1134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 03:16
I had very high expectations from this game as it is based on a commercially and critically successful novel written by Ken Follet, and it exceeded my expectations in all departments. The story is the most consistent and methodical I have ever seen in a video game. Sets in one of the most intriguing timelines in history--the Middle ages--the game is full of interesting dialogues, cunning plots, and the nature of the simple ordinary folk.
One of the playable characters out of three is Phillip of Gwynedd, who I would even go as far as calling the most lovable and complex yet simple protagonist ever written in a videogame. Just the presence of him, makes you adore and respect him. He is not a traditional ant-hero character but he is indeed not without flaws but that’s what made his character even better. Hell, I wouldn’t even call him an anti-hero. He resembles all the qualities a good protagonist needs to have, yet manages to be as realistic as possible. I truly cannot wait to read the novel to learn more about his character.
The soundtrack also does its job very well, and how it fits through the charming environment of this game makes it even more striking. Especially Ellen’s Lullaby called “The Lark in Hunter’s Net” very beautifully sung by an unknown singer. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything related to her online. This theme also proves out to be the main theme of Jack and his family and resembles deep emotions.
It offers a minimum of 15 hours of joyful gameplay, separated into three books with 7 chapters each.
With the closing of each chapter, it gives you a summary of the choices you made in that chapter. Most of the choices do matter, and they will ruin your story if you’re not careful. The animated graphics are also top-notch and to some extent, it gives the story even more meaning. Would have been better if they used modern techniques but this was the best they could do, and I don’t complain.
Overall, I would rate it 10/10 and I really wish that there were more narrative-based games like this considering the Medieval era is my most favorite era for books, movies, and videogame. There are so many stories of that era that can be told through video games and I really hope Daedalic Entertainment gets enough support to make more games like “The Pillars of the Earth”.
[/i t]
1088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 16:55
979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 07:56
As the game indicates, it is based on the Ken Follett's historical novel that was published some 30 years ago.
But a good story never fade away.
The Pillars of the Earth tells a breathtaking, beautiful and loveable story. This is more of an adventure game than the usual click-and-point-collect-to-solve-puzzles genre of game, the story is well developed and alternated for a video game, heavily story driven, and each chapter has an independent title that keep it to the point.
There are so many things to love about this game: The epic story, rich maps, loveable characters, detailed graphic, even insights about life in the Middle Age. What I love the most is how Philip of Kingsbridge sees through things. He enlightened me a great deal.
Nicht Empfohlen
940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 11:27
1035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 01:11
Definitely recommended!
1163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 11:52
But wanted to see at least chapter 1 through and it was a right call.. such a Brilliant story telling and Visual style.
One of the best and unique games I've ever played 10/10
1986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 08:05
Do highly recommend it if you want to be drawn into a fantastic world and a gripping story.
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 15:32
1748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 22:56
While building a huge cathedral the player can play several characters over the course of several decades. It really is an amazing experience to see the characters and locations in the game develop during the hard times the protagonists live in.
The time frame of this game is enormous; some protagonists start as children, grow up during the plot and are adults with their own families at the end of the plot.
The story is very interesting and does get quite complex; it might sound like it is only about building a cathedral but in reality all the protagonists have their own goals. Most of the protagonists barely have anything at the beginning of the game and have to work very hard to reach their goals. The plot is very dramatic and requires careful decision-making; wrong decisions can have severe consequences.
The graphics and the music are gorgeous and I really enjoyed the atmosphere.
I don't have much to complain about this game; I haven't encountered any bugs but the performance of the minimized game window annoyed me a bit. The performance ingame is great but when I minimize the window my GPU runs a lot warmer than ingame without any extra programs running in the background (roughly 10°C more). This is not really a problem on a desktop as the game doesn't require a lot of ressources but it can be problematic for many laptops.
For me this is a clear recommendation; I give this game 10/10 which I rarely do.
