• Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.
  • Desperados 3: Screen zum Spiel Desperados 3.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16.06.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.07.24

Über das Spiel

Desperados III ist ein taktisches Stealth-Game mit packender Story, das im unbarmherzigen Wilden Westen spielt. Gehe mit Bedacht vor, wenn du erfolgreich sein willst. Ein guter Plan kann entscheiden, ob du überlebst oder dich am falschen Ende einer Pistole wiederfindest.

In diesem langersehnten Prequel des beliebten Klassikers Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive schließt sich John Cooper mit der ausgebüxten Braut Kate, dem zwielichtigen Kofpgeldjäger Doc McCoy, dem hünenhaften Trapper Hector und Isabelle, einer geheimnisvollen Dame aus New Orleans, zusammen. Auf Coopers Suche nach Erlösung führen seine Abenteuer ihn und die Gang von ländlichen Orten über Sümpfe und Flussufer bis zum dramatischen Showdown, der den Legenden des Wilden Westens würdig ist.

Gehe mit Bedacht vor, wenn du erfolgreich sein willst. Ein guter Plan kann entscheiden, ob du überlebst oder dich am falschen Ende einer Pistole wiederfindest.

Der Vagabund, Revolverheld und geborene Anführer Cooper kann leise mit dem Messer töten oder mehrere Gegner mit seinen Revolvern ausschalten. Der Kraftprotz Hector trägt eine riesige Bärenfalle mit sich und bezwingt die stärksten Feinde mit seiner treuen Axt. Der kaltblütige Kopfgeldjäger McCoy geht taktisch vor und benutzt Köder, Betäubungsgas, Giftspritzen und eine maßgeschneiderte Pistole mit großer Reichweite. Kate kann mit dem richtigen Outfit fast jeden Mann täuschen und tötet unauffällig mit ihrer versteckten Pistole. Und dann ist da noch Isabelle, eine geheimnisvolle Dame aus New Orleans ...

Kombiniere die besonderen Fähigkeiten deines Teams, um jede noch so harte Herausforderung auf deine Weise zu meistern. Plane deine Schritte mit Bedacht und führe sie in Echtzeit aus, um dich ungesehen an deinen Gegnern vorbei zu schleichen."
  • Spiele fünf einzigartige Charaktere mit speziellen und individuellen Fähigkeiten.
  • Erlebe echte Entscheidungsfreiheit mit unzähligen Möglichkeiten, um jede Herausforderung zu meistern.
  • Besiege große Gegnergruppen mit taktischer Planung und präziser Ausführung.
  • Erlebe ein fesselndes Wildwest-Szenario vor der Kulisse der amerikanischen Frontiers, geheimnisvollen Sümpfen, modernen Großstädten und vielem mehr.
  • Besiege den Gegner mit tödlichen oder nicht-tödlichen Angriffen, gehe heimlich voroder stürze dich in wilde Schießereien.
  • Passe das Spiel mit diversen Schwierigkeitsoptionen an und schließe besondere Herausforderungen ab, die dich über das Ende der Story hinaus motivieren.
  • Im Showdown-Modus kannst du das Spiel jederzeit pausieren, um deine nächsten Schritte zu planen oder auf überraschende Angriffe zu reagieren.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 3.0 GHz Dual Core (Intel i3-530 / AMD Athlon II X3 460)
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 560 / Radeon HD 5850, 2GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit or higher
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 3.0 GHz Quad Core (Intel i5-750 / AMD Athlon X4 740)
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 760, AMD Radeon HD 7870, 3GB
  • RAM: 12 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: It is recommended to install the game on an SSD to improve loading times
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

468 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 10:22
Red Dead in Top Down. War herrlich zu beobachten, wie ich die ersten 5-10 Minuten noch geduldig und nahezu taktisch vorgegangen bin, bis dann die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne rapide nachgelassen hat und es in einer wilden Ballerorgie ala Quentin Tarantino augeartet ist.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
14562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 15:56
Das Spiel ist äußerst spannend und man kann es immer wieder spielen-klasse! Es ist bnis jetzt mein Lieblings-spiel!
15 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 22:42
Spiele Desperados als Abwechslung zu Divinity Original Sin 2. Ehrlich gesagt gefallen mir rundenbasierte Strategiespiele besser; Desperados 3 hat jedoch seinen eigenen Charme und ist ziemlich fordernd. Kann ich jedem Hobby-Strategen empfehlen!
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 18:43
Great Game!
67 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 21:43
Vorerst solltet ihr wissen, dass ich das Game im Sale gekauft habe also alle 3 Teile + Helldorado habe mit dem 1 Teil begonnen und es hat mit fasziniert wie ein ein fast 20 Jahre altes Spiel kurzzeitig süchtig machen kann.
Teil 2 war mehr ermüdent ich wollte ihn halt durchspielen aber ist wesentlich schlechter.
Und dann die überraschung. Teil 3 ist der Wahnsinn finde ich.
Große Maps die anregen zum öfters spielen, da es oft eine linke und eine rechte Seite gibt. Dazu gibt es in jeder Map Aufgaben die man noch erledigen kann. Diese sieht man aber erst nach dem ersten absolvieren der Map.
Super Synchro. die einen ab und zu zum schmunzeln bringt.
Alle Charaktere sind ausgewogen und (ich persönlich) mochte auch alle gerne bespielen.
Story war die beste von allen 3en aber jetzt nicht awesome.

Ich habe mit 40h die Story+ 3 DlC Karten durch und werde sicher über 100h insgemsamt zocken, da ich alle Herausforderungen machen möchte.

Was ich mir noch wünschen würde wäre im Grunde ein Multiplayer das wäre noch die Krönung.
Sprich jeder spielt mit 1 Charakter und man muss sich im Ts absprechen. Irgendwie wäre das sicher möglich.

Also für ein Singleplayer Game kriegts 9/10 die volle Punktzahl kommt wenn noch öfters Dlcs kommen und Neuerungen. (wenn man sieht, dass dran gearbeitet wird)

Leute ladet euch die Demo runter und probiert es aus. Die Maps werden nur noch größer und sind sehr abwechslungsreich.
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 23:39
Tolle Arbeit!
303 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 19:42
Wundervolles Spiel erinnert an die Alte zeit von Teil 1 und 2 :)
Klare Empfehlung
276 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 12:25
Ich kann dieses Spiel nur jedem empfehlen der auf schwierige Games steht. Gameplay, Grafik und Atmosphäre sind sehr stimmig und passen perfekt zum Spiel.

Eines der wenigen Spiele in denen ich gerne mal die Zeit bei einer Mission vergesse und nach 3h immer noch genau so konzentriert da sitzen muss, weil immer etwas passiert :D

Story hat mich auch mega gepackt, fands nur schade dass das DLC nur 3 Missionen hatte.. Hätte gerne noch ein paar neue Missionen mehr gehabt :(

Ansonsten 10/10
233 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 19:46
outlaws schlachten schon geil und Desperados 3 is geiel dafür
179 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 07:25
Ein sehr schönes und kniffliges Taktik-Spiel ohne gleich zu herausfordernd zu sein.
Die Lernkurve ist angenehm, man kann Missionen öfter und auf verschiedene Arten spielen.
Die Sprecher (deutsch) machen einen guten Job, die Story ist interessant und die Grafik eine Pracht.
In meinen 86h sind alle Achievments, alle Herausforderungen und das (erste) durchspielen der DLC Missionen inbegriffen. In den DLC Missionen fehlen mir noch ein paar Herausforderungen genauso wie in den normalen Missionen. Wer ALLES machen möchte kommt vielleicht auf 100h... es sei denn er ist nicht so eine lahme Gurke wie ich ;)
6059 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 21:00
Desperados III ist ein geniales Spiel, dass die Vorlage von dem ersten Desperados exzellent umsetzt. Das Spiel hebt die Stärken von dem Stealth Gameplay aus dem ersten Desperados Spiel um schraubt deutlich an der Story. Das Spiel mach höllischen Spaß und die Zeit verstreicht wie im Flug. Ich genieße jede Minute von dem Spiel.
Die Entwickler aus dem Mimimi Games haben an den nötigen schrauben gedreht und ein ausgezeichnetes Spiel kreiert. Die Grafik ist wunderschön und jede Spielfigur und Umgebung wurde perfekt abgestimmt.
10 / 10 Punkten. Besser geht's nicht.
202 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
10545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 18:54
Ein Traum für Fans der Echtzeit-Schleich-Taktik die Commandos & Co nachgetrauert haben. Seit ihrem letzten Titel, Shadow Tactics, haben hat Mimimi ordentlich an der Engine geschraubt und hakelige Ecken und Kanten so gut wie ausgebügelt, Respekt! Eine Spielzeit von über 175 Stunden sollte für sich sprechen, mein Top-Spiel des Jahres 2020. Man hat ja immer zu wenig Freizeit, darum hab fehlt mir noch Erfahrung mit den DLCs. Aber das Gute daran: Der Season-Pass wird mir die Weihnachtszeit versüßen :)
159 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
6014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 15:37
Der wilde Westen, der sich nicht zu ernst nimmt.

Schöne Story, tolle Charaktere und lustige Unterhaltungen.
Die Missionen sind abwechslungsreich und individuell, und wem das noch nicht reicht, kann die Herausforderungen spielen.
Ich habe ca. 100 Stunden gespielt, und habe noch nicht alle Timeruns oder Herausforderungen geschafft. Trotz alle dem habe ich immer noch Spaß an dem Spiel.

Ich freue mich schon auf den Nachfolger.

Grafik: Gut
Sound: Gut
Gameplay: Gut
Atmospähre: Super
Story: Super

Und wie immer, für Fehler und Schrift, haftet die Tastatur.
145 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 21:17
Absolut geniales Spiel. Noch um einiges besser als Shadow Tactics, wobei dieses schon sehr gut war und immer noch ist. Ich würde es mir auf jeden Fall wieder kaufen. Die Missionen sind sehr gut gestaltet und laden ein, diese mehrmals zu spielen, da man in jeder Mission Herausforderungen erfüllen kann. Auch die Schwierigkeitsgrade sind sehr gut gelungen. Diese sind für den Spieler individuell einstellbar. Die Musik ist auch sehr gut gelungen. Wer sich nicht entscheiden kann für oder gegen den Kauf, dem empfehle ich paar YouTube Videos von diesem Spiel zu schauen.
565 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 13:33
Wie Desperados 1, sogar noch besser!
831 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
4096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 02:44
Ungezähmte Rösser, Blaue Bohnen, Gauner und Schurken. Dies alles sind nur ein paar Westernelemente und einige von denen findet man in dem neuesten Werk von Mimimi Games, Desperados 3. Dieses Spiel ist ähnlich aufgebaut wie seine Vorgänger, mit einigen guten Änderungen! Lohnt sich der Kauf dieses Spieles?

Eine Geschichte in die Vergangenheit
Desperados 3 ist im Grunde ein Prequel des berühmten Strategie-Stealth-Hits Desperados aus dem Jahr 2001.
Nachdem der junge John Cooper seinen Vater verloren hat sinnt er auf Rache und versucht den Mörder zu finden. Dabei schließen sich im Laufe der Geschichte einige Bekannte Gesichter aus dem Vorgänger an, wie zum Beispiel der harsche Doc McCoy, der Trapper Hector oder die Verkleidungskünstlerin Kate. Neu dazu kommt die Voodoo-Priesterin Isabelle.

Tödlicher Wilde Westen
Das der Wilde Westen sehr harsch sein kann weiß man ja bereits aus zahlreichen Filmen. Auch hier kann jeder Schritt tödlich sein. Auf jeder Karte gibt es zahlreiche Versteckmöglichkeiten, Fallen und Möglichkeiten dem Gegner zu entgehen, der in jeglicher Form und Stärke über die Karte patrouilliert. Dabei gibt es mehrere Arten von Gegnertypen, die allesamt anders zu besiegen sind und oder zu Umgehen sind. Weibliche Gegner lassen sich beispielsweise nicht von Kates Charme in die Irre führen, warnen sogar männliche Wachen mit denen sie gerade sprechen Kate nicht zu folgen. Die robusten Langmäntel oder Longcoats sind die gefährlichsten Gegner und lassen sich nur dadurch besiegen indem man diese vorher anschießt oder ansonsten Schaden zufügt. Außerdem können diese Kates Tarnung auffliegen lassen, sofern sie verkleidet ist. Jede Gruppe Gegner kann man anders ausschalten, es gibt sogar Spieler die manche Missionen schaffen in dem sie kaum Gegner aus dem Weg räumen. Tricks und Kniffe gibt es auf jeder Karte viele.

Die Fähigkeiten

John Cooper:
John Cooper ist der Allroundcharakter des Spiels. Er hat sowohl Ablenkungsfähigkeiten als auch Angriffsfähigkeit. Seine Waffen sind das Messer, für einen leisen Nah- und Fernkampf, sowie seine Waffen “Die Alte” und “die Neue”, die er beide gleichzeitig abfeuern kann, dafür aber sehr laut sind. Ablenken kann er manche Gegner mit der Münze, die dafür sorgt das sich Gegner umdrehen wenn er sie hinter ihnen oder neben ihnen auf den Boden wirft. Außerdem kann er Leute bewusstlos schlagen und auch fesseln. Er kann einen Körper tragen um diese zu verstecken.

Doc McCoy:
Doc McCoy ist einer der beiden Heilcharaktere der Clique. Außerdem ist er mit seiner Waffe ein begnadeter Scharfschütze, die auch noch recht leise ist. Perfekt um Krähenneste von Gegnern zu befreien.
Was wäre allerdings ein Arzt ohne Heilungsfähigkeiten, so kann er Verbände anlegen an sich und den anderen Gruppenmitglieder. Außerdem besitzt er Phiolen mit Narkosegas, welches Gegner für kurze Zeit bewusstlos macht. Außerdem hat er eine Spritze um Gegner auszuschalten und einen Koffer, den er in Sichtbereich der Gegner werfen kann und diese so darauf aufmerksam zu machen – natürlich mit einer Überraschung.

Hector ist der Trapper der Clique. Seine Waffe ist eine streuende Schrotflinte und für den Nahkampf eine Axt. Sein rechter Haken ist ordentlich und knockt Gegner recht schnell aus. Die Quintessenz von Hector ist allerdings seine Bärenfalle die er immer dabei hat und auf der Karte verstecken kann. Sein Pfeifen lockt manchen Gegner an, so dass er diese gut in ein Hinterhalt locken kann. Auch er kann Leute nieder schlagen. Die Besonderheit ist allerdings das er zwei Körper auf einmal tragen kann.

Kate O’Hara:
Kate ist die Verkleidungskünstlerin der Clique. Als Waffe hat sie eine kleine, pinke Pistole, die ebenfalls sehr leise schießt. Auf jeder Karte wo Kate mit dabei ist, hat sie ihre Standardkleidung an, muss also erst einmal versuchen an Kostüme und Kleider zu kommen um sich zu “Tarnen” um so mit ihren Verführungskünsten Gegner und Gegnergruppen abzulenken, und sogar einzelne Gegner in dunkle Gassen zu locken. Als Nahkampfangriff hat sie einen Tritt. Leider kann Kate als einzige der Charaktere keine Gegner fesseln. Zur Ablenkung besitzt Kate außerdem noch Parfümfläschchen, die sie auf Gegner werfen und somit für tränende Augen sorgen kann, welches die Sicht der Gegner natürlich dann deutlich einschränkt.

Die Voodoo-Priesterin Isabelle ist der letzte spielbare Charakter des Teams. Sie kommt mit einigen sehr guten Fähigkeiten daher. Sie besitzt keine Schusswaffen, sondern nur eine Keule und ein Voodoo-Messer. Ihre stärkste Fähigkeit ist allerdings die Seelenverbindung, mit der sie zwei Charaktere miteinander verbinden kann. Was dem einen geschieht, passiert dem anderen somit auch. Einen niederschlagen und ins Wasser werfen, sorgt also im Grunde dann auch das der andere an Land ertrinkt. Wird einer von den anderen deiner Charaktere erschossen, werden dann beide dadurch sterben. Wenn einer Bewusstlos wird, wird der andere auch Bewusstlos.
Als weitere Fähigkeit hat sie die Zombiefähigkeit, mit der sie Gegner in einen Willenlosen Sklaven verwandeln kann, der in einem gewissen Umkreis agieren kann und dort ebenfalls Gegner töten kann. Dies sorgt aber dafür das sie während dieser Gedankenkontrolle sich nicht bewegen kann.
Dann ist natürlich noch Stella dabei. Stella ist ihre Katze, die so süß ist, dass es Gegnerherzen erweichen kann. Diese sind dann natürlich von der Katze abgelenkt so dass man Zeit hat zu agieren.

Der Showdown:
Der Showdown ist kein Charakter, sondern eine Pausenfunktion die dafür sorgt dass man Befehle erteilen und später ausführen kann. So kann man jedem Charakter ein Ziel geben, welches durch Druck auf die Ausführen-Taste dann vollzogen wird. So kann man massenweise Gegner erledigen. Dies ist eine sehr wichtige und spannende Funktion, falls man an einem Ort mit massenweisen Gegneraufkommen nicht weiter kommt.

Mehrere Wege führen ans Ziel
Jede Karte hat verschiedene Möglichkeiten ans Ziel zu gelangen. So muss man beispielsweise bei einer Mission verhindern dass weitere Züge fahren um selbst mit dem Zug weiter zu kommen. Also gibt es entweder die Möglichkeiten Tiere auf das Gleis zu platzieren als auch eine alte Kutsche auf das Gleis zu schieben. Insbesondere die Herausforderungen bieten neue Möglichkeiten die Missionen zu schaffen. Eine dieser Herausforderungen bei dieser Mission wäre beispielsweise nicht die Gleise zu überqueren. Schwer – aber schaffbar.
Diese Missionen und Herausforderungen sorgen im Grunde auch dafür dass Desperados 3 einen hohen Wiederspielwert hat.

~~ Für die komplette Review mit dem GOAL-Bewertungssystem besucht diesen Link ~~

Eines sei aber bereits gesagt: Das Spiel macht mir super viel Spaß und es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall dieses zu spielen. Insbesondere für Fans von den alten Desperados-Teilen, Shadow Tactics und Commandos
252 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 23:10
Ich habs heute durchgespielt und muss sagen: Super Spiel.Wirklich das Geld wert.Ich habe die Commandos-Reihe (Teil 1+2, 3 weniger) gespielt und geliebt, deswegen fahre ich auf dieses Spiel voll ab.Der Vorgänger , Shadow Tactics, ist auch sehr zu empfehlen.

Auf zum Nörgeln (aber auf höchsten lvl):

Die Story im Gesamten fand ich beim Vorgänger besser aber sie kann was und hat doch eine oder zwei Überraschungen parat.
Des. und Shadow im Vergleich zu Commmandos:

Es gibt EINIGE Comfort-Mechanismen die bei der richtigen Anwendung einen guten Frustschutz bieten, was die alten Spiele nicht hatten.Allein, dass man 3 Schnellspeicherslots hat, ist sehr viel wert.Ein vergeigter Speicherplatz und man muss NICHT das ganze LVL noch mal Anfangen.Das hat bei den alten Commandos leider öfter einen ganzen Spieleabend an Fortschritt gekostet.Was auch super an den Neuen spielen ist, dass man Aktionen speichern und dann per Tastendruck gemeinsam mit anderen Aktionen ausführen kann.gabs früher leider gar nicht.

Fazit: Mimimi hat sich ein altes Spielprinzip gekrallt und es in die Gegenwart gebraucht und das , meiner Meinung nach, mit großen Erfolg.Ich freue mich auf ein neue Folge oder neues Spiel, egal ob Ninjas oder Cowboys oder sonst was.Habe zum Durchspielen 43 Stunden gebraucht und dadurch passt für mich das Preis/Leistungs-Verhältnis. Wer gern grübelt, wird es mögen.GLg
78 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 21:34
geil, aber nur mit Joint ;)
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:05
Cooles Taktik spiel für jeden Gamer
1807 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 15:58
Wer ein Fan von Taktikspielen wie Commandos, Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, Chicago 1930, Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, Helldorado oder Desperados ist, um nur ein paar dieser Genre Vertreter zu nennen, der kommt um Desperados III eigentlich nicht drumherum.

Es macht einfach Spaß, sich mit Geschick durch die schönen Areale zu kämpfen. Die Helden überzeugen mit Persönlichkeit und Fähigkeiten und die Spielmechanik liefert nette Schleich-Action. Gutes KI-Verhalten, coole Kombinationen und eine gelungene deutsche Lokalisierung runden die ganze Sache ab.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 00:02
Geile Grafik, geiles Gameplay! Wie der erste Teil damals, nur viel besser!!
232 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
2025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 18:02
If you liked Shadow Tactics, you know what you get. It's more of the same. The characters and skills are very similar.
Basically the game is a series of puzzles about how to take out baddies without being seen by using the people and abilities you have.
The game does a good job mixing up how you can progress by limiting the characters you get in each mission. So that kept me engaged for 33 hours.

The ending was amazing.

There are more bonus missions (in the same environments) that I will try next.

If Mimimi make another of these game, I am not sure if I will buy it, if it's again just more of the same.
880 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 06:32
Jeder der die Commandos Reihe mag, wird Desperados 3 lieben.
Ich würde mich sogar so weit aus dem Fenster lehnen zu behaupten, dass Desperados 3 das beste Echtzeit-Taktik Game auf dem Markt ist.
101 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 14:49
Ich wollte diese Art von Spiel mal ausprobieren, da die Blockbuster Titel erst Ende des Jahres erscheinen. Inzwischen ist dieser Titel aber kein Lückenfüller mehr, sondern ein Blockbuster! Ich finde das Spiel genial und es macht eine Menge Spaß. In der Regel meide ich diese Taktik-Spiele, aber das Tutorial ist großartig und bisher gab es keine Stelle im Spiel die unfair oder viel zu schwer war. Also genau der richtige Zeitvertreib für mich.

Ich kann das Spiel empfehlen ohne dabei ein schlechtes Gewissen haben zu müssen.

Ich habe das Spiel nun beendet auf dem einfachsten Schwierigkeitsgrad und kam das ein oder andere mal schon ins Schwitzen. Besonders das Finale (KEIN SPOILER) war knackig!

Ich werde meinen nächsten Run auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad starten die nächsten Tage und bin gespannt welche Herausforderungen mich da erwarten.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 11:29
Bei diesem Spiel kommen die Erinnerungen vom 1 und 2 Teil wieder hoch.
Nostalgie pur! Ich bin nun bei der 6 Mission und kann sagen, dieses Spiel wird man mehrmals durchspielen können. So viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten (Tode, Wege, Missionsziele)

Von mir gibts ein 9/10 10/10 erhält das Nächste Desperados ;P
109 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 03:44
Fun game makes me use my 2 brain cells
52 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 02:58
does not give you a reason to fully utilize all of the game mechanics but overall good story game
169 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 22:50
I was a huge fan of the first Desperados game, but not so much the 2nd. When I heard about a 3rd game in the series being released I was excited. I'm really glad they learnt the lesson of the 2nd game and ditched the first-person sharp-shooter mode and returned to the highly detailed isometric game play of the original. This game has tons of content, with each level taking a couple of hours to complete. I thoroughly recommend this game.
3463 Produkte im Account
183 Reviews
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 18:44
Good game!
793 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
1383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 16:58
A fantastic game by gameplay. At start it was a little too easy, at the end it was sometimes cheap and often repeats the same difficulty pattern of three+ guys that look at each other, but overall, a great game that truly holds up as a new, modern Desperados game.
Fair amounts of length and replayability, took me around 20 hours deducing breaks from my gametime to beat, and eventually I'll come back to check some alternate routes, bonus missions and challenges.
Maybe a little expensive at full price, but not honestly even by a lot
1249 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
2801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 12:00
A great tactical stealth game - difficulty is pretty savage on hard mode but very satisfying when you finally pull it off.

My main complaint is that many of the enemy layouts feel like there is an optimal way to proceed, with most other methods resulting in an alert.

Game length is probably 25-40hrs on Hard mode - with plenty of optional challenges for further playtime and replayability.
578 Produkte im Account
390 Reviews
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 20:31
Great wild western RTS stealth game. I think the Shogun one is way better though.
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
19730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 13:35
played this game numerous time on various levels from Normal - Desperado, never the same; it offers many variations on game play and how the NPCs react to your style of game. Worth investing time on perfecting missions and objectives.
145 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 01:08
Chess in a western setting - love it!
453 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 21:58
One of the best, if not the best, real-time tactics game available right now.
You definitely should check it out, new or veteran of the genre.

Pluses :
- Pretty af to look at
- Solid gameplay, levels and mechanics
- Very good music
- Main campaign has a more than fair duration (Around 30h for me on hard)
- Cool characters, and great voice acting
- Good extra and side content (Trials, badges, etc.)
- Quality of life stuff (Quick save reminder, gameplay speed-up...)

Minuses :
- The point of the story could be a bit more engaging.
883 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
2001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 17:18
Fantastic game. Don't need to play any of the others to enjoy this. If you liked Shadow Tactics you'll like this!
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 06:44
this is fun game strategic, i play with my wife
188 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 19:24
Was very intrigued by this because of the amazing reviews and high price tag. But I think unless you love this genre it's boring, the game play is slow and repetitive, the mechanics and game play really doesn't seem to have evolved much 8 hours in.

It's just a gradual clearing a map of enemies using the same combos again and again. It went from fun and exciting on each map, to clear this whole map to fetch A & B then go to C.

There's not real puzzle element or difficulty because the recommendation is to save scum liberally. So any difficulty is just try three different approaches until it works.
212 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 05:12
Absolutely legendary game -- instantly one of my favorite games of all time. Such a strong theme, atmosphere, and characters. Mechanically clean, fair, and balanced. Graphics are beautiful and informative without being overwhelming or over-complicated. My only issue with the game is that now all other RTT games I play are going to seem a lot worse in comparison. PLEASE PLAY THIS GAME!
82 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 10:11
Desperados III tickles the nostalgia itch. It's not exactly faithful to the first Desperados game from the early 2000s but it's worthy of a playthrough. A lot of catchphrases are still in it and the devs have made away with poorly aged stereotypes like the many offensive Mexican, Asian or Black caricatures in favour of more fantastical yet very entertaining characters with slightly more story behind them. The gameplay is smoother, more convenient and although it's easier to do certain things that would be quite hard in the original, it still retains difficulty in most scenarios with adjustable difficulty sliders for both the adept and the novice.

The only critic I can give the game is that many of the stealth mechanics are seemingly ripped from the other Samurai game Mimimi developed which makes our beloved group of Desperados quite more agile and perhaps too unnoticeable for realism's sake. The world is also populated with quite a few female bandits which are there to limit the power of the Kate O'Hara characters abilities but does little in the way of adding to the realism. Isabella's character is also a bit too fantastical for the setting perhaps but is great fun to play with.

Overall it's a good game with great replayability with different ways to approach missions, challenges, badges and other achievements to try to unlock.
80 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 07:25
Thanks Mimimi, really thanks.
148 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 10:40
Just perfect.
89 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 14:51
The best Real Time Tactics game I've played so far. Has the most polished mechanics, well balanced characters and many features that are re-defining the genre. 10/10
991 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
1709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 12:16
Perfection. From the very first 5 minutes of playing this I knew this was going to be great. And great it was, all the way to the end. Even though the game demands a lot of concentration and patience, I could've played this for hours end. While the gameplay is basically perfect, it also helps that the graphics are gorgeous. The levels are huge and packed with details. Sometimes I found myself just scrolling around, looking at the environments and the people who live in it.

It's so much fun just looking at the screen and thinking about your next move, like it was a game of chess. Thanks to save scumming being an important feature of the game, it's easy to try and fail many times without getting bothered by it. A very welcoming QOL feature I loved was fast forward which allows you to quickly go through enemy's routine without having to wait in real time.

Weirdly enough, although I played their previous game, Shadow Tactics, I did not get to the end. Not sure if I just like the western setting more or was it the comic book style of Shadow Tactics versus the realistic one in Desperados. In any case, I'll be sure to play it again asap because I need my real time tactics fix.

Thank you Mimimi for reviving this dead genre which I was fond of ever since I played the first Commandos and then actually making it 10x better. Can't wait for your newly announced IP.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 15:00
I LOVED the original...Then I played this! The original now sits in that nostalgic corner of my gaming brain never to be played again just thought about with fond memories because when you play the original you'll be thinking of this!. Well worth every penny and more. I lost two and a half hours on one mission that only felt like half an hour, I also managed to burn my dinner in the process! Ha. The achievements are a very nice touch that gives the game some longevity....Speed running might be a bridge too far for me though! The only negative thing about this game is you get to the end eventually and you'll want more!. Note to Mimimi...Please take my money and make more content....(pretty please).
89 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 06:56
Its like Hitman, but with cowboys
287 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 12:05
Perfect game made with love and attention to detail. Engaging story, believable characters, excellent voice acting. Smooth and customizable control scheme.

This game represents the peak of the genre.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 06:38
Fabulous. AN ongoing challenge without feeling too repetitive.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 16:39
985 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
5634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 05:13
Mimimi Games brings to life a game series that has been dormant for almost 15 years as the classic of tactical games, Desperados, returns to pastures. And how wonderfully it returns!

Desperados, about the gang of bounty hunter John Cooper, got a few add-ons until the game series retired for more than a decade.

Despite the nostalgia, playing Desperados 3 does not require prior understanding of the game series or genre. Extensive tutorials ensure that the secrets of real-time tactics unfold even more slowly, and the story itself is a prelude to previous games. The main character is still the bounty hunter Cooper, who is chasing mysterious Frank this time. Cooper assembles a team for himself, consisting of both old acquaintances and new acquaintances.

For Desperados 3, the city is only a visual variation to the countryside. The same superficiality also applies to the underlying themes.
Clever ideas keep the game fresh, literally until the last games. An additional challenge is also the so-called Baron’s challenge, i.e. the baron’s challenges. In additional challenges, the player is thrown into previous fields with, for example, alternative characters, limited abilities, or completely new goals.

Of course, all the characters in the game have their own skills and powers, but in the end games the heroes are sadly similar: virtually every character has the ability to deceive and melee in addition to the firearm, albeit with different emphases. For example, the gun hero Cooper’s delusion only turns the enemies ’heads momentarily when the seductress of the group can either pay attention for as long as he wants, or even lead the love-hungry guards off his routes. Admittedly, the seductress doesn’t manage to drag the stunned guard quickly, unlike the team’s Mexican strongman, who runs carrying both bodies. The specialty of the group is Isabelle Moreau, a shaman from the marshes of New Orleans. Moreau's black magic links human destinies together and makes enemies even commandable voodoo zombies.

For the most part, the differences between the characters still seem small. However, the further the game progresses, the more significant those small differences become.

Visually, Desperados is a time jump into the turn of the millennium. Isometric clicking relies heavily on tradition, which is nothing to regret, as everything works as it should. You get zoomed in as close as far enough, so you can design both bigger strategies and smaller tactics without any problems. Instead of fixed angles, the camera also rotates a full 360 degrees. From time to time, the route search limps and the characters mix with, for example, multi-layered structures, but mainly the hunks move where and how the player wants.

From all the praise, one can certainly conclude that the serving tasted good. Desperados 3 does everything it does well, but at 20 hours of play, ambushing hundreds of guards will inevitably start to repeat itself. Gameplay is expanded and diversified with different types of missions as well as “civilian areas” where guards consider player characters to be neutral civilians. In addition to free movement, civilian areas allow you to listen to conversations with NPC characters, giving you tips on alternative ways to perform. All of this works.

However, Desperados 3 as a whole is an excellent addition to every tactician’s game shelf. It’s not quite an XCOM-like milestone within the genre, but especially for the lower-budget game, Desperados 3 manages to create a versatile and fun sled adventure. At times, the millet-accurate whining frustrates, the second moment the same whining produces memorable hero moments when a few gun heroes manage to knock down a saturated desperado without a single alarm.

+ Versatile field and task planning.
+ Casual and fun minded.
+ Operation is satisfactory.

- There could be more shades in the story.
- Levels are too long in some cases.

Fans of the genre may notice a lot of similarities in both roles and characters to previous outputs of the genre. Even the original Desperados itself was practically just a re-dressed Commandos(1998), from which also the most recent part borrows a significant part of its elements. Fortunately, there are a touch of fresh ideas that make the hustle and bustle a little more diverse, and there aren't very many representatives of that sub-genre in the world now.

So if the tactical sneaking is good and the wild west tastes good, then Desperados III will easily guarantee tens of hours of insight into the signs of a functional puzzle. The story is not overwhelming, but the tasks themselves are enjoyable nuts with several different solutions for cracking the shell.
1019 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 02:38
I really wanted to like this game. I like the genre, the western theme is great, the environments are aesthetically pleasing, and once in a while you feel pretty cool taking down a group of enemies like a SWAT team with one synchronised set of actions. The production values are pretty good too, with surprisingly strong voice work and visuals. The RTT genre might have moved on from the lovely and detailed pre-rendered backgrounds of its past, but the levels in Desperados 3 are gorgeous enough that you might not notice the difference.

My issue then, and my reason for a negative review, lies in its structure. Virtually every single mission revolves around doing the same small set of actions over and over again. You pick the route you want to take, observe the guards and patrols, find the weakspot in the overlapping cones of vision that allows you to either kill or distract/lure a guard to remove him from play, thus allowing you to kill the other guard he was watching... and so on, systematically dismantling the security until you can proceed. The game is designed almost exclusively with this playstyle in mind, and, thanks to sheer enemy numbers and long animations/cooldowns for offensive actions, will actively punish you for deviating from it. This is not a stealth sandbox like Commandos 2, how matter how much it might seem. No, much like its more recent predecessor Shadow Tactics... it is a puzzle game. Trying to get creative will most often just lead to many loaded saves; you must -find- the solution, you can't make one yourself.

This is not helped by the fairly bland set of abilities each character has, which in themselves are almost wholesale carried over from Shadow Tactics, trimmed and shuffled around a little bit with barely anything new added. There is very little diversity to each character in terms of their 'stealth' skillset; Cooper can distract, Hector can lure, McCoy can... also lure, but at shorter range and through vision instead of sound, Kate can distract AND lure, but only with a disguise, which you have to collect in every mission; her blinding perfume is typically only useful before she gets one. Isabelle's mind control is interesting, but is still constrained by range and context and serves mostly just to give you more abilities to consider when trying to find the predefined solution to a given section. These mediocre ability sets mean that the main factor to your progression is simply enemy layout and terrain, which makes the gameplay grow stale much more quickly than it should. After all, it's a lot less fun having to SEARCH for a bridge or ladder instead of being able to make one yourself.

As an example comparison, Commandos 2's second mission has you infiltrating a submarine base, and you have a selection of routes just for getting into the sub pen itself in the middle of the base: You can sneak in normally through one of the several exterior entrances under varying amounts of guard, use a grappling hook to climb to the roof, use the scout character to climb to the roof bare-handed and then drop a rope ladder, or swim straight in through the harbor entrance. You can see the wealth of options you have available just in this small piece of gameplay, with varying amounts of required time, preparation, and benefit for each choice. Desperados 3 has none of this.

I don't want to suggest that being more puzzle-oriented makes Desperados 3 a bad game, but even compared to Shadow Tactics (which has similar issues of puzzle linearity), Desperados falls short in fun-factor due to its restrictive, linear level design and uninspiring character abilities. It lacks all the creativity and freedom of its ancestor games, offering instead a fairly polished but mechanically bland experience.
167 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
6152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 08:55
Wild west and revenge fit together like chocolate and raspberry. And Desperados III from German Mimimi Games makes no exception.
Desperados III is a great tactical stealth game with five diverse characters traversing through large open levels with alternate routes that enhance replay value. Picking off patrols and executing multiple actions works marvelously through both the swamps and the frontier towns. And with high quality presentation, this is one entry that fans of the genre shouldn't miss.

It’s easy to say that Desperados III is like Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun with slightly different graphics. It must be emphasized, however, that this is by no means a defamation.

However, it doesn’t get over or around that the games feel very similar and the basic mechanisms are the same. Ahead is a multi-ten-hour story-driven campaign in which bounty hunter John Cooper, along with his unlikely allies, chases the corrupt head evil, each for his own reasons.

The story progresses task by task, offering the player concrete goals that are freely accomplished using a variety of tools. The goal may be, for example, to assassinate local criminal gang leaders, each hiding in their own little corner in a huge and open game area. Sometimes you have to ninja to the railway baron's office to steal secret documents or to an enemy camp to release prisoners.

Desperados III provides the player with a confusing amount of information. The game world is full of cones depicting fields of view, objects lined with different colors from bushes to outer shells and cannons, circles of different colors and differently animated, and you know what else. All information is necessary at some point but not always at the same time.

This creates a truly fascinating and challenging gaming experience that serves as a conveyor belt with very challenging but rewarding tactical badges. There are several alternative approaches to each situation, so it doesn’t matter at all that you feel like a real cunning desert fox who will be yelling at his opponents as they come.

If, on the other hand, you need more challenge, each task also includes voluntary bonus goals. Can you solve the task without taking advantage of any boulders or flammable oil spills rolling over enemies? What about never hiding in a bush?
Desperados III offers excellent entertaining medicine, even if it is not unique.

+ Colorful heroes
+ Interestingly designed levels
+ Wild West atmosphere
+ Satisfying gameplay based on patient planning of your actions

- Unnecessary character restrictions
- Mediocre storyline
- A few fields unnecessarily long

There is no room for dilemmas here - if you've liked the Commandos franchise and its followers, Desperados III should be a must-see for you. If you haven't had contact with this sub-genre before, but you generally like strategy games, even then it is worth giving this production a chance. We get too few titles of this kind to be picky when something new finally hits the market - I will most certainly be waiting for what Mimimi will come up with next.
733 Produkte im Account
181 Reviews
1595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 08:51
Started playing this as part of free weekend and the first few missions are just as good as I expected.
So I bought it at once given the nice discount, and also based on how good Shadow Tactics (another Mimimi game) ran on Linux.
Expecting the rest of the game to be just as nice to stealth around and murder cowboys in.

Edit: Finished the base game after ~24 hours. Well worth my time. Now onto the DLC, and possibly the Baron challenges and such as well!
244 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 22:01
- Dying ain't much of a living, boy.

381 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 20:18
Just like Desperados 2 only, instead of being an awful unplayable ugly buggy mess, it's a smooth, fun, beautiful, gem. If you loved Shadow Tactics, the 1st two Commandos games (not the #2 remaster) and the 1st Desperados, it's a must have.

If you loved the 2nd Desperados game, turn off the computer and go the the nearest mental health facility, because you're not well.
297 Produkte im Account
178 Reviews
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 16:11
After playing Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, I was in love with these developers. When I saw their new tittle comming in Steam, I did not hesitate to put it in my wishlist. These games bring back memories of Commandos and the story and gameplay mechanics are well implemented. I recieved this game from a very special person ♥ (it was an unexpected gift, thank you :*) Desperados 3 have a lot of replayability, same as Shadow Tactics. Every mission has his own challenges, speedruns incluided. Recommended if you are a huge fan of Commandos or you played Shadow Tactics previously

37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 00:52
Enjoyed the easy way you can jump in and out of the game - dont need to sit consistently at PC playing
285 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 09:29
Positive reviews got it correctly. This is an amazing resurrection of original Desperados. I am not as young as when Desperados first came out and don't really play that much anymore - but this got me hooked til the end. Also planning to replay, which I haven't done in any offline games for at least 10 years.
Bravo, Mimimi!
118 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 17:43
I was wondering what is Hector's story.. now i know.
280 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 14:58
Outstanding! The developers deserve all the support in the world for this one
69 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 21:59
Excelent game.
If you like Shadow Tactics this is a must play
133 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 17:23
Desperados 3, prequel to the rest of the franchise and a mighty fine one at that. Any concerns that Mimimi might've missed the mark bringing the unique Wild West spin of the original Desperados title back to life in a Real-Time Tactics game, or tried to make it more in line with their previous works were thoroughly dispelled within minutes of entering the game proper.

To make a long story short, if you're the type of person who can devote entire hours to analytical study and stealthy trial and error gameplay, then you will feel right at home.

If you're the type to get impatient with real-time puzzle strategy games, well, it's probably not the game for you.

Moving on, there's no denying the attention to detail the developers have provided to the game, especially for a known IP with an existing fanbase at that. If anything this game serves as a proper successor to the legacy of the old development team. This isn't just Shadow Tactics or Commandos in the Wild West; this is its own piece of beauty, it belongs in the setting, from the audio and visuals, to the characters and tools at their disposal, it's all fittingly part of the setting for the most part at the very least.

Gameplay wise, it is very much a fluid improvement over previous entries, perhaps even better than Mimimi's previous work with Shadow Tactics even. Every character pulls their weight, every level can very well keep you invested for hours studying, preparing, and gambling the pros and cons of every action. Even going loud isn't off the cards either, with helpful hints from the interface helping you plan your every move, it's not really a question if you'll solve whatever level you're on, but when.

Every level feels delightfully hand-crafted too, with puzzles that keep you at em with lots of replay value if you're into the challenge this game provides. The options for creativity are incredibly flexible too, so experimenting is highly encouraged.

Relatedly, I feel non-lethal approaches have been vastly improved in this compared to ST: Blades of the Shogun. The simple ability to tie enemies and unhelpful neutrals up? So much cleaner. ^^

Having said all these positive things, I must point out that there are issues with the interface when it comes to movement, with it sometimes being obsessive with jumping down Z levels rather than using the stairs, and other such unusual behavior. Furthermore using the in-built tactical mode can be hit & miss, especially since far as I know, there's no way to tell characters to rush to their assigned melee targets, which can make things awkward if they notice their buddies getting punched. Overall the design is sleek, but improvements still could be made.

So in summary, I highly recommend this game, especially to fans of the older parts of the franchise, they did it justice, it cannot be said enough.
89 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
4781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 12:54
Better polished than shadow tactics. 9.5/10
797 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 12:32

Continuous cycle

Desperados 3 is a tactical game set in the wild west and this combination feels amazing after the first try, and also couple of hours later, but the more I play the more painful to continue. The game gets really quickly repetitive (action-wise) in my opinion, just sneaking around finding the good angle from where you can kill unspotted again and again and it is especially beating on large maps where you repeat the cycle so many times you lose count. Yes there are usually few ways how to get through missions, but differences do not vary much. With the overflow of positive reviews I thought to myself I must be doing something wrong, so I tried to play again and again and again and I never found the strenght in me to continue after just a dozen of minutes or so. Maybe this game is just not meant for me even though I usually love stealth tacktical RTS games, nevertheless I'm giving my piece here fot the sake of opinions plurality.


Great graphics
Intuitive UI
Challenges for every level


Actions repetitiveness
Lenghy and linear gameplay
Non-inovative in the genre
Uninteresting story


I think this is a great game for fans of previous desperados games, but sadly not enjoyable for me.
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 18:44
Indeed it gave me nostalgia from the 1st one. really good game ! Well done
276 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 10:10
Really awesome tactical stealth game and I'm not especially fond of the genre (though I did love the original back in the day)
198 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
3588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 12:36
The Old and the New. Desperados returns in all its glory thanks to Mimimi, the same people who made an awesome Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun just a few years ago. Take your hat, knife, pair of revolvers and dont forget your trusty steed. Wild West awaits!
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 01:31
This game is a masterpiece and reminds me of the good ol' days playing the rest of the series plus the commandos series. This genre is one of my favourite types because of the high replayability, the challenges and the game length. It's definitely worth a shot!
253 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
2129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 23:39
This is a solid strategy game with some interesting mechanics and TONS of different ways to solving almost every situation. I can't stress how important that is to make a game like this fun. Too often developers make puzzles that require a single solution. Not here! They did a great job of giving each character abilities that give very different options, strengths, and weaknesses. The campaign combines different pairs of characters for most missions, forcing you to come up with neat new ways to synergize!

There weren't actually many 'cons' to the game. I only experienced a couple of very minor bugs. My only real complaint is the way they implemented the Showdown mechanic seems like a mess. A 'pause' function with the ability to queue an action for each character would have been perfect here, whereas the Showdown is the only pause, but it changes all your controls to no real benefit. A good portion of my reloads were due to Showdown mode messing things up.
649 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 07:56
GOTY 2020 for me, hands down, as a big fan of RTT game since long ago.

I bought the Deluxe Edition, Mimimi Games honour their promises with the season pass and more, with cool & free contents. I hope you'll continue to provide excellent game like this in the future, SW and DIII are miracles in an ocean of mediocrity !
967 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 04:59
Commandos in a 10 gallon hat.
50 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 19:00
cooles spiel
262 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
1570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 03:17
This game really executes well on the tactical stealth genre. Lot's of fun mechanics. The characters and plot are engaging. After about 2/3 through the game though, things start to get tedious. Picking off enemies one at a time and dragging their bodies around becomes a bit boring. All in all though, it was an enjoyable experience.
116 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 12:14
Great game. Just as good if not better than Shadow Tactics
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 20:28
This is a fantastic game I bought on a whim, and I've put more time into it than any in recent memory. The gameplay design is obviously intensely well play-tested, and it's interesting. The challenges scale well with the learning curve, especially with the optional badges and harder modes. You can be creative and the game plays tightly at the same time, which is a combination I wish were more common. And every time I found myself about to get frustrated about something gameplay-wise towards the beginning, it's like the game read my mind and told me about some feature that dissolved the potential frustration. The devs thought of everything. This is one of the best designed games I've ever played. The story is a shameless, self-aware, well-done, loving ripoff of nearly every Western trope in existence, and I enjoyed it.
646 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 16:13

Good Game, Bad Player

What I Liked

It hit all the right marks. The look is there, of course. Can really feel the western dripping from every part of this game. There are so many ways to approach a situation, you could play the same situation multiple times and it goes down differently each time.

What I Did Not Like

Not much, really.

Why I Stopped Playing

First off, I was super bad at the game. I'm not great at these type of games, so I wasn't good at this one either. That being said, I tried to push through, until I grew bored of the western theme. That's a theme that never held my interest. I thought this one would, but it didn't.

I think it's a great game, it just wasn't for me.


I have been a gamer for over 30 years. I tend to play mostly PC games. I also bounce around between games A LOT. I may purchase a $60 game and play it for 2 hours or spend $10 on a game and spend 50 hours on it. Even if I played a game a short time, it does not mean it is bad. It just means another game caught my attention. I also complain about flaws in games a lot, even about the littlest of things. Keep that in mind when reading my reviews. If I do not have a complaint, then the game must be special!
500 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 00:11
Super fun. If you enjoyed Shadow Tactics or Commandos (the original of this style of game) you will be in for a treat.
117 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 23:14
i came here to give my review and found my self out of words , i mean beauty masterpiece etc .. those words ain't enough to describe this game , game like this should came with mini book with words that can be used to describe the greatness of it .
well done DEVs you made the best RTT game since commandos 3 & 2
85 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 23:11
TL;DR: if you liked Desperados, Commandos, or Shadow Tactics, go get it!

+ mission design
+ sandbox-y gameplay invites for experimenting
+ mission challenges invite for replays
+ voice acting
+ (customizable!) difficulty levels
+ very stable and well-optimized, runs great even on Mac mini M1 using Rosetta 2

o I wish I could zoom out more, especially when facing multiple enemies with huge sight ranges
o in-game soundtrack is well-made but sometimes it feels a little out-of-place compared to Desperados (2001) or Shadow Tactics
603 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
3571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 18:35


+ Every level is well designed
+ Difficulty is fair; no need for cheap strats (like in Shadow tactics)
+ 4 different difficulty settings for players of all skill level
+ Great voice acting
+ Great soundtrack
+ Great graphics
+ Tons of replayability


- Camera angles often feels awkward
- Target selection can be a pain if enemies are stacked on top of each other
- Character abilities are too similar to the ones in Shadow Tactics
- Badges are not visible until first playthrough of mission


+/- Story is okay. Not great, not terrible either
+/- Badges/optional achievements that force you not to save are just CRUEL


Desperados III is most definitely a hardcore RTT game, and is an improvement to Shadow Tactics in many aspects. I liked the improved graphics, and the reminder that popped up each time I didn't perform a quick save after every minute.

Unfortunately, this did initially feel like a reskin of Shadow Tactics due to the many similar character abilities. I was a little surprised, because I didn't get access to the truly unique abilities until several missions in, when I finally met the last character. Thankfully, the wait was worth it, as [spoiler]her[/spoiler] unique abilities truly made for some new interesting strategies. But I should also mention that it has been 3 years since I touched Shadow Tactics, so the ability similarities didn't really bother me at all.

Another thing that I really liked relative to Shadow Tactics, was how no tactic felt cheap. I recall using the Tanuki in Shadow Tactics to bait enemies to travel over long distances in order to safely take them out. I had no need for such tactics in this game, and as such, collecting badges felt more enjoyable.
Pro tip: using tied up enemy bodies as bait will make your life so much easier!

And then there's my biggest gripe of all - this game would be flawless, would it be not for the fact that I constantly misclicked where I wanted my character to go, thanks to the awkward camera viewing angles. This was a major complaint in Shadow Tactics, and I'm a little surprised Mimimi didn't allow for more freedom of camera movement in this one. Thank goodness for the quick save, or this would've really driven me up the wall. This probably wouldn't be as big a factor on controller though, as you'd be using the analog sticks for character movement instead.

Lastly, if you're hunting for badges, I probably wouldn't recommend trying to get all of them at the same time while on hard mode. While not impossible, I personally didn't find the tedious nature of it very fun. I found myself enjoying the game a lot more while getting as many badges as possible on normal, followed by completing the rest on hard.


Desperados III is a well polished, reasonably challenging Real Time Tactics game that is actually fun, and doesn't make you hate life.
286 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 06:49
Desperados 3 is just like Shadow Tactics, but in a Wild West setting.
I prefered the Japan-setting of Shadow Tactics, but that's just my personal opinion.
75 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 04:41
Just finished the main story in hard mode. Wonderful game in general. Kept everything interesting from Shadow tactics and advanced more on using firearms! The plot itself was very interesting and it feels very mid-west. The music was really nice! It kept the main theme melody and variate with instrumentations and styles. I cannot think of any reason to downvote except it's getting really repetitive when you get to the second half of the story. Maybe I am playing it wrong. Anyway, this is worthy to be recommended for everyone who liked Commandos, Desperados and Shadow tactics series.
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 10:28
Johnny boy
200 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 10:07
Is it just me or does every hour I spend in this game feel like three? This game gets the brain juices flowing for sure. Guns blazing or sneaky beaky, it all feels good.
441 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 14:24
Good and smooth! The great reincarnation of the first game of the series.
288 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 09:52
After finishing 'Shadow Tactics' , I wanted to play another good stealth game. I am glad I decided to go for Deserados iii. Awesome game!
34 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 12:08
great game!
3 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 11:22
Just good, Shadow Tactics's story was better, but it's not a comparison
134 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 19:55
RTS at its best! I loved every bit of it, even the very annoying grinds and constant F8 abuse on Desperado difficulty. This game definitely started the same excitement and joy in me that Commandos and Desperados 1&2 did back in the days. Besides an extremely entertaining main story, there are plenty of interesting challenges and (hopefully) extra content in the future.

If you haven't bought this game yet, do it, play it and thank me later.
448 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
5470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 21:22
Been a while since I found a game that kept me playing for 6 hours straight.

Edit: I did some speedruns and badges and played 9 hours straight today. OOOF

Edit2: I dont want to hear the same fucking voiceline 50 times as I try a passage 50 times. Jesus fucking Christ that shit is annoying.
230 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 09:08
What a game!!! One of the best games I played over the last years.
Some people call it a re-skinned Shadow Tactics but Desperados III is better in every aspect: graphics, music, dialogues, story line, maps and achievements. Especially audio is a lot better. I was sick of hearing characters in Shadow Tactics after first few missions and was looking in the menus for an option to turn them off, their voices were so annoying :). D3 is totally opposite. Conversations between McCoy and Isabelle (my favourite character) are interesting and funny. Even NPCs are entertaining.
778 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 06:23
It's a MASTERPIECE! Linux support out now!

And Yes! There is Gatling Guns!
753 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 00:15
Great strategy game. Linux Version out now. Thanx mimimi
236 Produkte im Account
194 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 11:59
Don't get me wrong. I was young, i loved Commandos Desperados.
But now in 2020 such games should have more approaches to finish level than KILL THEM ALL !!!!!!!!

Dumb thing is - AI is - -90 IQ.
You can kill half of the map with 1 bullhorse
You can kill half of the map for a single char (woodoo witch)
The map approach usually very linear, you cannot proceed further, before you kill all of the guys here.

Stealt is minimal and usually very very dissapointing, in the end, when you cannot proceed with stealth, cannot go back, cannot kill bots around you because stupid ALARM system.

At least there is some kind of story.
153 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 19:26
I loved Desperados 3 it very much, I want more games like this game, I highly recommend to try this game

292 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 23:54
Great game. Desperados 1 was my childhood :D
268 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
1420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 08:59
Funner than a barrel of Rattle Snakes!


59 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 17:37
My brain is bigger after I completed the game . 200 IQ / 10
42 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 17:49
I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3642 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
2896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 07:25

Desperados III is a real-time tactics stealth game with a rich story, that tells us a story of John Cooper, his gang, and their sweet revenge. Basically, this game is a prequel to the classic Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive game despite the confusing number III in its name.


+ Awesome real-time tactics mechanics
+ Stealth approach is more than rewarding
+ A huge amount of the content
+ Five different well-written characters with useful abilities that the player has to use wisely depending on the situation
+ A captivating story that is interesting to follow
+ Thoughtful level design
+ High replayable value
+ Challenges that are really interesting to complete


- Some levels take a lot of time complete, around 2-3 hours
- Reloading saves feel tedious sometimes
- Repeating character replicas can become a bit annoying

Playing Desperados III was a really exciting experience for me because the original game was one of the first games I have played on PC when I was a kid back in 2001. As you can probably guess, gaming then was completely different than it now - we never had a library with thousands of different games, usually, we were limited to a few games, that we had to replay again and again and again. I never had the luxury to rage quit the game, so I had to think a lot of how in order to progress with the story.

And Desperados was my first ever experience with real-time tactics games and I will never forget those moments. Constantly saving and loading, trying different approaches, consulting with my schoolmates - it was awesome.

The reason why I am telling you all this, is because Desperados III brought me exactly the same experience, same memories from my childhood and I couldn’t be happier in this situation. Everything that I used to love in the original games has been saved in this prequel, so if you are the veteran player, don’t you dare to miss Desperados III.


Desperados III tells us the story about John Cooper, a rough bounty hunter who has to revenge for his father’s death. During his journey, he meets a company of desperate characters with their own story, motives, and the reason to stay with John Cooper. So, in terms of the story, the main goal of Desperados III is to tell the player how everything started and how John met his gang members.


The game is presented as an isometric real-time tactic game, where the player has to control different characters in order to complete the level. Each level can be completed in a loud or in a quiet way, however, the stealth approach is much more rewarding and it causes fewer problems for the player. During certain levels, the player has to control only one character or it starts with one character, and then another character joins a bit later.


Every single character has their own unique abilities that are hopeful during certain situations and the player has to figure out how to use them properly. The way the game introduces the new character to the player is magnificent: it starts with a short story of what happened to them and then, the whole level is dedicated to that character and it’s designed to be completed by using the abilities of this character. This kind of approach lets the player to learn the character and to understand how to play with him.

My favorite part of the game is the design of levels - they are extremely huge and thoughtful, the developers made everything to let the player finish it in a lot of different ways using different methods, where the player can go quietly or go loud. Most of these levels take a lot of time to complete, around 2-3 hours and this can be a problem for some players, I believe.

Usually, the main reason why it takes so long to complete the level is probably the mistakes that the player will do during the playthrough. Speaking of me, I was constantly spamming F5 and F8 buttons that are obviously responsible for quick saving and quick loading respectively, simply because there were always some enemies that were appearing out of nowhere, spoiling everything for me.

After the mission is done, the player can check on the results of the mission: the map with the movement of the characters, the number of saves and loads that have been executed and how many enemies each character killed. For example, one of my games has 103 saves and I loaded the game for 79 times. I realized that the whole concept of the game and my approach to it didn’t change too much since I was playing it as a kid back in 2001: I kill one, maximum two enemies and then I do an emergency save just to make sure that I won’t be forced to do it again if I fail on the next pack of the enemies.


I can’t even describe you how satisfying it is when you can’t understand how to fool the big pack of enemies and to bypass them and then when you finally find a solution. Every single enemy has a cone of their viewing area divided into two parts: a solid one closer to the enemy and a striped one, a bit distanced from the enemy’s eyes. The solid area is the place that has to be avoided by any means if you don’t want to be spotted by the enemy and the stripped area only lets the character move around the enemy in a crouching position. If the player will stand for a long period of time in the stripped area, the enemy will trigger the alarm.


Desperados III has a huge amount of content, including 16 long missions and 5 challenges that can entertain the player for a few more hours. This game has a pretty high replayability value, because it really differs a lot when the player switches to the higher difficulty. Every single level has special badges and unique tasks that the player has to complete in order to get them and this is something that will make the player stay in the game for a few more hours. I finished the game on the normal difficulty, some of the missions I was able to complete on the high difficulty and when I finished the game completely, I instantly started it all over again to try it on Desperado difficulty. Frankly speaking, after finishing the game and knowing everything on each level, I found it much easier to play even on this highest difficulty.


Desperados III has a pretty pleasant graphics, this game never tries to impress the player with it, but it just the does the job in the right way. The game has short cutscenes during the levels and between them, however, they are all made on the source of the game.


The soundtrack in this game is simply amazing and it definitely fits the atmosphere of the game. Every single character of the game is dubbed by the professional actors. My biggest issue with this game was repetitive replicas of each character which became annoying especially after loading the same save for a few times in a row.


Desperados III is an extremely quality game that is definitely worth picking up especially if you tactical games heavily based on stealth mechanics or used to play Desperados games in the past. It can be challenging at first, especially on the highest difficulties, but once you get into the mood of the game, it will become much easier. The great thing is that it has pretty high replayability value and it’s interesting to try new approaches in completing the level.


463 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 17:23
Great Game, play the Demo instead of reading reviews.
87 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 14:29
Great game, after finishing Shadow Tactics from the same developer it was natural jumping on this game. I sure hope this team buy the rights for Commandos and make a reboot.
822 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
1547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 02:53
I know what you are thinking. You patiently waited all June to play the Last of Us 2 and the day finally came. And then you managed to stay awake during 27 hours of cutscenes, you grabbed your paper towels and scissors to craft a molotov while still reading every review giving it 10s which were only disappointed because there were sections were you actually had to grab the controller and play the game. You took control of Ellie as she slow walked through this “grafixz- the videogame” murdering a thousand guys with a gunplay that manages to be worse than Missile Commando on the Atari. Well, I have some bad news for you. You bought the wrong June masterpiece. Sorry, kiddo, you fucked up.

Desperados III is the real deal and the true wild west videogame, fuck you too John Marston. This is a videogame that gives you tools and ask you to use them to solve your own problems, like when you grabbed that screwdriver for the first time to open your PC and fix your video card fan problem with some glue and paper clips. And, oh, it’s just as satisfying when you manage to solve each map and kill enemies by using your own tools. You see, Desperados III doesn’t waste your time with 20 minutes cutscenes or tutorials teaching you the best angle for your hand to press the left mouse button. This game grabs you by the neck, put you in the middle of an island, and says: “there you go, fucko, now solve your own problems in any way you like”.

Each map is a sandbox of its own, where you control moba-esque characters to kill, sneak past or cause all sorts of accidents to take down your enemies. Once the map introduction is done, there you go: you can easily waste up to two hours in the same map studying it, checking each patrol, enemy types, loot and finishing each objective. That’s two hours of uninterrupted gameplay in the year of our lord 2020 what madness is this is this is even allowed!? Mimimi games doesn’t play by the rules, and we are thankful for that.

Each character is also incredible balanced and have their ups and downs, and different ways you can use them. Characters like Hector are awesome at dealing directly with enemies, and Kate is more of a support which can set up amazing opportunities for destruction. Some abilities include: flirt, set traps, throw knives, stab with your knife, stab with a sickle, stab with an axe, stab, stab with your fists and just fuck enemies up in very satisfying ways. Setting up an ambush and seeing it actually work out feels very hmmmpppf! Very good. Pleasantly surprised. 10/10
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Rating auf Steam Äußerst positiv
95.92% 4419 188
Release:16.06.2020 Genre: Echtzeit-Taktik Entwickler: Mimimi Productions Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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