• Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.
  • Death's Gambit: Screen zum Spiel Death's Gambit.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.08.2018
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Preis Update 10.05.24

Über das Spiel

Siradon lockt Abenteurer mit dem Versprechen der Unsterblichkeit. Fordere als rechte Hand des Sensenmannes die untoten Wächter des Reiches heraus und wasche auf deiner Odyssee als Unsterblicher ihre Seelen rein.

Death's Gambit ist ein knallhartes 2-D-Action-Plattformspiel mit reichhaltigen RPG-Elementen. Kämpfe mit chirurgischer Präzision und stelle dich den Schimären, die tief unter Siradon ihr Unwesen treiben.

  • Endlose Welt: Bereise vielfältige Schauplätze und triff dort originelle Kreaturen unterschiedlichster Herkunft.
  • Charakterklassen und Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung: Wähl eine von sieben spielbaren Klassen, schaff den Stufenaufstieg, such dir deine Lieblingstalente aus und verbessere deine Siegchancen.
  • Unglaubliche Endgegner: Bring turmhohe Ungeheuer und andere legendäre Kreaturen zur Strecke.
  • Heldenmodus und Option „Neues Spiel“: Besiegte Endgegner bekommen im Heldenmodus eine zweite Chance. Die Option ist direkt verfügbar, nachdem du sie zur Strecke gebracht hast.


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ 2.9GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT/ AMD Radeon HD 6450
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 32bit
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Windows Compatible Sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 or higher
  • GFX: Nvidia Geforce GT520 / AMD Radeon HD 6670 or higher
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (32bit) or Higher
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Windows Compatible Sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

5263 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 18:20
Nice Game
151 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 10:08
Hallo erstmal,
ich hatte die damalige alte Version vor dem Update gespielt und ich fand sie Wunderbar.
Jetzt hatte ich voller Überraschung erblickt das dieses Wundervolle Game ein Update bekam und war sehr erfreut. Voller Euphorie lud ich mir das Update sofort herunter und war einfach nur glücklich diese wunderschöne Musik wieder zu hören und genießen zu können. Ich hatte mir nichts zu dem Update angeschaut, also ging ich ohne große Erwartungen rein und war direkt geflasht als ich sah was aus dem Game geworden ist, besonders als ich dann noch feststellte das, das Game einfach die doppelte Anzahl an Bossen hatte. Ich habe das Game sofort in einer langen Gaming Session durchgespielt und die Story hat mich sofort wieder gecatched. Jetzt bin ich gerade dabei in meinem NG+ die anderen Enden freizuspielen und freue mich auch schon darauf wie die so sein werden.

Fazit: Ich kann dieses Game, aus ganzem Herzen empfehlen. Für Souls Like Fans ein muss. Ich bin verliebt.
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 22:36
Pretty Cool I guess, I didn't really play for very long though
105 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 20:07
probably, this game has the best story among the metroidvanias. but if you are a completionist, you will have a bad time
1348 Produkte im Account
218 Reviews
592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 22:47
This game has a lot that I like and a lot that I hate.
I can only recommend you get it on a sale, because with all it's shortcomings full price seems steep.

There is only one viable class, because picking any other class locks you out of half of the bonfires in the game.
The world map is massive, but there is no access to a fast travel system until tragically late in the game, so you will spend hours walking back to places you have already been.
There is punishments for dying too many times, which flies in the face of what makes souls likes rewarding to play.
The writing will very often break the fourth wall with lame jokes, making it hard for me to ever get immersed.

If you can deal with those cons then everything else in the game is absolutely lovely. The combat feels fun and responsive, the skills system is unique and lets you do a lot of experimentation with how your character plays.
The greatest aspect this game has going for it is, ALL of the art is truly beautiful, the art direction is the best part of this game and it really is a good selling point.
678 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 23:11
Just overall wasn't fun. The game has a lot of focus on having tough bosses and really memorizing their moves and it generally just doesn't feel worth it. Menus are very clunky. Inventory management is terrible. Imagine someone deciding that they need to be able to sort items by category (Weapons, head gear, footwear), but didn't think it might be important to sort by individual items so you'd know which ones are duplicate and need selling? Fast travel is unlocked very late in the game, so you spend a lot of time running between locations. Even when you unlock it, you get a huge alphabetical list of locations and you navigate it from the top, no matter where you travel from. A lot of the time it's really not clear where you're even meant to go next. Key vendor NPCs disappear half way through so you miss out on tons of items and abilities. It just feels like the game is focused on punishing you first.
67 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 01:12
Pure awesomeness. Combat is spot on and it's a great Souls-like Metroidvania type clone. Lol. 10/10 would reap some souls again...and again...and again...
995 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 20:29
I don't have much experience with Souls-like games...
Enjoying playing this though.
1849 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 18:26
Good game! scenarios, designand are amazing and the dialogues are very funny n.n
642 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 07:06
Very good 2D souls-like, great artistic direction and narration, sometimes combat is very confusing and it's difficult to locate your character on screen. Also if you don't read the wiki you might get locked out of the better endings like me :/
45 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 02:41
This is a good game,im nota fan of a Dark Souls,but the Metroidvania elements in this game are INSANE.Also the story is really good and it will keep you invested.
I got it on my PS4 before the Afterlife update and didnt play as much,BUT NOW i cant reccomend it enough.
I felt like i was playing Symphony of the Night again for the first time.
820 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 06:02
My first playthrough of this game is giving me one of the most engrossing and fun 2D ARPG experiences I've had in a while. I will update when I've finished the game to see if it held up over the course of the game and whether I want to dive back in with a new character - right now, I imagine I will, this is really fun!
535 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 00:38
This is more of a middle thumb game than a complete 'don't bother'.

Everything is basically okay (except the art which I really like). However, the game is kind of boring because i don't feel invested in the world. The story it self doesn't excite me; that wouldn't matter if the rest of the game was good. Games like this are sold on their exploration, combat or atmosphere and with Death's Gambit all of those fall short.

Try it on discount, you might like it more than I did.

Edit, NVM don't try it, the game doesn't get any less boring into the end game.
1108 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 23:30
I'll try to summarize since I don't feel like writing a long winded review like I normally do.

This game is good enough to play, but not great; I will buy the next game from the studio. I just hope they learn a lot from this game. I played only after the Afterlife expansion.


- Art is pretty, voice acting is really good.
- Metroidvania elements are light, but very welcome. Using my traversal abilities to gain access to new locations was my favorite part of the game.
- Combat is generally good, though I found the game a bit easy for my liking. Most bosses were killed first try, but I play lots of these kinds of games so your struggle may vary. Definitely easier than Salt and Sanctuary, Blasphemous, Dead Cells, and Hollow Knight.
- Different healing item effects are sweet
- Lots of cool ideas, just not necessarily well-implemented (see Cons)
- A few later levels are really good! [spoiler]Eldritch area, Magisters area, scifi area[/spoiler]


Major issue plaguing the game is everything being bite-sized.
- Most levels are very, very short, being able to complete most levels and the boss within in 15-30 mins. This makes it hard to get engrossed in the theme of a level. There are a few really great levels, but these levels are the largest, and take the most advantage of the metroidvania elements.
- You will use certain mechanics only once or twice the entire game. Horse is completely pointless, [spoiler]the Eye thing is necessary for 30 seconds only, the polarity mechanic is useful for 5 min, etc.[/spoiler] Lots of cool ideas that aren't utilized very well at all, almost as if the devs had to put them in the game to check the box.

Other complaints:

- Gear isn't meaningful at all. I beat the game with a weapon and the gear I bought 1 hour into my playthrough. Gear being wholly uninteresting led me to stop exploring at the last 25% of the game, as I realized there was essentially nothing worth finding.
- Skill trees are pretty uninspired. Not really blaming them, as part of this is caused by the core of the combat loop. It's sufficient, but not deep enough to allow for a meaningful skill tree.
- Stamina management is pointless, as your stamina recovers so quickly that there's almost no need to ever stop attacking/dodging/etc

Decent game with lots of cool ideas, but the scope of what they wanted was too large to fit in this smaller game. In order to actually flesh out all the abilities/mechanics in this game, the game would have to triple in size. You are left with a game that gives you many 15 minute sections of fun that feel pretty disconnected from one another, and no meaningful RPG elements. Hopefully their next game has less, more refined mechanics instead of lots of half-baked ones. Still, I liked it enough to buy it and play it all the way through. Buy it on sale and you may not be impressed, but you won't be disappointed.

