• Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.
  • Devil's Hunt: Screen zum Spiel Devil's Hunt.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.09.2019
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Preis Update 10.07.24

Über das Spiel

Dieses Third-Person-Actionspiel basiert auf dem Roman „Equilibrium“ von Pawe? Le?niak und lässt den ewigen Kampf zwischen Licht und Dunkelheit, Gut und Böse neu aufleben. Ein ausgewachsener Krieg zwischen Engeln und Dämonen scheint unausweichlich und unsere Welt ist das auserkorene Schlachtfeld. Du bist Desmond, der entscheidende Faktor, der als Zünglein an der Waage den Ausschlag für eine der Parteien geben kann, seien es die Dämonen oder die Engel. Ein Mann hat nun die Macht, über das Schicksal der Menschheit und der Welt, wie wir sie kennen, zu entscheiden.

Bisher lebte Desmond als Sohn eines reichen Unternehmers in der High-Society, doch eine Reihe unglücklicher Ereignisse hat dazu geführt, dass er einen Großteil seiner Menschlichkeit verloren hat. Er erlangte dämonische Kräfte und wurde zum Vollstrecker der Hölle, aber er hat Probleme, seinen Platz im laufenden Krieg zu finden. Er ist gleichzeitig Zerstörer als auch Retter, denn seine menschliche Seite tritt nach und nach aus dem Schatten seiner Rachgier hervor. Er kämpft wild mit Fäusten und Klauen und nutzt die Kräfte, die ihm seine dämonische und seine menschliche Seite bieten. Während er durch die Tore der Hölle und wieder zurück geht, wird er sich schließlich entscheiden müssen, wo sein Platz ist.

  • Tauche in die Story ein – eine packende, auf einem Roman basierende Geschichte
  • Genieße die Erzählweise – fast 100 hochwertige Cutscenes mit bis zu 2 Stunden Gesamtdauer
  • Wechsel die Form – Menschen und Dämonen verfügen jeweils über nützliche Fähigkeiten
  • Kämpfe wie ein Dämon – Third-Person-Nahkampf mit einer Vielzahl von Angriffen, Kombos und Gegnern
  • Erkunde – zahlreiche, kontextabhängige Interaktionen mit der Umgebung


  • CPU: Intel i5 quad core
  • GFX: 2GB graphics card
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
  • HD: 26 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 11 compatible soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 11:49
gutes spiel
595 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
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13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 11:20
Leider eine grauenhafte Third-Person Ansicht. ich mag das sowieso schon nicht, aber hier ist es echt extrem schlimm.
Trotz 160+ FPS spielt es sich als hätte man ~25fps, ich hab keine Ahnung warum das so ist, aber beim Umschauen sieht es so aus als würde er immer ein paar frames komplett zerschießen. Siehe andere Bewertungen, die haben das teils etwas besser Erklärt :D
So macht es halt nicht wirklich Spaß
481 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 16:50
Was kann ich zu diesen Spiel sagen?, nach meinen 16 minütigen spielvergnügen bei Kapitel 1 wird leider darunter ein sogenanntes Fatal Error gemeldet, welches aber auch zum absturz kommt. nach einige male bin ich gezwungen das spiel mit sofortiger wirkung abzubrechen. es tut mir leid, ich kann es so nicht spielen und daher gibt es auch kein Screenshot von mir.
und für mich war es auch eine enttäuschung, dass mein spielgenuss nur kurz währte... also wohl ein anderes mal
550 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 21:03
sieht so aus als ob das Spiel schnell veröffentlicht werden musste, wirkt unfertig und träge. Sehr langweiliges Gameplay, Story ist wirr und ergibt wenig Sinn. Würde ich nicht noch einmal kaufen.

Außerdem stürzt es regelmäßig ab, was es noch zäher macht.
3021 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
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39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 19:37
Nun, jetzt wo das Spiel für ein paar Kröten zu ergattern ist, hab ich zugeschlagen und habs direkt wieder bereut. Leider ist das Spiel in einem unspielbaren Zustand. Bis zu einer gewissen Stelle kann man es spielen, dann bekommt man beim Übergang in eine Cutscene direkt Fatal Error spendiert. Der jetzige Fix dazu lautet: Skip the Cutscene! Prima, wenn man garnicht dazu kommt die Cutscene zu überspringen, weil diese innerhalb von einer tausendstel Sekunde in besagtem Fatal Error übergeht. Zudem hat das Spiel eine dermaßen schlechte Performance, das man glaubt man besitzt eine Lowend PC. So wie ich jetzt nebenbei übers Diskussionsforum erfahren habe, sind die Entwickler so oder so Pleite, da sie für ihre Arbeit nicht bezahlt wurden vom Publisher. Also kann man von ausgehen, das da nicht mehr viel passieren wird was Patches und Fixes angeht. Spart euch lieber das Geld.
1510 Produkte im Account
275 Reviews
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40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 11:44
also ich finde - der charackter bewegt sich schnell und gut...
die storry ist arg durcheinander , und die fehigkeiten sehen billig aus leider !
vor 5-7 jahren noch ansehnbar !
aber das alles ja noch ok
schlimm ist : es ruckelt sehr - und das egal wie schnell der pc ist ! spiele es mit 32gb ram und 2080 nividia gtx
und es ruckelt alle 6-10 schritte belibt das bild hängen !
die kämpfe sind langweilig und offt muss man erstmal suchen wo die quest ein hinbringt - + absturz - für 3 euro is es ok .
aber sonst giebt es bessere .
32 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 16:35
Sehr coole Story. Auch nach einem Bug war der Support sehr schnell und bemüht zu helfen.

Noch schöner wäre es gewesen den Pfad eventuell selbst zu bestimmen aber das wäre nur eine Quality of Life-Änderung
820 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 02:40
Game is complete trash!

Performance is disgustingly bad if you not have a NASA PC at least. Story is pretty dumb and uninteresting, and the guy you play is pretty much an Asshole... Combat is janky and god awful, not just that its pretty much boring as well then mostly you just spam the special attacks. Achievements seems bugged too -.- I really cant recommend this game at all until you want to suffer from bad performance and boring gameplay....
244 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 10:35
Spiel sieht schlecht aus, Kampf ist langweilig und repetetiv.
Gegner sind uninteressant.
Habs billig durch einen Key bekommen, fühle mich aber trotzdem abgezockt von dem Game

Game looks ugly, Fighting is repetetiv and boring
Enemies are not really interesting.
Got it cheap by buying a Key, but i still feel cheated out of my money by this Game.
411 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.19 05:15
I would really like to give an proper review about this game, but everytime i want to create a new savegame OR join my previous (failed) one i get an fatal error.
So i made it just past the menu screen and thats it. (Reinstall didnt fix it)
Gonna refund and probably never come back, i'm sorry.
Edit: played it for 2 mins, steam tells me that i only can review after 5 mins playtime, downloading it again just to warn you.
Thank me later.
386 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 21:01
Anybody else notice the cut scene with the 3 thugs and 2 wearing covid masks and this game was released Aug 2019 before the pandemic? Predictive programming people. Hours in to the game experienced 1 crash chapter 3 cutscene but just skipped it to continue playing the game.
187 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 14:41
Dont buy it, just dont
435 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 03:40
Trash, no matter how low it goes on sale its not worth it
429 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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6853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 22:56
crappy,dont advice you wasting your time to play this garbage
667 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 20:05
I did like the game, but there is a chance that like me you encounter a game breaking bug. I can't finish the game because of a bug in chapter 12, where I don't get the vault icon where there should be one, to get out of a dead end corner of area where you can get soul. Too bad, but really sucks almost at the end of game and then this crap.
786 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
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458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 18:33
Finished (the incompleted game) the game today, my overall score is 5/10, will be explained why below.

