Deliver Us The Moon
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Über das Spiel

Die World Space Agency kolonisierte und operierte vom Mond aus, bis in einer schicksalhaften Nacht die Kommunikation mit der Erde endete und die Energiequelle verloren war. Jetzt, Jahre später, übernimmst du die Rolle des letzten Astronauten der Erde auf einer Mission ums Überleben, um zu untersuchen, was passiert ist und um die Menschheit zu retten.
Während dieses Abenteuers ist dein einziger Partner ein kleiner Roboter namens ASE. Gemeinsam durchquert ihr den Mond, erkundet verlassene Einrichtungen, sammelt Hinweise und deckt schließlich die Geheimnisse und verborgenen Pläne der Vergangenheit auf!
Wirst du die Menschheit retten oder in den dunklen Tiefen des Weltraums vergessen werden?
Die Erzählung konzentriert sich auf aktuelle Themen wie den Klimawandel und die Erschöpfung der natürlichen Ressourcen der Welt
Erlebe Sequenzen des Spiels aus der 1. und 3. Person, während du mit Deliver Us The Moon ein genreübergreifendes storylastiges Abenteuer erlebst
Starte eine Rakete von der Erde, reise durch die Raumstation WSA und erkunde die offene Mondlandschaft mit schwereloser Freiheit - zu Fuß, mit dem Rover oder mit der Einschienenbahn
Die Ruinen früherer Mondmissionen haben viele Geschichten und Geheimnisse zu erzählen. Verwende dein Astrotool, um die Geschichte der Mondkolonie aufzudecken
Nutze mit der ASE-Drohne als alleinigem Begleiter die beste Technologie, die die Menschheit zu bieten hat - von neuzeitlichen Raumanzügen über schneidende Laser und Raketen bis hin zu Roboterarmen
Da dir der Sauerstoff in deinen Tanks ausgeht und die unendliche Leere des Weltraums dich niederstarrt, wird es nicht einfach sein, am Leben zu bleiben
Überwinde Hindernisse und Gefahren, die dir den Weg versperren, und decke die Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit auf, indem du verschiedene Werkzeuge und deinen Verstand einsetzt, um komplizierte Rätsel zu lösen
Deliver Us The Moon wurde von den besten Science-Fiction-Filmen der Geschichte inspiriert und bietet einen beeindruckenden Soundtrack, der es mit drei Stunden Originalmusik mit den Filmen aufnehmen kann
Deliver Us The Moon nutzt die Unreal Engine 4, um unglaubliches Gameplay und beeindruckende Grafiken zu bieten
- CPU: Dual Core Processor, 2.5 GHz
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 2GB vRAM
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
- CPU: Quad Core Processor, 3 GHz or faster
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.23 18:01
Der Mann im Mond
Falls du dich bereits gefragt hast, ob der Mond aus Käse ist oder wer der Mann im Mond ist, diese Antworten mögen hier auch zu finden sein, doch die wahre Story hinter diesem strahlenden vollmondigen Spiel ist eine viel tiefere.
Die Erde ist am Arsch, die Interstellar-Vibes sind von Anfang an bei Raketenstufe 3 und laden uns emotional dazu ein, als der letzte Astronaut des einst grünen Planeten, auf eine bewegende Reise zum Mond zu gehen.
Ohne zu wissen wieso der Kontakt zur Mondkolonie abbrach oder was uns erwarten würde verschwenden wir den Rest Steuergeld auf um uns ins All zu schleudern und die Energieversorgung der Erde im besten Falle wiederherzustellen.
An einer Stelle bin ich seekrank geworden und bekam fast das interstellare Kotzen, zum astronomischen Glück trug ich trotz Allszenarie keinen Helm vor dem Monitor und auch die Sterne standen mir gnädig. Meine Wahrsagerin sagte mir bereits, dass die Wogen sich nach kurzer Unruhe wieder glätten würden.
Ein Werk der Liebe, ein fulminantes tiefsinnig emotionales Abenteuer, ein Mond, der Mond und die Sterne, sehet selbst und staunet!
Nicht Empfohlen
377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.23 14:06
- die Rätsel sind ziemlich einfach
- die Rätsel sind repetitiv
- die Zeitlimits sind sehr großzügig bemessen
- die Jump n' run-Passagen sind vom Schwierigkeitsgrad sehr übersichtlich
Gut hingegen finde ich:
- die Geschichte (auch wenn der Plot selbst auf einer etwas unglücklichen Grundlage basiert. Keine Spoiler.
- die Grafik
- das Setting
Müsst ihr wissen
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 14:07
Das Spiel ist zu teuer für die Spielzeit, wenn man es normal spielt. Es ist möglich deutlich weniger zu zahlen, das muss jeder für sich entscheiden.
Die Erde ist am Ende, es fehlt an Wasser und Energie. Letztere wurde durch ein Projekt beigekommen, das kühner kaum sein konnte. Helium-3 wird auf dem Mond abgebaut, in einem Reaktor in elektrische Eenergie umgewandelt und dann mit einem Mikrowellentransmitter zur Erde übertragen. Doch dann brach die Verbindung ab. Das Spiel setzt fünf Jahre nach diesem Vorfall an.
Die Steuerung ist simpel, weil es auch nicht viel braucht. Movement und ein paar Funktionstasten. Das ganze passt sich gut in die Spielweise ein, denn die ist ebenso gradeaus. Die Rätsel frustrieren nicht, sind auch nicht übermäßig umfangreich und wiederholen sich nicht künstlich. Generell ist das Map- und Rätseldesign gut gelungen, als jemand der sowas gar nicht so sehr mag, sogar sehr gut gelungen.
Das Spiel bietet RTX und kann diese Technik auch hin und wieder gut anbringen, DLSS ist ebenfalls verfügbar. Es wird Widescreen unterstützt mit bis zu 8k. RTX geht jedoch nur mit eingeschaltetem DX12, das hat dann zur Folge, das man die Auflösung nicht mehr ändern kann. Im forum wird dies darauf zurückgeführt, das es technisch nicht anders geht, wenn man RTX nutzen möchte. Die weiteren Einstellungen halten sich in grenzen, Schatten, Texturen und Antialising sind vorhanden. Nicht sehr viel, aber das bruach es auch nicht.
Was besser sein könnte.
Während das Storytelling gut ist, lässt KeokeN Interactiv die Chance aus, die Charaktere näher zu beleuchten. Es wird zwar einiges um die Charaktere erzählt, doch grade zum und am Ende bleibt der Spieler fragend zurück. Besonders im blick auf den Nachfolger, der zwar auf die Geschehnisse aufbaut, aber zehn Jahre danach spielt, wäre es schön gewesen die losen Enden abgeschlossen zu wissen.