713 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 10:14
Not really a review. Just my experience with the game.
So first of all, my experience was great. I enjoyed the combat, the music is nice, especially the main menu music. It looks great. Some of the bosses were fun to fight. The story is okay. Nothing surprising. Especially the final boss. There are times where the game is serious and then suddenly tries to be funny by doing weird thing. Like Death doing cooking while wearing an apron, quoting far cry 3 for some reason. There are minor stuffs like this with no relevance to the story or game. Sometimes it's hard to tell what the game is trying to tell you to do. I ended up simply exploring everything. There are some npc which are really bland. I don't think I even cared at all for them.
It's my first playthrough and I got ending C. After checking the requirements to unlock the other endings, I was disappointed. Cause ending A is the true ending and to do it I need to beat 5 heroic boss and have will under 100. Both of these conditions are strange. Heroic bosses are a simple re fight against an older boss at higher level. I thought it was a simple feature added for players to challenge again.
Same with will. Will has no feature in the entire game. You don't have to know anything about it at any part of the game. But suddenly at the final moment of the game, I need it to get the true ending. It feels like it was added solely for the ending. I had a will 197 after beating the final boss. And I need it below 100. So essentially, many people will never get the true ending.
Imagine being an immortal but you can't even die too many times if you want to get a good ending. It's a metroidvania. Dying to boss till I learn it's move sets and then beating them is the best part for me. Will requirement took a most of my interest for a second playthrough.
Let's talk about bugs. I had 3 problems. One is I could not scroll up, down or anything in the menu or interact button sometimes. For example, I was stuck at talk option, I could not select buy or upgrade. Or at upgrade, I couldn't change item I want to upgrade. This happened a lot. I could temporarily fix it by selecting mouse & keyboard, use it and then return back to keyboard control.
Second is if I am trying to check my skills, the text of the first skill would overlap on the description of other skills. Third one was in one location, there was huge rectangle with no texture, just empty, white.
So I do recommend the game. But I feel like some people might not do more than one playthrough.
808 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 16:41
Quick Description:
-Death's Gambit Afterlife is an extremely ambitious 2d soulslike metroidvania w/ gorgeous pixel art and tons of dynamic bosses. Although I don't think that this game lives up to it's lofty potential, I do think that this is one of the better combat focused 2d soulslikes on the market today.

-I never played this game prior to the Afterlife update, so I can't say what I think of the game before the major update. I played the campaign for about 13 hrs and completed most of the major bosses and 2 of the heroic bosses. I didn't get the good endings or explore much of the end game content, so I can't comment on those final areas.

What's Good:
-One of the biggest strengths of DGA is all of the different character classes, weapon types, and upgrade paths. You probably need to focus on one or two different builds each playthrough, which gives a lot of incentive to go back and try out a different class. I went for a glass canon build w/ the acolyte of death. I put most of my stats into finesse first, then some into health, and what was left into stamina. I'm not sure if this was the smartest choice, but it made my future decisions really easy. When I found a powerful scythe, I maxed out all of it's stats. This made boss work easier for me than the typical build b/c of my high dps.
-Pixel art is my favorite visual medium and DGA is beautiful from top to bottom. The world around you is especially impressive w/ tons of detail in the background, all of the different colors, and how diverse the different biomes are. The bosses are another visual treat and some of the biggest bosses take up most of the screen. All of the character animations look great visually as well.
-There are a ton of bosses! I didn't find the bosses to be as unique and challenging as the bosses in Blasphemous, but there are more of them here. I think that there are about 20 bosses if you complete all of the heroic bosses. The heroic bosses are the most challenging bosses in the game, and I love that all of them have new move sets and attack patterns. This was an excellent choice as I think some devs might have gone the easy route, and just doubled the health bar but kept the attack patterns the same.
-There are hundreds of secrets, upgrades, and weapons all over the map (might be thousands). You will find some really cool items. The only downside is that you can't try out an item unless you have the required base stats. This gives you a really good reason to play the game again, especially if you find a really cool sword w/ high strength requirements but you didn't upgrade your strength stats.
-The voice acting is really good for an Indie game. It's really rare these days that devs use voice acting in their games, so I love the most of the characters in DGA have voice acting. There are some really neat moments in the story. Not only is the narrative interesting, but there are lots of fun animated scenes that you will experience periodically after dying a few times. I like that the story isn't too invasive.

Could Use Some Changes:
-You will not have fast travel for about 80% of the game. There is a sewer system right in the middle that goes straight across the entire world, but backtracking is still really tedious even w/ a horse to help speed things up. I found the map extremely difficult to use. I found it really hard to tell exactly how to get to new places even when the map indicated where I needed to go next.
-I wasn't very impressed w/ the blocking and parrying system. I think a more intuitive tutorial may have been helpful. Grime and Blasphemous has a far more engaging and rewarding parrying system. This is one area I felt that DGA lacked a bit. I stopped even attempting to block/parry late game, and just would roll back and forth.
-I played this game on mouse and keyboard, but I turned off the mouse b/c I found it difficult to use in game. This lead to some frustrating moments when I tried to use my inventory mid game. However, even when I switched the mouse back on, I still found that having to go through my inventory mid battle (the game doesn't pause) was very frustrating. You have so many items, and being forced to add a parasite to your inventory just for walking by an enemy is very annoying. I think this entire system could be fine tuned quite a bit.

-DGA is a really well rounded and fun combat focused soulslike metroidvania. Blasphemous is still my favorite in this genre, but DGA and Grime are just behind it imo. DGA has incredible pixel art, great voice acting, a fun soundtrack, and lots of interesting boss battles. I found some aspects of the inventory management and progression a bit overwhelming, but that didn't stop me from having a really fun time. I'd like to try it again w/ a different build and seeing how different my experience would be.

-Solid Game (Tier 3 and makes up 35% of my reviews). I can't say what this game was like before the Afterlife update, but I can say that now this is really solid game and worthy of your time if you are a fan of the genre. There is a N+ Mode and they are even releasing an upcoming DLC which has a Boss Rush Mode. Add this to your library and have a great time slashing through lots of challenging bosses!
27 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 06:30
awesomeness. really scratches that itch you get from playing a platormer rpg like Hollow Knight
46 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 04:30
Please allow mouse to map abilities to mouse button 3 and 4..... why it doesn't allow that makes zero since to me. it is uncomfortable having to tap on 1 2 3 and 4 when i could just easily have those skills mapped to my mouse, but for what ever reason i cannot map half the buttons on it because the game wont even give that option.
355 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
1715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 08:00
One of the Best Metroidvania out there. Stands tall with stalwarts of the genre like HK ,Bloodstained, Guacamelee ,Vigil ,SNS etc.Also Big Kudos to devs , who after 3 years of launch made an expansion (for free) that basically overhauled the complete game mechanics , added story content and bosses and new areas to explore . Huge respect to the Dev team !!Ccant wait for the new expansion already announced.
368 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 03:44
I so want to give this game a glowing review, but I just can't. The story, the art, the characters, and the combat system are all amazing -- or at least sufficient. Its easily one of the prettiest most satisfying metroidvanias around. Yet I can only recommend it with caveats. I play quite a bit of metroidvanias, but I'm not a completionist. I want the 'good' ending and don't care to go through a NG+ cycle to get it. So I usually look up the flags for the GE and that is where this game starts to come apart.
The game possess a game mechanic called will which increases with deaths and you must be below a minimum threshold to achieve the good ending. You heard that right -- die too much and no GE for you. Certain legendary bosses will reduce your will on defeat to help you get under the threshold. Problem is these legendary bosses are no cake walk either and you will die many times. It becomes a numbers game as you grow more and more frustrated watching your will tick up as your prospects of the GE go down until defeating the boss is 'just' enough to almost break even from the number of times he gibbed you.
So you say to yourself -- ok.. I'll go grind like there is tomorrow so I have the stats to make sure I can beat these bosses without dozens of deaths -- nope.. Your first play through you are capped at level 150 with subsequent playthroughs only increasing that cap by 50 -- and your damaging stat hard capped at 150. Vitality scaling also makes it so even if capped you will live through oh one extra hit from a boss before going down.
So you can't get strong enough to trivialize the 'heroic' fights and anything over 200 deaths through the course of a play through basically ensures your the lesser ending. So instead your supposed to what spend 3 hours learning to do a heroic with narry a single mistake so your NEXT playthrough you can get closer to the good ending? No Thanks. I'll go watch someone with more time than me's Lets Play and move on the next Metroidvania. Its been a fantastic game, but its not good enough to justify doubling and tripling my time in it to see a few extra scenes.
315 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 23:17
great game, can't believe that the afterlife exansion is free
240 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 03:23
easily one of my top 5 metroidvanias. good combat, map design, enemy variety, level system and power creep. what a sleeper hit!
53 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 06:04
you can pet the bunny
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 12:29

I wanted a game like Hollow Knight. I stuck with it, and it turned out to be equally as good as or BETTER THAN HOLLOW KNIGHT! If you like HK or Salt and Sanctuary, this game is a must.