Story wise, the game is ok, interesting concept, but due to how incomplete the game is, rushed ending, rushed story, there could be more to this game than just 7-8 hours of fully exploring the game.

Controls may not be responsive at times, S key for example or moving backwards won't work especially when you bump into a table ( while exploring texts and such ) and have to press it few times. controls seems slow, responsive for those that work, but still slow. some mechanics to jump from a place while interacting with it just makes things slow, and you really have to be in the center to interact, or else it won't work.

as an intel i7 11th gen user this game wouldn't work at all unless i used a first time to see magical fix and the only workaround if you have intel 10th gen or higher is to use the following, hoping this review help anyone else running into this issue and see this review in the future:

- Press WinKey+R to open Run window. copy and paste the command below:
- Next window click on Environment Variables
- below the System Variables, press New
- And in the fields, paste these values:
Variable Name:
Variable value:
- you may or may not need to restart the game for the fix above to work.

This should fix your game and make it start, else there is no way to get this game to start on intel gen 10th+

Overall, if you want to give it 1 try go a head while it is on sale, like this h'ween sale for example. else dont buy it full price, the devs seem to have left the game apparently after too much negativity thrown at him, as far as i have checked online for the reasons behind the project being left at what it is now.
2141 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
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438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 11:40
Nice graphics and environment design, but everything else is like a C-list game from 2007. The narration and plot was apparently written by 12year olds, it's cheesy, uninspiring, dumb. It has some charm, but it's a charm of a shitty low-budget movie you encounter in the late-night tv.
566 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 21:45
5 hours of gameplay. The protagonist seriously lack charisma. The world building is lacking, too bad since there were some nice ideas. and the storytelling is one of the worse i have seen this last years.
Characters get angry for no reason (it feel like you missed a part of the story). it always feel like the cinematics were rushed and the animation is seriously lacking effort.
Too bad ...
2131 Produkte im Account
1963 Reviews
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376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 16:53
Devil's Hunt is a game that could've been so much more but suffers due to a poorly executed combat system and optimization issues.

409 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 15:28
I can honestly say this is not a good game. I haven't played much of it, but I already don't want to anymore.

- Premise
- I can see some of the story and gameplay ideas being great if they were developed properly (for example combat abilities)
- Some models
- Music and ambience is decent

- Crashes
- Some models (decent in one scene, bad in the next + a lot of reskins)
- Some animations (for example the short clip of the car speeding away, which you see repeated within a short period of time)
- Voice acting is awkward and monotonous a lot of the time
- Combat; controls and internal cooldowns (heavy hit, dodge) feel awkward, boss moves are sometimes unpredictable and undodgeable with you sometimes taking damage seemingly before even getting hit.
- Power levels seem off..?

All in all it feels like they rushed through a lot of aspects of the game or didn't double check whether things worked and meshed well. Has potential if they ever remake it.
[spoiler]Prototype 2 (which is 7 years older than this) feels like a much better version of this game.[/spoiler]
710 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 17:21
Pretty neat ideas with rough execution, still enjoyable nontheless. Get it on steep discount.
3995 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
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441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 05:15
The game is awful; however I do like that the developers decided to raise awareness around the dangers of CTEs. The main character (Desmond), I believe, has suffered significant brain injuries through the course of his boxing career. Suicidal thoughts are a typical symptom of this injury and I appreciated how the developers approached this topic with Desmond's suicide being a central aspect of the story. Desmond's cognitive impairment can be seen throughout the course of the game via his inability to have meaningful conversations or make logical decisions. I found it sad that Desmond couldn't have a basic conversation without resorting to unneeded violence or communicate his feelings in a meaningful way. I commend the developers for being brave and tackling this topic; but I wish the gameplay and production were of higher quality.
339 Produkte im Account
182 Reviews
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20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 19:31

I personally Enjoyed the Single Frame Rate and Crazy Pop In..

Bricked the graphical settings to windows 95 era and still could not get over 10 FPS...

22 GB Download as well for a 4 hour story.. overall a pretty Crappy, Badly Optimized game.

No Thanks..

To bad honestly as this game could have been great.. amazing even with the right team behind it.
217 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 15:00
Not worth a dollar, very poor gameplay, the movement is so bad and robotic and the enemies can overwhelm you easily since some of them are in a constant unstoppable stance, ah and you got a parry mechanic but only for the lower enemies so idk why the bother to put it in since is fucking useless. Story is so poor and rushed like hell, you will be in point A and get to B without even a explanation or a cutscene and let's not talk about the emotionless characters. This game is not worth 15 nor 10 nor 5, should be free and they should give you money for playing this piece of garbage.
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 18:51
the game story is very good i like it so much .. the game is mix of devil may cry and prototype and other different games .. but the issue is bugs their alot of bugs in game i hope the developer fix it
734 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 22:49


Story? Story telling? Thats joke right? There is no such a thing in this game... Jokes aside thats probably one of worst story telling i saw in video games... It was terrible... I dont even want to talk about that, i dont even want to explain how bad story and story telling are... They are just bad, end of discussion...


Hmmmmm... Yeah... We dont have them... You think im joking right? Sadly no... This game have linear, basic and terrible are designs... Its pretty much same as story and story telling; ''They are just bad, end of discussion...'''


Hahaha... Gameplay mechanics are like damn demo game... Its not playable at all. Even basic running animation and function not working properly... If this was demo gameplay i would say ''Not bad, they can fix this with full version.'' but this is damn full version of game... Even i can say i played lots of demo game with better gameplay than this! I'm gonna say same thing again... Gameplay mechanics are just bad, end of discussion...


BOSS fights are pretty basic, they dont have that much different moves/patern and their design is not that good aswell. Basicaly they are like normal enemies but with big bodies. I cant say they are so bad but they are not good either...


SMH... Thats one of worst visual quality i saw in 5-10 year... Its just bad... Pretty bad...