Nicht Empfohlen
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 20:32
A fairly standard point and click adventure, the story is apparently based on a book I’ve never heard of (and definitely won’t read based on the game) following a small ensemble and the events surrounding the construction of a cathedral. I have no idea how historically accurate it is, but I enjoyed the little notes about the history of things throughout regardless.
The game is expertly crafted: The mechanics are well done (with a small exception), the art is pleasant, the music delightful and fitting, and the theme seems to be consistent.
The game uses every opportunity to tell you about the characters, while in control of each you can examine things from their pov, they will tell you their thoughts and feelings helping to develop them significantly through exploration.
The game’s choices are fantastically done. This is a real masterclass on how a story should be tied together, how to make small decisions have weight later, and how to make it feel seamless while doing so. Which also feeds into…
The game has fantastic replayability, if you enjoy the story. There are so many combinations of things to explore and dialogue options throughout that give weight and change things much later on.
The characters come into their own later, you can’t help but be drawn in by them… eventually.
Which leads me into the con’s, because so far so good, right?
QTE: I don’t know anyone who sits down and goes “oh boy! I can’t wait for another chance to click buttons with perfect timing or be punished in my point and click adventures!” And I’m not sure I want to meet anyone that does.
The game feels very rushed from the middle to the end. The exploration, locations, little side puzzles and character development gives way to very on the rails ‘we have to get the story done’ rushing. Including entire sections of literal cut scenes to speed things along and get you finished.
These con’s might not seem so bad, you’re probably wondering what the big catch is, and here it is:
The game is so dull. It’s SO DULL. *SOOOO-* yeah you get the picture. It must seem odd to complain about being railroaded and being forced to watch cut scenes to move the tale along in one sentence then complain you’re bored in the next. It’s a little hard to swallow, but basically the first 10ish hours of the game are just unbearably dull. Everything good about the story kicks in later, once you have invested time in the characters, once you start seeing the long term effects of small decisions, once the interpersonal plot rich stuff starts to pay off… and honestly, I don’t think it’s worth the wait. Yes, the story ends up being a fantastic example of storytelling done right. I just wish it had been a better story done right.
Suggested improvements:
A lot of the time the game feels more like an interactive story than a game, the puzzles are simple and can be solved with regular point and click solutions, I’d like to have seen the adventure elements expanded.
QTE can be removed, they bring nothing to the table.
Overall recommendations:
I guess if you’re a fan of the books this might be good? I don’t know how well it follows the plot at all, but if you already know and love the characters then I think you’d probably enjoy this game.
If you want to see character driven adventure done well and have the time to invest, then this is worth it to explore, if you can stomach the wait for the game to pay off, that is.
If you’re a history buff, you might like it? IDK if it’s horribly inaccurate but the theme seemed consistent, just don’t burn my house down if I’m wrong.
Finally, if you’re just a lover of adventure games you might enjoy this.
Sadly, I don’t think it’s a recommendation for anyone else, and I really am anyone else. The story lost me too early, and I don’t think most people would have the patience to see it through to the rewarding conclusion. I almost didn’t several times.
1836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 16:32
10/10 this game is literally a masterpiece.
1749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 12:41
A hidden gem
This is a must play. Took a while to finish and some patience, but it was worth it. Truly a great game with many great characters and an interesting story.
The game can be slow at times, but it didn’t bother me too much. Playing the game gives a feeling of reading a book, which kind of makes sense considering that the game is based on the book of the same name.