Meinung mit Story-Spoiler
[spoiler]Deliver us the Moon schafft es einen emotional einzunehmen, wenn man es zulässt. Von Kindern gemalte Bilder, welche die geteilte Familie zeigen. Die eine Tochter Clair von Johnson, dem Erfinder des MPT, auf der Erde. Kathy auf dem Mond in Stasis. Isaac Johnson erkennt, das sein Projekt der Erde gar nicht mehr helfen kann. Diese Einsicht wird dem Spieler nach und nach immer näher gebracht und schafft so einer immer stärker werdende Verzweiflung, das man helfen will, doch egal was man macht, es nicht das Ziel erreichen kann.
Der Protagonist war bei dem als Blackout genannten Energieausfalls auf der Raumstation über dem Mond. Mit seiner Kollegin Sarah Baker wurde er zur Mondoberfläche geschickt um den Vorfall zu untersuchen. Die Sicherheitsfunktionen der Station wurden jedoch gestartet und es blieb nur wenig Zeit. Durch einen Zwischenfall war Sarah eingesperrt und so war sie allein auf dem Mond, dachte sie. Ihr Kollege Rolf nutzte die letzte Chance um den Mond zu verlassen und zur Erde zurückzukehren.
Jahre später flog er zur Raumstation zurück. Die Verbindung wiederherstellen und Energie zur Erde liefern ist das Ziel. Doch wird schnell klar, das er auch Sarah finden will. Das schafft er auch, doch stirbt er dabei. In dem Moment betritt eine weitere Person den Raum und es kann nur Isaac Johnson sein. An genau dem Punkt endet das Spiel und es bleiben so viele unbeantwortete Fragen.[/spoiler]
Meinung ohne Story-Spoiler
Deliver us the Moon schafft es einen emotional einzunehmen, wenn man es zulässt. Von Kindern gemalte Bilder, welche die geteilte Familie zeigen. Der Sand, der überall auf der Erde zu sehen ist, eine Erde die von Sandstürmen geplagt ist. Es ist ein klares Bild das entsteht. Der Erde und den Einwohnern geht es mies und das projekt das es Retten sollte hat versagt.
Das Mysterium warum es nmicht mehr funktionierte ist groß. Keine Kommunikation und keine Möglichkeit von der Erde dies zu ergründen. Die Resoucen sind knapp und daher wurde kein Versuch unternommen, dies zu untersuchen. Nur wenige blieben von der WorldSpaceAgency übrig, die das Rätsel lösen und der Erde wieder Hoffnung geben wollten. Genau hier setzt das Spiel an, beim Start von der Erde.
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 22:27
In naher apokalyptischer Zukunft muss die Erde durch eine Stromquelle vom Mond aus mit Energie versorgt werden. Als die Verbindung 2054 beim Blackout getrennt wird alles aufgegeben und 5 Jahre später 2059 starten wir als Astronaut einer letzten Rettungsmission zum Mond. Nicht nur die Story ist hier mitreißend und emotional,: auch die Musik mit der die Szenerie und Zwischensequenzen perfekt untermalt ist/sind und die damit perfekte Atmosphäre schafft für Spannung, Tragik usw. ist einfach perfekt.. von der Grafik (besonders auf RTX) gar nicht zu reden.....
tut mir leid das ich das jetzt so formuliert habe aber ich musste meiner Faszination an diesem ''kleinen aber feinen'' Spiel einfach mal freiem Lauf lassen xD. Kurz und knapp: holt es euch! seid ihr Singleplayer begeistert wird es euch nicht enttäuschen!!!
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 17:45
Auch wenn ich nach gut 8 Stunden das Spiel bereits erfolgreich beendet habe, hat mich jede Minute davon gefesselt und fasziniert.
Die Story hinter allem wirkt anfangs unscheinbar, entwickelt sich jedoch zu einer Intrige, die die Menschheit gefährdet und viele Geheimnisse aufdeckt. Es ist durchzogen mit anfangs leichten, später jedoch komplexeren Aufgaben und Rätseln gepaart mit Abenteuerfeeling. Die Mischung machts - und die wurde hier perfekt getroffen.
Ich hoffe, dass bald etwas neues von den Entwicklern kommt - eins steht fest: ich werde euch dabei unterstützen!
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 21:51
Die Story und das Ambiente sind wunderschön.
Die Rätsel hätten an der ein oder anderen Stelle vlt ein wenig komplexer sein können, jedoch hat es für mich auf jeden Fall gereicht
Achtung Spoiler:
[spoiler] Ich hab am Ende auf jedenfall fast geweint [/spoiler]
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 20:46
Nicht Empfohlen
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 15:29
Ich kann das Spiel leider nicht empfehlen. Ich habe einen UWQHD Monitor mit einer Auflösung von 5120 x 1440. Spiele ich mit dieser Auflösung, so kann ich keine Schaltflächen sehen, geschweige denn betätigen (Bestätigen, Abbrechen, etc).
Ich kann die Auflösung im Spiel auch nur auf 1280 x 720 Fenstermodus ändern... Dann sehe ich die Schaltflächen, aber das Bild / Spiel ist so klein, dass ich es nicht spielen kann. Eine manuelle Änderung auf bsp. 2560 x 1440 wird leider nicht akzeptiert.
Solange dieser Fehler noch besteht, kann ich leider dieses Spiel nicht empfehlen.
I'm not able to play the game in any other resolution as 1280 x 720 windowed mode. I have a UWQHD 5120 x 1440 monitor. For me it would be okay, to play the game in 2560 x 1440, put it was also not possible. The only resolution I can play is 1280 x 720 or 5120 x 1440 .... BUT ... than I cannot see any menu buttons like accept, cancel etc.
As long as this issue is not solved, I cannot recommend this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 16:24
Wer darauf steht....
380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 01:29
Hat mich so gepackt dass ich es am Stück durchgespielt habe.
Ein schönes Abenteuer das man entspannt erlebt.
Rätsel sind vorhanden aber nicht sehr schwierig.
Action kommt zum Finale ein klein wenig auf aber auch kein Drama.
Wirklich schöne Atmosphäre mit super Immersion.
Optik und Physik sind auch top.
Audio integriert sich auch sehr angenehm.
Alles in allem für ein 1/3 vom angedachten Preis super.
848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 11:59
Deliver Us The Moon ist eine gut spielbare und frühe RTX-Demo gemischt mit etwas Hard-Science-Fiction, die man ausbauen und mögen kann. Vielleicht sind Mitstreiter für einen Nachfolger irgendwo auffindbar und ermöglichen weitere Raumausflüge wie diesen.
Bei weiteren Ausflügen zum Mars, Enceladus... würde ich mich wieder beteiligen.
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 23:45
Die Grafik lädt zum Verweilen ein, das Gameplay ist eingängig, die Story fächert sich Stück für Stück auf und bleibt bis zum Schluss spannend. Die Steuerung ist super und die Rätsel weder zu schwer noch zu leicht.