Story is excellent
Combat is fluid
Performance is amazing (I didn't think this game would work with my aging GPU, but it was fixed at 60 fps)

P.S. - @Devs, Thanks for fair regional pricing - fan from India
592 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
2454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 00:43
If I could use one word to describe Death's Gambit it would be 'ambitious'. Death's Gambit is a fantastic game that stumbled a bit and stopped at great. I can't speak for how it was before the Afterlife update but I can say for certain that even with the flaws this game is worth playing.

Story-wise, Death's Gambit follows Sorun who has left as part of the Vados Army to invade Siradon, a land that has found immortality. Unfortunately, he and his group are slaughtered before he can make it there. Fortunately (or still unfortunately) Death makes a pact with him as he's not a big fan of mortals not dying. And thus you go into Siradon, coming back from death time and time again, to find the source of immortality. Though that may not be why Sorun decided to journey here...

I'll refer back to above regarding the story; it's pretty good, almost great except for some stumbling points here and there. Some things weren't telegraphed well so feel out of left field or tonally clash too hard with the mood of the game, sometimes a plot point falls flat when it needed just a bit more development to have you invested. But that said, in the end, it still was an enjoyable story with some great characters and a satisfying ending. Also the voice acting is shockingly good for a small indie game.

Gameplay is a 2d Souls-like action game with a hard influence of Metroidvania (gaining new boss abilities can unlock new areas, etc) and a leveling and class system you can invest points in. While I'll say that it isn't particularly unique in that regard, it is executed quite well. Weapons all have different feels, builds can drastically change how you play, all in all it's a fun combat system. The game can be hard but not unfairly (...mostly) with bosses being a good mix of seeming daunting at first but then you see the patterns or tells and sort of hit a groove. Except...well, after you beat a boss you can choose to rematch them in Heroic mode, for both reward reasons and other reasons and most of them are...kind of unfair. The first couple are fine, they're bosses with expanded move pools and more damage/life/whatever. But some are brutal to the point that it feels like you can't beat them unless you're a certain class. I went in wanting to beat all the Heroic bosses but came out only killing around half because it was just too frustrating.

The art for the game is amazing, as anyone can see in gameplay or trailers. It really does look good, in motion, in still, whatever. It has very good design sensibility and variety, each unique area giving different feelings or atmosphere. Honestly, it's pretty impressive. I can't think of anything to complain about regarding the aesthetic. It all fits and looks wonderful.

The music is alright, with some vigorous standouts. During the normal course of the game they used ambient sound well for areas and the music used was...y'know, it was okay. Fine. Nothing to write home about. But towards the end of the game, and in some of the last boss fights you get the music absolutely explodes in quality. There was a boss fight that had me emotional because it was such a good piece to mirror what was happening. Seriously, the last couple songs the game throws at you are incredibly good.

The reason I recommend Death's Gambit Afterlife is because, in spite of all the stumbles and missed opportunities where it reached for the stars and fell short, I immediately started a new game + when I beat it. Played that through and then did it AGAIN to try a different build and get a different ending. Honestly, that's the mark of a good Soulslike game to me; that after beating it you immediately want to go back in and try again. Heck, I might go in again and see if I can do a Halberd build.

For such a small team to create such a large, dense and full game like this is pretty impressive given their relative newness to the scene (correct me if I'm wrong). I will definitely be following this team to see what they make next.
196 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 07:16
No idea how far I am into the game, seems about halfway, but this is simply one of the best metroidvania games I have played. Yes, it's another metroidsoulsvania with pixel art, but this is also very much it's own beast. The narrative is heartfelt and bleeding with grief and loss, it's also sarcastic and not above the occasional camera winks, it's occasionally sprinkled with the absurd, and sometimes it's just genuine horror, but it all gels together. You do not know this world and it uses that to it's advantage.
In terms of gameplay it's built on an excellent metroidvania bedrock with souls-esque combat. There are several classes to choose from, each with a unique skill tree, the ability to multiclass later on, and loot that does more than just make numbers go big. Right now I'm making my enemies bleed and burn, then absorbing the burn to buff my damage and then, wonderfully, making the blood explode. The bosses kick my arse right up until I kick theirs and it feels great.
There's always something interesting round the next corner, be it lo-fi lizard beats (?!), Death Chef, or just the haunting sound of a distorted voice asking for death. This is something special, I think, and it deserves to be played.
Try it and you might find something special too.
129 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 19:58
This game is a masterpiece. You could find every beauty in one single game. The art, the soundtrack, a good plotline, a good sense of humor, the Souls-like gameplay, everything beautiful was included in this game. It was neither short nor long. I think it is better this way, it had a balanced length of a story. Everyone should try play this game at least once, or listen to its soundtracks if nothing else. There was a moment which I couldn't leave the main menu or a repeated cutscene just for its soundtrack.
164 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 21:12
The Afterlife update takes an already solid if flawed game and turns it into something special. As a fan of both Metroidvanias and Souls games, this game has been a blast - it's also a game with plenty of room to become better at and plenty of replayability.

The various classes available add their own twist to the gameplay, but your choice of weapon will ultimately matter more and finding the weapons you enjoy the most is something worth experimenting with - there are a number of different abilities, and some weapons even have special interactions with those abilities that alter the way you play. I've tried most of them at one point or another and whilst I definitely have my preferred choices, none have felt bad to use.

The bosses in the game - most of them fun challenges to begin with - have a 'Heroic Rematch' that is available, adding other elements to the fight (beyond increased damage and health - that's standard) such as new attacks, other enemies to distract and such. They can seem impossible at first, yet much like a Souls game, once you've figured them out, you'll be dancing around them - for the most part, anyway. There's always one or two that stand above the rest.

If I had to pick one thing that stands out, it is the OST. It's superb, and there are certain areas and bosses you'll want to see again because of it.

I've only ever played using a controller so I can't speak for what Keyboard and Mouse controls would be like, but on controller I have not had any issues. The buttons do what I want them to do, and the gameplay itself is fluid. In my experience combat feels more like Bloodborne than Dark Souls - fast paced, rewards aggression, and knowing parry timings changes everything.

There are definitely flaws though. There are still minor bugs present, and the story, whilst enjoyable, can falter in places. Some areas, bosses and characters have had far more attention than others. The Metroidvania exploration elements are a bit lacking, with upgrades directly opening new areas to explore rather than allowing more creative adventuring (for the most part). The crafting system is a bit underwhelming and the process of upgrading equipment is outrageously demanding on armour.

I find those issues fairly minor compared to the rest of the offering though. I thoroughly recommend this game.
231 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 08:21
When this game first came out, I mostly heard bad things about it so I skipped it, but when the Afterlife update came out, I only heard good things and thought I'd give it a go, and wow, can't believe I almost missed out on this gem. The music is both charming and beautiful, the gameplay is fun with good enough diversity in weapons/skills/classes and I really enjoyed the story, thought it was well voiced and well written with a bunch of charming parts sprinkled through it. One thing I must say though, some bosses have awful designs where a couple have annoying ass phases/attacks/stages that are so infuriating. It honestly feels like they got to a point where the devs thought that adding random ass enemies and 30 attacks at the same time on the screen would make a good challenge for some, when in reality its mostly annoying. Aside from that though, its a really really good game and the bosses are generally okay. If you're a fan of souls-like/metroidvania that plays like Salt and Sanctuary/Vigil : The Longest Light, look no further!
76 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 13:21
I'm playing using a controller.