Would highly recommend this game! 9/10
1061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 08:46
1159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 16:29
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
☑️ Normal
???? Significant usage of the brain
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls
???? Your Mom probably would enjoy this
???? Kids
☑️ Everyone
???? Everyone except kids
???? Casual players
???? Pro players
???? Graphics dont matter in this game
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Decent
???? Good
☑️ Cute
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Okay
☑️ Good
???? Beautiful
???? Hahaha
???? Bad
???? Acceptable
???? Good
☑️ Perfect
???? This game has no story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
☑️ Epic story
???? You choose your fate
???? Free
???? Complete waste of money
???? Underpriced
☑️ Worth its price
???? Should be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? EA Game
☑️ You can run it on a calculator
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? 0 - 5 hours
???? 5 - 15 hours
☑️ 15-50 hours
???? 50+ hours
???? No ending
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Likable
???? Very entertaining
☑️ Ride of your life
???? Bad
???? Could be better
☑️ Accetable
???? Good
???? Realistic
???? It's a one-time experience
???? If you wish to see the other endings
☑️ For achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
???? No
☑️ Wait for sale
???? Yes
☑️ Absolutely
847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 07:27
Stunning visuals and animation paired with the finest voice acting I think Ive ever encountered in a video game makes this a delight from start to finish.
1768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 13:37
In addition to that, the story, voice-acting, art and dialog are all great.
5375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 02:40
Basically it’s an amazing game and I highly recommend it. I’ve played it way too much already but without giving any spoilers, I just can’t help myself replaying these characters and even seeing some of them going further down the story than they did in the original narrative of the book.
1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 21:35
There is somewhat little gameplay in this game, but the game evolves mostly around exploration and dialogue. The gameplay is quite similar to Telltale adventure games. This game is divided into three books and all the books include 7 chapters of different length.
The game is set in the 12th century England, where you play mostly as three different characters trying to make their way in the time of religious and political intrigue. The story includes lot of twists and turns and character's stories intertwine with each other.
Even though the main plot is mostly set, you are able to make some choices which affect the character's fates. Writing quality is high, and most characters seem believable. The characters don't hold back in dialogue, for example there is some harsh dialogue and swearing involved when needed. The story involves several emotional moments through all the three books.
Voice actors are all doing excellent work. The soundtrack is very inspiring and epic sounding. It really fits the themes and moments adding to the experience.
Also one of the things this game shines in is art. The chosen art style is a bit cartoony, but it works. Especially background art is beautiful.
During my playthrough I encountered only one bug, which happened in book two, when suddenly my character's inventory and clues disappeared. Restarting the game helped here.
Overall I would recommend this game to anyone interested in story focused games based on historic setting. Often video games in medieval setting include fantasy elements, but this game doesn't need them to tell a great story.
2591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 04:28
988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 02:17
Whenever I launched The Pillars of the Earth, it smoothly pacified me with its deceptively calm disposition, divine music, and serene ambiance. I'm a restless, careworn man, but at all times the game managed to carry my jaded ass away like a weightless petal - to the world of churches, forests, castles, and hangings. Captivated by its charm and severity, I effortlessly adopted all of the kind-hearted messages contained within. I even stopped giggling at the silly haircuts of the monks, fully accepting them in my heart.
I couldn't get enough of all the vistas and fluent animations that made characters and environments look so incredibly lively. Poetically beautiful art and heartfelt voice acting frame the mature, gothic setting perfectly. The sounds and visuals here don't stop at performing their primary function - they disarm you, soften you up for the emotional scenes to come. Just allow this to happen, there's nothing wrong with being susceptible to goodness as long as it's not ham-fisted.
The same goes for the flavor. Some choices may be non-choices, so what? I'll never know, I don't savescum. In games like this one, just rolling with the punches really works in your favor. I've made all sorts of decisions, but good or bad, I stood by them. Just make a leap of faith in this regard, suspend your disbelief for a while. The game itself will help you feel like you have all the agency in the world. You don't have to pry or minmax, it's already as accessible as it gets.
Right, don't expect a serious challenge, it was designed to make you sit back and let go of the wheel. The amount of items, tasks, and locations available in each chapter is reasonably limited. It's always clear what to do next, so the story is constantly moving forward at a quick pace, which I believe was the initial intent. Following the game's simple logic and letting yourself go with the flow has a rather tranquilizing effect. This doesn't mean that it's dull or uneventful. Quite the opposite.