Ich persönlich finde es spannend, dass dieses Spiel ohne lebendige Charaktere auskommt und doch so lebendig wirkt.
Für den Vollpreis würde ich es nicht empfehlen, dafür ist es zu kurz und wird sich auch nicht weiter verändern. Das Spiel ist fertig und gut, so wie es ist.
Vielen Dank an die Entwickler, es hat mir viel Freude bereitet, das Spiel zu erleben, unter anderem auch, da es mich an andere rätselbasierte Spiele erinnert, die ich seit langem liebe und bis heute schätze.
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 19:14
Würde dem Spiel eine 7 von 10 geben.
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 11:35
963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 08:50
Im Jahr 2054 wird die Erde vom Mond aus über ein Netzwerk aus Mikrowellenstrahlung mit Energie versorgt. Das auf dem Mond in rauen Mengen vorhandenen Helium-3 dient als Energiequelle dieses Netzwerks. Doch plötzlich häufen sich merkwürdige Ereignisse. Auf einmal geht auf dem Mond, und damit auch auf der Erde, das Licht aus. Sarah Baker und Rolf Robertson, zwei Mechaniker von der Pearson Space Station (dem Gateway zwischen Mond und Erde) werden über den Space Elevator auf die Oberfläche des Mondes geschickt, um nach der Ursache für den Stromausfall und den Kontaktabriss mit der Mondbasis zu suchen. Im Copernicus Moonhub angekommen bietet sich ihnen jedoch ein rätselhaftes Bild. Die Station ist vollkommen verlassen und es gibt keine Anzeichen von Menschen im gesamten Komplex. Als die beiden während eines Notfalls auf der Pearson Station getrennt werden, muss Rolf alleine die Evakuierung über den Weltraumaufzug antreten und Sarah auf der Mondoberfläche zurücklassen. Für Sarah beginnt eine Odyssee über den Mond, um der Ursache des plötzlichen Verschwindens der Mondkolonisten auf den Grund zu kommen.
Fünf Jahre später, im Jahr 2059, ist die Erde noch immer ohne Strom. Sarah gilt als verschollen, und die Lage für die Menschheit scheint sich zum Schlechteren zu wenden. Inmitten dieser Krise startet eine Gruppe aus verbliebenen Wissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren, die aus Resten der World Space Agency besteht, mit der Taurus V-Rakete vom Fesenkov Cosmodrome einen verzweifelten Rettungsversuch zum Mond. Der Astronaut Rolf Robertson an Bord der Fortuna One Mission soll endlich Klarheit in das Mysterium um den havarierten Fusionsreaktor und die verschwundene Crew der Mondstation bringen. Seine Mission: das Schicksal seiner Freundin aufklären, nach Spuren der Kolonisten suchen und einen gigantischen Fusionsreaktor wieder in Betrieb nehmen. Kurz: Deliver Us The Moon.
Als Spieler in der Third-Person-Ansicht löst man wie ein echter Astronaut eine Schwierigkeit nach der anderen mit minimal gegebenem Werkzeug und Talent zur Improvisation. Die gegebenen Rätsel lassen an Schwierigkeit nichts zu wünschen übrig, es wird eine konstant steigende Schwierigkeitsrate erreicht. Besonders anspruchsvoll sind die kleinen spannenden Minigames, die von Jump and Runs, über einen spontanen Weltraumspaziergang, oder das Fahren eines Mondrovers bis hin zum Docken einer Raumkapsel an eine verlassene Raumstation reichen. Hier wurde definitiv nicht an Realismus gespart. Ein großes Thumbsup gibt es für das ASE. Als kleines Helferlein unentbehrlich, futuristisch anmutend, innovativ, herzerwärmend und einfach eine geile Idee!
Die Story an sich ist sehr interessant gestaltet. Sie ist durchaus linear, geht jedoch in einzelnen Aspekten sehr schön in Details und Hintergründe über. Es gibt sehr viel zu den unterschiedlichsten Charakteren zu entdecken, und die bruchstückhaften Aufzeichnungen über die Mondkolonie, die man während der Reise sammelt, setzen sich am Schluss immer mehr zu einem großen Finale zusammen. Auch die Odyssee Sarah Bakers wird von Rolf verfolgt und am Ende zu einem befriedigenden Abschluss gebracht.
Aber nun zum eindeutig überragenden Kaufargument: der Grafik. Ob man im All ist, oder auf dem Mond, hier wurde eindeutig an nichts gespart. Die Schwerelosigkeit und geringe Schwerkraft wurde sehr ansprechend realisiert, und die Oberflächentexturen sind mindestens in HD. Das Spiel ermöglicht einen fotorealistischen Ausblick auf unseren Mond von der Pearson Space Station aus, und es bietet faszinierende Kraterlandschaften und Ebenen, die alle mit einem Mondrover erkundet werden können. In Verbindung mit den futuristischen Türmen und Gebäuden auf dem Mond ist es definitiv für jeden Raumfahrtfan absolut sehenswert. (aka ich habe so viele Screenshots gemacht, dass ich sie garnicht mehr zählen kann)
Fazit: Story: gut; Gameplay: sehr gut; Grafik: phänomenal; ein Muss für Weltraumenthusiasten!
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 07:09
Wenn jemand für wenig Geld (im Sale) ein Spiel haben möchte um RTX und DLSS 2.0 zu testen, dann kann man bei diesem Game zuschlagen. Beides ist gut implementiert. Ansonsten ist das Spiel nichts Besonderes. Man muss ein paar Rätsel lösen und wenigen Stunden ist man durch und kann sich den Abspann ansehen.
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 23:40
Hier stimmt einfach alles. Die Story, das Storytelling, worum es hier geht, ist genial. Nie sind einzelne Spielpassagen zu lang, die Gestaltung der Level so, dass man nie den Spaß verliert oder es zu schwer ist um weiter zu kommen. Deliver Us The Moon lässt sich prima an einem Samstag Abend statt dem Blockbusterprogramm im TV durchspielen, vorrausgesetzt natürlich, man hat ein klein wenig länger Zeit.
Nicht Empfohlen
689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 14:50
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 13:13
Ich empfehle dieses Spiele mit großem Zuspruch weiter.
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 22:11
Die Level sind groß und die Story gut. Filme wie 2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum, Gravity, Moon oder Interstellar schienen Inspiration für die Welt von Deliver us the Moon gewesen zu sein. Toll, was das junge Team zusammen gestellt hat. Die Grafik und Atmosphäre waren toll. Einige durchdachte Rätsel waren dabei und auch das ein oder andere Jump-n-Run-Element.
Ich würde mir für kommende Spiele etwas mehr Bewegungsfreiheit und Abweichung von der Hauptstory wünschen.