As a result... You can buy this game for 3$ but, this game not even worth to play for 3$... To be honest for playing this game i dont even take money... If somone told me ''Play this game and im going to give you XX dolar for playing this game'' and i would say no to this offer... Yes this game is not playable/enjoyable even if you earn money ib return... Dont buy, dont play, just leave this game alone and look other games... I tried my best to enjoy this game, i realy tried but, its not possible... You can even play some flash games better than this... Yes their gameplay is basic and their graphic is bad but, at least they are enjoyable...


  • Story And Story Telling= 3
  • Gameplay Mechanics = 3
  • BOSS Fights And Enemy Variety = 5
  • Area And World Designs = 3
  • Graphic Quality = 5

  • [*]General Rating = 3.8
    370 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
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    515 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.05.21 14:33
    Short and sweet review. The game itself is not that bad - the story, the characters, the battles, and abilities are all great. It's a bit too simplistic in its design but it's still fun. The problems with this game stems from game bugs and how it was designed. First off the design concept of not giving the player the ability to jump over obstacles but using Interactive checkpoints lead me to a game breaking bug in Chapter 12 that there's no workaround for - I'm behind a barrier that the character needs to jump over but the Interaction point is no longer there. So I can't complete the game. Publisher went out of business so there's not likely a fix ever happening. They do have a Support email address but I'm not sure who is running it or if they have any power to fix anything other than just running damage control. I will try anyways...

    If you can pick this game up for 80-90% off, it's worth a couple of bucks for the fun. Just be careful of the Interactive points - there will be forks in the road with hidden souls so try to get them but remember there's no going back if you missed one. Reloading a checkpoint to get one could break the game like it did for me.
    2746 Produkte im Account
    86 Reviews
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    420 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.05.21 08:03
    Overall 5/10
    - Decent Story, flawed execution.
    - No MTX or DLC BS
    - Combat System, flawed but enjoyable enough.
    - Graphics are decent, for the most part (animation is a little sloppy)
    - Background Music, repeats same 3 notes constantly.
    - Level Design, Inconsistent backtracking and sometimes bugged (I fell through the floor more than once)
    - Translation needs a bunch more work.
    While there is some enjoyable elements here, Devils Hunt has more problems than its probably worth.

    Long Version;
    The Story:
    For the most part decent, but with some pretty large flaws.
    The translation is poor, but not unexpected for a low budget title. The same can be said for the 'cut-scenes', I use the term loosely as, they are, very poorly put together. Honestly, it probably would have been a better idea for them to switch from in-engine scenes to a small animation, or comic book style graphic.
    If you can get by this these issues, you will find a story that is somewhere between a low budget “The Crow” and “Constantine”.
    Their Combat System is very similar in design to Devil May Cry, which I personally have always enjoyed. While the Combat is decent, the different abilities are completely unbalanced. For example, the 'Void' type combat has an ability that unlocks very early on, this ability allows the player to suck the soul out of an enemy, regardless of health. So, as long as you can isolate an enemy (being hit interrupts the attack), you can literally kill some on the hardest opponents in the game (some even serve as mini-bosses) regardless of their health (I was doing this on hard mode). Aside from this the combat is serviceable enough, but not as fluid as DMC or Nier (then again, very little is).
    Level Design is, sadly pretty boring. While there is some decent variety (Desmond’s waterfront home was well done), most of the levels are just large hallways or only have one direction a player can go. This is repetitive and gets boring pretty quickly. They do mix up locations which is good, but the latter part of the game is one hellscape after another.
    One level design decision that I question is the in-ability to backtrack very far in some cases, while you are able to do so in others. Several times I found myself with 2 possible paths (don't get excited, one will just lead to a collectable, or soul), while the other progresses the level and locks the player out of back tracking. There is no way to tell, which of these directions will lead to the collectable and which progresses the level (locking out back tracking). A completionism player either needs to follow a guide, or restart the level each time, they make the wrong choice. Simply allowing the player to 'hop' back over the fallen pillar would have solved this whole frustration. What makes this matter even more pronounced is that there are several times when the player CAN 'hop' back over and explore.
    The Music was for me, somewhere between decent and annoying. By that I mean that the soundtrack did fit the game very well but was overly repetitive. After 20 minutes of the same 3 notes being melancholically played over and over, I was ready to mute the music and listen to my own. Longer, less repetitive background tracks would have gone a LONG way to solving this issue.
    The Graphics were clearly where the majority of the time and budget were focused, no surprise as they are what screenshots and promotional material tend to focus on. They are decent, good even, considering they are from a low budget studio.
    If you loved Constantine, The Crow and Devil May Cry, this might be worth picking up IF its heavily discounted. For myself, I finished it on Hard in 7 hours, and honestly thought I had been playing longer. The game is a good attempt, but sadly falls short of the mark.

    411 Produkte im Account
    27 Reviews
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    1056 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.05.21 17:51
    I completed this game fully but I still can't recommend it. I went for all achievements because I can't resist, no matter what garbage of a game I play. If I started it I need to finish everything there is to see. I am 100% sure there is some medical diagnosis for this but I don't know it yet :). Probably Achievementus Completus Forus Trashus Gameus.
    Anyway, this game is honestly not that bad if you as warned by some previous review, approach to it with caution. There are so many fail elements really.
    - Combat 1st place for sure. Its so boring and so useless spells its disaster. There is no need for spells especially for channeled once , because enemies will also hit you and probably kill you. There are also moments where you just suddenly die after 2 hits , while other times you don't with same damage. Hilarious really and dangerous for your mouse or keyboard. Depends which you hate more :)
    - Pathfinding is like WTF in this game. I stuck so many times in concrete that looks flat.
    - Story ... Well better not to mention it at all , almost it doesn't exist, especially because this game will be continued ( if studio survives of course )

    But there are some pros.
    - Graphics is really nice sometimes. Generally I was really pleased how everything is sharp and Hell levels really look hellish enough. So this is really good side from my point of view.
    - Its really challenging game on hard difficulty. Sometimes because of trash fights, but its also hard by itself.