Story & Characters
Unexpectedly for me who haven't read the books, the game turned out to be chock-full of fire, violence, and all kinds of dark matter. During the decades-long journey that you see through the lens of several characters, you'll get involved in murder solving, ghost hunting, negotiations, elections, interrogations, sieges, and wars. I can go on and on, there're so many things happening in these tightly-packed 16 hours that simply listing them would push me beyond the character limit. See? The Pillars of the Earth isn't some Christian PSA. It's a historical drama of epic proportions, both in terms of space and time.
Although I've heard that Ken Follett is quite credible when it comes to historical realism, I'm sure that some history buffs would find many annoying inaccuracies in how England of the time was portrayed. As an amateur, I felt like characters spoke and behaved properly, and found the depicted societal norms to be authentically different from ours. Unlike in, say, Dead in Vinland where they seemingly plucked a family from modern times and placed it a few centuries back with very few changes.
I was full of Vinland's fake family after a few hours. But here, the characters lived almost their entire lives in front of my eyes and there was never a single moment when any one of them seemed unconvincing in their emotions and motivations. A testament to the great writing. Who are these guys? A priest who has a pony, an advanced Mowgli, a stabby princess, and a bit of that big builder guy whom the story nonchalantly forgave for what he did in the prologue, yet I didn't. I could tell you about each of them in litany, but why? This is the whole point of the game.
It's a story about people learning their hard lessons, each of which could cost any of us, modern people, years of therapy. But let me tell you, our heroes can take a beating. In particular, from the malicious villains whom I consider cliched in their wickedness, yet at the same time wouldn't call that exaggerated. Nature gives birth to all sorts of creatures like serial killers, K-pop posters, and Dracula, so William Hamleigh and his friends are but a collective image, a wide brush stroke. I can live with that as long as everything else is nuanced enough, and this is indeed the case.
It's a story that teaches compassion. Mostly through shock and awe, yes. Which has always been the most effective kind of lesson anyway. On the whole, Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth is an extremely chill game, yet begin unwrapping its intricate narrative and you'll see that this bad boy is packing heat! It also bears mentioning that you don't have to be religious to enjoy it. I'm not, but it still got under my skin and took root there. Sounds kinda disgusting, to be honest, but you know what I mean.
My curator Big Bad Mutuh
1306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 02:59
1504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 06:13
This is an amazing point and click adventure game, from the voiceover to the story it is near perfect! Choices do seem to matter to some extent, and there is a deep story which also offers replayability.
This game is heavy on the story, to the point of being deep. I myself started to look into the period of the Anarchy which I was oblivious too until I started this game. It does contain some religious elements but in a way that anyone, be it atheist or theist can approach and enjoy.
If I did have a complaint it would be that at times I would have preferred more too do and it can get a bit too dialogue-heavy. Not really a problem but I would have enjoyed more to do and see. Simply because the story was delivered in such a good and believable way.
Hopefully, Daedalic continues to make games like this, or even make a third Dark Eye adventure game.
Get this game if your into story-rich adventure, point and click games. It can often be found on sale.
Nicht Empfohlen
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 15:38
951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 18:01
If you're looking for a game where your choices really matter you should give it a try!
1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 21:07
954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 04:05
Regarding some of the criticisms in the review section, it IS a tad slow paced but the narrative is engrossing enough to keep you interested. Some also refer to this as a visual novel--I would definitely not categorize it as such as visual novels provide almost no gameplay and are completely linear. Choices do matter in this game and many characters may be killed off or change roles or change relationship depending on your decisions. Additionally, non-religious players might be slightly put off by the tone in the beginning--keep playing as the game (and I assume the book?) does a good job of treating the topic with nuance (I am also not religious).
I think this is Deadalic's best game. I highly recommend it and I feel like it is highly underrated.
1637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 09:48
If you like narrative driven relaxing game, this game is worth putting hours into.
1650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 22:33
Why do I recommend this game?
+ Near-perfect adaptation of Follet's story.