Nicht Empfohlen
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.23 11:40
I don't even know where to start.
At least every bad games that I'd played have something to say about. But this game is like... super plain. I literally have nothing to say.
Tried to be special but to boring to be special.
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.23 20:25
The soundtrack in this game is top notch and I genuinely can see myself playing it again even though their isn't much else in the way of play-ability. I am definitely the target audience for a game like this, but I loved it!
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.23 19:14
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.23 23:07
Actual fast movement and jumping
Varied gameplay (stealth section, platforming, few puzzles)
Atomosphere is great, story and characters are interesting had me invested.
Little robot buddy
Really short for $25 (7 hours while doing every achievement/collectible including one that has you afk for 30 minutes)
Nothing extremely challenging here, come for story not for mechanics.
Found the stealth section kind of annoying, but I also hate stealth.
Story wise no huge twists or choices so fairly predictable, one and done.
803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.23 00:05
The only part of the game that was a bit of a let down is the RTX on setting ;( having the rtx on made the game stutter quite a lot which is a dam shame as it looks awesome with it on ultra. And i read that others even with a 4090 still get stuttering with it on.
9/10 overall
10/10 If rtx fixed/optimised.
Would definitely recommend.
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 02:46
I gotta say though, not liking the quick-time events. Developers stopped doing that shit in 2007 for a good reason.
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 23:31
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 19:36
It looks amazing. I've just started.
If you like science fiction and wished being an astronaut, this game could be fun for you.
It looks polished, simple yet interesting, good looking graphics, great music, a special flavour of art direction and a lot of personality.
I've just launched to the Moon in a sequence very reminiscence of Interstellar. Great ambience.
I don't mind some games being short and relatively easy to complete. I don't need ALL my games to waste 1000h.
I just want a great experience and to be transported to another universe.
This game looks like that kind of thing.
9/10 - FLY ME TO THE MOON (Before the Stars)
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 14:56
P.S. cant wait for Deliver us Mars!
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 19:26
Highly recommend AND the sequel is coming!
9/10 (RTX made the FPS a bit jumpy)
949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 03:55
the games was quite good. for moments reminds me of Dead Space, but without the horror. my only complain is the hologram recordings. they are so damn cheap. no way to tell anything beyond the fact that the light forms are humanoid. I never get to see the face of anyone who was there, not even in picture form. makes you feel they ran out of budget. aside from that issue, the environment and gameplay were decent. can't remember if there were any joystick vibrations, but if they were, they sure were lacking.
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 09:05
You do not encounter any other humans due to low budget of this game, your own character’s face is obscured anyway. Game tells its story via audio logs and holograms all around, so no detailed human faces are there either. This is design preference is a simple cost-effective method but it results a feeling of utmost abandonment throughout the game.
Puzzle parts are easy, you may be confused for a brief moment but none of them require more than 1 minute to figure out the solution.
Graphics are top notch, RTX support is evident but performance issues plague the game from time to time. I played this game both on PC and Xbox and both had momentary pauses and tearing, so it seems the game itself has a problem on this matter rather than the hardware.
Sounds are quite nice, we should really stop saying things like “there is no sound in vacuum”, since none of us will be overjoyed to play an entire game without any sound.
Ending was not satisfactory for me, it could have ended in so many other possible ways but I respect the developers’ decision to end it like this. Still there are many loose ends in the ending.
This game was present in Game Pass for a while and I had just discovered it hours before it was leaving the service and couldn’t finish it. It was recently discounted by 50% in both Steam and Xbox, so I had the chance to play it on both platforms without actually worrying about the time constraints.
To summarize, Deliver Us The Moon is a must-play for everyone who loves space. Its 4-hour long single player scenario is quite short and leaves you longing for more but I guess the story's conclusion will be lost in the dark forever since no announcement was made for any sequels.
Nicht Empfohlen
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 01:11
1194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 15:04
Graphics are fantastic. It fully utilizes RTX raytracing and this makes the game looks fabolously realistic. Glass objects, mirrors, reflective metallic surfaces.. it's the best graphics I've seen so far.
Some aspects of the game are very realistic and believable while others are clearly added to spice up gameplay. From a design point of view, some of these elements are questionable at best but as gameplay goes, the added platorm and time-limited sections work and it's best not to think about it too much.
Total game time for me was about 20 hours, but I've investigated every nook and cranny, re-run several areas for the achievements and took my time to actually enjoy some of the amazing views. I thing the total length of the game was perfectly fine. Nothing felt rushed and it didn't overstay its welcome either.
I did have some graphical issues near the end of the game, even coming down to a full crash. Luckily, disabling RTX for that part solved the problems and I could re-enabled it at the next checkpoint.
Talking about checkpoints, there are plenty. You can die in this game but you'll never lose much progress. And when you've completed the story, you can revisit the previous chapters to complete all the achievements in any order you want.
Really enjoyed playing this.
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 21:42
Its a fairly linear game with some exploration involved. You will encounter some puzzle areas which are not super difficult. I did Google twice near the end of the game, and after seeing the solution it was simply just something I missed over and could have eventually found without Google. There are some timed segments, but they don't need to be rushed through as you are generally given plenty of time to do the objective. I never found myself running out of time.
I was able to play with DX12 and Raytracing enabled and maxed out graphics. It is a very beautiful game. The frames went anywhere from 50fps to 100fps which is a large gap, but with this not being a fast paced action game and no combat it wasn't really a big deal with this type of game. I am running a 2080 Super, i9 9900k @ 5ghz and 32GB DDR4 RAM.
Game took me 5.2 hours to complete, with some stuff I did miss in regards to achievements so I could easily probably get a bit more out of it if I wanted to. You are able to load into previous levels to finish up any achievements you may have missed.
All in all, great game worth the price. The $24.99 price tag is more than fair with the quality you will be getting.
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 19:02
Great environment, simple gameplay, reasonable logic puzzles involving power and spatial reasoning, and a decent, if not exemplary (for a game of this type in an age such as this one) story make for a four hour foray into space that uses what little tension it builds to great effect, and feels rewarding when you succeed. The best part? It doesn't overstay its welcome, and the achievements aren't ridiculous. I won't pursue them, but if you want something easy to play, enjoyable to explore, and achievements to complete within a short span of time, this is a well done game.
I'd recommend it on sale, if only due to its brevity, but not because of low quality. It does what it does well, and doesn't attempt to stretch beyond the mechanics which make sense for its world. All in all, a well-done, good game.
Highly recommended for a short weekend stint of exploration and drama.