    But CONS are really big for this game and overwhelm the PROS by great amount. So I can't recommend this, maybe to people who want it on medium and want to invest 10 hours in it. 5/10
    367 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    315 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.05.21 12:07
    The game is good....if you can get past the bugs, there are several game breaking ones. Combat is simplistic, play it for the story and graphics mostly.
    1178 Produkte im Account
    119 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    168 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.05.21 20:24
    The game itself is actually really fun and I was really getting into the story. Unfortunately it is a buggy mess. In chapter 3 you will come across a cutscene that triggers a fatal error so you'll have to skip it to continue. Then in chapter 7 I managed to get stuck in the environment and reloading the checkpoint puts me in the exact same spot. There is no way to restart the chapter without restarting the entire game, so that is 2 hours wasted.
    1665 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
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    437 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.04.21 07:31
    Is not good.
    355 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    439 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.21 06:18
    The game seems like dumb fun and for its price, you might think, as I did, that it is worth it, however, you may be unable to finish because of several game breaking bugs which won't be fixed for sure.
    387 Produkte im Account
    41 Reviews
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    15 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.01.21 10:27
    such games are not ready for release. very boring and the game is mostly drop fps and stuttering even with low qulity graphics settings
    1841 Produkte im Account
    269 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    347 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.01.21 07:03
    Boring. Awful to play.
    You spend half of the game walking around and pressing E, and the other half spamming the left click and F.
    The enemies are dull and boring. The bosses are as well.
    The voice acting, especially for the main character, is weak most, if not all, of the time.
    The game looks OK I guess. Could have used that money for something better, like IDK, the gameplay?
    The models are terribly modeled. You can see how horrible the weight paint for the arms and shoulders and torsos in general is all over the game and in all the character models.
    I like some of the designs for the creatures and stuff, but most of it is uninspired. Look a guy with a face mask and red eyes! Creative.
    Fatal Error that causes the game to crash unless you skip the cutscene. Happens a bit after you die.
    The story is kinda...interesting? Maybe?
    Some of the dialogue and voice direction that the VAs were given is hilarious.
    The game shows you all it's tricks in the tutorial/intro level. Even the Jack the Ripper/Devil Trigger mode.
    Press E when you see the rhombus. Very interesting gameplay. Same crap as the terrible Tomb Raider reboot. What's the point?
    The music is generic and forgettable.
    The animations, voice acting, and sound effects lack weight and IMPACT. It's really, really, REALLY awful to hit and finish enemies in this game. Where is the IMPACT?

    Kinda sad that this is the debut game for the devs behind it, and the last game. But, sometimes it just felt like they didn't care about the game that they were making. No passion behind it.

    Game is over 25 gigs and that's over 1/10 of my monthly internet cap, so I am gonna force myself to finish it. A little over 4 hours of playtime is spent idling for cards.

    I had more fun writing this than playing the game.
    1152 Produkte im Account
    48 Reviews
    733 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.01.21 18:56
    I feel so mixed about this. I honestly loved the concept, but the execution was poor.
    Also the game is a bit unoptimized so unless you have a beefy GPU stay away from this.
    It's sad that Layopi Games had to shut down.. They showed so much potential
    151 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    497 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.12.20 07:53
    the story and combat are fine. if u think 15$ is too much you can pay ~3.74$ on sale and it worth
    207 Produkte im Account
    53 Reviews
    509 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.11.20 15:58


    An action-adventure game that is worth buying on sales for not more than 10 bucks. You were killed and while investigating reasons and suspects you suddenly get caught in the middle of a fierce war between Angels and Demons, As you uncover your demonic powers you must choose sides. And so you will. Not the best game around and too short (about 7 hours of gameplay), but good story and can be fun for a while.


    This positive recommendation vote is an ENCOURAGEMENT for a small studio that did better with far less money than sometimes big studios with plenty of resources available do. Read everything for an overview of the real state of the game. Please bear in mind that this is neither Devil May Cry nor Darksiders series. But then neither is the price.


    - Good story with decent narrative.
    - The game and story become better as you advance through its chapters.
    - Almost decent graphics.
    - Interesting design for Desmond's house, Angel's Headquarters and some more locations.
    - Acceptable gameplay.
    - Adequate feeling of fighting hell & heaven creatures.
    - Simple skill-tree and simple combat mechanics (only 3 skills easy to understand and cast).
    - Boss fights are well designed but not challenging enough even on high difficulty mode.
    - Collectible lore for the secrets lover.


    - Fighting your way through chapters can become repetitive and boring.
    - The game feels somehow unfinished or maybe they planned for a sequel (I actually restarted the last chapter several times waiting for a continuation I thought I missed).
    - Not too many types of enemies, you can learn very fast your opponents.
    - Some of the cutscenes have glitches and animation problems.
    - Game is too short, from a single-player with no multiplayer you would expect an experience of 10+ hours long plus the cutscenes.
    - The story is not an innovative one, I am pretty sure I saw this story somewhere else but I cannot remember where.
    - The Hell design is not the best around (too repetitive scenery), I think Doom Eternal did a much better job for a similar environment,
    - The combat system is, as mentioned above, very easy to master but sometimes it feels clunky.
    - Voice acting is not the strong point of the game.
    - The game still has a few bugs.
    - It seems there are no support and updates for the game.


    768 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
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    260 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.20 00:23
    The game was glitchy as all hell. It crashed at one scene in the beginning after he gets teleported to hell. Had to start up the game 5 times before I gave up and skipped the scene. The final straw was loading into my profile and it just gets stuck loading. Sat for 10 minutes and it did nothing. Twice. Its the Unreal Engine that keeps failing.
    239 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
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    299 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.11.20 12:59
    its as bad as people say it is
    734 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
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    279 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.11.20 18:01
    Okay, so far I've played this game until Chapter 8.
    Usually I don't write reviews until I finish a game but I'm quite sure this game is not going to get any better after chapter 8 and besides, I don't think I will even finish it, so here it goes:

    This game is disappointing in any way possible.
    For a long time I've waited to buy this game because of the negative reviews but I thought to give it a chance anyway.
    - Big mistake -


    • Regular Fatal Error crashes that force you to skip some cutscenes because else the game is just gonna keep crashing
    • The main character is really stupid and not interesting in any way
    • Absurd dialogues that make you wanna facepalm every 5 seconds
    • A lot of things don't make sense and don't even relate to the story
    • Poor combat system
    • Boss fights only start to get challenging and interesting only after chapter 7 (ON HARD) and even after that, the AI can still be really stupid
    • Very bad lipsync. Sometimes you even hear the characters talking but there is no movement with their lips
    • Sound is totally messed up: the one character you can barely hear talking and then the other one besides him is way too loud
    • Just way too many bugs..

    I was surprised to find a positive reviews about this game on steam.
    But just like any other game, of course this game also has some positive things, though it was quite hard to list any:


    • The graphics are actually good
    • The game store page thumbnail looks cool
    • Cool interior design of the main character his house
    • Good game soundtracks
    • I liked the character [spoiler] Lucifer [/spoiler] his tattoo's

    I'm sorry but I tried really hard to find good things about the game.
    Hopefully this review can inspire people to not waste their money on this very bad game -_-
    332 Produkte im Account
    18 Reviews
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    37 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.11.20 19:27
    ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????.

