• Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.
  • Death to Spies: Offizielle Screens zum Action-Adventure Death to Spies.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.10.2007
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Preis Update 31.12.24

Über das Spiel

Mitten im 2. Weltkrieg deutsches Territorium zu infiltrieren, ist kein Kinderspiel. Man kann es als Spiel auffassen - doch manche Spiele enden tödlich.

April 1944: Sie sind Feindesland, im Hauptquartier der Deutschen. Die Gefahr lauert hinter jeder Ecke, aber das Gebäude voller Feinde muss durchquert werden, um die Geiseln zu befreien. Ihre zuverlässigsten Waffen sind Intelligenz, Wagemut, Kampffertigkeit und nicht zuletzt, Ihre Fähigkeit, unbemerkt zu bleiben. Die Erfahrung hat Sie gelehrt, dass man in einer feindlichen Umgebung nichts dem Zufall überlassen darf.

  • Die nächste Stufe künstlicher Intelligenz. Der Gegner bemerkt selbst das kleinste Detail
  • die falsche Ausrüstung, eine befleckte Uniform, ungewöhnliches Verhalten, zu viele vermisste Personen...
  • Eine perfekte Mischung aus Infiltration und Taktik: Identifizieren Sie Ihre Position, Ziele und Feinde mittels der Minikarte, dem speziellen Inventarsystem...
  • Nicht-lineare Missionen: Erkunden Sie das Gelände auf einer Fläche von 7 km und erledigen Sie Ihre Aufgaben nach eigenem Ermessen. Aber Vorsicht - nicht jede Vorgehensweise funktioniert.
  • Unbegrenzte Spielbarkeit: Dank der hochentwickelten KI ist es nahezu unmöglich, dieselbe Mission zweimal zu spielen - Die Reaktionen des Gegners sind jedes Mal andere.
  • Historisch authentisch: Die Ihnen zugewiesenen Aufgaben sind von realen Missionen inspiriert, die während des 2.Weltkriegs stattfanden.

Hauptcharakter Semion Strogov ist ein professioneller Spion der russischen Gegenspionageeinheit "Smersh", die während des 2. Weltkrieges eingerichtet wurde und die Militäraktionen der Roten Armee gegen die Deutschen aus dem Hintergrund sicherte. Im Herzen des deutschen Hauptquartiers muss Strogov Dokumente stehlen oder fälschen, sabotieren, infiltrieren und Feinde kidnappen oder ausschalten. Alle Missionen innerhalb des Spiels sind realen historischen Operationen nachempfunden. FEATURES: - Gegner KI: Der Gegner bemerkt selbst das kleinste Detail - falsche Ausrüstung, eine blutbefleckte Uniform, ungewöhnliches Verhalten etc. - Perfekte Mischung aus Infiltration und Taktik macht alles möglich. - Nicht-lineare Missionen: Selbständiger Erkunden des Geländes auf einer Fläche von 7 Qkm, Aufgaben können variiert werden. - Unbegrenzte Spielbarkeit: Dank der hochwertigen KI ist es nahezu unmöglich, die selbe Mission zweimal zu spielen - die Reaktionen des Gegners sind jedes Mal andere...

Addons zum Spiel

Death to Spies: Moment of Truth 23.07.2009 1,04€


  • CPU:
  • GFX:
  • RAM:
  • Software: Windows Vista / XP / 2000
  • HD:
  • SFX:
  • INET:
  • MISC:
  • CPU:
  • GFX:
  • RAM:
  • Software: Windows Vista / XP / 2000
  • HD:
  • SFX:
  • INET:
  • MISC:

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 14:12
Sehr gutes Spiel auch wenn es schon älter ist.
48 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.19 14:48
Könnte ein gutes Spiel sein. Aber komplett verbuggt, man läuft manchmal seitlich obwohl man geradeaus will. Zudem die ganze Zeit Zischgeräusche im Hintergrund. Ich habs versucht aber ungenießbar leider.
56 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.18 19:26
Man müsste eigentlich noch Geld bekommen, wenn man dieses Spiel spielt, ganz zu schweigen von dem verwöhnt sein neuer spiele, ist die Waffenführung, wie als wenn man mit einer Lanze angreift oder töten will, hat man Langeweile und liebt langwierige Spiele SUPER
24 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.17 14:11
Ich brachte das Spiel zum laufen und es sag auch gut aus aber ich konnte die Keys nicht umbelegen und damit konnte ich mich mit der Maus nicht mehr umdrehen oder der Charakter ist nicht mehr aufgestanden.