1264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 21:04
Overall, it is a beautifully done adventure... a standard space story of an off-earth facility gone dark and you are sent to figure out what happened and do repairs. If you liked games like Tacoma and The Station, this is even better. There is a lot of diversity in the game... time on earth, time in zero-gravity space (in and out of a spaceship), time on the moon (with reduced gravity). Plus, you drive moon vehicles, ride a monorail, climb towers, restore systems, and use a laser cutter and an AI companion to assist you in your travels. There are timed sequences and areas where you have to think fast to avoid being killed by machinery, electricity, and radiation pulses. Take all this and add in an interesting story (told through holograph recordings, audio recordings, and various mementos) and you have a very cool experience.
The voice acting is well done, the sound track is impressive, and the visuals of the moon are outstanding. There are achievements for collectibles, achievements for making it through areas unscathed, and some achievements just for fun. The game is very generous with auto save points and oxygen bottles so I played through with maximum enjoyment and not too much stress.
However, the game went south for me in the last fifteen minutes with a final puzzle that actively sets the player up for failure. You have just over 2 minutes to move to a terminal (slow walk only) and align two points on a screen. Sounds easy except that the game is programmed to sabotage your progress every few seconds. Your character fades in and out of consciousness so your alignment is compromised and your progress undone with each 'involuntary' move. After countless attempts with a controller joy stick, I returned to the directional arrows on my keyboard and was FINALLY able to succeed. In the meantime, I had uninstalled and reinstalled the game which may or may not have improved things.
Perhaps the idea was to make the player really work to deliver the Moon. If so, this objective was achieved.
With the exception of this puzzle, Deliver Us the Moon has been an absolutely outstanding experience. I played an early demo a number of years back and it is very cool to see the game come to fruition at this level of excellence.
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371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 05:57
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 02:01
Lack of rebindable keys is a bit of a sin, considering not everyone uses the same key bindings, has an american keyboard, or even has all of their fingers.
The controls at the end of the game suck hardcore, and breaks one of the biggest rules about game-making: don't take control away from the player. It's frustrating, but can be completed after a few attempts.
887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 19:53
One of the best cases of Raytracing I've ever seen too.
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625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 18:33
First off, it's a cute little walking simulator with minor puzzles that are for the most part just fine.
If you can pick it up for $10 or $15, I doubt you'll regret playing it.
It looks very nice even without RTX.
It also has one of the dumbest protagonists ever (Rolf).
Fast forward to the last few minutes of the game:
Me: Um, don't turn that reactor on. From everything we've just been told, the antenna is out of alignment and based on the amount of water in the basement, it's probably not cooled either.
Rolf: I'll turn it on now, maybe I can figure those other things out after.
Me: No really, the antenna not being aligned almost blew the facility up last time and they managed to shut it off with just seconds to spare. I really think we should align the antenna and make sure the reactor is cooled before we turn it on.
Rolf: Those are good points, But if I turn it on now, it's one thing we don't have to do later and maybe it doesn't set off a chain reaction of events that destroys the facility!
Me: This is an awful idea.
Rolf: Turns reactor on setting of a chain reaction of events that will destroy the facility...
Me: Dude I told you this would happen.
Rolf: Wow, I did not expect this. Hopefully I don't die trying to do the other things you mentioned in short order.
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 11:58
The Short Version:
Atmospheric, riveting, immersive and remarkable. Those are a few words I would use to describe Deliver Us The Moon. An engrossing narrative, combined with polished gameplay mechanics and a high attention to detail, make this a must have for sci-fi fans, as well as those simply looking for a good story.
The only major caveat is the steep price tag. It’s too much for the relatively short experience that comes with it. If, however, you’re willing to make the investment, you’ll be in for a ride that will stick with you after its conclusion.
Pros: |
Cons: |
-Excellent atmosphere -Gripping story, accompanied by an intriguing setting -Simple yet effective gameplay mechanics -Superb sound design -Meticulously detailed environments |
-Too short for the price tag -A few wonky animations |
My Rating: |
9.4/10 - Execeptional |
Humanity’s Last Hope
Deliver Us The Moon is a cinematic, sci-fi epic that takes place in the late 2050s. The world has been brought to its knees. Climate change, combined with the depletion of the planet’s resources, has seen humanity reach out to the moon after the discovery of a new energy source.
Exploitation of this discovery began with the construction of a unique facility that’s capable of transmitting this energy back to Earth through a machine known as the MPT. The operation was a success and gave the planet a lifeline.
Then, one day, the power went out. Connection to the MPT was lost, and with no way of sending a team to investigate, nothing could be done. However, a small group of people chose not to give up, and after a few years, they were able to act. You play as one of those people: a lone astronaut whose task is to travel to the moon, fix the MPT, and find out what happened all those years ago.
Deliver Us The Moon has a very strong introduction that showcases how things can go wrong at any moment. You are almost immediately thrown into an intense, dangerous situation as you desperately launch yourself off the Earth’s surface before an incoming sandstorm rips everything to shreds.
Thanks to this strong pacing, the narrative had me invested from start to finish. There was a perfect balance between the mild, almost peaceful moments and the high-stakes scenarios that have you fight for your life. It never got stale, as each location I travelled to untangled a thread in the mystery. All of this led to a satisfying conclusion that wrapped things up nicely.
Immersion through Authenticity
While you spend most of your time on the moon, the early portions of the game take place elsewhere. As mentioned before, you start on Earth; however, you quickly leave and travel to a space station orbiting the moon. It’s here where you get to experience playing with no gravity, relying on jet boosters. I loved this part because of how uniquely challenging it was to be weightless and navigate without a proper sense of up or down.
Not long after, you make it to the moon. Despite being abandoned, the base is filled to the brim with detail that helps emit a haunting atmosphere. You are a lone explorer in this mission, so seeing empty crew quarters that still contain belongings, workshops that are still filled with tools, or offices housing various blueprints and plans gives you a sense of unease, whilst also telling the story of what happened before everything went wrong.
It’s worth noting that the game is gorgeous to look at. Support for ray-tracing is available, something that I don’t have the hardware to use, but even without it, the visuals are impressive. There are plenty of opportunities to take photos here. It’s a shame there isn’t a photo mode.
Another area that deserves special praise is the sound design that adds to the immersion. Even the little details, such as audio becoming muffled in depressurised environments, or the only source of sound originating from vibrations, can make the experience feel as authentic as it is captivating. The music does a good job too, setting the right tone for each encounter.
Uncovering the Secrets of the Moon
Since you’re on your own, there isn’t much in the way of action. This isn’t the kind of game where you go in guns blazing and solve problems through brute force. You have to investigate, observe your surroundings, and make your own assessments.
The gameplay as a whole has a simple yet effective quality to it. It does this whilst avoiding the risk of repetition. Each section introduces something new, whether it’s through a change of camera perspective, a laser tool that can create new pathways, a vehicle that allows you to drive on the moon’s surface or a robot companion that can be remote-controlled.