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    91 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
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    37 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.11.20 18:17
    The gameplay is rather boring. You will often walk a predetermined way and fight enemies in-between. The fighting system is horrible. At the beginning, you will need to spam left mouse click (and right MC) and spam F to block attacks. The enemies attack way too often. You will get tired of pressing F. You will later acquire new abilities that you can use (there are 3 skill trees). They will also be activated by simple clicks (q, r, c). You will furthermore need to press E very often in order to climb, jump down or to pass through narrow gaps. As you can see, the whole game basically consists of button smashing. The big bosses can also easily be killed by spamming left mouse click when activating the demon mode (middle mouse click).
    the prototype games are better than this game.
    2222 Produkte im Account
    243 Reviews
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    173 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.10.20 20:13
    This game is absolutely poor in every aspect. Nothing could be saved.

    Questo gioco è povero in tutto. Non c'è nulla di salvabile.
    312 Produkte im Account
    24 Reviews
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    395 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.10.20 08:10
    I ignored the reviews and purchased this game to see for myself only to see exactly what the reviews are saying. I can't say a single positive thing about this game, the story is horrible, the controls feels clunky, there is at least one game breaking bug and saw multiple minor bugs as well. This looks like a rip off devil may cry with some bayonetta elements. If you really are looking a game to spend some time to, don't spend it to this game, it is not worth the time and money
    339 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
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    288 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.09.20 14:42
    Cheio de bugs e muito mal otimizado
    1391 Produkte im Account
    32 Reviews
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    69 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.09.20 21:31
    I played it for not so long but it's a rough game. Slow, longer cutscenes than actual gameplay and weird mechanics was enough for me to stop playing.

    The following part is not about the game but it is about the dev studio Layopi Games!

    The CEO of the company didn't paid the employees for months and the Studio was closed back in March without letting the employees know, that this might happen. The staff even went to work only to find the office empty and all their stuff was thrown in the trash.
    Source: Layopi Games Closure

    So I can't understand why this game is still up. So far, I couldn't find any information on whether the ex-staff will get their overdue payments. The publisher 1C Entertainment apparently doesn't care and even Humble Bundle doesn't mention anything about this issue but still sell it.

    I hope the ex-staff will get their paychecks.
    Can't recommend to buy this game first and foremost because of the now closed studio and there is uncertainty as to whether employees will be paid for their work.

    306 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
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    198 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.09.20 10:41
    Just STAY AWAY from this game!
    if you have spare money then give it to the poor...
    567 Produkte im Account
    27 Reviews
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    21 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.09.20 15:43
    This game is a mix of many games, like Prototype,DMC etc, but it lacks a lot of things, its very poor optimised, playing at full or low settings, its actually the same, the combat itself ok, its good, but you can't enjoy it that much because of the fps drops, and even the sound has some glitches, I'm sorry but I can't recommend this game even at sales.
    360 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
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    380 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.09.20 05:09
    Max points 1 - 10,

    Story: 7,
    Graphics: 6
    Gameplay: 4

    In the very begining the game will crash! - you can skip the video and the game will not crash. Also i cant continue the game because of a big bug! The game came out 2019 and the developer didnt fix the crash or the bugs! Sometime the game crash from alone while you are gaming. It has potental but it needs updates with fixes frst. The story has his gaps also but i like the main idea.
    631 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    384 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.09.20 12:34
    First off about 45 minutes of my time played was spent eating dinner, so this game is incredibly short. I even would say I took my time leisurely playing it, collecting power-ups as often as I could while exploring. I could NOT recommend this game at full price, however I received it through humble bundle as I am sure a lot of newer owners have. I had fun for the time I did play, I am slightly disappointed that it sets up for a sequel we will likely never get. All in all worth buying if you can get it dirt cheap, if not don't bother.
    531 Produkte im Account
    143 Reviews
    561 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.09.20 12:32
    This game is a mixed of DMC/Prototype/Darksiders but poorly made but the polish publisher didn't have so much money so the budget I presume was too low, this is what i read Devil’s Hunt’ Developer Reportedly Shut Down, Abandoning In-Development Console Versions, If you were looking for a console release of Layopi Games’ third-person action hack n’ slasher Devil’s Hunt, you might be out of luck. In fact, according to PPE, a Polish gaming news site, Layopi Games has shut down.
    Released last September of 2019 on PC, Devil’s Hunt was the debut game from the Polish studio. The Warsaw-based team had been working on console ports, but now according to multiple anonymous tips from a number of the team’s developers, they had not been paid in months. Furthermore, according to the report, when staff went to work on Friday, they found their disks empty, with their belongings having been thrown out.

    Well now let's talk about the game itself Devil’s Hunt is third person hack n slash game you play as Desmond, half-man, half demon trapped in the conflict between the forces of angels and demons, you have 3 trees of abilities and you collecting souls you can buy them, the combat of the game is not good and the graphics looks like this game was made 10 to 12 years ago, but the story was interesting kinda... but well they didn't have so I presume a huge budget to make this game so for this reason I'll recommend it, if this is on sale and you want to support them, the way i see it they did the best they good with such a low budget.

    Well Devil's Hunt tried to be like DMC but is not even close, nonetheless you can buy it on sale to support the work the guys had if you want.

    Devil's Hunt 5/10
    14976 Produkte im Account
    168 Reviews
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    221 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.08.20 04:02
    Have you ever wanted to die.... sure, who hasn't from time to time said, I hate my life,,, Did you ever wish you could acquire demonic powers to let you exact revenge on the people who wronged you in life.. Heck yeah,, you mean like Derek, the guy that got the promotion before me, and then got Sally in reception as a result... I hate that guy... I'd love some revenge.. where do I sign up... All you have to do is sell your soul to the Devil,, and fight a war between heaven and hell.. umm.. that sounds difficult..

    Devil's Hunt is a game which given some additional scrubbing, and buffering, and tinkering would have been something which would have been a good game which walked the rope to being great.. but some things happened,, bad things and the game was left unpolished, and with quite a few bugs and glitches, including a pretty bad crash right at the start of chapter three which has been around months and likely will never be fixed.. (unless a miracle happens or some modder decides to tinker around and fix it.) Sure you can skip the cutscene, but dagnabit, then I'll miss out on that glorious story I want to know about..

    Story - You play as a man named Desmond.. Desmond gives off the vibe of a real toolbox, arrogant, angry, oozing toxic masculinity, but like most guys, he's got a hot girl, a fast car and a job that pays out the rear... ok well his dad is his boss, and Desmond just screwed up a massive deal, which send his dad on the brink of bankruptcy.. Ok,, it happens, surely our hero has some other stuff going on in his life.. He's engaged, and he's a popular and successful underground fighter,, to lighten his mood and hopefully improve his pockets Desmond heads to his scheduled bout.. After a quick knockdown Desmond challenger, gets a shimmer in his eyes we all recognize, then goes on to pulverize out hero..

    After waking up dazed, and having some words with the old man, Desmond heads home to the arms of his beautiful newly ringed fiance... Unfortunately as you might have guessed something happened, and we find our hero driving in his fancy car contemplating life.. One thing leads to another and well...

