Ein neues Buch aus dem Hause Del Rey Books wird für Überschneidungen zu dem Spiel Deus Ex: Human Revolution sorgen.Ein neues Buch aus dem Hause Del Rey Books wird für Überschneidungen zu dem Spiel Deus Ex: Human Revolution sorgen. Die Novelle basiert auf den Ereignissen rund um die Deus Ex Videospielreihe und wird dem Spieler ein weiteres Highlight spendieren. Author James Swallow ist bekannt wie ein bunter Hund, hat er doch schon einiges auf die Beine gestellt, um nur einige zu nennen: Doctor Who, Stargate, Warhammer 40,000 und Star Trek. Wer noch ein paar zusätzliche Informationen (leider nur in Englisch) braucht, der öffnet sich einfach den folgenden Klapptext.
DEUS EX: THE ICARUS EFFECT is set in the complex and enthralling world of Deus Ex, a cyberpunk-style technological dystopia where all is not what it seems. In the not-so-distant future, the world is a place of great innovation and technological advancement... but also a place of chaos and conspiracy. New technologies push the limits of human potential, even while they threaten the very future of the world. And from the shadows, dark and secret powers are coming together to take control, intent on designs so large, so intricate, they will take decades to come to fruition. But when two unlikely heroes—Anna Kelso, a Secret Service agent, and Ben Saxon, a special-ops soldier—draw uncomfortably close to the truth, the choices they make here and now will alter the course of history... or usher in an age of darkness.
?We’re really pleased to be able to announce this new DEUS EX novel with Del Rey books,? said Andre Vu, Marketing Game Manager, Deus Ex. ?The novel is set in the DEUS EX universe and there will be characters and story elements in it, that will overlap with our next videogame DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION, which we hope fans will be very excited about.?
DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION the game has recently been unveiled at E3 2010 in Los Angeles, where the game received over 25 award nominations from gaming media from around the world, securing 13 awards at the show.
DEUS EX: THE ICARUS EFFECT will release in North America and Europe in 2011, the book will also be available in many other countries around the world please keep an eye on the Official Deus Ex: Human Revolution website for further details.
DEUS EX: THE ICARUS EFFECT erscheint 2011 in den USA und Europa.