Mit der Standardmausbelegung habe ich versucht das erste Level zu spielen. Und die ultra arischen ober deutschen in dem Spiel haben ein Gehör und Adleraugen, das ist der Wahnsinn. 100Meter entfernt hockt man in einem Busch und dem die nur im Augenwinkel sehen, schon kontrollieren die Gegner die Gegend.

Man schleicht sich mit dem langsamsten Bewegung die das Spiel zu bieten hat an einen heran und noch bevor man die Klavierseite an den Hals ansetzen kann dreht sich der Typ um.

Und da die Tasten unglaublich behindert belegt sind weiß ich nicht wie ich ihn verprügeln kann.

Also alles in allem alt und langweilig. Oder es ist mir einfach zu schwer^^

Preis war glaube etwas über 1EUR. Ich finde es dennoch gut das ansscheinend viele Leute Spaß mit dem Spiel haben, ich kam einfach nicht rein und bin wohl mit dem falschen Fuß aufgestanden ;-)
63 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.14 10:37
Dieses Spiel hat ein paar Bugs, die meisten lassen sich beheben indem man im Spiel unter --> Optionen --> Grafik --> Video
Tripel Buffer und Vert. Sync. aktiviert. Die Mausgeschwindigkeit wird beim erstemal öffnen auch ziemlich hoch sein, dass kann man ebenfall unter Optionen --> Steuerung --> Mauskonfiguration ändern in dem man die Mausgeschwindigkeit runter schraubt.

Zum Spiel:

Ein gutes altes Stealthspiel mit nicht der besten Grafik aber das ist nicht das wichtigste, stimmts?
Schön große Maps mit gutem Level Design. Zwischen den Level auch Abwechlung nicht immer das gleiche Theme und mal drinnen mal draußen.
Schwierigkeit ist für mich hoch, ich bin auch nicht der beste! (: Für jeden der alte Steathspiele mag zu empfehlen vorallem wenn es im Sale ist :p
11 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 15:20
good stealth but hard
183 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 18:39
Really fun (if slightly flawed) Hitman-like game set in World War 2.
Glitchy, but a good game. I'm looking forward to playing the sequel!
Also, it runs well on Linux!
1078 Produkte im Account
948 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 17:00
its a walking shitty simulator!
idk how many vodka you need to drink to put a positive review on this trash
82 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 01:25
Damn this game takes me a long time to beat on each level but it is a really good game.
I'm usually not a fan of stealth games as I get frustrated easily but for some reason I'm enjoying this one. I guess I like the atmosphere.
It's also good for listening to slavic music or podcasts in the background.
19 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 11:33
This is my very first and best game this is a story about the Second World War
I advise everyone to buy this game!!!!!
1330 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 04:48
How is this game still broken?
Same developers of Alekhine's Gun, which ok is supposed to be more modern but released fairly buggy and broken.
It would appear Haggard/Maximum has no interest in fixing these issues.

Ran through tutorial, got stuck on the stairs.
Does restart mean restart at checkpoint.
Nope. The whole tuturial/mission again.

I'm so happy I only spend $1 on this mess.
339 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
1202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 22:09
Death to spies is like a Hitman-themed WWII game. But the Hitman series are like a billion times better...

Buy it if you're curious, when it's cheap.
276 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 07:41
it's fucken great. A stealth game that is actually hard (at least if you're doing a no-guns run-through). yeah bits are buggy af, no it's not impeccably realistic, and yet it's still better than basically any stealth game released in recent years
282 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 17:40
Here is the moment of truth about this game:

It is a bug ridden legacy of old stealth games. Play it if you want to see how you SHOULD NOT make a stealth game or if you feel nostalgic for old bad games, because you didn't have anything else to play back then.
107 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 17:48
A poor man's Hitman. Make no mistake, though, it's a very solid stealth game. My only complaint is that the game is too short.
168 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 19:48
This game is good though it is very rough around the edges (keep in mind that this is an old game). First thing: activate vsync and triple buffer in your video settings in order to solve any issues regarding NPCs and your character getting stuck into walls.