+ Sweeping narrative that heartily delivers a triumphant tale of good, evil, love, and loss.
+ Gorgeous hand-painted backgrounds.
+ Superb voice cast that both enhances the player's emotional investment in the character's and makes the setting feel authentic.
+ Stunning orchestral original soundtrack performed by the Prague FILMharmonic Orchestra.
+ Sound effects are effectively used to give feedback to the player and immerse the player in the fantasy.
+ Effective and easy-to-use user interface that makes interacting with the environment feel immersive.
Why would I not recommend this game?
- Light on actual gameplay, without significant challenge.
- Slow deliberate pacing, requires a patient gamer.
- Character art doesn't look good, all of the character models are dressed in various shades of brown clothing and don't change outfits throughout the game.
- Character animation doesn't look good, Facial animations are non-emotive and have bad lip-sync. The models blend poorly with the environment and give the illusion of paper sliding across a static background.
What is the hook?
Effective choice mechanics that have been introduced into an established story that allows the player to make the story their own.
Overall Score: 81/100
3979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 00:14
I do not usually play point and click adventure games as I am more into open world RPG and strategy genres but had given this one a go because it looked interesting. Having played through it I found it enjoyable enough that I would play more games from this genre and would recommend giving this game a try.
Nicht Empfohlen
2680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 02:29
1239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 06:18
Thank you to the team that made this game. I hope to see more content like this in the future and I'll keep an eye out for more of your work.
959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 14:45
And maybe that's why quite relaxing as well. Good for autumn evenings with warm cup of tea.
Nicht Empfohlen
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 18:23
Make no mistake, this is a great movie. Quality production and voice acting. That kept me playing in the beginning.
Then I stated that there is no real challenge here. Just go here and talk, go there pick stuff, and come back to talk some more. Interactive movie should be the tag here, not game.
Plus, when I spoke to a monk and he replied to something I hadn't yet talked about with him, I quit and asked for a refund.
Nicht Empfohlen
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 01:01
I love the books, the show, and loved the 4 hours this game worked. I have uninstalled it, reinstalled. Looked for fixes online. Nothing. No sound, can't click on anything to continue. Thought I'd give it another go since it's been a while, but the issues have not been fixed. If you loved the book, don't buy this game bc it will just crush your heart like the collapse of the Kingsbridge cathedral.
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 11:13
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 02:12
Not for everyone as religious politics and the middle ages and the Anarchy is quite obscure which I think works in favour as its topic is so unlike pretty much anything else you will find on steam. Ending epilogue made me emotional which is a sure sign for me of a good game.
Strongly recommend if you like the genre. Also if you like historical fiction.
2630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 19:56
Good things:
Everything is great. The story is great. Your choices really matter a lot and based on them people will die and survive. I loved the graphic of this game and the puzzles. The game have a really important massage that I think should be told to everyone. This game is a truly epic journey. I don’t remember the last time I did cry while playing a game but while playing this game I did cry 3 times and I’m not ashamed to admit it. This game moves things in your hearth and brain that you won’t even suspect you have. I can’t use my words to tell you how impressed I am with this game and I can’t use my words without making spoilers so all I can say is that everyone in our world should play this game.
Bad things:
I find only one bad thing in this game and that is a bug - sometimes icons with items you can use disappear and you have to save and load game to see them again.
This is a great game and a story with choices that matter. This game will change the way you look at world and life.
Overall score 9/10
2190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 03:47
1256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 22:23
The best word to describe The Pillars of the Earth is 'unique'. I hadn't played anything like this game before and I doubt I will ever get to play something similar again.
Its art style is extraordinarily stunning. It's not meant to be super-realistic and that's what makes it so good and atmospheric - fitting for a story that takes place in 12th century.
There are quite a few characters - you get to follow the adventures of several of them, and let me tell you - they will grow on you... a lot. Every character will develop in their own ways in this game and that makes following them around that much more interesting.