I tried getting back into this game recently after the big (afterlife) update, because I wanted to play the new content and it seems like fun. However, the control scheme in combination with some user interface details are still unrefined and as much as I've tried to finagle with different control setups, there always seems to be something that is preventing it from being ideal. This is really breaking the immersion for me, and preventing me from enjoying what is otherwise a pretty fantastic game. Art, gameplay, and music are all stellar. I would love it if the customization options were given another look and more refinement.

Here's some details and suggestions that I'd like to mention:
-The poise break maneuver (block button + right trigger) that's required to break enemies' shield stances, is not able to be customized (not listed in the controls menu)
-The bow weapon is set to auto fire on release. There should be an option to turn off auto fire, and use a dedicated shoot button instead. Autofire (just as with auto aim) should be an accessibility option instead of default. So for example, left trigger could be used to aim, right trigger could be used to fire, while movement and aim could both still be controlled simultaneously and independently.
-R3 re-sets the item slot to the default item (pheonix plume). There is nowhere in the options to customize this control or turn it off.
-Camera controls are tied to right analog stick with no option to customize or turn off.
-No option for a shortcut key to directly bring up the map.
-Hitting the select button currently pauses the game and there's no option for customization of that control either.
-There is a ladder option under custom keybinds (not necessary since ladders are now auto climb). Maybe remove that?
-It would be nice if there was a 'confirm' shortcut key when you are on the level up screen. Currently you have to navigate down to the bottom to manually select confirm after selecting all of your choices.
-Several of the games' on screen indicators (and the tutorial headstones) need to be double checked for accuracy. As an example, when I picked up the cyclone ability the prompt on screen reflected the default controls, not what mine currently were since I had customized them. These on screen indicators should be dynamic instead of static.
-In the custom control menu, after you select something to be customized, there is no obvious way to cancel that selection besides inputting a button. There should be some way to hit cancel (escape, delete, or backspace keys possibly?)

That's all I've got for now. I really hope the developers see this and give it a nice overhaul. I think this game could be taken to the next level if the controls were given as much attention as the rest of the game has been given. I'll come back and update this if they fix these issues.
40 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 20:28
i played before big patch and wow i love all of the new quality of life updates butter smooth combat and each unique play style. afterlife really put the extra polish on a good game.
1620 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 18:16
Exquisite Metroidvania Gem -
Devs have pulled a complete overhaul and brought the game to a fantastic and enjoyable experience.
Combat is crunchy and fun, versatile classes, exploration is rewarding and intriguing and story/lore is immersive. Well done! Love the Super Metroid vibes!
Worth it.
90 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
3141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 23:37
Very good and solid game.

Has some problems:
Inventory menu is the most inconvenient I ever saw in my life.
You will not be able to kill all bosses in 1 save), and you couldn't replace savefiles because of Steam Cloud saves.
So be sure to turn off the cloud.
2278 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 22:07
I was surprised to return to this game a long while after release and find it wonderfully improved. A very, very solid metroidvania. Hollow Knight is not a bad comparison (although not as good, but what's better than perfection?), and I thoroughly enjoyed exploring all the nooks and crannies of the large map and the well tuned boss fights. Being able to rechallenge bosses with harder difficulties is also a pleasant touch. Overall, highly recommended!
1676 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
1147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 06:08
Bought this game a few years ago and didn't like it very much. Tried it again after the Afterlife update and I love it, it's fantastic! So much better!
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 23:04
If you like Metroidvanias and Souls like games then you'll definitely enjoy this as well. I recommend.
194 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 14:00
2D souls-like with build customization and fluid combat, an eldritch storyline that tugs at the heart, rewarding exploration.

Completely worth the price.

Amulvaro was a pain to beat.
73 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 20:59
Brilliant from start to finish.
It ended up being way deeper than I anticipated. If you're into Hollow Knight or similar Metroidvanias this one will be for you. Deep combat variety, a story that keeps on giving and side content as much as you like.

It says I played for 18 hours, but that's not correct. It's probably more close to 40.

Loved it!
892 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
2627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 22:35
The original wasn't all that great to be honest, but Afterlife fixes some of the existing problems, while adding a very interesting spin on the story. Overall pretty fun and i'm glad devs where able to go back and make this better, definitely interested in what they will do next.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 14:56
One of the most difficult, yet rewarding 2D games I've played. The combat is really good. The game has a bit of an issue with scaling though. Healing is all but useless as well so you might as well convert your Phoenix Plumes into extra damage. The lack of healing items coupled with the uselessness of Phoenix Plumes makes the game more difficult than it needs to be.

Despite its flaws, it's still fun; especially the combat.
462 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 08:15
having a blast for many reasons but im lazy so there you have it.
111 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 07:33
dark souls
842 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 21:35
I thought this game was about Gambit from X-Men, and I was all like hell yeah! But nope. It's not. Fuck me for getting my hopes up I guess.

Highly recommend.
135 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 15:26
The first time I played, I didnt get hooked and quit. On a whim I jumped back in as the assassin class and I was hooked.

After I passed the area that I had quit at on my first play through the game took several unexpected turns and my jaw was on the floor for the second half of the game, I could not stop playing.

Bosses were all fun and challenging, 2 of the later bosses are my favourite boss fights from any game I have played. I cant stress enough how the later parts of the game had me thoroughly hooked.

Best parts for me are the - unique setting - amazing music - fair and fun combat - plot that slowly reels you in - amazing voice acting (Matthew Mercer as Death is great)

Bad parts are - some mechanics that I felt were not clear, like that I had to use a panacea while standing beside a dieing NPC to cure them, how did they get plagued in the first place?! - not much aesthetic variety for your character, hopefully the DLC will expand on that? - lack of dagger abilities, there were only 3 to use the whole game.
2373 Produkte im Account
375 Reviews
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 16:30
+20 SOCIAL CREDIT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



118 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 17:00
A Good game held back by serious SERIOUS jank. I can accept lots of things, but ignoring imputs isnt one of those things.

6/10 buy it on sale.
78 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 08:07
one the best metroidvania games I've played! so much cusomization with nice boos fight and excellent voice actors !
55 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 15:16
This game is very good, and its gonna be better with the new Free DLC sized update.
172 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
1382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 04:32
A good mix of dark and funny that peters out toward the end.
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 02:43
This game is great. If you enjoy games like Hollow Knight, Sekiro, and Dark Souls this is highly recommended. I've only enjoyed two games enough to get every achievement, Sekiro and this.
While the game can seem kind of basic at first, stick with it. Once you start unlocking talents and abilities it completely changes how you play the game making a variety of builds and play styles viable and adds a lot of depth to the combat.
Another thing I really liked is that the Heroic variants of bosses not only add a challenge (like in Hollow Knight) but give you resources that will actually help you through the game giving an additional incentive that is lacking in other games.
If you like precisely timed combat that includes parries, timed blocks, calculated attacks, and dodges you will enjoy this game.
575 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
1247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 14:09
Really a great game for any action/platformer enthusiasts. Of course you can feel the Dark Souls inspiration every now and then (sometimes with humor), you could even say it's some kind of 2D Dark Souls, but it has it's own atmosphere, lore and mechanics.
Only downside is that it's pretty short (10 - 12h for a simple playthrough).
227 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 16:41
A great game, there is nothing i can say in this review to praise this game enough. just buy it it's an amazing game.
325 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 16:57
Hard pass on this one fellas....Death's Gambit might look cool in the trailers but I found the game to be clunky and awkward visually when playing. I didn't care for the 'souls like' combat system the game uses. The game plays like a free flash game and I wasn't really about investing my time into that quality of game - it just didn't strike me as an interesting story to be played.

I received Death's Gambit for an exceedingly low price point (< $2 USD) and didn't like it - I certainly wouldn't recommend it at full price!
145 Produkte im Account
335 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 01:03
So close to being pretty good, but like many of the other negative reviews mention, it all just feels slightly off and unpolished. Got bored after about an hour, nothing about the game made me interested in continuing. The combat feels very subpar and nothing feels like it has any weight or impact to it.

