We've been posting monthly progress reports for the past few years over at , but now we're finally bringing Defender's Quest 2 back out of the shadows and on to Steam. The new store page is now available here:
Defender's Quest 2 Steam store page
The latest game in the Defender's Quest series takes place in a brand new setting with all new characters and monsters. We've got a whole new art style, fresh new mechanics, and a much larger main story map.
For more details you can check out our new website here:
Fortress of Doors announcement:
Presskit from our publisher, Armor Games Studio:
Defender's Quest 2 presskit
Thanks ever so much for your patience. If you have any questions, hit up our FAQ page:
Defender's Quest 2 FAQ
And if that doesn't answer things, you can ping us at leveluplabs@gmail.com, as always.