A new update for Dex is here! Along with the Chinese and Japanese localizations we’ve released another major update for Dex. It contains many bug fixes, performance and game play tweaks. For the full and detailed list of changes see the update’s log below.
- Chinese language
- Japanese language
- Improvements of Italian localization
- Improvements of Czech localization
- Improvements of Brazil-Portugal localization
- New FMV player
- FMV resolutions increased to Full-HD
- Fixed missing sprite and animations
- New text layout system
- Trading bugs fixed
- Added dialog scrolling with the right stick of gamepads
- Performance improvements
- Update end credits
- Small GUI improvements
- Small map improvements
- Added missing translations
- First-play language autoselect fixed
- Add missing "next level" markers
- Other small GUI issues
- Minor bugfixes
Please note that the Update is currently only available for Windows. Mac and Linux version will be available in a next few weeks.
Your Dex team