    Gameplay - You're typical third person affair,, numerous skills, the ability to dash, dodge, counter etc etc etc.. Nothing we all around familiar with in 2020, The game doesn't really bring anything new or exciting to the genre, but the game is still fun to play with it's familiar style.. Just don't go into it expecting anything new..

    Pro's -
    Decent story, semi unique,
    Graphics are adequate
    Combat is pretty fluid

    Crashes, bugs, glitches,
    Game needed more scrubbing around the edges, and a bit of polish
    did I mention Crashes, mainly one annoying one at the start of chapter 3 which requires a scene skip to fix

    Recommendation -

    Playing the game at the start I was really excited, it seemed like a nice change of pace from the multiplayer PVP driven games I've been playing the last 2 months, a nice story driven experience, that would allow me to settle back, kick off my shoes and just enjoy the game.. Unfortunately that above mentioned chapter 3 crash happened, and happened, and happened some more before I finally checked the forums (see Epic.. we do use forums and love them) and found out the issue is well known and has been around a while..

    While the game in it's current state is above average, and it'll likely give you many hours of potential fun, I'm sort of on the fence abou recommending the game, even with the glitch, I was left wanting more, which is why I tried to play past it three times before discovering the solution which was to skip the offending cutscene.. That crash and knowing it will never be fixed, combined with the rumors about what happened to the development team have me in a unique position of wanting to recommend the game but still giving it the thumbs down.. Maybe if you can grab it in a bundle or on a 75% off sale, take the plunge but other then that, you should probably avoid the game.. unless they fix the offending crashes..
    2178 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
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    268 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.08.20 07:44
    Avoid this one like covid,only good for achievements and nothing else
    1334 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
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    229 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.08.20 08:29
    It's not a terrible game by any means. But not really one you should go out and play. The story is somewhat interesting and the combat is acceptable. But the game performs horribly, constant FPS drops, screen tearing. Camera randomly turns around and my favourite of all, Game broke on the final chapter, reloading the checkpoint doesn't fix it. Replaying the chapter doesn't fix it. I cant progress any further.
    The 3 or 4 enemy types the game has also got boring towards the end, especially as they are just reskins of other enemies in the game too.
    1066 Produkte im Account
    55 Reviews
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    21 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.08.20 16:20
    I'll keep this brief....
    The game is very interesting, has a decent story, Actually worth what I paid for on 75% sale.
    But I will be refunding this game if possible, the game is literally unplayable. Totally unpolished, jam-packed with issues, Screen taring, poor animation, generic combat, poor click response, major frame drops, lag, main protagonists dead face no reaction, and no emotions.
    I was really interested in this game's art style and the environment by the looks of the clips and screenshots, which was accurate but the performance issue is too much to ignore.

    Such a late down should have paid attention to the reviews before buying.
    175 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    35 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.08.20 18:08
    This game is both glorious and desperately wants to be other games and media.

    Combine Dante's Inferno and Darksiders, the visual style of Alpha Protocol, with Ride to Hell but less s***y, you have Devil's Hunt.

    In all honestly, the game has a great premise, but terrible execution. I stopped playing the game for the day when Desmond (your player) froze in a T-pose during a cutscene and the game crashed. Still would recommend during a sale for the good parts and the laughs, but would have killed for the cancelled Nintendo Switch port (and other console ports for that matter.)
    466 Produkte im Account
    98 Reviews
    30 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.08.20 10:50
    Poor mans devil may cry? The story is ok but lacking, lip movement of charachters is off as is movement. Also the graphics are nothing great, though worst is the fps are still low. Then add in game crashes. Though honestly for 4 euros this is not that bad. Hopefully the crashes and game freezing can be fixed as well then i can really either recommend or not. Kinda wish Steam gave us an option for not great but not horrible recommendation.
    898 Produkte im Account
    251 Reviews
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    256 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.06.20 04:40
    Its a vaguely okay game I guess, definitely not as bad as the quiet man but similar sort of game. You pretty much just run around pressing E on stuff to climb up and down stuff and then you fight some enemies and then move on and do the same thing until you get to a boss or a cutscene, extremely linear game, combat is very stiff and simple but it gets the job done, although its very jarring when you punch as the camera flips out alot, very annoying. The voice acting for the most part isn't too bad, could be worse. The cutscenes are not bad, the facial animations could be better. The best part of the game is definitely the maps, whoever made the maps did the best job and was the most experienced. The two worst parts of the game are the optimization and the story, the game runs like absolute dog shіt even on a high end computer, high cpu and gpu usage and the game just murders your computer, the framerate is all over the place, sometimes it can hit a good 144 but most of the time its hovering between 60-90 and that's after I put my settings down to medium, there was one part of a level where the framerate was just stuck at 25 it was awful. The story of the game feels very rushed and it even feels like parts of the game itself were cut out because of how fast things progress, how characters get from one place to another and even characters knowing characters that haven't even appeared before, its a bit of a mess really. Overall its not the worst game ever made but its extremely inconsistent, it feels like half of the dev team were experienced and decent at what they do and the other half were college students or something, this game could have used another year of development or at the very least a few months of QA testing, there was one point in the game where the cutscene stopped half way and the main char was t-posing and then the game crashed which was weird, luckily aside from that I didn't experience any big issues with the game but yeah overall its very mediocre, if you really want to try it wait for an extremely steep discount. 4/10
    100 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
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    84 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.05.20 21:01
    Its not horrible from what little I've played BUT one thing that majorly hurts the experience is the constant crashing, maybe after a patch or update I'll attempt playing it again
    1447 Produkte im Account
    1435 Reviews
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    416 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.05.20 05:31

    DISCLAIMER: This is a full review, and NOT a first impressions review

    Devil's Hunt is a game developed by Layopi Games and published by 1C Entertainment

    On paper and with the promotional footage, this looks semi-decent. Playing it is a whole different kettle of fish

    The game's graphics are okay, but nothing special. There are horrible textures littered everywhere. The animations are cheap and really poor and the amount of times this game has made my PC do a hard reboot shows how poorly optimized this game is - the game uses up the PC's CPU horrendously so be careful, if you do decide to purchase this game (which if you have been convinced yet, you shouldn't...)

    The story is short, boring and predictable. I'm even surprised I actually managed to finish it. It feels like a cheaper (much cheaper) version of the Devil May Cry series but fails horribly in all departments, especially with it's story. The cutscenes are rough and feel unfinished. The audio mixing is just bad and the voice acting feels cheap

    Overall, Devil's Hunt is a game that looks good on paper and with it's promotional material, but when played, it's absolutely horrible. I honestly don't know why I bought it in the first place, primarily I bought it because 1. it was cheap at the time I bought it and 2. reviews were 'Mixed' but now have shifted to 'Mostly Negative' and I can see why - I should have also been persuaded by the 47% rating on Metacritic, but I don't always trust Metacritic when it comes to ratings

    As mentioned previously, it's a cheap Devil May Cry game gone horribly wrong - think DmC: Devil May Cry but horrendously bad. It looks like it has potential, and it did, but with it's boring story, horrible optimization, sub-par graphics, uninteresting characters and so on, Devil's Hunt is a game you should steer clear away from, even if on a sale...