Also the game has an issue with Gsync where it will really mess with your fps in a negative way apparently. However, even after I turned it off, while it did look smoother, the overall animations still looked a bit choppy and unpolished.
999 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 15:52
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 23:17
This game could have been so much more if they only went through the work of refining it and polishing it before releasing it. There's just so much they could have improved, like hitboxes, the UI and how you navigate it, the kind of music they chose for the ambience of the game (it feels like Dark Souls meets Kingdom Hearts and I feel confused), the animations, jump physics, menu fonts, there's just so much that falls short and unfortunately doesn't do justice to the rest of the game which is actually pretty damn decent, and that's what pisses me off the most about it. It doesn't feel finished, it feels like the developers didn't love it enough.

That said, my favorite thing about this game is Death. Out of all the 2 dimensional, dull and generic characters in the game, somehow they managed to nail Death just right. Despite Death being a character that is played in many games and you'd think would get old, they somehow managed to make it very fun to see in action during dialogues. I was honestly impressed.

If I had to rate this game, and considering right now I only have 2.3 hours in it, I'd rate it 5/10. And this is not counting the price, because fuck that. A cheaper price isn't gonna make a game better. Games are art. If you're going to make a game, make one worth 20 bucks and make us feel like it was worth it.

Honestly I hope they revive this game and make some sort of Death's Gambit: Ressurrection kind of release, because this game honestly deserves the polish.
217 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 15:38
One of the greater souls likes. (Just like Salt and Sanctuary)
123 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 22:52
One of the best Metroidvaniasoulborne games! Great boss fights, a couple of which were really innovative! Not too masocore! I didn't play it ever again after beating the story, but it does have replay value in weapon/class/build variety.
466 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 01:05
As someone who grew up in the late 90s when I first played s Gambit. I immediately like the game. It had a lot of Challenge and it really pushed at this narrative-driven way of playing games of how we perceive certain aspects of reality there seems to be some lovecraftian inspired elements to the game. After about 50 hours into the game. I can say with 100% certainty that deaths Gambit is worth your money. There is supposed to be a massive DLC coming out for the game I don't know if it's out yet or not but it is supposed to completely overhaul the entire game. In my opinion at its current iteration. The game is a solid four out of five
648 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 06:58
An underrated Metroidvaina Souls-like with a lot of heart.

The story and voice acting really got me, even if there were some plot holes. The story about your mother and your journey to find her really resonated with me. This game is clearly a labor of love by a small studio, but they put a lot of thought into the combat and the environments. I really enjoyed playing this, and I imagine it would have a lot of replay value if you're into NG+ and such (I'm just not that good at this sort of game).
311 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 23:23
I thought this game was great until I reached Journey's End and the Eldritch Council. Worst boss I have ever fought against. In an area where they spam you with enemies that give you contagion which reduces your max health and the only way to get rid of it is by going all the way back to a random npc halfway across the map. (he also only gives you 1 thing to get rid of your contagion, when you will need multiple) This fucking shit ruined the game for me, I hate quitting games like this but I'm not finishing it. This was so bad.
240 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 16:38
For a game produced by Adult Swim and been out for 2 years, the game feels like it is in beta. Character story lines are inconsistent, one area you will be fighting someone and the next area suddenly they are your friend, or a character will start talking about something that either hasn't happened or has already been resolved.

There is no inventory management, and the only way to view details stats is in the level up screen. Weapon leveling is garbage and not worth the time or effort. There are some enemies that can only be hurt by magic, so good luck if you never level up Int. There is no map nor fast travel, which wouldn't be a problem except at times you were stuck in an area that you are definitely underleveled for with no means of walking back the way you came.

The voice acting is excellent, though the main character having no voice at all (just text) is annoying at best. It removes a huge amount of emotion from the story and could have really made the game impactful.

Again, the game feels very incomplete. It really needs some major updates to feel like it isn't in early access.
82 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 13:30
One of the best games ive played in a long time
606 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 14:25
Despite a rocky start, I ended up liking Death's Gambit a lot. The game borrows lots of gameplay elements from Dark Souls, but does a great job in turning it into an interesting 2D metroidvania. Most of the levels are very well designed, with lovely pixel art and plenty of secrets and shortcuts to discover. I also enjoyed most of the boss fights, which have a small learning curve but never felt unfair to me. Well done, White Rabbit!
1230 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
1100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 22:28
I enjoyed this game enough to beat it twice, So I think that makes my opinion clear.
656 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 23:00
One of the better 2D soulslikes. I'd give it ~7.5/10. Satisfying gameplay, decent writing, nice visuals.

I only have a few minor complaints; the boss hitboxes are a little wonky (it's not uncommon to get sort of dead-angled when something is too close to you. A hit from the front reads on your back, bypassing your shield. The controls can be a little bit fiddly as well (for example, dropping through a platform while moving, or changing direction while shielding). There are also some other questionable design decisions (I agree with many of the negative comments, but didn't find them to be a deal-breaker)

These are minor complaints though. Overall, Death's Gambit is a solid experience.
53 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 04:52
I bought Death's Gambit a while back because a friend was talking about it and I was interested, so I bought the game. Instantly you notice the games graphics simple, yet beautiful. Then you get to the game play which is fun, and intuitive. Then the story of the game will truly sink you into it feeling for the character, making you want him to succeed, and getting invested into his quest. I will not spoil, but the ending is very unseen, and made me shed a few tears. Overall if you are interested in this game. I would buy it within a heartbeat. 10/10 Would recommend.
70 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 09:05
this is a pretty good, relatively short soulslike game, a solid 7.5/10. i have only 3 real issues with it.
1. there's very little variety inside the weapon classes. to my knowledge, most weapon categories just have one weapon. the only one to have more than 2 is bows, which ain't that much to write home about.

2. due to what i can only hope is a glitch, navigating through menus on keyboard with mouse aim off is cursed. besides your inventory, all menu screens lack a mouse pointer entirely, making it so you either need turn the option on every time your rest at a checkpoint or go shopping, or just wave your mouse wildly until you mouse over something that lights up and you get an idea of where it is. it gets extremely annoying and seems like such an easy fix.

3. if you intend to buy this game, read this one or your first save might get fucked over like mine. my biggest issue is an unforgivable lack of foresight regarding the contagion mechanic. in an endgame area, enemies start putting a debuff on you that persists through death, called contagion, that cuts your max hp by a third. the only way to get rid of this debuff is eating a panacea, a relatively cheap and easy item to get. the issue? the only way to get panaceas is to buy them from a specific npc, one who BEGS you to kill them. if you're like me, you did so since there might be a reward or questline. granted, there's a good item from killing him, but if you run out of panaceas and he is dead, your save file is now permanently limited to two thirds hp until ng+. it's such an awful issue with so many easy fixes, it hurts to think about how idiotic it is.

all said and done, it's a great game with a few glaring issues that prevent it from being rated higher.
305 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 23:44
While it may not be the longest game to complete, the time you spend in this game is almost all non-stop fun.
A condensed and hyper-quality RPG game with a compelling story and riveting themes, definately recommend it if you are interested in Dark Souls inspired titles.
Keep in mind, the time I've spent playing at the time of writing this review is with one build, and I still have to beat all bosses in heroic too.
162 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 21:12
This game exudes passion without resources, it's great but full of flaws.

The developer said he's working on a huge QoL and content patch to fix everything and expand the game, that will probably be amazing... but he's been at it for at least over a year now, who knows if it will ever come.
174 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 02:51
cool game and Im hyped for the update
283 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 09:59
Ok just finished the game and...It's like some ninja is cutting onions near my eyes :(
[TL;DR at bottom]
The game is really fun, classes, talent points, leveling up etc. It's like a 2D scroller Dark Souls.

Music most of the time felt like..relaxing, a resonating sound of acceptance. (atleast that's how I felt)

We have to let go of things, every thing has an end, that's why beauty is beautiful.

TL;DR : Game is really fun, story is interesting with an unforeseen turn of events.