On top of this, depending on how engrossed you are in the world building, each level contains points of interest that’ll give you further insight into what happened before you arrived. This information is presented to you in three ways: scannable objects, audio logs, and holographic recordings. Building up this codex is completely optional, but for me, it added an extra layer to both the gameplay and the narrative.
If I had to nitpick, I’d say that a few of the animations look a bit stiff, especially movement related ones, but it didn’t detract too much for me, as they aren’t massively noticeable anyway.
Is this a walking simulator? Sort of, but thanks to the way it varies things up, it never felt mundane. The only significant complaint I have is the game’s length, in correlation to the price tag. I’m happy with the way it concluded: it didn’t go on for too long, and it wasn’t too short. The price, however, isn’t justified. It may be an exceptional product, but the cost is simply asking too much.
Playtime: |
I managed to complete Deliver Us The Moon in six hours with a codex that was so close to being 100% complete. Unless you want to go back and collect every entry using the level selector, there isn’t any replay value. | [/tr]
Technical Details: |
My PC Specs: Operating System: Windows 10 Processor (CPU): Intel Core i7-6700k Graphics Card (GPU): Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Memory (RAM): 16GB Performance: For the majority of the time I had a consistent 60FPS. I did experience the occasional frame rate stutter, which could bring it down about 20 frames, but apart from that, the optimisation is solid. |
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 09:08
At 1440p, everything maxed out and with RT at High + DLSS, everything is smooth and around 80 fps average with a 3070. Game looks great, nothing wrong there.
However, in a 60 min gameplay window, I had 5 crashes already. The game is fairly old now, and most of the bugs I got are present on forums, and still not fixed.
I'm not gonna judge the game because the ambiance is very well done and the story seems intersting. I just can't stand replaying the same few minutes because the game crashes every 10 minutes.
I have no issues in other games, so it's probably not hardware related. DX12 is probably the problem.
TLDR: beautiful game, good potential, poor stability that ruins everything else. Not interested in going further because of bugs. SAD
1168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 14:44
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 23:59
That being said, this is a beautiful and well-crafted adventure game. It requires some thinking and some practice for certain puzzles, but it's not very hard. The things you need to do is not that important, it's the story itself that pulls you in time after time.
The game is nicely crafted with easy controls, gorgeous art, soothing music and ambience, and diverse voice actors. ????
The game is maybe a bit short, but as for now I got an excuse to replay this game again in a not so distant future: achievements! I still need a bunch of those ????
If they make sequel(s) for this I'll be very happy, and I'm SO getting it/them.
352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 11:54
As soon as I get to actually climbing up the MPT tower I cannot get any further because the game continues to crash in the exact same spot every time.
Shame, was really loving this game and looking forward to the ending. Would even recommend the game until it started crashing. Now I cannot...
So if you want to play a brilliant game that you can never finish then go for it! Until them, wait until they fix it!!!
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 20:51
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 01:39
Excellent graphics, beautiful ambient soundtrack. Really good but not frustrating puzzles. With a compelling story to tie it all together. Possibly the best Physics model I've ever seen in a game before.
My only caveat would be that people should expect a shorter title, I got six hours doing all of the log collections, a few optional achievements could get you another couple of hours or you could even fly through at maybe four-five hours. So don't go in expecting a really long drawn out game.
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 09:13
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 21:06
Some things I wish would have been added were more advanced setting configurations, the current ones are pretty barebones. Also, I understand the dev's desire to keep certain levels to a specific narrative, but having a toggle for 1st and 3rd person would have been nice. Lastly, the controls felt pretty janky at times, with the sprint button not activating all the time, to the walking mechanics and motion capture feeling off.
All in all, I personally think the game is good for testing out your shiny new RTX cards, but don't expect to be blown away by anything. Story length and gameplay included, I would suggest you pick this game up when it goes on sale for around $10-$15 at the most.
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 17:51
The game has a pretty interesting story, but there's little in the way of mystery or big reveal. It plays out pretty linearly with little reveals throughout the game that explain the plot, it's satisfying seeing it all come together. If you think about it too much you can pick it a part a bit but it creates a nice backdrop for your adventure. You play an astronaut coming to solve problems on an abandoned moon base, with the goal of affecting repairs to safeguard Earth's future. The rest of the story is about what has happened on the station prior to your arrival.
the visuals are gorgeous with space, the moon, the base and all the interiors looking great, I had most of the graphics settings set to high and could enjoy a good amount of detail in the textures, all the models and assets in the game. The movement animations are nice and clean and there's not too much in the way of clipping, it all works very well, keeping you nicely immersed in the mostly 3rd person gameplay.
The music is definitely a highlight, there are recurrent musical cues that repeat throughout the game and other pieces that play during your adventure, it nicely adds to the atmosphere and is enjoyable to listen to without getting distracting or too loud. The sound effects are likewise well done and create an immersive experience.
The game consists of various types of puzzle that you have to figure out in order to progress, these vary from action-oriented puzzles where you have to avoid hazards to finding objects that allow you to progress to the next section and a few mini-games as well. Overall there's enough variety to keep it interesting. The game doesn't involve too much backtracking and the environments are quite varied, overall it stays quite fresh. It also isn't so complicated that you become frustrated, the routes are quite straight forward and you can't really get lost. In terms of difficulty I'd say this is quite an easy game.
It would have been nice to see a bit more world building and perhaps a bit more threat. You follow a handful of characters but only on a surface level and though you can be killed the hazards are only really mild annoyances that catch you out the first time round, different difficulty levels or types of threat would have been welcome.
In terms of replayability I would say I have enjoyed my 16 hours of playtime but probably won't play it again. It doesn't quite have the length or the expansive feel of a big-budget game, but as an Indie game it's good fun and fit with my interests, I would recommend it to my friends. I may wait for a Steam sale but I would certainly welcome a sequel and would give Koeken my money for it.
817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 02:40
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 18:57
+Not too difficult to play (could be a minus for some)
+Puzzles are mostly different so you do not get bored doing same thing over and over
+Graphics are quite beautiful and the immersion is very high
+Beautiful soundtrack
+Voice acting is not too bad.
+Like the attention given to realistic physics and scientific realism (zero and low-gravity mechanics). I wonder whether it could have been nice to have moon gravity while at the bases as opposed to at moon surface, but it was perhaps better this way.
-Some bugs and optimisation problems with ray tracing. Mine crashed a few times so I had to disable ray tracing in some cases.
-The story is good, but not too original and deep. Without getting too much into spoilers, I think we could have learned a bit more about the motivation behind why the moon crew was led to leave, and witnessed moral dilemmas.
-Some dialogues are a bit shallow.
-The game is very linear, you do not really have any choices other than solving the puzzles. Some moral choices would have been nice.