This game is really a good alternative to hitman but don't expect a plethora of options to get your objectives done. What I love most about this game is the fact that it does not hold your hand and it's really challenging to solve the missions the assassin way. Most of the time you are thrown right in the middle of the action and you have to figure out how to reach your objectives, read on clues that pop up on the map when you are close to them and try to not get caught in the process.

The bad side of this game is the fact that it is a bit limited in what it has to offer. It does try to be a Russian hitman saboteur game but it only reaches 50% of that aim. Another sad thing is that it does not have an option to choose your missions so you have to constantly save in order to not lose progress on your new mission. Also, there is no option to restart your mission and select different gear. The camera is a bit off as well, so walking straight will be difficult sometimes in narrow corridors. The AI is not super great like in hitman, but it gets the job done. On the bright side, the sequel to this game (Moment of Truth) did make some efforts to make the gameplay better but sadly it is also shorter.

I highly recommend it if you like a game that makes you a veteran assassin and can have some really nice surprises sprinkled for you along the way.
23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 14:16
I must say one of the best third person shooter/stealth games in my opinion ,such a great experience playing it. Very trying game as you go up with the difficulties! I recommend it and its only 2.99 if you buy the gold edition!
264 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 11:18
Game bought on sale, started first time: Crashed.
Started again, set resolution to my 1080p native resolution: Crashed.
Played the tutorial: After moving 2 meters I was unable to move faster than 1 step per 10 seconds. Very infuriating.

Maybe it's my install, since I see many positive reviews, but for me it's a definite no-no.
233 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 02:58
I think it could be quite a good game, it reminds me of Hitman 2 Silent Assassin and Hitman Contracts. However at least for me there's some frustrating bugs that make it almost unplayable, my character keeps getting stuck and can't move, the camera also glitches out and my character is facing the wrong way. I tried turning on vsync, triple buffering and limiting the framerate but nothing worked, and I'm using windows 10. I'll try the sequel to see if it's better
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 14:15
If you want to kill time, i recommend this.
107 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 15:36
Jerma985 brought me here
53 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 01:50
If you plan on massacaring everyone in a level for entertainment, then I highly reccomend bringing all the grenades that are left in the briefing and the MP40 gun with all magazines. There are SO many enemies in one area its pretty easy to lure everyone of them inside a small room or a hallway such as Stronghold. Grenades in this game are extremely op and have long range that can kill anyone around it, including you so be aware of your throwing range. Other than that, good luck killing everyone, make sure you quicksave from time to time to save your healthbar and grenade deaths.
189 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
1156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 08:36
A realistic military take on the stealth genre where you will be assassinating, stealing secret documents, using subterfuge, subverting, sabotaging, rescuing, kidnapping & scouting in WWII as a Soviet SMERSH agent. Gameplay is a mix of traditional stealth and social stealth with a threat meter to indicate how quickly foes and civilians detect you depending on what you're doing, what your wearing, what is equipped and if you have the right papers. Even having the wrong guns/equipment/backpack can get you spotted if not the certain individuals who don't recognize you as part of their own unit. Its no Light and Sound meter but its an easy, consistent way to gauge if your about to get spotted. You can switch between standing, crouching and crawling plus you can peek from any stance with 3 movement speeds of running, walking and sneaking. To maximize your chances you will have to use a range of different uniforms, weapons & equipment of era from different factions while stealthily completing objectives either sneaking through the dense foliage and/or hiding in plain sight. While different uniforms will give you access to certain areas it can't be used if you knifed or shot your target due to the bloody mess it leaves so either aim for the head or choke/knock out the target instead. Both killing and knocking out targets matters too as a quick method may take less time but is noisier so planning and timing is needed same goes for using distractions like whistling or throwing objects. Uniquely vehicles are in-game as well serving as quick transportation or a means of sneaking/hiding. You can go gun blazing but its very difficult and you will be outnumbered or run out of ammo so stealth is key as your foes will adapt and react accordingly once an alarm is made, a body is found and an audible gun shot/explosion goes off. Though the options to kill a target is limited then say Hitman you get much more varied objectives then simply to kill a single or couple of targets at large intricate levels with lots of foes and non-combatants that will make you plan out your approach. The story and characters aren't really as interesting sadly as its a very basic interview but the missions themselves are either historically adapted or based upon making it a treat for fellow historians. Graphics are dated but still looks nice and runs smooth while the audio and soundtrack are alright too but are very limited. To help fix the crashing and bugs run the exe with Windows XP Service Pack 3 as it worked for me. In summery its a fun and challenging stealth game that's a mix of different elements from other series making something unique.
87 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.19 00:25
It's like a WW2 Hitman
684 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
4129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.15 01:46
Death to Spies is probably the most niche recommendation I can possibly give.
While by no means is it bad, it's definitely the type of game you're either going to love or hate.
The problems it has are pretty big.

It has almost no sense of atmosphere, with many levels lacking music. Most of the characters in-game are lacking any sense of real voice acting.
Most blatantly the international version of the game is censored to not include swastikas or Hitler portraits.
There are NO subtitles whatsoever, and the few english voice actors they brought on to do cutscene work are absolutely monotone, beneath even Bethesda level.

Thankfully, if you're in love with stealth games, all of this is trumped by the frankly insane amount of work put into the game's levels and mechanics. You will probably never find a stealth game that's as hard, yet as fair as this one.
You will work for HOURS finding the perfect disguise and route to penetrate the ONE small hole in security the developers made for you, and you will fucking LOVE it.

That said? If you don't feel like spending loads of time, patience and thought on any given level in a stealth game, you're probably playing the wrong one.
Death to Spies has levels so difficult and guarded that the game expects a degree of lethality, rewarding the best rating in spite of 10 or so guards killed at times. This makes it fairly unique amongst the game's peers in that while it doesn't encourage lethality, it makes it a necessity rather than shunning murder altogether.

If you like tough as nails, yet fair and complex stealth games to the point that you can tolerate questionable delivery? Pick this game up.
You owe it to yourself.
83 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.13 23:50
After completing this game on the hardest difficulty, I can say, that this is the only game that has a similar gameplay to the Hitman franchise. And if it didn't had an unlimited save option on the last difficulty, it was going to be a lot harder than any of the Hitman games. This game is definitly not for everyone. It is one of the hardest stealth games ever made and shooting your way out is impossible on most of the missions. The game has the wonderful stealth feauture of hiding in plain sight by using different disguises to infiltrate enemy areas. But most of the places are so crowded, that you will find it very hard to remain undetected, even if you take an unique disguise. Getting a disguise is not easy, enemies are hard to be distracted most of the times and after getting distracted, they can become very unpredictable, so you have to be very patient. Things I liked about the game are:
+ this is a pure stealth game that combines a lot of elements from other stealth games
+ disguises work significantly well, as long as you don't do anything suspicious;
+ things like running, crouching or crawling are suspicious, so you cannot act strange in front of your enemy and hope you can get away with it;
+ in order for you disguise to work, as a Russian spy, you must only carry enemy German weapons or they will detect you;
+ disguises work only if they are acquired after sedating, strangling or stunning an enemy, which means you cannot shoot someone, take his clothes and expect to fool someone else, while the outfit is covered in blood;
+ if enemies get alerted after sounding an alarm, like when they found an unconscious body for example, this will automatically mean you can no longer use stealth as an onption because enemies know there is something very wrong with the situation and won't be fooled again. So you must be stealthy all the time, in order to complete most of the missions;
+ you have a lot tools at your disposal like chloroform for sedating, strangling wire, pliers, knifes, pitlocks, explosives, snipers an other other guns and most of the times, you can choose what you need the at the start of every mission;
+ the minimap and the detection meter are very helpful to complete the mission;
+ you have a rating system that monitors your playstyle like in the Hitman franchise
Things I didn't like about the game are:
- you don't have that much of a freedom like in the Hitman titles;
- they can detect you too easily at times, especially when enemies tend to stare at you for no reason.
- characters seem to be communicating with each other, but you can never hear real actual conversations
- the story is very weak, so if you are looking for a good plot in the WW2 era and a motive to complete the levels to see what happens next, this is not the case
- the character you play as is also too plain. You won't hear him say anything during the missions and you won't find him interesting at all like Agent 47 from the Hitman games.
- the game was not polished and it has some technical issues
Overall, this game was not fully developed. It has some very interesting and challenging gameplay and most of the times, it surpasses the gameplay of other stealth games especially in realism, but due to the fact that the game was made with a low budget, it wasn't developed to be a top-selling title. I only recommend this game to people who really enjoy playing stealth games, especially Hitman fans.
Logo for Death to Spies
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
69.3% 246 109
Release:12.10.2007 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Haggard Games Vertrieb: 1C Company Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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