OST : 9/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Story : 9/10
Environment and time of events : 10/10 (I really really love medieval feeling like times)
There were some bugs (not game breaking but really annoying it feels like) but I hope the Devs fix those bugs.
349 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 17:03
I got this as part of a HumbleBundle and loved it. Doubt I would pay $25 in its current state, though with the features they plan to add with the expansion I might. Despite its fun, it doesn't look or feel finished. Talents are repeated across all classes, there isn't really much reason to pick any other class besides blood knight or death acolyte, and my most glaring criticism is the lack of fun / good looking / unique items. We have a well-built world in a fantastic dark fantasy setting, but only one rare bow and one rare shield?

All that said, I put 31 hours into what appears to be a six hour game... and I will probably play it more before the expansion drops. Even with the problems, there is something about this game that I can't quite put my finger on that keeps me coming back.
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 23:27
Broken unfun mechanics - enemies spawning all the time in unreachable positions. The world is also very confusing and hard to navigate. Gameplay is just meh.
139 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 20:14
Death in these kinds of games is quite common, but this particular one will really get on your nerves. Unskippable, interactive cutscenes providing background story of the MC's search for mommy will intrusively interrupt your attempts at your current goal between your death and revival frequently. Stamina is also a resource in constant short supply at all times. What really killed my interest was some ridiculous bug that caused several NPCs in the major hub area to slowly lose health every time I entered the area. I was forced to kill one of them because I hated having to deal with their dialogue acting like it was me who was killing them whenever I entered the area.

Skip this game and get Dark Devotion.
130 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 07:54
Enjoyable experience, it was a bit easy towards the end of the playthrough. The game is clearly geared towards ng+(ininfite) because the bosses kinda got melted later on but it was fun regardless :) Great game worth the money i spent on humble bundle to get it. Thanks again for the experience devs <3 ... Thanks for reading.
298 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 09:29
Game is incomplete, simple as that.

Minimal content, Incomplete NPC's, bugs and glitches galore, constant freezes when talking to NPCS or interacting with items as stuff loads in, Weapon diversity is pitiful with bows getting the most at 6 with other weapon classes getting 1 or 2 at most.

Outside of stats and the abilities of the class you choose at the start, minimal RPG elements.

Most of the content is the 'heroic' rematch of bosses you've already defeated which is mainly just pumping up their stats, maybe starting in phase 2 or swapping phases earlier and some other small gimmick changes. On top of this the rematches give you one guaranteed drop after doing it for the first time, otherwise they drop from a loot table of just regular upgraded items at random so its possible you get something you don't even want for all your hard work on these artificial difficulty rematches.

All the extra npcs feel hollow, simply showing up to the hub to teach you a few weapon abilities and then having no new dialogue or interaction with for the rest of the game.

Controls are clunky, hit-boxes are jank with enemies often hitting behind them with swings or just straight up turning on a dime without any indication they are doing so and usually comboing you to death if you dare to try to dodge around them making shields and thus 'STR' a necessity for every build to have an actual decent defensive option of just holding your shield up.

Sure the game might look pretty but the substance to this game is severely lacking and takes all the wrong elements from its obvious inspirations.

If reading all of this your still convinced to give it a shot, buy at a heavy discount and get ready for alot of bullshit.

P.S As of editing this review I have also completed the game as well as done a full 'mortal' run nothing has really changed on my opinion and some stuff that happens in a mortal run, like the sequence with the final boss seems like an outright glitch but is apparently intended feature for you to skip all of the phases.

If you want to upgrade your gear to max or upgrade your gear at all you NEED to farm and fight the heroic bosses as they give you
A) a massive headstart on upgrades by awarding you high upgraded gear, sometimes based on what weapon you have equipped.
B)There are not enough natural upgrade materials through the ENTIRE game to get even 1 piece of gear from 0 to +10 as the upgrade requirements are INCREDIBLY overpriced requiring 100+ soul stones and the extremely rare auralite stones meaning you need to farm and disenchant ALOT or simply do multiple NG+ cycles to even be close to maxing your gear.
441 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 20:40
This game has everything required in order to make a good game, but it's somehow not super fun. Also, I wanted to speak to an NPC but accidentaly killed him forever. Ugh.
342 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 05:16
Wish there was a neutral option. This game looks good, plays okay, and has some horrendous design decisions that make it a pain in the ass.[olist][*]The inventory is an unsorted mess, but there is a sorting function in the programming because the disenchant menu is sorted by type, for some reason this is not applied when view your inventory directly.[*]The upgrade system is poorly balanced: there are two upgrade items, one for +1 to +5 and another for +6 to +10, the amounts needed are 2/4/8/16/32 (so 62 total) of each and the stronger one is severely limited per run, about 40 total if you beat all the heroic bosses and find all the secrets.[*]There's a very low level cap: 150, which sounds like a lot but only takes about 140k shards, I had 90k extra when I beat the game and that was after buying a shitload of consumables when I hit the cap. The level cap goes up by 50 per NG+ cycle and it seems to go up to NG+10. You can go straight to NG+3 after beating NG, not sure if that continues (NG+6 after NG+3?).[*]Weapon selection is dismal: only one or two of each weapon type, and the types with two are basically identical.[*]Everything takes stamina, even jumping and using consumables. It's quite annoying to have to micromanage stamina so much.[*]Projectiles and ground bombs often have poor readability and/or hit boxes leading to frequent deaths without knowing why.[*]Speaking of hit boxes, it seems to be possible to stand in locations where blocking just doesn't work. When standing close to Owlking, I was unable to block many of his attacks when facing either direction.[*]You fall faster if you release the jump button (are you blasting some nasty dead farts to maintain lift?).[*]There are weirdly long frame rate drops when using Death Statues (bonfires) and at the beginning of some boss fights, to the point where it may seem like the game has crashed.[*]Many boss fights revolve around some kind of bullet hell or add swarm (everyone likes bosses with tons of minions and randomly spawning half-screen explosions that damage over half your health bar, right?!). Likewise, a few of the much harder ones have the boss unable to be hit because they're teleporting around or simply off screen. If they are this powerful, why do they ever stop teleporting or come back to open themselves up to damage? Amulvaro, I'm looking at you![*]There are way too many little cutscenes that interrupt respawning after death, which can be very frustrating when you don't know why you're dying (see previous point) or (if you like the story but are really good) you may see only a small fraction of them. As someone who hates video game stories, I could have done without this time waster.[*]Voiced lines are inconsistent in cutscenes and obnoxiously loud in boss battles. If you progress the boss fight fast enough, multiple lines will overlap, good luck hearing audio cues for upcoming off-screen attacks. There is no option for voice volume, just music and overall sound.[/olist]This sounds super negative so what did they do right to earn it a neutral-leaning-negative?[olist][*]Abilities and talents add some pretty cool buffs that can really change the way you play the game, good for build variety and replayability if you like experimenting with that stuff.[*]Heroic bosses can be challenged immediately after beating the normal version and can be beaten as many times as you can tolerate, slightly random but guaranteed type drops make it a fun grind in my opinion, allowing you to target specific bosses for specific gear slots.[*]Feathers (equivalent to Estus) can be traded for a 10% damage buff each at Death Statues (bonfires), so you can have a bunch of healing for exploring a new area and then trade them in for the boss fight to become a temporary glass-cannon. Optimizing the balance of healing and damage buffs can make your skill progress more noticeable and rewarding.[*]You can make the game have perma-death by ripping up the Contract you get at the beginning. Nice option for those who want it.[/olist]
368 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 12:10
If you liked balsphemous or hollow knight, this game is for you.
if you like killing bosses in a side scroller, this is for you.
If you like games with a story, where you have a goal in mind, but instead of talking to people and reading boring stuff you just go and smash monsters, well, buy this game.
613 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 06:30
A decent take on soul-likes, very good visuals, possibly a bit anonymous lore and story (at least the part I played). It's totally not my favorite genre, but i gotta admit that it's not bad. Compared to lots of sidescrollers it also has a solid physicality in the hits and moves (not the jump though). The first boss had me ragequit, but that's just me not liking frustrating games. Gets a 60/100 from me, but the fact that it's not my genre, makes it harder for me to judge further.
685 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 23:27
it's a good game to get with a discouint, it's more metroidvania than a souls-like for me, if you're looking for a 2d souls-like game go get salt and sanctuary, this game seems incomplete for full price, if you see this game at 80% off like i did, go a head and buy it.
451 Produkte im Account
258 Reviews
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136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 18:22
Remember a lot of people recommending this game, but i really don't see what they saw in it. Gameplay is bland, not a lot of skills to acquire, bosses are boring, controls are bad sometimes like wanting to turn around and then hit a skill but the skill still hits the other way.