I think there are some hints in the game on a sequel, and I would definitely buy an play it. I would recommend the developers to focus more on player choice, and add some RPG elements to the game. Perhaps having a main character that talks would help as well.
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 13:45
However, I had a couple of technical issues that spoiled the experience a little for me:
1. DLSS - It worked for me without major issues, but when starting the game it seemed like the picture was over-sharpened a lot. An ugly amount of over-sharpening. If I went into the menu and turned DLSS off and back on, then the picture goes back to normal. It was a minor issue for me, but worth noting.
2. Ultra-Wide Screen Support - There is no FOV setting in the game, so when you run at ultra-wide resolutions the picture gets zoomed in. By a LOT. I ran the game at 5120x1440 resolution, and it was basically unplayable for me without a fix. Fortunately, there is a fix (by modifying the engine.ini file), but it does not work very well. Basically it works when you launch the game and load up your saved game. However, the moment a cut scene plays, the FOV reverts to the original setting. To fix it, you have to play until you reach a new save point, then exit (to desktop) and relaunch the game. If you don't get to a new save point, then the game loads from the cut scene point and your are stuck with the unplayable FOV. Needless to say, this got very frustrating.
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 17:12
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 08:12
I'm giving it a thumbs up because it was just enough to keep me playing. If you like atmospheric games, then it's worth a shot. I enjoyed it more than some triple A titles.
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 12:49
1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 01:03
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 06:04
i highly recommend this
the game has a unique way of telling you the story through other characters while your character is silent, kind of reminds me of the files and audio clips you'd find/trigger while piecing together the events and story in subnautica.. so if you enjoyed that aspect of subnautica then you'd love this
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444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 10:07
+Great voice acting
+Appropriate movement system for the locations
+Good body language of the characters
+Great visuals
+Relatively easy puzzles
-Quicktime events (quickly press A,D,F and such) completely destroys the flow and atmosphere of the game at several points of the playthrough.
-Some unavoidable trial by death jumping puzzles and quicktime events.
-Several frustrating puzzles as you are able to break them, check point restart required.
-A few inconsistencies between puzzle solving.
-You get completely desensitized to the main character dying a lot from quicktime events and some puzzles by the end of the story. Suspense is gone because of it. [spoiler] This completely destroys key story beats. [/spoiler]
The story, visuals and atmosphere are great in general. I enjoyed them a lot if I disregard the bad. Several suspense building moments by game mechanics worked really well! [spoiler] Especially where you had to rush for oxygen as it was depleting [/spoiler].
However, personally I cannot recommend this game as several mechanics work against story telling and general flow. After all, this game's core is telling a story of a lone astronaut trying to deliver us the moon, among other things. By the end of the game I was just feeling frustrated and as I saw the ending I could only think [spoiler] I guess I'll just die. The punch of the ending beat was completely destroyed by Rolf's deaths before [/spoiler].
With all this said, I am hopeful for future games.
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 16:48
The story is linear, your choices do not matter. All the puzzles have solutions given to you on a plate (which is suprisingly fun because you can focus on the story and won't spend much time thinking in this game). But the story is really GOOD and I do not regret buying the game.
The gameplay feels like a technical demo: so much wasted potential. The developers should really make a sequel. I would love to interact with a moon, stations, devices, buildings and systems more.
Thanks to a great story and visually pleasing locations you don't need a gameplay. Sit, relax and enjoy.
893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 04:13
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 22:09
I really enjoyed getting through the story, getting more and more involved into it. The graphics and effects are great and experiencing raytracing for the first time was just stunning. The German dub is well done, haven't tested the English ones tho.
The only big no from my side is the heavy price tag. Yes, the game is great in terms of graphics and effects. But it's still something you play once, maybe twice for the achievements. And you get through it in around 4 hours. Does that worth 25 Euros? I don't think so. But if you have the chance to buy the game in sale for like 10 Euros, go for it. You will have an enjoyable evening with it.
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 15:22
693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 01:02
Deliver Us the Moon is one of the best titles ever for anything and an excellent sci fi thrilling adventure from start to finish. It hooks you from the start and with just some questionable design issues at the end and some ? Why is….? story holes will have you digging through forums looking for answers.
The game of Deliver Us the Moon is told in first person(during weightless sections and drone control) and third person over the shoulder viewpoint. Its a solid story with the usual audio recordings, simple pictures or books to interact with and scanning of objects for backstory. The story begins with an expose of how the Earth has depleted all natural resources though how or why is not explained. A new energy source is discovered on the Moon and has been keeping Earth basically alive. In 2054 the beam of energy ceased to work and all communications with the Moons personnel ended. The Earth has now been in darkness for over 5 yrs and you are sent on a mission to restore the energy beam and find out what happened. All of this is pretty great from writing to solid voice acting and it all concludes with an epic scene movie directors all strive. The only negative is it will not provide all the answers you may want but luckily forums exist for those wanting to speculate on it all.
Like most space games the color palette does not really stretch beyond a lot of black, grey and white but the shadows and beautifully lighting make all of the locations immersive. I also want to recognize the simple red band on your helmet, though it is modest, add something to your character that I can't explain. The game looks incredible and ran very well at 1440 P with everything on Epic settings.The art design is also a highlight with a game world that feels real. Exploring the empty space station, abandoned colony or driving across the moon surface always leaves you tense, relaxed, curious and excited to see what comes next.
I am terrible at trying to describe sound but the soundtrack here is pretty awesome. It feels like a musical score from a movie and knowing when to stay quiet and ramp up during certain scenes adds to the immersion.
Gameplay for the most part in DUtM is very basic and it’s weakest element. Most puzzles are simply finding a key code, reaching a certain location or rebooting the computer. You will also gain access to a drone(who I called Wheatley of course) in the middle of the game who will fly through air ducts to turn on/off power for access to certain areas. These elements are by far the majority of the puzzles for the game until the last chapter. In a weird design decision the last chapter throws a lot of different (still simple) puzzles at you, that make sense, but why were they neglected earlier in the game? Also note there is no map nor indicator icons so there are a few puzzles you can ask yourself what to do next, my advice is always check the computer.
A beautiful somewhat haunting, emotional adventure Deliver Us the Moon delivered as promised with only some minor flaws it’s easily a recommendation to those wanting to escape.
Vega 56/ 1440P Ultrawide Epic settings 50FPS avg no issues ever
Beautiful and immersive
Good story and voice acting
Art design
Musical soundtrack
Few plot holes
Weak puzzles
Sound design could be better
No save anywhere function
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 14:07
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25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 21:07
I've been having a bad week, so when I saw this title, pop up on sale for less than $20 CAD, I got excited and bought it as a treat to myself. I've been wanting to try it for months. However, this annoying lump of badly coded moon dust has only served to make my week just that much more frustrating. If you have a GPU that is in any way capable of 4k rendering, this game will unwaiveringly stick to true 4k resolution no matter what you do or try. It's easier to get a crack head off crack than it is to get this game to not render at fffking 4k.
