Free update contains numerous new improvements and fixes, new weapons, armors, implants, new unique upgrades for weapons and your equipment, allowing you to customize your character and arsenal even more than before.

This DLC unlocks a fourth playable character, Xandria aka Cyberwitch, who specializes in active ability uses. It also adds a lot of new combat abilities that can be used by other characters too, and new unique ability for each of the characters. You can also equip experimental psionic accelerator as a secondary weapon that can interface with your abilities and vastly improve their efficiency. Psi-acc can hold two additional abilities, meaning that you can enter the mission with two combat abilities activated in your Psi-acc and two additional of your choice for support. Burn your enemies with plasma fists or throw fireballs around, summon chain lighning or crush their heads from distance. Depending on your character, you will be able to squeeze heart of your enemy so hard he'll explode, cover the way to your hideout with energy mines, suck energy from nearby enemies to support your offensive abilities, or even summon a melee weapon from pure energy.

This DLC is a story expansion that adds a new story arc with 10 story missions filled with new enemies, new features and some surprises. New enemies of common type, various new boss enemies requiring special tactics, and even some special skills for those you've been hunting before. DLC also adds new levels for other game modes, a new challenging game mode against special enemies, new difficulty level Insanity for those of you who feel that even Hell is too easy, unlockable special setting "INFECTION" for increased difficulty and extra challenge that can be toggled on older missions, and some other small goodies like two new available unique weapons and an unlockable ability to summon an auto-turret to the missions to help you with all those new zombies or just for slaughtering them where you prefer to hunt for loot.