Dear Supporters,
Thanks to everyone who signed up to help us test this next release. We got a lot more signups than we expected.
Another thanks to those who responded to the survey we sent out. We got some great data and lots of thoughtful responses.
It’s no secret this industry can be difficult but we’ve been grateful to have so much support, be it money, time, or raw enthusiasm. We’d like to remind you as we remind ourselves, neither Days of War nor Driven Arts would exist without your support and we will continue to work hard in return.
Today we are breaking for Christmas, and will be returning in January ready to hit the ground running once again. 2018 was a great year for the industry, for UE4, and for Days of War, and its looking like 2019 might be even better. We’ve got a lot in store for you next year: some complete, some planned, and some we probably don’t even know about yet.
So with that we offer you our immense gratitude once again, wish you a Merry Christmas, and look forward to seeing you next year.
Driven Arts
P.S. Can you guess what the theme of the next map will be?