    [*] None
    2963 Produkte im Account
    133 Reviews
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    343 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.05.20 17:56


    Plagued with performance issues and crashes in my case I can't say I recommend Devil's Hunt. In fact, you may quote me saying the exact OPPOSITE. Disappointment permeates this brawler with RPG elements following a hell-bound protagonist as he assumes the role of an Executor in Lucifer's service, but finds out it's not exactly as exclusive he imagined it to be. A highly flawed game employing limp storytelling that mostly misses key narrative beats with rather basic gameplay... yet I can't help but sympathize with the developer's very first outing. If there was one point of praise it would be rather impressive visuals until animations kick in. I just wish more of the production budget spilled beyond mere presentation. Give this one a wide berth unless you accept high levels of jank.

    Full Review

    Game is supposedly based on a novel, but if this was their adaptation I have to wonder how much was left out or simplified beyond recognition to work as video game adaptation. What's left still makes for a decent hook – we play as Desmond, an affluent youth employed in his father's company and perfectly happy with his girlfriend, who on the very night when he decides to propose has his entire world turned upside down after said girlfriend cheats on him. In mad rage he commits suicide by car crash and ends up in hell only to claw his way out, meet some unsavory types and end up signing a contract to become an Executor. These enforcers and assassins in Lucifer's own employ are unambiguously evil as they reap souls, realization sitting with Desmond just fine as he sets upon a path of vengeance... only to realize things aren't exactly as clear cut as they seem. And what is this “Savior and Destroy” nonsense people keep referring to him? Rabbit hole goes quite a bit deeper as angels, demons and renegades get involved, but that's the gist of it.

    Problem? Game is really, really weak when it comes to telling this story. Issue further exacerbated by the fact writing and VA are equally weak which more often than not ends up detracting from the experience. Even putting that aside for a moment it's just a very unevenly paced story. It is content to merely prod you along the way, sometimes skipping scenes and omitting key motivations, presumably due to cut content, so you end up with characters switching sides and such almost on a dime. It's incredibly jarring. That's in addition to introducing important figures and forgetting about them immediately following their introduction. Chiefly, game fails to build any connection to events or characters that transpire because it indulges in dealing with cliches without even aspiring to novelty. Protagonist has daddy issues? Rival who hates your guts? Both of those are bastards to the protagonist simply because? Check, check and check. Especially the former who gets hints of backstory development only to be swept under the rug. Couple dynamic you'd expect from Desmond and Kristen largely boils down to absent love interest and working on protecting her as a bargaining chip when stakes involved are MUCH bigger. Entire story department is a jumbled mess that never clicks.

    But hey, this is a brawler, you might say. Why does story matter? Put your seat belt on because it's not like game itself fares much better when you break it to individual systems.

    Oh man, performance. I stopped counting how many times Devil's Hunt crashed on me after tenth occurrence and simply accepted it as part of the package I'll have to work around. This meant repeating five to ten minute sections which wasn't a big deal, but hard locking my PC requiring rebooting to solve was. Let's not even mention humorous visual bugs like Desmond striking the ever intimidating T-pose and less amusing ones like game bugging out interaction prompts. Less said about horrendous, dropping to single frames-per-second performance towards the end the better. Overall impression is one of a game held together by duct tape that falls apart the moment something more than small arenas with mere handful of enemies or corridors are thrown at the player. And yes, this has adverse results later on when Devil's Hunt uses bigger groups and keeps spawning enemies to work around obvious technical limitations. I don't usually mention hardware performance, but in this case it warrants a massive red flag and something to keep in mind if you're allergic to higher levels of jank.

    For what it is I think gameplay might be the second most notable element present. Because it works. Before I get into combat itself, which is the real meat and potatoes of Devil's Hunt, I should go into how it's all structured. There's next to nothing to do other than running across enemy groups until they engage you in combat. Meaning game is a sequence of linear areas where you will often be prompted to press that action button so Desmond can jump over an obstacle, teleport across set points, pick up few lore pages, etc. Don't even dream about doing anything other than running around because everything else is relegated to these telegraphed hotspots you cannot miss. I bring up this seemingly irrelevant point because I think other games have framed this differently by giving you the ability to jump or sneak simply to increase the range of actions you can do outside of combat. In rare occasions you have a fork in your path game the route you opt against will become unavailable meaning you better pray you've chosen the wrong path or those secrets/souls are getting left behind.

    I played with the gamepad because it seemed appropriate for a brawler of this type and that made it all the more puzzling because it's the SHOULDER buttons that are assigned to attacking and not the front buttons you may expect. Light and heavy attacks are present along with very few unlockable combos. To spice it all up there are three fighting styles in the game and you should have them completely mastered by the end of the game as you acquire souls from enemies/caches to upgrade skills; Executioner (mainstay you'll use most of the time against demons), Unholy (used against angels and limited ranged capabilities) and Void (specialized style you advance in by finding hidden scrolls). Each of these styles gives you three slots you can assign their respective abilities to, but they also have passives like decreasing cooldown on abilities, increased health, etc. You can switch between the three at any point during combat, but I believe their effects are limited only to while you're attuned to individual style. Naturally, being an Executor you have a demon form you can change into when your bar is full which is quite the trump card as you rip and tear.

    That's the break down, but how does it all work? Surprisingly competently. You'll run into typical problems like enemies getting stuck in cycles, but much better developed games are not exempt from those. Real issue is later on when game starts throwing higher tier enemies at you when simple demonic grunts are not enough. Getting caught between three ranged demonesses, two chunky boys in melee and fire tossers as your framerate dips is a marvel to experience. Enemy synergy is either totally absent or overly tuned so you risk getting locked into stun cycle or camera decides it wants to end you at that very instant. When you account for flabby finishers, stifling arenas and limited enemy variety you'll quickly see everything Devil's Hunt can set against you. There is a point when you have all three styles and enough points spent that you finally have control and you can see that glimmer of enjoyment before it is snatched away by sub-par execution.

    Being a deservedly negative overview you may be wondering if there's something I actually enjoyed and yes, there is. Visuals. Devil's Hunt is a kind of game that looks amazing in screenshots. Less so in motion and once you play it for extended period of time. Lots of pre-rendered cutscenes as well.
    289 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
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    15 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.05.20 05:45
    Even on sale this trash game isn't worth it.
    112 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
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    49 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.04.20 18:56
    WOW where to start with this game, it crashed on me several times while fighting and during cutscenes. I really wanted to play this game but got damn it would be great if i could get past the crashing. During one cutscene, the main character (whatever the fuck his name is) and he was stuck standing up like he was jesus christ on the cross again for the whole cutscene while he was trying to get sexy with his girlfriend lol just looked really funny to be honest but i'm glad i got a refund for this game.
    104 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
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    65 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.04.20 21:02
    Played for an hour and here's what I encountered...