Game is really short, if i would have played 1 more hour i would have finished it, just couldn't play it anymore since it rubbed me the wrong way especially the bad controls. For how short it is it has no right to ask 20$
743 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
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153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 01:32
Awkward controls, bosses that retarget their attacks after you dodge, lots of grinding.
There seems to be a small following of stanners for the game but the forum is basically dead.
There are better platformers out there.
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 03:12
I should have liked this. I like hard Metroidvania games. I like salt and Sanctuary and I like Blasphemous and I like Hollow Knight and I like Celeste. I don't know why I don't like this. I just don't...
285 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 12:44
misleading trailer (unfinished game?), lack of content (small map)
you need to start a new game to try different class/weapon (weapon dmg base on STR/FIN/INT) but the game has low replayability
The difficult of game based on boss HP and Dmg, the map lack of puzzle , trap , jumps etc
369 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 04:12
  • Art Style
  • Animations
  • Soundtrack
  • Characters dubbing

  • Poor number of weapons
  • Game length
  • Some typing errors

It annoys me that the longsword that you start is the only longsword that exists in the game.

A few enemies looks bad drawn in my opinion.

I feel like they finished the game in a hurry, it just feels incomplete. But i think this game is worth it if purchased with discount.
391 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 00:12
It's kind of like Dark Souls, but 2D and clunkier.
210 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 07:36
I would give this one a Neutral, but since I have to choose one I'm leaning more towards recommended. Good game specially if you're more on the cassual side, since boss fights are pretty easy most of the time (I literally completed the game at level 1 using only consumable bombs). Heroic fights, on the other hand, pose a great challenge. But they're also a big problem in this game, in my opinion. Very few of them are good (I can name three, Amulvaro, Endless and Bysurge). The rest is either neutral or absolute cancer trash (Eldritch Concil and Forgotten Gaian for example). As someone who Platinum the game I can say the Heroic boss grind almost ruined the game for me, it was a very frustrating experience that I would not go through again, but I still recommend the game because it is good.

• Amazing OST.
• Good Pixel Art.
• Good Voice Acting.
• Predictable but decent story.
• Some Heroic fights are REALLY good.
• Death is a very good character.

• Not enough customization (1 weapon of each type only).
• Can't max gear without multiple NG+
• Normal bosses are too easy.
• Some Heroic boss fights are REALLY bad, to the point they almost ruin the game.
• Combat is kinda clunky.
247 Produkte im Account
316 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 11:09
Game feels clunky and the weapon selection is so DEAD.
111 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 00:43
Death’s Gambit has one glaring weakness: the story. The story sucks and injects itself at times where it becomes the most annoying, invasive experience. I wish I could elaborate why the story sucks but I make my reviews spoiler free. That is just my opinion in the end. I start the review with the negative because I played the entire game trying to figure out why I am getting frustrated. I kept analyzing the game: I enjoyed all the bosses, there was only one area that was truly frustrating me by design but hey most of these games got their Blightown, I was discovering things that made me curious about how to enable their interactions, I never got so horribly stuck that I had to find a walkthrough to progress. So, I came to the conclusion that the way the game tells the story through cut scenes when the player dies is what was frustrating me because I was already frustrated with dying in the first place and the story just was poorly written in my opinion. I am not going to tell you to like the story or not but if you find yourself getting frustrated exponentially, maybe just stop paying attention to it. I know the first half of my review was quite negatively presented but all of my problems with the game stop at the story and I would recommend the game still to the souls-like audience.
Without a story I enjoy, the bosses are what the game is all about so they better be good: they are great. The bosses are fun and fair on a first play through and provide a heroic mode second battle that slightly alters the original move set of the boss AND there are ten different new game plus difficulties that the player has a bit of freedom to choose. Beyond the mechanics of the different difficulties, most fights were high quality with only a couple of outliers that any great game has anyways. There is a mechanic that involves collecting journals that are used to help fight a boss which is neat and promotes exploration if the player is struggling and there are progress meters that reward the player with currency for, essentially, a new personal best for fighting that boss. The player does not drop their currency when they are defeated and only one of their heals which again promotes exploration if the player is struggling. The only complaint that I have is that some boss fights seemed to straight up have no reward… that is only seemingly though because there are many secrets. It goes without question that boss fighters should play Death’s Gambit.
212 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 16:27
its ok, not very challenging i got about 75% of the way through but dont feel like finishing it because its not very interesting overall. its fine to buy if its on sale i wouldnt really pay 20 buckaroos for this tbqhwyf. linked is my full video review of the game: review
510 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 18:15
I was intrigued by the trailer but my enthusiasm quickly drained within an hour of gameplay. Sadly, Death’s Gambit ended up being another Souls-like 2D adventure whose bark is louder than its bite. The two pillars central to this genre, movement and combat, are uninspired to say the least, which defeats the purpose of the game entirely.

Played with PlayStation 4 controller


  • I enjoyed the aesthetic of the game but was especially impressed with the voice acting and OST. Since I did not care much for the gameplay, the excellent music and voice acting are probably what drove me to finish the game. While voice acting is by no means essential to the story-line, I found it to be a very welcome addition that breathed life into the characters (especially Death (⌐■_■)) and kept me invested in the story. I just wonder why no voice acting was done for the protagonist.
  • Upon death, you drop a feather (your main healing item), which reduces your max by 1 until you pick it up again. While not terribly punishing initially, several deaths can make retrieval more challenging. It seems like the developers realized this and added a feature where you can pay to retrieve your feathers at every checkpoint. Furthermore, you can choose to sacrifice a specific number of feathers (also at the checkpoints) to boost your damage for the given area, giving the player a choice of risk/benefit. I find both features excellent as it makes the game more beginner and hardcore gamer friendly.


  • *shakes fist* why is there no map?! To be fair the layout of the land is fairly straightforward (you can either go North, South, East, or West from the main hub) so it is unlikely that you will get lost. Regardless I would have preferred to have a map instead of having to rely on my memory for two main reasons: [1] every time I took a break from this game I would have to spend a considerable amount of time reacquainting myself with the world; [2] you can have heroic rematches with bosses (basically harder rematches) and I wanted to get to the boss rooms quickly.
  • Not a fan of the (many) cutscenes between death and respawn. The timing of these cutscenes make perfect sense from the story’s perspective but I find these to be poorly placed from a practical standpoint. In many cases I was pumped full of adrenaline from a boss fight and (most likely) was frustrated because I just died. As such, I was either too frustrated, hyper, or eager to get back in the fight ASAP to fully appreciate the cutscenes.
  • There is a mechanic within the game, disenchanting, where you can exchange items/weapons/armour for soul stones, a resource central to upgrading your weapons and armour of choice. It would make sense that upgraded weapons (i.e. Sword +4) would be disenchanted for more soul stones, right? Wrong. This especially frustrates me since a large number of soul stones (32+) are required to upgrade items past a certain point, so why would the developers decide to be stingy with disenchantment? A simple way to get past this hurdle is to simply farm for items but I did not care to do so.


  • Very limited weapon arsenal. I was hesitant to upgrade my starting axe since I thought I would eventually find a better one. However, after a few hours of gameplay and a little research, I disappointingly discovered that there was no other axe. This seems to be the case with most other weapon types.
  • Uninspired skill tree. I often struggle with allocating my skill points when presented with an overwhelming array of useful skills. The opposite is true for Death’s Gambit; I did not want to invest my ability points simply because none of the upgrades intrigued me. Only a handful (at best) of unlocks have any use and these are mostly at the end of the ability tree.
  • My biggest pet peeve is the awkward movement. I can’t fully describe how bizarre and clunky the moment feels but it's almost as if you are controlling a limp ragdoll. I was still not used to it by the end of the game (around 7 hours in).
  • Similarly, weapon movesets are not particularly good either. Sure, the different weapons have specific advantages and disadvantages but the moveset for the axe in particular really grinds my gears: I literally could not hit the crystal lizard (same enemy as in Dark Souls) with my standard axe moveset because the enemy hitbox is too low. Instead I had to rely on perfectly timed jump attacks to graze it. Furthermore, given how limited the weapon movesets are, the mechanical skill cap (the required mechanical ability for you to play the game at your peak) is very low; you should be able to fully explore the ins and outs of a weapon within 10 minutes. The only remaining challenge is the timing for perries. In sum, the movement and combat are mediocre and bland, which is not something you expect from a game that focuses on combat.
  • This game also suffers from poor pacing. My biggest issue is that there seems to be a boss every 15-30 minutes. I would just begin to explore an area and when suddenly boss time, followed by area completed. It almost seems as if the developers could not figure out how to expand the game while keeping it entertaining so they just decided to throw in a bunch of bosses. Mediocre level design to say the least.


★★★☆☆ Missed the mark

Death’s Gambit is a poor attempt at making a 2D rendition of Dark Souls. It contains mediocre level design, poor pacing, awkward controls, and uninspired combat, none of which should be featured in a game of this genre. It is disappointing that the effort put behind the great OST and voice acting was not matched by the rest of the game design. I would recommend that you check out Blasphemous or Dead Cells instead.


If you found this review helpful, please give it a thumbs up and follow me on my curator page. Thank you for your support!

63 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 19:10
I found this game maddening. I took on one boss 100 times. I got lost. Had to consult out of date wikis and had to watch play throughs just to navigate around.

That said, It was awesome, and I wouldnt change a thing.
543 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 19:37
Stunning graphics, a gripping story and musical notes that strain your very understanding of awe.
Truly a gem.
58 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 17:58
Beautiful music, amazing graphics, challenging bosses, a great story, and good replayability. Would 100% recommend to anyone looking for a Metroidvania to play during quarantine.
395 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 13:26
What a hidden gem this is!
402 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 19:33
Beat the game - Started NG+3 --> refused the contract and made a mistake.......lost everything!
32 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 01:10
pixel art oyunları sevenler için sürükleiyici,güzel mekanikleri olan bir oyun.
1469 Produkte im Account
259 Reviews
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 01:48
TLDR: #DeathsGambit Very Intriguing, Soul creating, and developing, fighting hard times, gripping music, eerie, keyboard and mouse, Smooth as ice, no glitching, all ledges, you are jumping onto the platform, no grabbing edges. Artwork with depth. Played without crashes. This is a dark souls tomb raider vibe where you are RPG'ing it beautifully amongst like 8+- classes to choose from and play differently many times if you want. $ingleplayer. No Co-Op
feels like watching a movie of Game of Thrones - combines with that Sony exlusive games of those colossal sized monsters where you climbed them and reached vulnerable points.
You have a very good array of attacks while jumping and moving too.
Negative reviews did not scare me away from this game, BuT HumbleBundle Brought my CHOICE closer than it was ever before that month. Thanks all, it's a very good adventure action metroidvania game.
3436 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
1563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 02:09
This is one of my favorite Souls-likes I've ever played.

I love Dark Souls, but I'm quite picky when it comes to Souls-likes. This game nailed it for me where games like Nioh and The Surge have fallen flat.

It took me about 7 hours to complete my first (mostly blind) playthrough. I did find it a little hard to figure out where to go about halfway through, but I found a good walkthrough on Neoseeker that helped me out.

This is also one of the few games I've actually done NG+ in, just because I was having so much fun with my character and I wanted to see how it would do in a higher difficulty.

There's very good weapon variation, and you can make plenty of interesting builds.

I got this for 75% off, but I honestly would have been satisfied if I'd paid full price for it.
51 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 02:31
Very, very, very, VERY addicting!
Also very fun.
2277 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 13:58
Truly Magnificent Soundtrack! Beautiful pixel art and not too punishing soul-like difficulty, highly recommended!
1124 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 02:57
Cool ideas but is way too janky. You'll probably end up with this game from a humble bundle.
345 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 21:01
unfortunately the game crashes all the time when i read the first totem.
i reinstalled the game, looked out online for a solution, posted in the bug section on the steam forum without any kind of help from the devs so far so i have to give it a thumb down.

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_hint_message_ui:

Variable obj_hint_message_ui.display_text(106538, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_hint_message_ui_Draw_64
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_hint_message_ui_Draw_64 (line -1)
749 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 15:41
hard to recommend because its highly unpolished. very bugy. feels very unfinished because there arent many weapons in the game (1 of each type). seems like some areas were left unfinished and rushed. great setting (doenst take itself to serious), art, music and voiceacting. id recommend it only on sale
1906 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 11:35
This is such a great soulslike. There isn't super much stuff in between the bosses, so you have bossfights pretty often. The bossfights are varied and make lots of fun. Sure, there are some small bugs here and there, but nothin all too serious.
1803 Produkte im Account
373 Reviews
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 08:02
After the first hour:

It’s kind of hard to not call this game Dark Souls when the start of the game has you design a soul, so yes. It’s a 2D Dark Souls. I dislike Dark Souls due to the obscene difficulty. Yet I like Death’s Gambit. It’s not too hard, not too easy and a lot of fun.

This is kind of what you would expect from a 2D Dark Souls, there’s a lot of exploration, interesting systems, and solid design here. The art is good, the characters are interesting, tons of items to collect such as equipment, and more. However, there are a couple of glitches from what I saw, but not enough to ruin a fun experience.

The story seemed to be starting strong but it’s mostly told in flashbacks as you die and that’s not the best. Overall this game is similar to Blasphemous and that was a solid game too if you liked that, I recommend you check this out in some format.

Check it out if you like Metroidvanias, or Dark Souls type games, though it probably won’t be too difficult to master from what I saw. Even though I’m not a fan of Dark Souls games, I might come back for this one so consider that.

Video review of the games in the March 2020 Humble Bundle: https://youtu.be/Bm46kEOjKmM
259 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 17:49
Challenging platform game. I haven't played Dark Souls, but I understand that a lot of concepts in this game were taken from the Dark Souls series. It's also got a Metroidvania and Shadow of the Colossus feel to it, where the primary goal is to get to the boss fights, and find items and upgrade your character.

I played a number of hours, and died over 50 times so far, and it's a bit frustrating sometimes, but still enjoyable. You have to enjoy trying to beat the same bosses multiple times, and mastering your moves and timing to be effective.
256 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 15:14
Dark souls mixed with castlevania. They are going to release a free dlc adding a lot of content, the game definitely could use that. But it already is a really fun and cool game.
+ Some of the best bosses I have ever seen
+ great combat
+ the music
+ the story
+ the voice acting
- no map or way to know where you need to go
- The scythe class get's no new weapons and 1 ability made for mages.
447 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 13:48
A good balance of fun and challenging. I recommend buying it on a sale to get your moneys worth per hour of game play.
495 Produkte im Account
164 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 15:49
In general I wouldn't recommend it, the minor issues just add up to being more tiresome than the fun aspects especially considering there are a lot more polished games in the style that come together much better, I would suggest something like the Castlevania series instead.

+Interesting class choices to start with
+Good variety of skills/abilities to develop
+Loot for armor/accessories
+Voiced dialogue
+Overall artwork and UI look good
+Boss battles

-No map
-No real weapon improvements
-Sprites are very blocky at good resolutions
-No reminders for objective/direction if you pick up later
-Clunky combat, positioning, stamina drain
-Enemies respawn almost instantly
130 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 06:15
Unfortunately I have to agree with many of the negative reviews, however I will still recommend this game. Death's Gambit feels a bit rushed and there are many glitches. There is still fun to be had here though. Another Metroidvania game mixed with the souls series, meaning side scrolling action RPG with multiple ways to explore the map and very punishing enemies. With so many games out now that do it a little better, this game still has it's own feel to it. The combat is nice and the focus is on boss battles. You pick your class, level up, get better gear and keep progressing to get stronger. The key difference here from the soul series games are that when you die you keep your 'souls' but you drop a 'feather' which is used as a healing flask in this game until you retrieve it. I really didn't mind this because if you died.. you respawned at a checkpoint and then you were able to level up a little more before trying to retrieve your 'feather' again. The story is dark and atmospheric. If you can overlook a lot of the glitches there is a really good game here with potential for a more polished sequel.
Logo for Death's Gambit
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
81.37% 1834 420
Release:13.08.2018 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: White Rabbit Interactive Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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