Now to the story itself. It is powerful, extremely captivating and you will always want to know what happens next.
Sometimes, when games/books/movies try to tell the stories of several characters simultaneously - there might arise the problem of one character being more interesting than the other one and then you want to get back to the more exciting one. Here this is absolutely NOT the case - everyone's story is gripping.
And what's more - your choices do matter in this game - little decisions may have big consequences, making the game thought-provoking and getting you even more engaged.
Moving on to voice acting - people who have given their voices to the game have done such a superb job. The game takes place over several decades and the voices of the characters should also get more mature - and that is exactly the case. A round of applause to the voice actors. Was my pleasure to be able to enjoy listening to their work.
And finally I just can't not mention the soundtrack of this game. It is beautiful. The way it is used to create and change the atmosphere - it adds so much to the scenes. Brilliant.
TL;DR - Exceptionally heart-touching and uplifting masterpiece with a beautifully crafted story.
1333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 13:12
Its playable characters are great (the many other characters are detailed and great as well) and it is interesting to see and influence their life. Story telling, sound and visuals are excellent too. The gameplay itself is more exploratory, mostly has a cozy pace and less riddle solving. The choices in the game do matter for the course of the story.
I enjoyed playing it.
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 10:12
I can find two small minus - you can't repeat chapters. And some cutscenes are unskippable so if you would like to play one more time it can be frustrating - and i think you should do the second walkthrought to look how your decisisions affect the world.
That was my first point and click game and i don't regret playing it.
Nicht Empfohlen
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 17:45
Characters movement is slow, camera panning is slow, animations are slow, conversations are slow, progressing the story is slow, everything is slow with this game.
By the middle of Book 2 I started to lose interest in the game and I just couldn't take it anymore, even if I was halfway towards the end.
EDIT: I did not read the critically acclaimed 1989 book and just saw that there is a 2010 Canadian TV miniseries about this story with 8.1/10 rating in IMDB, I may give that a shot for the story. Perhaps a game was just the wrong media for this novel.
895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 02:36
Let me first of all state that this game, in my opinion, is not preachy at all. If only, it is criticising the Christianity-centered worldview of the 12th century in Europe. The reality is that during those times, during the entirety of the Middle Ages in fact, religion played an immense role in everyone's lives. And with that superstition, prejudice and zealotry.
The fact that certain characters in this fictional tale are questioning the scriptures and the ways of the church is meant to be viewed as a very progressive stance for that time. Hence, I disagree with other reviewer's opinions that this is in any way depicting Christianity or religion itself in a positive light. I would rather say that is an accurate presentation of these times while confronting it with moral values that nowadays would be taken for granted. Taken into historical context, the theme and atmosphere is depicted very realistically.
It is true though, that, when it comes to the game mechanics, this title can barely claim to be a true point-and-click adventure. The inventory, as well as the interaction options, are limited and puzzles are harder to find that an atheist monk with a full head of hair. The few QTE sections are hardly engaging or rewarding. If you need the game to be mechanics-driven and otherwise will not enjoy just playing through the story, you might find the lack of challenge to be in the way of the appreciation for this game.
The story however is the strong point of Pillars of the Earth. You can tell it is based on a series of well-written books, it has a pleasant pace and does not lack depth in character and world building. Not all choices are meaningless either, some can decide the (later) fate of certain characters and their likeliness to survive. While some turn of events can be somewhat predictable, the story overall is engaging and filled with thought-provoking quotes, anecdotes and memorable little stories. The character are, for the most part, authentic and unique and their actions seem to be reflecting their personality. Part of it of course is up to the player itself.
Most of the main characters also develop throughout the story. Mistakes are being made, things that seem plausible at the time may cause great harm in the future and the protagonists will learn from them, most of the time. Acts of courage, deceipt, kindness, lies, encouragement, forgiveness. All actions have consequences. And some cannot be avoided, the past will eventually catch up to you. Will you try to wriggle your way out of a situation for the good of your and your close ones, or will you face your challenge head on? It is up to you.