    - Bad Story
    - Fatal error
    - Fatal error
    - T-Posing Desmond
    - Fatal error
    - Restart
    - T-Posing Desmond
    - Fatal error
    - Quit
    - Uninstall
    3110 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    421 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.04.20 08:45
    Good example for a game that would be positively recieved, if devs had more time to polish.

    I had fun with this game, combat was fun, unlockable special powers were very helpful in battle, graphics for this price point is really good (except hair, sometimes they look very nice, sometimes very bad; and graphical glitches like black, flickering spots on some surfaces), voice acting was good and story was good enough.

    Only thing that pulls it down is technical part. Stuttering when going to new area are very common, but after a short while it runs ok. Occasional crashes (I had 3 crashes during cutscenes). I had to start game twice to start playing.

    I got it when it was 75% off and for this price and fun I had, it was well spent money. Give it a try when it is on sale again.
    137 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    51 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.04.20 20:13
    this game could had a lot of potential to be a good game. however that potenial got wasted by many bugs that can cause the for fatal crashes that makes the unplayable i dont reccomend buying this game because its not worth full price
    270 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
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    20 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.03.20 00:19
    I have to say only 1 this never refund any game this is my first game that I refunded shit game
    with in 20m this game stop working for 4 time WTF why why I never have any of this kind of problem with other game yha I have game crash error with just cause 2 but I was playing a old game in a new PC on 2019 so yha that was my fault and this game even not a year old and crash on me like 4 time in 20m really who every one want to buy this game pls for love of god don't do your self a favor and don't bought this piece of shit game i love every game and and I play a lot of game
    1C Entertainment from them to I love them but not this one bro even when I bought this on sale I am going for refund .

    41 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    29 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.03.20 14:32
    This game is like an unpolished, cheap version of Darksiders or Devil May Cry. It is essentially a no-brainer hack'n slash game with a few combos and upgrades and the ability to transform into a fancy looking demon. It has beautiful graphics with very limited interactions with the environment: no looting for or whatsoever. Terribly predictable linear story where the protagonist is a reckless playboy turned hero. NOT RECOMMENDED IF NOT ON SALE. But I got it for the price of 4 bucks from 15 so.... I'm okay.
    966 Produkte im Account
    48 Reviews
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    7 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.03.20 22:35
    I got this game on sale and boy am i glad i did.

    Where to start hmmmm.

    Lets start with the graphics:
    For a 2019 game the graphics are horrible, well not horrible but just not the best.
    Then theres the gameplay:
    Press E to do everything. Press E to climb, Press E to walk across beam, Press E to jump. You get the idea.
    Doesnt explain anything to you aside from buttons to light and heavy attack buttons.
    Nothing about defending yours self, nothing about the special attack buttons>
    The Story:
    The story as i gathered, you wake up, deamons are attacking and you have these magical powers.

    In a nutshell, dont buy this game even on sale.

    113 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    444 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.02.20 01:34
    not the best game i have ever played but its ok for the price and its not an AAA title so i can be a bit forgiving but a serious bug needs to be fixed during your first visit to hell there is an animation at a blood pool with an enemy eating another which during desmond goes into a T Pose and the game crashes with a fatal error you need to skip the cutscene for the game to work correctly and as far as combat is concerned it works but the animations are a little lackluster and not as brutal as i was expecting also there are not that many enemy types and for the story well giant leaps are made from one location to the next with no context of how you got there characters are as stiff as boards with very little personality and it has a cliffhanger wait till next game ending i only recommend it because even for its many faults i had a kind of enjoyable experience it is definitely not a must play game but if you have time and money to spend give it a go
    676 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    113 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.02.20 04:36
    Okay, so... I can see WHY this game has mixed reviews. It is a very flawed game, that is true. However... I must say that the game looks beautiful at times, the controls during fights are pretty fluid and comfortable, nor did they take too long to get used to, but what surprised me the most was the voice acting. Unlike alot of indie games that have either no voice acting or some really crappy voice actors, this game... actually has some good voice acting to it, especially coming from Lucifer.

    This is a word of caution for those people, though, who are on the fence. IF you decide to get it, and honestly... I think you should if you want to support an indie company who might have a proper future in the games industry... just know the game is still feels like it needs more work, but it is still playable. The story (so far) is interesting and the voice acting is some of the best I have heard in an indie game. Those of you who get it and are not happy with it, there is always the return policy with steam if you stop before 2 hours and are not happy with the game.
    45 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
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    425 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.01.20 16:11
    There's just so many optimization issues with this game that I can't recommend it in the state it's in. Don't get me wrong. The devs are working continuously to optimize it as time goes by but this feels more like a tech demo than an actual game. Nothing loads in fully on time. Even the title screen takes time to completely render all the meshes and textures and cutscenes are the same way. The story and gameplay are genuinely alright but the immersion is broken constantly. Don't buy this as it is. Wait for the wrinkles to be ironed out.
    643 Produkte im Account
    32 Reviews
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    68 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.12.19 23:02
    I have played a number of bad games in my life. This game, however, is special. The kind of special bad that should be sent to the same hell, that DESMOND (LOL), goes to.

    The game runs extremely poorly for the graphical fidelity.

    It's missing a number of sounds when fighting, including connecting hits and enemies.

    The story? WOW. Clichecity, Cliche. Or wait, Florida? No. That's just the kind of terrible humor this game has. I don't think the devs have actually been to florida. Or Miami. Because clearly, that city has a drinking and smoking problem. I'm not sure why the same guy is in your office, standing all yoked up. But there's TWO of them, within 5 feet of each other.

    Same guy. Same pose. Same weird, asset, flip.

    I didn't have to stop playing the slow-moving trainwreck, the game crashed. Saving me from having to do it myself.

    Even at a discount, that's a pass.
    540 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
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    379 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.12.19 22:00
    It's like if God of War was a buggy, plague ridden mess with the most rushed ending of all times.
    650 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    469 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.12.19 06:02
    Who doesnt love a proper brawler in 2019?! They dont make them 3D anymore. This is a fun B title with a lot of love. Polish lore, nice visuals, and decent combat variety. Its not a AAA title so just go in to have some punching fun. Has elements of God Hand and Streets of Rage but with modern twist. Wait for sale its short.
    Logo for Devil's Hunt
    Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
    41.74% 134 187
    Release:17.09.2019 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Layopi Games Vertrieb: 1C Company Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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