- Taktische Zerstücklung - Trenne Gliedmaßen mit mächtigen Waffen ab und hinterlasse einen blutigen Pfad in den Horden der Aliens. Finde effektive Wege, die Angreifer auszuschalten, um nicht überrannt zu werden. Geht dir die Munition aus, kannst du Telekinese nutzen, um Objekte oder sogar die Arme und Beine deiner Gegner aufzuheben und sie allem entgegenzuschleudern, das sich dir in den Weg stellt.
- Terror in den abgelegenen Weiten des Alls - Ein blutgetränktes interaktives Horror-Erlebnis mit topaktueller Grafik und Effekten, einem Angst einflößenden Audio-System und der wirklich beängstigenden Atmosphäre von Tod und Verderben.
- Echte Schwerelosigkeit - Bekämpfe gnadenlose Feinde und löse fordernde Rätsel in noch nie dagewesenen Umgebungen mit Schwerelosigkeit, die neue Maßstäbe im Survival-Horror setzen.
- Decke die grausame Wahrheit auf - Dringe zu dem grauenhaften Mysterium vor, um den Ansturm der Aliens aufzuhalten. Erfahre die tragische Geschichte des Untergangs der Ishimura durch die letzten verzweifelten Logbucheinträge der auf scheußliche Art veränderten Crew.
Dead Space
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 07:46
...ist und bleibt mein all-time-favorite Horrorspiel.
unbeschreibliche Atmosphäre durch krank kreative Kreaturen, unbeschreiblich guten Sound, eine packende Geschichte, grandiose Grafik und geniales Gameplay.
Wer diese Perle noch nicht gespielt hat, hat was verpasst.
1004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 10:34
Nicht Empfohlen
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 08:49
Don't get me wrong: Back in 2008 this game was sure a fantastic game - but not in 2021. In addition to the technical issues the game is too linear. No way to freely explore around.
687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 15:19
Wenn man Dead Space heute spielt, merkt man, wie weit es damals anderen Spielen voraus war. Alle HUD Elemente direkt am Charakter anzubringen war damals innovativ und daran hat sich bis heute auch nichts geändert. Einfach nur klasse! Auch vom Sounddesign her kenne ich kaum ein besseres Horror Spiel. Der Sound soll im Remake generalüberholt werden... wenn die sich da nicht ins eigene Fleisch schneiden... Grafisch sieht man, dass es älter ist, aber ich denke dank des Anzugs und der ohnehin sehr sterilen Umgebung des Raumschiffs fällt das gar nicht so sehr auf.
Eigentlich gibt es nur 2 Punkte, die mich stören.
Nr.1: die Controllersteuerung. Analogstick reagiert ziemlich spät und wenn, dann viel zu schnell. Tastenbelegung hätte ich auch lieber in typischer Shooter Steuerung.
Nr. 2: die Ragdoll Physik. Was damals schon irgendwie spaßig war, finde ich heute nur noch unrealistisch und nervig. Niedergeschossene Gegner oder Möbel verhalten sich, als wären sie Luftbalons.
Fazit: Remake oder nicht? Ich bin skeptisch, da es nicht die original Entwickler machen. Die sind mit dem Calisto Protokoll beschäftigt und haben mit EA nicht mehr zu tun. Das wäre fast so, als würden andere außer Piranha Bytes ein Gothic Remake machen! Ein totales Verbrechen! *lol*
Also, ich finde ein Remake unnötig, bin aber trotzdem sehr gespannt drauf.
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 15:39
Nicht Empfohlen
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 12:59
2531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 12:41
It's a very good survival horror game that holds up well in my opinion being able to still put tension and stress on the player, even though I for instance already played several playthroughs!
1667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 17:44
Ich liebe Dead Space, und wer ebenfalls am Martyrium des Isaac Clarke teilhaben will, muss sich dieses Spiel zulegen!
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 06:14
SciFi Horror von 2008,
1.150tes Review in meinem Archiv.
Ein riesiges Minenschiff verliert die Energie und die Lichter gehen aus, nachdem ein seltsames antikes Artefakt auf einem entfernten Planeten ausgegraben wurde. Ingenieur Isaac Clarke begibt sich auf eine Reparaturmission und stößt auf ein albtraumhaftes Blutbad. Die gesamte Crew wurde dahingemetzelt und von einer außerirdischen Plage infiziert. Isaac ist auf sich alleine gestellt, sitzt fest und muss in dieser aussichtslosen Situation ums Überleben kämpfen. (Herausgeber) Soweit der Hintergrund zum Spiel.
Du übernimmt die Rolle des Schiffs- beziehungsweise Kommunikationsingenieurs Isaac Clarke, der als Teil einer Reparaturcrew auf dem Bergbauraumschiff USG Ishimura strandete.
Was ist mit der verschwundenen Besatzung passiert? Du befindest dich in einer futuristischen Umgebung. Die Handlung wird dabei weitestgehend durch Audio- Video- Logbücher der vermissten Besatzungsmitglieder erklärt, die du im Spielverlauf findest.
Auftakt zu einer ganzen Serie von Spielen und DLCs.
Gut gemachte Umgebung in 3D Egosicht.
3 Wichtige Schiffe und 10 Wichtige Personen.
Realistische Schwerelosigkeit.
Interessante Geschichte.
Ein wenig RPG.
Gibt nichts das mir aufgefallen wäre, Bugs die mal vorhanden waren sind in all den Jahren behoben worden.
Mir selbst gefällt die Waffenwirkung nicht die ja nötig ist weil das Spiel auch ein Shooter ist. Die meisten Waffen sind fast völlig wirkungslos. Aber dies reicht nicht um es ab zu empfehlen.
Empfehlung, schaut euch es vorher genauer an.
Nur die Toten überleben.
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Dead space
SciFi Horror from 2008,
1,150th review in my archive.
A giant mine ship loses power and the lights go out after a strange ancient artifact is unearthed on a distant planet. Engineer Isaac Clarke goes on a repair mission and encounters a nightmarish bloodbath. The entire crew was slaughtered and infected by an alien plague. Isaac is on his own, stuck and has to fight for survival in this hopeless situation. (Editor) So much for the background to the game.
You take on the role of marine or communications engineer Isaac Clarke, who was stranded as part of a repair crew on the USG Ishimura mining spaceship.
What happened to the missing crew? You are in a futuristic environment. The action is largely explained by audio-video logbooks of the missing crew members, which you can find during the game.
Prelude to a whole series of games and DLCs.
Well-made environment in 3D ego view.
3 important ships and 10 important people.
Realistic weightlessness.
Interesting story.
A little RPG.
Nothing that I would have noticed, bugs that were there have been fixed over the years.
I don't like the weapon effect myself, which is necessary because the game is also a shooter. Most weapons are almost completely ineffective. But this is not enough to recommend it.
Recommendation, take a closer look at it beforehand.
Only the dead survive.
My group and my archive with over 1,150 reviews here:
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and discover more reviews from me ????
849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 12:56
Errungenschaften: Nein
- Annehmbare Grafik
- Sehr guter Sound
- Spannende und düstere Atmosphäre
- Gute Story
- Sinnvolles Waffenupgradesystem
- Gutes Gameplay (In der Schwerelosigkeit super umgesetzt)
- Kleinere Bugs (Besonders bei toten Körpern)
- Rätsel und Bosse sind keine Herausforderungen
- Protagonist spricht garn nicht
Dead Space ist ein Third-Person-Shooter im Horrorgenre. Dieses Spiel verdient es sich in dieses Genre einzureihen. Die düstere Atmosphäre und die Geräuschkulisse sind einmalig. Das fängt da schon im Menü an. Wenn man die Maus dort hektisch hin und her bewegt, wird die Musik intensiver. Die Grafik im Spiel lässt sich heute noch blicken. Die Story ist spannend und fügt sich gut in diese düstere Welt ein. Leider spricht der Protagonist nicht, was sich leider erst ab dem zweiten Teil ändert...
Das Gameplay ist gut. Besonders positiv sind mir die Passagen in der Schwerelosigkeit in Erinnerung geblieben. Die Rätsel und Kämpfe gegen Bosse sind jedoch keine Herausforderung, da auch bei höherer Schwierigkeit genügend Munition zur Verfügung steht (Wenn man ordentlich wirtschaftet).
Abschließend zu sagen: Ein Spieleklassiker der definitiv Empfehlenswert ist!!!!
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 00:07
Dead Space is an absolute master craft of Action Horror. It took all the right notes from RE4, expanded and improved upon the basics such as camera control and aiming, and of course with it's own unique setting and method of combat: it ended up being one of the most iconic games in it's genre.
To this day it remains one of my favorite Action Horror games. It's execution of horror elements at times feels lacking (an over reliance on jump scares, for example), but the look and aggression of the necromorphs, the brutality of the combat as you hack limbs apart and try to get some breathing room- It just comes together to create a really tense combat loop.
The game has some issues running on modern PCs, but they can be fixed pretty easily in my experience. I don't think the lackluster port is enough to completely sway me from saying this game is still worth playing, even with the remake coming in the near future.
The tl;dr is that while Dead Space isn't the scariest game ever, it's very competently made as an action horror game in the same vein as RE4. Good combat, memorable monsters with a pretty decent roster of weapons, in a unique setting- Topped off with it's own lore and worldbuilding being obvious right out of the gate. The game is just very very well made.
While I'm excited for the remake, since it seems EA put a dev team in charge of making it that, low and behold, actually respects the source material- I can't help but feel bitter with how EA almost intentionally killed this series, only to dig up it's corpse because the RE game remakes have been mostly well received.
This game was always great, it's sequel is also great.
EA did Visceral dirty.
Play Dead Space.
1136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 02:34
3060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 18:35
Know I'm gonna enjoy the hell outta 2, probably skip 3. Eager for the remake.
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 03:36
Through crazy sci-fi hell
The Diner Of Death is servin' tonight
To beware of the clientelle
Better grab your plasma cutter
Gonna slice through limbs like a blade through butter
Better grab your plasma cutter
You know why...
We're makin' Necromorph Soup
(Necromorph Soup)
It's a very simple recipe just giblets, guts and goop
We're makin' Necromorph Soup
(Necromorph Soup)
Murder's on the menu, come and grab yourself a scoop
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 07:05
My main problem with the steam version however, is the mouse support is quite bad so you'll have really slow sensitivity when you first start and need to be fixed via the game files but you can find that fix in the guides which is great but just a warning for those getting into it and using the mouse. Controller support is fully supported and works perfectly aswell.
Highly recommend for those into horror games, RE4 and just want a really fun game in space.
1387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 23:14
Isaac Clarke gives 10 'aaaaghhhhs' out of 'aaaaghhhh'
Isaac Clarkes tech tips for windows 10 users : disable vsync ingame then set Vertical Sync On in Nvidia control panel / Manage 3D Settings / Program Settings for the game.
1869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 12:37
865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 03:40
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 15:59
Certainly not recommend playing it by night or in total darkness unless you are of awesome health.
Important advice: Play it to the end! If you dare.
An absolute must-have for all horror- and action-fans , Also Impatiently waiting for the remastered version.
750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 08:48
Overall its 9/10 i have problems from the start which needed fixing but the game's hella great even this year.
822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 01:01
There is a point when you stop getting scared or overwhelmed and you just point your weapon at everywhere as soon as you hear a sound, mentally preparing for what comes. Yes it may be scary at the very beginning but that wears out extremely fast, that's one of the main downsides i find in this game, and the only relevant one.
This game is exhausting, and again, I don't say that as a bad thing. When the game ends and you reach the credits, you feel as tortured, beaten and broken as the main character does. It truly makes you feel like you went through hell.
Sound is overwhelmingly good; i played both using headphones and speakers and it's just as good. (be sure to play the game on surround)
Also, the fact that there are no intruding elements on the screen as you play its damn tasty. You only see what your character sees. That along with the sound quality, makes the experience really immersive.
Controls are a bit stiff, but it's just like most horror games anyway, just the right ammount of responsiveness. Controls being stiff, far from making the game worse, it makes you feel more vulnerable.
This is not a sandbox game that will give you the tools to come up with your own fun; this is no Dishonored, or Half Life, or Far Cry. This game gives you a few tools, a pathetic amount of ammo, gives you a good luck thumbs - up, and then dropkicks you into hell. And then it's up to you to survive.
Highly recommended. Give it a go.
945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 21:58
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 21:28
The story is great and executed very well. It is told in a subtle way that doesn’t pull you out of the immersion. The gameplay is tight and innovative even by today’s standards. Couple that with great graphics and you have a fun game without compromise.
Just as the Resident Evil franchise gradually drifted into more action, Dead Space dropped and reignited the survival horror back in gaming. Dead Space is highly recommended for every gamer that likes a fun overall well crafted 3rd person shooter. To fans of the genre that have not played this yet, it’s pretty much an obligation.
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 00:42
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 23:23
1009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 05:54
This playthrough was my first contact with Dead Space series and basically with whole horror games genre (always found those too stressful for my taste) and I have to admit - I am satisfied.
It's a bit difficult to review tho.
I loved the tense and thrilling atmosphere filled with uncertainty, madness and unanswered questions. Walking through countless Ishimura's corridors really had me on my toes. Unfortunately, necromorphs suddenly jumping out of the vents quickly became too predictable - after like 2 or 3 chapters you could smell the danger from a mile away (but encounters were exciting enough not to hate it).
The story isn't the greatest side of Dead Space. Well, it's not great, not terrible tho. I felt like I've seen it before many times. It was an okay addition to the gameplay, but sadly nothing more. Also... God.. those plot twists at the end.. felt kinda cheap and stupid.
The variety of weapons you can choose from is satisfying as well as the way you can upgrade them. The game doesn't force this at all - you can customize your equipment with what fits you the most. You can even complete the game with only the Plasma Cutter, the first one you find (I spent most of my time with it - definitely most reliable one).
Next thing I have to praise is the fresh air it brings (or at least it did in 2008). Aiming for the limbs to eventually cut it and not for the head for the highest damage is something you have to get used to. I also loved how Dead Space liked to play with physics - zero gravity and 'vacuum' (where no one can hear you scream... and you can't hear necromorphs scream either - which makes them even more terrifying) zones were fun addition to basic gameplay.
The necromorphs are also very well designed and the variety of them requires you to adjust your tactics to each type of them - certain weapons works better than others for a specific type of enemy and focusing specific limb can also save the day. Just not the Leviathan.. this fight was awfully boring.
Classifying Dead Space as a horror game is one of the arguable things about it. I personally (like I wrote earlier, I don't have huge horror games experience) haven't found it that scary. It contains a lot of gore and deformed bodies (necromorphs were people once) so I guess it depends on the player if those bother them. It also felt it is too long (takes 12-15 hours to complete depending on playstyle) which made the horrifying encounters not so horrifying. Or maybe Dead Space is just not scary anymore, but it was back in the 2008, which brings me to my last point.
The game feels quite outdated. Some textures, faces look simply bad nowadays and the aiming is just plain terrible. The game requires a bit of patience and tolerance to enjoy it.
Overall I think Dead Space is worth trying even in 2021 but if you are not a fan of playing bit outdated titles you should wait for the remake which is coming soon (if ofc turns out good). I had my fun playing it and it definitely encouraged me to play DS2 and try horror games more confidently.
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 19:29
The graphics has aged surprisingly well for a 2008 game. The facial animation of the characters are very well made and the use of lightning and environment effects are brillant . The sound design is mesmerizing, you truly feel isolated while being constantly stalked by the creatures.
Level design is good and varied. They did a good job making each puzzle and encounters varied. The zero gravity section well dones.
The exposition of the story is good and keep you engaged althought the pace get slower for a couple of chapters.
Overall it a masterpiece in sound design and atmosphere that take inspiration from The Thing, Event Horizon and Resident Evil. I recommend to play this on higher difficulty because it can become too easy later in the game.
Nicht Empfohlen
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 11:13
1570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 20:02
Just be warned this is a mediocre PC port, best google the quirks or read other reviews for what to expect in that regard. However, I can assure you that its completely worth it, this game and its sequel are unreal.
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 22:14
Also, I am very excited for the remaster! Perhaps wait for the remaster to be released before picking this one up. It might end up being the superior way to experience this gem. Who knows?
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 16:02
841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 00:43
The creatures are fantastic but they are totally dark and again, as extreme as possible in their design. I mean there's a mutated head and spine that rolls around on the floor looking to attach itself to you and replace the ones that you already have. There is also a human fetus monster with retracting tentacles which runs around like a dog. The way that they tease new creature designs as you progress through the campaign, before they reveal them upfront, is awesome. One of the creepiest creatures for me, is the one that is stuck to a wall and screams like a banshee. The creative freedom and talent that these guys had when making this game results in a truly scary and intense experience, even if the horror is a little over the top at times. It's not just the horror that makes Dead Space great though, the design in general is pretty fantastic, from the ship and machinery, to the suits and the different types of environments. This is one of the most immersive and well designed games ever made.
The only thing negative that I could say about this game, is that it's maybe a little too intense. It might have benefited from some more levity to balance out the horrific tone. The Resident Evil series does this very well using cheesy characters, hot girls and general silliness. Dead Space kinda goes a bit in this direction by making a big deal over the suit changes and some mini-game type stuff. Dead Space does have a sense of humor but I think a bit more levity, would have helped this game, while not toning down any of the horror of course.
Anyway Dead Space does so many things so well that it's just a hands down, awesome, cool horror game. Playing it in 2021, around 13 years after it came out, I just got totally into it and I even forgot that I wasn't playing a new game. The atmosphere and creativity in Dead Space just make it timeless. There is also a nice progression system which left me tempted to play through the campaign for a second time. I highly recommend that you play this game, it is indeed a stone cold classic and honestly one of the best games available here on Steam.
835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 07:21
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 20:52
TL:DR -- This is an incomplete product. If you're not willing to do your own maintenance, steer clear of it.
546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 15:34
Dead Space truly is a masterpiece, and at the conclusion of the expertly paced seven-hour campaign, it easily ranks as one of my favourite games of all time. The three points below should neatly summarize most of the reasons why I love this game:
- The game contains incredibly satisfying combat which you won’t easily succeed in by randomly clicking to win. Targeting weak points and cutting off limbs feels great to pull off, and I rarely felt the need to stick to one weapon, as different enemies called the need for different firearms to dispatch them more effectively. This is backed up by the excellent sound design which makes every threat scary, yet equally, super rewarding to kill, even while lacking something like an experience points system. It felt consistently challenging on medium difficulty; I could never walk into any combat scenario unprepared as that would lead to death. I had to plan my shots carefully, listen out for my surroundings, and know when to stand my ground and when to run away.
- This game heavily reminds me of the Half-Life series in design, as there are very few instances where control will be taken away from you, even during important dialogue. I maybe counted like 5-6 times where the game took away that control, and the game still successfully presents a relatively compelling narrative. Furthermore, accessing your inventory, the store and all other menus does not pause your game, meaning immersion is only broken if you decide to pause the game.
- The levels ooze creativity, especially in the zero-gravity sections which completely change the way you traverse and fight in its 3D space. Even though much of what you will be moving through consists of claustrophobic hallways and the occasionally more open area, the environments never feel repetitive, and the objectives constantly feel fresh, even in the couple of levels where you travel back to earlier areas in the game.
The only negatives I could conceive about this game is that there’s a small bit of outside configuration you need to go through for the best experience, and like many of EA’s earlier steam releases, there are no steam achievements. However, neither of these are very important when it comes to recommending this game. This was such an incredible experience from start to finish, and I hope the upcoming remake is as good as the original is, if not better. 10/10.
1006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 10:59
Dead Space
=== [ ???? Difficulty: ] ===
☐ No Difficulty
☐ Easy
☑ Standard
☐ Big Learning Curve
☐ Hard
☐ Impossible
=== [ ???? Audience: ] ===
☐ Everyone
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Mature
=== [ ???? Graphics: ] ===
☐ What Is This?
☐ Bad
☑ Acceptable
☐ Good
☐ Great
☐ Stylistic
☐ Beautiful
☐ Masterpiece
=== [ SOUND/MUSIC ] ===
☐ Bad
☐ Nothing Special
☐ Good
☑ Great
☐ Beautiful
☐ I´m Gonna Cry
=== [ ???? Story] ===
☐ This Game Has No Story
☐ Nothing Special
☐ It´s Alright
☑ Well Written
☐ Epic Story
☐ Thinking About It, When I Sleep
=== [ GRINDING ] ===
☐ Nothing To Grind
☑ Isn't Necessary To Progress
☐ Average Grind Level
☐ A Lot Of Grinding
☐ You‘ll Need A Second Life For Grinding
=== [ ???? Price ] ===
☐ Free
☐ Underpriced
☑ Perfect Price (Even for it's age)
☐ Could Be Cheaper
☐ Overpriced
=== [ ☣ Requirments: ] ===
☐ A Toaster Could Run This
☑ Low
☐ Average
☐ Above Average
☐ High End
☐ NASA Computer
=== [ ⏰ Game time/length ] ===
☐ Really short ( 0 - 4 hours)
☐ Short ( 4 - 12 hours)
☑ Average ( 12 - 24 hours)
☐ Long ( 24+ hours)
☐ Multiplayer/Neverending
=== [ ???? Bugs ] ===
☐ Game itself is a bug
☐ Lot of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☑ Nothing
=== [ ENJOYMENT ] ===
☐ I´d Rather Watch Grass Grow
☐ Hard To Enjoy
☐ Repetitive
☐ It's Okay
☐ Fun To Be Had For Sure
☑ The Kind Of Fun You Will Remember
☐ Life Changing
☐ One-Time Experience
☐ Only For Achievements
☑ If You Wait A Few Months/Years
☐ Definitely
☐ Infinitely Replayable/Multiplayer
=== [ WORTH PLAYING ] ===
☐ No
☐ Wait For A Sale
☑ Yes
☑ I Can´t Recommend It Enough
⭐️Upgrading armour and weapons.
⭐️Fighting your way through a space station.
⭐️Defeating the bosses.
????The best kind of horror/sci-fi.
Another great game that I missed when I was younger, the best thing I can take away from this is at least I got the opportunity to play it now. Dead Space still holds strong on it's own and that's a big achievement considering it was released in 2008, the only minor fault I see within this game has to be the graphics but that can't be helped unless it gets a remaster (Which has been rumoured).
Play this gripping sci-fi horror for all it's glory, the story and gameplay is absolutely amazing and still deserves many hours to be put into it. I didn't have to alter anything to get this game to boot up but I have seen some review saying differently so I guess it's down to the specs on your PC. Either way, buy this game if you want to play a REAL sci-fi horror.
Total Score = 95/100.
Dead Space franchise, Resident Evil
Dead Space is a 2008 survival horror video game, this title was the first in the Dead Space franchise and drew inspiration from other works of horror, notably Resident Evil 4 and the Silent Hill series.
Set on a mining spaceship overrun by monsters called Necromorphs, the player player controls engineer Isaac Clarke from the third-person perspective as he navigates the spaceship, fights Necromorphs, and struggles with increasing psychosis. The player explores areas on the station through a chapter-based narrative, solving environmental puzzles while finding ammunition and equipment to survive. Isaac wields engineering equipment as a weapon.
■■■■■■■■■□ 9 / 10
Isaac.. I don't know if you're the sane or insane character in all this.
OS: Microsoft Windows® XP SP2 or Vista
Processor: 2.8 GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX® 9.0c / NVIDIA GeForce 6800 / ATI X1600 Pro
Hard Drive: 7.5 GB free space
2968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 23:23
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 09:45
909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 19:28
I cannot get over this game being from 2008
Throw away all bias you might have towards games released in 2008 when you head into this one. It looks like a 2018 game. The graphics are amazing, the controls and game play is superb, the story is good, and it was cheap as hell. It cannot get any better than this. How can a game like this beat games released in 2018 (cough cough, looking at you Call of Cthulhu)?? I will never know. The whole time playing this I had to remind myself that it was a 2008 game and that made it so much better. The no gravity parts were awesome. I seriously had fun here. No regrats!
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 01:00
Most of it involves messing around with Nvidia Inspector to mess around with the graphics and allow for higher or consistent FPS while playing, oh, and you need to install a program that disabled the border around your game since playing in full-screen is simply not possible or recommended. Although others have done this and enjoyed the game once done, I just don't want to go through this whole process to only enjoy the game for its 11 hours of content that it will give me only for me not to touch it again... I have fond memories of this game on Xbox. Guess I'm going to have to hold onto those memories from now on.
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 04:29
It's hard to believe that this game was released in 2007, due to it's great animations and gore/dismemberment.
Granted, this PC port is abysmal, requires a mod to be able to use mouse controls at all, and the physics engine is broken at refresh rates over 30hz. However it still has some solid gameplay, sounds, and environments. The boss fight mechanics are easy to grasp and the art style really fits what a dystopian future could look like.
If you choose to play this, I would probably go for using a controller as this game would definitely control better, you're also forced into playing this game at 30hz in some areas due to physics bugs and de-sync issues.
Still: it is a classic, and if it's on sale you should give it a go.
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 09:16
+ Plot Twist.
+ Great Upgrade mechanic (Weapons , Rig and Stasis).
+ Shoot the limb to save your ammo.
+ Horror Atmosphere.
+ Jump scare.
+ Regenerator / The hunter that made the situation worst and need puzzle to kill it permanently.
+ 95 % your journey will be alone and just NPC communicate with you via device.
+ Great Upgrade suits.
+ No HUD in screen , The HUD is integrated into your suit and weapons. GREAT IDEA.
+ Ugly and terrible monsters.
- Silent Protagonist.
- Minor Bugs.
758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 16:23
Only thing i could consider a bit of a let down are the characters, but the gameplay makes up for that.
1185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 11:38
Alarming, dire, direful, dread, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, frightening, frightful, ghastly, hair-raising, horrendous, horrible, horrifying, intimidating, redoubtable, scary, shocking, terrible, terrifying, daunting, demoralizing, disconcerting, discouraging, dismaying, disquieting, distressing, disturbing, perturbing, startling, threatening, troubling, trying, unnerving, appalling, atrocious, awful, grisly, gruesome (also grewsome), hideous, horrid, macabre, monstrous, nightmarish,bone-chilling, creepy, eerie (also eery), weird.
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 21:30
+Graphics(the graphics hold up well even if the game is old)
+Terrifying atmosphere
I still remember when I first played it a few years ago, a completely dark night with maximum volume on the headphones, the best horror experience so good that I started looking around the house for Necromorphs.
Even if the game is already 12 years old, it still holds up well and still offers that horror experience and keeps you in adrelanine until the end.
10/10 Must Play! Best Horror Experience.
1166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 20:59
If you've never played this series before it is a must. It is one of my all-time favorite series and it is damn good looking still compared to a lot that comes out in today's game market.
716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 07:44
2082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 05:14
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 03:45
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 03:12
I love this game. It's amazing. But, the PC port is bad. You have to use a custom fix to have mouse not lag like hell, and you have to set the game to 1080p and 60fps. Some people have reported that they need to turn off Vsync ingame and turn it on in the Nvidia control panel instead.
The controller support is a bit bad as well. I'd really like to have sensitivity options, but it treats it as if you'll only play with mouse and keyboard. If you haven't played this game ever before, I'd recommend getting the X360 version and play it on a 360, Xbone or Series X. Maybe it'll even be a downloadable title for Series S. I've got the PS3 version, and I don't wanna have to mess around and plug in my PS3 again... (plus PS3 controllers aren't comfy compared to PS4 and X360 and newer), but if you don't mind PS3 controllers, that's also an option.
But, if you only play on PC, it's a bloody great game. Also, playing with 2560x1080 resolution makes it a lot more enjoyable, as the FoV becomes far better. Some visual artifacts because your FoV exceeds original spec, but I'd generally recommend this setting.
1402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 13:49
Dead Space gives you a variety of weapons to use and strategise against different sub species of the necromorphs rather than just blasting through them all with one OP gun, this creates immersive gameplay keeping the player entertained. The control are pretty standard however the mouse movement is a little clunky.
Overall, this is a great horror game that challenges the player and constantly makes you feel vulnerable and for a game that came out in 2008 most would argue that the graphics would still hold up to this day.
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 02:04
Dead space is like dark souls, half life and resident evil had a baby, can't really describe it any better.
I'd recommend this to anyone.
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 18:48
An absolute panic inducing gorefest, scaled perfectly from start to finish, with it's deliciously enjoyable arsenal and an atmosphere build on a artistically technical prowress that aged like a wine keeping it just as good for years to come.
Oustanding gem of a title that stood the test of time.
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 16:09
1290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 06:41
that how i felt about dead space.
personally i'm not a fan of scary games, since i remember all of them included a simple story and a lot of jumpscares, yea they scare the shit out of you, but its not fun bec there isn't any craft in those game, just a loud noise and a fast image.
DEAD SPACE is what a scary game should be, here's why.
first of all as the game description say, you are not a warrior.almost every main character in the games are some special hero or soldier but in this game you are just engineer that means you don't have any tactical skills,its you and your guns.
the mood of the game is absolutely amazing.you are alone in a spaceship in space, there isn't anyone to help you, you can't hide or run, they follow you everywhere.at first the player are on his knees and just hopeless but as much as you progress you get more hope and you feel like you can do something, and i love this feeling.
i'm not going to spoil about story but just saying that story its scary and horrifying as it's interesting, the whole game it's not made of some monsters coming out of nowhere and following you for no reason it all have a story and i think if you don't like to get scared at least read the lore of the game.there is something about the game that i had a identification with isaac, the character never talk but you kinda go in to the character its like isaac was me the whole time and i was thinking about the game all day just like it was part of me.not going to lie but i rather this games graphics to most of this generation games.
at the end this game is one of the best games i ever played and deserves a 9.5/10. and btw thank you ea for fucking this series.
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 23:43
Don't get me wrong. It's a good game. Great soundtrack, full of action and combat. A worthy succesor of System Shock 2.
The real disadvantage is that this version is a bad PC port. Performance isn't good. The game is not optimized well. No achievements like on consoles. If I hadn't acquired this game for free in a gift through Humble Bundle, I would have second thoughts if Dead Space was worth the money.
TLDR if you like survival horror with jump scares than get Dead Space on a sale.
1427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 07:35
Incredibly derivative but still forges its own identity. Excellent visuals, excellent sound design, controls a little clunky but in a good way. One of the best horror games ever made.
Make Us Whole.
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 17:32
God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”
“Here I am,” he replied.
Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
Dead Space is a sci-fi action survival horror game, a terrific and terrifying one.
The journey is strong with references, mostly from literature, like the biblical ones. Isaac, the poor son, is thrown in a Lovecraftian nightmare, where madness, alien entities and supernatural presences are in charge of a terrific journey. A quest of salvation from the spaceship Ishimura’s horrors, monsters born in inspiration by the cinematographic masterpieces of Carpenter and Cronenberg.
- In the mouth of madness: StoryThe plot is an esoteric space nightmare. Shortly after the arrival on board the crippled vessel, Hell breaks loose. The craft is destroyed, you are stranded on the Ishimura. The Necromorphs kill most of your team and separate you from the surviving members. Even worse, the ship and its systems have started to be corrupted or are failing thanks to the Necromorphic infestation. The ship, the different decks, the crazy survivors are the real protagonist of the story, more than Isaac and his team. The spaceship Ishimura is a huge labyrinth with a Metroidvania structure. Just watching the blueprint of the ship on the map gives you a headache. It’s a wonderful devilish sci-fi maze where everything is in the right place and gives deep to the plot. The Ishimura works in silence and silence, as we are in a world of human beings, far from presenting itself, presents the unsaid. The omission of information, you know nothing of what happened or of what it’s happening, the discovery of the disaster cames by exploration and interpretation.
- Into the Void: Gameplay The game plays in in the third person, Isaac has a lot of similarity with “Leon” of Resident Evil 4. Both move in the same way, shooting, managing the stretch inventory, trying to survive an enemy that moves in the shadow, attacks by surprise and doesn’t allow you to rest. There is no specific UI and your health is presented on your back, your ammunitions are holographically projected above the gun, and incoming transmissions pop up in front of your face. Everything is done in real-time, even opening the inventory, meaning that a Necromorph can come crawling through the floor or leap from a vent behind you and strike you at any time...or maybe better slaughter you with splatterish fatality animations. Isaac is not a soldier, is an engineer, his weapons are working tools and the munitions are counted. His gear is made by repurposed pieces of mining equipment, so, during the journey, Isaac, can use his engineering knowledge to make these weapons much more powerful. The Necromorphics are an unstoppable force, they can lose two or three limbs and can still follow you and attack you. Sometimes they stay on the ground and you’ll think they are dead. The reality is a harsh surprise. The immersion in the gameplay is rapid, the plot it’s fast to action. The bests and coolest feature of the title are the zero-gravity walks, the stasis that stops time and the telekinesis that allows you to move objects and resolve riddles. All of them are greatly made and I largely enjoyed using them for all the surviving adventure.
- Videodrome: Graphic Overall the graphic aged magnifically. The atmosphere, the sci-fi context is still creepy. The most impressive things are the Cronember/Carpenter/Lovecraftian horror Necromorphics. Beast of flesh, sons of nightmares and madness. The design of the beasts models is still astonishing after all these years. The interior design of the ship’s decks creates a perfect illusion of variety with a clever reuse of the same texture. The game isn’t heavy at all because it reuses almost all his model all the time.
- The Tone Out of Space: Soundtrack and Audio Voice acting is excellent across the board despite Isaac never utters a word, during the play you will find a dime a dozen of audio journal log or holographic movie from other survivors, most of them gone crazy. The music is creepy, well made but... is it really needed? It does a great job but almost all the time it feels like something extra. Not necessary. The use of sound is majestic, which is designed to send shivers up the player's spine. Whether it's the skittering through the walls of Necromorphs that are crawling towards you, the screams from the creatures as you blow off their legs, your heartbeat and breathing, the metallic crunches of the ship or the sudden sharp noises released as a jump moment occurs, the sound design in his developing of tension is fantastic and draws you into the game action.
- Storyside I consider the division in chapters a weak link, it kills the continuity of the plot. After each chapter, you can breathe. It’s a moment of relaxing that kills the immersion. Other than that the mute protagonist is a weak point, Isaac doesn’t speak, he makes noises but nothing more. That kills the protagonist characterization.
- To make it more user friendly the dev chooses to put object missions on the map all the time. I would have loved a more Metroidvania approach to the Ishimura blueprint. Same for the save points, the decks are filled with them, some to close but never too far. I had prefered less save point but in strategic areas of the ship, to make it more challenging and more survival. Usually, an area with a save point is a free Necromorphics zone, I had loved to play a game where there isn’t a place to hide.
- Ever heard of a game with weak and easy bosses and invincible common enemies?. During the story, you will fight some Necromorphs that you can’t kill. You can only run fast and trick them. I hate the unkillable feature in games because I don’t like the feeling of impotence. In opposition of that the “boss fights” are too easy and mechanic, bosses are giant monsters with sparkly weak points to shot. It’s harder to get to the boss than killing him.
- Gameplay bug side the movements of Isaac are kind of clunky, the aim as well is terrible if you’ll play with mouse and keyboard. I can’t tell you the pain to play it without the gamepad. I switched on the first occasion without regrets. Mouse acceleration makes it unplayable outside some “minigames” areas where you have to shoot some asteroids to save the ship. The map is a 3D model and it gets buggy in some areas on loading the spaceship decks or putting some of the elements out of view. Can be annoying if you don’t remember the way back or if you need to reach a new objective.
Dead Space is a terrific game that I had on my library for years. Never played it for being afraid of being afraid. But after ending it I can say that it isn’t that scary. It won’t affect you on some deep, psychological level, and it won’t tease out deep-seated primal fears. It plays on the tension growing and jumps scare type, but in that way, it makes the sci-fi survival horror genre proud with an action that's tense, fast-paced and extremely violent that gets under your skin and makes you shit yourself when you least expect it.
If you enjoyed my review, please leave a comment. With each tip and correction, you will help me improve my English skill level. Thank you for your time!
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 09:53
590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 19:31
So far its amazeballz and shows us what big companies can achieve when they want to.
Story,visuals,sound,voice acting and atmosphere superb.
Can still play it after all these years without it feeling too old.
A gem of horror shooters!
Get it now on sales like me and you won't regret it!
Edit: I finished the game in about 8-9 hours total and it was just absolutely fantastic.
Cannot believe this game was made in 2008. If you havent played dead space, please do yourself a favor and do it!
Cant wait to go to number 2!
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 13:12
Go to:
C:UsersYourNameAppDataLocalElectronic Arts
create a settings.txt file with the settings bellow (if there's already a settings.txt file, just copy paste what you see below in it)
Audio.AltNameColor = false
Audio.MusicVol = 1.00000000
Audio.Output = 0
Audio.SFXVol = 1.00000000
Audio.Subtitles = true
Audio.VoiceVol = 1.00000000
Control.AimAssistEnabled = true
Control.AimingPosition = 1
Control.ControllerSensitivity = 2
Control.FireButtonControls = true
Control.InvertX = false
Control.InvertY = false
Control.MouseSensitivity = 0.20000000
Control.Shock = true
Controls.AcL.X = 0x1105FF7E
Controls.AcL.Y = 0x0003100E
Game.PDiff = 1
Game.Played = 1
Misc.LastSaveSlot = 0
QualityOptions.ActorMotionBlur = true
QualityOptions.Bloom = true
QualityOptions.Blur = true
QualityOptions.ConfigType = 1
QualityOptions.Decals = true
QualityOptions.Distortion = true
QualityOptions.DoF = true
QualityOptions.EdgeAA = true
QualityOptions.Flare = true
QualityOptions.Glow = true
QualityOptions.HighLightQuality = true
QualityOptions.ManipColor = true
QualityOptions.ShaderQuality = 2
QualityOptions.Shadows = 2
Window.Fullscreen = true
Window.Gamma = 0.50000000
Window.Height = 1080
Window.Hz = 60
Window.Left = 0
Window.MessageNotification = 1
Window.State = 0
Window.Top = 0
Window.VSync = false
Window.Width = 1920
Audio.AltNameColor = false
Audio.MusicVol = 1.00000000
Audio.Output = 0
Audio.SFXVol = 1.00000000
Audio.Subtitles = true
Audio.VoiceVol = 1.00000000
Control.AimAssistEnabled = true
Control.AimingPosition = 1
Control.ControllerSensitivity = 2
Control.FireButtonControls = true
Control.InvertX = false
Control.InvertY = false
Control.MouseSensitivity = 0.20000000
Control.Shock = true
Controls.AcL.X = 0x1105FF7E
Controls.AcL.Y = 0x0003100E
Game.PDiff = 1
Game.Played = 1
Misc.LastSaveSlot = 0
QualityOptions.ActorMotionBlur = true
QualityOptions.Bloom = true
QualityOptions.Blur = true
QualityOptions.ConfigType = 1
QualityOptions.Decals = true
QualityOptions.Distortion = true
QualityOptions.DoF = true
QualityOptions.EdgeAA = true
QualityOptions.Flare = true
QualityOptions.Glow = true
QualityOptions.HighLightQuality = true
QualityOptions.ManipColor = true
QualityOptions.ShaderQuality = 2
QualityOptions.Shadows = 2
Window.Fullscreen = true
Window.Gamma = 0.50000000
Window.Height = 1080
Window.Hz = 60
Window.Left = 0
Window.MessageNotification = 1
Window.State = 0
Window.Top = 0
Window.VSync = false
Window.Width = 1920
Overall, an awesome experience, and an amazing story.
5725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 15:09
While playing, I had mild heart attacks and that was the worst thing, imagine, I couldn't turn off the sound, because then I wouldn't know from which side some horses*it was running on me.
It took me over 90 hours to go through this piece on the most difficult difficulty.. of course, I could have done it sooner, but I followed various details in the game and I enjoyed the game (or maybe I was hiding).
Going through the levels was not as easy as I had originally hoped, in some places I got stuck and fought with my own dark self.
Although Dead Space has a lot to offer, the missions still seemed the same to me most of the time, and new types of horses*its were just added with the next levels, which they wanted to tear me apart.
I liked the style of upgrading my weapons and suit, but I had big problems with the lack of ammunition, all the time.
The overall impression is positive on my part and I recommend the game, just because the storyline is good to know if you are going to embark on other parts of Dead Space. Personally, I'm still considering it, because who wouldn't want to get more heart attacks voluntarily.
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 08:27
This game came out when I was just a boy, and it scared the crap out of me, so much so that I dared not play it alone, it gave off an ominous atmosphere, even if nothing was happening.
Now that I am older, I really enjoy the game, it has a lot of clever mechanics, it even stands up to todays most popular horror games. I would say this game is one of the all time top games I have played in my life.
I have played countless hours on xbox 360 and origin, but I got it on steam too, which explains the low amount of hours.
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 17:13
>Graphic is pretty decent in 5k but I wish there are higher resolution textures.
>It's not that scary but the background ambient sound is the real deal here. Then there are the cheesy jumpscares which are annoyingly fun.
>Plasma Cutter is one of the best videogame weapons for me. The limb cutting mechanic in this game is what keeps the combat interesting.
1283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 16:51
amazing atmosphere
cool level and enemy design
different suits
new game
(On KB&M) you have to play it with vsync on so you dont have mouse lag. the higher the fps the lower is your mouse sensitify.
final verdict:
its one of the best horror games to this day and if you like blood, gore and jumpscares then buy it. its worth 20€. playing on controller is better but your aim and reaction time is worse. You decide...
Edit: I played the Dead Space 2 too and it was in my opinion better one of the two. Except the ending. But You should play the first first lol
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 17:37
Every element of the heads up display is integrated into the game environment, the attention to detail in the environment puts quite a few modern games to shame.
the USG Ishimura, the setting for this nightmare is incredibly well designed, demonstrating an impressive variety in visual design for taking place on one starship, the cold industrial and dark hallways of this heap would drive its crew insane under normal circumstances to make matters worse, just like in Alien, the ship allows the creatures to hide from its crew very efficiently, where they wait patiently to jump at the protagonist Isaac Clarke.
Though not exactly Lovecraftian in nature, the influence of the author can be felt in the narrative, a terror beyond our understanding and any who attempt to understand it are inevitable driven to madness.
It still looks good more than a decade later, Dead Space is well worth the price from a studio that sadly closed before its talent could truly bloom.
3233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 17:16
Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?
- David Bowie
From a dulcet whisper to a blood-curdling scream, this title will always be my very favorite Sci-Fi/Horror. It runs flawlessly on my potato machine and never fails to turn my blood into ice water.
Journey to the USG Ishimura as Isaac-- a rugged, yet well-meaning engineer(rawr). Your mission is to respond to the crew's distress call, make any and all needed repairs, and return home. The only problem is that the ship has been infected with a sentient alien life that wants just one thing: to be made whole.
Seems perfectly harmless. Right? I mean, once you join with the hive and see the face of the creator.. you can't help but want to be a part of it all. Make us whole. We're waiting for you.
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 03:26
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 00:24
And then Dead Space caught my eye. For some reason, this game drew me in with its wonderfully created environment and inventive combat system. What got to me was that while I felt that I could defend myself, there was always that one shadow in the corner that could be an attack at any moment. The atmosphere is spooky, if slightly dated from when it first came out. But I finally began to understand the appeal of games like this.
Now there are problems with this game, The weapons can be somewhat difficult to operate, though it becomes almost second nature as you play through. The graphics aged generally well, but there are places where the game shows its age. And finally there is a certain section of the game that I had to switch to mouse and keyboard for which I found particularly annoying.
This is one of my favorite games ever and its sequel is just as good, if not better. If you enjoy action/survival horror games, definitely check this one out. It's a classic in my eyes.
(Shame the third game was awful, I would love more of these games)
Final Grade: B+
1225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 00:48
2769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 05:52
Suffers from it's age though. Out of the box it has horrible mouse input acceleration/ controls & there is a game breaking impassible door in the 1st chapter. Can be fixed by forcing V-Sync through a 3rd party program for that part in the game & by downloading a popular mouse fixer mod https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/840-dead-space-mouse-fix/
Still works fine at high 100+ frames for the remainder of the game.
It's still a thrill, but could do with a remaster. Find it unlikely though that the EA money making machine would see interest in that. RIP Visceral.
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 19:30
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 07:01
Skip until they fix it.
Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts
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Dead Space