Another thing that needs to be stressed is the artwork. Characters and landscapes are drawn beautifully. At times in brown-greyish colours, such as it was during the Middles Ages. At other times bright and colourful, underlining the hopeful atmosphere of certain events. Emotions can be read from characters faces, you can tell early on if a character will be kind to you or whether you should mistrust someone. Still, prepare yourself to be surprised by some of them during the course of the story.
The voice acting is excellent as well, top notch really. All main characters have high quality voice actors and there is a lot of variety, only a few of them cover more than one side character.
Over the duration of the game I have to admit that I grew fond of most of the main protagonists. You watch them age, grow up, bear children, lose their lives and face other tragedies. It is a story of a county, of a nation at war and its inhabitants in turmoil. But it is also a story of individuals, of a family that tries to survive, of clerics that start to lose their faith in the one thing they dedicated their life for.
Ultimately, a lot of lessons can be learned from all these experiences. From the hardships most of them faced, from the deceit some suffered. Who can your trust? Do I really have the courage to tell someone the truth, even if it will cause harm to everybody? Why am I punished for doing good, while others that are openly evil are seemingly being rewarded?
What I have personally learned from the roughly 15 hours I spent while playing this game is the importance of hope, kindness and forgiveness. Of what it truly means to be good. Of how hard it is to do the right thing. And that it is never too late to get back on the right track.
And that lesson, for me, was worth the price.
3155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 18:01
If you are a fan of this period/game of thrones level suspense and intrigue you'll be happy with your purchase.
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 07:23
1289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 13:24
I wish they would make more games based on books.
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 00:06
So, to sum it up: great artstyle. Interesting characters (prior Philip, one of my favorites, ever, in all three renditions of the story). And a great story portraying medieval life in England and Europe.
Also, if you have read the book or watched the TV-series, you might enjoy the fact that you can impact things in the story. Not all things, but some. I particularly enjoyed being able to impact one thing, so there's a chance you might enjoy it too.
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 16:33
775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 22:44
15231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 10:01
Everything is by the book, interactive novel or point'n'click adventure type that is mostly on rails but usually 2-3 major and maybe half a dozen to 2 dozen minor choices per chapter, plus a few QTEs (quick time events). Failure of a QTE either loses you an achievement or is an instant fail-state so you restart the event a few moments prior (was never reset too far).
I recommend being in the right mood for a game like this though - I routinely put it off or was distracted by other games just because the pacing was slow at times, so ignore the 253 hours to complete (realistically, 3 weekends: 1 book per weekend). Book 3 also felt rushed, with much less content than the prior 2 books...and definitely fewer choices. This could be because of my prior choices funneling me towards a specific end, but in general it felt that no matter which ending it was taking me to, it would have been much shorter than the other books.
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 10:03
It's a fantastic adventure game based on a so-so novel! The merits are obvious: gorgeous visuals, unique historical setting, and you get to avoid much of the tepid prose (and slow pacing) that characterized the original book. The demerits are equally obvious: the story is extremely linear without much room for player expression, and because the story needs to maintain momentum, certain aspects of the original tale need to be altered or omitted, which could presumably make the story a bit harder to follow. Overall I think Pillars of the Earth does an excellent job adapting the source material and probably represents one of the best book-to-game transitions we've yet seen, not that there've been many (the lackluster Frankensteined KIM springs to mind). I'd even go so far as to say that this is the superior rendition of the story. Which is not to condemn the original novel: I may not think it's very good, but it's not bad either. And if you like this game, it'd definitely worth giving a read.
Mostly, though, Pillars of the Earth deserves your attention simply by virtue of its premise. It's a purely historical adventure game. About the construction of a cathedral. Have you ever even heard of another game with a similar premise? Can you even -imagine- another game with a similar premise? It's incredibly refreshing.
Nicht Empfohlen
1567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 12:25
Daedalic Entertainment
Daedalic Entertainment
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos