It's time for the Descenders MOD OF THE YEAR 2021 results
A VERY big thank you to everyone who uploaded mods this year - each year we love seeing all the new creations being dropped on
First a big shout out to some honourable mentions:
- HV's Transition Mod by h!gh voltage - Ever wanted to transition some half pipes with ease, this is definitely the mod for you!
- The Dreamyard by abli94 - Very, VERY cool replica of Pat Casey's backyard.
- Island Cake Walk by BI0S0CK - Good flow to be had on this one, very big pumptrack but oh my it is fun.
Now let's announce the winners
5. Vision Line - antgrass
4. Universal Race Mod - h!gh voltage
3. Whistling Bike Park - Ovanny
2. Igloo Bike Park - antgrass
And 2021 MOD OF THE YEAR is:
Another thing I'd like to do this year is a very big shoutout to some amazing scripters in the house, some mods wouldn't be the same without you! So, let's hear it for:
nohumanman, jubjub, Dogtorque & h!gh voltage
Also a very BIG shoutout to both ElGallo and OffWhiteGhost who keep tossing amazing outfits and bikes left and right, thank you so much!
Last but not least, thank you all for participating this year, and we can't wait what's in store for Descenders next year!