I have a GTX 1080 and have had no problems in the past using my native 3840x2160 resolution and downgrading a game to 1080p with in-game settings so I can run it at a smooth, buttery 60 FPS. I'm tech savvy. I know my card is not adept at playing modern games in 4k. I know I need a 2080Ti to run modern games at 4k, 60 FPS, especially with RTX. I am no idiot. Even using GeForce Experience... even editing the frickin' config.ini file, I could NOT get this game to run at 1080p. EVEN AFTER SWITCHING MY DESKTOP RESOLUTION TO 1080P AND REBOOTING MY SYSTEM, THIS FFFFFFKING GAME RUNS AT 4K JUST BECAUSE MY CARD IS CAPABLE.
Worse yet, the developers promised to fix this in December 2019, according to one of their responses in the forums. It's now almost August 2020. This should not be a thing, it should've been a hotfix a long time ago. 30 minutes of my life + review time has now been wasted, plus I have to wait for the refund to kick in so I can go buy something worthwhile or just dunk the money back into my bank account, which will be about a WEEK. Thanks, KeokeN Interactive!
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10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 04:06
I love everything related to the outer life and space.
Performance wise the game is good
but playable (To me)? NO
First of all 4K is fine for me , but im stuck in Fullscreen windowed mode , (Which will hit a performance ON RTX)
Secondly I can't adjust the FOV on a PC? what the hell.
Menu UI isn't optimized for 4K displays nor Ultra Wide monitors.
Developers I know you did a great job. but the game is not playable for players like me.
Imagine on ultra wide Stuck on boardless fullscreen with a 60 FOV on ultrawide monitor.
I got sickmotion for the 5 minutes I have played this game.
Please fix it , and then'll Purchase it again.
but for now. The game isn't fully ready.
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418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 22:36
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 03:34
Typically not my genre, I saw someone else playing it for a few mins and decided to give it a go.
THIS GAME BEAT EVERY EXPECTATION I HAD FOR IT. Nothing short of amazing. A big round of applause for KeokeN Interactive and Wired Productions for getting this game out there. This is in my top 10 games and ive been on games since 95'
Thanks for all the great memories with my viewers.
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 14:05
Let´s first list some of the positives of this game:
-Good grahipcs (for my standards at least), also capable of showing off the new ray tracing, though I cannot comment any further on this, as I do not met the hardware requirements to test it out.
-Immersive environments, you do feel the isolation and hopelessness when traversing through the destoyed and abandoned moonstation.
-voice cast seems to be good, important for a story heavy game such as this one. Story elements are mostly presented by voice tapes you encounter throughout the game. Most are on your direct path, making them hard to avoid and ignore.
-nice usage of different puzzle elements, including your little robot companion to help you out on your small traversal through the station.
Let us now list some of the negatives of this game and what it might do wrong:
-character movement feels somewhat floaty at times, though you get used to it after a while.
-even though the game is very diverse in terms of different gameplay mechanics, not all of them are refined enough to make them feel good to play with. For example, the game has platform segments in them and it somewhat feels out of place, at least with the tone the game was going for.
-Minor bugs like t-posing when standing on certain furniture or environments.
-some mechanics like the laser to cut down certain roadblocks feels cluncky to use, not very responsive at times.
Here are some things that aren´t really positive or negative, more like suggestions or complaints:
-Would be nice to be able to switch between 3rd person and 1st person camera by demand. The game forces you to be on either perspective suiting your current situation. Might be done to eliminate any potential bugs or ways to glitch out the camera, but it would have helped for people more comfortable with either of those options.
-the flashlight using up energy that recharges quickly anyway is pointless and not contributing to the game in any meaningful way. Should be removed entirely.
My final verdict´s okay. Not a masterpiece to be remembered by, but also not a bad game that wastes your time. Though I would only recommend this on a sale, 25 euros is asking way too much for such a short experience.
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319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 01:34
There are better puzzle games. There are better narrative games. You don't have to look far to find either.
Sometimes I wonder what the thought process is behind the design of games. With this one in particular, I have a lot of questions.
My best guess is someone played Tacoma and thought it would be nice if there was more actual gameplay in between reading logs and watching holograms. But not just environmental puzzles, no. We're going to have quicktime events! And timed race challenges! And platforming! And a flashlight with limited power for some reason!
I found none of these elements to be especially challenging or interesting, and they don't really help to buoy up a plot that is hard to accept even on its face.
It's 2054. Earth never figured out how to deal with climate change, on top of which they're in a global energy crisis. For a while, the solution was to mine helium-3 on the moon and transmit power to earth via a giant microwave transmitter. The transmitter stopped working with no explanation 4 years ago, and none of the world's governments apparently could muster the resources to send anyone to fix it. Which is... pretty out there already. But everything that happens on past that point just adds more layers of contrivance onto a story that already asks you to assume that almost nobody in the entire world is capable of making good decisions.
I kept up with this nonsense mostly because I wanted to see how bad it could get. But I encountered a game-breaking bug in the last chapter whereby the helium-3 cannister can get pushed down an incline and get permanently stuck. I can't reload from a checkpoint because every time I try, the game crashes. I could start the chapter over, but by now I'm just fed up with this whole thing.
There are better puzzle games. There are better narrative games. You don't have to look far to find either.
1026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 13:37
I'm not okay with the forced and arbitrary gameplay elements though. Many interactions are unnecessary, with unnecessarily placed resource or time limits, which disrupted the story flow in a bad way. The plot is also kind of unsatisfying in the end: things gone unexplained, and in my opinion the success of the mission would worsen the situation on Earth...
I still hit recommended due to the splended visuals and the story. Also it's short, so not much time was wasted...
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 01:01
Unfortunately its short and you want to get more of this title..
If developers decide to make an expansion, it will be the perfect combo for this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 17:18
Good atmosphere!
Somewhere at the end was a timed sequence, where you need to target something and then stay on target while the controls are working HEAVILY against you. I tried 6 times and managed to get extremely close. Then I hated this so much that I give up and uninstalled the game.
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 13:10
This is adventure game with some puzzles which in the main are refreshingly simple, I only needed to seek help online once which isnt bad for me, I am normally quite dopey.
The one bad thing is that the story is straight out of a 1950's style Radio 4 drama. It's not very controversial or modern in style. It kind of comes across like it was written by a 25 year old who had just finished a Dan Dare comic they found in their dead grandad's loft. But who knows, maybe that was the intention. And most video game writing is just dreadful, so all in all, an entertaining way to spend some time. Oh, the physics and graphics are fab.
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 18:25
KeokeN Interactive
Wired Productions
Unreal Engine 4
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos