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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.16 02:43
Mit sehr viel Humor und die Grafik is zeitgenössisch gut.
Aber mit 6 Stunden Story relativ kurz.
Dafür aber 6 Stunden Spaß und ein schmunzeln im Gesicht
Fazit -> im Sale kaufen
1445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.16 16:56
Das Game hat viel Spass gemacht, ist kurzweilig, ist super kreativ und hat einen brillianten britischen, rabenschwarzen Humor. Leider nur auf Englisch, aber ich denke auf deutsch würde eine Menge Charm von dem aristokratischem Gebabbal verloren gehen ;-)
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.15 12:08
Der absolute Wahnsinn!!!
Leider ist DeathSpank nur auf Englisch verfügbar, aber auf der anderen Seite würde das Spiel sonst auch wirklich viel von seinem Charm einbüßen.
Der Storyplot ist mehr als einfach: Bösewicht besiegen, Artefakt besorgen, zwischendurch ein paar ungeliebte Waisenkinder retten.... EINHORN SCHEIßE SAMMELN? WTF?
Und damit sind wir auch an dem großen Pluspunkt von Deathspank: Unser Held und andere Charaktere beweisen super lustigen Humor, wo ich mich öfters mal am Stuhl festkrallen musste, damit ich nicht runterfalle. Deathspank muss sich stets profilieren und ist nur an EXP und Belohnungen interessiert und die Dialoge gestalten sich einfach wirklich witzig.
Gespielt wird dabei im Dungeoncrawler/Hack n Slay Stil und dieser ist gut gelungen. Insbesondere das Feature, dass man einstellen kann, dass Deathspank immer die beste Rüstung automatisch anlegt, gefällt mir sehr. Nur leider konnte ich recht wenig mit dem Gold machen und habe das Spiel mit 2 Millionen Gold abgeschlossen. Abgesehen von Futter und Tränken lässt sich lange nichts kaufen. Dennoch ist das Spiel an manchen Stellen fordernd und etwas schwierig.(Insbesondere der letzte Boss).
Ein super lustiges Spiel mit einem cartoonigen Grafikstil. Dazu schönes Gemetzel und eine moderate Spielzeit mit ca. 10 Stunden. Zudem gibt es von Deathspank noch weitere Teile und man kann auch zu zweit spielen. Wer auf das Gameplay steht und ein wenig Englisch versteht, wird hier definitv seinen Spaß dran haben :)
Hat dir das Review weitergeholfen? Dann folge mir doch in meiner Steamgruppe, wo ich meine Reviews als Kurator verfasse.
765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.14 15:55
Einfach KULT!
Wichtig: Gute Englisch Kenntnisse sollten vorhanden sein.
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 10:16
I never thought of butter that way before
The writing is where DeathSpank shines. More specifically, it's the witty dialogue between our titular hero, DeathSpank, and the many colourful inhabitants of this evil troubled world. There are a lot of genre trope jabs, 4th wall-breaking, potty humour, crude and dark jokes, and of course - orphan jokes. Lots and lots of orphan jokes...They are the main plot device of the story, so the five-star treatment does make sense.
And while DeathSpank lacks visual comedy alongside its marvellous dialogue, the conviction with which each character delivers their lines makes up more than enough for that. This was a rare game where I didn't skip one single text pixel. Simply brilliant.
Fire Axe 2: Fire Harder
As for the gameplay, it's an ARPG, so expect a lot of monsters slaying, quest-taking and eating meat-based products to heal your weary body. But it's rather simplistic and streamlined. All you need concern yourself is doing hero stuff. In doing so, you net some juicy XP, level up and are offered a selection from 3 perks, six in total. They range from using equipment X levels higher than yours to moving faster or dealing more damage. And each time you level up, the ones on offer are random. But don't worry. They don't affect the gameplay in any meaningful way for you to worry if your choice was good, and you'll max them all out by the end anyway. So just pick whatever perk strikes your fancy.
And there is something charming in this simplicity, especially the combat. It's fast and chaotic. You'll drink potions, mash buttons and block incoming attacks sporadically. It was super fun, in large part due to how snappy using different weapons during combat is. It's instantaneous. There is no drawn-out animation. No. Just press a single button and BAM! Weapon used. Simple as that. You have four slots for weapons, each corresponding to a button - A, X, Y and B (I played on a controller), to which you assign weapons of your choosing via the inventory menu.
Want to dispense headshot justice via crossbow. Press X.
Want to bonk an enemy with a shoe-hammer. Press A.
And so on.
You could technically assign a total of 8 weapons since the D-Pad also has 4 slots. But these are meant for items, such as potions, not weapons. Still, a bit of experimenting never hurt anybody.
But dispensing justice and vanquishing evil, by smashing them buttons, you charge a special meter, appropriately dubbed - The Justice meter! Once filled, DeathSpank can execute a heroic attack with certain weapons. It's excellent in clearing out large groups of enemies, but its attack type depends on the weapon used. It can either stun them, vaporize their insides or turn you into the Tasmanian Devil for a brief moment. Speaking of enemies, they have decent variety, both visually and gameplay-wise, so dispensing justice never became dull. Plus, you get to kill chickens. Little beady-eyed devils...I despise them...
The missions were pretty generic, amounting to mainly fetch quests, with one requiring a bit of thinking outside the box, which was actually pretty fun when I cracked the case. But for some reason, the quests our hero embarks on, always seem to end with a large number of enemies just craving a piece of that sweet purple thong. But, sheer numbers aren't enough to stop our very heroic dispenser of justice!... Unless he tries to dispense justice on enemies higher level than him. So kids, remember - dispense justice, but only on things equal or weaker than you in strength.
But what about the loot? Well, as with most RPGs, enemies, or walking talking anti-justice pinatas, spew out exquisite [strike]trash[/strike] stuff once you crack them open. And one thing DeathSpank has in spades is stuff. The weapon and armour variety is good, and you can individually equip each armour piece, giving you ample freedom to make a fashion statement. However, this abundance of items can quickly make inventory management a hassle, in some lesser game not called DeathSpank of course. All it takes is one button, and you'll always fit our most heroically heroic hero with the latest and greatest from your inventory. And, if you think about it, inventory management in DeathSpank plays out a lot like owning a cat; They do their deed, and all that is required of you is to make sure they have a place to do that. Same here. Once enabled, the game will automatically equip the best equipment, and you only need to make sure you have room to pick up new swanky stuff. To do so, you have your trusty grinder, which can turn anything into gold. DeathSpank is one eco-friendly hero, taking his waste disposal seriously.
And lastly, visually, DeathSpank is a marvellous smoothy of 2D and 3D. Most things in the world are 2D, like buildings and similar stationary objects, but the characters and the world are 3D. I just love how it unravels as you scurry along its many paths, with the numerous structures jumping out to grace your visual field as if this was a pop-up book. The world map is vast and filled with diverse locations, vibrant in colours or cold and gloomy when the occasion calls for it. And enemies, locations, weapons, just all of it has a certain charm to its design.
As for the audio department, it was good, mostly. I didn't care much for the soundtrack. It has an overly cartoonish vibe, but nothing noteworthy. It's an ok background noise that does a passable job of breeding life to the world of DeathSpank. But, by God!, is the voice actor for our titular hero, DeathSpank, outstanding. Michael Dobson stole the show and birthed DeathSpank; A cocky, pompous, dense, full-of-himself douche that always fights in the name of justice. His delivery just makes every line of dialogue he utters pure gold. The others were good and put in solid performances, but without Michael Dobson, this wouldn't be the same game.
So strap on your trusty thong and chaperone DeathSpank in his epic and very heroic journey to dispense justice and vanquish evil from this land, while enjoying the superb comedic dialogue and partaking in the fun button-mashing gameplay loop.
[quote]If you enjoy this review, come and read more wisdom from the Gospel of Sv. Prolivije.
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 18:32
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 02:33
hidden gem of game tbh people must enjoyed game as much is i did
i realise doesn't fully support controller but cant even get mines to work on game
but also get idea that theirs no reason why shouldn't fully support controller
Nicht Empfohlen
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 04:55
And secondly, the game can't simply make you feel hooked into. Even though, I did exhaust everything as to fulfill my obsession of finishing the game no matter how good or bad I find the overall game. There are coins to collect, herbs and chests to open, collectibles, A spursed out paint brushed environment to wander (Well, I liked this environment design for its uniqueness but that's just it), all of this and game in general simply don't provide you with the pleasure to explore further and collect stuffs and exhaust each and every nook of the game. Sooner the game begins, you will feel like rushing through the game just to glance at the verdict, or may even decide to give up. Maybe its because the dialogues and protagonist and NPCs aren't really interesting, the hordes of enemies attacking you in terrifying number overwhelming the player, like the game was already so interesting in the first place, and why in the world would anyone would even hold the position to fight with the same boring repetitive x1000 times enemies. And god forbid, the game is terribly slow as if you are waiting for a snail to cover the zebra crossing on a highway before you proceed.
Life's too short to play this.
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 12:20
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 22:20
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 07:44
Greetings nondescript citizen!
You play as DeathSpank, vanquisher of evil and hero to the downtrodden, on a quest to recover a mysterious and powerful artifact, known as The Artifact (in true brilliant DeathSpank style). Throughout your quest to vanquish evil and uplift the downtrodden, you will cover many areas, kill many unicorns, swamp donkeys and demons, and stuff many orphans into your bag before finally taking down the game’s main protagonist. There is some co-op functionality; another player can join and play as Sparkles the Wizard, but essentially can do little other than attack and heal – there is no levelling up and other perks afforded to the main player.
Weapons and fighting styles give you a choice between close combat and ranged. There is some variety in weapons, i.e. axe, sword, etc., and also the elements applied to your instruments of destruction; you need to be mindful (although it probably does not matter in the long run) of the type of enemy you are fighting, and the weapon element you are using – a fire weapon is not very effective on a fire demon, after all. One of the better points of the combat is the four weapon slot system – you can switch between two different sets at the push of a button, rather than needing to swap out gear constantly. Loot and upgrades are plentiful as well, so you will not find yourself using the same item for very long (hint: most of the time, buying weapons and armour from vendors is not worth it, as you can be sure an upgrade will drop shortly anyway).
Abilities/skills are presented and handled in the form of “hero cards” – basically a selection of passive abilities you can choose from whenever you gain a level. Outside of this, there really is nothing else, beyond whatever special ability might be granted by your current weapon after the special Justice meter is full (essentially a super powerful attack).
The world is presented in a cartoon-style format and is open world in nature, with a fast travel system provided by outhouses. The art is wonderfully done and was clearly the subject of much attention; there is also very little loading while you move around, and when switching locations, the load time is very fast indeed. The voice acting deserves special mention for how brilliantly and hilariously overdone it is – everything is presented with force and drama, and while the humour may be hit and miss for some, I found it to be fantastic and engaging for the entire duration of the game.
If you are looking for deep, complex and challenging gameplay, look elsewhere. If you want to have a good time, most of it spent laughing, DeathSpank is well worth it.
Played on Windows 10 Pro x64 without any issues.
801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 19:36
Hothead Games
Electronic Arts
Engine:keine Infos
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